'J .. K . ... SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1870. Subscribers Ending an 3E after their name will j i" understand that their subscription expires witi f that cumber, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; si mouths, $2 ; three months, SI. - LOCAL AFFAIHS Citation. Interested parties will see uotice under "new to-day T" Not. Fourth at saieM. Out Fire boys went to Salem on tho 4th, They went because they were invited and wanted to celebrate. Our " nreinen are patriotic. Firemen generally are." Other people wentin fact a goodly number from Albany. Our "Onestera" turned out forty-five strong. There wce more Al bany firemen in the procession than Salem firemen. Bully for bur boy's. They were well dressed, well behaved, and done us honor at Salem. They were well treated by the Salernites. Weather was warm, in fact, hot blazing hot. Salemsters The first three days jf the week the thermometer ranged from 9S to 104 in the shade. How's that for i furnished three thousand fans t keep her hiih ? - i visitors cool. It wasn't a good "day for i" . ,un Th. MothmHt Mmn. ! oool.' . One iuiu in . Salem offered . to M . t.t -v.f.n tl,; nrV ! bet a thousand dollars that the "what- on the banks of the Calipooia, opened on youmaycallit stood at 1,000. It was in , 'fluentially hot. The "Plugs'' turned out ii 11 r i ! m v . - i - NEW" TO-DAY. inscriptive 1,1. t OF CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ' BY " STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. NEW-TO-DAY. NEW- TO-DAYr W. II. KUHI Ac CO., Having just received a Large and well selected ... ; . Stock T' HARD WARE, FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS i CONSISTING OF ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers; . CITY OF ALBANY in larsre force, and roduced an excite- I'ictlres. For a good pc-lure, taken t m(?nt Thjy hung Gounskj: IIopo lie. in any style you may desire, go to the ?tay huag AW U(lie the weath. gallery of Mr. J . A. Winter, over Messr. was cxaspetatlngiy furnace-like. The Thompson & Cos sajqie shop. , i celebration was a credit to i?alem, with Salem Oil. Messrs. A. Carothers & the exception of the hot weather. Pett is., druggists of thi city, have llie pure 1 tion th to rocoustruct the J?alem oil, which they are offering at j Fourth and put it on a coler day. How $1 SO pergalion. .. i . - ever, ever since its inauguration it has been a warm day. It ' warmed old Lots 1 Lots 3 ud 4 Lot 6, 4 Lots iu 4 Lots in Lots 3 and G, in Lot - LoU 5 and C, in Saws, Saws, Saws, i and o, isioek iv good boue, 4c. i Saws, Saws, Saws Hammers, Hammers, Sledges, Sledges, irJetlges, Sledges, 1-1 24 " " 16 house and barn. 44 " " 118 uo improvements. 60 ' " 2 good house. Elkction Next Tuesday is the day et for the election of seven Directors of the W. Y. & C. Mt. W. R. Co. It will he held at the Court - House at 1 P. M.-1 At the Forks. Sunday last witness ed a large attcudance at the campmeet ing in the '-Forks". It was excessively hot, and everj-body, especially the "little ones, suffered from the heat." Friends will please lay all our short comings, in the newspaper line, this week, to the ''heated term". It has been England many years ago. It has been eutirely "too many" fur other" nations since. It is the biggest day in the whole lot by a long chalk. It belongs to us. Let us cherish it. . 25 feet on First street, iu Block 3, ith a No.. 1 Frame Sioro-Iiouse two stories. Rents for $25 a month. Lots 2 and 3 in block 3. with jod House and Barn. Price, $800. Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, j Corss-Cut and JliH Saws, j Together -with a largo assortment of j Nails, Nails, Nail.-1, Nailn, Nails, Nails, ; Springs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Spriuns, Springs, I- ts 1. 2 and 3 in block C lun;c dwelling aud Axles, Thimble-Skcina, Dolts, &.C., fitc. o Also, a well Selected Stock of Large Stock, of CROCKEitY.-Messrs. L. C beadle, fc Co., ou First street, have received an iiumensa stock of all kinds of crockery no less than five tons. The attention of customers is directed to this fact, that they may supply themselves, at i verv low prices, with every thin they too hot for physical, let alone mental, ex- j need in te croctery line. The gen- two stables. Lota 5 and 6 in block 130 good house. 03. For particulars apj.ly to- Price. crtion. eral assortment of the various lines of J. C. junll-40 - MI'.XDKMUll, Agent, Albany, Oregon. FPOKES. HUI!.-. PKN'T niMS, SHAFT-?, POLES, 1IICKOKY AXLES. ETC., All of wl.iclawa are how offering to the public nt low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we out and will keep a better assortment at lowe r prices than-any bou3o in this city. 'On. I'p." Pure linseed oil, manu- j gtods kept by them is uuusually full and factured at Salem Mill, caa bo procured of Geo. F. : Settlemier, druggist, First street, Albany, at SI 30 per gallon, tf. , Cauei.kss. A number of little fel lows iu a boat on the Calipooia, came near causing a series of funerals by .their carelessness. Koys, if you want to make your exit a success, wait until this "heat ed term" is over before drowning. complete, and they will take pleasure in ! showing customers' through their stock, j As merchants they are accommodating j and reliable. . ; The Good Templar. Edited by C. Beal, Esq., and printed by A. G. Wal ling, Portland, is a new and creditable ionriial dpt'oitul tn the - intrpst.4 irtl ihp , T . ' - , i trip to the Asylum, order. Price, 1 per annum to Single ; . . : . subscribers ; To cts to clubs. i Heal Estate Dealer Insane Mr. Loonoy, an old geutle- i man, residing uear Rrownsville, was j brought before his honor, Judge Johns, ; on Wednesday, charged with being in- j sane. Drs. Rice and Tate were the ex- amiui'ug surgeons. He was adjudged r insane, aud, tn charge of Dept. Sheriff; John Irvine, took Wednesday's boat for j Portland." This is his second or third ! r4 o tv & M a B O t 6 s in ' mm o c3 be a S i-, S3 p. M o -3 . o a o o p o St ho a o 0 d A 0 H 0 o sr.. U Su b v 9 St ra . fS u m - s--c U 4 O S3 S O --NEW'-TCtDAY.l BUSINESS STILL RUSniNQi NEW JEVCLHY STORE J. ; TITUS, Albany, - - ' : : - - Ore iron. ASKXT rOR THE -CELEBBATKD American & Swiss Gold & Silver Watches Of erory description. Direct Importer f the very best .. S W I S S -; M A D E WAT CUES, Uents and Ladles SIzrs. es ; i a O .3 I "a rt -We call Wistar's Wiij CiisaitY Dalsam. i This Ralsamic compound has become a ! home fixture. .Let all who suffer, and! j special attftition to the . ucw advertise- have in vain attempted to cure the coiiiihs, colds, bronchial or men t of Win. lavidson, Esq. appearing j clscwheie in o'urcolumus. Mr. Davidson j is special agent for a lags amount of ! splendid city and East Portland property, j pmmonaty : . . . , , , , , , j r J t nnnsistiuL' of lots, blocks, (louses and I tores ; also, improves V. stores ; also, unproved larms and valuable remtUy. Read. Mr. W. S. Driggs keeps an ( it7 ol portlaDd. Mr. D. carries on a Zm - assortment ol everything iu the station- j ceneral agency business: and persons" j cry hoe; all kinds of reading matter, ho cntrust tbcir business to his care etc., etc., and you can't ' employ your time to more advantage, this hot weather, than in storing your mind with useful -. knowledge which is to be gleaned from works on his shelves.- - For Lane. A large party talk, of making a pleasure excursion, to last three or four weeks, from' this city to the head waters of the McKibzie We are in formed by Mr. Gay, a resident of Lane county, that deer, bear and other email -game abound there, and trcut can be caught in unlimited quantities. T ClIERTtlES TflAXKS. TTo Mr.: Jaa, Fioluysoa this office is indebted for the present of a baskctiul of cherries, of the Blackheait variety. They were the firnt really splendid dessert fruit we have seen the present season. He has -the grateful - thanks of all baud. ' Taken Their Seats. 'All the Coun ty officers elcet with the exception of County Judge," assumed the role of office -on the first of the week.- Judp'G Johns, on demand being made, refused to ''hand over the keys" to J. J. Whitney, Esql, the newly elected County Judge. ' t Judge -Johns, who has' held the office two yeara, -contends that he has two years more to serve before his time is up - lie retains Mr. Flino as counsel, while Mr. Whitney retains Messrs. Bellinger & Burmester. MaRBlED. Three neatly printed cards, received by us on Friday morning, conveyed the intelligence that on Tues day licit our old triend and brother typo, Win. M. lland, Esq.; editor of the Dalles JJotaitaincer, would desert the bachelor club, and become - united in marriage to Miss Ellen Beach, daughter of Mr. D. Beach, of (his city. In advance we extend our congratulations and earnest ( wishes for a .happy and . united future. .May their "small caps" , never "run short," .. tut may they need them all ! IIot.- The first five days of the pres ent week were the 'hottest ever' known, ia!-''oaef continual cease," in Oregon. During each of these days the thermom . eter, from 70 to 80 in the morning, raa up to 93 and 104 in the afternoon. It has been entirely .too warm for- exer tion of any kind." - A roiler which we have used several months, and which was about as hard as sole leather, melted un der the heat of Wednesday . If the pres ent weather holds next week, we Bhall issue but half a sheet, it being impossible wWOrVa our office in th fternoons. - Wj are hoping for a't up" too muohea will have the same attended to with! promptness, and in a satisfactory manner Personal. Judge O. N. Denny, late of San Jose, Cal., has been visiting the old homestead in Linn eounty during the week..---' The Judge will probably tako'up permanent residence in Portland. Judge Russell, of Portland, has been here during the most of the week, attend ing to biz. He is highly pleased with his new home in I. Jos. Henderson, Esq , late graduate of a New York law school, and a member of the.! "art . preservative." called on us Wednesday, en route for Portland, where he intends to "open shop." Success to Jo. Mr. . William Tally returned to his home ou Wednesday, from a visit of some weeks in Jackson county. Bill says everything is lovely out there, the weath er not being in a melting mood., - C." F. Gay, dropped in ou us Friday, looking well and hearty. Glad to sec him with us again, even if he can't stay long. . : . .- , ; -,. ' ' Judge Baber and Dave'Froman, with their wives, have hied to the cool mount ain shades. Mr. A. Hanon and others will try. Tillamook this season.5 Others have gone or arc . preparing for a trip to the Soda Springs. Financial aud Commercial. - - Legal tenders 89(5,90. - t 'San Francisco markets remain ub changed for the most part.- Wheat, new crop, quoted at l 70i 80, old, 1 75 l 85. Oats, California, $1 701 95; Oregon, $22 10 100 lbs. . . r ''Albany markets unchanged Busiuees languid. ' " " " ' " ; ; "'- . . : 2 Z o H 2 1 H in o o (u H . W M It A 2 H" 2 p ' 0 'H ltoceivi'g aud opening a large and splendid a?3ortniDt of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Which wo xnVr at reduced rates. i V. II. KUIIJf CO. In the Monteith Fire-proof Krie'K, l?irst-st. March 12.-70 27 " ) A. I' A BOTHERS. ! 11. S A I.TM ABSn. t A. CAROTIIERS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, AND DEALERS IX PA I N T S, DYE-STUFFS, OILS PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods, &c. Our Goods are FRESH and V R K SCBIl'Tl XS ? O M I O IT SUED. stoju: orf:x PAY ASO SMUT. Ht Str':-,'. three tiwjm t?htc O'HK'A, ; ; Albany. feb l2'70-2.-?l Orcgrcn. j JOII. COSSKU, I) i; A 1. 1 u is GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots, SlaooB,cfco. Clof.-d out at al.out cost. . CS 1 H M 0 0 H (fl H 0 0 U . t5 2 0 a THE FINEST SELKCrtON OF JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Of all Kinds constantly on band. f., . .'.i :-. 0 RKl'AIHlNd OP VA TCJIES, SI'KCTA CLES f- JE WELR X San Francisco Prices, . .. -JXBANY ADVERTISEMENTS.' rront-t., Albany,Oei, f i2 Cly-l., Ban Jrrao- 1 " cucu, Lfuiivran. BL. CbcadlG & Co,, , , wholrsale and Ktatl T)ealar la -r Groceries anl Meneral. Mercliandisei, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MARK GOODS : Care of. '.TLim C . , Atbany, Oregon ; of XI- O., San Francisco- Cal.. Every Article Sold and all Repairing Doac, Warranted.- Liberal advances made ou consignment. i Wf claim to keep all :. i - f - ; ' FIRST (JUAIIIT OOOUS, J 11 and at priori that defy competition. t 01 0 0 fl 0 0 W o im Sm ' S a H 'P. e o v.. , w Pi;'; I W -5 A. COW AX.. A. W. STAWAKD. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ; STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST ST REKT .v. I.V.. ALBANY. Tlicy ofTor a large and wel" -'lectod rtook of STAP1.12 BUY CiOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices Cash Ol Produce In addition to a very large tock, covering ; everything in the line ol Cottoua, we , , - bare a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest style ol Boys and Men's N0T1CI TO SHIPPERS. i INTEND 101S("A 'i General Commission Business IN SAN FRANCISCO, for the purpose of selling All Kinds of Produce that tolay W cohsigneJ to flao to sell. : i. ii Ait cut: vii.ii, Wilt receive and attend to' a'l orders on me to t filled in Ban Francisco-. .. ' - ocfj-itf tl. cmuDia ' " ' ' : ":- - - GOODS RECEIVED BV" Every J3to4a.xxa.ox" 05 CS CLOTHING and PURNISHING GOODS! wliiuh will be sold for 9 m to HATS, CAl'S, BOOTS.' SUOlisi, Ac.. . ' . ' ' ' ! ALSO ! Linen , ! CASII or TRADE. fa 9 , SM' w ft es H V i szJtirfs & son, ELKINS & SON, ' ELKINS & SOW, Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper & XTIinds, &c, &c. K.")C.-ial attention i directed to T stock of IRON AND STEEL AND . . WHEAT WAITED ! f - 1 s-AT " ' Sixty Cents per Bushel in trade, or on Book arciKiut, Lebanon, Orcg'on. i oct9 5 K. C1IEABLK. II A II 13 VV IL 12 , A well Selected ftock now on hand, and will be filled up constantly, aud SOLO AT REDUCED . RATES. Lebanon, Oregon. t Lebanon, Oregon. I SEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, ! Ql'ICK SALES? niOSIPT PAY. E HAVK JUftT RECKIVED A CHOICE Selection of , - I U O N AN D , STEEL. The best aortment kept in the city, and con7 ftantly receiving fresh supplies, SOLD AT Tim lOWEST RATES'. a. W. SIGGERS, M. D. Botanic Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. ." Thursday's Orgmian contains a letter from Senator Williams, in regard to tbe recent railroad controversy, which covers the .whole ground and -leaves nothing more to be said on the subject. If the weather permits,' will - publish it next ' Massacre. At Pekio, Juno 21st, ac cording to a Cable telegram, a horrible massacre of christians took place.: ; Count de Pochechawk, Prench Secretary of Le gation, and a number of priests aud ' sil lers of mercy were slaughtered . bj- the natives. . The Cathedral was burned, and a number of Russians killed, r- - Kaileoad' MATTiES lh railroad will be graded as far '.as 5a!rii by fth last of Julj, if is thought, ; C1 nAKUATE OF THE PHYSIO-MEDICAL W or Curtis Collefro. of Cincinnati, Objo. Employs in practice neither Mercury, Arscuic, Morphine- or any other poison, but Telies on such agents aa t iu barmouy with life, and aro en tirely harmless. OFFICE In rarrisU's ..brick, over tbo post ntbee. . Residence Water street, below I'ierce'a ferry. Albany, April SO, 1870-34 V w.-s. Diners, -.; ; CITY NEWS DEPOTi Front street, Albany, Oregon. ' HAS JUST OPENED A - FIRST-CLASS . . NEWS .DEPOT od . ST A T I ONEKI STOR K, ! Where at all times will bo found the latest Pori- . odicals, Magazines, Xcwspapers, Duoks of; all kinds, Writing. Paper, every variety, all kinds and sizes of Envelopes, ; and tho most beautiful . PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, This stock bas been selected with great care, and nona but First-class articles are kept. Ooods received direct troin au Francisco by every steamer. - 5Ka Terms moderate. . i Givomeacall. W. S. DRIGGSi . , Albany, April 9, 70.-31-ly. ' ! All who waut bargain? give me a call. JOHN CONKER. Albany, March 5, lfc7U-26. ; ., MA CHINERY i OF ALL KIND?, it'. xs i i it, x ; -v- : - : . BEARD & COLVER. SPRING AND'SUMMER GOODS, Imported direct frm Xew York via the. Pacific' JRailroad, aud cau, . for Ouli or Produoc, give customers bargain equal to any firm in Al bany. All of our stock is bought at the ,. ' i.o wes r rA s it rnic e. . i Buv of " , 3I2Xljt.xx!3 cto Son, DHY GOOD?,' UOOT3 '& SnOES," .1 G 11 O U K It I K S , BIarlvare, Kron and Steel, -. -' '-.;-'.- At t -. - ' - ' . ALBANY "TRICES, ALBANY PRICES, a:i:nAIi II HIV Alti:! j For all that may be ollered Which is tho largest aud most complete this Side of Portland. You aro Invited to call and examine our gd and prices. Tho highest market price in cah paid for Wool, Bacon and . I-ard ! by , Oct. 30, 1S69-8 A. COWAN A CO. ESTj3lTE. Headers, Threshers,'!'' .flowers, - Ileapcrfi, SHOULD EE LOOKED TO SOON. Persons Laviug the Wheeler & Mclick liUidlcsa Chain . Threshers, : can have them repaired so they will clean the grain us well as any Thresher, and clean as much as their power mill thresh. ; ' Flax Fans, MADE TO ORDER ONLY. In abort, all other Agricultural Machines and implements mada and -repaired. . , Wo are completing arrangements to manufac ture Seed Sowers, Sulkey and (lung Plows, of the best patterns now in use. . . gBr All work warranted made of the boat material. i Shop on corner ofWashington and Secoud-sts., Albany, Oregon. , ZSm'4 . May 28, 1S70. . The standard remedy for Goaghs, Influenza, SVr Throat, MTkonpiruf ' Cough, ' Croup, ' Liacr Complaint, Bronchitis, Bltdiny of the Lmjn, and every affection or the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including CONSDMPTIOX. . -.Wistar's Balsam dees not dry up a Cough, bat loosens it; cleanses the lungs, and allays irrl' tat ion, thus removing the emu of the- complaint. Kooe genuine no lets signed I. Bctts. Prepared by Suth W. Fowle A Son, Boston. Cold by Rediugton, Hostetter & Co., Ean Francisco, and by dealers generally.-. - AlyTO , . IVotice. MY WIFE, Amanda Kester, having loft my . bed aad beard, 1 hereby warn all persons sot to narbof o tsMVbe ca my eoea-unl, a I wUi pay no debts ooatratd by her. ..... - . j. KESTKKi :" Albsny, Jue th, T0-4ow4 " s . r ! CHALLENGER THRESHER : ; IIAIIVEIS' IXEAOEIt ! JVIowers XXa.ieT,s -'i Aod all kinds of Agricultural Imjilem'ts &3Iachines ... ,' Qu hand ad fof aalo by ; , . ELAIH, YOVJTO i. CO., ALBA-NY ALBANY' PRtCE.5. PRICES. STITZEL & UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS,! Ig PrBLLSHED EVERY SATURDAY, A "Weekly , Newspaper,-, . Contaisittf 28 colam f mattor, G K N 15 11 A L A GENT S. Albany, Oregon, : J. C. MHJfDESiIIAI.1,, - Agent,. GENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. Established July. ' 108. An office where iruueral information concerning the resources of Uregon can bo obtained free of charge. ..j: i.oans nejioiiatctt w nrst ivioiTgage, iveai r.s, tate and Collateral Securities. We have for sale a. lareu amount of property located ia the town of Albany. -Also, Farming lands, of every dea-J criptioa, located ja Linn aud other counties in this State. ,; - . , : ...... . In the City of Albany Wholesale .and Retail.. " highest ..rntcE fAu roa .. . - -EGG S, B U T T EE, E T C.r E T C . N. P. All persons owing ns will at once come forward and pay up, so as to begin new accounts. . L ELKINS A PON. ' Lebanon, April J. 70.-ouu0 sjii,ooo BET ON THE ELECTION! May 38, '?n-38 Albany, Ogn. ..1 J- C. MENDENHALL, Notary ,Pbl ic, ... ALBANY, t : : ."i ORSGOSf. TT-; EOAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS JLi made and attested. , Coaveyaaeea and eol- toouons attended to. 3C-'70 ' DCTCHER'S a UgMniag FlyHiller, I asad of anything of tba kisd. Handy wtd efcepi; Try it. ftold by th Irugfie's, .AlmH Any ouc who wants to win can do so by - calling ou If . O. II1X.L. Ac SON, i ., ,i ; . . . r. WHO, thankful for past patronage, still in vite tho attention of Linn cou'uty H al., to tneir unequalled stocK ot , DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIIEMlCAlA TAINT & VARNISH BRUSHES, . PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, " ALCOHOL, KEROSENE, AVINDOW GLASS, -' " TTL U S S ES FANCY' AND - TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. Agents for Dr. D. Jayae & Son's preparations, JI. H. II. Horse Medioines, etc. . Do you like medicine for its' bitter sir' nauseat ing taste? We have that description. Do yon want the effect with an aromatic taste ? After taking a few doses of our Elixir, 'twill be so very pleasant that your prejudices ; ! Must sorely torn awry;, .v . vi and the preparation .... Will lose the name e phyeio. (tiut not the eticot.) i '"- . Physicians and customers from" the- country may rest assured that their orders will bo prompt ly attended to. Prescriptions carefully aad -cor. rectly compounded. Have you the impol ite guest called a coro T We sell Corn Slayer," which snrely does the work, without pain. Do you desire a book of any sintf, a fiiold Pea, an Album. Stationery, or Bach? W. S. Driggs is with ris, for the accommodation of all Tavoring bim with a call. 10 you want a fine Watch, a aet of Jewelry, cheap or dear ? J. D. Titus sells the same, under the same roof. " '. Coaie and see ok Boy a Book. Boy a Witts. Buy a f Ul. Buy sonjeUung or nothing, bat eon and sea us, anyway. A well tsriakbtd Aotr aad cool drink of -ts the sonuaer, and waan store sarroasdAd by comfortab chairs la winter ceaataatJy kept for the aneommodatjon of all.i A'.baav, May I4,..'T3 , . . . i Fix motrtbs.,.'. AfiTtt3s,Xt" y.v AurAxcE, .' "LOCAL ITEMS"' made a SPECIALTY. To tho citizens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of. Real Estate : We take this method of calling your attention to our place of busi ness. ; Having determined to open a Branch. Of fice in your city, we can offer you a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by buyers, as it saves them much time and labor in searching for what they want. Our principal Agency, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es-, tablisbed, and the office so well furnished for giv ing information upon Real Estate, that it affords the most complete facilities for all parties having business iu our line. . - 2EtT" Yon incur no expense in placing your property on salo with us unless a sale is made. ; Office on First street, opposite Poat-Office. JOHN C. NKNDENHALL. Ageut. Albany, Ogu., March 23, 1870. 29tf. "r STITZEL A UPTON. . -i REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J. C. MESDEM1AIX, Agent, C, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany. Ogs. ATE for sale in the citt f Albaav. adesira-i Me Homestead, Lots I, I, t and , corneTi Third, Fourth and Elsworth streets, one tf the bust tocalitios In the city. V A good. one and half story bouse, with all other oonreniences. a.pply to J. C. MEN DEN HALL, Agent.. " Albany, Oregon "star;; picture qallery i y BROWNSVILLE, t t OREGON, HAS BEEN REFITTED WITH SKYLIOHT of the latest style, and the operating room with instruments of .- -r t ,, ....... STRICTLY Flit ST CLASS MAKE I with a choice stoejc of Materials,- Chemicals, te., direct from Philadelphia. Our work shall recom mend itself. . . ''.',.''..'...',-."":' - Pictures from Ring to Life lite, at the lowest prices.'" - ... .-, Special facilities for taking Family Groups aad ouj.jiug i Kiurei. . usu ana see specimens. - J. H. TEMPLETON, PETER HUME. .' ; THIS -XitlilGMSyiSIt JOB PKINtYnG 2 firmt etrt, (oppoeiH Parrith Jk To.s Crry Albany x s Oregon. . la the Drug Store will-be found a fall assort ment of Drugs, Pat cut Medicines,. Perfumery . T 1 . ' I . ,. a. . t . J xaiuis, vus, sc., so. &tso, ooai aoa station ery. ''''." .' " tCO School Books mada a snecialtv. Dr. Rowland bas obarge, aad may be consulted proruesioDMiy at, any tune. I ' t. T Post Office building, BrowoimTle, Oregon. Apra20'70 33 . . , ... ,PIER HOME. To Wfaon tt SXmy Ooneorsi G U: BASER is my faj Awi dnring my absenoa. Alfeaoy, March 15. 170:-J8-3w. ,., mJ HAVING a very faft assort meat of aeateriat we are srenared to oxecat. with neBtaesa aad diapatch, all kinds of , . - " ',"'! ''Av"'iJ!:H'': '" ' ''Wjs? -':.; '.--c--.'"'. web a - -- . . linnd-bill; " , ' , ", .' , SiU-heoi, , Csrds, , Vail Tiekr$, , ; t " . rawt'eVff . ' of tl '-UIiiU- - at as low SaurM a a 4e igard oUst -deed wort will allow. Ween yeu want -aajriaiag U tT. prlntter W. l i! tag