Slip JUlnuw ?$$i$itx. U. S. Official Paper for Oregon. SATURDAY, APRIL SO, 1870. KEPUIJ1,ICAS STATE TICKET. For Congress, J. G. WILSON, of Wasco. For Oovcrnor, JOEL PALMER, of Yamhill. For Secretary of State. JAMES ELK1NS, of Linn. For Treasurer, MAYER IIIRSCII, of Marion. For Stalo Printer, II. R. KINCAID, of Lane. Nominations for TTiird Judicial District - For Judge, R. I BOISE, of Polk. For Prosecuting Attorney, J. C. POWELL, of Linn. Republican Couuty Ticket. Mr. T. G. Taylor,- the nominee for Couuty Judge, is a man of liberal edu cation and of fine culture. He Has de- i voted much of his time for many years to the study of law, though he has never practiced in the courts. He is a man of undoubted and unquestionable ability and integrity. Mr. J. B. Monteith, the nominee for County Clerk, is one of the best, most correct and thorough business men in the State. lie is a gentleman in every sense of the word; is prompt, correct I and expeditious, courteous and accom i modating in all his business transactions, ! as the business men of Linn county well j know, and if elected will make the most Jones Defended. Albany, Apr. 27, 1870. Ed. Register-: As a lever of fair play, and as a Democrat, I wish to offer in defense of sundry accusations made against Mr. A. C. Jones, candidate for County Clerk, "a word." Mr. Jone3 is charged with having bolted the nomination of Mr.- Stout in 1839, and, by stumping and writing, essayed to defeat him, claiming, .how ever, to bo an uncompromising Demo crat. Now, suppose he did ; this is a free country, and A. C. had the right to cast his vote against Stout, even though it compromised his political status. A. C. is also charged with political fugleing in Yamhill county. That is, he slightly ruptured the Democracy in Telegraphic Summary. EAGLE WOOLEN MILLS. Gov.'Woods accompanied Gen. Palmer Advices to April 24th, from Sher- cast of the mounla; and wU1 uk man station, Wyoming, state that few a g started out with a load of provisions for men wno were engaged in cuiuug T1 Although it is not knn. .. m lusmiB. u , this Factory is going to run this Summer, was attacked by a party of six Indians, j our-friend wheder, who has established such an cnviublo reputation for low prices and fair deal ing, as well as for tbo excellent quality of the goods kept, lias on hand a largely increased stock, which he intends to sell at the same reason aWe rates as heretofore. Our friends in that vieinity will do well to make a note of this. ofi Sweeny kept them menaces from his revolver, unhitched the team from the wagon and made gcod his escape to Sherman. One of the horses received several arrows and one bullet in his body. Sweeny was slightly wounded in the arm by a shot from a revolver. Coeinne, April 28 The military au thorities have established pickets around the city. Cavalry scouts are daily scour ing the surrounding country on the look out for Indians-. The bill for the enforcement of the Fif teenth Amendment reported by the Sen ate provides penalties of fine and impris- NEW TO-DAY, 1ST Ail W E. n. M Linn Couuty Republican Ticket. For State Senators, E. WHEELER, HIRAM SMITH For. Representatives. M. BROWN, W. R. KIRK, C. GEORGE, J. P. COMBS, A. DECKARD. For Couuty Judfe, TIIOS. G. TAYLOR. ' For County Clerk, J. B. .MONTEITH. ' ' For Sheriff, O. W. RICHARDSON. For Treasurer, t DAYID ANDREWS. For County Commissioners, HANON, J. WASSOM. For School .Superintendent, S. G. IRVINE. For Assessor, II. C. POWELL. For Surveyor, J. A. WARNER. For Coroner, D. M. THOMPSON. ' i accommodating aud efficient Clerk that i Linn county has ever had. j that county by his course. Well, what I onment for failure of an officer to allow ! Mr. O. W. Richardson, tho nominee j if he- did? A. C. is a political gainblor, j negroes to perform any necessary act in j for Sheriff, la already well known, for his j and in keeping with that profession the j j ability and ntness lor tl:e olnce, to tnc . ocat.oi iuciu mu&s lose sometimes. I people of this county. While filling the i A. C. is also charged with having office of Sheriff of Linn county some j prematurely canvassed the county for ''years ago, by his promptness, fairness ' Grocer, when, indeed, he Was election aud impartiality in the discharge of the duties of the office, he fairly earned the reputation which followed him in his retiracy from public duties, as the most popular and respected Sheriff the people ! iF T.inn onnnfv hv their iifFrnwo prpr elevated to that high position. ; Messrs. A. Hanan and J. Wassom, nominees for County Commissioners, are gentlemen who have resided in Linn county since its formation ; are men of large business experience, and thor oughly understanding tho wants of the j eople, are undeuiably tho very best se- eering lor nimselt. Y ell, that kind ot a course is precedented in the case of Judas ; ho betrayed his master for thirty pieces of silver, while Jones looks to 5.000 a year. A. C. is charged with having myste riously disposed of 3,000 at Lebanon. I yet as it is generally understood the money belonged to him : and it looks unnatural that anything could be gained by hini in pursuing such a course, unless there was no election near at hand, and he desired to keep himself amused with pecuniary tricks in the absence of polit ical ones. . A. O. is charged with being a Mor mon. That is a matter of his own elec tion ; if he pleases to endorse polygamy, lection that could be made for the po sitions, j that is no worse than his prophet, Brig- Rev. S. G. Irvine was selected fnr the. I ham, does. Suppose A. C. Joes endorse office of School Superintendent because ! lhe destroying Angels in the Meadow jof his known high moral character, his j largo educational experience, and his varied and extensive knowledge. Proba- bly there are few men in the State who r " ! are his equals in scholarship. Our Candidates. j jjir. H. fj. Powell, candidate for the In the hurry of ' up our office of Asgc poec, aU paper of two weeks ago, we emitted to ; tLc ceccgsary qaalifications and wiU fill mention a portion of our ticket. Mayer j , ... . , - , . , n ... ; the office with credit to himself and the ilirsch, Esq., of Salem, Republican can-1 ...... . i . , ' 1 . , - i : satisfaction of our people, didato for State Treasurer, is what might i , ,., ,T , , , , ' , , Oar candidate for Surveyor, Mr. J. A. lican, having been a member and acting j with the party since its organization. As a business man he sustains a high ; character, honorable and upright in all his dealings,, with talents that especially fit him to .become the custodian of the publie funds. The office come3 to him unsought, and he will fill it honorably and to the satisfaction of the people. The present Judge of the Third Ju dicial District, and candidate for re election, Hon. R. P. Boise, of Polk, is one of our ablest jurists, who has filled the position with honor to himself and satisfaction to all parties. His re-election is. a foregone conclusion. Our candidate for District Attorney, J. C. PowelLJ Esq , has long been ajresi dent of old Linn, and is known and re spected by all parties as a most efficient and thorough officer. Having faithfully and honestly discharged the arduous and laborious duties of the office in the past, he has gained the esteem and respect of all lovers of law and order. His re ' nomination is a high tribute to the man as an able and capable officer of the law. Ilia re-election is conceded by all. Judge Humason and other prominent members of the Demooratic Conventiou lately held in this city, declared publicly and privately that they understood -"equitable adjustment" to mean the re pudiation of about half the bonded debt, And if the bondholders were not satisfied with this, they were for repudiating the whole of it. Indeed, they intimated that the adoption of the idea of "equitable adjustment" would eventually .lead, to the repudiation of the whole debt. All the leading men of the Democratic party in this State, as well as the leading journals, with one exception, have adopted this idea. "Equitable adjust ment," then, means "repudiation," and no other construction can truthfully be put upon it. Democrat ts. Hekai,d. The Dem- wrat of this city goes after the Herald, of Portland, beoauso of its repudiation uUeraaeeR, and pronounces its heavy leaders oa the subject, as "arrant 'non eense, discreditable to the writer and Jamaging to the party," and intimates that if the Herald continues its advo cacy of the repudiation heresy, it will not receive the vote of the Democracy This rebuke has caused the Herald to incontinently "dry up:" and it will not dare to say. "repudiation" once during the balance ot the canvass. The following is the text bf tho bill introduced into the U. S. Senate, March 'JQt bj Senator Williams, to provide for aearvey and improvement of ;Umpqua river : "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, of the United State of America, in Congress assem- " bled, -That the Secretary of Warte and . hereby directed to cause an examina tion or survey to be made of the Ump mia river, in the State of, Oregor, with the view of securing, by slack water navigation or . otherwise, the continued , navigation of faid stream from its mouth to llaseburg, ia said State and the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars is here by appropriated . out of any moneys in the Treasury mot otherwise appropriated for the purpose of making said, survey and improvement." Warner, during a residence of years ' among us. has proved to be most thor ough and correct in. his profession, and we believe has given the fullest satis faction in all work done by him. . Mr. D. M. Thompson, candidate for Coroner, will make a most efficient and active officer, possessing qualifications that fit him for any office to which the sovereign people may choose to elevate him. Our candidates for the State Senate are' Mr. Hiram Smith, of Harrisburg, and Mr. E. E. Wheeler, of Seio, both gen tlemen of acknowledged talent and ex perience, who have the interests of the whole State, but especially Linn county, at heart. They arc men of broad and liberal views, who in business have made life a success, and pre worthy of the con fidence and trust of the people. Messrs. II. M. Brown, M. C. George, W. R. Kirk, J. P. Combs and A. Deckard, our candidates for Representa tives, are all good, solid, substantial farmers, chosen from the class most effected by legislation, because of their known probity and good standing in community, and the possession of supe rior qualifications that fit them to legislate understandins;!y and for tho good of their constituents. We are proud of our ticket. It is made up of tho most intelligent and capable men in the county men who received their nomination at the hands of the people as a free tribute of respect for the many high qualifications that fit them to fill and honor the positions. And if honest integrity and high princi ple is to be rewarded by office by our people, then will our whole ticket be tri umphantly elected next Juno. the States or Territories under the laws ate. The District Courts have exclusive jurisdiction in suits grow, ing out of the amendment. The Pres ident is authorized to employ the land aud naval forces or militia to enforce its provisions. Louisville, April 25. Dispatches to the Courier Journal indicate the election of Gen. J. II. Lewis (Dcai.) to Congress, from the Third Congressional District. The negroes voted without disturbance. Golladay spoke at Bowling Green to-day, announcing himself still a member, lie indulged in abuse of newspaper men. He will probably contest the seat of the mem ber elect. New York, April 25. Rumor says that Sunday next is definitely fixed upon by the Fenian leaders for the commence ment of a raid on Canada Special dispatches from Washington state that there is almost a certain pros pect of an Indian war. 20,000 Sioux are on the war path. Troops are being hurried to the frontier to meet the crisis. The Fifteenth and Seventeenth regi ments of infantry are ordered to Sioux City. The recruiting officer -in this city is ordered to send on every available man at once. Fort Leavenworth, April 25. Gen. Sherman and several of his staff leave next week on an inspecting tour through Montana and other far western territories. New York, April 25. It is now a well understood fact that Gen. Jordan, lately at the head of tho Cuban army, will, in a few days, reach our city The year's service expired in February last. Mr. Lemus, the Cuban Envoy, believes WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, No. Gl Front Street, Adjoining tho Telegraph Office, Portland, Oregon. Special Collector of Claims, Accounts, Notes, Knmls, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims f every description throughout Ore gon anil the Territories, WILT, 15E MADE A SPECIALTY AND PROMPTLY COLLECT ED, a well as with a due regard to economy in aU business matters intrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punc tually. ii. kuiin & co., 1 Having just received a Largo and well selected Stock of HARD WARE, Sl'CH AS FARMER'S & MECHANICS TOOLS CONSISTING OV ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Hammers, -Hammers. Hammers. Sledges, SJedgcs, Sledges, Sledges, NEW TO-DAY. A. CAKOTBEItS. R. SAI.TU Ansa. A. CAEOTBESS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, AID DKALEBS I!T PAINTS, DYE STUFFS", OILS PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods, Ae Real Estate Sept. II. tf. ; Scaler. NEW TO-DAY. a. w. ciGGsns, ex. d. Botanic Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON.. Massacre, they were only carrying out the mandates or his Prophet; yet there is no evidence that A. C. ever cut the throat of an infaut when at the breast of its mother, or disemboweled the hus band for attemping to protect his wife from inhuman outrage. Even if A. C. does worship at the shrine of Urigham, let Brijrham be held to answer for the -j deeds of his proselyte. A. C. is charged with corrupting the last Convention. That is a little strange, for he only had about two months' time prior to the Convention to consummate his ends. A. C. is charged with having lied to Fred. Hill, to the effect that he was not a candidate under any consideration, yet undenvinsrlv Becurins; his own nomina tion. Now, in defense of A. C, it is ! the relative strength of the contending probable that Nature has made him a ! parties in Cuba. Jeremy Diddler, and he can't help it. "Chicago, April 2G. "Washington spe A. C. is charged with having sug- I CA3 say the Senate military committee, gested that the usual course of conduct- j t0 J;,yj finished the army bill, which is iug conventions be ignored, and that a j essentially the same as that introduced modern improvement be adopted, tnat ; bv V llson some three or lour weeks azo. or Cnrtis College, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Employs in practice neither Mercury, Arsenic, Morphinu or 8117 other poison, but relics on such agents as act in harmony with life, and arc en tirely harmless. OFFICE In rarrish's brick, over the post ofTice. ' i ltesidcncc Water street, below Pierce's ferry. Albany,. April 30, IS70-34 liR. T2. J. CROCKETT, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ' 4 GRADUATE Oc THE E. INSTITUTE, j Cincinnati,; Ohio, has located in Albany, Oregon. OCice in Fosters brick, IMrst-st. 33 Notice to Contractors. BIDS will be received at tho office of the Wil lamette Valley A Cascafla Mountain Wagon Koad Company, at Albany, Oregon, to Jlay 31 next, for bniMinr a newpieco of' roaJ, commenc ing at tho first eroFshijr of the South Santiara river, in Cascade Mountains, and thence along the south bank of said river about 2 V mile3 to tho 4th cross ing at Vine JIaple Bottom so as to cut off four of the fords. For speciiicatious, call at the Com pany's otSco, Albany, Orc.on. JASON WHEELER, Pres. April 15, 1870-S3-2w Saws, Saws, Saws, oaws, baws, Saws, . . Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Planes, Corss-c t and Mill Savs, Together with a large assortment of 1 1 i O IV VINT 13 STEEL, Nails, Nails, Nail?, Nails, Nails, Nails, Springs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Springs, Axles, Thimble-Skeins, Bolts, &c, &e. o Also, a well Selected Stock Our Goods are FRESH and PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED . STORE OP EX DAY A XI) NIOHT. front Street, three Joort lelote Cvnnor'r, Albany, feb 1270-23 Oregon of Wagon Timtoer, SPOKES. HUBS, BENT RIMS, SHAFTS, POLES, HICKORY AXLES, ETC., All of which wo nro now offering to tfie public at low rates. As we make the business a spec ialty, wo can and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any hous e in this city. Sale of" fload Lantl. ""TTOTIt'E. Ia pursuance of an order made by the Board of IMrectors of the Willamette Valley & Cascade Mountain Wagon Road Com pany j iucy now oiler at private sale, and nntil July Receiving and opening a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we offer at reduced rates. W. II. Kuns & CO. In tho JlontcitU Firc-proof Brick, First-st. March 12.-70-27 DEALER IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, tfcc Closed out at about cost. me presence ui uuiuau ueic uo iiiia iiuib inn county, Oregon. will be of great service to the Cuban J 7Vci Ono-haTf cash at sale, remaindor in cause, as he esteems liim a man of abil- ne!v0 iths, at 10 per cent. Bond for deed Bids to bo left with the Secretary at Company s office at Albany, Oregon, where maps and des criptions can be scon. Persons settled on any of said lands shnll have preference in tcrnis anil purchase. JASON WHEELER, Albany, Apr. 1 ., '70-."'.'5 President. ity and character, fully iuforined as to our ticket may be improved in its ap pearance, so -as to read, not as usual, beginning with the Representatives, and so on, but after this fashion : FOR CLERK, A. ). .TOYERS. ! adier Generals. Wilson's fixes the nutu I ber of both grades permanently, the same as Logan s does, that allows the number "STAR" PICTURE GALLERY ! Three or four minor consequences only j BROWNSVILLE, : : : OiiEGOX, beins added. Tho pay section of the Senate and Jlouse bills are tho same. j Logan's bill requires the President fodis j charge one Major General and two Rrig- For Representatives, .Doc. Ellick, mart pain, Ac. Now, sir, if A. C. lacks about one hundred vote3 to secure his election, it will be in consequence of base ingrati tude for his progressive improvement made in Democratic usase, which is at least a hundred years old; and if Brig ham don't get his tithing of the 5.0U0 a year, then it ought to be made up by . Democratic Kestcck. to. be reduced by aeatli or resignation. "Wilson's bill reduces the army, after next June, to 25,000 men, Logan docs not propose any reduction. Logan gets rid of supremacy officers, while Wilson's bill increases the retired list, and allows the President to muster out, on applica tion, with from one to two years' pay. The chief points of difference are those relating to decreasing minor officers. i TTA3 BEEN REFITTED WITH SKYLIGHT ! witu instrument: f ST1SICTLY FIHSTCLASS MAKE! with a choice stock of Materials, Chemicals to.f direct from Philo..k-l)bla. Our work shall recom mend itself. . ' Pi- tures fr.mi Kins to Life size, at the lowest prices. " special facilities for taking Family Groups and copying Old Pictures. Call and see specimens. i J. II. TKMPLKTOX, I PKTKH HUME. HARD RE , A well Selected Ftock now on hnnd, and will be filled up constantly, and SOLD AT REDUCED SATES JEZ SSIO CLIMAX KNITTER! IN presenting the claim of thin NEW KNIT TIXU MACHINE to popular furor, wa aim. at no more tban a brief and candid statement of its actual merits. We confidently claim that tho, CLIMAX KNITTER ia superior to aU other ma chines in the follwing respects : 1. Simplicity of construction and operation-.. 2. Completeness and excellence of work. 3. Convenience of shape, aise and weight "of machine. 4. Durability of machine. .5. Kapidify of work. 6. Cheapness. It is so simple in its construction and in it workings, that less rhan half tho time is required to Icaru to knit on it than on others. With' it the children of the household can do all the knitting. It is made entirely of iron and steel. A man's sock can be mode in thirty nrimtten. It makes' the regular old old-fashioned knitting needla stitcli or loop, (with several others if desired)' turns the heel, making it of as good shape as by hand, without any sewing ; narrows or widens,, at the pleasure of the operator, and makes a per fect toe. Any article that can be knit by hand,, can be manufactured on this machine. Persons who wish to sec the machine in opera tion.are requested tc cb.ll on the agent in this city. S. S. MAREIIAM & SON, Agents for Oregon. Albany, Ogn., Feb. 12, 18T0.-23 WAR WITH SPAIN ! IRON - AND STEEL. The best assortment kept in the city, and con stantly receiving freh supplies, SOLD AT THE LOWEST KATES. All who want bargains give me a calL JOHN CONNER. Albany, March 5, 1870-28. BUSINESS i STILL. HUSHING E CUBA TAKEN I OUR MINISTER WITHDRAWN I AT THE NEW JEWELRY STORE W110 is .Authority ? Our cotem- Both bills provide that the offices of Gen- la the face of its platform, which de clares that the "amount of the bonded debt was increased more than two fold by the venal, illegal and unjustifiable terms of its contraction," the Democrat asserts that tho Democratic party of Oregon is not in favor of repudiating one dollar of the bonded debt, and all the assertions of Slater, Kelly, Fay and the Herald to the contrary are "absurd and undemocratic." At the same time the Democrat professes to stand on the Albany Democratic platform. If ."the statement in the platforuTwith regard to the contraction of the : bonded debt be true, how is the debt to be "equitably adjusted" without cutting oif repu diating more than one-half of it ? If the "equitable adjustment" of a debt which is asserted to have been increased "more than two fold" by the fraud em ployed in its contraction, does not mean the repudiation, of the portion fraud ulently contracted, what does it mean ? Dispatches from London' to the 25th state that pieces of wood have drifted ashore on the coast of Cornwall, on which- was inscribed in large letters, "City of Boston sinking, February II This would seem to leave no doubt as to the fate of the vessel and all on board. ' Injured. Judge Waltcn, of Eugene City, was somewhat injured, one day last week, as we are Juformcd by "the Journal, by being precipitated from a bujrgy, while- crossing a ditch at a round trot. '' porary has been wading through column after column since the adjournment of the Democratic Convention, to prove that all propositions looking to the re pudiation of the National Debt are ab surd and undemocratic. And yet when the original eighth resolution of the Democratic platform was offered in Con vention, fourteen of the seventeen dele gates from Linn county, headed by Dr. Crawford, of Brownsville, voted in favor ; of its adoption. Tho original eighth resolution was characterized by Judge Humason, of Wasco, Reed, of Mult nomah, and other lights of the party, as flat-footed, open and outspoken repudia tion of the public debt, and with this understanding the worthy fourteen voted or its adoption fourteen out of seven teen 1 Now, the question arises, who represents truthfully the feelings and opinions of the mass of the Democracy of Linn county, on this question, of repu diation, the delegates selected by the masses to represent them in Convention, or a single man the editor of the Democrat ? . Public Speaking. We see that Hons. J. G. Wilson and J. II. Slater, Republican and Democratic candidates for Congress, are on their way up the valley, having finished the canvass east of the mountains. They are announced to speak at Portland on next Wednes day evening, May 4th j at Milwaukie on tho following evening, and at Oregon City on Friday evening. We suppose they will visit this section of the country, probably, week after next. Due notice of the time will be given. A New York Hay tien letter of - the 12th reports that the people are again excitedly discussing the San Domingo an nexation question on account of inform ation that a United States war steamer has taken possession of Manzanilloon the northern frontier of Hayti. The feeling is more bitter than ever. It is understood that this movement by the U. S. author ities is for the purpose of preventing Lu peroh from entering Ciba's district ef San Domingo with hostile intent. The Severn called at Cape Haytien in search of Lu peron, but he escaped in an, English schooner. eral and Lieut. General cease with th present incumbents. Wilson's bill retains the present pay of the soldier to Ju-ne, 1871. New York, April 23. The McFar-1 land trial, (fourteenth day) resumed this j morning. The Court roota was filled with crowds of both'sexes. Several. phy- J stcians testified as to the abnormal state if the prisoner's pulse and highly fraught condition, -since he was committed to prison. They also tqund that congestion of the brain had developed itself, aud de clared the witness insane when he com mitted the deed, and morally irresponsi ble. . Memphis, April 25. A terrible mur der was committed on a tow boat near here, this morning. Benj. Kennedy, en gineer, ordered two negro deck hands, who were annoying him, to leave the en gine room, when they seized and stabbed him and threw hitn overboard. The ef forts made te save him were ineflectual, and a watchman who witnessed the scene and attempted to save Kennedy, was brutally beaten. The negroes were ar rested and committed for murder in the first degree. AJlen Wright, chief of the Choctaw Indians, has issued an address warning them to be, prepared for the coming change, and advising that the lands be divided and then to organize immediately as the btatc ot Oklushmioa, and to ask for admission as a State of the Union. He recommends an immediate protest against any Territorial Government, and the adoption ot a resolution asking Con gress to settle the status with the freed- men. He recommends the encourage ment of the lied River Council, - which subsequently passed an, act submitting the question of dividing the lands, to be held severally or in common to the na tional people on the 4th of July. r Reliable Cuban correspondents say that little is doing beyond a gueirilla war, in which the insurgents evidently.hold their own Gen. Yalmazeda is now at Bayoma. The Captain General still remains at Pu erto Principe. New York, April 2G. The Havana correspondent of the Times, writes that Admiral Poor will at once inquire into the motives which caused the flight of Philip, the former U- S. Consul, at San tiago Do Cuba and to demand satisfac tion if it is found that the life of Phillip has been really endangered, r Phillip is now on board tho Severn. Should, the citizens of Santiago Do Cuba have com mitted outrages with alleged threats of murder, it will bo necessary to demand full and complete satisfaction. In tlio rrne; Store will bo found a fall assort ment of JJriiirs, Fiitcut Muiiuincs, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, &.C, te. AUj, Hooks and Station try. &CS- Rchoiil Ttook3 made n specialty. Dr. llowhin! has charge, and muy be consulted professional! y nt any time. Po.'t OllWc lutiMing, UrownsviUe. Oregon. April 20, '70-83 PETER HU.MK. 1). 1. yi. !., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Albany, ------ Oregon, OFFICE OX THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Street. Ail.any, April '70.-r,2 J. Albany, P. KOTWITHSTAXDIXd ALL TMS C. HARPER & CO. '.' TITUS, - - - Oregon. ; ACKST FOIt THE CELEBRATED American & Swiss Gold & Silver Watches Of every description. Direct Importer of tlio Tory best SWISS MADE WATCHES,! Gents and Ladles Sizes. THE FINEST SELECTION OF JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, ; Of all Kind constantly on. baud. Have just received from Sail Francisco, a very large and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE r WHICH IS OFFKBED . At Prices to Suit tHe Times ! KTotioe. "B" HEREBY WAKN ALL PERSONS XCT -BL trust uiy sons, Charles V. L. or William F. Simpson, on my account an their guardian or as thier father, for I will not io responsible for any liabilities or pay any debts they may contract after this date. R. SIMPSOST. Harrisburg, On., April 5, TO-Iil-Gw. ISailronri Tics Wanted. . Otfice OltECOS axi Cai.ifoiwia Rail- Co., PoitTt.AJtn, April 1, 1S70. j nnHE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW PREPARED 1 to contract for the delivery, on the Line of tho Oregon aud California Railroad, between Tarrot's creek aud Alhauy, of 3.00,000 TIES, of the following description : Eight feet long, f! inches thick, aud ID inches face, with tho bark taken off. To bo delivered between tho 1st day of Way and 1st of September, 1S70i. Proposals for bewn timber aro invited. For particulars apply at tho Offico of the Company. , BEN. HOLLADAV.r President. Tbo Salem Statesman, Albany and Corvallis papers please copy and send bill to Company's Offico. apr9-31-lui w. s. isuicicis,. CITY NEWS DEPOT, Froat street, Albany, Oregon. AS JFST OPENED A FIRST-CLASS R E PA I It I N O OF WATCHES, SPECTACLES t- JEWELRY AT' San Francisco Prices. i o Every Article Sold aud all Repairing j Done, Warranted. j Their stock consists, in part, as follows : A orgr supply oi - HEAVY CASSIMERES AND FLANNELS Denims," Hickory Stripes, Checks Sheetings Bleached and Unb!c?f Asn French Cottonadcs- Canton FlflimrlV Asn 3EIoavy sianlset NEWS " DliPOT and STATIONS 11 Y STOll E, Where at all times will bo found tho latest Peri odicals, Magnzinos, Newspapers, Books of all kinds, Writing Paper, every variety, all kinds and sizes of Envelopes, and the most beautiful PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. This stock has been selected with great care, and none but First-class nrtielos aro kept. Goods received direct from t?an Francisco by every steamer. Terms moderate. "Give mo a call. W. S. DRIGGS. Albany, April 9, 70.-31-ly. Guardian' Solo of Roal Property. NOTICE IS UEREDY GIVEN THAT BY virtue of an order of tho County Court in and for Linn county, Oregon, made at the April term thereof, A. D. 1870, the undersigned, Guar dian of the estate of James Cummings and Olive Cummiugs, minors, will sell the following des cribed real estate at publie sale, at fho Conrt .House door, in Albany, in said county, on tho 10th day of May, A. D. 1870, to wit : - The undivided two-sevenths' interest -in fee simple of tho cast half (with the exception of fif teen acres heretofore sold to John McNeil) of Donation Land Claim No. 42 Not. No. 2590, tho whole of said cast half containing 100 acres, and situated in Linn county, Oregon. HUGH CUMMINGS, Guardian. April 9th,'70.-31-4w Wo claim to keep all FIRST QUALITY GOODS, 14 , and at prices that defy competition. STITZEL UPTON, REAL -STATE-w3EBSr A W D GENERAL. A CriK X T S. Branola oxfioe, .Albany, Oregon, J. C. MEXDF.MIALLf. - Agent, ENERAL LAND AGENtfY FOR OREGON. JT Established July, ISO An office where geueral information concerning tho resources of Oregon can be obtained free of Jharge. Loans negotiated on first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Securities. Wdbavo for salo a largo amount of property located in-to town of Albany. Also, Farmin? lands, of every des cription, located in Linn and other counties in this tate. " To the citizens of Albany and vicinity, and to the owners of Real Estate : We tako this method of calling your attention to our place of busi ness. Having determined to open a Branch Of fice in your city, we can offer you a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is appreciated by buyers, aa it saves them much time and labor in searching' for what they want. Our principal Agency, at Portland, Oregon, is thoroughly es tablished, and the office so well furnished forgiv ing information upon Real Estate, that it affiifds tlio most complete facilities for all parties Having business in onr line. S9 Yon incur no espenso in placing your property on sale with na unless a sale is uiado. Office on First street, opposite Post-Office. JOHN C. MENDENHALL, Agent. Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1870. 29if. STTTZEL A UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J. C. MENDENIUll. Agent, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany, Ogn. HAVE for sale in the city of Albany, a desira ble Homestead, Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, eomcr Third, Fourth and Elswortb streets, one of the best localities in the city. A good one and a hulf story house, wi!h all other conveniences. Apply to J. C. MENDENHALL, Agent, . Albany, Oregon A Spendid assortmet LADIES' DRESS fOODS . . si-cn as ' SMs, . - Poplins, tirocar - JEmprttt Clotlm, Jtrinos, uciamet, -MoJiafr, ........ 'vfHty lyallrmf tikairl, Jiatmorals atut Fancy NoilotA, '" Trimming, f-c. Ladies and Misses Hoods, Hats, Nabiast.Ac. A good Assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING t gent's FUnSISBINO GOODS, AC. A complete assortment of Men's and Boy's KIP AND CALP BOOTS AND SHOES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Also tho latost stylo and quality of" Ladies, Misses and - Children's Shoes. A splendid assortment of Croceries, Qaecnwaro and Glasswarot Hardware, Pocket & Table Cutlery, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Cur tains, Carpeting. MEN'S, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S HATS ! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. " ' In fact, almost everything usually kept In a re tail store. ' . - .-. Having bought onr goods on the best- terms the market wilt afford, and selected them with great care, we feel warranted in saying that wo can offer as great inducements to customers as any house in the trade, and hopo, by strict at tention to business aud the wants of customers, to merit a Uberul patronage from tho public. $5-3u Remember the place. The bouse for mcrly occupied by D. Mansfield A Ero. J 1 & HARPER Si CO. Albany Oct. 30, ISflC.-S ' . 1 ' ! ,