The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 07, 1870, Image 2

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    U. S. Official Paper for OrcgonI
eat her. Daring the vrcek rather
-mixed; a "few" sunshine and much rain.
Strawberries In this vieinity prom
ise to be more abundant than u'sual.
Public Debt. The public debt
statement will show a decrease of the
national debt during April of $8,550,000-
Republican. At the Nevada city
election on the 2d inst., the Republican
ticket was elected by a majority of
Violently1 III. Gen. Logan was
taken violently ill on Sunday last, at
Washington, and at last accounts wxs not
much better, i
i I .11 il I LI liriUilll llilW III
Public Speaking.
Th Republican and Democratic can
didates for Congress, Messrs. Wilson and
Slater, have published the following ap
pointments for addressing the' voters of
Oregon: 4
Salem, May 7th, in the evening.
Lafayette, "May 9th, at 1 o'clock P. M.
Fell From the Cliff. A man named
Wilmot S. Mitchell, of Co. D. 23d U. S.
T, fell from the cliff at Oregon City on
Sunday, and died from the injuries re
ceived, on Monday night.
Defaulter. Collectqr Bailey's de
falcation is announced .as amountirg to
8130,000. It is believed his sureties
will make., good the amount, without
waiting for suit to be brought.1
AM lias,
Silvertoo, "
Jefferson, "
Lebanon, "
Albany, "
Corvallis, "
Monroe, "
Eugene, . "
lloseburg, '
. Canyon ville"
Kirby ville,
2-1, in the evening.
Further appointments will be made as
the canvass progresses.
Candidate for President. Mrs.
Land Wanted. T. Egerton Hogg,
Esq., writes from San Francisco that he
withes to procure fifty thousand acres of
wild land in Oregon lor a colony, eoui-
1 posed of English, Irish, Scotch and Ger
mans, numbering - cot less than five
hundred families, a majority' of. whom are
agriculturists, the balance herdsmen and
mechanics. They intend to form settle-
j ments of their own, according to ihcir
various nationalities, and desire lands
adapted to their various pursuits. They
arc poor in ready money, but are rich
in all the elements demanded in the
oneninz ud of a new country. The letter
Victoria C. Woodhill,- in announcing I is'directcd :o Dr. Loryea. of Portland,
herself as a candidate for the Presidency who requests parties having the desired.
of the United States, says : "Having amount of wild lands for sale in Western
the means, courage, energy, and strength i Oregon, to correspond with him (Loryea),
necessary for the race, I intend to con- j giving location, price, quality, terms of
test it to the close." Bully for Vic. I payment, adaptability to different pro-
ductious, and any other particulars that
i Stockton ELECTiON.-The election for ,,....
wouM be ot interest.
eity officers in Stockton (Cal.) on the 2d, ; .
resulted in a Republican victory, with; TllE 1 1 rst Gln. On last Monday
the exception of two Aldermen, one in ; occurred the Oregon City municipal
the 1st and the other in the 3d ward. ; election. It was a square fight between
The negroes, with one exception, voted tbu Republicans and Democrats for the
the Reoublican ticket. ! ehoice of cltJ o&cers.
ct was elected at Gold Hill.
On the night of the 1st inst., Beachy,
As it was con
ceded that the citv election would indi-
TheentireRepublicantick-; . th , - Ciackamas Countv in
i June, the' Democrats made extraordinary
: exertion and strained every nerve to
j carry the city. What was the result ?
j The city went overwhelmingly Rcpubli-
; can. The highest majority received by
j any one man on the ticket was filty-fiye.
; Last year the average Republican major-
ity was only twenty. The average nia-
: jority at the election on Monday was
': thirty-five a very decided Republican
gain. The county Republican ticket
Inquiries Answered.
Two weeks ago wo received a letter
from a gentleman in Michigan, making
various inquiries in relation to induce
ments offered by Linn county to emi
grants. Mr. Freeland, postmaster of this
city, received, about the same time, a
similar letter, from u Mr. J. E. Lockwood,
and as this letter propounds a list of in
quiries which, when answered, will give
our Eastern people a full aud more com
plete idea of the resources and advantages
of Linn county, Oregon, we propose to
answer, in as brief a manner as possible,
to the best of our knowledge and belief,
each separate question as propounded by
the writer:
1. What is the length of your Winters
and Summers?
Winters, four months rainy season,
and two months occasional 6howers. Cat
tle kept in good order on grass .the past
two Winters.
2. Amouut of snow in Winter?
The last two Winters, none. The
greatest depth of snow of which we have
anv account, reached about fourteen in
ches, and lasted about one week.
3. Amount of rain in Summer? -
No rain from first of July to Septem
ber. 1
4. Range of thermometer?
During the last winter the tbcrmouae-,
ter ranged from 45 to 50j in the Sum
mer, from 60 to 90.
5. How are the Eastern consumptives
effected by the climate in your locality?
On some it has a beneficial effect; on
others the reverse.
G. Can you raise apples, peaches, pears,"
plums, grapes, etc.?
Emphatically, yes. Oregon is cele
brated for her "red apples " in fact
she leads the world in the production of
mammoth, high flavored apples. All the
other fruits mentioned with the exception
of peaches, are successfully cultivated in
this county. Peaches are more or less
cultivated, but are not a sure crop.
7. What is the production of wheat,
found in abundance. j
29. Are the small rivers emptying into
the Willamette capable of being turned
to account by darning, etc. ? ,
They arc. Some are being so convert
ed to use at the present time.
SO. How far-is your town from the
ocean in a straight line west ?
It is about forty miles from this city to
the Pacific ccean. .
31. What is the population (in num
bers) in Albany ?
About two thousand. - J
32. Have, you swamp or marsh lands
in your locality ; aud if so, to what ex
tent ?
We have no such lands.
33. What prospect is there of railroad
communication, and to what points ?
Twenty miles of the Oregon & Califor
nia Railroad were completed last season,
commencing at Portland, and Bon. Hol-
laJay, President cf the Toad, is rapidly
pushing the construction, qnd proposes to
have the road finished and trains making
regular trips to this city on or before the
first day of January, 1870. The road is
to connect Portland, Oregon, with Sacra
mento, California. Some thirty or forty
miles of the California end of the road
has been constructed. It is thought the
fall of 1873 will witness the completion
of the entire line. v
34. What prices do the following arti
cles command ? '
Tea, 72cSl 25 ; sugar, 10lSc ;
kerosene, SI; syrups, 75cSl; coffee,
20c ; salt, 2J3c ; beef, on foot, 5Gc;
flour, per bbl., Si 50 ; tobacco 85cSl;
vinegar, per gal., 50c ; pork, Gc net.
35. "What are ordinarily good cows,
horses aud sheep worth ?
Cows, S2555 ; horses, 40250 ;
sheep, SI 252.
SC. Of what nativity are the settlers in
your vicinity ?
The great majority are Americans.
Wines & Co's. stage was robbed of 83,-
300, by four men, two miles from Elko.
Fifteen hundred dollars are offered for
their apprehension. The police are on
track cf the robbers.
California Caors. On the 2d, gen
tlemen from Antioch reported in San
Francisco that on the right bank of the
San Joaquin, from that point to Visalia,
the crops are entirely perishing from will be elected by an overwhelming ma
drouth, and the majority of the farmers I jority in June. Oregon City has done
will not even be able to make hay from
their fields.
Enlarged. The Keosauqua (Iowa)
Republican reaches us enlarged and great
ly improved in looks. It's editor and
proprietory Geo. A. Henry, Esq., deserves
well of the Kcosauquans, and this exhi
bition of enterprise on his part to give
them an enlarged and better paper, should
not fail to bo met in a right spirit by
State Fair. We have received a
neat little pamphlet, containing over
one hundred pages, entitled a " List of
Premiums for the Oregon State Fair."
The next fair will be held at the Socie
ty's grounds near Salem, October, 1870.
The premiums offered by the Society are
largely increased in number over former
years. The Society deserves the great
success it has achieved.
Democratic Convention of Jose-"
MINE County. The Jacksonville Sen
tinel says that the Josephine County Con
vention, which met at Kcrbyville on the
23d, had an extremely stormy session,
lasted until midnight, and then broke up
in a row, without making any' nomina
tions. The delegates left for their homes
in terrible ill humor, vowing that they
would never hold another convention in
that county.
American Exchange. We learn
that our old friend and popular hotelist,
Mr. L. P. W. Quitnby, of the American
Exchange, Portland, has formed a part
nership withilr. Charles Perkins, under
the firm name of Quiniby '& Perkins,
and they will continue to meet the wants
of the traveling public in the future in
the manner which has proved so satis the past. .Charley has stood
behind the desk at the American for a
long time, and his agreeable manners and
'accommodating disposition has largely
aided in establishing the present well
earned reputation of the hoteL- The new
firm has our blessing.
Tiie Prune Domain. The public
lands of the United States are estimated
at 1,816,245,672 acres, of which about
two-thirds are available. In square miles
this would be equal 2.837J832. Of this
immense domain some 500,000,000 ot ;
acres have been officially surveyed, and
over 400,000,000 disposed of. The va
rious railroad companies have been the
recipients of nearly 100,000,000, which
are not included in the latter number
disposed of. It will scarcely be believed
that only 165,001,359 acres have been
disposed of to actual bona fda purchasers
aud pre-empted for homestead purposes.
The difference between these numbers
will show the amount actually given
away, and applications to Congress for
grants of more are daily being ' made.
Eighty three bills are now pending, in
volving propositions for grants to 100,
000,000 more an area equal to New
York, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Plebiscitum. Tho "Plobiscituni,"
which is to ask from France an approval
by popular vote of Napoleon's new
scheme of reform, is expected to take
place during this month. The points
presented by the Scnatus Consultum,
which the pceple will be invited to ap
prove, are first, that the Senate shall
share legislative power with tho Corps
ana tne emperor, put cannot inmate
taxation ; second, that the constitution
making power given to the Senate is
taken from it; third, the constitution
can only be modified by the people on
proposition of the iimperor.
Falss Affidavit.' A telegram of
the 3d inst. states that Gen. Shields is a
contestant for the seat held by Van Horn,
in the sixth Missouri district.' He filed a
brief before tho House Committee on
Elections containing startling assertions
to the affect that Van Horn and his
friends went to the Secretary of State of
corn, grass, etc , per acre?
Wheat,from 15 to 40 bushels; oats, 25 to
50; grass, 2 tons. Of com there is so
little cultivated that we hardly know
what would be an average crop say 25
to 40 bushels.
8. Do root crops (potatoes, turnips,
beets, etc.), flourish with you ? and what
is the yield ?
Yes, and produce as largely as any
9. What are the chances for purchas
ing wild, or partially improved, lands?
Improved lands can be purchased; al
to, partially improved.
10. What is the average value of each,
per acre ?
Improved, 10 to S30 per acre ; hill
land from S3 to So.
11. Is the country settling up fast or
slowly ?
Population is beginning to pour in upon
us from all quarters.
12. What is tho comparative amount'
of timbered and prairie lands?
In the valley about one-sixth ; in the
mountains the best of timber is to be ob
tained. 13. What is tho greatest and least
width of the valley ?
The valley averages from 10 to 40
miles in width.
The Prospect. The news comes up
from every portion of the county that
the people are satisfied with our ticket,
and that daily oar strength is being in.
Creased by new accessions. . Scores of
life-long Democrats, who are disgusted
with a.portion at least of their ticket,
have declared their intention to vote with
ss, and thus put the seal of condemna
tion upon tho dishonesty and treachery
of party tricksters. 4The cause of truth
an J right never looked brighter and more
hopeful in old'Linn, and we have but to
work steadily and earnestly until the 6th
day of Jane next to secure a majority of
the honest anA true men of the- county
for- oar ticket. , Let every Republican
do his whole- duty, and .the result will
astonish, all repudiation schemers and
tricksters. Strike while the iron is
14. Whst is the length? j
Eighty miles. . ,
15. What improvements, if any ?
All kinds of improvements, same as in
the Eastern States.
16. What kind of soil preponderates ?
Clay. .
17. What kind of timber if any ?
White, red and yellow fir. ,
18. Where is your nearest market?
At present San Francisco, California, is
our main market.
19. What is the price of wheat, bar
ly, etc., at the present time ?
Wheat 50 to-55 cents; barley 45
20. Have you schools, churches, saw
and grist mills, etc. ?
Yes, e are well supplied.
21. Which is the nearest and cheapest
route to your place from San Francisco.
' By ocean steamer from San Francisco
to Portland.
22. What is the estimated white popu
lation of the valley?
Population estintated at about 40,000.
23. Are the Indians at all troublesome?
Not at all.
24. What game and fish have you,
" White Man's Party." A corres
pondent of the Wilmington (Del ) Com
mercial says a Committee of the troubled
faithful recently called on Senator Saus
bury, in Washington, to obtain their or
ders, and the old gentleman sufficiently
comprehended the situation to pooh-pooh
their idea of dividing the negro vote.
This is the way he is reported to have re
assured them:
" We can't get tho nigger vote. The
time between this and the election is too
short to pull the wool over their eyes.
They have got just as much sense about
voting as you and I have, and it's no use
talking. I've lived among them all my
life va3 raised with them and used to
own 'cm, and I tell you they have got too
much sense to vote with us next Fall. They
won't do it. I'll tell you what j
to do go home and holler, 'White Man's j
Party.' That's our holt. There s enough
d n thick-headed, ignorant white men
who vote the Republican ticket that we !
can get to vote ours, and we can beat 'em
yet. Go home, boys, and set up a howl:
' White Man's Party ' ' ' White Man's
party ' - White Man's Tarty.' Then in
tyo years, when Ave have another election,
we will have plenty of time to cultivate
the nigger vote, and get as much of it as
we may want.
New Dodge. Mr. Slater's new dodge
is to pay the national debt by issuing
greenbacks sufficient to cover the whole
amount. He does not give the least in
timation, however, as to how he would pay
these greenbacks after they were issued !
The issuance of so large an amount of
greenbacks would be virtual repudiation
of the debt. Such " absurd and undem
ocratic " repudiation schemes will not go
down with honest men, Mr. Slater.
You have placed yourself square on the
record as an advocate of the odious doc
trine of repudiation, and tho honest mas
ses of Oregon have decided to send you
and your dishonest scheme to political
The Democracy as Financiers.
The Democracy still keep up the cry
about the injustice they even call it
robbery of paying interest on tho nation
al debt. Its leaders in Oregon have
gone so far as to pronounce in favor of
repudiating the national debt, justifying
the palpable dishonesty of the act on the
ground that "the burdens of the people
are too heavy to bo borne," and any
measure looking to the reduction of the
burden of taxation, however dishonest,
will meet with popular favor. It pro
fesses such great love for the people that
it is willing to promise anything for
votes. But, when wo come to look up
the record of this economical and honest
party, we find their acts give the direct
lie to their professions. When the great
Republican party came into power, they
found a debt, incurred in a time of pro
found peace, upon which this economi
cal) Democracy was paying interest at
tho rate of twelve per cent !
Looking further, wc find that when the
Democracy came into power in the city of
New York, the city taxes which, under
other rule, had been but 500,000 per
annum, rapidly increased during the
years which the Democracy, " the peo
ple's best. friends " (?) have ruled, until
the taxes have increased to the enormous
sum of 20,000,000 ! This is merely one
ins'tance of what Democracy, this party
that is so ready to cry out against th
burdens of taxation, can do in the line
of financiering. Through the expendi
ture of such an immense sum annually
the Democracy have held entire control of
the city, and now have control of the
State. The "manner in which the public
affairs of the State are now being man
aged by the Democracy, calls forth a se
vere rebuke from even Brick Pomeroy,
of the New York Democrat, who i3 un
doubtedly good Democratic authority. In
a late issue, Brick Pomeroy says :
Democratic economy consists in adding
thirty-five per cent, to the salaries of all
clerks employed in the different depart
ments of State at Albany. And gold is
steadily on the decliue. Is this the way
to retrench and lessen taxation ? Or is
the duty the Governor and Legislature
owe to the clerks greater than the duty
they owe taxpayers? If Democracy is to
increase our taxation th people will do
well to vote the Republican ticket hereafter.
And if- ou law makejs are not careful
they will add to, rather than lessen, the
burden which bears so heavily on the
muscle of labor.
We have only to look at California to
see the idea of " Democratic economy,"
carried out in all its refreshing loveliness.
If our people really want the burdens of
taxation made lighter, they will never j
cast their votes for the support of a party
whoso past record proves it to be in favor
of increasing instead of diminishing the
burdens of the people. This Democratic
cry of " economy"' is a snare and a de
lusion, made before elections to entrap
the ignorant aud unsuspecting, as all the
acts of the party, whenever and wherever
trusted with power, effectually proves.
Missouri and induced him to withhold j an1 are abundant?
the certificate of election from Shields on
the ground that Van Horn could produce
an affidavit from one Beavis, Supervisor
f Registration, which "warranted the
Secretary in throwing out tho vote of one
county, thus defeating Shields. The
Supervisor now swears this affidavit is a
forgery throughout, and that he novel
signed it.
To Retire. It is rumored that Sec
retary Fish will retire from the Cabinet
as soon as the San Domingo treaty is
ratified, as he is opposed to the scheme.
District Attorney Pierpont is annouueed
as the coming Secretary.
Strawberries. On last Saturday,
San Francisco received seventeen thous
and, five hundred pounds of strawberries
from Santa Clara county.
vveather. At Los Angeles on the
1st inst., the thermometer stood, at 85 in
tue suaue.
In the way of game we have deer", bear,
elk, grouse, pheasant, quail, duck, etc.,
and our trout and salmon are unequalled
all abundant.
: 25. Is the surface of the valley even,
or otherwise?
The valley is generally level. -26.
Is the river (Willamette) naviga
ble, and if so, to what distance from its
During the winter the Willamette is
navigable as far up as Eugere City;
during the summer as far as Albany.
27. How far do you call it (by water)
from Albany to Portland ; to Astoria; to
San Francisco? - -
From Albany to Portland, about 100;
to Astoria, 200; to San Francisco, about
800 miles.
28. Have yoa many spriDg brooks in
your locality? ;
In the hills and mountains they are
Railroad Matters. Ben. Ilolladay
has a large force busy at work on the
Oregon & California Railroad.
The Company building the California
end of tho O. & C R- R., are pushing
the work on the toad as rapidly as the
weather will permit.
A bill to make up the deficiency in the
land grant to aid in the construction of a
railroad and telegraph line from the Cen
tral Pacific Railroad to Portland, Oregon,
and a bill granting lands and right of
way to the Missouri i" Arkansas Railroad,
passed the Senate on, the 2d instant.
Mining Intelligence. -A Montana
paper says: Loon Cfcek will support
about a thousand people this season, and
claim owners .are afraid that the supply
of labor will not be sufficient to supply
the demand. Stanley Basin will afford
emnlovment to from 70 to 80 men; Dead-
wood, about 25 ; Bobeson's Bar, about
60; and Loon Creek, from 400 to 500.
Wages will be S6 per day, and provisions
will rate at about 14 per cent, advance
on Idaho City prices.
Wo have been shown a letter, says the
Seattle Intelligencer, which has just been
received from a miner who is at work on
Sultau river, which speaks favorably of
the mines. Notwithstanding the ram
and snow, tho writer says he is acquaint
ed with two men who too out an ounce
a day to the hand for three days' in sue
cession. He also says that he can rock
easily from one dollar to two dollars aud
a half a day. X here are only hi teen men
at work on the river, and prospects have
been obtained for a distance of seven
miles. ' - -
Valuable Property. -We call at
tention to'the sale of valuable city prop
erty, advertised to be sold en the 4th of
June next, by Dir. 1. I'remaq.
Washington Territory Democracy and the
Whilst Democratic papers and orators
of this State have been working them
selves into a perfect frenzy over the
questions of Chinamen and Chinese em
igration, their brethren of Washington
Territory have quietly gone to work and
repealed all laws discriminating against
Chinamen, Mongolians, etc., in the Ter
ritory. Judge J. D. Mix, the present
u'omtnee of the Democracy for Delegate
to Congress, during the last session of
the Territorial Legislature, introduced in
that body a bill which read as follows :
" An Act to repeal all police tax laws
discriminating against Chinese, Mongoli
ans and Kanakas.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Leg
islative Axs'-mbfy of the Tcrritorty of
Washmqlon, lhat the acts ot the loiiow-
ing titles, to-wit : An act to levy taxes on
Kanakas, approved January Z8, 1SU ;
an act to protect free white labor against
. . . . . . . . 1,
competition with uooue laDor,
and to discourage the immigration of the
Chinese into this Territory, passed Janu
ary 23, 1864, and the several acts amen
datory thereto, passed at the several ses
sions of 1864-5, 1805-6, 1866-7, and
any laws or parts of laws which levy a
police tax discriminating against persons
of the Mongolian race, or natives of the
Sandwich, Society; or other islands ot the
Pacific, residing in this Territory, be and
the same are hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. lhis act shall take ellect and
be in force from and after its passage.
This bill became a law, Democrats and
Republicans of both Houses voting in its
Origin of Picnics. Following is tho
first authentic account ot a picnic on re
cord. As wo are now in the midst of the.
season : for these pleasurable and love-
making little expeditions, its recital will
prove highly interesting. More than two
centuries and a quarter ago, on the birth
day of Charles, Prince of Wales, after
wards Charles I., Mainwaring in a letter
to the Earl of Arundel, dated November
22, 1718, says: -'
The prince's birthday has been solem
nized here, by the few marquises and lords
which found themselves here; and : (to
supply the wants of lords) knights and
squires were admitted to a consultation,
wherein it wa3 resolved that such a num
ber should meet at Gamigos, and bring
every man Jiis dish of meat. It was left
to their choice, what to bring ; some
chose to be substantial, some curious,
some extravagant. Sir George Young's
invention bore away the bell; and that
was four huge brawny pigs, piping hot,
bitted and harnessed with gropes of sarsi-
I gers, all tied to a monstrous bag-pudding.
The Austrian Tyrolesc are said to op- !
pose the infallibility dogma, and threaten
secession from the church.
At a recent foot race in England, the
winner ran a mile in the extraordinary
time of four minutes and twenty and a
half seconds the fastest recorded time
ever made in running that distance.
Chicago has had a wedding among the
Norwcigans, in which the bridegroom
was over six feet, and the winsome bride
was six feet six inches. How is that for
high ?
Dumas, Jr., is out in a pamphlet urg
ing the emancipation of women from
man's thraldom. We guess the majority
of women don't want that.
The smaller the trouble the more we
chafe at it. A single mosquito has been
known to give rise to a greater amount
of profanity than a dozen mad dogs.
Miss Rosa Potts, daughter of the chief
clerk of the War Department, is about
to be married to Monsieur Michel, a
wealthy Russian gentleman. Marrying
noble foreigners is just now the rage in
the East. ,
Among the numerous candidates for
the next Presidency, male and female.
is numbered the great North American
gaspipe; George Francis Train, and the
great North American traveler, Daniel
That sprightly paper, the San Francis
co Figaro, says : "Governor Woods, the
Oregon Republican orator, and Mr.
G rover, the Democratic candidate for
Governor, have started out to canvass
the State together; and may tho Lord
have mercy on Grovcr !" '
A Sacramento paper announces a ball
at which "no gentlemen are admitted,"
and adds, "we have received a compli
mentary ticket !"
The oii ladies of Philadelphia only
wear one glove, and that is only worn on
the little finger of the left hand.
Boise City is said to possess but one
female, Miss Harper, and she a physician. !
This lack of girls makes it rough on the
Boise. -
A Sunday school teacher asked a little
fellow if ho learned anything during the
week. "Yes," said he. "What have
you learned ?" "Never to trump your
partner's ace."
The McMinville Railroad bill has be
come a law, ana wc win soon nave two
railroads under way in Oregon.
On the 29th ult. the Virginia Supreme
Court ot Appeals decided that Ellison
was Mayor of Richmond Cahoun retires
from the arena.
Regent Serrano, of Spain, has resigned,
Ho desires the Miuistry- and a majority
of the Cortes to effect a solution of the
question of monarchy.
We have the following from France,
under date of April 30th:
Reports are rife that the pohcehave dis
covered a new plot against the State and
the life of the Emperor. It is alleged
that yesterday a non-commissioned officer
was arrested in the Hotel Rue Montmar
tre, who had in his possession a letter
from G ustave Fleurens and a note contain
ing instructions for his part in the great
conspiracy.' The Figaro says part of
the design "of the plotters was to blow up
tho palace of the Tuillerics and the Pre
fecture of tho Police. This afternoon
the Journal OJflciale announces that the
police have becu some tiu.e on the track
of a plot against the life of the Emperor.
Yesterday morning one Beaver, recently
arrived from England, was arrested.
whereby the plot was completely discov
ered. On his person were found a large
sum of moucy, a revolver and a letter
from London from a man who was impli
cated in a similar plot in February last.
This letter : and confession made by
Beaver, leaves no doubt of his intention
to immediately attempt the assassination
of tho Emperor. Last nightseveral other
persons were arrested at the Belleville
quarter. At the house of one of these the
police iounU a large quantity ot powder
and new explosive bombs, together with
directions how to use them. This plot
has for its principal organizers many
members of the International Association
of Workmen in Paris, some of whom have
already been arrested. Two members of
the International Association ot Work
men were arrested this afternoon. The
police found upon their persons a com
plete list of adhereo's of the plot. The
authorities are now scouring the city for
these persons. Great military, and poHce
precautions are being taken to-hight
A Corinne correspondent says : Freight
for " the North Cunt"e" is already
coming slowly, and trom the way your
Montana merchants talk, there will be a
grand rush of it hero presently. The Far
W est rreight Liue is represented here by
Creighton & Monroe, and the " Diamond
It" by our old llelenian, Mr. Geo. B
Parker. Each are making preparations
to do a largo business'. The latter is
building a large warehouse. Corinne is
improving, a great many buildingb going
up. .notwithstanding the junction ques
tion is settled (being located at Bonne
ville), the Uonnnethcan's think if they
can get the freight for Idaho and Monta
na and keep tho mail Bervice for the
North at this place, the junction business
will not materially effect the city.
Murders. Lcputy U. S. Marshal,
Capt. W. R. Story, was shot and killed
at Qrantsville, forty miles from Salt Lake
City, on the 2d inst., by a desperado
named Hawes, whom he was trying to
arrest. Ilawes made his escape.
At Helena, Montana, on the 2d inst.,
Geo. Higginson shot Robt. McBurns in
the neck wound supposed to be mortal.'
McBurns was intoxicated, and -drew a
revolver on Higginson, but tho latter
was too quick for him. Higgins is under
Singular Phenomenon. On Fri
day night the residents of the northern
part of town witnessed a shower that was,
at least, remarkable, and so far, has not
been explained. It was raining hard at
the time, with little or no wind, when a
peculiar substance was discovered to bo
settling down with the rain. .In color .
and appearance, it resembled flower of
sulphur, and some who tasted it pro--nounced
it to be that substance, but Mrs.-'
O. J. Carr showed us that such was not
the case ; she collected a quantity which'
was floating on the water caught in a bar
rel, aud putting it on the fire it burned'
without any of the sulphur fumes. This1
strange shower continued for an hour oiv
more, and fell in such quantities as to be
plainly seen on sidewalks and floating on
all the standing water. Some of it fell
as far up town as Marion Square, where -it
was observed by Mr Cullow, but the
heaviest was seen in the neighborhood of
Mr. J. E. Strong's. Unfortunately, no
attempt was made to collect any of the;
mystcrious substance at first, but we have'
a small quantity that stood sometime on
a water barrel, and if any one who canr
will ascertain the analysis, they are wel
come tothe specimen. Such occurrences
are by no means unknown, but they are
far from being common in these parts. -Salem
Statesman. . .
"Repudiation" Dean. Tho some
what noted advocate of repudiation, Rev
Henry Clay Dean, of Iowa, is expected
to arrive in Oregon tbc present month to
lend his aid to Democracy in the present
canvass. In Iowa' the Rev. Dean has
been on the stump, openly advocating.
repudiation of the public debt. We are
somewhat curious to know, in the- event
of the Reverend's arrival ia our State,.
which "policy" ho will advocate here
vhcthsr he will adopt the Albany plat
form the only feature of which is repu
diation of the national debt or whether
he will adopt that other line of policy
which declares that the Democratic party
is now and always has been in favor of
paying every dollar of the public debt,,
anything in the Albany platform to tho
coutrary notwithstanding 1 However, we
are inclined to think the Rev. Dean wilt
find it up hill work to advocate repudia
tion in Iowa, and its oppesito in Oregon..
On Monday, the Republican Conven
tion of Yamhill county placed in the field"
following Legislative and county ticket :
For State Senator, Dr. J. W. Watts; Rep
resentatives, Lee Lnughlin and Al. II us
scy; Judge, David Smith; Clerk, M
Redding; Sheriff, P. P. Gates; Treasurer,
John Bird; Commissioners, W. Carl and."
T. R. Harrison; Assessor, Isaac Davis;
School Superintendent. Dr. L. Hender
son; Surveyor, Capt. Chas.- Ilnndly;
Coroner, Dr. Shiply. Messrs. J.W. Watt,
A. R. Burbank snd A. B. Henry were
appointed a County Central Committee.
A private'letter states that "the Conven
tion was largely attended, the nomina
tions give general satisfaction and pros
pects arc good for the election of tho-.
whole ticket.
D. R. Locke (Nasby) had a son born,
to him a few days eince. He left a num
ber of lecture committees in the lurch,
ahd went home from Illinois to receivo
in poison this accession to his earthly
grandeur, excusing lnuiselt witu tue.
remark that he only had a boy once in
eight years, but those committees could
find a lecturer anywhere.
It is estimated that over a hundred
young ladies are at present studying law
in this country v rrouamy mey win au
become mothers-in law one of these days.
A fashionable clergyman in Chicago
warns the sinners of his congregation,
that if they don't repent they will go to
the "place of eternal uneasiness."
Items. What has become of our base
ball club? 1
The time for the lecture of non. E. L.
Applega'.e has not been definitely deter
mined upon, but will transpire soon.
Messrs. Wilson and Slater will ad
dress the citizens of Linn county on po
litical matters, at the Court House in this
city, on next Saturday afternoon May
14th. Everybody should be there to
hear them.
John C. Mendenhall, Esq., reported as
down with the rheumatism last week, is
slowly recr vcring.
The Willamette is still in fine boating
stage. "
No change ia our market to report.
Geese Eulogized. Rev. Dr. Tal
mage thus eulogizes geese: Ihey arc
worth more than an eagle any day, have
better morals and pluck more nutriment
out of the mud than eagles do out ot tne
sun. Save for Fourth of July orations,
eagles arq of but little worth filthy
cruel, ugly at the beak, fierce at the eye.
loathsome at the claw. But give me 'a
flock of eeese. white breasted, yellow
billed coming up at nightfall with milita
ry tramp' in single file led on, till, nearly
at the barn-vard. thev take Wing, and with
deafening clang the flying artillery wheel
to their bivoucs tor tho night.
Executor's Sale.
Realestate of M. W. Alack, deceased.
tbc Counly Court in and for Lina county, -Jl
hi Probata. nal at its May term, A. IK
liccnsioK the undersigned to c-U tho rcnloetaW ot
M. W. Mack, decoased, I will mOl a pubho auc
tion, at the Court Hoaso door in Albany in ail
Linn counly, on - .a
Saturday, the 4tU day of June, A. D. 1STO
eaatern addition to th awd c.ty of Albany, with
dwelling bouso thereon. . . . .
TERMS For V. 8. coin, one-half in hand at
time of laie. and the remainder in twelve months
at ten per cent, interest, with approved ecurity.
at ten per c , DAVID FROMAN, , .
May 5, 1970-Iw3i Remaining Bxeevter.