SATUltDAY, MARCH 5, 1870. "" Subscriber finding an X after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that cumber, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; six months, $2 j three mouths, $1. LOCAL AFlAIllS Falsehoods. Tho junior quillist of the Dtm ocrat, a paper of China-phobia proclivities, prtut cd in this city, the proprietors of which were ' overalawed" in a recent intellectual contest with a colored barber, gets off several little false hoods in its last issue. It is " informed " that Dr. Hill did not promise that the Committee on Printing would call on us before the meeting of the next Council, and get our bid for the city printing. The Dr. did make that promise, and did not fulfill it. Tho "junior " was misinform ed. The implied charge that a Republican Coun cil established a precedent for giving the printing to the party paper, regardless of price, is false. The charge that the Republican Council of 1SC7 did not ." give a Democratic paper a chance" at the city printing, is shown to be false, when it is known that the Jiemncrat had th contract and received more money from the city thau the Juurnal during that year. The money received by Mr. Pickett in 1867 was for printing the He vised Ordinances," and was let to him because his bid was lower than tho bid offered by the pro prietors ( the Democrat Abbott A Brown. We are informed by Mr. J. C. Meudenhall, a member of the City Council of 18C7, that Mr. Pickett gen erally attended the meetings of the Council, took notes of the proceedings, which he published, and iid not ask or receive one cent for such publication- In every city where Republicans have con trol, the city priutiug U done by contract, the lowest bidder doing the work, as it is the sworn duty of the members to act for the city as they would for themselves. If it can be shown that it is worth $o0 more to the city per year, to have the Council proceedings printed in the Democrat than it is to have them printed in the Register, then we have no case ; if this cannot be shown, then tax-payers are virtually robbed of $50, by this ackion of the Council. Fla,:x Seed. AVo call attention to the artielo under this head from the pen of Mr. K. Cart wrighi., agent for the California Oil Company. The farmer, of February 19th, substantially charges that Mr. C. has been furnishing Linn eountj farmers with California raised flax seed that iras foul with weed seeds. Mr. Cartwright denie emphatically that he ever furnished a pound of California raised (lax seed to our larmcrs, and t it he ordered the first bag of East India seed, ibont three years ago, directly irom Xew York ; that flax seed ordered by him came in the original packages. Mr. C. thinks that the Farmer would; not intentionally do him a wrong by thus mistating the case, and, therefore asks that it publish his statement as printed in our columns to-day. i , Th:ri Goowth. The lack of rain last Sum mer was unfavorable to the growth of potatoes, and when ' digging time " came was found that generally there were no potatoes to dig all t"ps. The late Fall rains, however, gave the potitoes a near start, and these second growth'' follows were large and fine looking, but when tested proved to be watery and not up to the standard la consequence of this fact, some of our farmers did not deem it worth while to dig ttiem at jail, but let them remain in the ground. Two weeks since, one of oar fricnd3 living a short distance from the citv, upon examination found that his pbtates had kept on growing all Winter, and he is now luxuriating on splendid new po tatoes of the third growth. FLAX SEED. Alb AST, March, 2d, 1870. Editor Albany Renter Dear Sir: In a recent issue of the Willamette 'eirmer, there ap peared an item stating that the flax seed being loaned out among the farmers in the State, was full of California mustard, and other fonl seeds. In relation to the matter, it will be no more than just to say that the flax seed distributed by the Pioneer Oil Company and myself was never grown in California. The first bag of East India seed wss ordered by myself, from Xew York eity, for our own local mill at Salem some three years ago. About a year ago Ibionght up from the mills of the Pacific Oil and Lead Works of San Francisco, the seed for sowing nearly one thous and acres, every sack of which was just as it came on shipment from tho East Indies. Some two or three years ago, Messrs. II. Nick crson and Houston, jointly imported from Cali fornia seventy-five pounds of the same kind of seed, and have since been Vowing and re-sowing that seed and its annual yields, until this last Fall, when the entire crop was sold to the Pio neer Oil company, at Salem, for contracting pur poses. I am not aware that the seed imported by Messrs. Kiekerson and Houston was ever grown in California, nor that tho seed produced so prof itably by these enterprising gentlemen contained any wnatcver of the California Mustard, or any other foul seeds. I admit the appearance of two kinds of rapo, with a large quantity of radish seed, in that brought to the State by mysulf. The first are small, round, black seed, called severally the " Brassica rapa,'" or common turnip; tho second, tho Brassica napus, navew," or French turnip. This last wild rape, or French turnip seed, is nearly all oil, producing three gallons to the bushel more than twice as much as flax seed. The common turnip aud radish arc both extensively grown in the East Indies by the natives, for food. The wild French turnip also, for its rich oil, and is used in mixing their bread, and ou their salads and meats. Some eighteen months ago, Dr. Keil, of Auro ra, Mariou county, sent to our mill, at Salem, eighteen bushels of this wild rape, or French tur nip seed, grown on his iarm, for crushing. Di rections were given for working it, and the result was 52 i gallons of pure table oil. Those who ate at the Laruian tables on the Fair grounds,or hap pen to get a good dinner at Dutchtown, on,the road to Portland, will at once acknowledge the good qualities of this French turnip seed oil. Both kinds of the turnip, and radish, as well as the flax seed, are necessary and valuable crops in that foreign country ; and we can readily account for their mixture with the flax se?d just as cur wheat is mixed with oats, barley, etc., when we allow it to be so. Last harvest my attention was called to the fact that California mustard was growing among the flax. I asked the gentleman if California mustard had not grown on the farm before flax was sown. He promptly admitted that the must ard had precede! the flax on the farm. I take great pleasure in saying that I have rot offered a single pound of flax seed grown on that farm to anjr man in the State. There is now no need of any mans sowing foul seeds with the flax. Our new fan and screens, always on hand for everybody, will clean the seed perfectly clean. Throw a peck of French turnip seed with vnejl.xx Deed into these screens, and the result will be that the flax seed will be saved, and the rest thrown away. The object of our operations in this respect is nit to injure the good and valuable farms of the State, but to enrich and benefit them. Oregon will yet reap millions of dollars for her flax seed and Cher. Willamette Farmer please copy. Yours respectfully, E. Cartwrkjht. Mrs. Dcsiwat has just received a number of Bartrain A Fanton Sewing Machines,- direct from New York. It is claimed for these machines that they are simple in construction, easily under stood, make an elastic stitch, fasten their owu ends, adjust their own needles, are easily moved about on castors, (a convenience no other ma chine possesses), have extra attachments for all kinds of fancy work, and are always in running order. They will seam, hem, fell, quilt, cord, ruffle, embroider, braid, tuck or gather ; run without noise, will not soil the operator's clothes, and are sold at lower prices than any other table machine in use. Price of machine,with black wal nut table and drawer, oiled and waxed, fifty five dollars. 23-3m Sewixo Maciiixes. Messrs. Blain A Young are averts for the sale of Sewing Machines, and all the fixtures necessary thereto. This enables those who wish to purchase any of the first-class machines to get what they order at the lowest cash price, and if anything should bo lacking, or should get out of repair, these gentlemen will take pleasure in furnishing the missing article, or put the machine in running order, without extra cost quite an advantage, as those who have pur chased machines at a distance, have learned by sad experience. No household is complete with out one of these labor-savers, and if you want to be sure of getting what you order, at the lowest pri :e, and have it delivered to you in complete running order, call at Blain and Young's and leave your order. Suff ced. Tng Home Book or Wonders. This book is a complete Museum, Descriptive and Pictorial, of the World's AV'onderful Phenomenon. It is something wonderful in printed facts, and is a wore: containing nearly everything that every body should read, study and know, and as a book of reference it has no equal. The work is now in press, and will be sold only to subscribers. Mr. G. B. Blood is tho gentlemanly agent for tho State, and is at present canvassing Linn county for subscribers. It is really the most valuable work that has been issued from the press for years, possessing all the interest of the best romance, and, at tho same time, tho ripe instruction of the book of travels, or the work of science and des criptive art, and no man that can read should be without it. 9 NEW TO-DAY. NEW TO-DAY. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!" Fire anil Marine Insurance Coinany! Xos. 116 and 41S, California street, San Francisco, - - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, In Cold Coin, StSO.OOO. Deposit in Oregon, $50,000. Losses Promptly and EquItahJt Adjusted And Paid in Uold Loin. Collector. The card of Mr. Wm. Davidson, collector j and rei.l-esti.te dealer of Portland, will be found among our sp.-eiala this morning. Mr. Davidson is one of the best collectors on this or any otber eoaM, and we have yet to hear of a bi'l put into his-hands for collection upon which be has failed to make a return. Business entrusted to him is not 'postponed to a "more convenient season," but is attended to at onee, and immedi ate returns made. For punctuality and indefat igableness we commend him to the public. Drt Goods, Hardware, etc. At Mr. John j Conner's, en First street, you will find an ex- j cellent assortment of general merchandise, cloth- ! ing, bouts, shoes, hardware, etc., which he is ( closing out at low rates. His stock of iron and ; steel is large and varied, and he is constantly j making additions to it. All articles sold at low rates. If first-clsss goods and low rates will effect i sales, Mr. Conner willj soon have empty shelves. ; Read his advertisement, and call at the fire-proof j brick and examine for yourselves. ) 1 : ( Produce Shipments.- The shipments from Messrs. Beach A Monteith's wharf in this city for the month ending February SSth, 1870, arc as follows: Eggs half bbls., 3, boxes, 219; butter boxes 18, kegs 35; dried apples bf bbls 35; bacon eases 76, gunnies 39 ; lard cases 9, bf bbls 7 ; merchandise cases 32; wheat sks301; hides pkgs 8, and 8 kegs lager beer. Messrs. S. S. Mark ham A Con shipped during the same time : Wheat bushels, 7,936 ; oats bushels 2,500 ; eggs boxes 66 ; bacon cases 7 ; lard kegs 3 ; butter kegs 2. ( Portland Weeklv Cobsercial. Tho lYeek ty Commercial, the first number of which was issued on last Saturday, is a neat eight-column journal, filled with bright and sparkling para graphs such as only Mr. O'Mcary, editor-in-chief, can indite. Jim is a worker, and the subscribers to the Commercial will get their money's worth, and more too. Jewelrt. Attention is directed to the new advertisement of Mr. J. D. Titus. His fine stock 'of Jewelry, watches, clocks, leather goods, etc., still attract all who have an eye for the beautiful, and his reputation as a repairer of jew elry and renovater of time-pieces- keeps him as busy as a bee. He richly deserves his great success. " "A Card"- In the last Democrat, signed " R. E. Publican," is equat in wit to anything ever written by the wearer of the five-inch hat. The signature is supposed to mean that the writer was ones a Republican. As he never amounted to anything in the party, the Democracy were badly " bilked " in him, even if i did go over without a cent. giTiits Societt. The ladies sewing society connected with the Methodist church, meets every two weeks. The next meeting will be on Tues day, the 15th inst., at the residence of Mr. F. M. Westfall. All are invited to attend. The ladies are expected to arrive about ten o'clock A. M.; the gentlemen about noon. A dinner will be served, for which gentlemen are charged twenty- nre cents each. - - River. The Willamette bas been in good boating stage as far up as Harrisburg for two or three weeks past, and part of that time to Eugene City. The boat that leaves Portland in the morn ing arrives at Albany abeut ten o'clock P. M. of . the same day. The Albany came down from Eu gene City last Snnday. Next Win, Messrs- Kuhn Co. are receiv ing and arranging their heavy stock of hardware, iron, stcl,ete., and will be ready for the reception of customers next week. Council Proceedings. Albany, Feb. 21th. 1S70. Regular meeting of the Council. Present Mayor .Stauard, presiding: Couacilmen Alexan vr Grail wuhl, Myer and Uilcy. On motion, the Marshal was instructed that the crosswalk crossing Broadalbin street from the southwest corner of block 17 to the corner of block Id, must be raised six inches above tbe level of ths street as graced, aud to full bight of side walk at the ends. Councilman Hill came in and took his seat. Committee on Finance aked further time to report on bill of Montgomery & Barnes, referred to them at the last meeting of the Council. Ordinance relating to dogs was taken up and passed. Ordinance relating to the taking up and dispos ing of stray horses was taken up, read second time, and on motion, referred to special commit tee consisting of Hill,- Alexander and Riley. Alexander introduced an ordinance relating to contracts for hauling dirt and gravel, which was read and adopted. Gradwohl introduced an ordinance relating to keeping gunpowder, which was read the first time. Ordinance relatiug to crosswalks and passing over sidewalks was offered, read first time, and on motion, was adopted. On motion, Committee on Drainage was in structed to employ some person to" drain a pond near Mr. Mealey's. On motion, the Marshal was instructed to noti fy the owners to substantially cover or secure all the wells that are open or in a dangerous condi tion within the city limits. An amendment to section 5th of chapter 4th of ordinance concerning offences against city police was, on motion, adopted, making it to read not less than $2 nor more than $20. Councilman Riley moved to reconsider the let ting of the city printing, and let it by contract. Vote being taken the motion was lost. Petition of Cundiff, Gray, and others, was pre sented, asking that a sidewalk lie built on the north side of Third street, from the southeast cor ner of block 16 to the southeast corner of block 13. A remonstrance against the same was pre sented by Irving, Schlosser, and others. On mo tion, petition and remonstrance were referred to committee on sidewalks. On motion, the Marshal was ordered to put down sidewalks on Third street, opposite lota the owners of which are unknown. On motion the Recorder was allowed until the firs meeting in April to complete assessment. Adjourned. A. C. JONES, Rec. Talent Recognized. Our late townsman and old friend, Mr. Chas. E. Monteith, was one of the principal vocalists in tho great musical festival that transpired in San Francisco ou the 22d, 23d and 24th of last month. Prekicv List. We expect to furnish our readers next week, with the list of premiums to be given to successful competitors at the next County Fair. The premiums have been enlarged and there are more of fucm. Ckeealb. The price of wheat here remains as heretofore quoted, and no immediate hope for a change for the better. Oats are in the same cate gory. Ko improvement noted in California. Daxserocsly III. Mr. Presley George, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Linn county, it is reported, is lying dangerously ill at bis residence near Lebanon. r1HI.-5 COMPANY having complied with the ft laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also asrainst Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. OUST AVE TOUCHARD, Fres. D. HAVEN, Secy. CHAS. J. C. TCrNDEKIIALL, Afrent for Albany. Albany, January 8, 1S7Q-1S LADIKS' KJIPOJRHJJI. MRS. A. J. DUNIWAY, DEALER in FasMonaMe MHUnernni Fancy Goofls. Follows Dress and Cloak Making in all tkeir varied branches. BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS In Latest Style and best manner. STAMP FOR BRA IDAXD EMBROIDER Y. Corner First and Broadalbin streets, Albany, Oregon. janlnl7-70 NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS! A FRESH SUPPLY OF .XiXi SINUS! AT WHEELER'S XEW STORE ! IX 33 rownsville ! Brownsville, Nov. 27, '69-4y "-Shoo, fly, don't bodder me ! "Democrat. A few quotations from Ben. Butler each week, in the Democrat, might give that weakly concern some little tone. Anything to keep it from fall ing back on its mother-tongue. Some Eoes. There were shipped from tho wharf of Messrs. Beach A Monteith alone, during last month, more than five thousand dozen eggs, or eleven tuns measurement. CrRCurr Cocbt. Circuit Court convenes on the 28th of the present month. . . . . A revenue officer at Buffalo reported " a barrel of whiskie seezed by me for not bein stampt bas been stoll by ruffins with fases dysguyssed with traip." A. CO WAX. A. W. BTAXARD. A. COWAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND BETAU. DEALERS IX STAPLE and FANCY DRT GOODS FIRST STREET.. .ALBANY. They offer a largo and well selected stock of STAPLE WHY GOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices ron Cask or Produce I In addition to a very large stock, covering everything in the line of Cottons, we have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys' and Men's t - CLOTHING ana FURNISHING GOODS ! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. ALSO Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper & Linen Blinds, &c, &.C Especial attention is directed to our stock of IRON AND STEEL AND GENERAL. HARDWARE ! Which is the largest and most complete this side of Portland. You are invited to call and examine our goods and prices. The highest market price in cash paid for Wool, Bacon and Lard ! by THE G O !! O Xt & That Photograph Rest, A R E BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, and deep ORANGE. Those that tako White, or nearly so, are Purple, Blue, Crimson, Pink, &c. . Sept. 18, 'C9-2 J. A. WINTER. ff f? 3j ISf j f f f p f TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furojsh all classes with constant em ployment at home, tho whole of the time or foj the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50c to $5 por evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls can earn nearly as much a men. That all who see this notice may send their ad dress, and test tbe business,, we make this unpar alleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People' Literary Companion one of the largest and best fiimily newspapers published all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, E. C.ALLEN A Co., 10m3 Augusta, Maine. The Best Good at the Lowest Prices. JOHN O. HODGE A CO., 327, 329 and 331, Sansome street. Pan Francisco, California, keeps tbe largest stock of Stationery, Blank Bookti School Book, wrapping paper, playing cards, pocket cutlery, razors, scissors, notions, Ac, to be found on the Pacific coast. Prompt attention given to supply the trade, and satisfac tion guaranteed. n24-lm JOHN G. HODGE 4 CO. NEW TO-DAY. Oct. 30, 1SJ9-8 A. COWAN A CO. si.i GOOD AS GOLD. $20 BUY THE ONLY GENUINE IMPROVED OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, MASVFACTCKED BY THE OROIDE WATCH CO. They re all the best make, Hunting cases; tinely chased ; look and wear like Jine gold, and are equal in appearance to tho best gold watches usually costiug $15U. Full Jeweled erer,Gent's and Ladies' sizes, at $15 each. Oar Doable Extra Refined Solid Oroide Gold Hunting Cases, Full Jeweled Levers, art etuul to $201) tiuld Watchet ; Regulated and tjitarantcrd to kerp correct time, and wear andnot tarnish. Extra Fine Caet, at $20 eaeh. No money is required in advance. We send by Express anywhere within the United S ates, payable to agent on delivery, with the privilege to open and examiuc before paid for, and if not satisfactory returned, by paying the Express charges. Hoods vitl be tent by mail as Registered Packages, Repaid, by sending cash in advance. An A'fttt ndinn for six. tcatchc get an Extra VAT(l FJiEE. making teret) $15 iratcie"ar $90. or eccen $20 Hif-ror S120. Also, Eieg-ant Oroide Gold Chains, of latest and most costly styles, for Ladies and Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 inches long, at $2, $4, $t. aud $S e-ieh, sent with watches at lowest wholesale prices. 8tate kind and size of watch required,aud to avoid bogns concerns, order only from OROIDE WATCH CO., K'.to 14S. Fult'in Street. New. York. DIRECT IMPORTATION ! IVC'COHMIICIX'S 11 A JHICTII STOC K of TOYS, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, GIFTS, PRESENTS, ROOKS, &C.,&C. For the Holidays of lS6'J-70,has arrived, JDIrect from IVew York, And is now on Ehibitiun at SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, 105 FROST STREET, PORTLAND, Where every purchaser will find The Largest SlocJc ! ' The Greatest Variety ! ! The CJieapcst Prices'.!! This immense stock having been pur chased for currency in New York, will bo scld to dealers and others in coin, at Less Prices Than Ever Before ! Strangers and citizens will find SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a most interesting place to visit, as the gorgeous array of new nov elties, and the thousand comical toys therein, give the store the appearance of aa Eastern MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES ! Some idea mav be arrived at as to the extent of the stock when it is known that of Dolls alone there are one hundred amd fifty-Jiee varietiee ! Making that Department a perfect BAZZAR 0F BEAUTY I SSS- Full Descriptive Catalogues now ready. lSS Call early to secure choice gifts. S. J. M'CORMICK, Rmfi Agent for Santa Claus. B LANK Deeds, Mortgages, etc., on hand- latest styles, and for sale low, at this office. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. William R. Kirk, Plff., vs. Michael Anderson, Malvina Anderson, Theodore Boone, L. Senders, M. Sternberar and J. Fleisehner. partners under the firm name and style of Senders, Sternberg A Co., Defts. Suit in Enuitv to fnreclARA mortcraffe. To Michael Anderson. Malvina Anderson and Theodore Boone, son residents. Defendants aforesaid : YOU arc hereby required to appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Orceon. fortho county of Linn, and answer the oomplaintof tho Plaintiff in the above entitled cause against you, on file with the clerk of said court by the first day of the next term of said court following tne expira tion of six weeks from publication horeof, or judgment for want thereof will be taken against you. You are hcrehv further notified that if you fail to answer said complaint as above required, the Plaintiff will take judgment against yon, the said Michael Anderson and Theodore Boone, for want of an answer, for the sum of one hundred and -ten dollars, United Stales gold com with interest thereon at the rate of one per cent, rier month from the 1 5th dav of December, A. D. 1868, and will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein, and the costs and dis bursements of this suit to be taxed. First publication ordered February 5, 1870. First day of ensuing term March 28th, 1870. By order of R. P. BOISE, Jndge. E. F. Russell, Attorney for Plff. 22w6 Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have been annointed bv tie County Court of Linn count the F.intnn of the estate of Preston Morris, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, at the office of Powell A Flinn, in Albany, in "1 Boun ty, witnin six months lrom the date nereoj. ' A. B. MORRIS, O. W. RICHARDSON. January 20, 1870. nJ0-4w 23 O r I an Pi W !- H rM Q H H s 0 0 B o H H ft 0 0 o 31 0 0 A 02 U s 0 0 33 (3 a 9 es a mm O W es u u mm s a V Ut 9 a m im a H H m o a O H ' u s a 4 M n o 0Q m 3 O O PS o 9. h n to NEW TO-DAY. THE WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. Organized, I860. Policies Exempt from Execution. Cash Assets, - - - $3,t)00,000, SECURELY INVESTED. OVER 12,000 MEMBERS. PURELY MUTUAL. O. P. TOUEPKINS & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS I"V TL PLATE, SnEET IR0, - AI Copper, Brass, Ziuc, Wire, Block Tin, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS I Hose, Iron and Lead Pipe ! CAST, TIN AND ENAMELED HOLLOW WARE ! v Ilousc-Furnisliing Hardware ! ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. I,. CHBADLB, B. enCADLK, Front-st., Albany, Ogn. 1010 Market Eddy at. ep. Fifth, San Francisco, California. Farmers' IBoilers I All sizes a fine thing. Sole agents for the Finest Stove out the "BARSTOW COOK!' ALSO, FOR RICHMOND'S PORTABLE RANGE. This stove is particularly adapted to the wants of this coast. 1,000 of them are now in use in San Francisco, and they give universal satisfaction Great variety of "GEM PANS." tS?All goods warranted First Clas3.-a o REPAIRING ! In all its branches. A Liberal Discount Made to Country Dealers. Call and see us before purchasing JSS" elsewhere. ""6 S25-69 3 0. P. TOMPKINS A CO. CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, IJ It XJ O O 1ST. (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrisu's New Building-, Mrst Street, ALBANY, OREGON, Dividends paid one ear from date of . Policy. All Policies and Dividends Non-Forfeit able. Over 5,000 Policies issued in 18G8. rT1HI3 COMPANY POSSESSES A C0MBI J nation of desirable features which no other organization can claim, xis growiu uas oeen steady, its success marked. Its system of busi ness is pre-eminently aaaptea to oenent tne noia ers of its Policies. M'KENNEY & LINDERMAN, General Agents, 131 Montgomery street, San Francisco, directly opposite Occidental Hotel. W. WIIITWELL, General Agent for Oregon and Territories, PORTLAND, OREGON. Not. , '69-9y DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. .Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded Albany, Oct. 17, lS68-6tf EL. Cheadle & Co., 'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in", Groceries and General Merchandise! FORWARDING & COMMISSION ITIEItCHAIVTS MARK GOODS f Care of ' L. Albany, Oregon j or X. 0s San Francisco, CaL Liberal advances made on consignments). NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, I INTEND DOING A General Commission Business FRANCISCO. J for the purpose of selling All Kinds of Produce that may be consigned to me to sell. I, All Alt CDEABLE, .l"fcctxxy, Oregoiiy Will receive and attend to all orders on ma to bar filled in San Francisco. oct9-5tf R. CHEADLE, BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASII. HUM) AUD '.. D00B FA C TOR Y ! RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade mountain Wagon Road. To Deschuttes River : Four Ilorso or Mule team $4 50 Two " " " 3 00 One ' " " 2 00 Ox teams, three yoke A 50 t or every additional yoke...... M ou Loose horses, per head 25 " cattle, per bead 15 " sheep or hogs 3 Teams returnine empty, half price. Pack animals, loaded. 50 " unloaded k 25 Ilorse and rider........... 1 00 To Fish Lake : Four horse or mule team, each way-.. 2 00 Two " " " 1 60 One " " " 1 00 Pack animals, leaded.-....'.. 50 " " unloaded - -so Horse and rider T5 Ox team, three yoke 2 00 To Upper Soda Spring: Four horse or mule team, out and back 2 50 Two " " " 2 00 One " " l 00 Ilorse and rider, " s0 Loose animals, ' 25 Ox teams the same as horse teams. A. HACKLEMAN. W. W. PARRisn, Pres. Sec. March 20, 1869-2S S. H. ALTBOUSE. It. WRIGHT. J. T. BACKESSTO. ALTIIOtTSX: Sc CO., tTOJ STREET, (9M THE' RIVKR BARB), ALBANY, i t OREGON. KEEP OX HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to Furnish to Order, Doors, Blinds, Sashf and hqcr as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES I Flooring;, Walk in! 'Walk in! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ! Walk into II. IMtKAAEirS STOKE, and see the goods which he is receiving direct from ' - f San Franoisoo, which he is going to sell very low Xor Cash or Produce 1 1 L Call and examine my Goods before you pur chase elsewhere, as 1 am always willing to snow my goods. K. B. I will pay from date for thirty days to come, 30 cents per dozen for Eegs. Sep. 25, '69-3y B. BRENNER. SAIV FRAHCISCO STORE! CORXRB riRST ASTJ FERRY STREETS, ALBANY........... OR EG ON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DRT GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Hardware & Crockery, and a full supply of Ladies FnrniSuing Eiliroidery, Fancy Goods, &c. also, a stock of THE BEST LIQUORS! for Medicinal purposes only. - Always on hand a largo stock of Box, Cooking and Parlor Stores ! and manufactures all kinds of . Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, all of which are offered at tbe lowest rates for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCES t - SJU All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. JULIUS GRADWOHL. Not. 20-11 Executor' Notice. THE undersigned has been appointed by tho Countv Court of Linn county, Oregon, Executor of the last will and testament of Sasuil H. Bitter, TIeeeased, late of said county. Persons having claims against said estate, will present them, duly verified, to the undersigned, at his residence three miles northeast of Lebanon , in said county, within six months from this date. J. R. SMITH. December 13th, 189-16wt and all other kinds of R tii 1I iu:r material ! ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction ians, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse. aithousb Si co. Albany, February 20, 1869-24 GOODS RECEIVED BY Every Steazn a which will be told for , CASH or TRA X E WHEAT WANTED I " AT V, ' ' .. : Sixty Cents per Bushel t in trade, or on Book account, For all that ma yle ollered octO-5 R. CHEADLE. THE EYES ! THE EARS I ' Dr. T. OOLHI2IY, OCULIST AND AURIST, ALBANY, : - OREGON. TkR. GOLDEN IS A SON OP THE fSy"2 U' notod ld Opthalmio Doctor, 8. C. Golden. Dr. GOLDEN has had experience in treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under bis care. Albany, April 10, 1869-Sly