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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1870)
ii VOL. 2. " PUBLISHED (TUT SATCRDAT IT : - COLL. TAN CIsEVE. orrics ox cobxeb or ferrt asd first-sts. PORTLAND CARDS. F. RUSSEIX, Attorney at Lav, RUSSELL &. C. P. TERRY, Notary Publ FERRY. TERMS IN ADVANCE. ?"wear- ' Three Dollar Bix Months. Two Dollar Single Copies Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, $3; each subsequent Insertion, $1. Larger advertisements inserted on the most liberal terms. Real Estate Brokers & Collecting Agentl Portland, - - - - Oregon. o - I SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Tll Sale of Real Estate, Real Estate Litigatioi.l and the Collection of Claims. p Office, Aorta-west corner of First and Wasbf ington Streets, Portland, Ogn. . feb26-70-2 GEO. Jl. COOK. - JOB WORK. Daring received new type, stock of colored Inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are pre pared to execute all kinds of printing in a better tnanaer and sfty per cent, cheaper than ever be rore offered is this city. Affents for the . Reg Uter. The following gentlemen are authorised to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., for the Register : HIRAM SMITH, Esq..... Ilarrisbur". Jntlva S II CT.II'flHTnV T -1 - PETER nCME. Esq.... .Brownsville W. R. KIRK, Esq E. E. WHEELER. Esq ...Scio. T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem. Oao. W. CANNON, Esq.- Portland. L. P. FISHER,. Esq 'Frisco. THE BUSINESS CARDS. A. WHEELER, IV otary Public. BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. LEGAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS made an 1 attested. Conveyances and col lections attended to. I2'69 THEODORE BURMESTER, 4 TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, J Albany, Oregon. OKriCE In the Parrish Brick. 23 j. iiannon. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ALBANY, OREGON. OCCIDENTAL, Western TTotol, corner rirst ana Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon. . T Messrs. SMITH A COOK have taken - tS; XtJL wH known house; refitted and refurnisheJ mniugiiuai, naui a - large auaition, makin thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dininj and Sitting rooms, making it by far the Bert Hotel iu Portland. A call from the traveling public will satisf. them that the above statements are true. " SMITH A COOK, Props. N. B. Hot -and eold Baths attached to th house for the benefit of guests. 50 Portland, August I5th, 1869. AMERICAN EXCHANGE CORNER OF Front and Washington Streetsj PORTLAND, OREGON. r. W. QuimbV. - - - - Pronrintor- (Late of the Western Hotel.) THIS HOUSE is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gueste .vuiviuiiio. ucsresi jioici to tue steamboat landing. The Concord Coach will always be four at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ac river boats, carrying passengers and their bar gage to and from the boats free of charge. Hove mpplied Kith Patent Fire Ejctinguithert. o FFICE On Main Brick. street, opposito Foster's 1-69 XXiltabidel &. Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobaeoo, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon. I E. A. Freeland, DEALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Stationery, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc., Post office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered from New York and San Francisco. I S. XI. Claughton, NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in the Post Office building, Lebanon, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, alfl to the prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. . I t. H. MITCHELL. J. !T. DOLPH. A. SMITH. BSitchoU. Dolnh & Smith. ATTORNEYS as COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. "I COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL.. (PORMERLT ARRIGOSl's,) Front street t : : Portland, Oregon. THE X'NDERSIGNED, HAVING Ft'R rhased this well known Hotel, are now pre- pared to offer the traveling public better accoin- S modations than can be found elsewhere in the city. Board aud Lodging $2 OO per day. The Ilotel Coach will be in attendance to con- j vey Passengers and baggage to an from the Hotel free of charge. . . J. B. SPRENGER. Oregon A California Stage Company, B, v ! HITKUUU8E, Agent. 2tf JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Engineer & Surveyor. IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany - mv-em FOWELL. L. FLIXX Powell & Flinn. A TT0RNEY8 A COUNSELLORS AT LAW ms Doueiiors in vnancery, (It. Flinn, Notary Public,) A'bany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances r"ri wwiubb io. j r. it. acnriRLD. P. W. SPIXK. V. M. BEDFIELD Ac CO.. ONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a Groceries and Provisions, Wood and. Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ae., Ac, Wholesale nd Retail, opposite R. C. HU1 A Son's drug store, Albany, Oregon. 5oct9 ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Comer First and Washington Sts., ALBANY. - . - . OREGON. H. BHEmiER, Proprietor. WIT,P A NEW BUILDING, NEWLY Famished throughout, the proprietor stisfaetien to the traveling public. The beds are supplied with spring-bo torn. Tb table .ill receive the closest attenZ ' ' " market affords palatable M aTflASta Will ka snnnt ..I . . New Columbian Hotel, Ncs. 11S, 120 and 122 Front street, PORTLAND, s j OREGON ED. CARNEY, PROPRIETOR. The Largest, Best and most Convenient TT1 ... B.i--ji . mm m vi UaUiU ; Located in the center of businesrand near all the steamboat landings. Board and Lodging- From one to two dollars per day according to the room occupied. Rooms newly furnished and well ventil ated. Superior accommodations for families JST- The New Columbian notel Coach will be m attendance at all the landings to convey pas sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel 17 JP?! Free of Charge ! 69 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LADIES' EMPOUIIJJI. MRS. A. J. DUNIWAY, DEALER IX FasMonaWe Millinery anfl Jancy Goods. o Follows Dress and Cloak Making in all their varied branches. BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS In Latest Style and best manner. STAMP FOR BRAID AND EMBROIDERY. Comer First .rwl n.iBii.:n - & Oregon. ianlnl7-70 FRANKLIN MARKET, "" Hm, - AiDany, Oregon. JTIeats of 7aii Kinds, tit OP THE VERY BEST QUALITY, Constantly on hand. -0-6. Q. XX HAIGHT. ALBAfs'Y SHAVIf.3 SALOON. rrWE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING OPENED su amw ouvmg eaioon, on Jf irst street, Al- bftOT. OlWiTrtn tnvi'l .11 , 1 !.L: bhave. Hair Dressiag, or Stuunpooing, to give lltm . rail , Albany, April 2, 1870.-30 ALBAWIT fiATH HOUSE. THE I TJJTDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT rtfliw i.AiM . t. ... f-.. " mm ciuieoi oi Aioany and vi ciuttv that ha hu .k. .k 7 , .. V - - - - tto ui mm esiaoiisn- h.. u " ., expects to suit aU Marulfc f''bim with their patronage. ilmrmg heretofore earriod on nothing but rirswaas. amir Dressing Saloons, uampooed. , r JOSEPH WEBBER. OJ" lowest C. MEALEY DEALER IN MANUFACTURER XiV PtJH 3NT I TTJRE ! and CABINET WARE ! Bedding-, Etc., Corner Pirst and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. ' ' rAnnccLAR attertiox riiD to -Bj ORDERS OP AXX KINDS in his line. October 1868-8 TUZlNINCr TUHNINCf. a . H a w w f GO I AM PREPARED TO DO " A M KIMTD9 OP TURNING I T keep on hand and make to order ' RAWUH7E-EOTXOMED CHAIRS, -. A . Spinning' Whools. a Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Not. 28, 1868-13