SATUKDAY, APltIL 2,1870. Subscribers finding an 3C after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that number, and they are invited to renew their subscription. Terms $3 per annum, in advance ais months, $2 ; three months, $1. . LOCAL AFFAIRS ; ; First Pass. See first page for local and other uatters .. . . ;' Financial and Commercial. Gold in New York, 111$. Portland legal tenders, 89J90. .Portland produce market reported unusually dull. No change in quotations. San Francisco markets unimproved. We quote : . flour Snperior, $4 254 50; extra, $5 25 5 50. - Wheat Common, $1 25 j fair, $1 421 45; choice, $1 65(5;1 62. Oats Good coast, 1 301 32J ; choice, $1 45 (a, I 50. , Barley Range of market, tll 20. Bvsinkss Mix. The advertising columns of the Register this morning presents the card of Messrs. Elkins A Son, of Lebanon. These gen tlemen have just received a fresh stock of goods, direct from New Tork, via the Pacific Railroad, which they offer to dispose of at as low rates, for .. cash or, produce, as the merchants of this city. They are'Kve, enterprising business men, who, thoroughly understanding the wants and demands of the residents in and around Lebanon, have carefully selected and ordered such goods as are In demand, with the view of securing the best in the market at the very lowest rates. An examin ation of their late purchases is invited, that all may be satisfied as to tbe quality of the goods of fered, and the prices asked. Bnoox Factory. Mr. W. D. Belding has lately opened a broom factory in this city, and is now manufacturing a superior broom, which he is selling as low as the California made article can he afforded in this market. It is greatly to the advantage and benefit of the citizens of Linn county to have manufactories of this character among them, and the greater the number and the more prosperous they become, the greater the benett arising therefrom. Any enterprise that tends to develop the resources of the county and affords employment to more operatives, not only increases our population and adds to the attrac tions of oar city, but increases eur wealth as well. Patronize home industries, because you thus increase the value of your own property without any expense. It is to your own personal interest that all such enterprises should succeed. Ibi-bovkxekts. Considerable improvements in the way of dwellings, etc., is under way, and our mechanics will doubtless have their hands full" as soon as the weather becomes settled. Among tbe improvements talked of, we bear of at least one brick business house which, if erected as now cc a tempi a ted, will add not a little to tbe business look of our city. We believe there is no town in Oregon that bas less chronic grumblers than Albany. The prospects of our city were never brighter, and her people are contented and Wpj- Fbasblib Market. By a card under " new to-day," it will be seen that our old friend, Mr. ft. 11. Height, has purchased the Franklin Meat Market, and will hereafter be prepared to supply our citizens with nice cuts of beef, pork or mut ton. Grant thoroughly understands the biz., ami being a first-class boy " will be sure to receive his share of custom. Bully for tbe Franklin. Skbioislt III. Miss Viola Smith, daughter of Mrs. Delaxon Smith, is lying very ill at bcr sis ter's, Mrs. Harper, in this city. She has not been able to speak above a whisper tor two or three months. Her friends are seriously alarmed in her behalf. Ubios Mektisgs. The pastors and members of the various Christian churches of this city had intended to hold a series of union meetings at the Court House daring the week, had it not been for the meeting of the Circuit Court. We suppose that after the adjournmsnt of Court the matter will again be broached. Wood. This article has been very scarce of late from some cause, and held at from 3 50 to $5 per cord. We have experienced a "long spell of weather," and the mornings and evenings are still too cool to sit comfortably without a fire in the room. Barber-OI'S. Mr. Hale Baekensto has estab lished himself in the "shaving" business in the frame building opposite our office, and he will do as neat a job of hair catting, shaving, shampooing or hair dressing, as anybody in the burg. See his card elsewhere. .AyeTifsn Stout. John Barrows, Esq., is making the necessary arrangements preparatory to " setting op " the roof on his fine residence on the corner ,ef Washington and Fourth streets. He intends making a full two-story of what was a story and a half. Bci.ifiiai.-i Meetings have been held nightly at the M; B. Church in this city, with marked Sect. We suppose they will be continued as long as the interest remains at its present hight. Brsr. We are informed that the Grand Jury have been kept busy, a vast amount o business having 'bees, presented to their attention. At Codst. Among he non-resident attorneys attending "-Ceurt during she week. We noticed Judges Chenoweth, of Corvallis, and Strong of Portland, fbe latter being employed by the State in the case of Oregon vs. E. E. Turk. . . i i r IDrcTKB. One or our saloon is ts, also a mem ber of the City Council, ' was indicted -by the G rand Jury, and arrested by tbe Sheriff on Wed nesday, for selling liquor to a boy. Lamb Foot. Oar friend Riley Kirk, Esq., of Brownsville,- we are sorry to notice, has a lame foot, caused by his horse accidentally placing his foot npon it. - He thinks he will be able to attend tae great Republican State Convention next week aaybow. y ' Markets Dull, with ne advance in prices noted. Tbe fine weather of the last few days has started oar farmers to plowing, and should the pleasant weather continue, we may look for a general improvement in business. Dbbocbatcst. A polite voter at the Demo cratic precinct convention last Saturday, wanted to aew of a friend, as between two candidates for' delegates, which was the " most Democrat- New Shop. The new two story building, now roofed and enclosed, is to be used aa B blacksmith shop. It Is to be occupied by Ed. Merrill, and occupies the site of the late Pacific Hotel. Coctt Cos vcstiox. The Democratic Coua 7 T Convention meets to-day, la this eity, to nominate candidates for county offices, etc. A lively time is anticipated, .... RiTam-rTha Willamette is in good boating etge, and the prospect la mow that boats will have no trouble in reaching Eugene City. . Failxd to Cojbect.- The City Council failed to eonnost oh the last regular night for meeting tnrAberefore ao proceedings. BROWNSVILLE ITEMS. FROM OCR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. BROWNSVILLE, March 28, 1870. We are pleased to say that we have a better lot of items this week. than we had last. Messrs. James Blakely and James McCary, with near 100 head of cattle each, started for the grassy slopes of Eastern Oregon on last Thurs day. They will drive to Portland, and there take boat up the Columbia river. Mr. Blakely will return and move his family and some stock up there as soon as they can cross the mountains. They expect to make their homes in the Walla Walla country for some years. As Spring is advancing', we notice some perma nent improvements going on in the shape of a number of maple trees being set oat along our sidewalks. This is as it should be, and people ought to take more pains than they do to shade and beautify their dwellings. On one evening of last week we had the pleas ure of listening to the enlivening strains of a violin of superior tone, manufactured in this place. The front is of fir, the sides of yew, and the back is of maple. The gentleman who man ufactured this one has made several others during the past year, mast of them good toned instru ments. The M. E. Church held a protracted meeting last week, at the church known as Wesley Chapel, four miles west of here, with marked success. Twenty-six accessions were made to the church, and a degree of interest manifested such as was never before witnessed in that neighborhood. We suppose they have caught some of the revival spirit that was manifested at Brownsville a few weeks ago. Yesterday a large funeral procession followed to the grave the remains of Mrs. Hunter, an aged resident of this place.' A protracted illness had confined her to her bed for a number of months, nd she answered the summons with willingness, when the master said " go hence." She leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her departure. Show Your Faith. Several of our Demo cratic friends hereabouts had great faith iu the election of Seymour to the Presidency, and they subscribed for the Register, payable when Grant was elected. ' Well, Grant being the suc cessful man, like honorable men, they came for ward, with but one exception, and paid for the paper. Nearly every man, when he handed us the money, hoped we would give him a chance to get even at some future time. Democratic papers assure their readers that the ticket nominated by the late Albany Convention will be elected by at least two thousand majority. Now, we fearlessly assert that there isn't a sensible man in the party that believes .any such stuff. But if there is a man in Linn couuty, or the State of Oregon, who believes the Democracy will elect their ticket at all, we offer him a chance to show his faith. Any gentleman of the Democratic faith, who' believes that the Democratic State ticket will receive a majority of the votes polled at the election in June, can have the Register sent to his or any other address one year, on these conditions : If the Democracy are successful be pays us nothing ; if the Republicaa ticket is succe sful, he must pay us six dollars six dollars or nothing. If you don't want to pay six dollars for tbe pleasure of reading our paper, don't accept the la; out ;" but if you think you have a " dead thing." come right along we are strictly on it. If you have faith, now is the time, and here is the opportunity offered to show iL Come and see us. EAGLE WOOLEN KILLS. Although it is not known for a certainty that this Factory is going to run this Summer, our friend Wheeler, who has established such an enviable reputation for low prices and fair deal ing, as well as for the excellent quality of the goods kept, has on hand a largely increased stock, which he intends to sell at the same reason able rates as heretofore. Our friends in that vicinity will do well to make a note of this. 26 WILLI AM DAVIDSON, Office, No. 64 Frout Street, ... Adjoining tho Telegraph Office, Portland, Oregon. Special Collector of Claims, Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every description throughout Ore gon and the Territories, WILL BE MADE A SPECIALTY AND PROMPTLY COLLECT ED, as well as with a due regard to economy in all business matters intrusted to his care and tbe proceeds paid over punctually. Sept. Real Estate Dealer. II. tf. New and Interesting Books. Our Home PhyiricianA new and popular guide to the art of preserving health and treating disease ; with plain advice for all the medical and surgical emergencies of the family. By Geo. M. Beard, A. M., M. D. Every family should have a copy. Also, frient and Smn the convent system ex posed ; a most thrilling and exciting narration of facts. Both works published by subscription only. Mr. R. Brown is the Agent for Linn county, and will be happy to furnish either or both books. n29-4w Mrs. Ditniwat has just received a number of Bartram A Fanton Sewing Machines, direct from New York. It isclaimed for these machines that they are simple in construction, easily under stood, make an elastic stitch, fasten their own ends, adjust their own needles, are easily moved about on castors, (a convenience o other ma chine possesses), have extra attachments for all kinds of fancy work, and are always in running order. They will seam, hem, fell, quilt, cord, ruffle, embroider, braid, tuck or gather ; run without noise, will not soil the operator's clothes, and are sold at lower prices than any other table machine in use. Price of machine, with black wal nut table and drawer, oiled and waxed, fiftv five dollars. 23-3m Sewiso Machines. Messrs. Blain A Young .are arerts for the sale of Sewing Machineb, and all the fixtures necessary thereto. This enables those who wish to purchase any of the first-class machines to get what they order at the lowest cash price, and if anything should be lacking, or should get out of repair, these gentlemen will take pleasure in furnishing the missing article, or put the machine in running order, without extra cost quite an advantage, as those who have pur chased machines at a distance, have learned by sad experience. No household is complete with out one of these labor-savers, and if you want to bo sure of getting what you order, at the lowest pri re, and have it delivered to you in complete rum.:ig order, call at Blain and Young's and leave your order. Nuff ced. NEW TO-DAY. CincriT Court. Following is the disposition of causes before the present term of tbe Linn County Circuit Court, up to the hour of going to press. State of Oregon vs. B. W. Puindexter ; selling liquor without license three indictments. Plead guilty to two indictments ; the other dismissed. Powell prosecuting. James Knox vs. J. B. Clendcnning ; to recover money. Judgment for plaintiff by default. Cran nor for plaintiff. Geo. 1. Overton ct al vs. Luther White ; to re cover money damages. Tried by jury, and ver dict for defendant. Powell A Flinn and Cranor for plaintiff. Joseph Brown vs. Benjamin Evans and E. B. Moore; review.' Reversed Uiram Smith and Martin, Ex'rs, and Benj. Roach vs. Linn county ; appeal. Tried by jurry and judgment for defendant. Cranor for deft. S. M. Davidson vs. Susannah G. McCallister and William McCallister. Coutinued. Cranor for plaintiff ; Russell for defendant. Mary E. Stewart vs. 1 nomas Stewart ; divorce continued from last term. Divorce granted. Cranor for plaintiff ; Russell and Flinu for deft. E. F. Rus-ell and L. Flinn vs. T. W. Stew art ; foreclosure of Mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff. Poweil for plff. W. U. Churchill et al vs. J. M. Churchill et al ; partition of real estate. Prayer of complaint granted. Cranor for plaintiff. Elizabeth E. Baber vs. Christopher C. Baber ; divorce. Referred to N. B. Humphry. Russell for plaintiff. Christopher Clymer vs. Wm. Armstronr ; fore closure of mortgage. Withdrawn at cost of plff. D. Galby for plaintiff. Racbael Dinwiddie vs. David Dinwiddie ; di vorce. Dismissed. Thornton for plaintiff. Eliza Denny vs. W. W. Panrish et al ; foreclos ure of mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff. N. B. Humphrey for plff. T. S. Summers vs. Eliza Summers ; partition of real estate. Partition granted. W. R. Kirk vs. Michael Anderson. Judgment by default for plaintiff. Russell for plaintiff. Hugh Fields vs. Sarah Ann Estick et al ; to reform deed. Deed reformed. 8. A, Johns for plaintiff. Smith, Brassfield A Co. vs. James Killing ; eonfimation of sheriff's sale. Sale confirmed. Russell for plffs.; Powell A Flinn for defendant. Moore A Grast vs. W. II. Greenwood ; con firmation of sheriff's sale on execution. Sale confirmed. A Mrs. Collins of Salem has been de clared a "common drunkard," and under an existing ordinance, all persons are for bidden to furnish her liquor. This is the second case of the kind at Salem. The Salem Farmer sajs : "T. W. Dav enport. Esq., of Silverton, has ascertained tbe latitude and longitude of Salem to be: Latitude, 44 deg. 56 min.; longitude (V. from Greenwich), 122 deg., 48 min., 42 sec." " - ' All reportsirom the southwestern part of the State are of tbe most encouraging character for the success of the Republi can ticket. A recent correspondent says : " The Republicans of Curry county are stirring and intend to maintain the title of Banner County.' " - 1 A proposition to flume Foot's creek for about a mile and a half from where it empties into Rogue river, has been con siderably talked of, of late, says the Jacksonville . Sentinel. It is believed that there are rich diggings on this creek, for about a mile and a half from its mouth, which, owing to want of fall, can not be worked without a flume. Tbe cost of the undertaking is estimated at 85,000. We would be glad to. see the enterprise go on. As Claude K.'s wife sat quietly in the twilight, a fellow stole behind her and kissed her. "Is it Claude?" she asked hurriedly. "No, dear madam." A mo ment after h.e, was heard to -exclaim, "Oh, yes, I am clawed now, indeed I am' .. .. , . A New York country girl on Tier way to church to be married, was upset and . her leg broken, but would not have her leg set until the other bandage was put around her. ' E. F. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, C. P. FERRY, Notary Public. RUSSELL & FERRY. Real Estate Brokers & Collecting Agents, Portland, - - Oregon. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Sale of Real Estate, Real Estate Litigation, and tbe Collection of Claims. Office, North-west eorner of First and Wash ington Streets, Portland, Ogn. feb26-70-25 School Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that an annnal , meeting of School District No. 5, Linn county, Oregon, will be held at the School House, on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1870, at one o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing one Director for the term of three years, and one' Clerk, for the term of one year ; also to levy a tax to defray the expenses of said district. Dated March 21st, 1S79. 29-2t A. N. ARNOLD, Clerk. ,Y Teaclior, WELL QUALIFIED BY LEARNING AND Experience, desires a situation as Princi pal of a Graded school. Best of references furn ished. For terms address, for one month, GEORGE W. CANNON, 27-lm Advertising Agent, Portland, Oregon. If you want the very best Cabinet Pho tocraphs, yon must call on BRADLEY A RULOFSON, 429 Montgomery street, San Fran cisco. 26 6m To Whom it May Concern: f1 H. BABER is my Legal Agent during JT my absence. SAMUEL DENNY. Albany, March 15. 1870.-28-3w. HTMjtre ! Fire! Fire 2 'A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!" UHTIOX Fire anft Marine Insnrance Comnany! Nos. 416 and 418, California street, San Francisco, ... California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Casb Capital, In Gold Coin, T50,000. Deposit In Oregon, 950,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted And Paid in Gold Voin. THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. GUSTAVE T0UCHARD. Pres CHAS. D. HAVEN, See'y. ' ?; J' C. MENDENBAU, f 0'- lb Albany. Albany, January 8, 1870-18 : t- .. ' T H B , ' O O L. O R s That Photograph Best, t4 R E ' BLACK, BROWN. GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, nd deep ORANGE. Vi TnMe White, or nearly ao, are ' Purples Blue, Crimson, Pink, &c. Sept, S, o-2; ' J. A. WINTER, NEW TO-DAY. A. C0W1S. A. W. BTS.9AKD. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET... . . ALBANY. They offer a large and well selected stock of STAPLE .DRY GOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Price Cash or Produce I In addition to a very large stock, covering everything in the line of Cottons, we have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys' and Men's CLOTHIN and FURNI HIM 00D ! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, 4c. ALSO Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper' & Linen ' Blinds, &.C Espeoiul attention is directed to our stock of IRON AND STEEL AND GENERAL HARDWARE ! Which is the largest and most complete this side of Portland. You are invited to call and examine our goods and prices. The highest aiarkct price in cash paid for Wool, Bacon and Lard ! Oct. 30, 1869-8 $13 GOOD AS GOLD. $o BUY TIIE ONLY GENUINE IMPROVED OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, MiSlTiCTriWD BT TIIE OROIDE WATCH CO. They are all the best make, Hunting eases: finely chased ; look and trear lite Jine gold, and are equal in appearance to tbe best (rold watches usually costing $160. full Jeweled Xcrer.,6ent's and Ladies' sizes, at $15 each. Our Double Extra Refined Solid Oroide Gold Hunting Cases, Full Jeweled Levers, are etpial to $20U Gold HrAc Regulated and Gnartinterd to I'erp eorreet time, rind tcettr tihd not turniih. Extra. Vine Crte, at $20 each. o money is required in advance. We send by Express anywhere within the United Slates, payable to agent on delivery, with the privilege to open and examine before paid for. and if not satisfactory returned, by paying tbe Express charges. Good triV be teat y moil as Registered Packages, prepaid, by sending cash in advance. An Agent mending for ix icatrne get an Extra W A TO II FREE, making eeren $15 Watchetfar $90. or rrH $20 Hrrri-$120. Also, Elegant Oroide Gold Chains, of latest and most eostly styles, for Ladies and Ucntlemen, from 10 to 40 inches long, at $2, $4, $6, and $3 each, scut with watches at lowest wholesale prices. State kind and size of watch required,and to avoid bogus concerns, order only from OROIDE WATCH CO., 13to 148. Fulton Street, New York. A. COWAN A CO. NEW TO-DAY. DIRECT IMPORTATION ! M'COH.MIOK'S 31 A .11 It O T II STOCK OF T01S, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, GIFTS, PRESENTS, BOOKS, &C..&C. For the Holidays of 1S69-70, has arrived. Direct from lew York, And is now on Ehibition at SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, 105 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Where every purchaser will find Tfie Largest Stock ! The Greatest Variety I ! The Cheapest Prices M ! jj?- This immense stock having been pur chased for currency in New York, will be scld to dealers and others in coin at Less Prices Than Ever Before ! Strangers and citizens will find SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a most interesting place to visit, as the gorgeous array of new nov elties, and the thousand comical toys therein, give the store the appearance of aa Eastern MUSECM OF CURIOSITIES! Some idea .may be arrived at as to the extent of the stock when it is known that of Dolls alone there are one hundred amd fifty-flee varietieet Making that Department a perfect BAZZAR OF BEAUTY I Full Descriptive Catalogues now ready. Call early to secure choice gifts. S. J: M'CORMICK, 8m6 ' Agent for Santa Clans. SMiumoiag. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. William R. Kirk, Plff., vs. Michael Anderson, Malviaa Anderson, Theodore Boone, la. Senders, M. Sternberg and J. Fleischner, partners under tbe firm name and style of Senders, Sternberg A Co., Defts. Suit in Equity to foreclose mortgage. To Michael Andersen, Malvina Anderson and Theodore Boone, non residents. Defendants aforesaid: ,, , YOTJ are hereby required to appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Linn, and. answer the complaint of the Plaintiff in the above entitled cause against you, on file with the clerk of said court by the first day of the next term of said court following the expira tion of six weeks from publication hereof, or judgment for want thereof will be taken against you. - . - .... .....--''' ' You are hereby further notified that if you fail to answer said complaint as above required, the Plaintiff wiU take judgment against you, the said Michael Anderson and Theodore Boone, for want of. an answer, for the sum of one hundred and ten dollars, United Stales gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of one per cent, per month from the 1Mb. day .of December, A. D. 1888, and will apply to the court for the relief -demanded therein, and the costs and dis bursements of this suit to be taxed. First publication ordered February , . "1; ' Firs day of ensuing term March 28th, 187. By order of R. r. BOISE, Judge. E. F. Russet. Attorney for Plff. - 22w6 ' Executor's Noti, ,: NOTICE U hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed Ty the County Court of Linn county the Executors of the estate of Preston Morris, deceased. - persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, at the efliee of Powell A Flinn, in Albany, in said coun ty, within six months from the date hereof. A. B. MORRIS, f O.W.RICHARDSON. January W, 18J, ' - n2w o B M M S o t H I w e. 2 1 H Z a i es u - m H NEW TO-DAY- H 0 H S ii v ta 0 0 G to m H w 0 3 tf d o Pi 0 0 0 A u s s s On s o 0 0 tf H H H S ID w 0 H 0 a c H CO 5 i i w CO r (A O (1 W Et w W u e S a a? 60 WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. AV- V! Organized, I860. Policies Exempt from Execution. Cash Assets, - - - $3,000,000, SECURELY INVESTED. r OVER 21.000 MEMBBRS. PURELY MUTUAL Dividends paid one year from date of Policy. All Policies and Dividends Non-Forfeit- able.- . '' . Over 8,000 . Policies issued in 18O0.- iriHIS COMPANY POSSESSES A COMBI I nation of desirable features which no other organisation can claim. .Its growth has been steady, its success marked. Its system of busi ness is pre-eminently adapted to benefit the hold ers of its Policies. . M'KENNEY & LINDERMAN, Oeneral -Agents, ' 151 Montgomery, street, San Francisco, directly opposite Occidental Hotel. "W- WHITWEL.L, General Agent for Oregon and Territories, PORTLAND, OREOO. Not, 6. 'Q y O. P. TOiTIPKIRS 4? CO., IXI'OKTEXg ASV B SALES IK TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, STOVES I Coppef, Bran, Xtnc, Wires Block Tin, FORCE AND LIFT FUttPSi Bom, Iron aa Lead Pipe r CAST, TIN AND ENAMELED HOLLOW WARE I House-Furnishing; Hardware ! Farmers9 Boilers 1 All sizes a fiae thing. Sole agents for the Finest Stove out the BARSTOW COOK!' ALSO, FOR RICHMOND'S PORTABLE RANGE. This stove is particularly adapted to the wants of this coast. 1,000 of them are now in nse in San Francisco, and they give universal satisfaction Great variety of "GEM PANS." JB6f All goods warranted First Class, o REP AIRING! In all its branches. A' Liberal Dlncotiut Made to Country Dealers. E Call and see us before purchasing . ViB elsewhere. sZj-69 3 O. P. TOMPKINS A CO. GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST. (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) ParrlsU'a New Building, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON. DEALER IN pBpDrugs and Medicines, ImmSL CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17. 1868-6tf RATES OF TOLL OVER ' THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Roads To Descbnttes River : Fonr Horse or Mule team.. $4 60 Two " " " 3 0 One " " " . J 00 Ox teams, three yoke.. .............. ............ 4 60 For every additional yoke.. 60 Loose horses, per head ........ ......... ......... 25 " cattle,, per head. .................. ......... " 16 " sheep or hogs. ......... A Teams returning empty, half price. Pack anknals, loaded .. , ,, . , " " uojoaded Horse and rider.............................. T Fish take : Four horse or nrol team, each way-.... 2 Two " " " " ........ 1 One " " .t Pack animals, loaded.-. -w unloaded.- ... Horse and rider....... ......... Ox team, three yoke. ....... To Upper Soda Spring : ' ' Four horse or mule team, out and back.....A 2 50 Two " " ' a 0 One " " ' 1 0 Horse and rides, 44 60 Loose animals, '' ....... 25 Ox teams the same as horse teams. A. HACKLEMAN, W. W. Pabrish, Pres. ' See. March 20, 18-28 5 25 1 00 SAN FRANCISCO STORE! CORNER FIRST 4KB FBBBT STKSCTS, ALBA JTY ........... OH EGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Hardware k Crockery. and a full supply of Ladies . .. ." . FoiuisMng Embroidery, Fancy Goods. U. also, a stock of j THE BEST LIQUORS I for Medicinal purposes only. Always on band a large stock of Box, Cooking and Parlor Stoves ! '- and manufactures all kinds of TIb, Copper Bud Sheet-Iron Ware, all of whioh are offered at the lowest rates for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE I All kinds of renairln9 Hnn. An bIiaW. notiee, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my otove ana xin score. - .. -w .. Nov. 20-11 JULIUS GRADWOHL. , Executor's Notice. . THE undersigaodV has beea appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, Executor of the hut will and testament of SAMSBbH. Kittbb, dreeascd, late of said ooantv. Persons, swing claims against said estate, will present -thesa, duly veriSed. to the undersigned, at his reetfenoe three mQes northeast of Lebanon, in saidVemnty, with hi sin nwoths from this data. J. R. 8MITU. - December 13th, lS'9-16wt ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS; k. CUWM, CHB4D1.B, Front-et., Albany, Ogn. 11.0 Market Eddy sU.. op. Fifth, San Francisco.. ' California, Cheadlc & Co. ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries, anjt. enerat Mercliaiuise t F0RW1HDIM A COMMISSION JttEUXCHANTS Cafe of JU. Ci, Albany, Oregon.; C. Saw. Francisco CaV Liberal advances Beads est, eensignnieiile. NOTICZ TO SHIPPERS. I INTEND DOING A General Commission Business: ... -rN . SCAJV FRANCISCO for the. purpose of selling All Kind's or- Product? that tna; Consigned to me to selK, tA,I?I All CMEADLR, tTHT, receive attend' to all orders on me to Vet filled in San Francisco. oct-5tf . . B, CHEAiUi. BUILDERS, ATTENTION 1 SASH, BLIND AXD BOOR FACTORY! S. H. JLLTHOCSB. B. WMSIT. J. . BACKEBfTO. AIsTROfJB St. CO LTOB STREET, (OB TB BIT.BB ALBANY, t . r ORECOIf KE5P 0N, HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and- ana prepantd to. IJ'onrTaisli. to Order Poors,. Blinds, . : Sash . . and' such as Crown, Panel, $and, and Section Mol4 Of fell SUWflev ' ' " WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES t Bad ethec fcjada of Buildingr Mat erial Are prepared to do HILL WORK ; furnish 8ha- Ker rans, Zirsaa; Bbakers. Buetion Fans, lrivinsr i Pulleys, of any kind, at ear Factory on Lyon street, (on the- siver bank), next below Markhaat'e warehouse. . ALTHQVSE, 4 CO.. , Albany, February 20, 1869-2 Walk iPt Walk In!. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I -Walklntft- : Ux RRIV1EXI'S STORE . . . ' r . . . , from which he is going to sell very low for CasU or Produce ! Call and examine my Goods before you pur chase elsewhere, as I am always willing to abow, r my goods. , , N. B. I will pay from date for thirty day to come, 80 cents per dosen for Eggs. ' Sep. 25, '9-3y - .-. - . BRENNER. GOODS RECEIVED B3T Every steam . r ' , - which wffl be told fot- l , ', . O-cVSIX or TR4-DE I WHEAT WANTED 1 . AT ; .". ' v Sixty Cents Mr Qmhel f in trade, or on Book eeoouot. l or all that may w onertu oct9-5 , ; . R. CHKADLB. THEEYEO i TKZ EARS I Dr. T. I. Q1.PEHV ' OCTJXJIST AND ADKISTi ALBANY, t f t REOOJf. ' TrBT GOLDEN I A SON OF TB9 f X I I noted old OpalwlrDeetor, 8." ( Golden. ., , . -. , Or GOLDEN has had experience In treating . the various diseases to which the eye and ear Be subject, and feels confident of giving entire satin faction to theee who may place theassehres "nndec bis ears. . . . . . ' " Albany, Ape iv, ssow-8ly