The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 05, 1870, Image 1

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-5 io J
ernes ox omit or rr.RRr w rinsr-srs.
One Year . Three Dollar
Six Month.... Two Dollar
Single Copies....... -Ten Cents
Transient advertisements per Square of ten
lines or less, first insertion, $3 ; each subsequent
insertion, $1. . , ., ,
' Larger advertisements inserted on the most
liberal terms.
Having received new tJP6- stock ' colored
lake, eards, a Gordon Jobber, et., we are pre
pare to execute aU kinds ef printing m a better
eaeoejer and aftv per cent, cheaper than ever be
aeTin hm abis eitv. . -. ;
- Asjat fr the Register. .
"The fallowing gentlemen are. authorized to re
ceive an receipt for subscription, advertising,
etc, for tie Reoistks : '
HIRAM SMITH, Esq. - Harrisburg.
Judge S. H- CLAUGHTON Lebanon.
PETER HUME, Esq Brownsville
W. . Esq . "
B. E. TT HEELER, Eq Scio.
T. H.' REYNOLDS, Esq Salem.
Geo. W. CANNON, Esq 0?1",d-
L. P. FISHER, Esq .Frisco-
IVotax-y Public.
made and attested. Conveyances and col
lections attended to. , 1269 '
Attorney and Counsellor at law,
FFICE On Main street, opposito roster
I 1-69
" Kittabidcl 8l Co,
visions, Wood and Willow Ware, Confec
tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc.
Maia street, adjoining the Express office, Albany,
Oregon. . ..
' - E. A. "Trecland,
School. Miscellaneous and Blank Books,
Stationery. Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc., Post
office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered
from New York and San Francisco. 1
" S- H. Clanghton,
AGENT. Office in the Post Office building,
Lebanon, Oregon.
Will attend to making Deeds and other convey
ances, also to the prompt collection of debts en
trusted to my care.
. (. MITCItlX. V . M. It- nOtPH. A. SMITH.
SfXitcheU, Dolpb. & Smith,
Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad
miralty. OSea over the old Post Office, Front
street, Portland, Oregon. I
rovittL. i- runs.
-Poirell & Flinn,
and Solicitors in Chancery,
s (Xm Flina, Notary Public,)
Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances
promply attended to. 1
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
WILL practice in the superior and inferior
-courts of Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and
Polk counties.
; Five per cent, charged on collections when
made without sueing. jl9-69
CONSTANTLY oo hand and receiving,
large' stock "of '
Groceries and Provisions,
Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cigars, Con
fectaonovy Yankee Notions, 4c, Ac, Wholesale
and Retail, opposite K. C. Hill A Son's drug
store, Albany, Oregon. 5oct9
m f 5 rf - . '?--'--
fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi
cinity that he has taken charge of this establish
ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying
strict attintit 3 to business, expects to suit all
those who may favor him with their patronage.
Having heretofore carried on nothing but
First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons,
he expec's to give entire satisfaction to all.
Children and Ladies' hair neatly cut and
shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER.
sevl9y2 ,
The Union Republican voters of the State of
Oregon will meet at the City of Portland, at 10
o'clock A. M., on Thursday, the 7th day of April,
1870, in Delegate Convention, for the purpose of
placing in nomination a State Ticket to be sup
ported at the approaching election in June, and
the transaction of such other business as shall
properly come before said Convention.
Counties will be entitled to delegates as follows:
Clackamas .
Columbia ..
Douglas ....
Grant ......
Jackson.. ...
.... 4
.... 2
.... i
Multnomah. ....
Tillamook ......
Wasco...... .....
The Committee recommend that the County
Conventions for the election of Delegates be held
on Saturday, the 26th dy of Mar oh, 1870.
By order of the State Central Committee,
M. P. BERRY, Chairman.
T. B. Odksteai., Secretary.
Portland, January 19th, 1370.
8. D. SMITH. . GEO. B. COOK.
W ostorn Hotel,
Corner First and Morrison streets,
Portland, Oregon.
Messrs. SMITH A COOK have taken this
well known house, refitted and refurnished
it throughout, built a large addition, making
thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dining
and Sitting rooms, making it by far the
Best Hotel In Portland.
A call from the traveling public will satisfy
them that the above statements are true.
N. B. Hot and cold Baths attached to the
house for the benefit of guests. 50
Portland, August 15th, 1869.
Front and Washington Streets,
I. P. W. Qnimby, .... Proprietor.
(Late of the Western Hotel.)
THIS HOUSE is the most commodious in the
State, newly furnished, and it will be ths
endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gneste
comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat
; The Concord Coach will always be fonr
at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ar
river boats, carrying passengers and their bar
gape to and from the boats free of charge.
llrutc tnpplied with Patau Fire Extinguithert.
Front street : : s Portland, Oregon.
chased this well known Hotel, are now pre
pared to offer the traveling public better accom
modations than can be found elsewhere in the
Board and ""Lodging 2 OO per day.
The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to con
vey Passengers and baggage to and from the
Hotel free of charge.
Office Oregon A California Stage Company, B.
G. Whitehocsb, Agent. 2tf
New Columbian Hotel,
Nos. 113, 120 and 122 Front street,
(Office In Parrish A Co-'s block. First street,)
Albany, Oregon.
Jassb Eisnis, Esq, ex-Clerk of
Linn county, we are enabled to add to our prac
tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for
Conreyanclag, Examining Records,-,
'and attending to. Probate business.
. Xeeds Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages care
fully drawn. (
Homestead and Pre-emption Papers
made, and claims secured.' .
Sales of Real Estate negotiated, and loans
effected on- collateral ; securities on reasonable
rates. .
All business entrusted to them faithfully and
promptly executed.
; 97j er,UJ L :.i RUSSELL- A ELKINS. w
Albany, Oct. 10, '68-ay
"Oil TO HIT !"
Ar now ready to execute all kinds of
: Plain and Faaey Painting I
''. '..y.-y' tsch, asw .. .'i',;.
JSins, Carriages, Raildingg,
' as well as '
Ovaiaiar, Fnporhaag-ing, Calcimining',
"' and in fact all kinds and styles of
. - ..thai ana be done with Paint and Brush, at
. jar- ThVR.iV1T8Q RATES.
"GIvs as a call'. Shop 'on- Ferry street, over
JCuhn m Adanss- wagon snop.
, aogtl-5 " '"
LANK Deed, Mortgages, etc., on hand
latest stories, and for sale low, at this office.
The Largest, Best and most Convenient
Hotel in Portland!
Located in the center of business and near all
the steamboat landings.
Board and Lodging
From one to two dollars per day according to the
room occupied.
ar Kooms newly furnished and well ventil
ated. Superior accommodations for families.
afir- The New Columbian Hotel Coach will be
in attendance at all the landings to convey pas
sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel
17 . a-Free ol Charge ! -vs. 9
The wind blows out of the west.
The wind is merry and free ;
It brings fair weather for us, love, -Fair
weather for thee and sse.
The sun shines ont of the east,
And dances over the sea ;
The world's a-glitter for us, love,
A-glitter for thee and me.
And now the world's a-dusk.
The nest unstirred on the tree ;
The fair moon hangs at its full, love.
And shineth for thee and me.
Fhightfullly Injured.- From the
Oregontan we learn that Bob Ladd was
frightfully injured, on Friday, Jan. 28th,
by having his left hand and arm caught
between the belt and pulley driving the
large grindstone in Rogers & Stinson 8
mill at Portland. Hia body-waff whirled
around the shaft several times, tearing
hia clothes and bruising him fearfully.
Dr. Chapman amputated the arm, and
had hopes of the recovery of his patient.
The Irish and Prince Arthur.
The Irish of New York, being indignant
that a ball was to be given in honor of
Prince Arthur, secret Fenian meetings
were held, where it was proposed to cap
ture and hold him as hostage for the Fe
nians now in prison in England. Al
though the proposition was earnestly
pressed, it was rejected.
The ULackfeet Expedition. Col.
Baker's Indian expedition, which has
returned to Fort Shaw, reports killing
173 Indians, destroying 44 lodges, all
the winter supplies and robes of the In
dians, and recovering 300 horses. Most
of the Indians engaged in the murders
and massacrees of last summer were kill
ed. The expedition lost but one man,
and has but eleven wounded.
" '. '' .-. and .- '
Bedding, Etc.,
orn er First and Broad Alb in streets,
... . in his line.
October 1868-8 "
rcRNiJvo Truwuvo.
? M
? ' t A RPABD T SO' . ' '
i I kef p on hand and make to order
. Ainr-'-"""''riu'f 3-.!4v:'!,
Spin til u g ,': Vt h 1
JBsT- Shop near, the "Magnolia Mills."
Albany, Hot. 28, 1868-1 2
Pierce County, (W. T.) Tragedy.
Mo Daniel and Gibson, the former a
land-jumper and desperado, and the lat
ter an aider and abetter of the former,
were shot " all to pieces" by members
of a vigilance committee from Muck
Prairie, on the 22d of January, at and
near Steilacoom. . McDaniel had jumped
a claim had been ordered off--a citi
zen's meeting passed resolutions condemn
ing his conduct he. threatend citizens
citizens formed themselves- into
vigilance committee result as above.
The Western Monthly Is a S3
magazine, published in Chicago, contain
ing between eighty and one hundred
pages of choice literary and other mat
ter. The number for January contains
an engraving of tLe likeness of Hon.
Sidney Breese, Chief-Justice of Illinois,
which is singularly correct, together
with an interesting account of bis past
services to his country and State, which
will be read with a relish by all old Illi-
noisans. We will send the Western
Montldy and the Register to any person
one year upon the reception of $4 75
coin, or 6 currency.
The Parian Canal. An easy and
practicable route for the Darian canal
has been discovered, by which the waters
of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans Can
be united within live years. The new
line is outside of the Panama Railroad
Company. I he eastern entrance is at
Puerto Connide, where vessels can
anchor in from seventeen to forty fath
oms of water. The western entrance is
at Santa Metroa. The real distance be
tween the two oceans is thirty-eight and
a half miles, and the estimated cost is
seventy millions of dollars.
Lottery Frauds. The New York
lottery frauds, now being investigated,
involve John Morrissey, Ben. .Wood,
John Anderson and Jack Simmons
two of them Democratic leaders, and the
latter a member of Congress. Won't
Democratic editors seize upon this fact
to howl about " corruption in high life,!
and.the " moral delinquencies " of Dem
ocratic leaders I
Lebanon, January 22, 1870.
Your "regular correspondent" has
been rather ir-rcgvlar for Heveral weeks,
because nothing of importance outside
of the usual occurrences has transpired.
Yet we are moving -onnot standing
still, or retrograding.
, I noticed, a few days ago, a new build
ig for a blacksmith ahop was being
erected ; and, on inquiry, learned that
Mr. Vanvacter, whtf formerly resided
here, intends again to become a citizen of
our village, and establish himself in his
old trade of hammertoe iron. He left
here last Spring, and "'has tried several
places since that tiime, and has found
thaf he can enjoy himself better here
than elsewhere. He has bought prorn
erty, and intends to become a permanent
resident. We extend to him a most
hearty welcome.
Mr. Philip Baltimore, an old citizen of
Linn, has also purchased property here,
and, we suppose, will soon become a
permanent citizen of our village. Thus
you see, Jir. jaitor, tnat our village is
appreciated most by those who know it
I spoke in my last communication
about the future prospects of Lebanon ;
and, as some of your readers may wish
to know what its advantages are, I will
enumerate some of them.
It is located in the center of Linn
county the best agricultural county in
the State and is surrounded by the
most beautiful scenery. The location is
also a most healthful one. The Soda
Springs, which have become quite pop
ular as a place of resort, are but four
miles from here.
Is located here. This institution was
chartered in 1854, and a regular course
of study selected in 1860. Though but
two students have completed the entire
course and yet received diplomas, yet
many of our best citizens and most in
fluential men have here completed their
educations, and they look, upon this in
stitution as their alma mater. Some of
these are engaged in teaching, some are
filling important offices in this county,
and other counties ; some are successfully
practicing the different professions, and
some are engaged in the Christian min
istry. As this institution has an endow
ment fund of about 82,000 the rates of
tuition are lower than in any other school
of high grade in the State of Oregon.
With its low rates of tuition, cheap
board, complete philosophical and chem
ical apparatus, maps,' charts, etc., it pre
sents rare facilities to students lor ac-
quiifipg an education. ' The school never
was more prosperous tban it is now.
The morals of the community are
greatly in favor of this place. Religious
services are held here every Sunday, and
they arc well attended. The Sabbath
was not observed more strictly by the
Pilgrim Fathers than it is by this com
Now, sir, putting all these things to
gether, do you not think our future pros
perity certain ? ,
On the 5th inst., Dr. Odell, with the
assistance of the county clerk of Ben
ton, and President W. H. Finley, enter
ed into nartnerstuD for life with Miss
Mary Biddie, a highly accomplished and
very estimable young lady ot coivauis,
On the return of : the happy partners to
Lebanon they were serenaded by the
" Lebanon Ban ga way Band." The mu
sical instruments consisted of tin horns,
Dans, bells, etc.. ad finem. The Doctor
showed, by giving the band a draft on
Mr. Ames provision store tor oysters.
F ALL "KINDS, printed at the very lowest
rues, as uaered, at tbis effloe. -
Northern Pacific Railroad A
correspondent of the Oregonian, writing
from New York, Bays that he has seen a
letter from trov. J. Gregory Smith
President of. the North Pacific Railroad
Company, which states that the con
tracts' are closed with one of the largest
banking houses in the country, by which
the latter agrees to advance the funds
necessary to carry On the work. It is
expected that the eastern end will be
completed to Red river, and that work
will be commenced and pushed at the
western end, next year. Surveying par
ties 1 have already been organized and
sent out. The writer says that this road
is of vastly more importance to Oregon
than any connection with California can
Another State: Washington cor
respondents say that efforts for the ad
mission of the Territory of Colorado
into the Union as a State -will toon b
renewed. ''--r J 5-''
resontative in Congress, or elector of President or
Vice-Fresident, or who held any office, eivil or
military, under the United States or under any
State, who, having previously taken an oath as a
member of . Congress, or as an officer of the
United States, or as a member of any State leg
islature, or as an executive or judicial officer of
any State, shall have engaged in insurrection or
rebellion against the same, or given aid or com
fort t the enemies thereof. This clause shall in
clude the following officers : governor, lieutenant-governor,
seoretary of State, auditor of pub
lic accounts, second auditor, register of the land
office, State treasurer, attorney-general, sheriffs,
sergeant of the city or town, commissioner of the
revenue, county surveyors, constables, overseers
of the poor, commissioner of the board of public
works, judges of the supreme court, judges of the
circuit court, judges of the court of hustings,
justices of the county courts, mayor, recorder,
aldermen, eouncilmen of a city or town, coroners,
escheators, inspectors of tobacco, flour, Ac,
clerks of the supreme, district, circuit, and county
courts, and of the court of hustings, and attorn
eys for the Commonwealth; provided that the
legislature may, by a vote of three-fifths of both
houses, remove the disabilities incurred by this
clause from any person included therein by a sep
arate vote in each case." ., i
And I also submit to a separate vote the seventh
section of article three of the said constitution,
which is in the words following: ' " ' '
" In addition to the foregoing oath of office,
the governor, lieutenant-governor, members of
the general assembly, secretary of State, auditor
of public accounts. State treasurer, attorney-general,
and all persons elected to any convention to
frame a constitution for this State, or to amend or
revise this constitution in any manner, and mayor
and council of anv eitv or town shall, before they
enter on the duties of their respective offiees.take
and subscribe the following oath or amrmation,
provided the disabilities therein contained may oe
individually removed by a three-fifths vote of
the general assembly : "I, , do solemnly
swear (or affirm) that I have never voluntarily
borne arms again st the United States since I have
been a citizen thereof: tnat 1 nave voluntarily
given no aid, countenance, counsel, or encour
agement to persons engaged in armed hostility
thereto; that I have never sought nor accepted
nor attempted to' exercise the functions of any
office whatever under any authority or pretended
authority in hostility to the United States; that I
have not yielded a voluntary support to any pre
tended government, authority, power, or consti
tution within the United States hostile or inim
ical thereto. And I do further swear (or affirm)
that to the best of my knowledge and ability I
will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign ana
domestic ; that I will bear true faith and allegi
ance to the same ; that I take this obligation
freely without any mental reservation or purpose
of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am
about to enter, so help me God.' The above oath
shall also be taken by all the city and county
officers before entering upon their duties, and by
all otber State officers not included in the above
I direct the vote to be taken npon each or the
above-cited provisions atone, and upon other por
tions of the said constitution in the following
manner, viz :
c.ach voter favorinz the ratification of the con
stitution (excluding the provisions above quoted)
as framed by the convention of December 3,1867,
snail express his judgment by voting
Each voter favoring the rejection of the consti
tution (excluding the provisions above quoted)
shall express his judgment by voting
Each voter will be allowed to east a separate
ballot for or against either or both of the provii
ions above quoted. :
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused the seal of the United States to
be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington this fourteenth
day of May, in the year of our Lord one
IL. s.l thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine,
, and of the Independence of the United
States of America the ninety-third.
By the President : U. S. GRANT.
Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State.
Article Y. Dead letters, newspapers, Ac. which
cannot ba delivered from whatever causa shall, be
mutually returned, without charge, monthly, or as
frequently as the regulations of the respective of
fices will permit.
Article VI. The two offices may, by mutual
consent, make such detailed regulations as shall
ba found necessary to carry out the objects of
this arrangement, such regulations to terminate
at any time on a reasonable notice by either office.
Article VII. Tbis convention shall come into
operation on the first day of November, one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and shall be
terminable at any time on a notice by either office
of six months. -
Done in duplicate add signed in Washington on
the twenty-eighth day of July, A. D. one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-eight, and in London on
the fourteenth day of August, on thousand eight
hundred and sixty-eight. ,
Postmaster-General of the United Kingdom."
1 hereby approve the foregoing convention, and
in testimony thereof I have eaused the seal ot the
United states to be affixed.
By the President :
Wiixtas! IL Seward, Secretary of State.
WASsuxavoii, July 28, 1868.
Whereas the act of Congress approved June
25th, 1368, constituted on and after that date
eight hours a day's work for all laborers, work
men, and mechanics by or on behalf of the Gov
eminent of the United States, and repealed all acts
and parts of acts inconsistent therewith :
Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President
of the Unitsd States, do hereby direct that, from
and after this date, no reduction shall be made in
the wages paid by the Government by the day to
snch laborers, workmen, and mechanics on ac
count of such reduction of the hours of labor.
In testimony whereof, I hav hereunto set my
hand and caused the seal ot the United States to
be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this nine
teenth day of May, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
L.. g. sixty-nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the ninety
third. By ihe President : V. S. GRANT.
Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State.
ect., that he appreciated the compliment.
- X.
-laws or
PASsan at an fikst sbssiok or
FIRST cojiqbbss.
ths roRTY-
By ths President of the United States of America.
No. 1.
Whereas objects of interest to the United
States require that the Senate should be convened
at twelve o'clock, on the 13th day of April, 1S69,
to receive and act npon such communications as
may ba made to it on the part of the Executive :
Now, therefore, I. U. 8. GAKT, President of
the United States, have considered it to be my
duty to Issue this, my Proclamation, declaring
that an extraordinary session requires the Senate
of the United States to convene for the transac
tion of business, at tho Capitol, on the twelfth
day of April, 1889, at twelve o'clock noon on
that day, of which all who shall at that time ba
entitled to act as members of that body are hereby
required to take notice. '
- Given under my hand and seal of the United
States, at Washington, too eighth day of
April, in the year of our Lord one thous.
ssai. and eighfc hundred and sixty nine, and of
the Independence of the United States of
, America, the aiatty-thind -By
the President : , V. S. GRAFT.
Hahlltoh Fish, Secretary of State.
- ' ".''.. No. 3. : ' I
' In pursuance of the provisions of the act of
Congress approved April 10th, 1889, I designate
the 6th day of July, 189, as the time for sub
mitting the constitution passed by the convention
which met in Richmond, Virginia, on Tuesday,
the Sd day of December, 1867, to. the voters of
said State, registered at the date of inch submis
sion, vis July , 1869, for ratification or rejec
tion. .. ,. . ' .. ' . -- . .
And I submit to a separata vols ths fourth
elans of section one, of artiele three, ef said
constitution, which is in the ioUowin words c r
" "Every person who has been s Senator or Rep.
Convention between the General Poet- Office of the
United State of America and the General Poet
Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland.
The general post-office of the United Stales of
America and the general post-office of the United
Kingdom of Great Britaia and Ireland, being de
sirous of establishing and maintaining an ex
change of mails between the United States on the
one side and the Straits settlements and the British
East Indies on the other, by means conjointly of
the line of United Eta tea mail packets plying be
tween San Francisco and Hong Kong, and of the
line of British mail packets plying between Hong
Kong, Singapore, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, and
Aden, the undersigned duly authorized for that
purpose have agreed upon the following articles :
Article 1. There shall be a direct exchange of
mails between the offices of New York and San
Francisco on the one part, and the offices of Sing
apore, Calcutta, Madras, uombay, and Aden, on
the otber, comprising letters, newspapers, prices
current, book packets, and packets of patterns or
samples originating in the United States, and ad
dressed respectively to the Straits Settlements or
to the British East ladies, or originating in the
British East Indies or ths Straits Settlements, re
spectively, and addressed to the United States
These mails shall be conveyed by United States
mail between San Francisco and Hong Kong via
Yokohama, and by British mail packets between
Hong Kong and Singapore or the Indian ports.
Article II. The postage to be collected in the
United States, npon paid correspondence addressed
to the Straits Settlements or the British East In
dies, shall be ten cents per single letter not ex
ceeding half an ounce in weight, heavier letters
being charged in proportion, two cents each on
newspapers or prices current, and eight cents per
four ounces on book packets, or packets of nat
terns or samples ; and the postage to be collected
in the straits settlements or untisn Kast Indies,
upon paid correspondence addressed to the United
States, shall be ten pence per single letter not ex
ceeding half an ounce In weight, heavier letters
being charged in proportion, and four pence per
fonr ounces for newspapers, prices current, book
packets or packets of returns or samples. -
The correspondence thai paid shall be delivered
at the place of destination, whether In the United
States or in the British possessions, free from all
charge whatsoever. .- -rt ;, &iu.-trt'i,t u.
Letters posted in either or untry unpaid or in
sufficiently paid shall, nevertheless, be forwarded
and shall be charged at the place of destination
with a rate of postage of the tame amount that
would be chargeable on a letter of like weicrht.
posted for despatch in the onnosito direction, to
gether with a fine of six pence in the Straits Set
tlements or the British Kast Indies, or of twelve
cents m we united states. - , .
' Article III. The exchange of the correspond
ence remrrea so in Article 11., preceding, shall
not give rie to any accounts between tile British
and the United States post-offices. Bash offloe
snail seep the postage which It collects.
Article IV.. Every letter, newspaper, price
current, book - packet or packet of patterns or
samples, despatched from one office to the other,
shall be plainly stamped in red ink with a (tamp
hearing toe wonts "paid all" on the right-sand
npper comer of the address, and thaU stoo bear
the dated stamp of the office at which it was posted.
Convention between the General Pott-Office of tie
United State of America and the General Pott
Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland. .
The General Post-Office of the United States of
America and the General Post-Office of the
4Jnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,
being desirous of regulating, by means of a
new Convention, the Communications by Post
between the two Countries, the undersigned,
duly authorized for that Purpose by their res
pective Governments, have agreed npon the
following Articles : ,.
- Article I. There shall be an exchange of cor
respondence between the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland and the United States
of America, as well for letters, newspapers, book
packets, and patterns or samples of merchandise,
originating in the United Kingdom or in the
United States, as for articles of the same nature
originating in or destined for the countries or
colonies the correspondence of which is forwarded
through the United Kingdom or through the
United States.
' Article II. Each office shall make its own ar
rangements for the dispatch of mails to the other
office by well appointed ships, sailing on stated
days, and shall, at its own cost, remunerate the
owners of such ships for the conveyance of the
mails. ..:...:-:.'-!.,
Article III. The postage on a single interna
tional letter shall be six pence in the United
Kingdom, and shall be twelve cents in the United
States ; and the authorized weight of a single let
ter shall be half an ounce in the United King
dom or fifteen grammes (by the metrical scale) in
the United States.
For other than single letters the tame charge
shall be made for every additional half-ounce or
fifteen grammes, or fraction thereof.
The question of the further reduction of the
letter rates of-postage shall be considered at the
expiration of twelve months from the commence
ment of this convention.
Article IV. Every international letter insuffi
ciently paid, or wholly unpaid, received in the
United States from the United Kingdom,
addition to the deficient postage, be subject to a
fine of five eents, such fine to be retained at the
United States Post-Office ; and every interna
tional letter insufficiently paid, or wholly unpaid,
received in the United Kingdom from the United
States, shall, in addition to the deficient postage.
be subject to a fine of two pence, to be retained at
the British Post-Office.
Article V. International newspapers, book
packets, (including printed papers of all kinds,
maps, plans, prints, engravings, drawings, pho
tographs, lithographs, sheet f music, ami eo
forth,) and patterns and samples of merchandise
(including seeds and grain), shall be transmissible
by either office, under such regulations as the dis
patching office may from time to time lay down,
and at the following charges, vis :
For every newspaper, not exceeding fonr
ounces in weight, one penny in the United King
dom, and two cents in the United btates.
For Book Packet and Pattern: -
When- not exceeding an ounce in weight, one
penny in the United Kingdom and two cents in
the United States. ,
When exceeding one ounce and not exceeding
two ounces in weight, two pence in the United
Kingdom and four eents in the United States.
When exceeding- two ounces and not exceeding
four ounces in weight, three pence in the United
Kingdom and six cents in the United btates.
For packets exceeding four ounces in weight,
i additional rate of three pence, or tix eents,
for every four ounoes or fraction of four ounces.
These regulations, however, shall include the
following : i
1st. The postage shall be fully prepaid.
2d. No book packet may contain anything
which is sealed or otherwise closed against in
spection, nor must there be any letter, nor any
communication of the nature of a letter, whether
separate or otherwise; unless the whole of such
letter or communication be printed. - But entries
merely stating from whom or to whom the packet
is sent snail not be regarded as a letter.
8d. No book packet must exceed two feet in
length, or one foot in width or depth.
4th. ' Neither office shall be bound to deliver
printed papers the importation of which may be
prohibited by the laws orreolations of the coun
try to which they are transmitted. .
oth. So long as any customs duty is cbargable
in the United States on the importation from the
United Kingdom of any of the articles enumer
ated above, such customs duty shall be leviable
in the United States, and the proceeds shall ac
crue to the United States Treasury.
6th. Except as above, no charge whatever
shall be levied in the country in which interna
tional newspaper, book packets, and patterns
or samples of merchandise are delivered. -
Article VI. The postage collected in the two
countries on international letters, newspapers
book packets, and patterns or samples of inerch
andise, together with the fees foe registration
(but exclusive of fines for unpaid or insufficientlv
paid letters,) shall be equally divided between the
two offices. And in making said division the
two offices shall account to each otber for the fol
lowing rates per ounce or per pound, according to
the weight in hulk of each class of international
correspondence. .
1. The British Post-Offiee shall account to the
United States Post-Office for twenty eents an
onnoe on all paid international letters sent to the
United (States ; for twenty eents an ounce on all
unpaid ; international letters received from the
United States ; for seven and a quarter cents per
pound on international newspapers sent to the
United States: and for sixteen cents per pound
on international book packets and patterns sent
to toe united Btates.
- z. . ine united Btates rost-uinee shell ac
count to the British Post-Offioe for twenty cents
an ounce on ail paid international letters sent to
the United Kingdom ; for twenty eents an onnoe
on all unpaid international letters received from
the United Kingdom ; for eight and three quar
ter eents per pound on international newspapers
sent to the United Kingdom ; for sixteen cents per
pound on international book packets test to the
United Kingdom ; and for nineteen cents per
pound on patterns sent to the United Kingdom.
Article VII. ..That portion of the postage of
transit letters, transit newspapers, book packets,
and patterns or samples of merchandise which
represents the energe fur ihe sea conveyance be
tween the United Kingdom and tae united states
shall belons- whollv to the despatching office.
For the purposes of this article the charge for
the sea conveyance of letters in elosed mails
across the Atlantic shall be computed at twenty
eents per ounce or per thirty grammes, and the
charge foi the sea conveyance across the Atlantic
of newspapers, book packets, and patterns or
samples of merchandise shall be computed at
three pence per peond or twelve cents per killo
grastme. .
Article 111. "' The United States Post-Offlee
may deliver to she British Post-Offioe letters or
other postal packets, whioh have been registered,
addressed to the Unitsd Kingdom. Rec'proeallr.
the British Post-Offioe may deliver to the Usnwd
States Pent-Office registered letters, or Other pos
tal packets whish have been registered, addressed
to the United "tates. : M . ' -'" 1 Yu'
Ths post Of wo .: sfcl
shell always be paid in advance.
In addition to this postage, there shall also be
charged a registration fee, the amonnt-ef which
shall be fixed by the despatching office. ' . r . '
Article IX. The United States Post-Offica may
further deliver te the British Post-Offies register 1
ed letters and so forth, addressed to these eua-
tries or colonies to which registered letters can ba
sent from the United Kingdom . .- I . 1
The United States Post-Offioe shall account to -
British Post-Offlee (in addition to the postage dne '
to the British Post-Offioe) for such snm as shall ;
be cbareable to the inhabitants o the United
Kingdom for the registration from the United'
Kingdom of every registered letter and so forth ,
addressed to the Countries or colonies above men-'
tiened. On Us side, the British Post-Offioe sae -
deliver to the United States Post-Offica registered
letters and to forth addressed to those countries"
which registered letters can be tebt from tha
United States.
The British Pest-Office shall aoeouat tn; tkai
United States Post-Offioe its addition to the mil
age due to the United State Post-Offioe) far such
sum as shall be chargeable to the inhabitants uf
United State for the registration from toe United -States
of every registered letter and to forth ad- .
dressed to the countries above mentioned. '"
Article X, . The British Pvat-OSAce engages tat
grant the transit through the United Kingdom, aa
well as the eeaTeyaeee by British mail packets,' -'
of the eiessd mails wUeh the. Baited gn-n Pes. ,
Office may exchange, in either direction, with ths"
post-offices of XwitdtaeBs possession, or ef for
eign countries; and the United States Post-Office '
engages to grant the transit through the Unitsd
States, as well as the eonveyaaee by United States j
mail packets, of the elosed mails which the British
Post-Office may exchange, in either direction,1
with the post-offices of British possessions or of
foreign countries. - -
The country which sends or receives closed
mails through the otber shall render au account
of the letters, newspapers, hook packets and pat--
terns eeuiaineu iu sucn viomau mans.
Article XXt Ihe rates of postage to be metu.r
ally paid for the territorial transit (including the
passage oi ine ssngnsn' nannei or au letter
sent from one country to the otherfor transmission .
to places beyond, in closed mails, shall be as fol-
lows : !..'. ! i ;'.
The British Post-Offioe shall account to the
Post-Offica of the United States for three and'
three quarter cents an onnoe for the conveyance
of such letters through the United States; and
the Poet-Office of the United States shall account
to the British Post-Office for lid. (one peony one
farthing) per ounce for the conveyance of suoa '
letters through the United Kingdom, .
The transit ' rates of postage to he mutually
paid for newsnaDers. book packets, and nattena'
or samples sent in closed mailt shall be four pence .
per kilogramme for transit through the United
Kingdom, and six eents per pound for transit'
through the United State.
Article XXI. When, in any British or United
States port, a elosed mail is transferred from one
ship to another, without any expense devolving '
on the office of the country owning snch port. ,
such transfer shall not be deemed a territorial
transit, and shall not give rise to any charge for '
territorial transit. - -
Article Kill. The rate of postage to he paid
by the British Post-Office to the United States .
Post-Offioe for the tea conveyance, other than
across the Atlantic, of correspondence sent from
the United Kingdom to the United States, in
elosed mails, for transmission to place beyond.
or brought to tne united states irom places be
yond, in closed mails, for transmission to the Uni. '
ted Kingdom, shall be the saiuo that are paid by
the inhabitants of the United States ; reciprocally,
the rates of postage to be paid by the United State '
rost-umce to the .British Post-t'moe for theses
conveyance, otber than serosa the Atlantic, of
correspondenoe seat from the United States t the
United Kingdom, in closed mails, for transmission
to places beyond, or bronght to the United Kinr-
dom from places beyond, in' elosed mails, for
transmission to tbe United- States, shall he ths
same that are paid by the inhabitants ef tbe
United Kingdom. ' " . ....
Article -&.1V. Tbe combined territorial and
sea rates upon transit correspondenoe sent in ordi
nary mails to he accounted for by one offloe to the
otner, nau be tne same that are paid by the in
habitants of the country through which the con
resnwndenee ia forwarded. ; ; .
Article XV. Tbe British Post-OSes shall ac
count to the United States Post-Office for the ram
of two eents npon every sinel paid letter sent
through the United Kingdom in ordinary mails
addressed to the United States, and the United
btates Post-Offioe shall account to the British
Post-Offioe for the sum of one penny npon every
single paid letter sent through the- United States
in ordinary mails addreased to the United King
uom. ' -
Article XVL , There shall be an exchange ef
correspondence between the United States of
America and the British Post-Office agenoieaes
tablished at the Danish colony of St. Thomas, in
ran am a, in colon, and in San Juan, (Porto Rice.)
The postage to be accounted for on snch cones
pondence shall be fixed from time to time by tbe
mutual consent of the two offices.
Article XV1L The British Post-Office shall
prepare, at the expiration of every quarter, sepa
rate accounts, exnibiung tne results or tnecnange
of correspondence, whether in ordinary mails or
in dosed mails, between the respective' offices.
Such accounts shall be founded upon tbe ac
knowledgment of receipt of the respective effloe
uurmg me quarter. . ,
The separate account shall be Incorporated in
general accounts which shall be compared and set.
tied by the two offices. and the balance shall lortn
with be paid, in Ae money of theeountryte which
the payment is to be made, by that office whioh ia
found to be indebted to the other.'
ling, or sterling into United States currency, four
shillings and two pence shall be considered a tb
equivalent of a dollar." . , . -
Article XVIII. Official communication ad,
dressed by the United States Post-Office to the
British Post-Office. or by tbe British Post-Office
to the United States Post-Office, shall not give
rise to any account . between the two post-office.
Article XIX. Tbe two offices shall, by mutual
consent, make detailed regulation in accord an cs
with the foregoing articles, such regulations to be
terminable on a reasonable notice by either office.
Article XX. t The convention forregulatlng tbe
communication by post between the two countries
signed ia London on the 18th June, 1867, shall
cease to have eflecton and from the date on which
tbe convention, now to be eoneluded, shall be pal
in operation. ,'''''',',,'"' f ; '
Article XXl. Thi convention shall com taw
operation on the 1st January, 1869. ' -"
Article XXII. This convention shall he ter
minable at any time, on a notice by either offiee
of one year. - 1 '' " ' .
. Done in duplicate and signed in London on the
seventh day of November, and at Washington the
twenty-fourth day of November, one thousand
eight hundred nd sixty-eight.
(U 8.1 ." ' MONTROSB,
Potmsate,Gencral of the United Kingdom.
Postmaster-General of the United State.
J hereby approve the aforegoing convention,
and in testimony thereof, I have caused the teal
of she United Slates to be affixed. -By
the Present : ANDREW JOHNSON.
Wiiaiah H. Sbwarb, -. Secretary of State,
Wassusotos, Nov. 24. 1868.
' Haytikn Revolution. AdVice
from Hayti state that 8s loaf e was shot
oa the 10th ult. One bwadred And ftjr
of his followers were; captured, many of
whom hare been executed. The) poblio)
;n Aestaoieal hod prooessionS, due-'
irj in the4 street nd festivitic. of H
kinds celebrated, the e?eot. ; The first of
February was fixed for the election of
President. , - , .; ?;.a
A little girl, worn; a lMt tmr
m'on, observing the preacher (fathering
himself for the introdnetion.of another
point': exclaimed,? Oh, Mother, b ia
not goiBsr to quit at all; he i 'welling
np again." " - j''
A Montana girt rode sixty-fire nilea ok
horseback itrime-BisU to Wed iatS-Ua
wishetof hpslents."j l ",tv .7.