The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 22, 1870, Image 2

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    f&liz Sifang Agister
TJ. S. Official Paper for Oregon.
Eastern Oregon. Following is from
the special correspondence of the Orego
nian, announcing the completion of the
Grand Honde .River Canal and the Cath
arine -Creek Ditch, giviog the width,
depth and length of each : -
The Legislature at the session before
the last passed an -act "to improve the
State: In ads in. .Union county, Oregon,"
and commissioners were appointed to su
perintend said work. -, Two separate coo
tracts were let, one for a ditch to drain
Catharine Creek and the other for a ca
nal to turn the channel of Grand Ronde
Tiver, Messrs. Nodine, Perley, Clark and
Welch being the contractors under said
commissioners. The work is completed
. and the civil engineer, Mr. C. M. Fos
ter, has made a full examination of the
work and certifies to the commission that
"the work is all done in accordance with
the agreement," and that "the ditch and
canal are in good condition to receive and
convey water." II is report specifies as
follows :" Length of ditch and canal, 8
miles; average depth of canal, 3 feet;
width of-bottom of . canal, 9 feet; aver
age width of top of canal," 10 60.100
feet ; -average depth of Catherine Creek
ditch, 1J feet; average width, G feet;
cumber of yards of. dirt excavated, 83,
277. The, contractors have built five
bridges, two flumes, and two waste gates.
The canal takes the water of the Grand
Roode river a distance of 41 miles, with
k fall of 2d feet, instead of letting it fol
low the old channel through its various
toeanderings, as is estimated, 50 miles.
You will see that the course of the river
must have been very sluggish, as it had
only .20 feet to fall in 40 or 50 miles.
The fall now is 12 times greater than be
fore, as the canal is to the river bed as
cne to twelve.
Handsome Compliment to Senator Wll- I
. . . , i llama. - t.
This is what the Chicago Tribune says
of Senator "Williams' eulogy upon Fes
senden :
Judge Williams, formerly of Iowa,
now of Oregon, one of tho most sturdy
and splendid natures in Congress, made
a speech scarcely so soft and delicate as
Morrill's, but, as the emanation of a
stronger manhood, even more exhaustive
and interesting. He took the delicate
sketch of Morrill, and added some vigor
ous touches, which made the portrait
bolder, yet in no whit disturbed its truth
fulness. This speech, also, was a sur
prise to me, who, from the daily work of
Williams, had no reason to suspect such
a literary development in him. When
he remarked that Fessenden was "so
careful no! to do wrong that sometimes
he seemed afraid to do right," he stated
in the gentlest, yet truest way, what,
perhaps, was a weakness in his subject;
and this extract was a fine contribution
to memorial biography :
''There was no parado, pomposity or
tinsel about his speeches. French was
his aversion, and in my hearing ho never
made a Latin or poetical quotation.
Greece and Rome he left with his college
exercises, in the classic shades of Bow
doin. Plain, simple and unaffected in
manner and habit, so he was in speech,
and his style wasas pure and transparent
as the water of a New England brook."
Here is a paragraph showing a noble
nature in Williams, as in Fessenden :
"I was a member of two committees
of which he was Chairman, and once
onlv did his anger break out in words
toward me. Believing that a 'friend
should bear his friend's infirmities,' I did
not notice the matter ; but iu a few mo
ments he came and in the kindest and
most apologetic manner expressed Hs
deep regret.
You cannot take to your fireside a
speech from the Latin or Saxon more
worthy of the utterer and the theme
than this of Williams. Its appearance
. 1 S 1 7 ' 1 1 1 1
in the t'looe is an answer to an omec-
I am acquainted with the lay of the ' nrninst nrintinir the full debates of
country ana am convinced irom personal Congress : for the nation of men to
observation that the work is not only well
dene, but ' wisely projected aud will un
doubtedly do all for tlis valley that tho
most sanguine hoped for. T. A. W.
State Agricultural Society.
Th Board of Managers of the State Ag
ricultural Society met at Salem on the
18th. The following are proceedings of
' that day as we find them recorded in the
Pre sit:
The members of the Board present are, Daniel
Clark, President : John Minto, Secretary ; J. H.
Moores, Treasurer; D. Jefferson, Marion eoimtv;
J. A. Allyre, D. D. Prettyma-i. H. .S. Way, Polk
county; U. Wilkin, Lane county; W. A. Mill?,
Washington eountv ; I). E. Stewart, Yamhill
county; A. duelling, James Magoon and W.
Eliot, Clackamas county : C. P. Bacon, Multno-
. man county ; J. II. Douthit and C. P. Burkhart,
Lino county. After organizing the Board ad
journed until 1 o'clock P. M., at which hour the
. Board again came together and invited members
of the Society to take part in the deliberations of
the Board. The Secretary and Treasurer were
notified that the Board was teady to receive their
report. 11'b. A. Mills made a motion, which
was adopted, that there be no racing allowed
within the fair ground except that authorized by
the Society. The premium list of last year "was
taken op for revision. Toe principal change in
Class 1 was the 1st and 2d premiums on milk
cows, which were raised to $20 and $15. No 10
was added to Class 1, giving a 1st and 2d prem
ium of $50 and $25 for the best and second best
herd of 25 cattle, and 2d best lot of yearlings,
J2 in number, $30 and $15, and 2d best lot of
calves, 10 in number, $20 and $10. But few and
unimportant changes were made in the premium
list as far as it was considered at the time of ad
journment last night.
both belonged could . not
I u
! afford to let such timely and cotempora
I neous literature perish. The defects of
j the speech are the flourish at the bottom
of it and some o er violent similes.
Democratic Unity. From' all ac
counts the recent session of the Demo
cratic Central Committee at Portland was
not as unanimous as one might expect
Frotn the oft repeated assertions of its
editors and speakers that "Democracy is
a "tunit everywhere." Ben Ilayden, a
man,, familiarly known in Democratic
parlance as "the unwashed," a man who
has always been first and foremost with
his money and on the stump in advocat
ing Democratic principles as he under
stands tLem, was completely snubbed and
("cheked off" by the better dressed (the
aristocracy) politicians. A. prominent
lawyer of Portland, says the Statesman,
who had the temerity to drink a toast to
'Ben. Hayden, the next Governor of
: Oregon," tad "a head put on him" by a
retired statesman," then and there. But
j)f, course Democracy is a unit
A- Case. In San Francisco some
weeks since, a man named Jaretzky, mar
ried a widow after a very short acquaint
ance, she demanding, before the ceremo
ny was performed, a promissory note for
Jf3,t00, payable on demand. After the
ceremony, she refused to occupy the
.bridal conch until he had paid her $10.
Four days-after; -a he caused his arrest,
alleging that he whipped her, and after
-the matter was settled they agreed to
separate. ' She then demanded the $3,000.
jOfe deeded, his property to his brother-jn-law
i a trust for his children, when she
'raised Cain," s had him arrested again,
and before the case was heard he cut his
throat, sit was thought, however, that
he would recover. A "gay and Testive"
widow, indeed.
ParsoNER He no at Lewiston. A
dispatch, to the Portland; dailies, dated
Umatilla, Jan. 17th, is as follows: Woods,
who murdered Duffy at Lewiston last 4th
.of july, was hanged by some unknown
parties on the evening of the 12th. Cause
sentence eommutod to imprisonment
'for life.' : -;'
f..; Suicide at Utsalada A telegram
from--Utealada, W. T., dated January
17," states that John ; Marshall, second
'psate "of the bark " Onward, committed
suicide by cutting his throat from ear to
ar with a rasor. . He was partially io--aane
resident of Sao Francisco, and
. 'V.astivo of Russia or Finland. '
r ' A disturbance bad broken out in ' the
iAustriar'Cabinet,V!ond a Ministerial viwM
yas impending, on the 11th.
Mk. Stanton's Speech. When
Richmond surrendered, and the hearts of
the people leaped with joy, amass meet
ing at Washington was addressed by many
prominent men, and among others by
Mr. Stanton. His few earnest words,
so eloquent, bo expressive of the
great honest heart that lay under his
brusque manner, so full of a lofty fervor,
will be read with a deep interest to-day,
when the warm heart has ceased to beat,
and the giant brain has ceased to work,
and the unconquerable will no longer
sways the destiny of a nation. The great
patriot, forgetting those who hate him,
stands now before that Great Judice to
whom, iu these warm words, he rendered
thanks for all that he had been able to
do for his country :
Friends and . fellow-citizens : In, this
great hour of triumph, my heart, as well
as yours, is penetrated with gratitude to
Almighty God for his deliverance of this
nation. (Tremendous and prolonged
cheering.) Our thanks are due to the
President, (cheers) to the army and
navy, (cheers) to the great commanders
by sea and land, (cheers) to the gallant
officers and men who have periled their
lives upon the battle-field and drenched
the soil with their blood. (Great eheers )
Henceforth our commiseration and our
aid should be given to the wounded, the
maimed and the suffering, who bear the
marks of their great sacrifices in this
mighty struggle. Let us humbly offer
up our thanks to Divine Providence for
his car. over us, and beseech Him that
He will guide and govern us in our du
ties hereafter as he has carried us for
ward to victory in the past : that He will
teach us how to be humble in the midst
of triumph, how to be just in the hour
or vict. ry, and that tie will enaoie us to
secure tho foundations of this Republic,
soaked as they have been in blood, so
that it shall live forever and ever. (En
thusiastic cheers.) Let us not forget
the laboring millions in other lands who,
in this struggle, have given us their sym
pathies, their aid, and their prayers, and
let us bid them rejoice with us in our
great triumph. Then, having dote this,
let us trust the future to God, who will
guide us, as heretofore, according to His
own good will, (Lioud cheers.)
Sad and Fatal Accident. In the
afternoon of yesterday a very sad ' and
" - - . t. - n
fatal accident occurred in the lamnyoi
Mr. Tracv. who resides in the northern
part of the city, nd is in employ of the
Portland Gas Company. A vessel nnea
with hot water had been left standing on
the porch by a member of the family
who designed using it for scrubbing the
floor. At a moment when no one was
near, a little girl, daughter of Tracy,
fell into the vessel, and before relief came,
was so badly scalded that bhe died in a
few hours. Her suffering from the time
of the accident until death released hvr,
were of the most excruciating and pain
ful character. Oregonian, Jan. 17th. ',
Free Trade at the West. The
Western papers speak of the late free
trade movement in that section as a fail
ure, and say that the meetings telegraphed
over the coun:ry as "grand outpourings
of the masses,", etc, were miserably at
tended. The sturdy yoemaory, of the
West, it seems, have not yet accepted the
heresies of British free-traders. 1 The
utter failure of the movement in this
country, and the growing demand for a
return to protection in France and Eng
land, would indicate that the three great
est nations of the earth are all ranorins
themselves on one side of this question-
Philadelphia Press.
The Roseburg Ensign says sporstsmen
complain of the scarcity of ducks and
geese in localities where they have hith
erto been plentiful, and aceounts for
their absence on the ground that there
has been less snow in their haunts farther
north. The same paper has the following
paragraphs: -
By private advices from Gardner City,
we learn that the new steamer' "Swan"
has been launched, and is waiting for a
rise in the river to make her first trip.
The question as to steamboat navigation
on the Umpqna will belikely to be solved
very soon. m from a gentleman
who has just returned Jrom bcotteburg,
we learn that the new steamer, Swan, was
to make her first trip from Gardner to
Scottsburg on the 12th instant, at which
time the beauty and chivalry of Smith's
River, Gardner, Scottsburg and the sur
rounding country, were to assemble at
the latter named place and have a social
party in honor of the event. We have
uo doubt that all came off as planned,
and that thev had a merry time.
Mr. E.. G. Browning, owner of the
quartz lead lately discovered near the
line of Douglas and Jackson counties,
called on us on Thursday. We saw the
returns of an essay of some of tho quartz
taken from his claim, made by M. A.
King, of Portland, which report a yield
of 832 91, silver, and 887 84 gold, total
yield per. ton, $120 75. The thickness
of the lead is from eighteen inches to
two feet. Mr. Browning has purchased
a mill, which will be put up on the lead
as soon as the condition of the roads will
admit of its being moved. We wish him
the best success in the enterprise.
The Oregonian gives an account of a
man named B. M. Stoncr, who was shot,
on the evening of the 17th, in Portlandj
by A. J. Moses. A divorce is now pend
ing in the Circuit Court between Mr
and Mrs. Moses. Stoner had been a vis
itor at the house of Mrs. Moses contrary
to the expressed wishes of Mr. Moses.
Finding Stoner at the residence of his
wife on the night in question, Moses
called him out and shot at . him with a
shot gun, inflicting a wound in one of
Stoner's feet nothing serious, however,
Sales of real estate for the present
month in Multnomah county amounted,
to the 18th, to 822,055 36.
C. Beal, G. W . C. T. of Oregon, has
received the charter, books, etc., and is
vested with power to institute a Grand
Lodge in Washington Territory. The
total number of lodges in said Territory
is put down at thirty-hve, with a mem
bership of fifteen hundred.
From tho Salem Press : Messrs. Sny
der & Co. delivered to the Secretary of
State on the 18th, Senate and House
journals for the Legislative session of
A pretty girl ofl
New York Central 1
iness? f 1
A Mississippi ni
" nuffin," becaus
seventh, and sJonl'
Families of real
but upstarts are colli
A locomotive at
miles an hour. . wou
sixteen is Masking boots in
ark, and does a rushing bus-
worked on shares, bnt got
said he, " I worked for de
made de fifth crop short."
sition are not jealous of it ;
tantly guarding their respect-
n averaee speed of thirty
1 reach the moon in eleven
months, .and the sen, in three hundred and fifty
two years. , ...
An old lady on a ain not far from Lafayette,
hearing the breaks? an sing out " Eubanks Cut,"
sailed to the door ai I asked " is he hurt much?"
The Queen of Ei land presents seven pounds
to a poor woman w 9 presents her husband with
five children at a biJth. -
A gentle young yady of Mason county, Iowa,
has been fined to for stoning the schoolmaster.
Dr. ShurtlifT, -re-f lected Mayor of Boston, says
" he believes in Boston first, and politics a long
way afterwards.
idon hangman, has been re
dd age. The choker himself
B' senility.
or . The class looked blank,
e, jv, who said he could tell.
1 nun to proceed.
'It beats
- his death, Albert D. Eich-
ri a large interest in the Chi-
-jfscd was to have become its
The Union Republican voters of the Stabs of
Ore iron will meet at the City of Portland, at 10
o'clock A. M., on Thursday, the 7th day of April,
1870, in Delegate Convention, for the purpose of
placing in nomination a State Ticket to be sup
ported at the approaching election in June, and
the transaction of such other business as shall
properly come before said Convention.
Counties will be entitled to delegates as follows:
Clatsop ....
Coos ........
Columbia .
Douglas ...
rs. bimons,
of North
Salem, on Monday, threw an armful of
wood on the floor; the jar caused aflat
iron, suspended from the wall, to ; fall,
which, in its descent, struck her on the
bead, inflicting quite a wound.
Mr. Yeaton's child, poisoned on Monday
last, is considered out of danger.
Salem is to have a city directory.
On last Sunday morning, as we learn
from the Portland Herald, at the Chapel
of the Sisters' Convent, on Fourth street,
in that city, Miss Mary Jane Kelly sig
nified her wish to quit the world with all
its vanity and allurements, when the
proper ceremonies incident to ''taking
the veil" were performed, and the young
lady was admitted into the Order of the
Sisters of the Most Holy names of Jesus
and Mary, and will hereafter be known
as Sister Mary Rosa of Lima.
Independent Love. In love mat
ters, in marrying and divorcing, woman,
lovely woman" is asserting herself with a
vengeance. A married woman in New
Albany, Indiana, has insisted that her
husband shall marry, or at least live as
if he were married, with her own sister,
to whom she is passionately attached.
The hubby has consented.
A girl of eighteen recently eloped
with a lover of nineteen, and traveled
with him for some days before the pair
could find anybody to marry them. The
girl insisted that preacher or no preacher
she would live with and love her darling
Geo. all the same. Needless to say dar
ling George and herself got married at
last. ' '-
A rich girl in Philadelphia has fallen
in love with a poor man which fact
would be a good thing for the poor man
if it was not for the trifling circumstance
that the " poor man" is married already.
It does not seem to make any differnce to
the rich girl, though.
An Iowa bride, according to a journal
of that State, " is a merry, warm-hearted
level-headed, truthful, little angel, manu
factured expressly for the chap who
got her." . , -
London advices of the 11th state that
tho Crown had seized some land near
Stick well, which belonged to George
Peabody, on the ground that Peabody
was an alien, therefore unable to hold
land in the Kingdom.
. Storm. -A heavy storm of wind and
rain Visited this portion . of the State on
Tuesday nibt,
Bucolic Forcibilities. -J. D. Oli
ver, of San Francisco, and family called
on the Pope of Rome recently, and play
ed the " damphool" by presenting the
Pope with a silver brick valued at 85,013
8. Mr. U liver should have had his
rump booted about the time. San Mateo
Gazette. . ,;..,. ..' ,.r .
?' Had .his runip booted !" This is
one of the originalities of journalism in
the Golden btate. It has the true Cali
fornia savor, as they say of articles in the
Overland. a It is strong and graphic. It
dispenses with argument. - Obviously,
the writer is not a friend of the Pope's.
There runs in his veins the blood of the
old Pope-hating, Puritan stock. , ,
" Should have had his rump booted !"
Well, well J , Trans punted , from the
East, recreated mentally by the finer and
more electric atmosphere of the Pacific
coast, its intellect and imagination fed
by the new, etrango, grand and varied
features of California nature, how grand
ly does the editorial mind express itself !
It is announced that Hon. .William
Strgng, of Pennsylvania, will be appoint
ed to -the ' vacant place" o the Supreme
Bench. , ' " f -
Calcraft, the T
tired on account
at last choked off.
tt nai, is .
except one imaj
The schoolmarm f
two nairs." I
ardson had obti
cairo Reoublicami
chief editor. I ' "
The Postroyteneral says that the abuse of
tne iranaing priruege ooecrf me nauou twv mil
lions of dollars an'nnadly. Then, why not stop it ?
The New York Atlat says that some magna
nimity exists in the police force of that city. Two
of its members have gone to stealing in person,
bnt the rest let the thieves do it for them.
At Atchison, Kansas, a grief-stricken mother
took leave of her dead baby as follows : " Fare
well, little darling, farewell t I must give you
up now ; but 1 11 meet you in heaven yn bet.
A young girl of the town was lately taken from
her house in Louisville, by a party of ruffians,
stripped of hex clothing, and tarred and feather
ed. A like atrocity has never been heard of in
the history of our country.
In a recent conference with his congregation,
Ber. Henry Ward Beecher quoted the saying of
a Dutchman in these words : "If my foresight
was as good as my hindsight, I should do a great
many things better than I do." It is the misfor
tune of most people that their foresight is not as
good as their hindsight.
Galigani says medical statistics establish the
following points of interest to the ladies : First,
that since stays have been abandoned, the annual
mortality amongst females has diminished by IS
per cent. ; and, second, since the overloading
of the head with chignons, brain fevers have in
creased 72$ per cent.
Kansas papers grievously complain of depreda
tions upon the mails. They think the thefts are
committed on the line of the Missouri Pacific
Railroad. Much money has recently been taken.
Some of the Minnesota farmers do not pay their
debts. A paper in that State the Mankato
Union says the farmers o Blue Earth county
are in debt to Mankato, for store goods and for
machinery alone, to the amount of a quarter mil
lion dollars.
The Indian Bureau has official reports from the
Navajo agency, stating that the Indians have
received their annuity goods and presents of
goats and sheep lrom tba Government, which
has had the effect of strengthening the relations
of peace.
In the western part of Tama county, Iowa,
there is a band of Indians numbering two hun
dred and sixty-eight, who occupy four hundred
and nineteen acres of the best land in the Iowa
river valley, purchased with their own money at
different periods.
The Alexandria (Minn.) Pott says the fur bus
iness has been very lively of late. The catch of
muskrats is much larger than last season, and
greater than for a number of years past. Invest
ments in traps have yielded a good return this
year. The Scandinavians are nearly all trapping,
and have been very successful.
A large railroad meeting for San Diego county
was held at New San Diego on the night of Dec.
27th, in favor of a road from San Diego to San
Barnardino and Los Angeles and on the 3d paral
lel route. The meeting was addressed by Col.
Sedgwick, of the Memphis and El Paso Railroad;
General Howard, of Los Angeles, and others.
-The action was favorable.
Lotta cleared $20,000 by her recent seven
weeks' engagement in New York.
The pretty girls employed in the Treasury De
partment are called ' Revenue Cutters." j
An Ohio girl who wanted to buy guitar strings,
asked for "feline intestines for lyrical purposes."
The Tennessee house appears to be in favor of
Woman Suffrage. Woman appears to be rising
stock in the market.
Mungen, the repudiating Democratic Congress
man from Ohio, is said to owe his election to the
fact that he is the most popular fiddler in his
district ' . . w
It is said that the Rev. Petroleum V. Nasby
has established a whisky shop in New York. He
says the dove has stopped his travels, having
found a place where no water is.
The Rev. Everett E. Halo is announced as
editor of the new magazine, which is to be estab
lished in New York in opposition to Harper':
It is to be called The Old and the A'tw.
A correspondent of the Chronicle says that a
lantern and six shooter are indispensible articles
of wearing apparel in Sacramento after dark. To
accomplish full dress " a six or ten pound can
non will be necessary.
Does pa kiss you because he lores you?", in
quired a smrbby. anted urchin -of his maternal
ancestor, the other day. " To be sure, sonny
why f" "Well.! think he lores the cook, too.
for he kissed here more than forty tames last Sun
day when you was gone to meeting."
A father lately dropped his daughter and an
umbrella from a Jersey City ferry boat into the
water, k ferryman rescued the young lady, the
old gentleman confining his attentions to the um
The editorial table of the Tale Literary Maga
zine is now thirty-four years old, and one nun
dred and thirty-five editors have worked at it. ;.;
Tho total receipts of the Illinois State Treasury
from December 1st, 1868, to December 1st, 1869,
are $1,325,613 82. The total disbursements for
the same period are $2,562,649 12 leaving a bal
ance in the Treasury of $1,762,96 70. ;
A colony has been founded in New' York for
settling- in Colorado, the President being Horace
Greeley, and the Treasurer N. C. Meeker, botn or
the Tribune. The colony is to number about 800
persons, with a fair capital in cash with which to
purchase lands, erect buildings, and make neces
sary improvements. ; A locating committee is to
be sent out immediately, and a site will be select
ed combining all the advantages possible,
' To Miss DWa Pulsifer is conceded the honor of
being the first to skate across Lake Michigan at
Peoria, Ills., the icw being two days old and tbin,
and a high wind and a snow storm prevailing at
tho time iK Y. Timet. 1 Tho Tunes might have
added that after performing the above feat; the
lady skated across the "Hudson river at S t. Louis,
and tKe "next' day '.skated across te- Columbia
riVw at Eugene City,
,.. 5
....... 6
The Committee recommend that the County
Conventions for the election of Delegates be held
on Saturday, the 26th dy of March, 1870.
By order of the State Central Committee,
M. P. BERRY, Chairman.
T. B. Odeseal, Secretary.
Portland, January 19th, 1870.
, 7
........ 3
. 7
Jackson ..10
Josephine 4
Marion.. ......
Multnomah. ,
Tillamook ....
Union.. -
Yamhill ......
Central Com-
The Republican State
The State Central Committee con
vened in the city of Portland on Wed
nesday, January 19th, at 10 o'clock, A.
M. The following named gentlemen
were f ;
Present Major M'. P. Berry, of Marion, Chair
man : T. B. OdeneaL of Benton, Secretary: A
Hinman, of Clatsop, proxy for A. Montgomery ;
Geo. M. Souddor, of Currr, by M." V. Berry,
proxy; A. J. Apperson, of Clackamas; G. Web
ster, of Douglas, by J. G. Wright, proxy ; J.
Robinson, of Grant, by J. G. Wilson, proxy; E.
F. Russell, of Linn ; J. H. Mitchell, of Multno
mah ; J. L. Collins, of Polk ; T. B. Handley, of
Tillamook, by S. A. Clark, proxy ; J. H. Fisk,
of Umatilla; D. W. Lichtenthaler, of Union, by
R. P. Boise, proxy; W. D. Hare, of Washington;
J. G. Wilson, of Wasco, by H. A. Hogue, proxy ;
J. AV. AVatt, of Yamhill. Mr. T. L. Brickell, of
Tillamook, came in during the session, and by
vote was invited to sit and advise with the Com
Portland was selected as the place for
holding the next State Convention, and
Thursday, the 7th day of April, as the
The basis of representation as fixed is
one delegate tor each oil votes cast lor
the Republican candidate for Congress
in 1868, an additional delegate for each
fraction of 35 or over, and one delegate
at large for each county. See head of
this column for number of delegates to
which each county is entitled
Mr. A. J. Apperson, of Clackamas,
was elected Treasurer of the Committee,
to receive and pay out such funds as may
be raised tor the distribution ot cam
paign documents and newspapers.
A resolution was adopted recommend
ing that county conventions for the
election of delegates to the State Con
vention be held on Saturday, March
26th, 1870.
The proceedings of the Committee,
says the Oregonian, were marked by the
utmost harmony and good feeling, and
the general expression in regard to the
prospects of success in the coming cam
paign, was of the most cheerful char
acter. Success will crown our efforts if
we but work.
Wheat, white, bushel,
uats, 4 Dustiel
Potatoes, 39 busheL.
Onions, bushel.........
Flour, barrel...... ,
Butter, lb...
Eegs, dozen
Chickens, dozen
Peaches, dried, tt
8oap, lb . ,
Salt, Los Angelos, tt
Syrup, keg
Tea, Young Hyson lb
J apan,
Black. "
Sugar, crushed, lb.........,
Island.' "
Coffee, lb
Candles, ft
Rice, China, B.... .".........,
Saleratus, lb .. ....
Dried plums, lb. ...
Dried apples, lb
Dried currants, tb
Bacon, hams, lb
sides, "
shoulders. 93 tt
Lard, in cans, lb..
Beans, ft
Devoes Kerosene oil. 38 gallon
Turpentine, gallon-, ..
Linseea oil, boiled, 9 gallon...
Albamt, January 22, 1870.
76 1 26
. $3 S0($4 00
$2 603 00
$5 2560 2
1 00
I 00
751 00
. 6
They offer a large and well selected
At Extraordinary
tock of
' 1012
1 001 25
$1 251 60
.. $1 62J1 75
keg... $3 754 25
SI 23
White lead.
Tar 39 Ballon
fowder, rifle. lb 70(g) l oo
Tobacco, lb . $1 001 25
Nails, cut, lb 6i7i
Domestic, brown, 3ft yard 1616J
Hickory, striped, 1$ yard 163U
Bed ticking, per yard 25(g)50
Blue drilline, 9a yard j I625
Flannels, 1$ yard 5062
r-rints, Iat colors, yard.. . , nj
Pork, 3 r S(g)0
Mutton, bead . $1 75 2 60
Beef, on foot, 3j lb. . 5(3,6
Executor's Notice.
OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
have been appointed by the County Court
of Linn county tie Executors of the estate of
Preston Morris, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are required to present
them to the undersigned, duly verified, at the
office of Powell & FUnn, in Albany, in said coun
ty, within six months from the date hereof.
January 20, 1870. n20-4w
Civil Engineer Sc Surveyor.
Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass.
Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence
on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany
Oregon. nl-6m
F ALL KINDS, printed at the very lowest
rates, as ordered, at this office., -
Portland. The Portland Orego
nian announces the death, on the 19th
inst., of Capt. John II. Couch; an old
pioneer. Also, in San Francisco, on the
17th, the death of Hiram Smith, drug
gist, of Portland.
Born. On the 17th, to the wife of
Wm. Lewis, a son.
Jenny Lind. Jenny Lind has been
singing in her husband's Oratorio- of
Ruth, at Dresden. The critics say :
Madame Lind-Goldschmidt's singing was
simply wonderful, the perfection of phras
ing ; and the same earnest, heartfelt ex
pression as of yore, tho voice very little
paired by the long rest, with the thrush
like huskiness (always in ber voice),
only a littlo more pronounced, sufficed to
raise the enthusiasm of the audience at
her efforts to the highest pitch.
In Port. The little steamer Ann
came safely down the river yesterday, the
Mercury to tho contrary notwithstanding.
She safely passed the blockade (paper)
and landed her cargo of flour at Uzafov
age's wharf, from which it will be taken
down further by ! the P. T. Co's boats
Have just received from
San Francisco,
a very large and well selected stock of
At Prices to Suit tie Times
Their stock consists, in part, as follows :
supply or
A large
DProclnco X
In addition to a very largo stock, covering
everything in the lino of Cottons, we
have a complete assortment of
Latest styles of Boys' and Men's
Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper
Blinds, olc, sVc.
& Uawa
' Especial attention is directed to our stock! of .
AND . -
Which is the largest and most complete this aid
of Portland. , ,
Yon are invited to call and exam ice oar goods
and prices.
The highest market price in cash paid for '
Wool, Bacon and Iard I
Oct. 30, 1869-8
of ... ;
Forthe Holidays of 1869-70,has arrived.
Direct from IVew ITorlr,
And is now on Ehibition at
Where every purchaser wilt find
17ie Largest Stock! , , ,
The Greatest Variety ! I '
The Cheapest Prices'.!!
ff This immense stock having bean pur
chased for currency in New York, will bo scld to
dealers and others in coin, at
Less Prices Than Ewer Before !
Strangers and citizens will find SANTA
CLAUS HEADQUARTERS a most interesting
place to visit, as the gorgeous amy of new nov
elties, and the thousand comical toys therein, giv
the store the appearance of an Eastern
SUU Some idea may be arrived at as to the
extent of the stock - when it is known that of
Dolls alone there are one hundred amd fifty-fir
varieiiet I Making that Department a perfect
Denims, Hickory Stripes, Checks,
Sheeting's Bleached and Unbleached !
French Cottonades,
' Canton Flannels,
33Zes o,-7-y Js3Xa.xxlaz.e-ts
The Red River Rebellion". "The
Winnipeg Republic" is what the rebels
of Rupert's Land propose to call their
few miles of area in the Red River coun
try. The region was purchased by Can
ada from the Hudson Bay Company, but
the people are filled with a spirit ot in
dependence, and as the Canadians cannot
reach them without marching through
the United States, it is possible that free
dom may be there established.
Grant is 47, Colfax is 46, JJoutwcll is
51, Farrasut is 68, Sheridan is 36, Ben.
Wade is 69, Brownlow is 64, Vanderbilt
is 75, Ben. Butler is 51, Wendell Phillips
is 58, Salmon P. Chase is 61, Reverdy
Johnson is 73, Henry Ward Beecher is
Ob, Horace Greeley was 0 last month,
Theodore Tilton was 34 last month, Te
cumseh Sherman is going on 50, William
11. faeward was bo last May. .
A New York bachelor saw a nice young
woman helping a blind man across the
street, and forthwith was introduced,
wooed, and married the girl. She told
her lady friends all about it, and the con
sequence is tbat a new society has been
started called "The Young Ladies' Hu
mamtanan Association for Helping lilind
Men Across the Street."
A cloud of locusts, seven miles by five,
and four hundred feet deep, passed over
tne western presidency of India lately
and ate up the crops.
It is said that the best strawberry
plants come from the third and fourth
seta of runners, and that the first and
second sets should be cut ofF. '
, The looking-glass reveals defects
ourselves only ; ' the wine ; glasd to
about us. t i "ff f, ;."!
See Executors notice; estate of Preston
Morris. - '
tS3a- Fnll Deseriptir Catalogues now ready,
i. Call early to sec a re choice gifts. , -
8mS , . .Agent fur Santa Clans.
AValtham Watches.
Let every one
' A Spendid assortment of
Empress Cloths,
. Fancy Patterns,
Jialmorals and
, . , . .Fancy Kotlons,
-..' Trimmings, dec.
Ladies and Misses Hoods. Hats. Nubias. Ac.
- - A good Assortment of
A complete assortment of Men's and Boy's
Also the latest stylo and quality of
Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes.
A splendid assortment of
Groceries, Qneensware and Glassware !
. VrEardwaref Pochet te .Table CtUlery, I
Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Cur
s tains, Carpetiog.
In fact, almost everything usually kept la a re
tail store. e
Having bought our goods on the best terms
the market will afford, and selected them with
great care, wo. feel warranted in saying that we
can offer as great inducements to customers as
any house in the trade, and hone, hv strict at
tention to business: and. the Wants of customers,
to merit a liberal patronage from the pnblie.
asm- ttemember the place.. The, bouse for
merly oeoupwa oy u. Mansfield Iiro.
. P. C.
who wants a Watcn, read
Especially if in some remote out-of-the-way place
Now tbat the railroad is open, we propose t
give the residents of Orkooh the opportunity of
getting single genuine Waltham Watehes- at- tb
The Lowest Wholesale New York Price
We sell more Waltham Watches than any ether
establishment in the country, either wholesale er
rotail ; we send great numbers to ererv section of
the country by Mail and Express, carefully pack
ed, and in perfect running order Onr plan is
this : You want a Watch, and see our advertise'
tnent; now, we want you first to write ts ns for
onr Descriptive and Illustrated Price List we
will send it, post-paid, by return Mail. It . ex
plains all the different kinds, tells the weight and
quality of the eases, with prices of each ; yon
then make a selection oi me Bine yon prefer, sad
send us your order. Wo will then send you the
Watch by Express, with the bill to collect on 4e
livery. We give instructions to the Express
company to allow you to open the package and
examine the Watch : if it suits, you ean pay sad
take it ; if not. yon are under no obligations to
receive it; and if it is taken, and afterward does
not prove satisfactory, we will exchange it, or
As an indication of the prices, we will Quota
one Watch of our list. The P. S. Bartlxtt.
Lever Mavement, with Extra Jewels. Chronome
ter Balance, Patent Pinion, Patent Dust Capped
all the other late improvements, in a Solid Coin
EHlverease, u '
$28 in Greenbacks, or about $20 la (Ma,
AU the other kinds, both gold and silver, hi the
same proportion. Do not order a Watch till you
have sent for a Price List, as it contains a great
deal of information regarding these Watches that
will enable you to make an intelligent selection.
JUont forget, wben you write, to state tbat Tew
saw this advertisement in the Alb Ait T RsaisncR,
and you need not put in stamps for return post
age. Address in full, I
Jewelers and Silversmiths, 618 Broadway, N.T.
We refer, by permission, to )-."..' '..;
Messrs. Wiut, Paboo Co., N. Y. sad Bast
Francisco. I
I. W. Ratmoki, Esq., T. R. Bcixbb, Ii B,
c. Howard, Esq., San Francisco.
W. S. noBARM, Virginia city, Nevada. f
Albany Oct. 30,
1869.-8 " ' -' .:.
cheap SEvir:a r.iAcr.i:;Ea.
Machine. - A double-thread jJJJJO
lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ; stitch alike on both
sides. .
Celebrated Comsnon-Sanse.
Family Machine. Beth ma. 7iZI I
ines fully Warranted for i Tears. Siehioes
sent to any part of the coast by express, C. O.D.
Agents wanted In every town oa the Paeias aoast.
Liberal commission.
Home Shuttle Sewing Maehine Co., .
Ver-. j,,., , O. O. TRAVEBv-
131, First St., Portland.
" r " - ; Executor's Notice. -"'
THH undersigned has been Lpeotntad by the
, County Court of Linn county, . Oregon,
Executor of the last will and testament of
SamcslH. Rittsr, deceased, late of said county.
Persons having claims against! said estate, will
resent them, duly verified, to the undersigned,
at bis residence three miles northeast of Lebanon,
in said county, within sis months from this date.
- - - "'.- 6MIT
December 18tb, 18'9-16wi