The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 09, 1870, Image 2

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    hie . ailiaiin flistf r;
TJ. S. Official Paper for Oregon.
Congress was to adjourn either oo tlie
10th or 13th.
I5y joint resolution the President has
been instructed to negotiate with the
Indians on the Umatilla reservation.
.The income of the General Govern
ment, from all sources, for the fiscal year
ending June 30, was nearly 8400,000,000
The fight arranged between McCool
and Toil) Allen will not rnnw off -, flip
former having paid the forfeit.
Thtfpetition of the Orleans princes to
be permitted to return to France, has
been rejected, by a vote of 173 to 31.
- . .
It is stated that Prim's agents in Prus
sia have offered the Spanish throne to a
Prussiqn Prince.
At Rome it is thought the debate ou
the Infallibility dogma, would terminate
before the 10th inst.
On the 22d of June there were ri&ts
in Cork, Ireland, tho cause of -which is
.thus related : The master tailors nf that
town recently hired a large nambor of
German tailors, thus displacing the Irish
tailors. The latter, with their fellow
countrymen of the some craft, met and
resolved on a strike--and having struck
one way they struck another by attacking
the shops where the Germans were em
ployed. The police soon put an cud to
the disturbance but many persous were
injured and property destroyed. The
riot assumes importance only from the
fact that it brings this question "promi
nently before the Irish people for solution
Shall foreigners be allowed to work in
Ireland ?
News from I'.xchanges.
Illinois Adam Paton, residing near
the Doctor oir. Uciug unable to swim,
lie floated down the stream some distance
until he grasped a friendly root, where
he remained in water up to bis armpits
Oregon liailroads. .-.
Os-ricE O. & C. R.iR. Co., ) 1
Portland, 0 , July 5, 3.870. j
Editor Oregonian : -In your papeT
j of yesterday I notice an article of which
ior me nours, Dciore succor reactied ; the lollowiug is au extract:
him. The horses -have not been heard of . Will Mr. llolladay. controlling both the east
t.: I aul west sides, extend a railroad further than tbe
bince their plunge. ; j heaJ of th Willamette Valley 1 It looks as if
A'humber of business houses are fitting i tllis niiglit be doubtful. It is oven whispered
. . I here, and with come appearance of plausibility,
UD With gas hxtures at fcale,m. ; that, having now secured undisputed control "of
Tl. .,! ;rir in tlitir tn0 railroad system of the moat populous and iin-
, . W .
Horace G reeky owns ten shares of the
Tribune stock, now valued atS108,000,
the same amount he owned when the pa
per was first niado a stock concern. :
The Portland dailies state that on last
Saturday the Oregon Central Railroad
fianchiso was sold to Ben Holladay, the
"monopolist.'' The transfer was made
by J. Gaston, President, and a majority
of the Board of Directors. The price
paid is reported at 70,000. Thj under
standing in Portland is that Mr. Holla
day will commence work ou the road as
soon as the necessary arrangements can
be effected. If this should prove true,
the westsiders now have some show of a
railroad within a reasonable time.
Naples, was thrown from his horse one
day last month, and instantly killed, j
Alton is jubilant over the completion
of glass works in that city. - i
The Canton Register states that wolves
arc making it warm for sheep in Fairview
township. Several fine Cashmere kids
have been devoured by them, also. ;
. The crops in Logan and Dc Witt coun
ties, except rye, bid fair to yield more
largely -than usual! ' Bye will be light
hardly ten bushels to the acre. V
The corn crop in Will county bids fair j
for a magnificent Yield.' . " j
in Macoupin county Democrats . I"J, me ponj get ,.. UVB reilchi that ;t m C0Jtjnue t
have announced themselves as candidates j when it ran away, and the rope becoming j j,uilJ soutll without any interruption ;
for -the office of sheriff. 'and it isn't an I entangled around , Mc.'s ankle, he was ; that is, in case the bill now before ou
over average year for candidates, either. dragged about one hundred and fifty gross to grant aid for the Uumbuldt
. - - , , - .t. !,!, tu i uit.:v i,rv" braueli road is passed in such a shape as-
Alio burst id" oi an emery wncciin me j "? . . ".r , .,.- ti,.,f 'a : . ,i n
I t. ' - V i.ut UUU LU J 111 I" I11IU L11U l! 1 1 U V
was slightly bruised and Lis clothing all - ... , ..; '
report, condemn the Court House as out
of repair and generally dilapidated. -
The farmers of Grand llonde valley
were hay-making last week.
E. S.McGomas, Clerk of Baker county,
.recently while exercising a wild Indian
portaut part of Oregon, - he. will not
bund a railroad turthcr south than Lngeno City,
or the head of the valley.
The Oregon and California Kailroad
Company will this year build and equip
their road for a distance of one hundred
miles' south of Portland, and will there
after complete it as rapidly as possible to
the head of the Willamette valley. After
. - Ahead. The Yreka Journal
says that the officers of the Central Pacfie
Railroad Compaby- held a meeting at
Marysville on the 11th, and resolved to
push the Oregon and California railroad
on' to the Oregon line as rapidly as possi
ble. . : - - ' ,--.., . '
The A.laska Times says that if there
is want anywhere it is not ' among the
Sitka Iidians. They follow the custom
of the ' Boston man" in dress and style ;
they can be seen every day dressed iu
broadcloth and carrying sporting canes
and umbrellas " . . .
Illinois Holt Company's woiks, at Curpen-
terville, ou the 24th ult , was the cause
of a funeral. ,
On the same date, four miles cast of
Elgin, Johu Donohuc lost his life by a
A bill giving miners the right to pur
chase tracts of Government land of from
10 to 100 acres, at '52 50 per acre, 1 as
torn to shreds by the little spree. that branch should be eo made as to avoid
The body of a man .named William j the southern counties and bring the road
Shipton was found, on the 29th ult., in "a! into Willamette valley, "at or" near Ku
f I i .i, i , 1 , 1 gene City bv the middle fork- of the
field near Crescent City, who is supposed , TY;ilnnipft, , ?. (. . ..,
field roller passing over him. Uis head i ae neen muraerea, ut no ciueo , our roai no furtht r s.mth than the head
and shoulders! were crushed. : - ! tne murderer as yet has been, obtained; 1 of this valley, where we would ultimately
The Baptists of Elgin are to erect a j :- On Tuesday morning, at the island connect with the Humboldt road. In
new ehurch to cost $30 000. I ar Salem, Mr. Miuto found a buck In- i U0;J s, n.
new tnuan to cost, ov,ujv. . - , , , : would not be practicable to build a road
In Iroquois county recently ha.l. fell ; uian, un naii a aozen squaws nau uea furtlier south ,,, dj0 ilt indicatod
' r t tl T rtl-rv tinnr i ir,i,'i'tm f--v run 1 1 . tl ft 1 . ...
to the depth of a foot. Some of the hail V, '". ' V
j stones measured two inches in diameter. Lut 5nstcaJ of- 0being orders, the whole
A lew days ago a youtti, llarry 1. band waltzed in with clubs and undertook
The Cable' states that Prince Ilohcn
zollen has finally accepted the Spanish j
throne. . Englaud approves, but Franco
objects. . . , ..
- -
Three 'eutleincn of science, from - the
, Netherlands, are in San Francisco, prc
! paling to start on a five years' excursion
i up the Columbia and through Alaska,
! collecting specimens for the national mix
j seum of the Netherlands. They havg a
j magnificent outfit.
Gen. Sherman has received a report
fiuiu Geu. Sheridun, giving au account of
his recent trip through the Indian coun
try. He says the military posts are very
weak and poorly garrisoned, and not
strong enough to quell an Indian w-ar.
Withiu the past three years, six of tho local
Insurance Companies of San Franoisco, repre
senting a capital of over $2,000,000, suspended
the first four during the low rato war of 186" anil
1S68 the last two during tho past few weeks. -
Sh out of Twelve
in less than three years i an alarming record of
mortality, and should suggest to the insuring pub
lic the propriety of avoiding experimental, inex
perienced, and low rato Companies, and patronii-
ins the old established, conservative, wealthy, andT
prudently managed corporation of the solid and
permanent order.
It has bceu decided to alter the plans
for the mint building at the Dalles, says
tho Oregcmian, and convert it into an I gUl;ti, Was run over by a locomotive at to put "a head" ou Mr. M. It being his
assay office. The Supervising Architect j Aurora, and instantly killed. - '! however lie in turn setzc.J
at Washington has notified Superintend- n CrolU of pekin, wa3 assaulted j ITJ,,, f L "i " J L easier, route by way of Pitt river, so as to
passed the Senate, and will pass the cnt Hogue not to proceed with the other j few ui,ht8 since whie 0U his way home, L)ad leave lbr the mailand. ,: j f a ""u lM"."7S
House as soon as it can be reached. j -all of the building further than the j by aD unkn0wn ruffian, struck with: a " The firemen's election in Salem on last iia lL o
seL-uuu w.wjf . j slung shot on the back and. aide, or tne ( lucauay resulted iu the election ot John t Owon, under their own control. . Whetli-
plans lor completing the building can be j lcaj aillj i,js skull crushed in two places right, Chief, and D. 3Jet-addar, ; er we Uuijj our roa,j 0f ,;c ieaj
forwarded. , J hese will be sent on in a
There is a nero woman thirty-seven
years of ago, living oil the plantation of
' W. li. Battlo: of Baker countv. Georcia.
For we slwuld be cut oft from southern j who weighs 300 pounds, has twenty-five
ana eateru connections, uiasmucii. as wic (children, all living., jJattle says she . is
Geutrtd Pacific Company would almost j remarkably healthy and is a good cook,
certainly cause their California and Ore- ; but never cooks more than one thing at a
gon road to diverge froin the route orig- i time.
luaiiv jam aotrn, ana buna it by the
A son of Captain llobson, of the Jusie
McXear, was drewned near Clatsop beach
while bathing on Sunday last. At the
same place was also drowned on Monday
a young son of Mr.. Coffinburg. '
i after, without recoveriug consciousness.
The largest and probably the most
. .The vote for County Treasurer in
Wasco was a tie, each candidato receiv
ing 311 vo'es. They, cast lots and the
office fell into the hands of the Republi
can candidate, Mr. Ruch.
. It is said that a plate from which to
issue counterfeit bonds of the Central
her of having taken his money and secrc-
Pacific Hailroad was traced from New ' ted it about her person. To recover it
few days. As tho walls are now up to
the second story window Bills, work will j
be temporarily suspended,
T, '. , ,. ! sissipni, passed Winona "a few da-s ago.
- Tn Sn Vranmsrai rnrrntlv. aeeordinsr ' . -'
from the effects of which he died shortly ! - --"c-v., .... - .-v , 0, lr e n liiamcuo vaney or not, uepenas
- - i i tncrciorc on me action 10 ue iaKcu iy
On the 7th, campmeotiug commenced ' Congress relative to the route ot the
Sale of Kkai. Estate. Jlr. Wm.
Davidson," Real Estate .Dealer, has just
effected, the sale of block Xo. 10, located
between Second and Third and E and F
strects in Couch's addition, to- Messrs.
A. A. McCulIy, George .'..Marshall and
John Marshall, for the amount of "fivo
thousand dollars cash in U. S. "old coin.
.,f Vr.,..-., ..A 1T,.-..H 1 t,...,.l, 1 f,.. TT V.,.1.1
! . . .11 . 1 . T T - i " . . . . IC J f . . .
valuable rait ever siartca aown ine-.uu- prutrie, in Mariuii countv.
, e ' - a i .v t iandat815 rcr M was worth $37,500.
fail rS a mnn tdannw nff thp plntnps nl '
, Sv j . i j j Allowing 20,000 feet
.. , n , . . . : Snut up a irood sized
ou tne siuc-wa
It contained 2,500.000 feet of lumber, j community, was found in the back room
:of J.
whom he had knocked down
It- Tl,i. f,. r.nn, Ful ul a
J j - v ..:.., i...v. ,...!. ... 1..,1 : r,... - , .,
out of a house together, and he accused . , - -.. 1 ; ... .J , ...
i ereCt aUU llUiatt A tJ UlVCHlUa. : i v v.uiui;i:i uy iyn.,ciuij " "
IS. Nichols '" shoe store. Salem.
. ' whore ho had 'stnlpn iinrrrwivod on last ' they will tto so without, fiolav, unless . . T . . . f .' ,,
to bo sufficient o fwlKre ut- ,laa stolen unjercencu, on last , j - . , . both play a match to-day, tlie one in. the
lu U1, j Tnpsdav aftprnnniv in a .-Ivin oomli tiou : their purposes are che,ckeo by such lei;- f r J , , . j' , -
,.;.tnf. tV. ft iu-suay aiicrnoon, in a ayiug conuuiou. , . i . i j o . nioruintr and the other in the afternoon,
i evidence, ,ne ratt In a very short time thereafter he died, f elation in Congress as will render it im- - , ..... , -
"Mv son," said a gentleman the other
; . u u: ...:i.
It is tlie ue.-ire, as it has been tlie in- ; J , ' ,
i uu iu ou a ii li raua tu uui jjiauu
! .1 i .-. .j ... " i.i :
tailroad Company to butld ttu:ir road to j ... . , J , ,,T . , ' .
., i J , ,. c.. i sible, was the ready reply, "I belong-to
the southern boundarv of the .State : ana i., . . . 1 J. . . , ,
James M. Curlev, well known in this l tention, of the Oregon and California ,
practicable to carry them out. In other
words, if the uiant for tho Humboldt
branch .shall be so made as to connect
Give me forty cents for a ball. '
IT'ii-e Insurance .Co.
Tlicir contracts are endorsed liy cilsb assets
. jSxceediug 1, f ; e ?:. .-; :.?
Their business ia managed hy onderwriUr who
York to Canada, thence to England and f he knocked her down and tore off every owner has reluscd l,UUU, lias curcu no j
Paris,, and there captured
rascals had time to print any. j was on hand to arrest the rascal
The two wings of tho New Hampshire
i 1 t i a ; branch .shall be to made as to connect . - it. j i : i
T i j c - il, ' "uu "-1"5 luu' ai-Buiuuusucu. uiau5n.a- ; , ; - .. -, , pi'emocracy are eaiieu "Oiu liners anu
Iowa. A madstone, for which "e . -.. . . 1 , with our road in lloirue river valley, and I r. ,.:..t im..
it tut- tUUJU t . JUUl UUI I CIS, lU&IHUlLtUlV. 1 UtlC 13
" - tun. I v ..: i".vn , IITX' 1 if .- i
Paria and there capttfred before the i trarmcnt that she wore. No policeman j less thau thirty persons. 4 hands "for better or Worse" with Mr. ; l''4' t'1" ""1 i" , Y"-13" al
i limril to murdprpr nl .J xM irake. ,-,,,tn it r.,. n M .. ,i .r, I f 1 1. iwit r 7
!' .,. , , ., , --,,! .1 ' i i i' i i r " n- I ; south of tlie illamctto valley.
t ,:il V. tinni, f PAtmrT l?lr,f?j Om 'A Avnathr-r wa shniilti think tor Woolen. '. .... J
Lincoln is tne name auoptca tor uw j . xhe Democrats of Missouri have iu- ! uf the present month, "no preventin
ew State to be erected out of the Terri- j ronnal,v nominatcd B. Uratz Brown for ? providence." : ; -
.orj . w Mexico, ine nouse torn- Governor, and it is understood he will i A band of Gypsies, visiting Sious
mmee on lerruones nave reporteu in ; carry the stT(,Dgth of.tJle party. Brown
favor of a bill for its admission, and when ; for a ,ODg time edltor of tbc )&i0Mr,
admitted it will be the ihirty-ciahtl, .Dimocru, rrevious to the late war. He
O L ... '
The sehooner Bootiiinlc arrived at the 1
wise we shall not do so.
have no tsupei iora and but few equalu in the Union
Tioir risks are small, carefully selcetcd, and Mat
tered ihrouguout tbe entire L'nitod' State, thus
avoiding heavy loss in the most riou conflagra
tion. T be ir rates are-not of the gueiw or Raiub- '
lin rder, but are La-sed. on actual experience,
and are as low a$ pood insurance can be furnisbed
at. Their lusaei are bouorabty and promptly ad
justed, and paid in gold coin without delay or
disoouut. .. Their agent, located at all' point of
importance, have authority to issue policies direct,
thus avoiding the danger and delay incident to
the ul-agec.v gy.-teiu ; and, in each and every
particular; both as reparda solvency, permanency,
prudent management, bonoralde conduet,eqaitable
rates, aud conservative jrartu-c, '. ' ;
I The Ihcriiix, or Hartford,
The frost iuiuriii"; the Clops in Scott I furnir-he facilities to the insiiringptiblicnuequall-
bittcr feud, between the two factions.
One hundred and forty-four bushels of
oats to an acre is the latest Wiscunsin
achievement. ' ; "
City and plying their hereditary vocation,
foretell that four or five of her city edi
tors will be married soon.
was a Eepublican then, and still claims i The grand annual convocation of the I The Democratic county candidates in ! near the head of the Willamette valley
To f'ns 'frtnnpetion if ltmv to. as well
mouth of the Umpnua a few days since, 1 r, i tr ct.,tn t,., T w!,-.n .,n rrw,..!
with two cases of small POX on board, j .,A l,;i,l ,1. r,vl n,ft,l.;n S Vl!.. 1. . nao.l nn a.lvn' in floor i ! V y ther Company doing business ou this
She is lying there in quarantine. : ; ,j the first section wi hiu tho time allotted j this section from g2.5:)S3 per hundred j c"st-- -Col.
Chapman, of l'ortiaiid. is up for i ay the act of Cyngrcss, and nltimately j pounds, says the Yreka .fmtrnul. ' j ' '-mm - m m 'w -w'
a speech on -the 10th at Jacksonville, on continuing it south to a junction with, the j ' . -rr- --r .It. II. TlAIliij, .jTIanaCr
the subject ot railroads. i Oregon arul California road at some point i nat to expeOu at a oy scaooi , .. 42! California St., San 1-rancisco.
Of persons relieved duiiug the past to be a member of the party.- He favors 1 Duukards of the United States for 1870, Yamhill are going to contest. Two lie-
i - I - - i ..t.K.f j:. )... J .1. ,!.,.., i
he pendinjr constitutional amendments will transpire iu JJIackhawk county, four U1UJU--lclu
1 , , .- - . i ., , . , , S will also contest. I he election in Yam-
j boystrous couduct.
year by the San Francisco Benevolent
Society. 30 per cent.'ot -the poverty was
caused by drunkenncsj j 25 per cent, by
widowhood and orphanhood, and 25 per
cent, by sickness.
. The 4th iu San Francisco was a suc
cess. The procession was estimated at
three miles in length, no where less than
four abreast, while the military occupied
the entire street. The weather pleasant,
and not too warm for comfort.
to restore the elective franchise to those I or five miles south of Waterloo. Ten f
j fat oxen are to be killed and roasted, I atej
'twenty-five barrels of flour baked into
hill will doubtless be thoroughly vc mil
ls season
the rest ; wi
CuNUltKS.-lONAi.. A new Committee
of Conference has been ordered on the
I'ostoffice Appropriation Hill.
lu the House, 011 the 2nd inst , the
following bills wi re passed : Foibiddin";
the conveyance of Indian reservations by
treaty to auv other guarantee than the
B. Gratz Brown, of St. Louis, Mo.,
has been nominated for Governor of
Missouri by the St.Xanis Democrat, and
not by the Democrats, as the telegraph
stated. - The Democrat is the leading
Republican journal of Missouri.
The President will not accept the re
signation of Secretary Fish, unless he in
sists upon its acceptance. According to
the President, Mr. Fish is ono of the
best members of the Cabinet, and if news
paper men were better acquainted with -him,
' he would receive less abuse at
their bauds. s
.-,.. A young school teacher 'out in King's
Valley was attacked .by . a dog, as he was
: -going to spend the evening ;wUh his
sweetheart, a day :3tr two t sioce. The
,. brute dragged him . under the - house - of
his beloved by the slack of his breeches.
"The course of true love," etc. :
As the passengers on the steamer Sen
ator . were rushing ofl ,petl-inll upon
reaching her fvTiarf at Portland, on the
4th, the "drop" gave way, precipitating
' ' a number of people into the water'he
tween the boat anrT wharf- Mrs. Bel-
;r Toine was drowBejf,''xiU(.aite.a'A.u'mber
were bruised and liadly frightened. ' :
. The debt statement for July , pan out
, bad lor ; the croakers. : It : 6how. that
.- during the month of June the debt was
,. reduced more than twenty millioos, or
: two thirds of a million per day ! Won't
: they still, insist that Grant's adniiriistTa
r rion is a failure, and that the debt never
will be wiped out? - .
That dreadful Bcourge of the nations,
cholera, has again broken out in Madras
r and Bombay, and at last accounts its rav
"ages in those hot climates were terrible.
; The activity, of this pestilence Irranjr part
; of the world naturally excites some ap
prehensions of- dkoger. t;In 3 tho! great
cholerajrears of 1B32 and 184Sr the dis
ease reached Europe hy saiiisg vessels
.and was brought ;'ta this' couBtiy' in the
, same way.. Now the means of eouimu-
nication are mora direct and speedy. The
' cholera rages in come -parts of .Asia all
-' the time.- - Bat it has appeared with more
.than the usual fatality this year, and J the
- presence of the scourge at porta ' with
- which tbere is so trequent commucica
rioo, is a sufficient warning against all
sanitary negligence.
attention to the preparation of building
material brick, for instance.
drive six in hand. Three of the horses .; United States; protecting settlers of the
arc snow white stallions, and three arc j Cuhed .States lands under benefits of the
,,, , ..' c - , , -,, I pre-emption or homestead laws ; prever.t-
coal black. 1 he first, or wheel spau. will ; i . . . .. .,1 1 1
' ' ' ting further gale ol pubhe lauJs 111 Dako
be composed of a :uigh" black horse, I ta Vcvada, Nebraska, California, Kau-
aad a white "ofF' and t iVr versa for the gas, Arkansas and Utah, excepting under
who participated in the rebelliou.-
. J. I'. Henderson has been sent to the ; 1 1 1 . . . 1 , - ! Colonel Jim Fisk. Jr.. is prepanos to
penitentiary from Marion county for five j . - ooortion have been let. ! a Sat splurge at Long Branch
years, for horse stealing. According to 1 j thi
. 0i . . jiix.MSUTA. ur. rosier nas uecn
the Statesman, at the time of his arrest t . , ,, ,, , ,. ,. , ,
. ' t . f appointed Collector at the I ort of Duluth.
he t as neKOtiatinpr some heavy purchases, j 11 v'
. , ,. 0 . , , , l, . Mrs. Hatch, who shot Jo. Brush, in
including some of the best farms in I , , , , ,
... -r . 1 e 1- St. 1 aul, has bceu discharged on the
Marion county. Instead of speculating i . . ' 0
in real estate he will hereafter turn his i .
yjn toe -isi 01 -'lay, me rcsiuencc 01 t . . . . . . -, , 1 . 1
J ' i t 1 - 1. t.t.. l. .. A .1 . r.i-f rt 1 1-111 iir h(i!riifi:iil l:iv. nncl tnr. 1
T, , -r o i - i - i.i- : icuucia, ixius ujdhiuu 4lic ou;- L 1111 . II ttUM . 1 1 - ' - t
I cter De fcent in B.pley township, was ; StaUs. The ! car- S tot he United States the lands of
ir,iL- tw lifrhlninn f. n jl Ihrna rt Ilia r 1 1 1 1 , ; ,1... f 1.1 I ,.1.L...l I
i i ,i t n 3 o i Odxv. uuii iviux ijiu 12 ii;u, nut ui; mi.
ilri-i finva nrrpl 14 TO nnd i H vi:rs. ' '
.7 j j - o - ) j 1
Ketween the 11 iiml tl;e new ; lniccn high
1rict'g anil lunir credits (in .ast; ie iiauu. anri i
."mall ami reaily pay on the uther, ftill
ly.tiuuns to.rasre w'i "utisa.atej fury at Browns- i
ville, and Wheeler, 4t4'vreents iu this contest
the new order if tliinf;?, etns drfcrmined to
Cglit it out on that line" if it laks a lifetime.
.PcoiiU' i isiting Brownsville will find at Li3
store a fine tttnuk of ajl kind of Roods, which i
lieinir sold lowr than ever to xnako room fur a
larjre Fall tlek. 41
I'ulicics Issued and llcucwcd Direct by
U. FL1.., Asi-nl,
Jy2'70--13ui3 '
Oftice, o. 4 Front Street,
; Pokisq Fun at the Pope. Among
the jvu (Texprit to which the Hcumeni
cal Council has given . rise in Home, is
the followiug new Pater Noster handed
about among the Americans. Even the
Pope, who enjoys a joke thoroughly, it
ia said, might forgive the man who uses
the license of ink esainst him bo blas
phemously yet dextronsly :
"Our Father who art in the Vatican t
Infallible be thy name : Thy Temporal
Sovereignty come :: Thy will be - done
in Europe and America as in Ireland :
Give us thi day our . tithes , and, titles,
and forgive as our tresspasses as we give
plenary indulgence to- those who pay
penitently onto us : And lead us not into
Ecumenical ' Councils, hut deliver , na
from thinking; for thine' is the croaier,
the key, and the tiara. Rome without
end. Ameo." .
A letter to.the daily Post, from Grant
county (New Mexico), Silver Mines,
eays they are 5,000 fjet above the level
of-the sea. -There is a. population at Hal
ston, the new village, of 200. It is about
25 five miles to the nearest river. ' : 285
ledges have been discovered, and over
50 claims, dot being made in' conformity
with the Territorial law, are being thrown
out, bat are re-located about i as fast as
they are open." A - municipal govern-
rrent has been formed and- a recorder
elected. There is no doubt of the im
mense wealth of many of the claims. A
canal and railwav com nan v. with a cam.
tal of 1 1,000,000, -has been formed to
take the ore to the mills, at the river, and
to carry water in the canals to the mines
The mines are in the heart of the Apache
Indian country, and the settlement will
be a -great security "to ' the pioneer ; set
tlers and travelers. ' New and very rich
silver mines have been discovered eight
miles from Fort ; Jjayard. Pehghtful
showers of rain have fallen at intervals
during the past two weeka, and the crops,
at one time regarded as-almost a taiture,
now give ; promise .of a- full ; average
The Dutch Reformed Cbarch, at ' the
corner of Fulton and " William - streets,
New York, Iwill soon disappear, as the
lot is needed for other purposes, and will
sell f for ' more than rf 250j000." The
church wa erected 107 years iago; and
since September 23, 185T, has beeat'th'e
place of holding the celebrated "FoltOD
Street Daily Prayer Meeting,." ; 1
respectively, instantly killed.
George Woolsey and John Lightfoot,
of Clear Lake, Iowa, were arrested at
Waterville, Le Sueur county, with four
stolen horses in their possession! , John
is an old offender. -
Missovki. On., the' 25th ult., the
house of Elijah George, in Henry county,
was burned, and three children, two of
them twin brothers, nine years old, and
the other twelve years, perished in the
flames. ' "" ' ' ' '
Ground has been broken and the track
laid for the '.first ' line of street ears in
Kansas City. - ;-.,. --v.-
McCoole went into troiuing on the 20tb
ult., at St. Louis, for his fight with Tom
........ ... I -'; ' :-
IvA.SAS.-r-Orders have been issued for
building quarters for six companies of
cavalry at Fort Leavenworth, at a cost of
830,000, and headquarters, at a further
cost of 850,000. These are the prelimi- j
nary steps to making this post a perma
nent camp of instruction. - j
. . . ....
Oregon. Dr. R. C. Johnson-, of Cor-
vallis, is down with the consumption.
The grain crop in .Jackson Icounty is
unusually heavy,' Weather intensely
A large amount of new-mown hay, in
Douglas county, was injured by the late
rains!',:.: .,:.w'.', .;','. "4.; ?, .-; ;W- -
One pf the Applegates had a resident
of Douglas county arrested far insanity
for voting tho Democratic . ticket. .-: The
County Judge wouldn't "see it in that
light."- -
One Siwash killed another and - sunt
him in a hole, last week, at Eugene.- The
Abergwine was ajrrested. ; - '
- ,A little daughter of S. Warner, of
Lena county, died, Monday of last week,
from the, effects, it is believed, of strych
nine. ' .- ' . .
Saturday, June 25th, Dr. Robert Alex
ander attempted to cross a slough , which
runs oat of the JfeKinzierLane county,
when one of the We's baulked. I He got
cut" of hw-wagon,-unhitched tbe team,
mounted ihi-Bea aiuial, 'intending jo
ride "out. ' !The first, step the horses made
plunged them into a deep hole, throwing
most imposing, it is said, ever built in
this country or in Europe the whole
equipment, with London harness, to cost
thirty-five thousand dollars. '
. m-j ;
A band of three hundred mounted
Indians rode in front of a railroad train
near tho Platte river a couple of weeks
since, expecting to : slop it. Thirteen
of them were ruu over and killed, j with
their horses. The others seemed to be
greatly astonished at the result, and ev-,
idently don't want any more of that ort
of fun.
Mr. Jttliau reported a bill to confirm
James Hutching and James C. Lemon
their preemption claim in Yosemite val
ley ; passed. . The bill created much dis
cussion. f
Tho Louisiaua contested case of Parrall
against Uai ley was decided . in-favor of
Jja'rrall, but a motion to reconsider was
entered, to be considered nxi Wednes
day. Ferris repotted from Conference Com
mittee the bill granting right of way to
ditch and canal owners.
Spcrtal-Collcctor of Claims,
The Marysville Appeal is informed that
the Central Pacific , Hailroad . Company
have resolved to push forward the ,work
on the Califoria and pregon Railroad to.
the connecting point with ! the Oregon
Central. They also resolved to construct
as rapidly as possible to the San Joaquin
Valley. Kailroad. L ' . ., ..; y .r : "
RaooMS. If a broom is occasionally
dipped into hoilng suds, the straws will
iu a measure lose their brittleuess and
become tough, and do less iojury to a
carpet. It will also j last much longer.
Broom's wear out carpets full as J fast as
tho usual tramping over them, liefore
commencing. to' sweep a carpet, dip tho4
broom into a pail of - water aud strike it
against some object ' to "shake off the
drops. 'Repeat this frequently while
sweeping, and you will raise. liteJa dust,
and bo surprised at the quantity of dirt
which will "settla in the bottom of the
pail. It ia well to strew moisened , saw
dust, Indian meal, or tea. leaves is oir -a
carpet before sweeping. Fine, moist salt
ia equally as,goo' or better, y. and gives
the carpet a nice clean look. --5
, . .r I.. ,
- It is given out that Andrew Johnson
has determined to '' run for Congress.
He wfll have to move to some other dis
trict, for last fall the one in which he
lives was nearly unanimously "Republican.
Is DMAD--The Sentinel says - that
Josephiue county is prospering, and that
"really" good' women 'afe" more in demand
there than any other article.' " - -,.
' i r' " '' :- :. - " ii --sT ' 1 ' -
San Fraaaiboatis shipping peaches and
grapes of the-new crop to New York.' "
.... Maik Twaiu having been elected an
hanorary member of a poultry Society,
roccommendti himself in the followiii":
st3'Ie: "Even as a school boy, poultry
raising was a study with me, aud I may v
say, without egotism, that as early as the
ae of seventeen I was aquaintcd with
all the best and speediest . methods
ot raising thetu on a roost by burning
lucifer matches under their noses, down
to lifting them on a fcuce " on a frosty
night by, insinuating the end of a warm
boa id under their heels. By ; the time
I was twenty years old, I really suppose
I bad raised more poultry than any one
individual in all the section round ' about
there. 'The very chickens enme to know
my talent by and by. The youth of
both i sexes ceased to paw,, the earth for
worms, aud old roosters that came to crow
'remained to pray,' when I passed by." i. .
. . ; ; , 1 - :
A Night Ride- The Grass Valley
Union ot J one 4tli relates the tallowing :
' Two old citizens night before last ot
on a bender and concluded to . ride on
horse back out into the country. They"
started all right and thought they ; had
rode about ten miles through a most
beautiful region,, in which there was an
alteration of. town and country. Their
horse tracks showed noxt day that they
went all night around one squaref the
tow only occasionally catting ! acrofs
lots through a gentleman's garden, the
gates of wBich had "accidentally been
left open. ' There is nothing so healthful
as a horseback airing away from the
town. ' , ,
We find in California papers a state
ment that the California and Oregon
Railroad was to be open to Chico by the
5th of July. The maneuverings oi the
Company in their surveys indicate, that
they still have an idea of building their
road up Pitt tiver valley and into the
Goose Lake country.- . Hence their anxi
ety to control the Humboldt branch road
to Eugene City.-J r
The total number of cattle in the va
rious European States is not less, ;it " is
aaid, than 91,700,000.
A lovte amohnt of CITY aud EAST I'ORT-
I.AX1 I'ropertr fur Rale.
Alj, IMll(OVEf FAK.M.S, and valuable nn-
eultirated I.AXDS, located in all f.artj of the
Invrslraents in REAL ESTATE and other
FKOl'EHTV, made for eorrcpondeutB.
CLAIMS of all iloseriif ius prouiptly xollectcd.
IlOrSES and Sl'ORES luascd. -
All kinda of Financial aort Agevy busi
neis trauKaeted.
Taities having FARM PROPERTY for tale will
-please tiirniMfl deseription of tlie same to the
AGENTS OK THIS OFFICE, in each of tho
principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE.
juue HTO-tf-1
Heavy Canvas Hunting Coats, , j.l
White Marseilles Vests,
Figured Marseilles Vests,
i iiriusiiuig uuous ui mi mnus
aod a great .witty of other
This Valuable Family Medicine has been widely
and favorably known in our own aud foreijjn
.coHutrics, upwards of r ,
It ban lost nine ol ita pood name ly repeated
trials, but continues to occupy a prominent poei
tiou in every family mor.ioiue cTieat.
It U an External and Internal Remedy. For
Stiinmer Complaint, or any other form of bowel
disease in children or adults, it is an almet cer
taiu cure,. and haa without doubt, boen more uo
eessfut in curing the variolic kinds ofCUOtERA
than any other known remedy, or tho most skill
ful phyaician. Iff India, Africa and China,
where this dreadful diaeasti is mora or leu preva
lent, the Pain Killer ia considered by the native,
as well aa European resident in, thoe climates,
a ur realeiiy; and while it ia a most efficient
remedy for pain, it ia a perfectly safe 'medicine,
oven in unskillful hands. Directions accompany
each bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
, Price 25 ota.,50 ota-and $1 per bottled r fjuly
- ',:-- Citation. j; .
In the County Courtr.of the Countjr of
Linn, State of.Oregon. - :-
Iu tho matter of :4hoi-statc. of .Isaiah'
-.-crctor,idcceased.-, iiY.Y 'I. 5
To Mrs. Franklin P. Smith (formerly Misa Mer
cier), Faroh L. Mercier, Josephine Meroier and
Mary Mercier, heirs of said deceased :
gon : ' You and each of you are hereby cited
to be and appear in said-Court, at the court booso
ia the city of Albany in said eoanty, on -Monday,
the first day of Augpsr, 1870, (being a day of the
August term el' raid Court), then and there show
cause, if any exist, why aa order of sale of the
real estate of said deceased should not be made as
prayed for in the petition of S. M- Ponningtoo,
tbe Administrator of the estate of the said Isaiah
Mercier, decease. -.Said teal estate-1 described
as follows, to-wit : . Lot No, 5, ia Sloek No. 10,
and lot No. 2,ln Block No: J6, ; .
' - By order of said Court- - - -.-'
la . testimony hereofr I, A. C. Jones,- the
County C'leik of the county afbrtaid, bave here
unto sef my hand aai affixed the scal uf said
Court go this 7th day iif July; 1870. - ; ,
- - " . -A. C. J0NE.4,
July 9, 1370 4iwl ' 1 Couuty Clerk,
' "Ve are prepared t.o offer to the public the lar
gest and -BEST SELECTED stock of Clothing
of our own manufacture, over brouht to Portland,
and at prices that 11'Y COMPETITION.
... s WM. CURRIER" i, CO..
103 Front-st., Portland.
... GEO. W. GRAY, D. J. S.,
T T ronace of all persons desir
Hons. Nitrous Oxide administered for tbe paro
le? extraction of teeth, when desired. Charge
moderate. - .' . . . , ,' . .
Offioe in Tarrish A Co. 'a brok block. Resi
dence, first house south of Congregational Cliureb,
fronting on Court House bloea. , ,, . - . ,. -
. Alhaiiy, Oresonj Jalf 2, 1870-43
r In the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon for
the county of Linn. ,. - '. ,, ,
James Knox, Latitia Knox and) .Suit toeompc)
J B. 1'lendeuiug, plaintiffs, j , tbo perfbrm-
" 'vs. -r-.j V-ance of a legal
John Lowdetback , ucfcndauW ; I ; obligation and
- J for damages.
T John Lowderbaek, defendant ,
the Circuit Court of the Btate. of Oregon fur the
v. v u u v. a. u u , u u s I UK V.UUJKUK bUOreiU
filed against yea by the above named plaintiffs,
with the Clerk of - said Court, within rau day
from the data of service of this sammona apon
yen if served within this county, or. if, served in
any other' county in this (State, then within twenty
days of the date of service of thi lumnoui upon
you: And if service of this summons upon yett
be had by publication, then by the first day of the
term following the expiration of six week from
tbe first publication hereof, to-wit : the fourth
Monday of October,' 1870. And. take notice, if
you fail to answer, the plaintiffs will apply to the
Court, at said term, (or the relief demanded in
ssid eomplaint, to-wit : fwr a judgment ox decree
discharging a mortgage, and for on hundred dol
lars damages, besides co Is, 4o ; - ,
.Dated Jane 21, 1870. - tie t, "
First publication Jone 25, 1870. r'
, By order of Hon. R. P. Boise,. Judge.
T N. U. CRANOR. ' "
42w8 AU'y for plaintin.
on short uottoe, aaa itb neatness sod dia.
3t" Ali Kinds of Repairing Qoaa,
Albany, June 11, 170 W '" '
T-niTiisjmnrKiiiiii)i) jtu