- About Nails! The following table will show at a glauce the length cf the various sises, and the number of nails in a pound. They are rated from " three penny" up to " twenty-penny.? The iirst eoluiiin gives the name, the second th? length in inches and the third the number per pound : S penny,, 1 inch, lonsr. 557 per pound 4 " li " 353 " 5 " lj " 232 " ( " 2 ' 1G7 "' 7 2 " 111 " 8 " 2J " 101 " 10 " 2 " 98 " 12' " 3 " ' 51 " 20 " CJ S4 " Spikes, 4" " 1G " " 4 " 12 " " 5" " 10 " " G " 7 " " 7 " 5 ' From this table an estimate of quanti ty and suitable sizes for any job can be easily made. The Evening News is the title of a sprightly little daily just started at Sac ramento by B. F. Iluntly & Co. all practical printers at one bit a week. Its editor, Vincent Ryan, is a young man of ability and considerable experience, hav ing been connected with several different papers on this coast. lie will make it a readable paper. A Characteristic Sgene. A late number of the "Workingman's Journal of San Francisco has tbr following charac: teristic description of the closing scenes, on the last night of the session of the Calitoi nia l)cmocratie Legislature : Pandemonium . and bedlam, or; the reast 01 nelsliazzar, was as nothing in comparison to the scenes enacted on the last night of the Legislature of u Thous and Commissioners. - AVe understand that during the last scenes of that no torious conclave, duriug their druuken orgies, one of the country members, while drunk and outside of the bnilding, wastied to a tree and robbed of sixty dollars, stripped of his hat, coat and boots, aud was not relieved until five o'clock the nest morning. Wo will i throw the mantle of charity over the I man by not giving his name. One man 'was seen running off with a copy of I Webster's dictionary. Oh! shade of Henry, Hamilton, Clay, and Webster, look down with compassion on your de generate sons in tho California Legisla ture, iueludiDg the lobby members. - , . . - . An Ohio burglar has discovered a way of breaking a window without producing a smash. He presses against the pane a thoroughly tarred paper, to which tho glass, when broken into pieces, sticks instead of falling down noisily. The milkmen of Ilio Janeiro have dis covered a way' to convince their doubting customers of the purity, of their milk. Tho cow is led by a slave around the streets, and the milk supplied from the Indian Affairs. Five companies j CQW in rront of tho rrcmises, milked by ot cavalry are tinder orders tor i ort i the slave Hayes, for active service against depre dating Indians, under the command of Gen. Custer. A Reminiscence. In May, 1SG9, the Democrats of Linn county, in Con vention, passed a resolution instructing Hostile. The Indians of Wyoming their delegates tp the btatc Convention to , . . , c A. ... f ! question Mr. L. h. G rover as to whether are making it hot for the ''white set- 1 T 111 v j . . w Gen. Lino had done his duty at Wash tiers . there. We antic.pate that whtn j too Ab3at that ti.n, Mr Asahel Custer with his cavalry boys gets out I then Democratic Stat0 iriuter and there, matters will be slightly reversed. ; eJUor of the gaIeia S!atcsmaf exhibited . , ,. . . , , r to us a ludicrous caricature, in which, on A Tre.mble.-A slight shock of fone s.dei werQ gathercd the' LiQn C0U'Qtj earthquake was experienced at nguna aeiegates ani oa tne other side Btood City. Nevada, on the 24th. plr. C rover, facing the delegation. The spokesman was represented as asking: The New York Democrat is severe ou j .j G rover Sir In your opinion, did, the recent speech of 3Ir. lien drifts, 1 or did not Gea. Lace do his whole duty at at New Orleans. Under the head of j Washington?" And Mr. Grover was i:f.: , .,f i,., vt;n ,,-., 1 represented as responding thus: Gentle- Senator Hendricks, of Indiana, lately UGPUBUCAN PIATFORH. The Union Republican party of Oregon in Con vention, makes this declaration of , its principles an.l polity : lot. Unfaltering devotion to tho Union, first, last, and forever ; and unwavering fidelity to the Constitution and its amendments, and to tho laws of our National Legislature. 2 1. Wo wholly approve the principals and pol icy of tho administration of President Grant, as carrying iotj practical application the principles for which we have successfully striven. And we particularly comincud those points In his Inaugu ral Address, wherein bo declares " let it be un dcrtuod that no rcpudiator of ono farthing of our pul'lio debt will bo trusted in public places, and it will g far towards strengthening a credit which ought to be the bst in tho world," and " I would protect the law abiding cili.on, whether of native or foreign birth, wherever his rights are preju diced or the flag of our country floats ;" and " I will have no policy to enforce against tho will of tho people. . ' 3d. Wo have eonfidenco that tho Administra tion will wisely and firmly protect tho interests and sustain the dignity of tho Xation in respect to other nations, and especially with regard to our just claims against Great Britain. 4th. We denounce all lorins ot rcpu. nation as a national crime, and tho national honor requires the payment of tho public indebtedness in the uttermost good laith to all creditors at borne or abroad, not only according to the letter, but the spirit of the laws under which it was contracted. And for this purpose, wo favor a strict economy in tho Administration of tho National Govern ment, and the application to such payment of all surplus revenue, from whatever source ncrivea and that taxation should be equalized and reduced as rapiuly as the national faith will permit. 6th. AVe make no distinction between citizens, whether of foreign or native birth; and that we sympathize now and ever with men of all nation alities striving for self government. 6th. That we are opposed to any change in our naturalization laws which shall admit to citizen ship any foreigners not now entitled thereto un der said laws. 7th. We favor a judicious system of railroad and river improvements in Oregon, in order to de velop our resources aud invite settlement of onr unoccupied territory and for this purpose .insist that Congress should make us liberal grants of aid. 8th. Wo ara in favor of a tariff for revenue, with such discriminations in favor of our domes tic manufactures as will not diminish its efficiency lor the purposes ox revenue. 9th. We favor universal amnesty Jo the people 01 tooso sstatcs lately in rcocinon, wnicn nave been restored to full relations in the Lmon. 10th. We are in favor of fostering the cause of c-.lucation, and are opposed to any diversion of the common school fuuvla of this State to any other purpose than tho support 01 common schools. 11th. We recognize in the Union Ilepublican party the measures and men who saved tho Gov ernment from destruction, and that its continu ance iu power is the only sura safeguard to na tional peace and prosperty. And with this plat form we appeal to tho. voters of Oregon for their suffrages aud support. 1 of the Hendricks, made a speech South, advising the people to accept the riucc-nth Amendment and cultivate the negro vote, see jrreat men chasiuir a faster than they can possibly run, in the hope of stealing a ride by climbing in over the tailboard. And we have no ad men ot L.inn county uch is my opin ion." As no man in Oregon at that time I T . ti 1!.'1! 1 Knew iur. v rover,- politically aim person- We dislike to J Deller '"an .Air. jusn Knew mm, 11 wairon a little I seemed to us then, as it seems to us now, that in Mr. liush's opinion, Mr. Grover's i disposition to promptly meet and discuss NEW TO-DAY. Plro! 37ixro! Fire! " A Stitch in Time Saves Nine !" TT3STI03ST Fire ana Marine Insurance Nog. 416 and 418, California street, San Francisco, - - - uamonua. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, in Cold Coin, $T50,000. Deposit in Oregon, 50,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted And 1'aid tn Uold voui. THIS COMPANY having complied with tho laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Dam ago by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. GUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pres. CHAS. D. HAVEN, Sec'y. J. C. MSNOSNHALL, Agent for Albany. Albany, January S, 1870-18 DIRECT IMPORTATION ! NEW TO-DAY. miration for the pluck or Democracy of i 01 mat c.3t?re- 7iS a ""ingor conspie those cunamg Democrats who first loathe, ! noastrail ia his general make up; that tho,, r it iLn H, I-,,., ! Mr. Grover was (and he has uot changed and all their lives they taught us to i sln,cc. we JniaSlnc; a good deal impregna- fceliove wrong, simply to gain office. It j 5?a P ic? ot tb? tYraul S"- is a r.itv to see till, eld hickorvs decav and fall to the earth; ior the second timber." but thank God. cf more hardy. A reporter in Hartford undertook to wflte a description of the dresses of the ladies at a ccrtaiu balL AnioDs other tacts lie mentioned th&l 'Mis Blood good wore a double shirt, neatly trimmed with narrow satin Tibbon." Nobody knows exactly what lie means ; but it is considered rathor obbioous that Miss liloodgood's -brother has been around among the newspaper ofllces trying to interview" that reporter. Mr. Blood good is aococip&Tiied upon hU rambles by a very discouraging club. It is atransre, but the reporter don't seem a Lit anxious ta hold sweet converse with Dloodgc-od. A majority of the interior journals of California lately contain articles con gratulating their readers on the adjourn ment f the Legislature. There is a general concurrence in. the opinion that it was the most incapable and reckless which ever assembled in the State. The people are congratulated upon having anything lett, and one paper, tho San Mateo Gazette, considers it exeeedicglj fortunate that the Capitol was not swapped off for stock in the San Mateo Tannery Company. The Legislature finds no defenders, except in such par tisan journals as have derived benefits from special acts, like the Litigant and State Organ Acts, while some of the most ultra Democratic sheets condemn these measures as being both impolitio on party grounds and unjust to the country press. The Salem Statesman has found a "champion boy," of whom it relates the following : " Jesse Bowen, a boy of ten years, lives with his widowed mother on a piece of rented ground, across the river, some four miles from this place, lie is the oldest of his mother's children, and has already proved his ability to act as the head of the family. The little fellow has been at .work .this epring, plowing with a yoke of cattle and a heavy plow, which, our informant re marked, would kill a man. Nothing daunted, however, the boy worked away, and plowed some ten acres of land in crood style. His last day's work wa3 about an acre, which, with ono yoke of cattle, would not be bad for a child of much larger gTOwth. His brave con duct attracted the attention of the neigh bors, and a few days since Mr. D. D. Prettyman and some others volunteered their help and went to work and put in his grain in one day. The family have about twelve acres in all sowed, and it is safe to venture that there is not another boy in the country who can show as mucn tor his ace. We were about ta ay that he is the making of a man, but m one sense ot the word he is a man aireaay." Washington, April 25. The ways v.u vyumnmiee nave agreed to- . "mt A, P"anl amendment to the fund mg bill, the purport of which i The Senate Committee on Mil;., a" fairs substantially agreed to all the prol Vision of Wilson's bill excepting tho pro- mvu a in jjr vi uiuvers. ja this sub ject the committee will probablv rennm mend tho adoption of the schedule ot the House bill, with certain modifications. Boston has fined a man $3 for attempt iDg 10 kiss a lauy in tuo street. But will Mr. Bush explain now, in the Press, just what kind of impression he did tben seek to convey by the caricature in point? Perhaps Mr. Grover would like to know. Other would, anyhow. 1'urt land Commercial. Coktxne, April 25 Freighting north has fully commenced. Creighton & Mun roc yesterday forwarded 100 tons to Montana. The roads are good, transpor tation plentiful aud rates low. Coaches make the trip from Corinno to Helena in three and a half days instead of six days, a3 heretofore. NEWS ITEMS. Men who dot the i's Pugilists. The pale of society The blondes. A band of hope Tie wedding-ring. A black business A pitched fight. A smart thing A mustard plaster. Gough draws like the Dickens out West. What grade of offence is it for a gen tleman to hook a lady's dress. t. dead reckoning Calculating one's funeral expenses. - Why is the world like a piano ? Be- Sewixg Maciiixes. Messrs. Blain & Yoong are arccts for the sale of Sewing Machines, and all the fixtures necessary thereto. This enables tboso who with to purchase any of tho first-class machines to get what they order at the lowest cash price, and if anything should be lacking, or should get out of repair, these gentlemen will take pleasure in furnishing tho missing articlo, or put the machine ia running order, without extra cost quito au advantage, as those who have pur chased machines at a distance, have learned by sad experience. No household is complete with out one of these labor-savers, and if you want to be sure of getting what you order, at tho lowest pri ;e, and have it delivered to you in complete runng order, call at Blain and Young's and leave your order. Xuff ced. Mrs. Dcxiwat has juBt received Eartram k Fanton Sewing Machines, number of direct from Xcw York. It is claimed for these machines thai they are simple in construction, easily under stood, make aa elastic stitch, fasten their own ends, adjust their own needles, are easily moved jibout ou castor3, (a convenience bo other ma chine possesses), have extra attachments for all ki'ids of fancy work, and are always in running order. They will seam, hem, fell, quilt, cord, rum's, embroider, braid, tuck or gather run without noiso, will not soil tho operator's clothes, and arc sold at lower prices than any other table machine ia uae. Price of machine, with black wal nut table and drawer, oiled and waxed, fifty five dollars. 23-3m Railroad Ties Wanted. ninno'in stock OF TOYS, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, GIFTS, PRESENTS, BOOKS, &C.,&C For the Holidays of 1869-70,has arrived, Direct from lew York, And is now on Ehibition at SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, lOS FRONT STUEET, PORTLAND, Where every purchaser will find The Largest Stock ! The Greatest Variety ! ! The Cheapest Prices ! ; This immense Btock having been pur chased for currency in New York, will bo scld to dealers and others in coin, at Less Pncea Than Ever Before ! Strangers and citizens will find SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a most interesting place to visit, as the gorgeous array of new nov elties, and the thousand comical toys therein, give the store the appearance of an Eastern ' MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES ! ADVERTISEMENTS. A Weekly Newspaper, Containing' 28 colums of matter, IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, r Iu the City of Albany, AT 3 I ox iLanxim, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IS AVVAKCE, Six months., ..$2 "LOCAL ITEMS" made a SPECIALTY. THE REGISTER JOB PRINTING Firtt itreet, (opposite Parrish & Co.'s ttore,) Albany s s s Oregon, ' NATIONAL LIFE Insurance Company OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by special Act of Congress, Approved...... . July 25, 1868. Cash Capital, 81,000,000.00 DIRECTORS: CLARENCE H. CLARK, JAY COOKE, W. O. MOORIIEAD, GEORGE F. TYLER. -J. HINCKLEY CLARK, E. A. ROLLINS, HENRY D. COOKE, W. F. CHANDLERf JOHN D. DEFREES, EDWARD DODE, II. C. FAHXEST0CK. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE or BOSTON. CO. INCORPOBATED 1835. Cash assets Cash Dividend, lSfi7........, Cash Dividend, 1868. ......... Total surplus dividend....... Losses paid in 168....... Total losses paid.............. .........t7,000,000- 00 62A.S73 65 788,197 88' ..n... 8.6H.771 00 ......... 67S.500 00 ......... 8,342,100 00 Income for 1867- 2,853,031 41 No extra charsro for traveling to and from Ui Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwich Islands. ' i'. ?En Soma idea mav be arrived at as to the extent of the stock when it is known that of Dolls alone there are owe hundred amtl fifti-Jice varieties! Making that Department a perfect BAZZAR OF BEAUTY I Full Descriptive Catalogues now ready. Call early to secure choice gifts. S. J. M'CORMICK, 8mB Agent for Santa Clans. BUILDERS, ATTENTION 1 SASH, BLIXD AND BOOR FACTORY! II AVING a very fair assortment of material wo are prepared to execute, with neatness and dispatch, all kinds of OFFICERS: CLARENCE E. CLARK, PhUadulphia, Presi dent. JAY COOKE, Chairman Financo Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington,' Vice Presi dent. . EMERLOX W. PEET, Philadelphia, Secretary A, Actuary. 6. TURNER, Washington, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS O. SMITH, M. D., Medical Director. . EW1NG MEARS, M. D., Assistant Medical Director. cause it 13 lull ot sharps ana flats. TIio modern key to wealth A bur glar's jimmj. When women get tl e right of suffrage they will all be "ballot girls." Why are clouds like tho coachmen? Because they hold the rains. How to take a man of doubtful credit Take no note of him. If you have no patrimony, you have a poor chance for matrimony. A woman's pride and a sailor's guide The needle. Tho best throw at dice is io throw them away. Why is a man half asleep like twice x? Because' he's doze-in. How may a man always become four- handed? By doubling bis fists. The man who knows how to keep ho tel a mau who- is a host in himself. A trade that never fails: No miller need get out of employment, for he can always gricd his teeth. The poor fellow "who couldent hold his Own" has got himself into worse difficulty by trying to hold anothers. It's loan-j here, as the sentimental pawnbroke's daughtersaid of her father's shop? A race betweeu a clothes horse and a nightmare is the latest turf sensation A nose by any other name would smell as well. Office seekers cry: "O! that I were an event, that I might take place. Everarreens people that don t take the papers. Straight" drinks very soon make its subjects crooked. Fritz ssvs that at the lecture the other evening, the audience was bo quiet you could hear a bed tick The man in debt for his shoes cannot say that 1iis sola is his ojrra. dating his time btcalmg a man s watch. Every watch should be on its guard. XT . now long can a goose stand on one foot? Try it that's the way the goose 1UUUU OUl, Josh Billings says: Tew find tho squaro root ov a hog's nose, tura him into a yaruen patcu. Office Ohego-j isn California Rail- ) noiD Co., Portlasi, April 1, 1870. J rgIIE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW PREPARED 1 to contract for tho delivery, on the Lino of the Oregon and California Railroad, between Parrot's creek and Albany, of XOO,000 TIES, of the following description ; Eight feet long, 6 inches thick, and 10 inches face, with the bark tnken off. To bo delivered between the 1st day of May and 1st of September, 1870. .Proposals for hewn timber arc invited. For particulars apply at the OEco of the Company.' " President. The Salem Statesman, Albany and Corvallis papers please copy and send bill to Company's Utnee. apra-31-im I HEREBY WARN ALL PERSONS NCT to trust my sons, Charles V. L. or William F. Simpson, on my account as their guardian or as thier father, for I will not be responsible for any liabilities or pay any debts they may contract after this date. S. SIMPSON. HarrisburgOgn., April 5, 70-31 -6w. THE O O H. O It s That Photograph Best, . A R E BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, P ORANGE. Tboso that take White, or nearly so, are Purple, Blue. Crimson, Pink, &c Sept. 18, '69-2 ' J. A. WINTER. "TO TnE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant em ployment at home, tho whole of the time or foj the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50c to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to too business. Boys and girls can earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their ad dress, and test the business, we make this unpar alleled offer : To such as are not well satisned, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The Peojile't Literary Companion one of the largest and best family newspapers published all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, E. C.ALLEN & Co., 10m3 Augusta, Maine. CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. ?f5)C2 HOME SHUTTLE SEWING Q JJS-Zo Machine. , A double-thread icJO lock-stitch Shuttle Machine : stitch alike on both sides. ry (jf Celebrated Common-Sense ?S JA I Family Machine. Both ma chines t ullv Warranted -for 6 years. Machines BMit tn anv Dart of the coast by express, C. O. D, Agents wanted in every town on tho Pacific coast, Liberal commission. Home Shuttle Sowing Machine Co., 2 G. G. TltAVER, . 131, First St., Portland, H. ALTHOUSE. X. WRIGHT. 1. F. BACKEHSTO. ALTIIOrSE & CO., LYON STREET, (ON TOE RIVER BASK), ALBANY, : s t OBEGOX. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to Furnish to Order, Doors, Blinds, Sash, and :iv3:cXjXx2srGt-&, such as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! Flooring, and all other kinds of Building Material ! JOB FHINTIKrO snch as ' Hand-bitt, Programmes, JiiU-heads, Cards, Bull Tickets, J'amjJilcts, Labels, Blanks of all kinds, at as low figures as a due regard to taste and good work will allow. When you want anything in the printing line, call at the Register office. THE attention of persons contemplating in suring their lives, or increasing the amount of insurance they already have, is called te the special advantages onered by the .Alll).NAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1I AS1TK J. II. BIIEIVIVER WILL GIVE LESSONS ON THE PIANO, YI0LIX and ORGAN, AT- ZZis own or Pnpil's Residence. mguage. Broad- fin HE undersigned gives notice to tho general 1 public, that be is now manufacturing tne Clalesuiirg Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered, Also, particular attention paid to also Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse. ALTHOUSE Ji CO. Albany, February 20, 1869-24 $15 GOOD AS GOLD. $20 BUY THE ONLY GENUINE IMPROVED OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, manufactured bt THE OROIDE WATCII CO. They are all- the best make, Hunting cases; finely chased 1 look ana trear like tine gout, and are equal in appearance to tho best gold watches usually costing $150. Full Jeweled iever,Gent's and Ladies sizes, at Via earn. Our Bonnie Extra Rennea Bond oroide Gold Hunting Cases, Full Jeweled Levers, are equal to $200 Gold- Watchei ; Regulated and truaranleea to Keep correct time, ana wear ana not tarnith. Extra Vine Cae, at $20 each. No money la requirea in aavance. we send 1 bv Express anywhere within the United States, payable to agent on delivery, with the privilege to open and examine before paid for, and it not satisiactory reiurneu, oy paying me i . j i . i . . 'i - jCjxpress cnargos. t 1 1 w icnt vjr nwu db Registered Packages, prepaid, by sending cash in advance. . An Anent tend inn for x watche aete an Extra WA TOH Fit EE. makinn term li Watchet far 90, or erven S20 Watchet for 1ZU. Also. Eletrant oroiae uoia cnains, or latest and most costly styles, for Ladies and Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 inches long, at $2, tl, $8, and $3 each, sent with watches at lowest wholesale prices. State kind and size of watch required,and to avoid bogus concerns, order only from vtwiua waibn ISto 148, Fulton Street, New York. and General Jobbing. All work entrusted U me will receive prompt! attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material. A snare of public patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets. opposite 1'ierce- erry. jr. WU'i. Albany, November Zl, isos-ll THE EYES I THE EARS 1 Dr. T. Sj. CJOLiBEIV, OCULIST AND AUK T, ALBANY, i : t OREGON. R. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE noted old Opthalmie Doctor. S. C Golden. - Dr. GOLDEN has had experience in treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under bis care. . Albany, April 10, lS69-31y Lessons given in tlie Prcnch For particulars, enquire at the corn albin and Second streets. :t, Refers to Prof. Jobs Briogs. BLACKSMITH INC ! PLOWS ! PLOWS ! PLOWS Horse Shoeing Wagon Making, and Darriage CRAFTSMEN'S LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. BITCH AN A1Y & 1TIEAKS, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Oregon, and Washington, JEdano Montana lcrntories, and PORTLAND... OREQ&N. Cash Plan, Low Rates, Strictly Mutual. All Policies Ncn-Forfeitinpj by their Terms, No Restriction on Travel, Residence or Occupation. Policies issued in Gold or U. S. Curren cy, as desired. No extra charge upon women. All varieties of Policies issued. upon Surrendered Largo Cash Value Policies. wta-5 E. S. MERRlXIo Agent, Albany, Oregon. All Policies non-forfeiting, and governed by tfie- non-forfoiting law of Massachusetts, Policy holders the' only persons who rocolvo d i deeds in this Company, which are declared and paid annually ; first dividend avail able at the payment of the second , annual premiums. All Policies ' remain-in force as long as , there is any surrender value. ';"' NO FORFEITURES 1 This old and popular Company, (the oldest Mu" tnal Life Insurance Company in this . country) insures at the low est possible rates. The stability of this Company, with its past his--tory, increasing capital and business, and the sat isfactory manner in which it has discharged its obligations in the past, are guaran'ees for the' future such as far-seeing and careful mep require in their investments. Persons generally, who thoroughly understand the workings of Life Insurance, are anxious to avail themselves of its equitable provisions. Full information will be given to those who desire, attho Agency. -; Home Office, 39 tate Street, Boston. Pacific Branch Offices, 3Crt Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Room 3. Carter' Building, Portland, , Oregon, EVERSON &. HAINES, General Agts. KlTSSELf,. &IKmS, Agfa, ALBANY, OREGON. -Albany, September 19, IS6S-2y "GAY" NEWS. Farmers Can Ride and Plow, . bt securing: one or tde- TI1E ADVANTAGES OFFERED ARE: The National charter, the large capital, the Low Rates, the common-sense plan, the definite contracts, the honorable and fair dealings, the Non-Forfeiting Policies, the perfect security, the liberal terms oi tne policies, etc., etc., rend ers the NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY of the United States of America worthy of the patronage of every busines man. This company, during tho sixteen months of its existence, has issued 8,825 POLICIES, ! . COVERING i $20,800,000 INSURANCE. The extraordinary rapid progress of tho com pany attests tho estimation iu which it is held by the public, and the largo amount of new business transacted it is tho best evidence of tho popular- ty of its prinfiiws, nnd its adaptability to'mcct the requirements of its Assurers. ITS POLICIES ARE NEGOTIABLE. By tho Charter of the Company, certificates of obligations will bo issued, agreeing to purchase its policies at their value which, when accompa nied by the policy duly assigned or transferred, are negotiable, and may bo used aa collateral se curity, in making loans from the Company or lrom otucr parties. GAY" PLOWS, Manufactured and sold for the very low price of $05 ixntl IYG. O i THE simplicity and practicability of this new Plow commends it favorably to the special notice of every farmer. It possesses a decided superiority over all other plows now in use. The wheels are four feet in diameter, and run on the unplowcd land. Its entire construction is in no way complicated. The plow is managed in every manner with ease, and requires only two levers toJe used in making any alteration. The supe riority of tho "Gay" Plow will be clearly shown by the following certificate : Wc, the undersigned, citizens of Linn county, Oregon, having purchased and used upon our farms the "Gay" Plow, hereby certify that the same has given us entire satisfaction. Its facility for adjusting to suit the depth of furrow without moving from the seat, is simple and easy. We like the plow for its draught, because the same is brought to bear directly upon the plow-beam in stead ot the carnage ; also, because it is strong and durable, all except tho wood-work being con structed of wrought iron no c a-tings are used. xne wnecis running upon the solid land is on ad vantage over -other gang-plows, in striking off land and in plowing, not having to make the noe- essary changes in the machinery, and the scat is always level, not thr wing tho driver forward or sideways as in other plows. Hotter work and more of it can be accomplished by the use of this .flow than Dy hand. We take pleasure in recommending the "Gat" Plow to our brother farmers, as one having no suporior in Oregon. J. U. REED, W. P. ESHOM, . A. S. LOONEY, - E. W. PIKE, W. H. GOLTTEEE. II. DAVIDSON. May 20th, 1860. The "Gat" Plow is manufactured by II. Goulding. Portland Machine Shop. All orders will4o promptly attended to by ad dressing. sj. if. UAI, Portland, Oregon. The lion. Jno. E. Sanford. Insurance Commis sioner of Massachusetts, in his Report for 1868, speaking of Dividends in Life Insurance Compa nies, says , " The sooner such guarantees cease to be made, and such expectations created, the sooner Life Insurance will come to rest on its true motive, and men insure their lives for security, and not for dividends. The best and the most popular companies will then be those that prom- se only equity, and render all that tbey promise, and furnish the best security, with the most up right and judicious management." " By the Stock plan the full cash effect of the premium is immediately secured to the insured, the Company taking ALL the risk. 15y the Mu tual plan, the full value in insurance of the pre mium paid, is not secured to the policy-holder. who takes a portion of the risk himselt. Policies Issued lit Gold or- Currency. Will. E. HALE, MANAGER. WELLS, FARGO & CO. GENERAL AGENTS ; FOR TIIE PACIFIC COAST. Albany Agents. J. BARROWS k CO., Agents for Linn A Benton counties. JOHN lUtlGGS, Agent for Linn k Benton countios. May 22, '69-37 THE OLD STOVE DEPOT! JOIIIY BRIGOS, DEALER IK STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. of the best pattern AUSO Tin, Slice Iron and Copper Ware I and the usual assortment of Furnishing Goods ta be obtained in a TIN SgQRB I ti? Repair neatly and promptlg executed, jpatron reaeonable term. "S3 "Short reckonings, make long friends." rront street .......Albany. Next door to Mansfield k Co. dec5'68-I2 " J. C. IttEIVMiwHAM., TRAVELS NO AGENT For Oroffon and Washington Tsrritoxy. Albany, September II, IS69 MAKING THE fcJ Cm I EVERY VARIETY 0F GILBERT E?.0.9 ACEflTG, SALEM, OREGON.