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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1870)
f SATURDAY, Al'lllL 30, 1870. Subscribers finding an X after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that number, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advanee; six months, $2 ; thrco months, $1. Exemstox.-Albany Fire Company proposes to give its annual May-dy excursion sometime dur ing the coming week probably on Tuesday, if the weather proves favorable to Corvallia. The steamer will leave Messrs. Beach Mnnteith. wharf about 7 o'clocfe-A. M.. go toCorrallis, and return in the afternoon. The day, hour for start ing, and prica of tickets, will be duly annonuced by handbills. ' P. S. Since putting the above in type, we are informed that the excursion will transpire on Sat urdav, May 70.. Tickets will be SI each for gen tlemen ; ladies and children free. Seven o'clock A. M. U the time for starting. Letter or IsQtrinT. We have received a let ter from Mr. L. Bentlcy, of ML Pleasant, Michi gan, making certain inquiries as to the price of ' Pkksonai.. We got a glimpse of friend Upton laud, etc., in Linn county. Mr. B. states that i on our streets Wednesday. himsslf and others moke those inquiries from the j A. F. Wheeler (tius.) camo up from Portland fact that they proposo to remove to Oregon some- I tt,e first of the week, en route for his homo in timo during the coming summer, and they wish to : Brownsville. Reports business dull in Portland, strike the most eligible point. We shall answer 1 j. n. Sprcngor, proprietor of the "Cosmopoli his inquiries in detail, from the best information tau " of Portland, called on us last week. Jako at our command, in the next issue of the Register, merely promising now that ru cuuuty in the State prcsouts as great inducements to all classes of in dustry as does our county of Liun. looks handsomer than ever, and is contented aud happy. Vndcr his admirable supervision the Cos mopolitan is daily gaiuiug friends and filling the proprietors pockets. Lecture. We are informed that Hon. 'Lish V. were pleased to meet our out ownsman, Applogate,-the most popular and enteriuining lec turer on the Pacific coast, will dcliTcr his colcbra tad lecture on "Mahomet and the Koran,"' iu this city, shortly, probably wci-k after next, for the benefit of Albany College. Wherever Mr. Apple gat o has delivered this lecture ho hns been greeted with crowded houses, and his audicn vos have greeted : his quaint, mirth-provoking and entirely original ideas with rapturous ap plause. We know that our citizens will hail the news of Mr Applegatc's 'engagement" with pleasure, and will turn out cn masso to hear him. Duo notice will be given of the time and place of tbo lecture. His Record. A. C. Jones, City Recorder and candidate tor County Clerk, comes-before the Democracy of Lina county with a very good rec ord as a bolter and disorganiicr of tho party iu former years. As long ago as IS39, Mr. Jones voted against the regular nomiimcc of tho Demo cratic party for Congress, Mr. Stout, and in a lengthy communication to the Salem Statesman gives his reasons therefor. According to tho Port land Commercial this communication of Mr. Joucs appeared in tho Salem Statenmnn of Jujy 12th, 1S59, immodiately following tho June election. The following is tho concluding paragraph of the communication in question: It was considered best to stand aloof from cverv part of the arrangement the election of Stout, and thereby cast a lasting rebuke upin all such prurecuiugB, "i lurimj snow to nil would-be poli ical leaders that if they would have tho sup port of the Democracy they must stand Torth on a true basis they must hold forth and sustain prin ciples of Democracy. Now, prominent Democrats all over the coun ty chargo that Jones secured his nomination by treachery and fraud ; that he was not tho choice of the Democracy of Linn for tho oflieo of County Clerk. Those Democrats who refuse to counten ance Jones in his nefarious schemes fir office, are merely following tho example set by him in ISoO, and in voting for an honest and capable man for tho office, Mr. J. U. Monteith, ' thereby cast a lasting rebuke upon all such proceedings." Can Democrats tru.-t a man, whose record proves him to have becu a bolter ia the past, and recently so treacherous and unreliable ? Can the party lash be so applied as to drive honest and independent voters into supporting with their votes aud inllu enco a man whom they despise and abhor for his political trickcrv, and in whom they. have not a j particle of confidence? Xo, wo thirk nut. Tbo ! party lash will be applied in vain, and tho "meck ; mannered mau " will bo '"washed out" iu Juno. NEW TO-DAY. A. COWAN. A." W. 8TASABD. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesalo and Retail Dealors in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET .....ALBANY. They offer a large and well selected stock of HTAPLE I)KY GOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices ror, Ctiwli or Xi-otlnee I F-kf.M Wouk. The fine weather of the past woo': has. seat our farmers to work diligently to make up f"r lost time. Farmers informs us, hiw- found thoroughly posted in the science of mcdi- evcr, that the long continued rains have injured , eiue an d-surgery, and will doubtless give entire the growing wheat to a great extent, aud iu some sections the next harvest will show a deficiency or falling off of nearly one-third from the amount realized last season from tho same land. Wc hope however, that this may prove a mistake, aud tho continuance of bright sunshino and healthful brecics may reassure their drooping hopes, as well as iusure all bountiful and paying crops. Retvknep. Father Frcclaml, who has been ou a visjt to California fjr several months past, re turned la-t week, with health but little if any im proved, lie don't like California, and thinks the ccucral health of Oregon 1 Sir. eor-o Bartzgcs, who lias ooen aosent on a ! visit to his old Eastern home, having been abseut I five or six mouths. tJeorgo looks in fino condi ! tion, aud comes back all the moro satisfied with ; his home in Oregon. Dr. Hill, who wc mentioned last week as being ' confine .1 to his room with erysipelas, is still very 'low. At present be i) almost totally blind; it is : also feared that he will lose the entire use of his ! hands, even if be should recover his health. Mi:ntCAi Wc present this morning tho card j ot Dr. G. W. Biggcrs, physician nnd surgeon, a I graduate of the Physio Medical Institute, of Cin- I cinnati, Ohio. Mr. B. is a young man, with un- ! doubted talents, and besides his diploma, has rc- i Aboct Town. Speaking of improvements, wo commendations of the highest order. He will be ! must aot to mention our friend Frank Red- field, who is improving and beautifying his prop erty on Calipooia street. Mr. Geo. F. Settleinier is also engaged in ad. ding to and making more convenient his neat res idence on Second street. Our worthy Mayor, a. W. Stanard, is adding another story to his neat residence on Broadalbin street. Judge Babcr has adilod materially to the value and looks of his new purchase n Broadalbin street, in the way of a splendid new barn aud oth er conveniences. Milt. Beach having purchased tho handsome property on tho cornerof Third and Caliporia. has been busy for some weeks in "sprucing" it up, and adding to its general conveui uce aud attract iveness. Tho fact is, the spirit of improvement rccms to haTO taken hold of our people generally, and those who are not actually engaged in remodeling and fitting up, will do so as soou as tho materials and mechanics can be obtained. No wonder our city has so good a name abroad. Iu addition to a very large stock, covering everything in tho .lino ot Cottons, wo have a completo ussortinout of FANCY DRESS COODS! -Latest styles of Boys and Men's CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS ! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper Elinds, &c, &c. &, Xancn satisfaction to all who may need his services. His office is in the Parrish brick, up stairs. Pleasant Weather. The weather has been delightful through the week. Tho lorjg rains arc now over, and with the return of sunshino and balmy breezes, wo shall soon have good roa-ls. Already some of cur fast teams have appeared on the 'avenue." Hail beauteous Spring. j The River Still continues in fair boating j stage, and will likely hold so for some weeks, as the mountains bare a larger supply of snow than i usual this season, which the suu will melt fast his home, equal if not 1 .nou!,h to kc,. th. river in fcoatable staro. superior to that of California. A great objection J t Zi to California is, they have no Sabbath there, the j ' (lose to Jacksonville Mrs. Steely and ram late Democratic Legislature having repealed all I ily and Dr. Whitney and wife, two or three days laws which closed grog-shops, theatres, gambling j ago, started for Jacksonville. Mrs. Steely goes cations, etc., an I ma le of tho Sabbath a day ! to her husband, Dr. Steely, who is residing iu ia which licentiousness and debauchery flourishes j Jacksonville. Dr. Whitney goes-East to attend more than in all tho other six. lather Frceland j medical lectures. . is nurc than ever satisfied with his old homo aud Especial attcnt'un is directed to our stock of IRON AND STEEL -AND V 13 .U 12 IK A II A RDWABE ! Which is tho largest aud most complete this side of Portlaud. Yon are invited to call aud examine our goods and prices. The highest market prico in cash paid for Wool, Bacon ami Xard ! by Oct. 30, lf,9-8 A. COWAN Is. CO. A Stitch in Timo Saves Nine!" c v.. KT-. T 1 i ' K i: Y ill. come lour wwha u:;u. min. iu. oar people. His many friends will be glad to j wa, taken SUiUIcnlv aml violently ill while know of his safe return in fair health. oa visit at her sister's, Mrs. Blain's, so" ill in- Improvements. Dr. ti olden, having purchased the property on the cornerof First and Lyon streets, has erceted a new fence, ' white-washed it, filled up the dwelling an I its sarrouudings gener ally, and is now engaged in painting it throughout. This painting and reparing makes tho property look at least fifty per cent, better and more desir able, and shows that tho Doctor has an eye not deed that it was not thought prudent to attempt her removal to her own-residence, although tho distance is trifling. She now lies at the residence of Mrs. Blaiu, and it is thought, in a very critical condition. Het disease is pronounced inflammation of the bowels. Sad Accident. We loarn that Mr3. Lisle, of j tTKriOKr iFire ana Marine Insurance Compauy ! Xos. HO and 413, California street, I San Francisco, - California. only to comfort, but to ccatucss and beauty (as , , , ., . . , , . j to full and break two ribs on the right side, from which she suffered excruciating pain v JLpeabiA l tl patULLUg iUIII utusuiug U UId&C3 i the. looks and sale of property. When the Doc tor gets through with his flower-bedsf shrubbery, paihiing, etc., he Will have olio af the neatest lit tle cottage homes iu the city. - - Sensational. It is reported that tha notori ous outlaw, of Missouri, Sain Hildebran, for the arrest of whom ten thousand dollars reward is of forod, deliberately walked into a barber shop in this city, one day last week, and.nnbuckling from bis waist two six-shooters and a huge knife, took his seat and called for a shave ! The ofaeers AVe learn from her physician that at present she is doing well, and will soon be about again. Large Sale or Real F.statk. The enterpris ing real estate dealer, Mr. J. C. Mcndenhall, of this city, effected tho sale, on Monday last, of the F. P. Caveness farm, lying about eight miles fnvm this city, consisting of llflj acres, to Mr. Harri son Hildrcth, of Illinois, for the sum of $.!,:'IMI. Mr. M. is the agent for several other tlesirablo farms, in this and adjoining eoui:tics, as well as valuable city property. We can recommend him to purchasers and tboso having property f..r sale, as a perfectly reliable, honest auJ straightforward business man. j Fine Wouk. People who want tirst-class car : pentering douc, go to the manufactory of Messrs. 1 Althouse & Co., at the foot of Lyon street. Ilav j ing all the latest machinery, and tho gentlemen i composing the firm all being first-class mechanics, insures good work at tho lowest rates. Dress Ooods. The ladies will find at Messrs. Harper & Cu's. something new nnd rich in the lino of dross goods, etc. They have a much lar- the law havo been on his track for months, and J ger better stock then ever beforo, and are sel- Ixsaxh. John Davis was adjudged insane by the Couuty Judge, onTlnsrs lay, and was taken to Portland by tho Sheriff on Fri-lny. Davis was a m.iSon by trade, buthud been ciiasc! in birunog near this city lately. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, In Gold Coin, (ISO.OOO. Icposlt lu Oregon, $50,000. Losses I'roinpth anil Kqiiitiihh) Aifjuslcil And J'aid in O'vJ font. TBniS COMPANY having complied with the I J laws of Oregou, by making a deposit or filty j thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect iusur i ani-e against Loss or Damage bv Fire, and also j against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on j liberal terms. (1 VSTAVK TOUCHARD, Trcs. CIIA3. D. HAVEN, Sec'y. have succeeded iu capturing two of his confeder ates who were subsequently hung and, killing the other, leaving Sam to "go it alone." They nre still on his Ifack. i Laxds Located. Mr. Doufbttt informs ns that nil tho lands for the State Agricultural College Lave been located, and tho list forwarded to Wash ington. The next Legislature will doubtless fix the point at which tht College buildings shall be erected, and we submit that Linn county, being the largest and most important agricultural dis trict in the State, is by right of its central position and its many advautages, CDtitld to the location f the institution in her borders. ling at prices to suit the stringency of tho times. Fixe Dwellisg. Mr. John Barrows Is making additions and improvements to his dwelling on Fourth street which, when finished, will make it one of the finest looking and most convenient dwellings in the city. Stvle. Nobody likes to be out of fashion in wearing apparel or anything else. To tho gentle men Messrs. A. Cowan & Co. offer tho latest stylo of spring and summer suits, neck-ties, etc., with ilie newest thing in hats, the "Jin Fisk," which is undoubtedly the "nobbiest " head-cover in the market, being all the rage in San Francisco. Call and examine the "Jim Fisk " and those neat green suits. They are be had very low. May Dr. To-thorrow is the first day of May., Aj9 out young folks making any arrangements to hold a May-day festival during the coming week, or has all life and love of fun gone out of them? Hurrah for the springing grass and ths wild flow ers of spring. Let us have an old-fashioned May party. Who's iu? Thasks. We are under obligations to Senator , William for speeches and other public documents of importance, and to Senator Corbctt for the Corfreiotiul Glubc a&d other favors. ' Two more efficient, able aud hard-working servants the peo ple of Oregon never possessed. They havo " ac complished much for our State in the past, and are laboring for her future welfare and prosperity. "Mark Twaijt." You want it, everybody wants it. ; It is the richest book that has appeared in print for a loug time. It is full of information, incident, novelty; it is interesting and entertain ing from the first page to the last. The two hun dred odd illustrations are worth more than the cost of -the book. Bar Mark Twain's new book. the "Sew-Pilgrim' Progress." i Larou Stock. hlr. Samuel Youog, of the firm of BLaih & Young, returned from San Francisco ohm days since, where he employed his time, with his usual good taste, in purchasing an extra heavy stock of general merchandise for this mar ket. An examination of the new purchases will satisfy all as to Sam's good judgment and taste in his selections to meet the wants of his custo ,mors. . . - Shot G itks. Beside all kinds and style of la dies dress goods, clothing, bouts and shoes, etc., Harper A Co. have somenplendid double-barreled twist shot guns, which "are just the thing for grouse, quad, ducks, etc. As tho supply is limit ed, early application should be made by persons wishing to buy. ; . .-.-'... .. Xew Coxbksi. Several families from the East bare arrived here during the week, all lookin"' for homes in Linn county. AH ucU are more than wcleonie, and we hope out citizens will extend to them cordial greeting, and make them foci that they are among friends. ' " i Mat-dat Partt- It is rumored that the Sun Jay Schools of the city; will unite, and give tho children a pic-nic, on noxt Saturday. Lingering. Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. S. M. Pennington, living some miles iu the country, is still very ill, with little hope of an early recov ery. Hor disease", we believe, is a spinal affection. Sweetness. Messrs. Blain & Young have re ceived a heavy stock of syrups, and can furnish customers with from one to a dozen kegs of sweet ness at a whiz. Black smith in;. Frank Wood is square on it when it comes to good work at fuir rates. No wonder his shop is always full of or l-rs, aud he always busy. Frank will bo out iu a new ad. next week. J. C. riirnrjEKiiALL, Ag-cnt for Albany. Albany, January 'S, IS70-13 Rbetmatism. John C. Mcndenhall, Esq., has been laid up for several days with inflamma tory rheumatism. He is at present, unable to get about tho house without help. Scalded. Capt. Archie Monteith had the mis fortune to upset a "spider" of hot grease ovef his right foot, several days ago, which confined him to the house for about a week. State Goverxmext. The election on the 6th day of June in Washington Territory is not only to elect Territorial officers, but the voters are to decide on the question of a Constitutional Conven tion for the purpose of framing a constitution and apply for a State government. Complimentary. We return our thanks to the ladies getting tip the Congregational Festival, for a couple of complimentary tickets. ' . Comxo. -Th ocean steaxner expected to reach Portland to-day, brings two hundred and eighty one passengers a total of 1,007 for the month.' Deleoateship. J. D. Mix, of Walla Walla county, has received the nomination at the hands of the Democracy of Washington Territory, for the Delegatcship. Poor Mix. . Risisg.. The Willamette rose four inches Tues day night, increased in volume to one foot up to Thursday, and was still on it yesterday. financial and Commercial. Gold in New York 113. Portland legal tenders 8Sc. 1: . '. ., Xo special improvements noted in the San Fran- ciseo markets. Wheat at Liverpool 9s 2d. Business during the week generally dull. Our farmer are improving the present fair weather in seeding all the ground possible ere it becomes too dry.."- ' :-' ' ;- - ' --v.! " mi.i nnnn ac onin '-" UUUW UUS-WS " BUY THE ONLY (IKNU1XE IMPROVED OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, 11.11 FACTl.ItED BY THE OllOIDi: WATCH CO. Tht-v are &H the 1tct rn;tko. IIuiitmcnseJ: restored. It is charged that the CVl- finely cliitftMl ; and 9rt.ttr like Jiu ytd, anil i , i i arc O'iuh! in n!tcarruo to tho best coKl watehi .lence w contrary and inconclusive.- j U3lliiy i,, j, .m if,elif8 " ' i and' l.aaii'S hiok, at each. . Last week, says a correppon dent of tlie . Our Doable Extra ricfincd Solid Oroide i., , " - , ; Gold Hunting Cases, Full Jeweled levers, art btatesmun, as the viewers and surveyor j clla! , $2J t!lM Wutrh . Regulated and titiar,nt-rtl to kc- ft corrctt titnf. trrrtr unit not t'tfm'iht F-Jj-tra Fine Canen, at $12 0 each. No mmicv is rv mi I red la aUvauce. Wo OIIC Of tho pioneer SettkTS, holJin- a rc- i Kxprcss anywhere within tho United 1 ' n j t ate., payable tn ajrent on delivery, with the sponsible office ill this County, tliey rc- I privilege to open anil examine beforo paid for, .j.,,.. i i . I or"l 'f not satisfactory returned, by paying the marked thai they were afraid of not j. Express charge. .f.W. .' . fc 7 e gettin?: raer? enough to carry the chain ! Bc'iered Packages, pn-jvil, by sending cash , i n ii'lvunec. next day. Two of his daughters, who I II A J'O Ji I HKK, wakiiKj wm $14 Wnlvkfjnr $11(1. or rrr Witt. li,: f.,t 120. Al&o. Elcrrant Oroido Gold Chains, of Capt. Eyre, of the Eliglish steamer Buinhni, that sunk the U. S. war vessel Oneida, has asked to have his eertifieate appointed to locate a road from Uuttc- ville to Wacontla were at the house of! were present, aud who had paid consid erable attention to mathematical and surveying studies, said they would help them. The viewers, however, looked at it as a mere joke ; but the next morn ing the three young ladies appeared at Hutte.'ille on horseback. One of tlicm fed the horses, and occasionally read off the course on the compass, which she did with accuracy. Tho other two were sworn in and carried the chain correctly and efficiently for seven miles, on a bad road, occupying the whole day. One of the young ladies is the same who, two or three years ago, climbed Mount Hood, and we believe stood on the highest pinnacle. InKW TO-DAY. - DIED. ."-?T. At Wallula. ADril 20th. 1S70. Martha E., wife of Mr. J. 15. Huberts, aged 28 yeara 4 months and 23 days. Mr. Robert, an old resident of Linn county. took his wife and family to the vicinity of Waits burg, W. T., last October, hoping that tho remov al would prove beneficial to her failing health. But tbo change proved of no avail. That fulj disease, consumption, had obtained a firm hold upon the beloved wife, and mother,' and claimed her as a victim. Finding her daily growing worse. on the 17th they started ou the return to their borne in Lion county, and reached Wallula' on the 19th. On tho day following Mm. Roberts breath ed her last, leaving a loving husband, three small children, and many relations and friends to mourn her death. . EtrniMs & son, ELKIKTS &. SON, EX.KXNS Ct SON, Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. NEW GOODS SMALL PROFITS, QITICK SALES PROMPT PAV. E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE fecloction of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Imported direct from Xew York via the Pacifie Railroad, and can, for Cali or Produce, give customers bargains equal to any firm iu Al bany. All of our stock is bought at the ; LO WEST CASH V H I C E. Buy of TilKlTis c3 Son, DRY GOODS, liOOTS Sc SHOES, GROCERIES, Ilai'ilK'arc, Iron and Steel, latest and most colly ptyles, for Ladies and Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 inches long, ot $2, $f, $rt, and $.t crich, sent wiih watches at lowcnt wholesale prices. State kind and size 'of watch required,and to avoid bogus concerns, order only from OROIDE WATCH CO., l-'ito I IS, Pulton Street. New York. DIRECT - IMPORTATION ! M'COXIMIOit'S M A MM OTII STOC K OF TOVS, FANCY GOODS, YANKEK NOTIONS, GIFTS, PRESENTS, ROOKS, &C.,&C For the Holidays of l?C'J-70,has arrived, Uircet from JVew.. York, And is now .on Ehibiticn at SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, 1U5 I'M O NT STItflKT, PORTLA NI, "Where every purchaser will find Tha Larymt SlocJc ! The Greatr.xt Variety 1 I The. Cheapest l'rucs ! ! '4 0it3 This immense stock baviug been pur- cliased for currency in JScw orK,wm uesciuio dealers and others in coin, at Less Prices Than Ever Before ! ALP.AXY ALBANY At PRICES, PRICES. ALBANY' ALBANY PRICEK, PRICES, PfrangcTS and citizens 'will find SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a most interesting place to visit, os tho gorgeous array of new nov elties, and the thousand comical toys therein, give the store the appearance of an Eastern MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES ! NEW TO-DAY. M H - t o s 6 2 w o - to a Z o a 0 H 0 K U u n 0 o 0 0 0 92 0 0 d 0 0 p.1 0) d in a H O o H w o w o W NEW TO-DAY. O. I. TOMPKINS & CO., rarOUTEKS ASD DEALERS IX t TIX PLATE, SHEET IROX, AND stoves : 5 Copper, lirass, Zinc, Wire, Block Tin, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS ! XXose, Iron and Lead Pipe I CAST, TIN AND ENAMELED nOLLOW. WARE ! lloiisc-Fimiisliiiig Hardware ! Xannex'w' Uoilors I All sisos a fine thing. Solo agents for tho Finest Stove out the " BAItSTOW COOK f ALSO, FOlt RICHMOND'S PORTABLE RANGE. This stove is particularly adapted to the wants of this coast. 1,11110 of them aro now in use in San Francisco, and tluiy givo universal satisfaction ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. cniEArti.w. . cnaAni., Front-st., Albany, Ogn. 1 120 Clay-t., San Frm. 1 ciku, ivuuruiA. R, Cttcadlc a Co.. Uhl sale and Retail Doalert in , v Groceries aucl Meneral Hercliaiiilise t a so - FORWARDING & COMMISSIOS MCRIIATT8. MARK GOODS r Care of TL. O., Albany, Oregon ; or It. 0. Sou Francisco, Cut. Liberal advances made on eouilgumeniav 11; i Great variety of "GEM PANS." BA11 goods warranted First HEP A IKING ! In all its branches. A Liberal Diacouut Made to Country Dealers. Call and sea as beforo purchasing 0:Sr t-Ji.. elsewhere 'Q , s2a-60-S 0. P. TOMPKINS A CO. o H c H H t U mm 0 m S to CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrisu's Mew Building, first Street, ALBANY, OREO OX. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. I IXTEND DOING A General Commission Business, IX SVTV FHANCISCO, for the purpose of selling All Kind ot Produce that may bo consigned to me to sell. i LA9IAR CIII2AUI.E, , V-llDaiiy, Oroffou. Will receive nnd attend to all ardor on me to lis filled in Bau Francisco, octi-5tf K. CIlliAUI-K. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BLIND 'AND'; DOOR FA C T O R Y ! 'JL'XiJLJ WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., OK NEW YORK. DEALER IX . Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. .Physician. Prescript ions caret utiy compounucu. Albany, Oct. 17, 1808-Otf RATES OF TOLL OVEtt THE . . Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon lload Oi'nuixctl, 18GO. Policies Exempt from Execution Wholesale and Retail. HIGHEST PRICK. PAID FOB EGGS, BUTT H R, E T C, E T C- X. B. All persons owing n; will at once come forward and pay up, t as to begin now" accounts. ; " L. KLKIXS & H0S. . Lebanon, Aprif J, 70.-6nuu ESU Some idea may be arrived at as to the extent of the 'stock when it is known that of Dolls alone there arc one hutulrtd nmd fifty-jie rrtru-ti'eaj Making that Department a perfect BAZZAR OF BEAUTY I nai Full Dcscriptire CataloRuci now ready. , 'i.'ii. Callcariy to secure choice gifts. S. J. M'COllMICK, (?m(! Agent 6,r"Sant Claus. To Whom tt May Concern: 1 11. P.AKEIt is my Legal Agent during II my absence. SAMUEL DEXX1V Albany, March 15. 1870.-2rf-oW. S?S If you want tha very btgt Cabisbt Vno Tikfiiripnit. von mist call on llltADLEY Ac. RULOi'SOX, 42'J Montgomery street, Saa Fran ciico. 20 Cm Cash Assets, - -. BKcuiiELY Invested. To nesctauttea River i Pour Horso or Mulo team Two -. " " One " " " .4 t Ox teams, three yoke.. For every additional yoke , Loose horses, per head ........ ......4.4..... " cattle, per bead - " sheep or hogs Teams returning empty, halfprico. Pack animals, loaded.. ' " unloaded Horse and ruler-, To Klsb Lake : Four horse or male team, each way... Two " " " " One " " Pack animals, loaded...... unloaded. ........ - Horse and rider....... Ox team, three yoke To Upper Soda Spring Pour borse or mule team, out and back,, Two " ' ' An. 4 - 44 tt 44 , ' 53,000,000, r.o and ril, . . 3 00 . 2 on . 4 50 - 50 .. 25 .. li 3 .. 50 - 85 .. 1 00 ... 2 ... 1 .... 1 3 50 2 00 1 00 50 2a Loom animals. Ox team, the some u horse team. A. JIAC'KLEMAX. W. W. rAnm.ii, Pre. See. March 20, lg69-28 8. n. At-Tnoc.E. jr. wniouT. t. r. ALTIIOI SE A: CO., t,T0S (TBRET, (0 TBB RIVER BAXk), ALI1ANY, I 1 J ORECOS. REF.P OX HAND A FULL A6SOB.TM EXT, anil are prepared to liiimish to Order, DooriJt, Rlincln, .KaIi and - such a - Crown, Panel, Uaotl, and Section MolJ ef all sine.. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES I 37Xccx"xxBr, and all other kind, of nuililing Material I - AI..0 .' '' , Are prepared to do MILL WORK I furnish 6fi ker Fans, Zigxaff Shakers, Buction Fan., DrtvinK Pulleys, of any kind, at onr Factory on Lyoa strert, (on the river bank), next below Markhau'. warehouse. Ai-Tiiotrsu tSt co. Albany, February 20, 1M00-24 - , Walk in! Walk in t i LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I Walk Into . uni:i:ii's stork, and .co tba good, which be is receiving direct . from J3ixx LT,r,xxojUBioc, . which be i going to nil very low for Cash or Produce! Call and examine m V (luod. before veil Mr. chase ol.etrbare, a. 1 am alway. willing to .bow my goods. N. II. I will pay from date for thirty day. to come, 30 cent, per doxen for V.gtjn. OVER 21,000 nXEMBERS. PURELY MUTUAL. SAIV F It A CISCO STORE! CORNER riHST AXD KKRRT .THXKTS, ALBANY OR CCOX. Dividends paid one' year from date of Policy. '.;.- All Policies and Dividends Noa-Forfeit able. Over 8,000 Policies issued in 18G9. Keep, constantly on band a full assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, noota, feboes. Hardware c Crockery, and a full supply of Ladies' Furnisliing Embroidery, Fancy Goods, &e. also, a. tock of TBS BB T LIQ.UOE! for Medicinal purposes only. Always nn hand a largo stock of . Box, Cooking and Parlor Stores ! , and manufacture, all kinds of Tin, Copper aud Sheet-Iron Ware, rrilllS COMPANY POSSESSES A COMBI- a" wulco onereo at tne lowest rate for X nation of desirable feature, which no ether CASH UK tliUnTRl PBODUCI3 t , ..'. All kind, of repairing done, on . short notice, and entire saXUfactiun warranted, at my JULIUS GUADWOIIL. organization can claim. It. growth ha. been fituady, it. .ucces. marked. It. cyntera of bosl- ne. I. preeminently ailajitedlo benefit tho hold ers 01 it I'ouciee. M'KENNEY & LINDERMAN, General Agents, 131 Montgomery ctreeU Fan i raneisco, directly opposite Occidental Jlotol. Sor. 50-11 The Best Qooia at tha Lowest Prices. JOHN O. I10DGE A CO., 327. 329 and 331 SlilltWlna utrpj'l Knu P r. n. i u.. a .. 1 : r : keep, the larect .lock f Staiinnmi. ni.iut WITTT1 WTlT jf j" , ' Jtook,; wrapping paper, playing T -- ' I card, pocket cutlery, rar, achuor. notion. c, to bo found on tbo Pacifie eoact. Prompt arienunn gircn-TO upply the trade, and .atMfoc. ivm guaranteed, n-'t-lm J0UX O. U0DGB A CO. ticneral Agent for Oregon and TorritorUw", POATLAXD, Nor. 0, '03-9y GOODS RECEIVED By 3E3voary Otoomor which will be (old for : CASH or TRADE ! WHEAT WANTED! AT"' Hixty Cents per Bushel In trade, oe on Book account. For all that may he offered oct9 5 tt. CIIEADtK. THE EYES I THE EARS I Dr. T. "'fc. CJOf,12V ArnA"8JAf,,fWBS ALBANY '. ' ' nnitiEV is A ens ofthc Ztu Z'g entire .ati. E2?ta' "tho w. my place them-clvc. nd "mIZ'j. April 10. lS6-3y