ATUKDAY, JULY , 2, 1870. Subscriber finding an X after their nam will understand that their subscription expires with that number, and they are invited to renew their ,uberiptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; ,ix months, $2 ; three months, $1. - . Hefty. The giantess and giant, the beautiful Circassian and the Lilliput, dis played themselves to admiring audiences in this citj-bn Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Anna Swan, if. divided- up, would make several very respectable sized women there is entirely too much sweet ness wasted on one woman, in her case, in our opinion.' Tier ' ponderosity is as tounding, Nature 'having overdone the job. Monsieur Joseph is the largest man of his size we ever went anywhere to see, and his bigness seems to set well on T a . mm. ii seems irom an we were en abled to learn from ."interviewing" him, that he was born young, and took to growing with such alacrity that the family thought seriously of putting up a house for his special accommodation. But, for tunately or unfortunately, in his boyhood he was "tuck" with the .measles, and it took them' so long to go through him,' that he became discouraged and concluded to dry up-on the grow, and show his present length a lengthy conclusion, to be -sure. lie is quite an artist at least he is credited with drawing a great many houses, which also' might be taken as indicating great strength. He is credited with a length of ninety-six inches from head to heel, and weighs one-fifth of a ton at least. He is a finely proportioned gentleman, a sociable and pleasant talker. and takes 'his hash cooked. The Circas sian beauty looked and talked well, and sold card photographs of herself at two and four bits each. Her willingness to trust our "local" to the amonnt of 25 cents, induced us to believe that the milk of human kindness in : her breast would bust her up, financially, in less than three weeks. (However, the handsomnosity of our aforesaid "local" may have induced the unusual confidence !") Her hair stood on end like "perpetual" porcupine quill: only more so, and of a much finer qualify She looked but we havn t time to go anv further into this subject those who- didn't gaze upon her, lost a big thing in the "look" line. Major Green, of one of the first families of Virginia, 38 inches high, 45 pounds .weight, and 32 years old to a hair pin, is as large as men of his size and age, and is really the smallest giant in the lot, although he seemed to attract the greatest share of attention. He is all that the ,bils" claim for him, ' and seems to be a very pleasant little gentleman. It was a very well attended show, and a great many dollars were taken from this community and transfer red to other pockets. Good bye,-giantess. giant, Circassian and Lilliput--may your journeyings through Oregon be pleasant and profitable. - - i ' Circus. Nelson's South American Hippodrome and Circus, which met with such immense success during an extended engagement in San Francisco recently, and is now performing to delighted audi ences through Southern Oregon, will give performances atllarrisbargon Tues day, the 5th insu, at Brownsville on the Gth, at Corvallis on the 7th, and in this ' city on July the 8th. Of the perform ' ances of the Nelson Brothers the San Francisco Call says : They are wonders of accuracy and neatness. The most apparently impossible feats are, seemingly, to tliem, lite the careless gambols of chil dren, while their strength must be some thing awful. To describe their acts were impossible, as they flash through the air with suft rapidity that one pose is no sooner taken than another follows in the twinkling of afl eye. James Cooke, the Clown, is said to be the most refined and best educated wit on the coast. It is, all through, the best circus that has ever delighted - Oregoniaos. It presents an - array of artists seldom seen .under one canvass. Two performances will bo- giv en on next Friday afternoon and nigbt. .Go early to secure choice of seat. Trie Fourth. As there is to be no general celebration hore on Monday, our citizens generally are looking out for some other pot where the day is to be appro priately honored. The Odd Fellows will have a private, party at Soda Springs, and with croquet and other amusements, will doubtless hare a pleasant time. Some of eur citizens will go to Corvalli ; others, and probably the largest number, will so to Salem, some in buggies and others on the 1. T. Co. 'a steamer, which will leave Messrs. Beach & Monteith's wharf at 5 o'clock M onday morning. Numbers will attend the Southern, Methodist camp meeting in the Forks of the Santiam, or the M. E. Church eampmeeting near Lebanon. Altogether we expect our city will present a deserted appearance on the 4th. Going to Suim. The Salem Fire Companies have extended an invitation to Albany Fire Company to participate with them in the celebration of the Fourth . next Monday. Our boys have accepted. and will start for Salem at an early hour on Monday morning, taking passage on one of the P. Tv Comnanv'a boats. It will doubtless be an enjoyable occasion, as everything has been provided by the citizens of Salem, with their proverbial liberality, to make the occasion a complete success. The "Plus Uslies." will aorjear mm - w Aft during the day, clothed in the habiliments of the ancient and honorable order a big feature of the day. A ball at night will. wind up the day's enjoyment. NEW TO-DAY, Dlscriptlve JLfct CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE ! BT , ' i 'V.. STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Dealers, Albany, Ogn. NEW TO-DAY. District Court. U. S. Marshal, Thos. G. Young, made a flying visit to this section of the country last week, his business being to notify certain gentle men that they had been duly drawn, and were expected to serve as jurors at a term of the U. S. District Court for Oregon, to be held in Portland, July 11th, 1870. Tho following gentlemen were "notified" in this city : W. Monteith, D. Beach, J. II. Foster, S. E. Young, Jno. Conner, S. S. Markham and Chas. Mealey. , Mr. Brassfiold, of Harrisburg, was also includ ed among the representatives from Linn. Wm. Currier & Co At 103, Front street, Portland, have the most complete and stylish stock of clothing and gentle men's furnishing goods to be met with'in the State. It may not be as large as some, but the articles are of better stock and later cut, and. for less price. We know from experience. If you want a - real tasty and well got np suit, at Iot figures, go to Wm. Currier & Co.'s when in Port land. Read their card in this issue. Fingers Sawed Off. From the A'etcs we learn that the son of Hiram Bishop, living near Scio, on Thursday of last week, while working in tb6 saw mill of Donaho & Coffey, fell against the saw, when three fingers of the right hand were taken off and the forefinger sawed through to the bone, though it may pos sibly be saved. : The hand was otherwise lascerated and torn. CITY OP ALBANT : lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, Block 19 good house, Ac. Lota 3 and 4, " 20 ' ' Lot 6 " 24 ' " 4 Lota in " 16 and barn. 4 Lots in " 44 " " Lots 3 and 0, in " 118 no improvements. Lot " 56 " "- Lots 5 and 6, in " -2 good house. 25 feet on First street, in Block 3, with a No. Frame Store-house two stories. Rents for $25 a month. ' Lots 2 and 3 in block 3, with good House and Barn. Price, $800. Lots 1, 2 and 3 in block 6 large dwelling and two stables. Lots 5 and 6 in block 130 good house. Price $7O0. . For particulars apply to ; - J. C. MENDEMIALL, Agent, , 3SI33W FHUVX. . W. H. kcito fc CO., Having Jast received a Large and well selected " -Stock of HARD WARE, BITCH At FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS coKsisnxa, or ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, . ....... Hammers, Hammers, . - . , feledges, Sledges, Sledges, , Sledges, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws. Saws. Saws, nanes, i'lanes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Corss-Cut and Mill Saws Together with a large assortment of IRON AND STEEL Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails, springs, springs, bprings, ! Springs, Springs, Springs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Belts, &C., &c Also, a well Selected Stock ef junll-40 Albany, Oregon. O PS - STx S3 O w PS O 4 Si O a "2 61 O) 8 m I a a 6 5 Insurance. Every business man ac knowledges the benefit arising from in suring against the accidents of fire. One of the companies taking fire risks" on this coast is the Phoenix of Hartford. It takes risks at low rates, and deals equitably and justly with its customers. We ; refer to the advertise ment of this Company in this issue, and ask the attention of those not insured to it.- L. Flinn, Esq., is the agent for this city, to whom applications should be made for policies. All Selected. Mr. Douthitt has completed the selection of lands grant ed by the United States Government to found, an Agricultural College in Oregon. The amount donated was 50,000 acres, all of which has been located in the Tallies of Goose Lake, Lost River, Sprague River, Summer Lake, and one or two other little Tallies. o - (A 5 .. W f M I s 1 & ? I '2 I K i 5 J S fa S 2 C . : ft -t a . i 0 - O rj 20 s r s a e ba a - & mm Putting on Frills. The Seio flour ing mill, Mr. II. L. Turner, proprietor, is to receive an, entire overhauling and re pairing, a large warehouse for storing grain added,, the dan rebuilt and made stronger, aaxi.ot'her improvements made, whioh, when completed, will place the mill among the first in-the State. Eotep- prwe an4 energy wiD meet with due re Dental. Dr. Geo. W- Gray is a su perior Dentist, and will engage to do all work in his line in the most satisfactory manner at moderate rates. Persons hav ing decayed or broken teeth and who dreed the operation of pulling, can dismiss all alarm, as Dr, Gray is fully prepared to extract teeth without giving the patient a particle of- pain. His office is in the Parrish brick, up stairs. . t ' Campmeeting Over in the Forks of the Santiam, commenced yesterday, we believe. Everything in the shape of a vehicle in tho city has been secured for the occasion, and if the weather is not stormy, there will be an immense gather ing on the grounds to-morrow. TJatii "Tubs. We notico that Mr. John Briggs, at the "Old Stove Depot," has a supply of bath tubs, for children's use. . The free use of water, in the way of bathing, among the little folks has saved much sickness and many a doctor's bill. Rain Has been quite "numerous'-' part of the present - week. We merely mention this that the hombre who bor rowed our ambril," without leave, may return it in the same unceremonious manner, v : ' Finishing Lumber. A new saw mill has been erected east of Scio, on the Quartzvillc road, by Messrs. Bryant & Co., in J'White Pine Mountains and several thousand feet of this lumber al ready awaits purchasers. Rr.AfiKRr.MiF8 Now TiDe. are so thick, a short distance from this city that you can shake a stick at them. We think Of trying it, just to see if it can be did! --' Suspended. We are informed that the Scio JVeirs to be suspended for several weeks, as Dr. King intends mak ing Coos Bay a visit on business. , Cattle Sale. J- M. Johns, Esq., of Scio, sold a hundred bead of yearling cattle last week at thirteen dollars; aad a quarter per head. . Picnic The Sabbath School ' at Knox's Butte-will give a picoic on Fri day, Jrly 15th 180. Other Schools in th county are invited to attend, ; bring ing their ow, apeaberav singers,.- etc- Uom one, come au. PS S5 3 m ''a s - o o S. tx 2 E? u f a H j o to O E-i O o a ft. H H 14 to P3 H 0 o s 3. es s tm ' tm e NEW TO-DAY. SPOKES. HUBS. BENT RIMS. SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which we are now offering to the public at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, we can and will keen a better assortment at lower prices than any bouse in tms city. . Or o Receiving and opening a large and splendid assortment of . WOOD AND WILLOW WARS, Which we offer at reduoed rates. W. 11. KTJHN A CO. Ia the Monteith Fire-proof Brick, First-st. - March 12.-70-27 V A. LBOTBEBB. , I. lUIHlUI. A. C A ROT HERS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, . AND DEALBBS II PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, OILS PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods, &c. Our Goods are' FRESH and Q uro PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED. STORE OPEX DA Y ASD KIOJIT. front Street. Albany lAre door below Comtor, fob 12'70-23J Oregon. JOIIA COSHER, Dllltl II GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ft e ' H M H H 0 o- t (K P 0 0 o o H i r ; 0 H 0 OB W Os- es u ' 9 P, . ft mm e es a . u t a " B a w h S n 0 cj 0 IB 0 0 Q H 0 0 n 33 H H . 5' "S. ... s a bx at a tm Cm a o H H H U - u ' 9 9 a c is SB tm V s 9 mm tm B QQ a4 o 03 O , O A H H PS M ? o 3 s M NEW TO-DAY. Boamiii STILL BUSHING "AT; TM K ' JEW JEWELRY STORE J. B. TITUS; Albaavy, '.-;'! - ... .. . m.,t- - :c Orf Oil. . " AOKirr roi m ciumtcD fflerican & Swiss Gold & Silyer Watches Of every description. IMreet Importer of ' . tke Tory best SWI8S .MADE WATCHES. ' Cents ana Ladies 8lsm. " I CnCADLK. ' t. CIUPU. Froat-st., Albany,Oc. 1 12 Clay-sl., Baa Fraa- XI. Cbcadlo LS - Co W1kImI mad lUtall Jma2m ht . . ..;:. ';' 1 . "i .' ' j Groceries ail .leoeral llcrctaiitsi :-" 'I i ;-:-.! - .- -aid , '.-; f rORWACPING A C0HKISSI3U ; JIERCDAHTS. ; THE IINIST 81LKCTION OF JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, , Of all Klads eonstantly on band. Care ef '. bxpiikimo or '. WATOHMS, SPMCTACLSS JSWMIKT ta Fraseface Prices. . . o Bvery Article Wold and. all Repairing . Done, Warranted. ' We claim to keep all - . FIRST QCALIIT GOODS, 14 and at prioes that defy competitloa. A. CeWAH. . A. W. ITAHAKD. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS TIRST STREET.. ..-..ALBANY. , They offer a large and weC -!eoted stock of STAPLE DHY GOODS At Extraordinary Cash or Jtvw Prices In addition to a rry large stock, eorerins; everything; in the line of Cottons, we have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys' and Men's CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ao. Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper Blinds, &.C., Vr. sk Ubm Closed oat at about cost. W tm -. 5" fa S a. w. biogsrs, m. . - Botanic Physician and Snrgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. H IS- I W.ABE, A well Selectad stock now on hand, and will be filled up constantly, and SOLO AT REDUCED RATES. EUONS & SON, ELKINS & SON, EXJCINS &. SON. Lebanon, Oregon. ' Ivcbanon, Oregon. X.ebauou, Oregon. NEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY. . - w I EO N AND STEE L . Tlie best assortment kept in the city, and con stantly reeoiring tresn supplies, E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE Selection of SPRING AND SUMMER 600DS, Imported direct from New York via the Pacific Railroad, and can, for Cash or Produce, give customers bargains equal to any firm in Al bany. AU of our stock M bought at tne LOWEST CASH PRICE. SOLD AT THE LOWEST RATES. Bny of fi RADUATE OP THE PHYSIO-MEDICAL VJT or Curtis College, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Employs in practice neither Mercury, Arsenic, Morphine or any other poison, but relies on such, agents as act in harmony with life, and are en tirely harmless. . . OiriCE In Parrish's brick, orer the post office. Residenee Water street, below Pierce's ferry. Albany, AprU 30, 1870-34 ' W; S. DRIGGS, f CITY NEWS DEPOT, Front street, Albany, Oreg-on. , HAS JUST OPENED A FIRST-CLASS NEWS DEPOT and STATIONERY STORE, Where at all times will be found the latest Peri odicals, Magazines, Newspapers, Books of all kinds, Writing Paper, every variety, all kinds .and sizes of Envelopes, and the most beautiful PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. This stock has been selected with great eare. and none but First-lass articles are kept. Goods received direct from San Francisco by" ercry steamer. Terms moderate. O ire me a call.' ' ' " Vt. S. DBItiOS. -Albany. April 9, 70.-31-ly. ft m The standard remedy for Coughs, Influenza. Sort Throat, WAonpiniy Cough, Croup, Liver Uompiatnt, Jfronehttt, fileedyny of the Jsmtgm, and every affection ei the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. Wlstar'a Balsam does not dry up- a Cough, but loosens it. cleanses the lungs, and a Hay irri tation, thus removing the com of the complaint. Hone genuine nniess signed i. butts, jrrepasea h-r Seta W. Fowle A Son, Boston. ; Sold by Redineton. Hostetter A Co. San Francisco, and by dealers generally. : 41y70 - Iotice. Y WIFE, Amanda Kester, having left my as I nf IT I bed and board, I hereby warn all persons not to harbor or trust her en my account will fay so debts contracted by her. Albany, June 4th, 1870-40w4 L. KESTER- All who want bargains give me a ealL JOHN CONNER. Albany, March 5, 1870-28. DRY w aap m m mm BOOTS & SHOES, GOODS, GROCERIES MACHINERY ! OF ALL KINDS, REP A IBED ' :- ) '. by . BEARD & COLVER. Hardware, Iron and Steel, At ALBA XT ALBANY Wholesale PRICES, PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY PRICKS, PRICE8, and Retell. Headers, Threshers, Mowers, Reapers, SHOULD BE LOOKED TO SOON. ' - ;". ,;: ,... .J Persons having the :; Wheeler & Mellck Endless Cnatn Tlreahers. : ,. ... can have them epaired so they will clean the grain as well as any Thresher, and clean as much as tncir power will tbreen. s Flax I' ants, MADE TO ORDER ONLY. In short, all other Agricultural Machines and implements made and repaired. .. - We are completing arrangements to manufac ture Seed Sowers, Sulkey and Gang Plows, of the best patterns now in ase. Ail work warranted made or tbe best material. . - , . Shop on corner of Washington and Seeond-sts., Albany, Cveeosk. - ' 38m3 May 28 170. ; , nianzsT rnicss paio to EGGS, BUTTER, ETC. Especial attention is directed to out stook of IRON AND STEEL GENERAL HARDWARE Which is the largest and most complete this side of Portland You are invited to call and examine our good: and prices.. ,'....'. . The highest market price in eah paid for - JToI, Bacon and aLard ! by Oct. 30, 1809-8 ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. MARK OOI i TLtm- C, Albany, Oregon ' or It. Gm SsB-Fraaeiseo, Oel. "... , Li torsi advaesoo saado on eeasfnsnesst. kotice to eiiipmss" ' " , I IHTBND DOI a" Generel Ccsiaissi!! Enslnra &JT FRANCISCO, for the purpose of selling All Kinds . ojT Frodnc . that may be consigned to mo to seO. - - 1 LAHIAR CHEADLB, AUbauy, ' Orec Will receive and attend to all orders on nt to he filled in San Francisco. octo-Stf R. CBBADLE, GOODS RECEIVED BX sS-te5t3 whfch will be sold for or TRADE. WHEAT WANTED t -AT- Sixty Cents per Dushel In trade, or os Book aeeounl, ; - For all that may be oflered octy ' R. eHSABLV. A. COWAN A CO. STITZBX. St opro"," : i REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AIP GENERAL' AGENTS. ' BranoH offloe, Albnny, Oregon, JT. C. MENDENUALL, - - Agent, GENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. Established July, 1868. An effiee where Sineral information concerning the resources of regon ean be obtained free of charge. Loans negotiated on first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Securities- Wo hare for sale s large amonnt of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Farming lands, of every des cription, located in Linn and other counties la this SUte. ETC. BET r X T T CIIALLEAGEIt THRESHER H inES' HEADERS ! Mowerar I Reapers And all kinds of Agricultural Implem'ts & SfacMnes ; . On hand and. foe sale by -. BLAIN, TOtTNO A CO., May 28, ?0-8 Albany, Ogn. J.; C. MENDENHALL IN o t a r y . Jtr ttbllc, ALBANY, J : : i : r OREGON. T EG AL INSTRUMENTS OP ALL KINDS JLf made and attested. Conveyances and col- leeuons attended to. , DTJT CHER'S ;. sLightningr. Fly-Killer Is ahead of anything of the kind. , Handy and cheap. Try it. Sold by the Druggists. 42m2 N. B. All persons owing us rlll at one come forward and pay up', so as to begin new aceoants. . : L. ELKINS A SON. Lebanon, April I,f0.-6m34 s,ooo ON THE ELECTION ! Any one who wants to win ean do so by - calling on . 12,. CHILXi& SON, WHO, thankful for past patronage, still in vite tbe attention of Liner eooaty at aL, to' their nneqaaUed steek of . DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINT & VARNISH BRUSHES, rAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ' ALCOHOL, KEKOSBNEy WINDOW GLASS, TRUSSES, FANCY AND' TOILET ARTICLES',- ETC. Agents for Dr. D. Jayno A Son's preparations', II. H. II. Horse Medicines, ete. . . Do you like medicine for its bitter or nauseat ing taste? We bavo that description. - Do yea want the effect with an aromatie taste t ' After takincf a few doses of our Elixir, 'twill bo so Tory pleasant that your prejudices Must surely turn awry, - ' J and the preparation .::; : '.-';.- : n ui lose tne name o" pbyslo. - (but not the effect. . Physicians aat custom as from the country may seat assneea tnao weir eraeca wm be art ly attended to. Viescriptions rarfifallj afid oor- rectiy comoonnaea. ; - Have yon the impolite guest called' a com?' We sell "Com SUyee," which sorely does- tho work. without para. Do yon desire book of any kins', a Gold Penman Album, Stationery or anohT W. S. Driggs-is with ns, for tho aecosnraodatioB of an lavoriag aim wits a caU. Vo yeo, want a tne Wetckv a sat up Jowolrr. cheap or wear f D. TiUns sens the same, voder 1D MSH (Ml. Cocao and aeons. '. BuvaDooS. 'RaaWatch Buy a Pill'. . Boy sometbiBir or nethlnsr. bat oasn and see us, anyway. ; A well sprinkled fieor' and a eool drink of water in tho Onuser, aad a warm store aurronaaee ay- comfortable oaairo fa-winter constantly kept for tie aeeemmedatmn-of aU. Alban7 May 1,4, 'tO-Sf. To the citisens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of Real Estate : We take this method of calling yonr attention to our place of busi ness. Having eeternunea to open a diwks ui fice in yonr eity, we ean efier yon a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by bayers; as It saves tnem muen time ana iaoov in searching for what they want. : Our principal a Miner, at Portland. Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and the office so well furnished for giv ing information upon Real Estate, that it affords the most complete facilities for all parties baring business in our line. ST You incur no expense In placing yoar property on sale with us nniess a sals is made. Umee on f irst streci. opposiw rm-ui. JOHN C. MENDENUALL, Agent. Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1870. 29tf. STITZEL A UPTON, i REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J. C. MESDEKHALL, Agent, - r Oflico First st opposite Post Offloe. Albany, Ogn. rg AVE for" sale m the city of Albany, a deslra- ble HemostMH,- Lote t, t, 7 and 8, corner hint. FAtiCh mnd Clsworth streets, one f the best localities fa tho eity ' A' good one aad half story boose, whs all other eoSveSMaeos. . iippty to MfcJtIrHAt., Agent, i t. : Albany, Oregon "shliv: pictuhc calic.t i BROWNSVILLE, f f f OREGON. HAS BEEjT REFITTED WITH 6KYLIOIIT of tho latest style, and tbe operating room wnn instruments oi -v-i-. . , ; . -..;. STRICT. Y FIltST CLAHM NAKE1 with a choice stock of Materials, Chemicals. Ae.. direct from Philadelphia. Our work shall recent- mena itseii. ' Pictures from Ring to Life sise, at tho lowest prices. -.., , - , Special rani U He a lor taking FamUy Q roups aad' eopying UKt i ictures. t sll, and see specimens. . J. H. TEMPLETON, - , . . . . PETER ML'ME. In the Drug Store will be found a full assort ment of Drugs, Patent' Medicines. Perfumery Paints, Oils, Aei, Ac. Also, Books and Statioa err.- . : 4taW School Books made a specially. - V Dr. Rowland has eharge, aad may be consulted profeesteiially at any time: - - Port OSoe kniWiog, Brown.ll April 2flt 'TO-S3- PETER hJ MB.. v atsnK Mn'.Oesseeray. .'?" H. BABE is my, Leal Agent ounug rry ai-. ; gBfCEL tiEJtWY. Albany, March 118 -28-3. , j A Weekly Newspaper, v ..' i 1 4 I',..'.''..," -'i - v " f 'i . ' i . '. ' , ' 'i . i l Contalnlno; 28 coltuns f mnttor, - IS PTBLI8HED EVERY " SATURDAY, ' ; : . ' In tne City of Ala any, i " i : i-.,. .- , - ;UV ,T" ATT..:ii;-;i,- OO Per jljtmtutttf m advance, , 0ti months., "LOCAL ITEMS" made a SPECIALT, THE IXEOISTlTKIt. JOB , PRIISTTING Firtl etr'eet, (opposite iWrtsa dV Co.'$ sfofo. JSAbs.Tty s i t Oregon. HAVINa very fair assortment of materia we are prepared to execute, with neatness aad dispatch, all kinds of , such as , j .';:.-;,-;;...!' ..It .v.i"".' -iviv'.-."..' Hand-Mis', - - cjtrdt, JBatt Tickets, ' ' ' ', t"ttmpKlefs', Blank " or all lcinti,'- at as low figures a due regard to taste aad good worn-will allow. ."When you want. anytaiag tsv Ue prra4inglini.t call, at the. RxcVTa.Q,oe.v