The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 26, 1870, Image 1

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i" 1 '
VOL. 2.
Slit JUtag tgito.
n. v... Throe Hollars
One ear tv.h..
Single Copies
Two Dollars
.....Ten Cents
Transicut alvertisements per Square or. ten
lines or Jess, first insertion, 3 ; each subseqaent
insertion, $1. , .
LarSer advertisements inserted on the most
liberal terms. -
Having received new type, stock of colored
Inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, eto., we are P re
pa ed to execute all kinds of printing in a better
manner and fifty per cent, cheaper than eTer be
fore offered in. this city." ; . ' "" ,
' ' '"Agents for the Register.
The following gentlemen are authorized to re
ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising,
etc., for the Rbgistiir :
HIRAM SMITH, Eso... Harrisburg.
Judge S. II. CLAUGHTON Lebanon.
PETER nt'JIE, Eq .Brownsville
W. R. KIRK, Esq -
E. E. AVIIEELER, Esq Scio.
T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem.
Geo. W. CANNON, Esq Portland.
L- P. FISHER, Esq - 'Frisco.
IN" o t a, i- y Public
The Union Republican voters of tWstatc of
Oregon will meet at the City of Portland, at 10
o'clock A. M., on Thursday, the 7th day of April,
1870, in Delegate Convention, for the purpose of
placing in nomination a State Ticket to bo sup
ported at the approaching election in June, and
the transaction of such other business as shall
properly come before said Convention.
Counties will be entitled to delegates as follows:
Benton -..
Columbia ..
..... 2
Douglas 12
Grant 7
Jackson 10
Josephine 4
Tillamook ...
Union ..,
.... 2
.... 5
.... 6
.... 9
.... 6
The Committee rocommend that the County I
Conventions for the election of Delegates be held
on Saturday, the 26th day of March, 1870. .
By order of the State Central Commjjyige,.
T. B. On seal, Secretary.
Portland, January I9th, IS70.
made an 1 attested. Conveyances and col
lections attended to. I2'C9
. J. lI4LlTKOiV9
Attorney and Counsellor at Law, .
FFICE On Main street, opposito Foster's
Brick. 1-69
"W" est ern motel,
Corner First and Morrison streets,
" Portland, Oregon.
Messrs. SMITH 4 COOK have taken this
well known honsc, refitted and refurnished
it throughout, built a large addition, making
thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dining
and Sitting rooms', making it by far the
Best Hotel iu Portland.
A call from the traveling public will satisfy
them that the above statements are true.
N. B. Hot and cold Baths attached to the
honse for the benefit of guests. 50
Portland, August lath, I3G9.
Albany College The collegiate
year ot this Institution closed on last Fri
day. On Friday evening the students
connected villi " the College gave an
exhibition to oar citizens, which we hear
spoken of by those who were enabled to
attend, in the highest manner. The hall
or chapel of the College was densely
crowded, and the entertainment through
out was received with immense applause
and enthusiasm. Tho music, instrument
al and vocal, was especially well executed,
and was a principal feature in the even
ing's entertainment. The Albany Col
lege, under the present able management,
has more than equalled the expectations
anticipated for it by its friends. It is just
ST&h.jaa$ lku is needed for., the
education of the youth in this communi
ty, and it is hoped that the success that
has been accorded during the past year,
will give its friends new strength to labor
in its behalf. Remember, home institu
tions first.
HUtabidel & Co.,
visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec
tionery. Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc.
Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany,
Oregon. - I
E. A. Freeland,
JLF School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books,
Stationery. Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc., Post
office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered
from New York and San Francisco. I
S- H. Claufcton,
AGENT. Office in the Post OfBco building,
Itfhaurm, Oreyrm. - -
Will attend to making Deeds and other convey -anses,
also to the prompt collection of debts en
trusted to my care. I
Mitchell, Bolph & Smith,
Solicitors in Chancery and Proi-tors in Ad
miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front
Btfreet, Portland, Oregon. I
Ciril Engineer & Surveyor.
Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass.
Order by mail promptly aiU nded to. Residence
on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany
Oregon. nI9-6m
"poweli. L. russr.
Powell Sc Fiiiin,
and Solicitors in Chancery,
(I, riinn, Notary Public,)
Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances
prom ply attended to. I
r. sr. redmem. ' p. w. spike.
CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a
large stock of
- Groceries and Provisions,
Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Con
, feetionery, Yankee Notions, Ac., ic, Wholesale
aud Retail, opposite R. C. Hill & Son's drug
store, Albany,, Oregon. 5oct9
Corner First and Washington Sts.,
ALBANY, .-'"" - - OREGON.
XX. EXIEFJWER, Proprietor.'
Famished thronghout, the proprietor
hopes to give entire satisfaction to the traveling
public. The beds are supplied with, spring-bottoms.
The table will receive the closest atten
tion, and everything the market affords palatable
to guests will be supplied. - ': - jao29-2I
fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi
cinity that he has taken charge of this establish
ment, ana, ny Keeping clean rooms ana paying
strict att-intic 3 to business, expect to suit all
those who may favor him with, their patronage.
Having heretofore carried on nothing but .
First-Class XX air Dressing1 Saloons, I
be expec'a to give entire satisfaction to all.'
Children and Ladies' hair neatly rut and
shampooed. ; S JOSEPH WEBBER.
. vI9y2-,;-c - .
'on TO HIT V
Unique asd Spicy. " The Inno
cents Abroad, or the New Pilgrim's Pro
gress," is one of the most pleasant, thrill
ing, entertaining ana tumorous works
issued from the press of the country.
The work contains 650 pages, with 234
beautiful illustrations, and is extremely
cheap at 5. It is having an immense
sale, and everybody wantiug a book full
of rich, rare and racy descriptions, ideas
clear and penetrating, and sparkling
throughoui with genuine original humor,
should subscribe for Mark Twain's
latest and best work the " New Pil
grim's , Progress." Jlr. G. R. Blood is
at present canvassing for the book in
this county. We shall have more to say
of it after we have perused it.
Protracted Meeting. The M. E.
Church of this city, under charge of Rov.
II. C. Jenkins, commenced a protracted
meeting on Friday cveuing last, which
will last through the coming week. Sur
viccs to-Dight, the usual services to-morrow,
and each evening thereafter during
the week. Rev. J. James, of Corvallis,
, ., ... . , . ,
COSMOFOSjITAIY IIOTEIL. I ana otner Iumlstcrs are ; expectea to oe
present and lend their assistance during
Front and
Iu P. W. Quimby, - -
- Proprietor.
(Late of tho Western Hotel.)
THIS HOUSK. is the most commodious in the
State, newly furnished, and it will be ths
endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gueste
comfortable. 'Nearest Hotel to the steamboat
landing. - !
;5S9 Tbe Concord Coach will aiwavs be four
at the landing, on tho arrival of steamships ar i
river boats, carrving ipassensrers and their bar-
gape to and from tbe boats fi re of charge. !
Uuvse supplied trith latent fire Jbj-tiitytttfifmr.
(fokmerlv ABnicoxi's,) .
t -,
Front street : i s . Portland, Oregon.
chased this well known Hotel, are now pre
pared to oner tae traveling pnblie better accom
modations than can jbe found elsewhere in the
Board and Lodging $3 OO per day.
The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to con
vey Passengers and; baggage to and from the
Hotel free of charge.
J. B. El'llaUEK.
Office Oregon & California Stage ComraDy, B.
G. Woitehocse, Agent.-. . 2tf
Sew Columbian Hotel,
Nos. 118, 120 and 122 Front street, '
The Largest, Best and mot Convenient
Hotel in Portland!-
Located in the center of business and near all
the steamboat landings.
Board and lodging-
From one to two dollars per day according to the
room occupied.
Rooms newlv furnished and well ventil
ated Superior accommodations for families.
Tbefew Columbian Hotel Coach will be
in attendance at all the landings to convey pas
sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel
17 J&r- Free of Charge ! -ffi. 69
the week. i'inUters and members of
other denominations, as well as those be
longing "to"Tno3enomi'natioo',' are cor-,
dblly invited to attend.
Removal. We ommitted to mention
last week tha fact tha't Messrs. Powell &
Flinn have renaoved their law offica from
the corner of Ferry and Fourth streets
j-to the Foster brick building on First,
between Ferry and Broadaibin, a much
more convenient office, and easiet found
than the old place. People who are in
want uf legal advice, or any other busi
ness in their line, arc invited to call and
see them in their new office.
Bedding, Etc., ".
: I ......
oruitx rirmt and , Broad Albin streets.
Pkecinct , Convention. The Re
publican Precinct Convention for Albany
precinct met on last Saturday afternoon
at the Court House, ; and elected, the following-named
gentlemen as delegates to
I the County Convention :! D. Reach, D.
M. Thompson, Jas." II. Foster, George
Simpson, Walter Ketchum, J. R. Dawson,
John Ganter and A.' B Morris 8. The
attendance was large, . and the utmost
harmony and good feeling prevailed.
Cotillon Party. The cotillon par
ty, given at the Sfc Charles Hotel on
Monday night, was largely attended, and
like everything undertaken by mine host
of the St. Charles, was a complete suc
cess in every respeet , -.i .jV
About tlARVt of Way.
One of the feTyatlewn acting as agent
for Ben. Holladayl Securing the right
of way for the Qfeg'jn Central Railroad
(East Side); infarrtr&aa that many of the
owners of land'otf is line of the road
are demanding,!).1 souij cases, exhorbitant
damages of the (jompjmy for the right of
way. Thisii wroB?a tfjey thus delay the
construction of theroml Without benefitting
tWmselves one . whi We presume, in
nihe cases outfof ien tli increase in the
value of property ' ot JLhe line of road
will be considered W)r than an equiva
lent for the amount of Jaod appropriated
by the Company-;! Ia-.V reeent case of
this kind, the jary v'jpnd,. j.upon a
thorough exanvuatiohthat the i; party
claiming-dEr itMrWj,ad.i rSceived
more berjcht- irTiT'dariiago, and rendered
a verdict accordEg;Land along the
line of the road i q tlia jonnty, since the
faot of its nltima-'a' uiinijfletion has been
established, has " increased five dollars,
and in somcinaneeB more, per acre.
Our understanding fefth9 statute gov
erning the case is this : TI19 law gives
railroad corporation1 the right to enter
upon any land whieh may be necessary
for the use of the road. . If parties de
mand damages, the corporation must
tender the fair valua ofthe land so taken
(without tho contemplated railroad im
provement), when. it ean proceed with
the construction, of the road, no matter
whether such tender on the part of the
corporation is aceepted'pr not. Railroad
improvements are Icoosidered, and right
ly, too, as promoters of the wealth and
importance of a couinmnity, and unless
parties can prove 'positive loss by the lo
cation of such an eriterpiise, a jury can
not, under the. statate, find for them.
Our laws wcie. framed especially to en
courage and protect all enterprises of
this kind. Oregon has long suffered for the
want of this kind of transportation, and it ill
becomes us as a people, now that tae enter
prise is inaugurated,, after so mi
and perseverance, on the part of the few,
to throw any hindrance, however slight,
in the way of its early and rapid con
struction. We hor0v that all will take a
second -sober thought before taking any
action that looks to a retarding of this
great work. Instead of retarding, let us
aid tho entc'prwe h,c;r, that we may
sooner experience tLc TcVivifying effects
sure to follow upon ilie, completion of
our railroad throughout, our entire bor
ders. We' expect to ! give this subject
mere attention when opportunity offers.
Valuable Suggftions for Ore
gon. We copy the following froni Car
ter's San Francisco Real Estate Circular
for January, aud commend it to the at
tention of our merchants, farmers, man
ufacturers, and others- We may also ask
why Oregon cannot, or, more properly,
does not, manufacture her own butter,
soap, caudles, hides. boots and shoes, etc.?
Read and think over iti Here it is :
During the year 1869 we paid the
nice little sum of $G,-JS9,096 for freight
alune, on Eooda imported here, mostly
fronthe East. This little item speaks
I loudly against our want df enterprise, for
we should, in most, instances, be manu
facturing the very articles wc arc import
ing. Why can't we make soap and can
dles as well aud as cheaply as they do in
the East ? Why is Eastern butter pre
ferred to Cal'fornia butter ? Why do
we export hides to have them reitcported
in the shape, of bootsaod shoes, instead
of manufacturing the article of wearing
ourselves? These are -questions which
we would respectfully Bubmit to the
croakers, who, while;: they are crying
out about tho dull times in tho State,
have never invested a single dollar to ad-
Sho hung the cage at. the window ;
"If he goes by," she said,
"He will hear my robin singing ;
And when he lifts his head
I shall be sitting here to sew,
And ho will bow to me, I know."
The robin sang a love-sweet song,
- The young man raised his head ; -Tbe
maiden turned away and blushed;
"I am a fool," she said,
And went on broidering in silk
A pink-eyed rabbit, white as milk.
The young man loitered slowly
By tbe house three times that day j
She took her bird from tho window ;
"He need not look this way."
She sat at her piano long.
And sighed, aud played a death-sad song,
Bat when the day was done, she said,
'I wish that he would come I
Remember, Mary, if he calls :
To-night I'm not ut home."
So when he rang, she went the elf -
he.went and let him in h.rself.
They sang fall long together ' . .
Their songs love sweet, de&ai saJJ - - -The
robin woke from bis slumber,
And sang ont clear and glad.
" Now go," she coldly said, " 'tis late,"
Aud followed him to latch tho gate... ,i
He took tho rosebud from her hair,
While " you shall not t" she said;
He closed her hand wilhin his own,
And while her tongue forbade,
Her will was darkened in the eclipse -
Of binding love upon her lips.
A Prophetic Egg. Quite a sensa
tion was occasioned a few days ago near
Quincy, in Owen county, Indiana, by the
finding of a singular egg upon tho prem
ises of a widow lady near that town, by a
lady member of her household, on Sun
day October 25, 1808. On the shell, it
is said, there is imprinted an American
Sag with ten stars, and the head of a
horse. It also bears the following in
scription :
"And it shall como to pass, saith the
God, that there shall be prophets, and I
will shew signs in heaven and on earth,
1'or the hearts of tho people are filled
with drunkenness, and they are weary
with this life, and there shall be signs
in the sun, the moon and the stars, and
great distress of natious ; and the waves
of tho sea shall roar, and the heavens
shall .be shaken, and the heavens and
earth shall pass off, and this generation
shall not pass awav until my sayings are
Our iuformant states that geat exeite-
-h labor 1 TOent prevails among the people near
p 0 ' Quincy, in consequence of the prediction
. ; -
Are now ready to execute all kinds of
Plain and : Fancy Painting !
(Signs, Carriages, Buildings,
as well as
Qr&iBdngv Papcrhaoging, Calcimining,
act in fact all kinds and styles of
. - that can be done with Paint and Brush, at
Give us a call. Shop on Ferry street, over
Kuhn A Adams' wagon shop. ,
- aug2I-50 - " '
fPGJ Machine. A double-thread ffiCCj
lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ttitch alike on both
in his lino.
1868-8 '
that it is " distressingly heakhy in Can
ada," one horse being sufficient for three
doctors, and more doctors coming r It
can't say which is ti e most to be pitied,
the doctors or the people.
The Scio News reports interests. gix millions and a half a year
saved in actual cash for freights, besides
the industries fostered, and the number
of persons these in dusiries would employ
would go a long way toward enlivening
the State,. and especially tb real estate
market. '
COlTk Clebra Common-Sense
Family Machine. Bath
cum iuy numna r years. Alaehine.
sent to any part of the eoast by exprese, C. O. D.
Agents wanted in every town 00 the Pacific coast.
Liberal commission. .,
Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Co.,
2y - ,- . . o . TRAVER,
' J3I, TirstSt., Tortland.
r) -
' I ke p on fahad'and make to order
. . . .aid .
Spiani'ntr Whel.
Itt- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills."
Albany, Nov. 28. IS68-I2 . , - ,
OTt ALL KINDS, printea at the rery lowest
rates, a ordered, at this effice. ? .
The Medical and Sukgical Re
porter Published at Saleua,Oregou, for
March, iar an excellent number. , Every
family in the.State should subscribe for
a cpy- . '
Nice Cake For a splendid, cake
presented to the Re'gjsTeh office, we are
under obligations to the' whole-souled
host of. the St., Charles. Such "grub"
would make any hotel popular. "
The Monterey Democrat says, that
throughout - the Summer months, Mon
terey Bay lias been full of sardines, and
upon them have been feeding large num
bers of whales j eo the whalers have
represented, and their 'extraordinary
' catch' has confirmed the story. . The
shoal of little fish." have generally-kept
off shore, but flying detachments of them
have approached out 'wharf, breaking
water frequently, like showers of silvery
spray. Tho whalers, most of them-are
from the Mediterranean Sea, tell us these
are the veritable 'sardines. It is, sur
prising that their infinite .numbers are
not utilized' ;
Newspapers Free. Mr. Oetz has
introduced in the librae of Representa
tives a bill to promote the 'diffusion of
knowledge among- the "people. - It pro
vides that from and after'the first day of
July : next, all newspapers and periodi
cals published frithift the United States
shall be trarismittedHhrough the mails
free of postage when bcd from the office
of publication to actual and regular sub
scribers. This bill is in' accordance with
the recommendation'of the Postmastor
General. Abolish tho ; enormously ex
pensive'franking privilege,and pass Mr.
iGetz's bill, and newspapers will b. the
ruediuta of communication hetire4i;Con-gressmen-
and their coostitaMtts', tod .. at
the .same time aid in diffusing Intelli
gence of a valuable and freneraljiharac
ter, at the cost of one fifth of tb frank
ing privilege -t ' '
An eminent, physician saja'that the
white 'rubber used for :nursiog .bottles
arid .infant's toys is very poisonousv caus
ing sore nioath, skin eruptionsi, decayed
teeth, spinal' curvatures and death. In
Europe the sale of it is prohibited by
'ar . ' , . ' . : $ 'rh
' " . . str
of this marvelous egg, and that religious
meeting are being held at which large
numbers are converted. It will be seen
by this that there are means of grace
besides those received by our orthodox
friends, and men are to be saved through
a singularly wrought hen's egg. It is
also said that Col. ll.iys, of Gosport, has
offered S100 for this e-:g, and that Mr.
David Duncan, of Quincy, who saw this
egg, oilers So00 to any person who will
produce another like it.
A Dog Sacrifices his Life for a
Drunken Master. The Milwaukee
Wigronsiii says : A gentleman living at
Wauwatoso related to us to-day tho fol
lowing incident, for the truth ofwhich
he vouches : One day' last week a man
went to a saloon,' as was his daily cus
tom, to drink, and meeting boon com
panions remained with them till late at
night, when he started to go home.
Overcome by the liquor ho had drank,
the man laid down on the railroad track
and went to sleep. A faithful dog, who
had followed the man, stood and watched
ovr him, until tie whistle of a locomo
tive in the distance showed that a freight
train Was : approaching. The dog, fully
aware of the imminent danger to his
master, tried to arouse the drunken man,
and tore his. clothes badly in the attempt,
unable to awake -the sleeper, the dog
took the man by the shoulder and fairly
dragged him from the track jus as the
train came on. The man was saved, but
the poor dog, who had so faithfully pro
tected the master he loved, was struck
by tho cow-catcher and smashed to
pieces. When the man recovered his
senses, it was found that his flesh was
bitten in several places by the strong ef
forts of tho dog to save his life. The
man the next day gathered up the pieces
of the faithful animal and buricd'them.
He was so fully impressed by the re
markably narrow escape from death that
he has resolved not to get drunk again.
"Wanted To Know if. the Pro
ceedings Were Regular. The Ven
tral CaUfornian is authority for the fol
lowing : Monterey county boasts ef a
ju.stice, an easy, good-natured ; genius,
who has an original way of doing busi
ness. Some time since the iusticc.whom
we shall call U -.met VV , a mem
ber of the legal fraternity, when the fol
lowing dialogue ensued : " AY-
said the justice, " I wish to ask you some
advice, borne time ago a Mexican owed
me a debt, and ascertaining that he was
about to leave, I determined to bring
suit against him. There being no other
justice, in Ibe district I brought action
before myself. We had no constable,
and I served the summons. The day of
trial came on, and as I knew all the. tacts
in the case, no witnesses were called, but
I rendered judgment in my favor for the
debt and costs. In the absence 01 a
constable I levied upon what property
the' Mexican had and ordered it sold.
At the day of the sale no one attended
but m yisell, so 1 bid in tbe property
The proceeds were insufficient to satisfy
the judgment, and I seized the person of
tue Mexican, ana piacea mm at wurs
making adobes for tho balance After
the lapse of a day or two F- wished
to .hirfthe Mexican and gave me his
note-vor the balance still due me, where
unn l ditsharged the prisoner from cus-
. '. - : 1 1
tody. now, some iew 01 -my ceignDors
think my proceedings were irregular,
wish to know your opinion' , ;
Louisville, (wich is in the
State uv Kentucky)', Feb. 9, 1870.
I don't know reely there's any more
yoose in livio on this earth. The Fif
teenth An.cndmeut is adoptid, and a
nigger Senator will take a seat in tho
Sonit wunst okkepied by that niarter,
Jefison. Davis. It's about time for uie
to get hentz I hev no desire to rcmane.
I wood like to stay long enough to con
soom the' contents uv a red-beaded barrel
in the back room uv my blessid grosery
in Noo York, into wich I hain't, ez yet,
put no water, and probably I will. I
think shel go home, shut myself up in
that back room, drink that partikeler
barrel dry, and fall dead across it. Like
Sardanapulus, my kingdom being gone,
1 came to Kentucky to aid by my
counsel the Dimocrisv uv that State, in
tbe present crisis. i. lie nigger Kevel
hcz a seat in the Senit of tbe Yoonited
States, and of course no Kentucky Dim
ocrat kin so degrade hisself ez to set in
that body beside him I expectid, uv
course, thatGarrett, Davis and MoCreery,
would immejitly resine, and ez no native
born Kentucky Dimocrat wood tuke the
place, and ez Kentucky could not afford
to be represented by a Ablishnist, it oc
curred to me that possibly there mite be
a chance for me. I am a Northern Dim
ocrat by birth, and Northern Dimocrats
hev alluz done eich work for the South
erners ez the Southerners countid too
dirty for cm'. The only thing wich cood
stand in the way wuz tbe fact that 1 left
Kentucky a year ago, and am now a
citizen uv Noo York. But what uvthat?
I kin swear I am a citizen uv Kentucky
I hev been in Noo York politics cnurf
to swear anything.
At all events 1 went to my old State,
and got together a caucus uv the Dimo
crutic members, tiv the Legislacher to
consider this thing.
The Chairman of the caucus remarks
that the signs uv the times indikated
trouble. Kentucky, ef that nigger wuz
admitted to the Senit, wuz virchually
disfranchised, for uv course Davis and
McCreery cood not reniane in their seats
beside him. No Kentucky gentleman
wood disgrace-his proud State by practi
cally takin to his buzzum a male member
of an inferior race uv acknollidgin his
equality and workin quietly with him.
Never! Sooner than this he wood be
willin to see the States further South in
nogerato anoiher struggle for their rites,
in tbeevent uv wicli,tioo to the'yoonyuu
e. before, Kentucky wood preserve a
strct and dignified nootrality by sellin
t horses and provew'r iiuprliul!y ixy bulb
armies, ue. nopeu tne gentlemen wood
express their views freely.
A gentleman iroin the eastern part uv
the State offered the following preamble
aud rcsolushen :
Waveas. Ths Senit of the Yoonited
States is about to admit to a seet in that
body a nigger ; and :
areas, No Kentucky Dimocrat wood
degrade liiself by sittin beside a nigger:
tberetore '
Resolved, That LTon. Garrett Davis be
instructed to resioe to-wunst.
The resolushens passed to-wunst, with
out a dissentin voice, and were sent by
telegraph to the Senators at Washington,
after wich I begged permiesion to offer a
remark. I said that uv course no Ken-
tuckian cood be found to take them pla
ced made vacant by the two eminent men
who wuz about to leave the Senit, but
nevertheless Kentucky coodent afford to,
go unrepresentid. Is there no northern
man uv Kentucky principles wbo will
rush to fhe front at this crisis ?
Twenty gentlemen sprang to their feet.
The one who got the eye uv the Chair
man remarkt that Kentucky ehood alluz
bo represented by Kentuckians, Davis
and McUreery cleerly ought not to stay.
They s hood resine to-wunst as a protest
agin this outrage, but ef KeutuVkians
cood be found who wood accept the places
they shood be found. Takin cm ez they
wood ez a necessity, there woodeut be a
stigma attached to them that there wood
be to the present incumbents ef they
shood remanc, and possibly sich may be
The Chairman doubted whether there
wuz a Kentuckiin who had so little re-
speck, for hisself. Ef a Kentuckian wuz
selectid it shood be from the membership
uv the Legislacher. He felt that it wuz
the duty of some two uv them to sacri
fice theirselves on tho altar of their State.
It wood bo a bitter degradation for a man
filled with the memories uv the past, to
choke down natural pride, and take a sect
with a nigger, but some one must do it.
He would sejest that tho members pro
ceed with system in this mater. Let us
designate by ballot, our wishes. - Let us
vote for a man to fill the plaoe to bo made
vacant by G. Davis, and let the member
upon whom' "this duty falls accept' the
sacrifice in - the true - Kentucky speriL
Gentlemon,' prepare your: ballots for a
successor to Davis, and get. ready to shed
a friendly teer over the fate uv the man
upon whom the- degradation lalls.
This wni agreed to, each member re
mark in that po matter who was chosen,
there wuz no law to- oompel him to be
eleotid and set beside a nigger. ,
The members each voted, the votes
were counted out, and, horror ! eachmem
ber luzd precisely one vote, and the loose
nis uv the haod-writin on the tikkets
made it painfully eertin that each mem
ber bad votid for hisself J is ray hopes
wuz bustid I coodent help- elogin out
that a more sacrificiu body uv men I
never saw ! , - , ,
- Then commenst the most fearful
squabble I ever witnest. Gentlemen pot
by the ears, pistols wux drawd, but jist
ez they were gittin ready lor a sekkond
j ti'iiut, uisptvu wv fVCBlVBU irvul
NO. 29.
vis and McCreery, statin that while the
appreshiated the degradashun uv their,
sitooashon, and felt it keenly,, neverthe
less, ez Kentucky must be represented in.
the Senit, they ' rather thought tnejr '
woodent resign stall I Ef they knewd
their own hearts they thought they'd
hold on to their seets. They ungates
well be sacrificed ez any body. ; -
The gentlemen mostly remarked
"Hell 1" cz this epistle was read to em,
and dispcrst without the formality of a1
adjournment. ' 1 ;. ' '
I beven't ez much faith in Dimocris;
ez I yoost to. hev. I sposed that when
that nigger wuz finally admitted, that :
evry Dimocrat in the Senit woed resine;
but what do I find ? Not on hez don
it, and whole Legislachera ar Dimocrat
are willin to take seets beside him 1 t
Wat kin we expect when men are so
recreant to their .manhood? "Is it any
wonder that I am tired ot life ? shek
6fK.ae7to H rarHj-iru'bSt;" ' ' '.'
Petroleum V. Nasbt,
- " (wich wus P. M.)
Tbe First Panel of Lady Juror. v
A Laramie City (Wyoming) date of
the 7th inst. gives the following account'
of the first assembling of a jury com
posed in part of women : x
The Judiciary of Wyoming sustains- ,
the right of women to serve as Grand '
Jurors. All ladies drawn as Grand Ju
rors were present at eleven A. M. to-day.
A motion to quash the panel was nit
sustained. At 11:55 A. M. the first
Lpanel of lady Grand Jurors in the world
was sworn. None asked to be excused.
A lady bailiff was appointed for the
Grand Jurors. Following is the address
by Chief Justice Howe :
Ladies and Gentlemen of the
Grand Jury: It is an innovation and ;
a great novelty to seo, as we do to-day,
ladies summoned to serve as jurors. The
extension of political rights and the
franchise to women is a subject that is
agitating the whole country. I have
never taken an active part in these dis
cussions, but have long seen that woman
was a victim to the vices, crimes, sod
immoralities of man, with no power to
protect and defend herself from these
evils. I have long felt that such powers,
of protection should be conferred upon
woman, and it has fallen to our lot her
. . . .1 A 1
io neb as pioueers in una movement, anag
to test the question. The eyes of the
whole world are to day fixed upon this
jury of Albany county. There is not
the slightest impropriety ia any lady oc
cupying this position, and I wish to as
sure you that the fullest protection of
the court shall be accorded to yon. It
would be a. most shameful scandal that
in. oac trmplea of . justice . and Jn v ou?
courts of law, anything should be per
mitted which the most sensitive lady may '
not with propriety hear and : witness
and here let me add, that it will be a
sorry day for any man who shall so far
forget the courtesy due and paid by T
ery American gentleman to every Amer
ican lady, as to even by a word or act
endeavor to deter you from the excrcita
of these rights with which the law ha ,
invested you. I will conclude with tl.av
.vifL. titTa ,.:,.. a.. ...... A
decide for yourselves, no man has sny
right to interfere. - It seems to me to be'
eminently proper for women to sit upon"
grand juries, which will give them the
best possible opportunities to aid i 1 sup
pressing tho dens of infamy which cone
tho county. I shall be glad of your ts
siptancc in the accomplishment of this
object. I do not make this remark from:
any distrust of the gentlemen of Albany
county ; on the contrary, I am exceed- .
ingly well pleased and gratified with the
indications of intelligence, lave of lav',
and good order, and the gentlemanly de
portment which is so manifested. 1 will
now listen to any reasons which soy juror
may make for being excused. ' ' A "''
A Beautiful Sentiment. In A
gustiu xjaij b gitu Iaj 01 " j ouer OSlf
Gaslight," Laura Courtland utters these
beautiful sentiments: -,,: ,-
"Let the woman yon look upon be
wise or vain, Deautuuior nomeiy, ricn or
poor, she has but one thing she ean really
give or refuse her heart, . Her beauty,
her wit, ber accomplishments, she may
sell to you but hor lovo is the treasure '
without money and without price. 5 Bee ;
onl v asks in retnrn that whan van look '
upon her, your eyes shall speak a mutt
j-. 1 .1 j : t..-:
ucvuliuu f vnat w 11c 11 jrou nuurcesj aer
your voice shall be gentle, loving and
kind. That you shall not despise her
because she cannot understand, all at
once, your vigorous thoughts and ambi
tions plans, for when misfortune and
evil have defeated your greatest purpose
her love remains to console you. Ion
look unto the trees for stoagth and
grandeur ; do not despise the flower be
cause their fragrance is all they have to
give but it is the only earthly thing
the erave." .-t.UU .'.';yj e'-
Things Impolite. Young
render themselves impolite by the follow--ing
practices, to-wit : - Reading ' whets'
others are talking. Cutting yowr finger
nails in comoanv. Leaving meeting oe-.
fore it is clwed.' 'WhisperiDg m netU
ing. Gozirig at 'strangers. Xaving s
stranger 1 without a seat.I Want of rer
erenoe for a superior. . : Reading alond in
company without being asked. Reoeiv-,
ing a present without some manifestation
of gratitude. Mskiog yourself the topie.
of conversation. Laughing at the mis
takes of others. Correcting older per
soos than yourself, especially parent.,
Commencing talking before others ar
through, and not listening to what other (
are saying- , . , , t
Prince Arthur is called Arthur Wtt
liam Fatricif Albert for irt. f, , v