Win jpbimg tkx: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1870. ' Subscribers finding an X after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that number, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; six months, $2 ; three months. $1. - LOCAL AKFiVIItS Naw Card. In to-day's issue will be found the card of Messrs. Russell A Ferry, real estate brokers and collecting agents, Portland. Everybody in this county knows Jndge Russell, and knowing him are aware that he possesses all the qualities of a first-lass business man and a gentleman. A business career of several years in this city has not only secured to him a fair amount of cash, but hosts of friends, who would much rather have him remain among cs. From an acquaintance of some years with Mr. Ferry we are prepared to vouch for his high standing as a business man ager and a liberal, eoeiable gentleman, and to predict for the new firm a brilliant financial suc cess. Parties having business in their line should call at their office, corner Washington and First streets, Portland. -This b The Home Book or Wonders. This bofc is a complete Museum, Descriptive and Pictorial, of the World's Wonderful Phenomenon. It Is something wonderful in printed facts, and is a. worx containing nearly everything that every body should read, study and know, and as a book of reference it has no equal. The work is now in press, and will be sold only - to subscribers. Mr. . B. Blood is the gentlemanly agent for the State, and is at present canvassing Linn county for subscribers. It is really the' most' Valuable work that has been issued from the press for years, possessing all the interest of the best romance, and, at the same time, the ripe instruction of the book of travels, or the Work of science and des criptive art, and no man that can read should be without it. ' Hardware Store Xiw Firm. Messrs. W. 11. Kuhn & Co. have rented the Monteith firo proof brick, on the south side of First street, and in a few days will have it filled with a complete and full stock of hardware, iron, steel, etc. Harry Kuhn is at present in Portland selecting and shipping the stock, and, understanding the wants of the market to a Tvt, his special care in selecting will be to. meet those wants. As tbey intend making the business a specialty, of course they will aell at the very lowest figures. Look out fur the new stuck and for bargains in hard ware. - The Firemen" Ball On the night of the 22il, was a complete success. The attendance was large, the music was good, and the arrange ments were such that all got a full share of danc ing. There were between fifty and sixty couples in attendance. The cupper, gotten up by Mr. Murray, of the " Overland,"was up to the mark in every respect, and, to sum up, a more enjoya ble and pleasant party has not been given in Albany. Success to the Albany Fire Company. Hip, bip, hurrah ! Personal. Colonel Preston, of Silver City, Idaho Territory, formerly a resident of this State, paid our city a visit during the week. The Colonel is an able lawyer, a thorough Republi can, and one of the most eloquent speakers on the Pacific coast. We hope he can be induced to take part In the coming campaign. Perry , Miller, whe has been under medical treatment In San Francisco for some months, to gether with his sister, Miss Lyd Miller, returned to their horn in this city on Monday night's steamer. Our old townsman, John Barrows, and family, who have been spending come months in the Eastern States and California, returned to their old home on Tuesday's steamer, satisfied that there is no country equal to Oregon, and that there is no city in Oregon that has a more bril liant future than Albany. The many friends of Mr. Barrows will be happy to learn of his determ ination to remain with ns. Friend Bill Snyder, of Scio, was in town on Wednesday, and we judge from his pleasant looks that he was enjoying life to its full extent. Bill is a brick, anyhow. Weather. A very fair amount of rain has fallen during the week. The Willamette still in good boating stage. Health. Our physicians are having an easy time in consequence of the prevalence of good health throughout the city and county. Mrs. Dcsiway has just received a number of Bertram & Fanton Sewing Machines, direct from New York. It is claimed for these machines that they are simple in construction, easily under stood, make an elastic stitch', fasten their own ends, adjust their own needles, are easily moved about on castors, (a convenience no other ma chine possesses), have extra attachments for all kinds of fancy work, and are always In running order. They will seam, hem, fell, quilt, cord, ruffle, embroider, braid, tuck or gather ; run without noise, will not soil the operator's clothes, and are sold at lower prices than any other table machine in use. Price of machine, with black wal nut table and drawer, oiled and waxed, fifty five dollars. 23-3m Sewing Machines. Messrs. Blain & Young are ajerts for the sale of Sewing Machines, and all the C xtures necessary thereto. This enables those who wish to purchase any of the first-class machines to get what they order at the lowest cash price, and if anything should be lacking, or should get out of repair, these gentlemen will take pleasure in furnishing the missing article, or put the machine in running order, without extra cost quite an advantage, as those who have pur cha.ed machines at a distance, have learned by sad experience. So household is complete with out one of these labor-savers, and if you want to be sure of getting what you order, at the lowest price, and have it delivered to you in complete running order, call at Blain and Young's and ! nr.W TlnfF oJ NEW TO-DAY. More Jew elrt. Mr. Titus, at the new jew elry store, has been receiving a new invoice of watches, rings, sleeve buttons, and other rich jewelry, as well as a luge invoice of the latest styles of clocks,' and his prices are lower than irer. If you want to see rich jewelry, call on Titus. Solid coin silverware sold at a slight ad vance oq coin valuation. Now is the time to secure goods cheap. Ocr Post-Offick. Our post-office, in charge of Mr. Ed. Freeland, has undergone an entire change in its internal arrangements, and now, with its neat lock -boxes, aad other conveniences, we claim to hava-tb nearest looking, and Most conveniently arranged post-office in the State. The new boxes, etc., were made by Nelson Wright, of the firm of Althousa k Co., one of the Itest mechanics in the State, as the work shows. If neat, tasty carpentering is needed, Althouse i. Co. are the gentlemen to do it. From Scio. The JV of the 17th says : A new ferry boat has been put on the river near where Lynch's ferry formerly was, in North Fork. The editor thinks that if some drifts were cut out, small boats could run as far up as Scio for several months in the year, and urges that they be cut. A correspondent urges the necessity of a uiacad aiuixed road first, the railroad to follow in good time, from Scio to some paint on the Oregon Cen tral Railroad. Butter is quoted at 15 cents ; eggs at 121 cts ; wheat, red, 50 cents, white, 64 cents ; oats, 30c ; dried apples, 4Jc ; lard, 9llc; hams, 12c; shoulders, 6c ; bacon sides, lttc : chickens $2 50 (2,3. - Rc Lie iocs.- The meetings at the Court House under charge of the Revs. Harris and Powell, of the Christian church, commenced on the 12th, were discontinued on Monday. The meetings were well attended, and were productive of great good. How many were added to the church we did not learn. Miss P. Hackleman received the rites of baptism on the 20th. - , . i Another Chlrch Subscriptions are being -circulated to obtain money to build an edifice for the use of the members of the Christian church. We suppose the effort has met with fair success, as our people liberally aid all enterprises that have for their aim the well being of society. Received. The Oregon Medical and Surgical Reporter, tor the month of February, received. We notice that Dr. J. C. Grubbs has been pro moted to the chief editorship. The contents of the present number are varied and afford much food for thought. , As a medical instructor it has . already attained a high position, and should re ceive a liberal patronages 1 '' ' '-".' Railroad. A large number of hands were to be set to work on the Oregon Central Railroad ( East Side), by the first of next month, and the building and equipping of the road completed as soon as possible. It is thought the latter part of Summer will witness the completion of the road, aad regular trains will be running to this city. As Albany will, in all probability, be the Winter terminus of the road, lively times may be expect ed here next Winter. :! New Book Stork. Mr. Win. Driggs is open ing out a new stock of Books, stationery, etc, in Messrs. Bill t Son's brick, on First street, fresh from San Francisco. . We understand that he in tents offering for sale all the popular magaunes, periodicals, etc. This looks tike business, : , Cannon Services. Rev. VTi D.. Nichols, of Lebanon, will preach in the M. E. Church to morrow Sabbath), at sieve o'clock. Tbe pub lic are cordially invited to attcod. ' . - TAxi. We are indebted to the officers of the p x. Co.'s steamer Retiamee for attentions and favors extended on a recent visit to Portland. The Reliant m not only well officered, but we believe he ie the fastest boat en the river. ,:: , . . i 1 WoAlrtH It. The son of Councilman Riley who, it will be remembered, was hurt by aa arrow some time since, is rapidly convalescing, but will lose the eight of the injured eye. - , . CosvALisciso. The many friends of Mrs Delaton Smith will be pled to hear that she is convalescing slowly. -.'."-; . Financial and Commercial. Portland legal tenders, 84J85. New York gold quotations, 120J. Wheat in Liverpool quoted at 9s.' Wheat in New York, $1 401 50. Barley dull at 9Cc$l. San Francisco quotations as follows : Wheat Medium, $1 50 ; other qualities, tl 40l 65. At close of market 1,000 sacks good, for distilling, sold at $1 80 'p 100 lbs. Flour Superfine, in sacks, $4 50(4 75 j ex tra, do, $5 25 5 50. Barlev Brewing, quotable at $1 20 1 25; feed at SI 15(j,l 20. Oats Very choice heavy, $1 60; general range. $1 25t 50. Potatoes Humboldt, $1 25; Bodegas, $l(g 1 10. Money market in Portland is easier than for months pnst. It is thought the Spring stock of goods will be from ten to fifteen per cent, higher owing to the lower price of gold in New York. In the Portland produce market there is no change since our last. We qnote : Flour Good country brands, $4 4 50; ex tra, $5 bbl. Wheat White, 70(73o ; red, 6c(a,65c bushel. Oats Good at 40e busheL Eggs dozen, 16c. Butter "j lb, 1820c. Wool lb. lS20c. Chiekens p dozen, $3 504. Apples Green, ji box, 25(3,50; dried "P lb 45e. Lard In tins, 12c ; in kegs, 15c Hides Salted, 6c ; dry, 91I. Portland Items. The Gregory Troupe are entertaining the denizens of the metropolis at Ori Fino Theatre. Mrs. Rosa Martin, trance speaker, is delivering occasional lectures at Har mony Hall. The Evening Commercial has enlarged one column, making it a 20-column pa per. Under the editorial care of James O'Meara, Esq., it is a spicy sheet. A weekly is also to be issued from the same office. A rumor was prevalent on Monday that the O. S. N. CompaJfy- had sold out their interests in the navigation of tbe Columbia to the Union Pacific Railroad. Another new locomotive had arrived for the East Side Railroad. - The Cosmopolitan Hotel, in tbe hands of Jake Spreager, has lost none of its reputation as a first-class house, but has rather increased it, a3 the large number of guests at its tables attest. Jake knows how to keep a hotel, and the public have found it out. ... . - The Pope has just announced, in his address to his army on 'New Year's day, the repentance and humiliation ot an important "personage, whom he does not name, but whom every one assumes to be Victor Emanuel, King of Italy. This "personage." it seems, baa express ed contrition for the cart he took in assailing the Pope. On the other hand me tuns; s men da insist that be does not repept ; or . that,' if he ;did it was only when he was sick, and that) being now pretty well again, he jepenta of his repentance. Decreasing. Smallpox is on thede-! crease in New York city. NEW.TO-DAY. K. F. RUSSELL, l Attorney at Law, J RUSSELL & C. P. FERRY, Notary Public FERRY. Real Estate Broiers & Collects Apnts, Portland, Oregon. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE 8ale of Real Estate, Reel EetateXitigatioa, and the Collection ef Claims. Office, North-west eorner of First and Wash ington Streets, foruand, Ogn. feb26-70-25 a. cowan. a. w. st an Ann. A. COWAN & CO., ' WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DTSALBKS IH STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET........ ALBANY. They offer a large and well selected stock of STAPLE DJtlT GOODS ! At Extraordinary Low Prices roa Cash or Produce I In addition to a very large stock, covering everything in the line of Cottons, we hare a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys' and Men's CLOTHING ana FURNISHING GOODS ! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, 4c. ALSO Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper & Linen Blinds, &.c, &,c. Especial attention is directed to our stock of IRON AND STEEL : AND (a:EKAL HARDWARE! Which is the largest and most complete this side of Portland. Yon are invited to call and examine our goods and prices. The highest market price in ca?h paid for Wool, Bacon and Lard ! by .....'' A. COWAN A CO. Oct. 30, IS69-8 $13 GOOD AS GOLD. $2" BUY THE ONLY GENUINE IMPROVED OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, MANUFACTURED BY THE OROIDE WATCH CO. They are all tbe best make, Hunting cases: finely chased ; look and. wear like Jiite gold, and are equal in appearance to the best gold watches usually costing $150. full Jeweled erer,Gent's and Ladies sizes, at lo eacli. Oar Doablo Extra Refined Solid Oroide Gold Hunting Cases, Full Jeweled Levers, are equal to $200 Gold Watches; Regulated and Guaranteed to keep correct time, and wear and nut tarnish, Ejrtra Fine Canes, at $20 each. No money is required iu advance. We send by Express anywhere within the United Slates, payable to agent on delivery, with the privilege to open and examine before paid for, and if not satisfactory returned, by paying the Express charges. Gooils will be eent by vtail as Registered Packages, prepaid, by sending cash in advance. An Aqent mending for six wntche get an Extra WATGIl FREE, making eeren $15 Wutchenfar $90. or eren $20 WaU het for $120. Also, Eleg-ant Oroide Gold Chains, of latest and mot costly styles, for Ladies and Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 inches long, at $2, $4, $6, and $3 each, sent with watches at lowest wholesale prices. State kind and size of watch required,and to avoid bogna concerns, order only from OROIDE WATCH CO., l.lto 148. Fulton Street, New Yorfc. DIRECT IMPORTATION ! NEW TO-DAY. MAMMOTH STOCK OF TOrS, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, GIFTS, PRESENTS, BOOKS, &C.,&C " 1 ' Forthe Holidays of lS69-70,has arrived, Direct from TYew York, And is now on Ehibition at SANTA GLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, 105 FROST STREET, PORTLAND, Where every purchaser will find The Largest Stock! ' The Greatett Variety I ! Tlie Cheapest Trices I . ' ! ff- This immense stock having been pur chased for currency in New York, will be scld to dealers and others in coin, at ; Less Prices Than Ever Before ! Strangers and citizens will find SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a most interesting place to visit, as the gorgeous array of new nov elties, and the thousand comical toys therein? give the store the appearance of aa Eastern MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES! t3u Some idea may be arrived at as to the extent of the stock when it is known that ef Dolls alone there are one hundred amd fifty-five varieties ! Making that Department a perfect BAZZAR OF BEAUTY ! Qya - Full Descriptive Catalogues now ready. :' "fc. Call early to secure choice gifts. " . I , ? " S. J. M'CORMICK, 8mS Agent for'Santa Clans. Summon). In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. William R. Kirk, Plff. , vs. Michael Anderson, Malvina Anderson, Theodore Boone,' L. Senders, M. Sternberg and J. Fleischner, partners under tbe firm name and style of Senders, Sternberg & Co., Defts. Suit in Equity to foreclose mortgage. To Michael Anderson, Malvina Anderson and t- , Theodore Boone, non residents, Defendant aforesaid: .' ; ' TOU are hereby required to appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, forthe county of Linn, and answer the complaintof the Plaintiff in the above entitled cause against yon, on file with the clerk of said court by the first day of the next term of said court following the expira tion of mii weeks from nublication hereof, or judgment for want thereof will be taken against you. . ' Yon are hereby further notified that if yon fail to answer said complaint as above required, the Plaintiff will take judgment against yoa, the said Michael Anderson, and Theodore Boone, for want of an answer, for the sum of one hundred and ten dollars, United Stales gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of one per cent, per month from the 15th day: of December, A. D. 1868, and will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein, and the costs and dis bursements of this suit to be taxed. First publication ordered February S, 1870. ' First day of ensuing term March 28th, 1876.' 1 Hv order of R. P. BOISE. Judge. K. F. RcssEtii, Attorney for Plff. 22wS Fire! Fix-! Fire! u A Stitch in Time Saves Nine !" Evocator's Notice. -.;?; :,','" "TTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned ll hT been appointed by the County Court of Linn eonnty the ' Exeoutora of the estate of Preston Morns, deceasea. &u persons uaving claims against said estate are required to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, at the office of Powell Flinn, in Albany, in said coun ty, within six montna irom n o nerwn. TJNTON" Fire and Marine Insurance Coinany! j Nos. 416 and 418, California street, San Francisco, - - - California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Cash Capital, In Gold Coin, 7S0,O0O. Deposit In Oregon, 950,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted And Paid in Gold Coin. THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. GUSTAVE T0UCHAB.D, Pres. CIIAS. D..HAVEN, TSec'y. v J. C. MCNDENHALL, Agent for Albany. Albany, January 8, 1870-18 LADIES' EMPORIUM. MRS. A. J. DTJNIWAY. DEALER I!f , . , Fashionable MiMerrani Fancy GoOuS. Follows Dress and Cloak Making in all their varied branches. BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS In Latest Style and best manner. STAMP FOR BRAID AND EMBROIDERY. Corner First and Broadalbin streets, Albany, Oregon. janlnl7-70 This space has been purchased by JT. X- TITUS, proprietor of the HEW JEWELRY STORE, At R. C. Hill & Son's Fire Proof Brick on First street, who, owing to the rush of business, has not had time to write out his advertisement. Albany, Dec. 11, '60-14 NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS! January 20, 1870. A. B. MORRIS, O.W.BICHARDSON. n20-4w A FRESEI SUPPLY OF Alsli KIXDS AT WHEELER'S NEW STORE E3 r o -tjv xa. s X7 11 Brownsville, Nov. 27, '69-4y e I TBS C O JLi'O K. S That Photograph Best, ' ARE ' BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, deep ORANGE . Those that take White, or nearly so, are Purple. Bine, Crimson, Pink, &e. : Sept. 13, '69-2 J. A. WINTER. TO THE WORKING CLASS We are now prepared to furnish ail classes with constant em ployment at home, the whole of the time or foi toe snare moments, nusiness new, uirm urn profitable. Persons of either sex 'easily earn from 60c to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls can earn nearly as mucn as men, That all who see this notice may send their ad' dress, and test the business, we make this unpar alleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of Tie People's Literary Companion one of the largest ana best family newspapers published all sent free by mail. Reader, if yon want permanent, profitable work, address, E. C.ALLEN Co., . 10m3 f: Augnsta, Maine. CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. rtQn HOME SHUTTLE SEWINGf5Q 7jJ,&Cj Machine.- A doable-thread JjyC7 lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ; stitch alike on both ildeS.i:-' :.- -,;';:! it ,":'. tti fy s"a Celebrated Common-Sense ClGif TnZA 9 Family Machine. Bothnia- 7nJ chines fully Warranted for years. Machines sent so any part of the coast by express, C O. D. Agents wanted in every town on the Paeifie coast. Liberal commission. r ' Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Co., 2y - G. G. TRAVER. - 131, First St., Portland. JAMES A. WARNER, CiTil Engineer &. Surrey or. TS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND I Engineering. Usee improved Solar Compass Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tata's rasidenoe, Albany Vregon. . ; ; . - alB-om NEW TO-DAY. 5 & . o co Pi W w Q r I W. e H M H 0 0- fi n P 0 0 S: A' o 9 o 6 0 0 0 0 A 0 a (3 31 0 0 n 81 w, w IBM u CS fa TS P. es nm TS u Ci a & ty . V pS e d m tm es s fee s 'W s. g H H - U e e H u s e rs . & : a STOVES I Copper, Brass, Zinc, Wire, Block Tin, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS I Hose, Iron and Lead Pipe ! CAST, TIN AND ENAMELED HOLLOW WARE 1 House-Furnishing Hardware ! crj CO o J? o P4 H o E 2 tm s e to WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., OP HEW YORK. Organized, I860. Policies Exempt from Execution. NEW TO-DAY. O. P. TOMPKINS fc CO., Importers and dealers is TO PLATE, SHEET IRON, Farmers' Boilers 3 All sizes a fine thing. Sole agents for the Finest Stove out the BARSTOW COOK ! ALSO; FOR RICHMOND'S PORTABLE RANGE. This .teve is particularly adapted to the wants of this coast. 1,000 of them are now in nse in San Francisco, and they give universal satisfaction ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS I CBBAnLS, B. M11MJ, , Frout-st., Albany, Ogn. 1010 Market a Eddy eta. op. Fifth, Sen Franelseo, California. R.. Cheadle . Co.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in .1 ; Groceries anil General Mercnandise !' FORWARDING & COMMISSION ITIEUCHAIVTS. :''::-'. MARK GOODS : Care of Jm C., Albany, Oregon ; or, H,. C San Franeiaco, Ctl. liberal advances made on consignments. Great variety of "GEM PANS." teg" All goods warranted First Class. Ta REPAIRING ! In all its branches. A Liberal Discount Made to Country Dealers. gf Call and see us before purchasing Jg3f elsewhere. "flS S25-69 3 O. P. TOMPKINS A CO. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. n'Z ' ' I INTEND DOING a' ' " ' , ' . ; i ' ' ' .''.. General Commission Business '.. JN .'V;, ' - - - ; - ' SJSJN FRANCISCO, for the purpose of selling . All Kinds of Produce that may be consigned to me to sell. '. t IiAHAR CHEADLE, r.i. Kany, Oregon, Will receive and attend to all orders on me to be filled in Sao Francisco. ' octt-5tf R. CHEADLE, ; CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, I R U G G I S T . (Successor to D. "W. Wakefield,) Parrlsh's New BuUding', First Street. ALBANY, OREGON, DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, CBEHICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and of the best quality.' Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17, 1868-6tf RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. To Descnuttes River : Four Horse or Mule team ........................ $4 50 Cash Assets, $3,000,000, SECURELY INVESTED. OVER 12,000 MEMBERS. PURELY MUTUAL. Dividends paid one year from date of " Policy. r All Policies and Dividends Non-Forfeit-';' able. ' ' ' ' Over a,000 Policies issued : "; in 18G8. THIS COMPANY POSSESSES A COMBI nation of desirable features which no other organization can claim. Its growth has been steady, its success marked. Its system of busi ness is pre-eminently adapted to benefit the hold ers of its Policies. M'KENNEY & UNDERMAN, General Agents, 131 Montgomery street, San Francisco, directly opposite Occidental Hotel. W. WIIITWELL, , General Agent for Oregon and Territories, VORTLAND, OREGON. -Sec 0, '09-j .. Two " " " .. 00 One " " " 2 00 Ox teams, three yoke - 4 60 For every additional yoke...... ............. 50 Loose horses, per head 25 " cattle, per bead....... . 15 " sheep or hogs..... , 3 Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loaded.. 58 " " unloaded 25 Horse and rider.... 1 00 To Fish Lake: Four horse or mule team, each way. 2 00 Two , " " " ......... 1 50 One ' " " " " 1 00 Pack animals, loaded........;.......... SO " " unloaded. ...... 25 Horse and rider........ 75 Ox team, three yoke 2 00 To Upper Soda Spring : Fonr horse or mule team, out aad back.... 2 50 Two " " . 2 00 One " " 1 00 Horse and rider, " ...... ' 60 Loose animals, " ...... 25 Ox teams the same as horse teams. A. HACKLEMAN, W. W. Parrisr, Pre. See. March 20, 1869-28 SA1 FRAIVCISCO STORE CORKER FIRST AXO PERRY STREETS, ALBA NY . . OR EG ON. BUILDERS, ATTENTION! SASH, BLIND AND D00B FACT OKI! 8. H. ALT-HOUSE. X. WRIQMT. J. F. BACKKVflTO. ALTUOISE fc On LVOH STKEST, (o THE KITER Sill), ,' ALBANY, : : J OREGON. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to J'-r-n : F'txrnisili to Order Doors, Blinds, and ,Sagla, such as . Crown, Panel, Band, and Section-Mold of all .ises. -. " '; , ;? - WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! Fioorlne, Sldlne. and all other kindi of Building Material ! ' Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; famish Sha ker Fans, Zigiag Shakers, Suction Fane, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at oar Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham. warehouse. , ALTHOUSE c CO. Albany, Febrnary 20, 1869-24 ' Walk in! Walk In! . LADIES AND GENTLEMEU I '; ": J Walk lute'" ' "TVl B. KRK 1 ER'S STORE, and see the goods which he U receiving direct front : 1 . , . . ,; . , which he is going to sell very low for r Cash or Produce! t Call and examine my Gooda before: yoa pur chase elsewhere, as I am always willing to show my goods. . N. B. I will pay from date foe thirty day to come, 30 cents per dosen for Eggs. ' , . Sep. 25, '69-3y B. BRENNER. " G OODS RECEIVED B3T Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, Boots, Shoe a. Hardware da Crockery, ' and a fall supply of Ladies Fnrnisliiiig EmliroMery, Fancy Goods, &c. also, a stock of THE BEST LIQUORS! for Medicinal purposes only. . -1 : Always on hand a large stock of Box, Cooking and Parlor Stores ! and manufactures all kinds of : t Tin, Copper . and Sheet-Iron Ware, . ' all of which are offered at the lowest rates for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE 1 ao All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, aad entire satisfaction- warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. . . . . , JUWUS GRADWOIJL. Nov. 20-11 which will be sold for or TRAD E v . Exooutor'a Notics. . THE undersigned has been appointed by the ' County Court of ' Linn eonnty, Oregon, Executor of the last will and testament of SamrniiH. Rittsr, deceased, late of said eonnty. Persons having claims against said estate, will present them, duly verified, to the undersigned, at bis residence three miles northeast of Lebanon, la said eonnty, within six months from this date. J. R. 8MIT1I. , December 13th, 189-low4 WHEAT WANTED t .. at ' ' ;. ' ' Sixty Cents per Bushel 1 . in trade, or on Book aeeoant, . , , . For all that may be flerecl oct9-5 R. CHEADLE. THE EYES I TUE EASS I r is i t';.ir'? J ..r-'A'ii j; V' W, i--, i Dr. T. JL. CiOLDCM, OCT7IJ8T AND ADRIBT, ' ALBANY, ' i ; - OREGON.5 ' fm TS. G0IJ1EN IS A BONOFTHI 1. U noted old Opthalmio Doctor, 8. C. iBjUolden., ., . , Dr. GOLDEN has had experience In treating the varions diseases to which the eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire sati. faction to those who may place themselves an ear his ear. ... ... . .AJbaajr, April 10. 1889-51 j . ,0J. '