V. S. Official Paper for Oregon." SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1870. nmre-yr 'Bruin mrifrang , Latest News. From tlie feest iufor-. cjatiou at hand as we go to press, wo will fcavc a little over three hundred majority, in the valley and coast counties, to pit against the eight hundred and odd ma jority received by Stnhh in the Eastern counties two years ago. The Republican majorities are : Marion 300, Multnomah 410, Clackamas 67, Yamhill 22, Wash ington lS5,Clatsop71,UentoD 25 1,040. Tillamook, Coos and Curry may possibly augment this majority 150, which would give us a total ot 1,190. The Democrat ic majorities 3re : JLinn 244, Laue 220. Douglas 40, Josephine 40, Jackson 250, Columbia 11, 1'olk 40 S45. Nothing definite habecn receired from the coun ties oast of the mountains, bnt the proba bilities are that the Democratic majorities Tvili reach five hundred, which will elect the ticket by a small majority. - In the Legislature we haye twenty members of the House and nine of the Senate, so far as heard from. We may secure a member from Uuiatilla.and the Grant delegation.. - . . Result. Contrary to tha expectations of those who ventured their tvto dollar gold and a half pieces on the success of the Republican State ticket on Monday l ist, Democratic seems to have beeu the fa vorite ticket from some unexplained cause. In fact the Democracy claim to have majorities ranging all the way from 350 to 800. AVc arc rather inclined to the opinion, from the news that has reached us, that this cla:m of our political ene mies is pretty well founded. The major ities ma; be smaller than the siuallestor larger than the largest claimed, as, from the way we are informed Democratic jutJges and clerks of the election, in some counties, performed their duty, no major ity is too large for them to attain. They went in to vri'u, no matter at what cost. If the reports of the outrageous and unwar ranted conduct of Democrats having charge of polls in some of the comities east of the mountains prove true, we shall not be surprised- to hear the major ities they now claim more than quadru pled when the full rcturus are received. There is a slight hope that Jo. Wilson may be elected to Congress, but it is more because we wish it than for figures to show for the faith that is in us. If it proves on a full count that wc have lost Judge Wilson, then we have only elected the Judge of the District, R. P. Roise. With the loss of Douglas county our hope for the Legislature vanished in thin air. As near as we can remember, with out mincing matters, we are radically beaten, and our only consolation is to be found ia the hope that two years hence wj will return the compliment, only in a more radical and decisive manner. We ,are beaten but not disheartened. ELECTION RETURNS. Following is the vote polled in Linn county on Monday, taken from the poll- books as certified to by the judges and clerks of the different precincts. As we have not time this week to give them in tabular form, we merely give the inajorir ties : STATE TICKET. For Csngress Jas. H. Slater 244 ma jority. For Governor L. F. G rover 2C5 ma jorit. . Secretary of State S. F. Chadwick 201 majority. Treasurer L. Flcischner 316 majoiity. Priuter T. Patterson 260 majority. JUDICIAL TICKET. For Judge of the 3d. Judicial. District B. F. Bon ham 265 majority. - For Prosecuting Attorney N. L. But ler 354 majority. COUNTY TICKET. For State Senators R. II. Crawford 247, and E. Holt 255 majority. For Representative's Geo. R. Helm 244, W. F. Alexander 240, Thos. M lin kers 255, John Ostrander 246, Wm. S. Elkins 242 majority. For Judge J. J. Whitney 196 ma jority. For Commissioners Martin Payne 229, James heeler 241 majority. For Sheiiff R. A. Irvine 280 major ity. For Clerk A. C. Jones 89 majority. For Treasurer Jas. Shields 253 ma jority. School Superintendent T. J. Stites 214 majority. Assessor Jas. B. Spcrry 244 majors-Surveyor Thos. Riggs 242 majority. Coroner Wm. Q. Stewart 248 majority. It is unnecessary to remark in this connection that all the above named gen tlemen aie Democrats. A San Francisco dispatch says the recently arrived party of Bostonians, re turning from a sail around the harbor, which did not extend to Yallejo, repair ed in mass to Laodberger's champagne cellars where Arpad Ilarathzy spent two hours in explaining the complete process of champague making in all its stages. None of tho party drink intoxicating liquorsrbut 100 bottles of champagne were consumed in illustrating the con dition of the wine rn its various stages. The St Joseph (Mo.) Herald is appar ently not very well satisfied with the Governor of that State. Understanding that ho is making some efforts for a re notnination, it remarks that "although he is acknowledged to be the best, greatest and most brilliant Governor Missouri ever had or ever can have, yet almost all of the people in its part of the Stale have made up their minds- to submit to the sorrow of attempting to get along with out his valuable services after this year." Congressional. Hale's amendment, making exemption. of $2,000 was adopted by 138 to 52. Judd's amendment, to confine the tax to invested capital, and Putter's amendment that the income tax cease after 1870, wero rejected. Fenkle burg's amendment was adopted, limiting allowauce for house rent to S500. Brevities. The age of reason that in which yot always give one. Grit is better in the character than be tween the teeth. The person who had a finger in the pie ws a cook. The man of iron will has gone into the foundry business. ' ; Never eat a " square meal." You may choke in trying to swallow it. If silence is wisdom, why isn't laziness ability? - Eating house keepers are accustomed to see pnople with open countenaucea. A prominent Rad in this city cats radish regularly at every meal. The inner man '" is often hinted at in accounts of banquets.' ; Who is he ? Chinese tailors never observe the fit ness of things or at least of patrons. The man who kept a steady eye to bus:ncss for several years squints badly. The man whose, belief was staggard is thought to have previously taken some thing. . - . Tom Hood says that all bald men are respectable.' The roll of respectables in this coiintry must then be gratifying by large. Angling doesn't pertain exclusively to fishermen. Politic-tins, wife hunters, clergymen and many others, high and low. practice it as regularly.as cocks crow or duns dun. The committee of Congiess on Re trenchment has discovered that during our civil war, and while we were assisting the Mexican Government to drive awuy its foreign invaders, that same Mexican Government was carrying on a systematic plan of smuggling goods to and fro along the border, taking cotton into Mexico and in return supplying the Confederates with arms and ammunition. -There has been a gTeat deal of false sympathy wasted on "this so called "Republic of Mexico," and the good turns donetthem by our people have be-in repaid with evil. People who have returned from a residence in Mexi co, declare that the people of that coun try manifest their hostility to Americans whenever opportunity offers. Uncle Sam will have to teach them one more lesson, which will prove a lasting one. The Chevalier ship canal project, for constructing a canal through the Isthmus of Darien, is likely to meet with a back set. It appears that the United States Government has a prior franchise from Nicaragua, obtained by a treaty signed by Mr. Seward in 1867, and one which the Niearaguans could not Fell a second time. ' This is the only franchise worth having in their dominions f and they ap pear determined to make the most of it, by selling it over and over again to who ever will purchase" "The Chevalier sale is said to be the fourth one on record. Agrand hotel is to be built in the Yo seuute valley, facing the Bridal Veil falls, bjjt .company of French .and English capitalists It i supposed that a large French bouse in San Francisco is inter ested". A large force of men are likewise at work, on the Mariposa aud Yosemite turnpike. This road is expected to be f.oished by the middle of July .next Travelers . then will only have twenty miles of horseback riding to" reach the valley. J...Q' - ; - ' T ; - The new Constitution of Illinois pro vides that 'f every person ".who obtained a certificate of natarlization before Jan. I, 1870, shall be entitled to vote, and as tbe- Naturalization laws atkuit of the naturalization of women, there arehose w!o contend that such women can vote nader this clause. -, Incosim. The rate of taxation ob iu cnaies is reduced from five per cent, .to three, and all incomes below twothou Fii dollars are exemct frouj tsxation. The Orkgon Railroad. The Marys villo Standard of May 21st says : Wurk progresses rapidly on the line of the Cali fornia and Oregon Railroad. Four hun dred and forty laborers are at work, and iron rails were laid, on the 19th instant, within one mile and a quarter of Nelson's Station V- and the grading completed about a mile north of this point. Rut notwithstanding the rapid progress, the V will bt finished so as to enable passen ger traius to run to Nelson's before next Thursday or Friday. There yet remains about six mile3, which are partially gra ded, and one mile not broken. The pile driver was removed, on the 19th instant to the slough (branch of Butte creek), and it is anticipated that a passenger train will enter Chico on or befure June 15th. Remedy Foh Poisons. If any poison is swallowed, drink instantly a half a glass of cool water, with a heaping tea poonful each ot common salt and ground mustard s'tirred into it. This vomits as soon as it reaches the stomach. But for fear that seme of the poison may remain swallow the white of one or two eggs or drink a cup of hot coffee these two be ing antidotes for a greater number of poisons than any other dozeu of articles known; with the advantage of their being always on hand ; if not, a pint of sweet oil, lamp oil, drippings, melted butter or lard, are good substitutes, especially if they vomit quickly. i , i f The editor of the Mobile Reyixter re lates that when ho was in Washington, in the spring of 1861, as one of the Confederate Commissioners to Mr. Lin coln's Administration, he met Ger. Goicououria, with a puzzled smile on his face. As they grasped hands, he said: "You are very queer people in this coun try. Here you are in the South in a revolt against the Washington Govern meet, and I find you a reprcsetantive of the pronunciamenlo, quietly walking the principle avenue of the capital of the power against which you have rebelled Why are you not in prison? Why don't they garrot you?" City of Mexico dates to June 1st have been received, and report- the Guaymas revolution ended for the pres ent. '- -; " ' ' ' -v.; " ! Violent earthquakes have occured in the State of Oaxaca, Trad in" the" city or that name 103 persons were killed, and 53 wounded. One third of the city is uninhabitable. The earthquake extend ed to the miners where 1 1 persons were killed and many wounded. Buildings in all parts of the State are destroyed. There is a family of nine brothers aud sisters in- Maine whose circle has never been entered by death. The youngest is now sixty-three- and the oldest seventy nine, and their united age is C61 years. They have eighty children, 114 grand children and fifteen great grandchildren. The Showhegan Reporter is responsible for all these statements. i The news of a recent massacre of Jews in Roumania, received in this country, is disbelieved in London. The Continental News Agency of that city deny that any such massacre has ooeurred. , , . i ' The debate on Beck's amendment, taxing Government bonds was very sharp prii.cipally between Geueral Butler, Ikck and Eldridge in favor of, and Schenck agaiiibt. The latter denounced the proposition as flat reupdiation. Twe: ty niue Republicans, among whom was Sargent, voted in the at5ro.ative. Gen. Espartero is credited with saying that he will refaec the crown of Spain, even if tho Cortes offers it to him. Horace Greeley was reported very ill on Monday, and serious fesri were enter tained of L!ecovery.. Female Employment. The Paris ian dry goods employers decline hiring the female clement, on tho ground that shopping is done nearly entirely by fe males, who prefer to purchase of males, as woman have litt'e confidence ia wo men, and that an adroit salesman can pass off upon women the wor.it merchandise where women would fail. This is an assertion which the woman's rights loiks ought not to allow to go forth un contradicted. - Bleeding ffoin the nose is always re garded as an unwelcome event, yet in the opinion of Dr. Hall, it always is benefi cial, preventing headache or more seri ous illness, and sometimes arresting apoplexy or sudden death. Therefore it t-hould be immediately arrested, by applying a mustard plaster between the bhouldcrs. In one of our large cities, a short time, ago, a Western editor was met by a friend, who taking him by the hand, exclaimed ;'"I am deligh'ed to see you. ilow long are you going" to stay ?" 'Why, I think'' said the editor, -I shall stay while' my money lasts." "Ilow disappointed I am, " said the friend, "I hoped you were going to stay a day or two." . "Dr. Mar Walser," says a - Brenham (Texas) paper, "made her debut in the court-house to lecture upon her .favorite theme, the equality of the sexes. Only one lady was in attendance. The speak er. after a lew preliminary remarks, be came so offensive predicting that, in the social and -political development of the age, ladies in the South would soon think nothing of marrying negro men. and especially those who had been eleva ted to official positions that at this part of the programme four fifths of the au dience left in disgust.. The door keeper, too, having imbibed in too much 'tangle foot,' was about this time non est inven tus, and there was ' a general 'confusion worse confounded.'" An analysis nfthevotein the Houre on the proposition to abolish the income tax, shows that thirty Republicans and twenty eight Democrats voted for, and one hundred and nine Republicans and seventeen Democrats against. Advices frotujllome report a violent scene in in the Council between Bishop Marvel and Cardinal- Bells during the discussion on Infallibility. The bitter lanzuaze created much excitement. ; A man said the only reason why his dwelling was not blown away in a late 8 tor ni was because there was a heavy tuortajre on it. i Miss Clare Burton, a jig dancer now performing at the Adclphi Theatre, Boston, is not only a very exemplary lady,' but also a member of a church. The meanest man in the world lives in Chicago.' He stole his wife's-false teeth, and then got a divorce on account of her "physical defects." "- S - , T- ' ' j " A San Fraucisco correspondent writes : " By the last Panama boat there arrived a lady whose life is the centre of a cen tury's tragedy a lady whoso constancy and devotion will be the theme of future homes, and far eclipso the fame of fabled Penelope. ..' A cruel rumor, started some month ago, by a city paper, that a waif had drifted ashore near San Diego, con taining mementos of the arctic heroes, reached ber at Rio Janeiro, and so she hastens to San Franciseo distance, fa tigue, age, all forgotten, in the wild hope that the sea may have, revealed rne of its sorrowful . secrets. Poor . lady t Eighty years old; twenty years desolate; still clinging with, a heartsick longing to the idea that the ocean will yet tell the mystery of the past. " . It has turned out as we surmised some time asro in rcjrirtl to the management of the election in Wat-co county. The Dem ocrats had every judge and clerk of elec tion in the county. They were prede termined to use their power, and did use it. irst, they ' refused on the most trivial and unfounded protest to receive votes. Men were ruled out who had the most undoubted, lawful right to vote. No Uepublican was allowed to be inside where the votes were received, an.dt";:afier tho polls were cl sod the canvassers delib erately threw out a large number of votes I his was the manner in which the '-election " was conducted. Persons who were at the Dalles on that day state that the Kepubl'carjs would not have been al lowed to carry the county if there had been two hundred more of them who weic legally entitled to vote. They who " managed" the thing were resolved-to succeed in their purposes at all hazards. We "shall be much mistaken if a Con gressman or a Senator, ' elected " by a fraud of this description. will ever obtain the seats they covet." Orejniu'au. : : j The new constitution of Illinois, which is about to bo subu'itted U a vote of the people, contains restrictions upon taxation and State and municipal expenses which are quite as stringent as the similar re strictions in the constitution of Oregon. The credit of Illinois, in case the cm.sti turinn is adopted, cannot be pledged be yond the amount of $250,000, without an express vote of the people to that effect, except in cases of invasion or insurrection. The debts of counties, cities and towns are limited to five percent, of the taxable property therein. The State is forbidden to pay. assume, or becomo responsible for the debts or liabilities of, or in any manner give,, loan, or extend its credit to, or in aid of, any public or other cor poration, association, or individual." The same prohibition is extended to municip altics. but is to be the subjec of a sepa rate vote. ExperiTie in Illinois has shown that restrictions of this sort are necessary to iht public welfare. Oreja-tiiaii. The Linn County Teachers' insti TCTE Was attended by a fair represen tation of the citizens of the county, and was characterized with unusual interest. Tho addresses delivered by Rev. E. R. Geary and Rev. Mr. Butcher were able and instructive. The discussions were marked with a irenerousgood feeling, and with a zeal that showed an earnestness in the couse of education. A new Consti tution was adopted, changing tho name to the Iji'mi County Editcutional Society. I he principal object of tho Society, ac cordinr to the Constitution, is to furnish opportunities for free exchange of opin lous amon its members concerning school government, disputed points in any branch of education, different text books, and all other subjects calculated to promote the cause of education. The following reso lutions were adopted, some of which called forth spirited discussions. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Institute, that the clause in the school law, requiring Teach ers to give public examinations on the last days of each quarter, and iuvitini; the County School Superintendent Id bo present should be abolished. Re.ficeil, That the school law should be so amend ed. as to make it the duty of the directors of school districts, to levy such tax upon the property of their districts, as may bc necessary to enable them to make, such provision for schools and school houses, as is now required bv the law. Resolved, That the reading ot the Bible should not be prohibited in our common school Res'lied, That the thanks of this Society lie tendered tc Kev. E. 11. Geary and Rev. Mr. Butcher, for interesting and ex cellent addresses : and also to Miss Mary Williams, Mr. F. M. Gray, Miss Alice Gray and Mr. II. C. Phillips, for the readinjr ot essays ; and also to the citi zens of the vicinity, for their kind and generous hospitality. The officers for tin! next sesssion, were chosen to fill the following places; Rev. E. R, Geary. President; J. V: Crawford, Vice Presi dent; N. II. Clayton. Secretary; Mr. Silsrn and J. W. Mack, Executive Com mittee. Adjourned to meet, July, 1871, at Leabanon. Harmony Church. Jims 6th, 1870. T. L. Po.jter, Sec. - NEW TO-DAY. J. . Bentfey. GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS MACE TO ORDER on abort notice, and with neatness and dis patch. jMr- JO.I Rinds of Repairing Done. - Albany, June 11, 1870 40 Disc rip tive LI t or -.. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE I sy STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Dealer r, Alt any, Ogc. NEW TO-DAY. JE I T T S 9 CHALLENGER THRESHER! OAUVES' HEADERS! Mowers I Reapers I And all kinds of Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines On hand and for sale by ; : BLAIN, YOUNG CO., My28t'70-38 Albany, On- MACHINERY ! OF ALL KINDS j Ifc E X JS. IRED! : by BEARD & COLVER. Personal Our old townsman, J. IS. Sprcngcr, the popular and energetic pro prietor of the Cosmopolitan Hotel ol' Portland, called on us Friday morning His hosts of friends here were tleased to see hi in looking so handsome and happy. The Cosmopolitan in Jake's hands 'is do inii a land office business. " Success to Jake. Changed Hands. The grocery cs tablishment lately known as F. M. Red field Si Co'., has changed hands, and is now owned by Mr. Du Uois, whose card will be fund iu today's paper. This gentle man proposes to kei-p good the fWuter reputation of'this house, and invites all old customers to call upon hiiu and as nianv new ones as will. We can recommend him as a prompt busiucss man. Flattering The vote polled for Geo. R. Helm, Esq., is very flattoiing ! indeed, considering I lie great exertions in certain quarters (by Democrats) made to defeat hiiu. CITY OP ALBANY : Lots 1,2,7 and 8, Block 19 good bouse, Ac. Lota 3 und 4, " 10 " " Lot 6, 24 " ' 4 Lots in IB bouso and barn. 4 Lots in 44 , Lots 3 and 6, in " 118 no improvements. Lot 56 " " ' Lota 5 and B, in ' 2 good bonse. 25 feet on First-street, in Block 3, with a No. I Frame Store-bouse two stories.' Rents for $25 a month. For particulars apply to J. C. MENDEM1ALL, Agent, junll-40 ' Albany, Oregon. o pa t-3 - H O J a - o H b 6 o ST 0 i 3 fc CO I 3 fcD O u a H 0 Ess is 3 CO 9 . fa o is o ft ft c 0 a o . o - a & lYoticc Y WIFE, Amnnda Kester. havintr lsfc my bel and (xianl. I iierdliy warn all pers ni nut to h.-irbnr or trut ter n niy account, as I will pay no dt:bt3 coutrattjd bv her. L. KESTER. Albany, June 4ih, 1ST0 ivti Headers, Threshers, Mowers, Reapers, SHOULD BE LOOKED TO 600N. ? Persons bnviog the Wheeler & MeUck lindles Chain Threshers, - can bare them repaired so Ihey will clean the grain as well as any Tbresbor, and Uean as mo.cn. as their power-will threh. - Flax Fans, MADE TO ORDER ONLY. In short, all other Asricnhural Machines and implements made and repaired. . - We are completing arrangements to manufae ture Seed Sowers, Sulkey and Uung Plows, of tha best patterns now in ae. jpkf All work wai rutted made of tbe best material. Shop on corner of Washington and Second-s:s Albany. Oregon. - 3Sm ' May 28. 1870. ' IV. H. KUIIJV & CO., Having just received a Large and well selected Stock of ARB W ARE, seen as FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS COSSI3TINO OF ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammer?, Hammers, Hammer, Sledaes, Sledpes, ' - Sledges, Sledges, Saws, feaws, Saws, Saws, Saws, Saws. Planes, Planes, Planes, Plane, Planes, Planes, Corss-Cut and Mill Saws, Together with a targe assortment of I Ivors' VTVL STEEL Nails, Nails, Nail?, ... Nails, Nails, Nails, Spring, Sprtnri, Sprinjr, Springs, Springs, Springs,' xiCS,'Th.;mblc-Skcins, Bolt, &c., &c. Williams h;is introduced a joint reso lution authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to increase the compensation of Assistant Marshals, for taking the cen sus, fifty per cent. While regretting that the Vhicora was prohibited from passing through the Sault Ste. Marie Canal, the Ottowa -Aeirs pro tests against the adoption of retaliatory measures, as calculated to do much inju ry in the end. It also adds: "We should remember the interest of the Imperial Government as well as our- own, aud Great Britain has already enough unset tied disputes with America without our rushing her hot haste "into new ones. Religious The Congregational As sociation of OregOT will meet on tho lGth inst. (Thursday ' next), in this city. Ministers and other" wishing to attend will be passed at half fate on the P. T. Uo's. boat. - Soda. Larry Mulligan made his ap pearance in our office, just as we were go ing to press, loaded down with soda in bottles. It makes a pleasant drink this warm weather, and we drink to Larry's health. Here's to you Larry. Berries. Master Charles Elkins yes terday made " the office "a present of some fine large strawberries. Charley- is quite a little -man, and is as smart as a atcel trap.":Thanks,' Charley. Thanks We ure under obligatiors to Messrs. Geo. It. Helm, A. N. Arnold and A. C. Jones for favors. Washington Territory. Latest dates assure the election of Mr. Garfield by a large majority. ' s Who baw ! Several marriages are in contemplation within the next few days, and well, never mind the fun. The leader of the baad who furnished funeral music fo the burial of John Bell, at Nashville, last summer, has sued the Governor for the amount of his bill.' , Barnnrn has purchased a section of the "Big Tree" bark Tit Mariposa for $100 and sends it . cast for exhibition. A report -is current in Washington that Secretary Fish is to be . superceded by Senator Morrill, of Maine. .An Imperial decree -announces a uni versal exposition in Vienna, in 1873. Three boxes rule the world the bal lot box, cartridge-box, andband-bor. MAErdED. In this city, June Stli, 1ST0, by A. N". Arnold, J. P., Mr. Theodure Burmester and MUs Dana Humphrey, both of this city. . ComplimvnU received. SlaNEER REFUTES! THITII VINDICATED!! How Janes, or "any oth r man" voted in 1SG2 i a question of ivry littlj moment to mi st peo pic. Whether Irvine or HichanUon, boih of wbom arc said to buve filial the office of Sh'TifT Accentatdy in tho pa.-t. ball exerciso the fuw-tious for the ensaine; two years, i-oucetns U4 but lifle ; but the qnettitm iu wtiieh everybody has a:t abid ing phonal interest k Where shall wc buy ourjjoo'ls? Where can we get the greatest re turn fir nur ni in'-y ? Who br ught priees down to the lowest living rate? an.l kept tluui ihcre? Ask tbejt qut s:ions of any one who has taken tbe trouble t investisate, and you are certain to set this rep'y At Wheeler's S'.ore. in Brownsville. Whe.l-r is the man who is entithd t- your en oourajsemerK anti support. Yon who are wise will do well to head the reply, and maintain and support the man who broki iha combination. All kinds of conn ry Produce taken in exchange f. r (roods. New Goods received every wick. Ca h paid for Wo d, liacon and Lard. Plows. Iteap r , Mowers. Threshers, and other agricultural ma chinery fur sale. Go and fos them. willi am DAVXESON, "office. No. G4 Front Street, Adjoining th.- Telegraph Office. Portland, Oregon. Special Collector of Claims, Acennnts, Notes, Bonds. Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every doscriplifn throughout Ore enn and the Territori. . WILL BE MADE A SPECIALTY AND PROMPTLY COLLECT ED, as well as with a due rezard to economy in all business matter intrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually. Real Estate Sealer. Sept. II tf. . The Great Eamily Medicine of tbe Age. THIRTY YEARS IlaTe elapsed since the- introduction of tbe Pain Killer to the public, and yet at th? present time it is m-ire popular and commands a larger sale than ever before. Its popularity is not confined to this country alone : all over the world its benefit ial effects in curing tbe '-ills tb it flesh is heir to," are acknowledged and appreciated, and as a pain killer it fame, is limited to no country, sect or race. It n eds only to ho known to be prized. Thirty Ykars is certainly a lonjr enough time to prove the efficacy of any medicine, and tbat Ibe pais killer is deserving of all its proprietors claim for it, is amply proved by the unparalleled popularity it has attained. It is a sure and ir rECTiTB remedy." S Id by all Druggists. Price 2jcU, tOcts, and $1 per bottle. Directions accompany each bottle. : June, TO. NEW TODAY. X. i S. DnBois, C10JTSTANTLY on band and roecivins,, a ) Jare ttock of droccrica aud Provision, ' Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cigars, Con feetionery. Yankee Notions, Ae., e.. Wholesale and Ketail. opposite K. C. Hill 4 Son's drug store, Albany, Oregon. j40 ' : an KM m 3 2 ,f-i lis a j 55 O 1 1 P 2 - g S - - So s s o . ZZ e 'Jl M H b 0 a a . cs W cc u tm S J. "C: M ENDEN 11 A LL, Notary Public, ALBANY. ::::::: OREUOX. LEGAL INSTRUMENTS O" ALL KINDS made and attested. Conveyances and col lections attended to. 36-'70 S(3,006 BET ON THE ELECTION! Auy one wlio wants to wiu can do so by calling ou li- C- HILL & SON, AT HO, thankful for past patronage, still in T T vite ;ho attention of Linn county et at., to tucir uuequailed stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, CIIEM ICA LS, PAINT & VAllNlSUJBltUSlJES, PAINTS, OILS, VAHNISIIES, ALCOHOL, KEROSENE, WINDOW GLASS, TRUSSES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. ETC. A-ents for Dr. D. Jayne f on's preparations, H. II. II. Horse MeJicina, etc. , Do you like medicine for its bitter or nauseat ing UsteT We nav tbas description. D w want the effect with an aromatic tfte? After taking a few doses of our Elixir, twill be eo very pleasant that yur prejudices Must surely tum awry, and the preparation . " Will !osb the name of pnysie. but nint the effeet ) Physicians and customers from the country may rest assured that their orders will be prompt, ly a'tended to. Prescriptions carefully and cor rectly compounded. Have you the impolite guest called scorn? We sell "Corn Slayer," wuieb. surely does Ibe work, without pain.-' Do you d sire a book of any kin, a Gold Pen, an Album. Stationery, or such? W. S. Driggs is with ns, for the accommodation of all favoring bim with a call.. D" yoa want a fine Watch, a set ff Jewelry, cheap or dear ? J. V. Titus sells the same, under tbe imne raf. 'm - Come and see vs. Buy a Book. Buy a Watch. Bay a Pill. Buy something or nothing, but come aud see ns. anyway. A well snrinkled Boor and a cool d'ink of water In the summer, and a warm stove surrounded by comfortable chairs in winter constantly kept for the accommodation of all, Albany, May 14. '70-3 - Also, a welT Selected Stock of Wagon TlTntoor, PI'OKES. HUBS. BE VT JUMS. SHAFTS, POLES, HICKOitY AXLES, ETC., All f w':ich we arc now oflVring to the publio ut low raUs. Aj v. e sO:,ke thj bus'ness a spec ialty, we can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any bou;e in this city. Reccivi g and opening a large, an J splendid assur merit of WOOD AND WILLOW WARS, Which we oGer at reduced rats. W. 11. KUHN A CO. In the Montcith Fire-proof Brici, First-it. March 12.-70-27 JOIIi COALER, , DEllll II GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HOOtS, SllOOS,Cl30rf Closed oat at about cost. " II X X W A. It E , A well Selected stock now n hand, and will be filled up constantly, aud SOLD AT REODCED RATES. IRON AND STEEL." The best assortment kept in tbe city, and eon stantly re.-eiviajj freh supplies, , SOLD AT THE LOWEST BATES. All who want bargains give mo a call. JOHN CONNER. Albany, March 5, 1870-28. C. W. BIGGEItS, TO. D. Botanic Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, ORE flOX,;' ) GF.ADUATF. OP HIE PHrSIO-MEDICAL or Curtis Coll.'go of Cincinnati, Ohio, employs in prac. Uo neither Men-urj-, Artenio, Morpbind r in." other poison. bn relies on such agents ns act iu harmony with life, and are en tirely harmless. j , OFFICE In Parrish's brick, over tbe post office. ltesitlen,ce Wa'er street, below Pierce's ferry. Albany, April SO. 1870 34 I. IS. 1U1, JI. D., - PHYSICIAN AND SURGE0N Albany, - .- - -'Otsron, FFICE Olf THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN RtKf-L .. Albany, April '70.-32 ! O1 C O L. O It . S That Photograph Best, A R E BUCK, BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, "d cp 0RAKCE. Those that take Whits, or nearly so, are ' Purple, Blue, Crimson, Pink, &c. Sept. lS.69-2 J. A. WIXTER. ITLANK Deads, Mortgages, etc., 13 latest stales, and for sale low. on hand - athis oScq.