The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 26, 1870, Image 4

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    Jjp SI tot) M$iA$&x.
nace ;
Gerrymandering. Although it is
blending with the swell of the generally supposed that all politicians at
How Iron Is Made. .' "
We find in a late Missouri paper a
sketch of the manner in which iron, is
made at the Ironton furnaces, and copy
from it the following :
Fancy, gentle and nn forced reader, a
huge 'tack" built of stone r construct
ed of iron, forty, fifty, sixty, or even sev
enty feet high. "An enormous inverted
wine bottle, if vou clease. flanked bv a
of edibles and a brigade of pig-
running about the spot it stands
and you have a glimmering
of 'the shape of an iron fur-
but if fancy will car.-v vou fur
ther and picture to you the roaring of a
cataract, the heat of well, you know,
and the smell of the place where the
ghost of ."our last King Uamlet" mildly
suggested the necessity of rendering up
himself, you may have a realizing senso
or the physical character of an iron fur
nace. It is, indeed, only a better con
structed lime-kiln, and the general hand
ling and work of that simple agent is the
same. Some furnaces are constructed of
iron of great thickness, powerfully hooped
and lined with fire-brick. The ore and
fuel, with a portion of limestone, are
thrown in above. But, first the furnace
ia heated with charcoal, a process requir
ing several days, and then the ore and
charcoal or stone coal are thrown into the
crater in alternate layers, until it is
crammed. The ore and fuel are hoisted
hy steam to the top, and slid down an in
clined plain into the fiery . gulf. The
shoulder of the bottle (keep that bottle
in your eye) prevents the ore and fuel
from crowding down into the neck and
choking that interesting organ. The
neck of the bottle is the receptae'e of
the molten ore, and there it fumes and
froths like a hellbroth. subject to the
cold or hot blast of air which determines
the character of the iron. The blast is
conveyed into the neck through a little
aperture called the "tweer," and is, in
case of a cold blast, a simple stream of
atmospheric air pumped ia by a powerful
The hot blast is atmospheric air heated
by conveyance through a huge coil of
pipes subjected to furnace heat, and
pumped into the furnace through several
"tweer" holes. In front of the furnace
and at the neck of the bottle is a little
chamber converging toward a single
stone slab the only thing that
now stands between you -and the melting
iron and the fiery furnace. That is the
"dam-stone," but it is a blessed stone,
for it permits you to look at the big
'burning bottle and to draw off its fiery
contents unharmed. When what is called
the "blast" is ready, a hole is punched
with an iron rod, under the dam-stone,
through a thick mass of clay, into the
neck of the bottle, and out rushes the
"blast"- or charge of melted ore, the
iron in fact, like a wicked fiery serpent,
bright and beautiful to behold, but terri
ble to encounter. A plateau of smooth
dry sand lies in front of the furnace, and
in this has been cut a furrow leading
from the mouth of the furnace outwards
for forty, fifty or more feet. Down this
furrow, which - bears the the technical
term of the "sow," runs the melted iron,
and as it Ells up, side furrows are cut,
uniting with the "sow" like the teeth of
' a comb. These furrows are fed from the
"sow," and are called the "pigs" hence
the term "pig irou,". and that is the tale
hanging from the sub-head of ores above.
After eoolinr the sow and Tilsrs are hrn-
. , r
ken up into the lengths familiar to all
under the name of pig iron. If you have
never seen it, most unsophisticated read
er, come up here to Ironton and make
the acquaintance of the torso quadruped.
It is piled up in any reasonable quantity
on the landing in front of the city. Ev
erybody up here talks about it, dreams
about it, lives, and at last dies by it.
Something was said about making iron
with stone coal. That is rather a recent
method. Ashland, Kentucky, furnace is
supplied with a peculiar coal, diffeiing
from-the coal in common use along the
river." It is said to be almost free from
sulphur and bitumen; that it contains
eighty-four per cent, of carbon, that it
does not coke, and works as free as char
coal. It is found at Ccalton, four miles
back of Ashland, in sufficient quantities
for all the use this region will have for it
for the present and succeeding centurv.
The Ohio coal can not be used in the
manufacture of iron. It contains too
much sulphur and bitumen, which burn
the iron, ihe limestone thrown into the
furnace amalgamates the dross found in !
the ore, and floats it on the top of the !
material, and, like it, floats out into the
"sow," barren, however, and useless,
save as a "fill" for roads- The "blast" is
drawn twice a day that is, twice every
twenty-four hours, whether madeof coal
or charcoal, and in this process lies the
art of making "pig."
The apprehended exhaustion of tim
ber fer charcoal greatly enhances the
importance of the Coalton discovery and
Ashland experiment. TAe furnace con-
- - tttme anratalitf'from twelve' to -fourteen
tftoutand cord of toood each. Hecla
Furnace, alone consumed fifteen thousand
cords , 1869, and at this rapid rate the
mighty forests that shade the southern
part of the State will soon disappear
forever. Some cf the furnaces depend
upon second growth, which requires from
twelve to fifteen years to produce, for
there are furnaces ia the- region that have
been in operation for forty years.
" A furnace costs from sixty to eighty
thousand dollars, and employs on an av
erage two hundred and fifty hands.
There are usually five hundred people
dependent upon the operation of a fur-
- nace ftr subsistence.
To operate a furnace properly requires
constant and unremitting labor, and that
cannot be done without desecrating the
Sabbath. It ia represented here that it
is possible to keep a furnace id operation
. without "breaking the lord's day." but
the possibility is not put to a severe test.
The moral sense of the pigiroout is op
posed to Sunday labor. They don't ap
prove of it at all, but somehow or other
the furnaces send up their everlasting
snore and blaze, and men .move about
there -with a shade less energy of man-
net,-perhaps, than on any other day of
the week.; 'The pigironista go to cnurcn,
every one or them,' and, ot course, do
not even think of iron while there j but
the big snore is heard like a mighty di
... , . t
organ, ana the worshipper catcnes
glimpses of the big blaze through the
high reaching windows of the church
but what of that ? he shuts these things
out of his mind and tries to feel that it
is Sabbath.
In a hot blast furnace it takes two and
a half to two and three fourths tons of
ere to make a ton of iron. A cold blast
furnace requires three tons ct ore to pro
duce one of iron. , The iron produced by
the cold blast furnaces is as nearly pure
as can be made, and as already shown,
commands the highest price. Charcoal
only is used in the cold blast furnaces
thus far two hundred bushels to the tou
of iron. Stone coal, eighty bushels "to
the ton, hot blast.
Gigantic Experiment. The Rus
sian government ia making a very impor
tant experiment. The Oxus is now flow
ing into the sea of Aral. It once flow
ed into the Caspian, its old bed being
still visible enough to be a feature in
maps. If it could be brought back the
Russians would have an unbroken and
impregnable water communication lrom
tho Baltic to the heart of Khiva, and
with further improvements to Ualkb
would, in fact, be able to ship stores at
Cronstadt for Central Asia, and send
them without land carriage. The addi
tion to their power would be enormous ;
for instance, they could send 10,000
riflemen almost to Afghanistan by water,
and without any sound audible to the
west, and their engineers think it can be
secured. An erergetio officer,- -with
1,800 men, is already on the south bank of
the Caspian, and natives are reported
" friendly," that is, we suppose, quiet,
and the Russian government has the
means, through its penal regiments, of
employing forced labor on a great scale.
A Romantic Meeting. There was
j a romantic meeting on a railway train in
I Iowa, a few days since. At a stopping
place a middle-aged woman entered the
cars. A gentleman arose and offered her
a seat beside him. She had just seated
herself when she exclaimed, " Ob, my
God." Both parties sprang to their
feet, and while facing each other the
gentleman said, " Is it possible ? How
strange we have met. But let us part
friends. I am going to my wife and
family; you, I presume to your, hus
band." The lady replied, " we may
part friends, and wiser than we once
were. My experience has been bitter,
and doubtless yours has been the same.
You will oblige me by stepping into the
next car." The parties shook hands and
separated. Ten years ago a petty quarrel
resulted in divorcing the parties. Both
had since married and lived to learn that
the old love had not died out.
least know the origin of the term "ger
rymandering," yet Governor Ashley, of
Montana Territory, in a recent message,
writes about "jerrymandering" with an
initial J instead of G, thus entirely mis
representing the derivation of the word.
Tho true version is as follows":
Some sixty years or more ago Eldridge
Gerry was the leader of the old Demo
cratic party in Massachusetts. To per
petuate the power of the party in the
btate Mr. Uerry and his associates rear
ranged and divided the State into Dis
tricts, so as to insure, as far as possible,
Democratic majorities in the election dis
tricts, and in so doing had little respect
to the symmetry of the outlines of the
districts or the natural geographical
boundaries. A colored map showing
these new districts was hung on the wall
of Mr. Gerry's office, and at a distance a
portion ot the btate accidentally present
ed the image ot a sprawling lizard. One
day a staunch Federalist friend came in,
and espying this map, exclaimed: "Why,
what sort of an animal is that there '("
"Oh, that is a salamander," said Mr.
Gerry, good humoredly. "Asalamauder!"
replied his friend, who in the meanwhile
had examined the map more closely, and
from his knowledge of local politics had
seeu what the effect of the redistricting
would be, "you had better say a Gerry
mander." The witticism was repeated
by Mr. Gerry, and thus it came to pass
that "gerryirandering"(with the G hard)
became a slang expression for the politi
cal device practiced by Mr. Gerry and
his friends.
The Danger op too Much Exer
cise. The Westminister Gazette, in the
course of an article against too much
exercise, says : " Those who have gone
through the severest training become, in
the end, dull, listless and stupid, subject
to numerous diseases, and in niaDy in
stances the victim of gluttony and drunk
enness. Their unnatural vigor se'dom
A drunken man was recently arrested
in Chicago. Upon being examined he
was found to possess a certificate ot mar
riage dated six mouths back. Without
further evidence he was committed for
the murder of his wife, but easily estab
lished his innocence by producing her in
Court. The Judge at once granted a di
vorce, and upon the man refusing to ac
cept it he was ordered to leave the city
within twentv-four hours, and the wife
was given a divorce from him. She also
declined the proffered boon and was sent
to' the lunatic asylum. It was afterward
discovered that the wife was the hus
band's step-sister, whereupon the decis
ions of the Court were revoked, they
were then restored to one another's arms,
and the Judge was subsequently present
ed with a fine pair of twins by the grate
ful woman, and an ounce of lead by the
man. Such is life in Chicago, which
less than fifty years ago was a howling
r -
A Row About a Pig's Tail. Five
or six men received a sound drubbing at
Mendocino a tew days ago, for a gross
insult to a citizen. . The Dispatch gives
the cause as follows : It seems he paid
a visit to a young lady, aud when enter
ing her presence, and not till then, he
discovered attached to his coat skirt a
pig's tail! Imagine a young gentleman
upon hi first introduction to a young
lady and a lady toowho had but re
cently arrived in those parts, and, there
lore unused to our mauuers presenting
such a spectacle ! It certainly was ridic
lasts more than five years. It was es
pecially remarked by the Greeks, that no ! ulous in one sense, but in the other it
one who in boyhood won the prize at the I was most shameful aud aggravating, and
Olympic games ever distinguished him- if the parties punished were the authors
ot this too practical joke,
sen afterward. 1 he three years imme
diately preceding seventeen are years
of great mental development ; aud na
ture cannot, at the same time, endure
any severe taxing of the physical consti
tution. Prudence, - therefore, at !his
critical period of life, must ever go hand
in band in vigor; for the evils of excels
outweigh by far the evils of deficiency."
Baptising a Politician. A capital
story is related concerning Jim Lane.
He had been elected to a series of sub
ordinate offices, and finally sent to Con
gress. Defeated in reelection, he as
pired to a seat in the Legislature, but so
slight was his hold on piblic favor that
he was defeated even for this position.
As a last resort to recover hfs waning
popularity, he joined the church ; and as
it was given out on Sunday that in the
interval between the services he would
be dipped in a neighboring creek, a large
crowd assembled on the banks to witness
the ceremony. The preacher waded in
with the neophite and plunged him undt r
the flood. As he came to the surface, an
old farmer in the crowd turned to his
son and exclaimed "John, when you
water the horses in the morning in the
creek, be sure and take them in above
were old L was dipped."
, .
Courting Half of a Fat Girl.
Don Piatt savs : I was' in love once
ith a fat girl. She was very fleshy.
She was enormous. But the course of
my true love came to grief. I was sit
ting with her in the dim twilight one
evening. 1 was sentimental: I 6aid
many soft things; I embraced part of
her. Sho seemed distant. Sho fre
quently turned her lovely head from me.
At last I thought I heard the murmur of
voices around on-the other side. " I arose
and walked around, and then I found
another fellow courting heron the left
flank. I was indignant, and upbraided
her for her treachery in thus concealing
from me another love. She. laughed at
my conceit, as if she was not big enough
to have two lovers at once.
the general
verdict wiil be, " served 'em right." We
are soi ry to learn, in connection with
this, that the difficulty is not yet settled,
but thatpistols, knives, and other bar
barous' weapons are freely mentioned as
a means of final adjudication.
Euphonious, Very.-H Don ner county
is created, says a Grass Valley paper,
Placer county will lose several well known
places, and the glory of much of her
history. "Ground Hog's Glory," "Hell's
Delight," "Miller's Defeat," "Ladies
Canyon," "Devil's Basin," "Hell's Half
Acre' and a few other places of like
significance will be in the new county.
"Shirt Tail Canyon," however, will be
retained in Placer county. Placer should
fight the new county in order to retain
her glorious nomenclature of towns.
Sir John Herschel always maintained
that the moon was a furnace so hot a
place that nothing could live tinder its
torrid influences. Captain John Erics
son, whose ability no one disputes, de
clares that the moon's surface is one mass
of solid ice. When euch men disagree,
who shall decide.
: William Mosher, of Montpelier, Vt.,
a -opted oil of vitriol as his beverage tho
ther day. lie ia now no more.
The PanJiandle JVetcs describes an ice
mountain situated in Hamilton county,
West Virginia, 50 miles northwest of
Winchester. The western side of the
mountain is covered with loose stones ol
a light color from base to summit. By
removing stone, pure, solid, crystal ice
may be found iu the warmest days of
Summer, and it has been found there as
late as the middle of September. It may
exist throughout the entire year, if the
rocks we.e removed to a sufficient depth.
What seems, strange is that the side of
the mountain where the ice is found is
exposed to the sun throughout the day.
and it is said that the sun does not have
as much effect in melting the ice as con
tinuous rains.- At the base of the moun
tain is a spring of water, very clear and
cold Some years ago the owner of the
property removed the stone and erected
as small log dairy or spring house, in
which meats can be kept at any season as
safe as they can be preserved in an icehouse.
A man's wife is his best lawyer, his
best counsel, his best judge, his best
adviser, and the cheapest and most rea
sonable. "Is that clock right' over there?"
asked a visitor the other day. " Right
over there," answered the boy, "'taint no
where else."
A little girl seeing a litter of kittens
for the first time, expressed her opinion
that " somebody had shaken pussy all to
An Englishman in Madrid recently
strangled a pickpocket who had stolen his
watch, and then surrendered mmseii io
the police.
A venerable old couple in New York,
over seventy, fearful that death would
separate them, jumped into the river in
ordtr to die together.
A New York paper says that Rev. Mr.
Smith, of Illinois, was acquitted for
drowning his wile because it was his
first offence of the kind.
A fashionable lady's maid, who en
deavored to rival her mistress in the
style of her garments, wrote an order to
the perfumer the other day, and request
ed him to furnish a case of "O Dick
Alone 2"
At some of the fashionable boarding
schools, it is said, in the East, young la
dies are taught the "art" of refusing an
offer so .as to give the victim little or no
pain, or a perlect avalanche of agony.
The Bey of Tunis,, determined to
maintain his credit, has imprisoned all
the jewelers of his capital and closed
their stores because they have refused to
credithim any more.
A cotemporary says that the difference
between Joan of Are and Noah's ark, is
that odo was Maid of Orleans, and the
other was made of Gophir wood.
" : On old stable-keeper in England said
he has never had a bad foot on a horse
since he commenced bedding on on a thick
layer of saw dust. Pine saw dust he
finds the best, oak the worst.
There are said to be so many persons
having the measles in Columbus now
that in some large families there is hard
ly a rneasle apiece for tho children.
Pittsburg enjoyed a Iran new sensa
tion last week, caused by a young lady
leaving a line of bran along the side
walks as she was enjoying her afternoon
promenade. .
An advertisement in a Missouri paper
informs the gentleman who fell down and
lost his teeth where he can obtain them
The handsomest woman in Norwich,
Conn., was burned to a cinder the other
day. She resided in a millinery shop,
and was made ot wax.
Among the petitions before the French
legislature is one to compel the tattooing
means of identification.
A pupil ought in time to become
his teacher's equal. Paul once eat at the
feet of Gamaliel as his master, but he
did not feel bound to carry Gamaliel's
carpet-bag for the rest of his life.
A Westerner, speaking of the per
formance of his village choir, says that
"it is like drift wood in a stream; it
drags on the bars, but it don't amount
to a dam."
Mrs. Ross, the widow of the inventor
of the Kuss pavement, discovered a small
pimple near her mouth about two weeks
ago, which she picked with her nail.
The. nail poisoned the flesh, mortification
set in, and she died a few days afterward.
Henry Ward Beecher says: "I hearti
ly believe in judicious flagellation;" but
he considers the rod a "choise dainty, and
like kissing, to be used rarely, and then
heartily laid on." -
An old bachelor in New York offered
a young lady a pony fur a kiss; she sued
him; "he pleaded no consideration;" the
court decided that a kiss was a legal con
sideration and made him "pony over."
An old trapper in Arizona who had
just scalped his fifteenth Indian, says:
'It's good slaying out here this season."
A bride in Chealhara county, , Tcnn.,
arrayed for the altar, concluded to marry
an old lover who came hurriedly to see
the ceremony, and she actual'y did it.
The man who calls his wife a bird
must not be disappointed if she asks him
to buy feathers. .
Mr. Dalrymple,- the great farmer of
Minnesota, is said to have made 8150,
000 clear gain in three years of farming.
Mr. Joshua Billings says:, "One of the
fussiest scenes I ever see'd wuz two old
maids waiting on one sick widower.
A little ragged urchin, begging in the
street the other day, was-esked by a lady
who filled his basket if his parents were
living. "Only dad, marmVwas the re
ply. "Then you have got enough in
your basket now to feed the family for
some time?" said the lady. "Oh, no,
I havn't neither," said the lad ; "for dad
and me keep five boarders ; he does the
housework and I do the inarket'n."
A young lady from the rural districts
went to Des Moines to see the elephant.
In the street car the conductor said to
her, "Miss, your fare." "Well, if I
am, replied shet "I don't want any of
your imperance.'
Brown, who was in love with a young
lady, asked permission to call her by the
explicit name of some ' animal, which
was granted on condition that she should
have the same privilege. On leaving,
Brown said, "Good night, deer." "Good
night, bore," said she. Brown is dis
gusted with figurative courtship.
An Iowa soldier, supposed to have
been killed . long ago,' returned to his
family, and found to his sorrow that his
wife, supposing him dead, had remained
single, lie had got his eye on another
woman, and hoped she had spliced.
A very polite young man, wishing to
ask a young lady if he might speak to
her a few moments, wanted to know, "if
he could roll the ' wheel of conversation
around the ale tree of her understanding
for a moment. -
During the summer months the con
sumption of lager beer in the city of
Now York is estimated at forty thousand
A Weekly Newspaper,
Containing' 28 colums of matter,
Iu the City of Albany,
0 Per AnniiTw,
Six months $2
Firtt ttreet, (opposite Parrith & Co.' ttore,)
Albany :
Insurance Oom-pany
Chartered by special Act of Congress,
Approved - July 25, 1868.
purely :m"tul;ixJL.
Cash assets..... - .T,000,0C0 09
Cash Dividend, 1867 .... 620,5J j
Cash Dividend. 1888 78B.197 8
Total suiplUB dividend 3,512,771 00
Losses paid in 1868... 675.S00 00-
Total losses paid ... 8,842,100 00
Income for 1867- . 2,852,031 il
No extra charge for traveling to and from tbe
Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or tho Ssndwicsl
Islands. :
All Policies non-forfeiting, and governed by th
non-forfeiting law of Masaacbasetla, :,
Policy holders the only persons who reoeiro d lY
der da in tbi Company, which aro deolared
and paid annually j first dividend avail- r
able at tbe payment of the seeond
annual premiums. -All Policies
, remain in force ai long at -there
is any surrender
This old and popular Company, (the oldest M
tual Life Insurance Company ia mu
country) insuresat tbe low- ,i
est possible rates. '
Cash Capital,
CLARK, PhUadelphia,
E. CLARK. Philadelphia, Presi
Chairman Finance A Executive
AVING a very fair assortment of material
we are prepared to execute, with neatness
and dispatch, all kinds of
Fisk's beautiful financial figure, "gone
wbero the woodbine twineth," when di
vested of its rhetoric means ''gone up
the npout."
A Tennessee paper says "Brownsville
has a colored hotel;" whereupon one of
its contemporaries asks "what color is
Prince Arthur has accepted an invi
tation to visit Wheatland, tho. residence
of the late ox-President Buchanan.
"To-night you git or dangle," is the
notice served on the thugs of Wyoming.
prepared to furnish all classes with constant em
ployment at home, the whole of the time or foj
the spare moments. Business new, light and
profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn
from 50c to $5 per evening, and a proportional
sum by devoting their whole time to the bnsincss.
Boys and girls can earn nearly as much a men.
That all who see this notice may send their ad
dress, and test the business, we make this unpar
alleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied,
we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing.
Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will
do to commence work on, and a copy of The
People' Literary Companion one of the largest
and best family newspapers published all sent
free by mail. Reader, il you want permanent,
profitable work, address, E..C. ALLEN A Co.,
10m3 - Augusta, Maine.
The Best Ooeda at the Lowest Prices.
JOHN G-. HODGE A CO., 327, 329 and 331,
Bansome street, 8 an Francisco, California,
keeps the largest stock of Stationery, Blank
Book, School Book, wrapping paper, playing
cards, pocket cutlery, raiors, scissors, notions,
te.,U be found on the Pacific coast. Prompt
attention given to supply the trade, and satisfac
tion guaranteed, r
n24-lm JOHN O. HODGE CO. ,
BLANK Deeds, Mortgages, etc., on hand
latest styles, and for sale low, at this office.
Ball Tickets,
of all kinds$
at as low figures as a due regard to taste and good
work will allow. When yon want anything in
the printing line, call at the Register office.
His own or Pupil's Residence.
Lessons given in the French tnguage.
For particulars, enquire at the corn Broad
albin and Second streets. .
5S Refers to Prof. Jonx Bricgs.
fTlHE undersigned gives notice to the general
1 public, that be is now manufacturing tbe
CialeslMirg Patent Plow !
and any other style of plow that may be ordered.
Also, particular attention paid to
Horse Shoeing. Wagon and Darriage
HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice
EMERLON W. PEET. Philadelphia, Secretary
Jt Actuary.
E. S. TURNER, Washington, Assistant Seo
FRANCIS G. SMITH. M. D., Medieal Director.
J. EWING MEAKS, JI. D., Assistant Medical
fllHE attention of persons contemplating in-
1 suring their lives, or increasing tbe amount
ot they already nave, is called to tbe
special advantages offered by the NATIONAL
The stability of this Company, with it past his' .
tory, increasing capital and business, ana toe sat
isfactory manner in wuicn it nas aisenargea iu
obligations in the past, are guaran ees for th
future such as far-seeing and careful men require
in their investments.
Persons generally, who thoroughly understand
the working? of Life Insurance, are anxious to .
avail themselves of its equitable provision.
Full information will bo given to those who
desire, at the Ageacy. " -
ZIomo Office, 39 State Street, Boston
Pacifio Branch Offices,
302 Montgomery Street. San Francisco.
Room 3, Carter' Bililing, Portland, Oregem,
EVERSON & HAINES, OeneralAffta.
Albany, September 19, I868-2T
the: advantages offered
Tbe National charter, the large capital, tbe
Low Rates, the common-icon plan, the definite
contracts, the honorable and fuir dealings, the
Non-Forfeiting Policies, the perfect security
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PANY of tbe United States of America worthy of
the patronage of every busines man.
This company, during tho sixteen months of
its existence, has issued
$26,800,000 INSUnANCE-
Tbe extraordinary rapid progress of the com
pany attests the estimation in which it is held by
tho public, and tbe large amount of new business
transacted it is the best evidence of the popnlar
ity of its principles, nnd its adaptability to meet
the requirements of its Assurers.
and General Jobbing.
All work entrusted to me will receive prompts
attention, and be executed in the best possible
manner with good material. A share of public
patronage is solicited.
Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets,
opposite Pie-ee' Ferry. F. WOOD.
Albany, November 21. 1868-11
OregOD, nnd Washington, Idano
Montana Territories,
Cash Plan, Low Rates, Strictly Mutual.
Non-Forfeiting by their
No Restriction on Travel, Residence or
Policies issued in Gold or U. S.
oy, as deeired.
No extra charge upon women.
All varieties of Policies issued.-
Value upon Surrendered
Large Cash,
E. 8,
MERRILt, Agent,
Albany, Oregos.
By the Charter of the. Company, certificates of
obligations will be issued, agreeing to purchaso
its policies at their valuo which, when accompa
nied by the policy duly assigned or transferred,
are negotiable, and may be used as collate: al re
cur ty, in making loans from tbo Company or
from other parties. '
The Hon. Jno. B. Sanford, Insurance Commis
sioner of Massachusetts, in his Report for 1868,
speaking of Dividends in Life Insurance Compa
nies, says , " The sooner such guarantees ceaso
to be made, and such expectations created, the
sooner Lifo Insurance .will come to rest on its true
motive, and men insure their lives for security.
and not for dividends. The best and the most
popular companies will then be those that prom
ise only equity, and render all that they promise,
and furnish tbe best security, with tbe most up
right and judicious management."
" By the Stock plan tho full cash effect of the
premium is immediately secured to the insured,
the Company taking ali. tho risk. By the Mu
tual plan, the full value in insurance of the pre
mium paid, is not secured to the policy-holder,
wno takes a portion of the risk himself."
Policies Issued In
Oolcl ot Currency,
For Oregon and Washing-ton Territory.
Albany, September II, 1869
Farmers Can Ride and Plow
Manufactured and sold for the very low pries of
8$OG and $75.
THE simplicity and practicability of this now
Plow commends it favorably to tho special
notice of every farmer. It possesses s decided
superiority over all otber plows now in use. Tho
wheels are four feet in diameter, and run on the
unrilowcd land. Its entire construction is in no
way complicated. The prow is managed in every
manner with ease, and requires only two levers
to bo used iu making any alteration. The supo-
riority of the "Gay" Plow will be clearly shown
by the following certificate : ( . i
TV'e, tho undersigned, citizens of Linn county,
Oregon, having purchased aud used upon our
farms tbe "Gny'' l'low. hcreby certify that the
same has given us entirosatisfactiitn. Its facility
for ctlju-tiug to suit tbe depth of furrow without
movi g from tbe seat, is simp's and easy. We
like tbe plow for its draught, because tbe same is
brought to bear directly upon tbe plow-beam in
stead of the carriage ; also, i-ecause it is strong
and durable, all except the wood-work being con
structed of wrought iron no ca-tings aro ssed.
Tbe wheels running upon the solid land is an ad
vantage over other gang-plows, in strikine off
1 , . I -.1 : . Y - . i . t
ui iu ptuwiuK dui uavwg to niiaun nec
essary changes in tho machinery, sod tbo seat is
always level, not thr wing the driver forward or .
sideways as in other plows, lietter work and
moro of it can be accomplished by the use of this
Plow than by hand. .
We tan pleasure in recommendinc the "Gat'
Plow to our brother farmers, ss ono having no
superior in Oregon.
A. B. Lf.ONEY, E. W. PIKK,
May 20th, 1869.
Tbe "Oat" Plow is manufactured by . H.
Colliding, Portland Machine Sbop. ,
All orders will be promptly attended to by ad
dressing, . -
. U. 1'. GAY. .
Portland, Oregon
Albany Agents.
J. BARROWS A CO.. Agents
for Linn A Benton oountiesr'"
for Linn A Benton eonnties.
May 22, 'C9-37
of the best patterns I
Tin, Sheet Iron and
Copper Ware X
and the usual usortment of Famishing Goods t
be obtained in a " . . . .
Repair neatly and promptly executed,
5STo reasonable term, ""ft
"Short reckonings, make long friends." ...
Front street .........Albany.
Next door to Mansfield A Co.
dec5'8-It -
4fiVk A S . Sk