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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1870)
. The Cobbler's Secret. A waggish eoliler once, in Rome, Pat forth a proclamation. That he'd be willing to disclose, For a duo consideration, A secret which tbo cobbling world Could ill afford to lose The way to make in one short day A hundred pair of shoes. From every quarter to the sight There ran a thousand fellow?, . Tanners, cobblers, boot-men, shoe-men, Jolly leather sellers, All redolent of beer and smoke ! And cobbler's wax and hides: Each fellow pays his thirty pence, And calls it cheap besides. Silenco.1 the cobbler enters, And casts around his eyes ; Then curls hisjip the rogue! -then frowns And then looks wondrous wise. "My friends." he says, " 'tis simple quite, The plan I do propose ; And every one of you, I think. Might learn it if you chose. A good sharp knife is all you need, In carrying out my plan ; So easy is it, none can fail. Let him be child or man. To mako a hundred pair of shoes : Just go back to your shops. And take a hundred pair of boots And cut off all the tops." Wheat. -Since tho appreciation of wheat, we notice tliat it lias been com ing in to our mills a.t alively rate. Some of our farmers, having the entire crop of last season on hand, are now reaping the benefit of "holding over." Coming. The Oregonian has infor mation that twenty or twenty-five persona will leave Minnesota for Oregon the present season. They bring with them an aggregate capital of half a million dollars. Oregon has use for just such peopl. Let them come. . . ' Delegate Nominated. After a ses sion of eight days, the Democratic Con-' Tention of Idaho, on the 10th inst., on the eighty-ninth ballot, succeeded in nominating Col. S. A. Merrit as candidate for Delegate to Congress. The vote stood Merrit 21, Shafer 15, Beatty'5. Col. Merrit is a Virginian by birth, and has been a resident of Idaho Territory for seven years. Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. for the State of Oregon, closed its annual session in Portland on Friday evening, May 20, 1870. Georgia. The crops in Georgia are suffering; from drouth. Atlas Supporting the Heavens. This fable most probaly arose from At las J he celebrated king of Mauritania, being the inventor of the sphere, from his knowledge of astronomy, and from of ten observing the mysteries of the heav . enly bodies on the top of that mountain. Or it may be a literal impersonation of Atlas being changed into the mountain of the same name, which runs across the desert of Africa from east to west, and 13 eo high that the ancients thought the heavens rested on its summit. Again, Atlas is described as one of the sons of the rebellious Tita"n, Iapetus, for whose sin he was compelled to stand forever at the extreme west, and to bear upon his shoulders the solid vault of heaven. In the Museo ISorbonico at Naples is a kneeling statue of Atlas sustaining the celestial globe, from the Farnese collec tion ; a very interesting monument of Roman art, and one of great value to the student of ancient astronomy. Of the forty-seven constellations known to the ancients, forty-two may be distinctly re cognized. The date of this curious sculp ture is fixed as anterior to the time of Hadrian by the absence of the likeness of Antinous, which was ioserted in the con stellation Aquila by the astronomers of that period. t We have received a new publication called the Annual from Hudson & Menet, Advertising Agents, No. 41 Park Row, New York City. It is a work of oyer ' two hundred pages, containing statistical information for the use of advertisers; and a full list of newspapers and periodicals published in the United States, and all the rest of the civilized world, including Japan and China. We consider Hud son & Menet the most reliable advertis ing agents in the Atlantic States, at least, such is our experience. The particulars of the eruption of the , volcano of Ceboruco in Mexico have been received. 1 The eruption increased in vi- 'cutcf mvs mm pouring aown tn moun - tain sides in streams, the air was stifling, and the ashes from thn covered the roofs of houses over an inch deep. The mountain sides and surround ing country had been abandoned by the inhabitants. , , Capt. Ewing in the Putraan county (Ohio .Sentinel, offer to make the fol lowing wagers : Fifty dollars that nesroca will serve on juries in Putnam county within ninety days.1 Fifty dollars that silver change will be in general circula tion wihin sixty days. Fifty dollars that there will be women in Congress within three years. r Captain ; Edward MeConnell, sou of the late General Murray MeConnell, who was .mysteriously murdered at Jackson ville, Illinois, last year, attempted to com mit suicide a few days ago, while afflict ed with delirium tremens. " Reflections on a Sabbath Eve. " The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord."' How much of the lofty "i am," do we discover in the ample volume of nature. In every emerald leaf that gaily flutters in the breeze, in the green velvet carpet which overspreads the face of nature, in the beautiful flowers of rainbow hue, which adorn the gardens, savannas, delN and sylvan shades ; we see the finger of Infinite Love and Omnipotent Wisdom, which' orders all things, and feel that He is the sublime and Omnipresent Creator, " Who doeth according to his will in the armies of heaven, and among the inhab itants of earthgood unto all" eto. And how manifest is the universal and impartial distribution of beneficence to the erring and needy creatures of earth ! Look abroad upon the brilliant king of day, are not his beams shed alike on the splendid dome of royalty and the humble cot of poverty ? Observe yon descending shower I Does it not water the arid vineyards of the evil and the good ? -And with what unison are the Planetary sys terns directed in there course I And also the seasons perform their revolutions with the nicest punctuality! -And from the loftiest seraph of Elysium, to the meanest insect ot the dust, all, all Uil their sphere, and are supplied with every needed want. He feedeth the atrial tribes, and clothes the lilies of the leas. And if our Heav enly Father supplies all the mundane wants of his sentient creatures, which, he declares, are of more value than the spar row, and lilies of the field, to which he extendeth munificent token of his care; if he cherish and decorate these perishing forms, which soon must be decomposed ; will he not, in parental love, provide for our immortal spirits, which - shall exist throughout the wasteless ages of eternity? Notwithstanding we enjoy every requisite blessing in time, there ia nothing in the vast domain of nature, which can give a satisfactory response ' to his ' momentous query. Nothing in her brightest scenes that reflects a beam upon, or points to a fairer and sublimer existence, beyond the sombre portals of the tomb. Nothing which, can assure us of a resurrection to endless life and glorious beautitude? BiSt blessed be our Heavenly Father, we are not left in Pagan shadows and doubt on this all important point. The brilliant Sun of the Gospel beams upon all this darkness! It scintillates when other lights have grown "dim, to cheer and guide, never to alllure and destroy It is the lamp of a Father'sundyiug love. It says, " Let not your hearts be troubled take no thought for the morrow." Here is sweet consolation and uudecaying hope. Here are leaflets that never wither, for they bloqni in Paradise. The Son of the Gospel is risen never to decliuc, but will irradiate the whole moral universe ere it withdraws its brilliant beams, or is ab sorbed in the fathomless ocean of infinite love. Let man awake to lore, and raise - Harmonious songs of heavenly praise, To his Eternal Sire ; Ye lovely youth, and blooming fair, Your Maker's boundless love declare, And praise him with your lyre. Seven Sins. 1. Refusing to take your own county paper. 2. Taking a paper and then not pay- ; ing for it. 3. Not advertising. ! 4. Getting married and forgetting the printer. 5. Asking newspapers to publish mat ter that is for your own benefit without remuneration. G. Reading copy on a compositor's" case. 7 Never paying your subscription un til the publisher goes to the trouble of asking for it. Cats. Josh Billings charges the cat with being a kritter guilty of affektashun. I hev known a kat tew klean the kream all oph from the buzzum of a pan of milk, and then limp into the sitting-room on all four leggs, and lay down in tho corner of the fire-place, as melancholly as tho he haden't a friend on the face of the earth. Among the antiquities lately discover - el at Rome is" a portable iron kitchen which shuts and opens ; when ; closed) there is one place for coals and a saucepan - v.w, vbucu ia tu mo rorm ot a star, radiating from this center furnace, and at the end of each ray is a little fur nace, with places for cooking utensils. . The Paris police say that at the nres. entiime there are in that city more pen niless Americana and American dead beats than there were eveiS during the .... . . T-. ..... a in rt great jbxposuion or kw&ti j ,- . The Democracy-of Newcastle. Del.. have determined that they will not ask a negro ' to vote their tieket, but if. a negro asks for one of their tickets they will not zaoeiy reiuse to- give it to hira. NEWS ITEMS. Syracuse is troubled with "men who go about with bottles of essence and let the lady of the house smell chloroform. ' The Boston Advertiser says that "waist coats made from towel crash," are to be the correct thing there this summer. Land is so cheap in Arkansas, that yoa have to look pretty sharp or they will smuggle an extra foity acres or so into the deed." A New Haven couple were divorced six months ago, just for the fun of court ing over again. They were re-married lately. ; k A Connecticut man has worn the same hat to church for forty years. , It has been in the style seven times during that period. , . Of tea persons in Damariscotta, Maine, who have just had the measles, six have gone blind, and four are in quick - con sumption. TonuihawJc, the satirical English paper and lampooner of Toyality, "is owned by Russell, a member of Parliament for Nor wich.,. .cv,.f. V-i-i,.;-if New York swells entertain their lan guishing spirits with small scent bot tles, which are set in the handles of their umbrellas. A smart man in Buffalo is organizing a divorce excursion to Chicago. Tickets will be sold cheap to any one desiring a divorce. Sufficient iron and ties for 80 miles of the California and Oregon railroad are now at the junction of that and the Cen tral Pacific roads. , When Mr. Revels was admitted to his seat m the United States Senate, the high toned Saulsbury was so overcome with grief and shame that he immediately left the chamber, and has lain drunk on a sofa m the cloak room ever since. The grief of this great and. good man is really pitiable.' - - 3 A San Francisco Judge tempered jus il?b. mercy by fining a starving girl 25 cents for stealing a can of milk, and then raising $20 for her on the spot trom sympathizing spectators. A good housewife ia Chelsea," Mass., who wished to rid a clipboard of bugs -thoroughly -covered- the shalves- - with kerosene oil and applied a match. It killed the bugs, and the Fira D ! put out the fire. VARIOUS ITEMS. Why is a sceptical Hindoo, like a drunkard ? Because he don't know whether to give npthc Jug-or-not. A gentleman of Columbus, Ga., the other day, who has great patience and is lond oi making - minute observations. timed the pace of 'a snail. It made 70 inches in GO minutes. ' A clergyman in Springfield, Mass., has satirically characterized Herodias' daugh ter as "the blonde of the time of Herod." How many apples did our first parents eat in the Garden of Eden ? Eve 8 and Adam 2. ' ' 1 . What is the worth of woman ? Double you O man ! j Unrequited love a passion for gamb ling. 5 I am going to draw this beau into a knot, as the lady said at j the hymenial altar. I New Bedford brags of a pointer that came to a dead stand the other day be fore a door-plate inscribed A. Partridge. A Vermont coroner's jury is "of A Pinion that the Dccest met his death from Violent Information j in the head, produced from Unoan Cauz." An English collier kept a keg of pow der under his bed, and the other day went after some, smoking a pipe. When he went out, he took the roof alcnj with him. An Indianapolis grocer has been mar ried three times and divorced twice with in one year, and now has the same wife he started with. i "Bob, how is your sweetheart getting along I "Pretty well; 1 saw her at meeting the other night, and she said I needen't come any more." A correspondent (unmarried) suggests that bolomnn s wisdom was due to the fact that he had seven hundred wives whom he consulted on all occasions. i. ho t rencn prelates in attending on tho Ecumenical Council at Rome, say that the Eternal City is the worst place in Europe, as far as living and comforts are concerned. "Madam, you said your son was a law yer ; has he much practice?" "Why yes, sir, he has a great practice -fif smoking cigars." ; The immorality of the age is a stand ing topic of complaint with some men Hut it any one likes to be moral, we can see nothing in the age to prevent him "Guilty, or not guilty ?" asked a Dutch justice. "Not guilty." "Den vat the tytui do you neve i uo about mit your pizness. Without. A distinguished advocate of tie doctrine of Free Will demands that no child be born without the child's con sent. The Rod. II. Ward Beecher says "Avoid the rod if you can ; use it if you must. An undertaker in a neighboring vil lage announces a complete assortment of "underground overcoats. , A celebrated philospher used to say "The favors of fortune are like steep rocks only eagles and creeping things mount to the summit." Its Effect. An Ohio woman has coughed up a fishbone which she had in her throat forty-two years.; It restored her voice, and her husband wants a di vorce. . . ;-. Often. The town of Winchester V a., changed hands eighty-seven times during the late war sometimes as many as three times in a single day. Adrift. A Michigandress was ehok ed to death the other day by her false teeth going adrift and settling in her throat. A Query. Do tiger lilies belon to a savage class ? A man in Indiana put the end of a gun into the firo and looked down the muzzle to see whether it was loaded The Coroner's jury decided that his suspicions -were correct Teacher: "Boy at the foot of the class, spell admittance. - Boy : A-d-m-i-t-t-a-n-c-e, admittance Teacher: "Give the definition." Boy : 4"Fifty cents, children half price iron t seats reserved tor ladies. Fire Z 2Plre! 27Mjf g X " A Stitch in Time Saves Nine !" xrixrioixr ire and Marine Insurance ComBany! Nos. 416 aDd 418, California street, San Francisco, -. - California. REPUBLICAN Pr.ATFOK.iM. The Union Berrablican party of Oreeon in Con vention, makes this declaration of its principles ana policy : t- lst. Unfaltering devotion to the Union, first. last, and forever ; and unwavering fidelity to tho Constitution and its amendments, and to the laws of our r ational Legislature. 2d. We wholly approve tho principals and pol icy of the administration of President Qrant, as carrying into practical application the principles for which we have successfully striven. And we particularly commend those points in his Inaugu ral Address, wherein be declares let it bo un derstcod that no repudiator of one farthing of our public debt will be trusted in public places, and it will eo tar towards trengtbcmng a credit which ought to be the best in the world," and " I would protect the law abiding citizen, whether of native or foreign birtn, wherever bis rignts are preju diced or the flair of our country floats ; and will have no policy to enforce against the will of the people." 3d. We have confidence that tho Administra tion will wisely-and firmly protect tho interests and sustain the d ignity of the Nation in respect to other nations, and especially with regard to our just claims against Great .Britain. 4th. We denounce all torms ot repudiation as national crime, and the national honor requires the payment of the public indebtedness in the uttermost eood faith to all creditors at home or abroad, not only according: to the letter, but th spirit of the laws under which it was contracted. And for this purpose, we favor atrict economy in the Administration ot the JN ational uovern ment, and the application to such payment of all surplus revenue, trom whatever source derived and that taxation should be equalised and reduced as rapidly as the national faith will permit. 5th. We make no distinction between citizens whether of i'oreien or native birth; and that we sympathize now and ever with men of all nation alities striving for self government. 6th. That we are opposed to any change in our naturalization laws which, shall admit to citizen ship any foreigners not now entitled thereto nn der said laws. --' "'J K c : - 7th. ,-: We favor a judicious system of railroad ana river improvements in Uresron. in order to ae relop our resources aud Invite settlement of our unoccupied territory and for this Duiuose insist that Congress should make us liberal . grants of aid. , . eta. Wo are in favor of a tariff for revenue, with such discriminations in favor of our domes tic manufactures as will not diminish its efficiency lor me purposes ot revenue. " i- , . 9th. We favor universal amnestv to the neotil of those States lately-fh rebellion, which have been restored to full relations in the Union.' ; 10th. We are in favor of fostering the cause of education,, and are opposed to any, diversion of toe common school funds of this State to any other purpose than the support of common schools. 11th. We recognize is the Union Republican party the measure and men-who saved the Gov ernment from destruction, and that it Continu ance id power is the only sure safeguard to na tional peace and prosperty. i And wWUhis plat torn we appeal to the voters of Oregon for their NEW TO-DAY. ADVERTISEMENTS. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Casli Capital, in Gold Coin, STSO.OOO. Deposit In Oregon, 850,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted TUIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to-efleot insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on iDerai terms. - ' GUSTAVE TOUCHAUD, Pres. CIIAS. D. HAVEN, See'y. 3. C. MENDSKHALL, Agent for Albany. Albany, January 8, 1870-18 DIRECT IMPORTATION M'COR.MIOK.'S HI A M OT T H STOCK OF TOTS, FANCY GOODS, GIFTS, PRESENTS, BOOKS, &0..&C. For the Holidays of lS69-70,has arrivod. Direct from ew Ik ork, And is now on Ehibition at SANTA GLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, 105 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Where every purchaser will find The Largest Stock I The Greatest Variety ! ! The Cheapest Prices ! ' This immense stock havint; been pur chased for currency in New York, will bo scld to dealers and others in coin, at - Less Prices Than Ever Before ! Strangers and citizens will find SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a most interesting place to visit, as the gorgeous array of new nov elties, and the thousand comical toj-3 therein, give the store the appearance of an Eastern MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES ! Some idea may he arrived at as to the extent of the stock when it is known that of Dolls alone there are one hundred amd fity-Jice varieties! Making that Department a perfect BAZZAR OF BEAUTY 1 Ea. Full Descriptive Catalogues now ready, g. Call early to secure choice gifts. S. J. M CORMICK, Snifl Agent for Santa Claus. BUILDERS, ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIND AND DOOR FA C T O R Y ! S. H. ALTIIOrSE. N. WRIGHT. J. T. BACKCNSTO. ALTHOISE & CO., ITOS STREET, (OS THE RIVER A!CK), ALBANY, : ; : OREGOS. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to F'ttmislx to Doors, Order Blinds, and Sash, such as CrowD, Panel, Band, aDd Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! Flooring, and all other kinds of Building, Material ! ' ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), nest below Markham's warehouse. ALTHOUSE b CO. Albany, February 20, 1869-24 $15 GOOD AS GOLD. BUY THE ONLY GENUINE IMPROVED OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, MANUFACTURED BY THE OROIDE WATCH CO. They are all . the best make, Hunting cases; finely chased ; look and wear like Jine gold, and are equal in appearance to the best gold watches usually costing $150. Full Jeweled Levert,3eat's and Ladies' sizes, at $15 each. Our Double Extra Refined Solid Oroide Gold Hunting Case., Full Jeweled Levers, are equal to $200 Gold Watchet ; Regulated and Guaranteed to kep correct time, and wear and not tarnish, Extra Fine Caeee, at $20 each. No money la required In advance. We send by Express anywhere within the United -Slates, payable to agent on delivery, with tho privilege to open and examine before paid for, and if not satisfactory returned, by paying the Express charges. Good will be tent by mail as Registered Packages, prepaid, by sending cash in advance. . t Aft Agent sending for mix watchee get an Extra WA TOM FREE, making eeven $15 IKafcAesar $90, or teven $20 Watchet for $120. Also, Elegant Oroide Gold Chains, of latest and most costly styles, fof Ladies and Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 inches long, at' $2, $4, $6, and $8 jach, sent ' with watches at lowest wholesale prices. State kind and size of watch reauired.and to avoid bogus concerns, order only from OROISB WATCH CO., 13to 148, Fulton Street, New York. THE EYES! THE EARS I OCULIST AND AURI T, ALBANY, : OREGON. A Weekly Newspaper, Containing- 28 colums of matter, ' IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. In the City of Albany, AT SO Per An titui m , IN ADVANCE, Six months $2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NATIONAL LIFE Company Insurance OF THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE, INSURANCE CO. , Or BOSTON. . 1 incorporated 1835. Cash assets... Cash Dividend, 1867.... Cash Dividend. 1868.. Total suiplus dividend.. Losses paid in 1868. Total losses paid.... Income for 1807-.... No extra charge for traveling to and from the Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwich. Islands. $7,000,000 00 620,579 65 786,197 88 3,412.771 00 675,500 00 8,342,100 00 2,852,031 41 All UNITED STATES of AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. -"" TkR- GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE f, I noted old Opthalmie Doctor, S. C. 22" Golden. - , " Dr. GOLDEN haa had experience in treating the various disease to which the eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under his ear. - - Albany, April 10, l869-31y "LOCAL ITEMS" made a SPECIALTY. THE REGISTER JOB PRINTING Oli'Jb'IOE, Firet ttreet, opposite Parrieh fr Co.'s store,) Albany s s s Oregon. Chartered by special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 1863. HAVING a very fair assortment of material we are prepared to execute, with neatness and dispatch, all kinds of JOB -LJX.X3XTa?X3NTCS such as Hand-bills, Programmes, Hill-heads, Cards, Ball Tickets, Pamphlets, Labels, JJlanks of all lcincls. at as low figures as a due regard to taste and good work will allow. When you want anything in the printing line, call at the Kegister office. BLACKSMITH INC l" PLOWS ! PLOWS PLOWS riIIE undersigned gives notice to tlie goner! . ti:- il.i v. :.. . r : 1. .ft, pUUi lUdl UC 13 UUVT UljUJUliWtUlUllJ kUU Ctalesburg: Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered Also, particular attention paid to Wag-on Making- and Horse-shoeing". Wagons for sale at my shop at $140 and $160 Horse shoeing as follows : Cash, $2 ; credit, $3 All work entrusted to me will receive prompt! attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material. A share of public patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets. opposite Pio-co' Ferry. F. WOOD, Albany, November 21, 1868-11 ; CRAFTSMEN'S LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. BUCIIAHTAiV & MEARS, GENERAL AGENTS . FOR Oregon, and "Washinjrton, Idano and Montana Territories, PORTLAND. .OREGON. Cash Plan, Low Rates, Strictly Mutual. All Policies Non-Forfeiting by their Terms. No Restriction on Travel, Residence or Occupation. Policies issued in Gold or U. S. Curren cy, as desired. No extra charge upon women. All varieties of Policies issued. Large Cash Value upon Surrendered Policies. oct9-5 13. 8. MERRILL, Agent, . ' " Albany, Oregon. ' CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. f5)Q HOME SlIUTTLKSKWlNUcyjfco Uff4i Machine. A double-thread xJBO lock-stitch ShutUo Machine ; stitch alike on both ides. . ' - - Cy5)l Celebrated Common-Sense etmr UJsCKJ Family Machine. Both ma- 5jSII chine fully Warranted for years. Mauhines sent to any part of the coast by express, O. O. D. Agents wanted in every town on the Pacific eoast. Liberal commission. Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Co., '3 O. G. TRAVER, . 131, First St., Portland. r Cash Capital, 81,000,000.00 DIRECTORS : CLARENCE II. CLARK, JAY COO$E, W. O. MOORHEAD, GEORGE F. TYLER, J. HINCKLEY CLARK, E. A. ROLLINS, HENRY D. COOKE, ' W. F. CHANDLER, JOHN D. DEFREE3, EDWARD D0DE, H. C. FAHNEST0CK. Policies non-forfeiting, and governed by tho non-forfeiting law of Massachusetts, Policy holders the only persons who receive d iv derds in this Company, wmcn are aeoiareu and paid annually ; first dividend avail able at the payment of the second annual premiums. All Policies -remain in force as long as there is any surrender value. ; NO FORFEITURES I This old and popular Company, (the oldest MaV tual Life Insurance company in mis country) insures at the low est possible rates. The stability of this Company, with its past tory, increasing capital and business, aud the tat isfactory manner in which it has discharged its obligations in the past, are goaran ees for the future such as far-seeing and careful men require in their investments. Persons generally, who thoroughly understand the workings of Life Insurance, are anxious to avail themselves of its equimblo provisions. ' Full information will be given to those who desire, at the Agency. Boms Office, 39 tate Street, Boston. Pacific Branch Offices, 304 Montgomery Street, Sail Francisco. Room 3, -Carter's Building, Portland, Oregon, EVSRSON & HAINES, General Agti. RIJSSEIili &EXKINS, Agts, ALBANY, OREGON. Albany, September 19, I868-2y . OFFICERS : CLARENCE E. CLARK, Philadelphia, Presi dent. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance 4 Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice President. EMERLON W. PEET, Philadelphia, Secretary & Acl E. S. TURNEU7 Washington, Assistant See- retary. FRANCIS O. SMITH, M. D., Medical Director. J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant Medical Director. ' . . " " THE attention of persons contemplating in suring their lives, or increasing tho amount of insurance they already have, is called to the special advantages offered by the NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE ADVANTAGES OFFERED ARE: The National charter, the lorge capital, the Low Rates, the common-sense plan, the definite contracts, tho honorable and fair dealings, the Non-Forfeiting Policies, the perfect security, tho liberal Terms of the policies, etc., etc., rend ers the NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY of the United States of America worthy of the patronage of every busines man. This company, during the sixteen months of its existence, has issued - 8,825 POLICIES, . COVEHISO $26,800,000 INSURANCE. The extraordinary rapid progress of tho com pany attests the estimation in which it is held by the public, and the largo amount of new business transacted it is the best evidence of the popular ity of its principles, nnd its adaptability to meet tho requirements of its Assurers. ITS POLICIES ARE NEGOTIABLE. By the Charter of the Company, certificates of obligations will be issned, agreeing to purchase it policies at their value which, when accompa nied by the policy duly assigned or transferred, arc negotiable and may be used as collateral se curity, in making loans from the Company or from other parties. The Hen. Jno. E. Sanford, Insurance Commis sioner of Massachusetts, in his Report for 1888, speaking of Dividends in Life Insurance Compa nies, says , " The sooner such guarantees cease to bo made, and such expectations created, the sooner Life Insurance will come to rest on its true motive, and men insure their lives for security, and not for dividends.. The best and tho most popular companies will then be those that prom ise only equity, and render all that they promise, and furnish the best security, with the sabst up right and judicious management." " By the Stock plan the full cash effect of the premium is immediately secured to the insured, the Company taking all the risk. By the Mu tual plan, the full value in insurance of tho pre mium paid, is not secured to the policy-holder, who takes a portion of the risk himself." NEWS. - Farmers Can Ride and Plow, ar securiso oxb or tub GAY" PLOWS, Manufactured and sold for the very low price of 65 nnd SyCS. " THE simplicity aud practicability of this new Plow commends it favorably to the special notice of every farmer. It possesses a decided superiority over all other plows now in use. The wheels are four feet in diameter, and run on the unplowed land. Its entire construction is in no way complicated. The plow is managed in every manner with ease, and requires only two levers to be used in making any alteration. The supe riority of the "Gay" Plow will be clearly shown by the following certificate s , We, the undersigned, citizens of Linn county, Oregon, having purchased and used upon our farms tb "Gay" Plow, hereby certify that the same has given as entire satisfaction. -Its facility for adju-tiog to suit the depth of furrow without moving from the seat, is simple and easy. We like the plow for its draught, because the same is brought to bear directly upon the plow-beam in stead of the carriage ; also, because it is . strong and durable, all except the wood-work being con structed of wrought iron no ea tings are used. The wheels running upon the solid land is an ad vantage over other gang-plows, in striking off land and in plowing, not having to make the nec essary changes in the machinery, and the seat is always level, not thr wiug tho driver forward or sideways as in other plows. Better work and more of it can be accomplished by the use of this Plow than by hand. We take pleasure in recommending the "Gat" Plow to our brother farmers,-as one having no superior In Oregon. J. G. REED, W. P. ESnOM, A. S. LOONEY, v E. W. PIKE, W.H.GOLTTREE. H. DAVJDsON. May 20th, 1869. The "Gay" Plow is manufactured by H. Goulding, Portland Machine Shop. All orders will be promptly attended to by ad dressing, C. F. GAY, ' Portland, Oregon. Albany Agents. J". BARROAV'S & CO., Agents ' .-. for Linn A Benton counties. JOHN BRIOGS, Agent v - for Linn A Benton counties. May 22, 'C9-37 THE OLD ' STOVE DEPOT! Policies Issued In Gold or Currency, WM. E. HALE, MANAGER. WELLS, FARGO & CO., GENERA AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. 3. C. JIEIEITHAaLI. TRAVELING) AGENT ; For Orog-oa, and Waahiag-toB Territory. Albany, Seplombvr It, 169 . joiijy mticscis, v DEALER 1ST STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX, of tho best patten . j AJ.Sr Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Wfiro 2 and the usual assortment of Famishing Goods t) De obtained in a TIN" STORE X tS- Repairs neatly and promptlg executed, ST on- rsasonafrfr terms. "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front atreet. Alb any. 4 Next door to Mansfield A Co. dec5'68-I2 - tjf MAKING THE IZZj i EVERY VARIETY 0M R.C,BRCWN,ACT.J JieMONTGOMERYSTi GILBERT ERO., AGENTS. SALEM, OREGON. ;