SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1870. " Subscribers finding an X after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that Dumber, and they are invited to renew their subscription. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; six months, $2 ; three months, $1. LOOJL. AFFAIRS Ratification. The Democracy of this Tieinity, ia view ef the fact that they had succeeded in electing their ticket by such overwhelming (!) major ities throughout the State, concluded to "ratify" with a torchlight procession and the usual etceteras, which conclusion they carried into execution on Saturday night last. The procession, as to numbers, was not much to speak of, in truth rather a slim affair a kind of hurly-fcurly, Without order or shape, in which the juveniles predominated and done the yelling. The affair, such as it was, was led by Chief Marshal, J udge Powers, and the Albany Brass Band. Assistant Mar ehal Arnold, mounted on a fiery steed, done the duty assigned him bravely and Well, lending' additional dignity to the Boeoe by his serene presence. But the big featured the occasion wad the trans parencies, and although much ill-feeling was engendered among Democrats by some of them, yet as "picters" they showed the hand of an artist. Tho one representing Kev. Dr. mil as seated in his buggy driving out of town on the morning of the election to escape voting the county Democratic ticket, although entirely without foundation, yet looked ' plausible to those unacquainted with the facts, that it excited no little com-, ment. The gentleman who carried the transparency got into a "little difficulty during the evening with a fellow Demo crat, which culminated in a knock down. Suffice it to say that, the bitter feeling aroused by these, to say the least, injudi cious transparencies, among Democrats, will not soon be forgiven or forgotten by the gentlemen caricatured or their friends. After the torchlight came the speaking. An immense number of people, Borne of them voters, had gathered on the Court 'House steps, where they were regaled . with burning, red-hot, chain-lightning eloquence from the bedrocker, Mr. Bur nett, of Corvallis, and our own pets, Hon Qo. R. Helm and A. C Our newly elected County Judge, J. J. "Whitney, Esq., refused to take part in the meeting, as he would not thus coun tenance the insults offered to prominent life-long Democrats . by the caricatures carried in the. procession.' Those who did speak done excellently well (we have it from Democrats who can be relied on as knowing of what they assert) and were greeted with considerable -'chin music" The St. Charles hotel and the Court House cupola were each brilliantly light ed up in honor of the occasion. During the-continuance of the meeting good order prevailed, and Republicans mingled with Democrats, enjoying the affair (es pecially the transparencies and the huge procession) with greater zest than Dem ocrats themselves, some of whom had the unqualified impudence to say that the whole thing partook largely of the char acter of a fizzle I The fact of the wholo matter is, the Saturday night "blow out" was as good a "card" as the 'Republicans of Linn county want, and the more fre quent they make them, the better they, will please us. . on Temperance. We are requested to state that Mr. C.Beal, W. C. T-, will lecture on temperance at the fol lowing places, and .be hopes the people will turn out to hear him ; alao, that this notice will be read in the schools and at public meetings: McFarland's school house, Sunday, June 26th. Peoria, Monday, June 27th Church near Boston Mills, Wednesday, Juae 29th. Brownsville, Thursday, June 30th. Banner Lodge, Friday, July let. Sandridge, Saturday, July 2d. Liberty Church, Tuesday, July 5th. Scio, Wednesday, July 6th. Jefferson, Thursday, July 7th. Knox's Butte, Friday, July 8th. On Sundays the lectures will commence ot - 1 i it.. : i nt. v siuca id uw wniwu, aau on other days of the eek at 7 o'clock in the evening the meetings to be public. 1 . Campmeetino in Polk. From Mr, TVra. MoFadden we learn that the Chris tian campmeeting now in progress on the Rick real, - under the charge of Revs Harris and Campbell, is meeting with the largest success. A large number had already experienced a change of heart and been added to the church. On last Sabbath it is thought there were not less than five thousand persons on the oamp ground. - The meeting will continue over to-morrow. Severe AccipENT. Wed nesday af ternoon a young man named Thomas Daniels, in the employ of Messrs. Beach & Monteith, fell from their wharf to the deck of one of the P. T. Co.'s steamers, a distance of fourteen feet, and was severely hurt. ... He was helpine to load the boat with sacks of oats, when the pile of sacks suddenly slid from their position and knocked him from the wharf on to the boat, and, we believe, one of the sacks fell upon him. He fell on his side on the gunwale, and it was feared that he had received severe internal injuries. His physician, however, pronounces him out of danger this morning, and that he will be all right again in a few weeks. Brief Mention. Mr. Wm. Cannon j The Four Wondera., lost a fine cow on Wednesday. Disease Albany, June zist, itwu. "final" complaint. - I Mr. Editor : As I observe in read- Slizht rain-fall on Thursday. 1DS the PPr tno world-renowned City full of Eastern people, all looking Nova Scotia giantess, and the equally for homes among us. famous 1 rench giant, are about to visit River still in fair stage, boats getting us, I take this opportunity to steal a little up as far as Ilarrisburg. time from business matters to give your Politicians getting ready for the Fall readers a short account ot a parlor recep- NEW TO-DAY. fights, so says Dick. s ' Business so-eo. Weather cool and pleasant. V Look out for the "fetfr wonders" next week. ! All a Mistake. Last week we stated that Mr. Josiah P. Settle had been thrown from his horse and seriously hurt, on the road to Lebanon. On last Thurs day- Mr. Setfle came into our office look ing like anything but a man who had his brains knocked out and an arm brok en, and informed us he was not the indi vidual referred to some mistake had been made. We are glad to know and inform Jo.'s friends that he is dound as a dollar, and that no horso has been able to get the best of him up to this time. Another Church. From Dr. Geary we learn that a lot, on the corner of Fifth and Ellsworth streets has been secured, and that early efforts will be made to se cure the necessary funds to erect a new church, to be owned and controlled by the Presbyterians. Success to all such endeavors, say we. Oceanward. Capt. Mouteith and two or three others, left the city the first of the week for the coast. They earricd their eatables, blankets, etc, on pack an imals, and are prepared for quite a so journ on the shores of old ooean. . Received. We welcome to our ex change list the Red Hirer Post, published at Lewisville, Ark., by Smith & Town send. Everybody knows Capt. V. V. Smith, formerly of Linn county, and will be glad to hear that he is publishing one of the soundest Republican journals in Arkansas. Here's our E&, Volney. The following marriage notice recently appeared in the Oregonian : June 8, 1870, by M.: P. Bull, J. P., Me Cham to Ah Choy, Ah Song to Ah Jones, Esq. I Fo, Ah Kang to Foy Quay, Quang Koy I . w a o r l a 1 1 to iujve A.a, ana 3.ti uning to aq unop. Tu-na-mah-a-hi, mo-ping kt tL The concluding line is muchee Chinese, od signifies "compliments of the parties received." -Not the Last. F. M. Wadsworth, Esq., to conviuce us we were mistaken in thinking strawberries had disappeared for the season, on Thursday as we were going to press, brought us in a "mess which he raised in his garden, from seed brought from America. They were de licious, and Mr. W. should call them the Wadsworth variety. He raised more than a bushel of fruit this season from less than 196 square feet of ground. These are undoubtedly the last strawber ries we shall see this season. Found. A small oil cloth sack, con taining clothing and a new testament, a leather pocket-book containing money, 1 After he had finally entered the hall, I tion given by them at the International Hotel, San Francisco, at which I had the pleasure of being present as an invited euest. during mv late sojourn in that city. . Miss Anna Swan, the Nova Scotia giantess, is indeed a perfect living wonder. Weighing 413 pounds without the ap pearance of "squabbiness," 8 feet 1 inch in hit lit by actual measurement, social, sparkling and interesting in conversation, Bhe suddenly rises to move across the room for some little articio, wnen ner Immense proportions darken the air, and you involuntarily catch your breath and mentally ejaculate weljj I'm afraid to euesa what vou would ejaculate. As tor myself 1 was so overawea mar, ror almost the first time in my remembrance, I for- eot for two wholo minutes to say anything. One rascally reporter stood almost dumb in the "presence" until he found an op portunity to make an undignified exit. was found on the Eugene road, two or three miles south of the Boston Mills, and about fifteen miles from this city, on Wednesday, 15th inst. - The said prop erty has been left at this office and the owner can obtain it by proving owner ship. Wild Cherry Balsam. The mem ory of Dr. Wistar is embalmed in the heard him utter, as the door was closing upon him, the simple but comprehensive adjective, "huge !" He survived, and a leading San X rancisco paper the next day contained a glowing account of hi) impressions. The giant, with tue gallantry charac teristic of his countrymen, seeing your humble servant sitting there as a silent simpleton, came oveito the side of the room where 1 had been stationed by the C5 o .5 hearts of thoimanda whom hia Rnkani of usher, and taking a seat upon the sofa, Wild Cherry has cured of coughs, colds, consumption, or some other form of Pul monary disease. aw. Haying. Some of our farmers have commenced haying, others are preparing to open out next week. The general impression seems 'to be that the crop will be equal to former seasons. which trembled under his engaged me in a conversation upon gen eral topics. My tonguo was loosened, and for ten minutes at least I talked, or listened to his praises of our country and its most successful national Mr. Barnum. ' Little Major ureen, the Virginia dwarf, a sprightly little body, less in size than a Bantam rooster, accompanies them as a contrast. A Circassian lady, re- humbug Society. The meeting on markable for her beauty, completes this nt.. wonaenui partv wnose ooiniuir auiuujj us was a buuccbb. iuu tuo I f - . . " Green. Several instances are record- Received, Wood's Household Maga zine, tor June, although late, is quite welcome. . We consider it one of the best ed ol ,at whcre grecnics have been taken and most sprightly of the dollar publica- Q by the "lock game." tions. The only objection we have to it Caught. One of the three prisoners is that it has been very irregular of late, that escaped from the Multnomah county and one or two numbers have missed us jail the other day has been captured.; entirely. " ' . Brooms. Mr. Belding makes a splen did broom, at lower rates than the same quality of broom can be shipped here and sold at, and the people appreciate the fact. Support home industries first, and thus build yourself up. Campmeetino. The Methodist camp- meeting, which commenced last week, in the neichborhoed of Brownsville, was still in session at last accounts. We heard no particulars. Fourth or July Is expected to pass Sewing Tuesday evening church was benefitted by several dollars. Lively. Messrs. Blain, Young & Co. sold over 84,000 worth of agricultural machinery in one day last week, and it was not a good day for maohines either. sheet. vve hear ot tno sale ot a small band of sheep, effected a few days since, at $1 50 per head. bHOO JfLY la the name to be given to the new boat now in course of comple tion by the P. T. Co. The new steam engine Tor the Albany Warehouse is of seventeen horse power. Financial and Commercial Gold in New York 112. Legal tenders 89, 8990c. From San Francisco we get thefollow- iog reports : Flour firm, with local de mand ; superfine $4 505 50 j extra, ?6 12ti 25. Oats quotable at 1 65 1 95. Potatoes, new, at $1 80(5)1 90. Corn, yellow, 81 37 J. Prices for wheat here are unsettled. We have heard of seventy five cents be- about eight miles south of this city, but ln5 "J 1 will visit all the towns south of ns to the P"oaouuy o, an aavance on mis ngure. (.i;rnrn;. ;i Produce generally remains at former will be hailed with pleasure by all who can sro to see them. I was honored on another occasion by a special invitation to visit the giant at his parlor. I complied, and spent a half hour in a very engaging conversation with him upon his travels. Especially upon the Pacific Railroad and his views of our country, which he styles superb magnificent, grand, with all the politenoss and eclat w sixteen little renohmen, did he grow eloquent and interesting. lie is over eight feet bigb, of excellent proportions and dignified -demeanor, and receives company in lull military dress. 1 also had the pleasure ot several social interviews with Miss Anna fewan and the Circassian lady, at one of which the little Major and their business manager were present. Repartee, sense and nonsense composed our conversation on such'occa- sions, while the time was made profitable to me at least in making a Fancy dress for Miss Anna, which you may all have an opportunity to see her wear at a pub lic reception before many days in Albany. 31 us. V. One hundred and forty-one thousand cigars were made in one week at the penitentiary at Joliet, Illinois. NEW TO-DAY. ELKmS & SON, ELKINS " & SON, EX.KINS & SON. Lebanon, Oregon:. Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. NEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY. line, as special arrangements have been made to that effect. quotations. Fixino Up. The large fine ware house on the bank of - the Willamette liver in the Eastern portion of the city, recently purchased by Mr. E. Cartwright for a California Company, is being fitted up with a new cupola, and engine-house and engine, etc, to be ready to receive the inooming flax crop of Linn county. When these improvements are finished, it will be the oompletest establishment of the kind in Oregon. Blackberries. Ripe blackberries have made their appearance in our mar ket. They are said to be plentiful. Cherries are abundant and can he had at 50 cents per gallon. U. S Laws. We eive our readers this morning, in supplement form, a por tion of the lawa passed by the setond session of the forty-first Congress. Other supplements will be issued as fast as the laws reaoh us. To be Lengthened. The Enterprise says the Fannie Patton is to be with drawn from the trade shortly, placed in the dry dock and lengthened nineteen feet, which will make her 150 feet long. T Tue Bain. The rain-fall a fow days since was much more abundant in the neighborhood of Brownsville than here abouts,' and was a big ,thing for the crops. Wool. Considerable wool has found its way into market during the week. Parties here are paying 22 cents per pound for the article. ' Religious. Religious services will be held at the College Chapel on next estants met at Boston on the 14th Sabbath, at -11 o'clock A. M., -and 71 o'clock P. M. All are invited. " , FLY-KiHER,--See another pjac. , advertisement in - Personal. Dr. E. B. Stone and family left us on Wednesday for Salem, where he proposes to take up his resl dence. ... , . " . ' Rial Estate. See ; new . additions made to real estate offered fofale to this city by J. C. Mendenball, Esq. For particulars inquire at hia office. Hooa.- The two flouring mill compa nys here have purchased lately a large number oT hogs, which they will fatten I winter market, Illinois boasts of a canine population of 300,000 live dogs. Every advantage is offered to the" hydrophobia. The vote of Ada county '(Boise City) in the late eleotion was bis .Democratic, and 339 Republican. This is a consid erable reduction as compared with the vote of former elections. A wag wrote on the back of a fat alder man "Widened at the expense of the corporation." An exchange Bays thai "in the absence of both editors, the publisher -succeeded in seourtng the services of a gentleman to edit the paper that week. A liquor law has finally - passed the Massachusetts Legislature, excluding the sale of wines, and permitting that of 'ale ana lager. A collision occurred on the Indianapo lis and Cinoinnatti Railroad on the 14th, killing one man and injuring several ohers. ' ' - r';-"- . ' Dayton claims to have a population of 42,000, and sets Columbus down at 36,000. Several citizens of .Cambridge City, Indiana, have been expelled from church for danomg. , "Christadelphians" is the title of the latest new sect. The members live at Jefferson, Ind. The grand Lodge of American Prot The word "white" is to be stricken from their Constitution. W. H, Greenwood shot and killed Alexander Fleming, at Parker's Landing, near Pittsburg, because the latter would not keen away from the formers' sister when told to. Henry Overton, of Dalton, Georgia, aged eighty-five, has gone to Van Burea, Tennessee, to 'see his father, aged one hundred and thirteen. Henry lost his mother when he was only seventy years of age, There are thousands of aores of land about Corinne, Utah, that are open to pre emption entries. A Danvers man sold 83,000 worth of sage seed last year at $10 per pound Boy of "FiTh: Ins cf3 DRY GOODS, BOOTS A SHOES, GROCERIES, Hardware, Iron ami Steel, At ALBANY; ALBANY PRICES. PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY PRICKS, PRICES, Wholesale and Retail. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS, BUTTER, ETC. ETC. m B ft ft- H; fi ; w 0 0 (4 $ (11 ft 0 0 o o (9 B' a 0 H 0 o d (3 0 - W '5 a. es u o es o a ei V 3 s s w u i A . a m a 3 f aa u a tt S be a 13 5 4 m 9 n t - NEW ' TO-DAY. BUSINESS l STILL RUSHING ii cnBar.s. ' au csbamji. Froot-st., Albany, Ogn. 1 120 Clay-it., San Iranr- , lo, California. at t a NEW JEWELRY TORE J. D." TITUS, Albany, - - - ' - Oregon. -AQBST FOR THB OILUUTID American & Swiss Gold & Silrer Watches Of every description. Direct Importer of the - Tory belt SWISS MADE WATCHES. Gents and Ladles SUea. R. Choadlo tb Go 0 0 a d 3 8! 0 0 R 9 a e er H - H - o . C u 9 . as o S3- a e OR 5 OQ a p o O Pa, (A EH THE FINKST JEWELRY AND Of all Kinds constantly on band SELECTION OF FANCY Q00DS, KKPAIKINO Of WATCHES, SPECTACLES JEWELRY ''"' AT. San Francisco Prices. Bvery Article Hold and all Repairing Done, Warranted. - I We olaim to keep all ' TIEST QUALITY O00D8, 14 " and at prioei that defy competition. A. COWAS. A. W. STASAKD. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET....... ...L.ALBANY. They oBor a large and weL elected stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS At Extraordinary Low Prices ron Cash or " Produce I In addition to a very large stock, corering ererything in the line of Cottons, we hare a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS Latest styles of Boys' and Uen'a CLOTHING aM FURNISHING GOODS ! HATS, CATS, BOOTS. 8H0K3, Ao. ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. J Wholesale aad Retail Dealers in. Groceries ant leneral' Herciaiilss r FORWARDING k COHSIISSI0R. IttEIXCnANTH. ref MARK GOODS r. T-i- O., Albany, Oregos ; er H,. O-o San .Fraaeisee, Oeii Uheral 'advaneee aaade an ooMifaaai NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. I INTEND DOIX A General Commission Business IN ' STST FRANCISCOa for the purpoee ef selling All Kinds of Produce that may be consigned to me to eelL ; LAMAR CUCADLII, jSQtoany, Oreeotx, Will receive and attend tTatl orders oa me to ho filled in San Francisco. oct-5tf B. CUBADLH. -GOODS RECEIVED BT Every Steal which will be sold for CASH or TH-A.rIfi A 1. O Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper Blinds, &c, &C. & Xdaoa WASHIXCSTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., Especial attention is dirocted to out stock of . IRON AND STEEL AND . GENERAL HARDWARE ! Which is the largest and most complete this side or rortiana. , You are invited to call and examine our goods and prices. The highest market price in eah paid for Wool, Bacon and Lard ! by' Oct. 30, 1SB9-9 Sixty Cent t per Bushel in trade, or on Book aeeonal ; For all that may be ofTbreil oct5 R. CHXADLK. A. COWAN A CO. OF SEW YORK. 1TI7"E HAVE JP8T RECKIA'ED A CHOICE f Selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Imported direot from New York Tia the Pacific Railroad, and oan, for Cash or Produce, give customers bargains equal to any arm in Al bany. AU of our stock Is bougbt at me LOWEST CASH PRICK. S. B. All persons owing us will at once come forward and pay op, go as to begin new aooonnts. L. KLEINS A BOX. Lebanon, April 1, T0.-6m30 , A, CAROTBBRS. a. lALTUARIB. A. OAROTBBRS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, 1 DBALBRS II PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, OILS ' PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods, AcJ Onr Goods are FRESH and "7V A3c3ctxx1;ec3L DE"xxxc3 STITZSL & REAL ESTATE UPTON, BROKERS, GENERAL AGENTS. Organized, 18GO. BranoH o ff i o o , Albany, Orcg-on, J. C. MENDENHALL, - - Agent, aTf ENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. IT EsUblisbed July. 1868. An office where general information concerning tbe resources of - Oregon can be obtained tree or cnarge. Loans negotiated en first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Securities. We haro for sale large amount of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Farming lands, of erery des cription, located in Linn and other oounties in this Btate. Policial Exempt from Execution. Cash Assets, - - $3,000,000, SECURELY INVESTED. OTBR 31,000 MEMBERS. PURE LY MUTUAL. To the citixens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of Real Estate : We take tbis met bod of calling your attention to our place of busi ness. . llaring determined to open a ISranoa Of fice in your city, we can offor you a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by bnyers, as It saves them muctt time ana labor la searching for what they want. Oor principal Agency, at fort tan a, Oregon, is tnorougbly es tablished, and tue office so well rurnisbed for riv ing information upon Real Estate, -that it affords the most complete facilities for all parties having business in our line. ' HSf Tou incur no expense in placing yonr property on sale witn us unless a sale is made. Otn.ce on first street, opposite fost-omee. JOHN C. MENDENUALL, Agent. Albany, Ogn., March 33, 1870. 29tf. STITZEIt UPTON1, REAL ESTATE BROKERS C. MENDENUALL, Agent, Office First' at opposite Poet Office, Albany, Ogn, HAVE for sale in the eity of Albany, a desira ble Homestead, Lota 1, 2, 7 aad 8, corner ! Third. Fourth and Elsworth streets, one tf tho best localities in the eitv. A good one and (half story bouse, with all other conveniences. Apply to J. C. MENDENUALL, Agent, Albany, Oregon Dividends paid one year from date of Policy. - All Policies and Dividends Non-Forfeit-able. - , W II EAT WANTED !. A WnuT Nzwspapkry Containing- M column ef mattor, PUBLISHED BTERT SATURDAY In tba CUj of A1T ! -' ...... '. ..:-.! j :. 1ST ADTAJfCEi. 0O 81a aoaais.... 'LOCAL ITBMS" made a flPICIALTT THE REGISTER JOB PRINTING Pint (rest, (oopon'fe ParrUX C.i esore, - AAXf!k.Xi.3r t t s Oregon, Orcr 8,000 Policies in I860. ned PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED j STORE OPEX HA 7 AXJ KIQHT. front Slrtel. tfirtt doori httoto Coimor'i, Albany, feb 1270-231 Qregon THIS COMPANY POSSESSES A COMBI nation of desirable features which no other organisation can claim. Its growth has been steady, its snoeest marked. Its system ef busi ness is pre-eminently adapted to benefit the hold ers of its Policios. M'KENNEY & LMDERMAN, General Agents, 131 Montgomery atreet, Ban Franoisep, directly opposite Occidental Hotel, W, WHITWELL, General Agent for Oregon and Territories, PORTLAND, OREGON. Xovt 0, -y ,' v "STAR" PICTURE GALLERY! BROWNSVILLB, t : : OREGON, HAS BEEN REFITTED-WITU SKYLIGnT of tbe latest style, and tbe operating room with instruments of - STRICT!, Y FIKSTCIiAM MAKBI with choice stock of Materials, Chemic direot from Philadelphia. Our work shall recom mend itself. A 4. Pictures from Ring to Life se, at the lowest prices. t.v;- Familv Gronps aad gOldPictares. Calle. semens. PETER I1UMU. In tbe Drug Store will "be found a full aasorU ment of Drugs, Patent .Medicines, Perfumer, Patau! OU.r. ; AUo, Boek.d SUtioa- el- School Books made a specialty. " - Dr. Rowland haa eharge, and may bo consulted professionally at any time Poet Office building,Browneville, Oregon. " April 20, '70-83 PETER HUME. To Whom it May Concern i H. BABER is my Legal Agent daring vy absence. SAMUEL DENNY. Albany, MaroU 15, 1870.-2.8-3w, HAVING a very fair aortment of material we are nroparod to oaoeate, witk acaaaosf aad dispatch, all kinds of ' , nek a ' - " ' '' Hand-biffs,' 1 . Proqrammat, ; , Jiill-heaJi, . Crd$, Bull Tickets, PamphhU, - Labels, Blanhs, of all Uinl at as low flsores as a dec regard to tact and good work will allow. When yo want anything (n .:4l. U.s, as.11 eat Kaa K tfliml hinM. tfXm prUIVlU Va ew T 'T'.-T- "! vTI T r l