ALBANY, OREGON SATUBIDAY JANUARY 22, 1870, rriLisatD btirt Saturday bt COLL. VAUT CLEVE. ernca on cowii or vkbrt and fibst-sts. TERMS IN ADVANCE. On Ter......,....U.,. ..;.;........Throe Dollar Six Months......'............... ..Two Dollar" Single Copies......... Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or less, nrst Insertion, $3 ; each subsequent insertion, $1. Larger advertisements inserted on the most liberal terms. JOB WORK. Having received new type, stock of colored inks, eards, a GanUia Jobber, etc.. we are pre paid to execute all kinds ol printiug in a better manner and fifty per ent. cheaper than ever be fore offered in this eity. . A rents for the Reg later. - ? ' .! f. r r - '- The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, ete4 for the Resistor : III RAM SMITH, Esq. Jndpe S, ..Harrisburg. ...Lebanon. ...Brownsville H. CLACGUTON. PETER HUME, Esq W. R. KIRK. Esq E. E. WHEELER, Esq Scio. T. H. REYNOLDS. Esq Salem. Oao. W. CANNON, Esq Portland. t. P. FISHER, Esq 'Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. A. WHEELER, otary Public " ' BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. if EGAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS Ja made an I attested. Conveyances and col lections attended to. 12'69 J. IIArVAOA, Attorney and Counsellor at law, ALBANY. OREGON. FFICE On Main street, opposite Foster's Brick. o Hiltabidel &. Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO- visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon. 1 7 E. A. Freeland, DEALER IN- EVERY DESCRIPTION OF School. Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Stationery, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc.. Post office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered from New York and San Francisco. 1 S. H. Clauhton, NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in the Post Office building. Lebanon, Oregon, Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to the prompt collection of debts en trusted to ray care. 1 SMITH. J. a. MITCHELL. !. KOLPn. Mitchell, Dolph &, Smith, VTTORNEYS asd COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I POWELL. L. FLIXX. Powell & Flinn, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery, ' (I Flinn, Notary Fnblic,) . Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances prouxply attended to. I J. QUINN THORNTON, . Attorney and Counselor at Law, - ' 'ALB AN, OREGON. WILL practice in the superior and inferior courts of Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and Polk counties. - Fire per cent, charged on collections when made without sueing. jl9-69 . M. RKDFir.I.n. P. W. SPIKE. -i-st-.: a? Wl RED FIELD k CO., CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a large stock of i Groceries and Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Con feotionery, Yankee Notions, Ac, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, opposite R. C. Hill A Son's drug tore, Albany, Oregon. 5oct9 ALIIAlVr BATH HOUSE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully Inform the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that: he has taken eharge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying atnet attmtic : to business, expects to suit an those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but 1 Firtt-CIaas Hair Dresainjr Saloons, he ex pec's to give entire satisfaction to all. f3S- Children and Ladies hair neatly cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER, ej. 19 v2 X. V RUSSELL, ATTOaKEY ELL, I AT LAW. I JAMES ELKINS, OTABT FCBLIC. RUSSELL & ELKINS, ; (Office in Parrish A Co-'s block, First street,') ' Albany, Oregon. HAVING TAKEN INTO CO-PARTNERSHIP Jambs Elkins, Esq., ex-Clerk of Linn county, we are enabled to add to onr nru. tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for Conveyancing, Examining Records, and attending to Probate business. Deeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages care- Homestead and Pre-emption Papers made, and claims secured. -Sales of Real Estate negotiated, and loans enectea on collateral securities on reasonable rates. All basinets entrusted to them faithfully and piUHiJ ( t -. t ; f RUSSELL A ELKINS. "Albany. Oct. 10, 'Bft-Sy ., . . Things Wise and Otherwise. MB. KOBODT. I know a funny little man, As quiet as a mouse, Who does the mischief that is done In every body's house. There's no one ever sees his face, And we all agree That every plate we break was cracked By Mr. No-bod-ee. 'Tishe who always tears our books Who leave our doors ajar : He pulls the buttons from our shirts. And scatters pins afar. That squeaking door will always squeak, For, pritbec, don't you see. We leave the oiling to be done By J. r. No-bod-ee. The finger marks upon the doors By nor.e of us were made : We never leave the blinds unclosed To let the curtains fade ; The ink we never spill : the boots That lying round you see, . v Are not our boots 1 they all belong To Mr. No-boitee..,,- . ';...- i . O i 1 F11.r11.Li50 tss Law. - Let each one strive with all his might To be a decent man, And love his brother as himself Upon the golden plan ; And if his neighbor chance to be A pretty female worn m, Why love her all the more you gee Tis only acting human. PORTLAND CARDS. S. D. SMITH. GEO. B. COOK. THE OCCIDENTAL, FORMERLY Western ECotcl, Corner First and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon. Me essrs. SMITH lUUfc nave taKen mis well known house, refitted and refurnished it throughout, built a Urge addition, malting thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dining and Sitting rooms, making it by far the Best Hotel in Portland. A call from the traveling public will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH A COOK, Props. N. B. Hot and cold Baths attached to the house for the benefit of guests. 50 Portland, August 16th, 1869. AMERICAN' EXCHANGE, CORNER OP Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. X.. F. W. Qnimhy, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) THIS HOUSE is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gueste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat landing. 3S The Concord Coach will always be foui at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ar river boats, carrying passengers and their bar gane to and from tbe boats free of charge. JIone ettpplied tcith Patent Fire Extinguisher. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. (fobueult arbigosi's,) Front street : : Portland, Oregon. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR chased this well known Hotel, are now pre pared to oner the traveling public better accom modations than can be found elsewhere in the ity. Board and Lodging SS2 OO per day. LOCAL AND; GENERAL NEWS. Advanced. -Messrs. Jas. II. Foster & Co. paid last week, we are informed, fifty-seven and a half cents per bushel to various parties for wheat an advance of seven and a half cents over previous prices. This advance is supposed to have been caused by advices of an advance in the prices of wheat and flour in the Cali fornia markets. This will be good news to those of pur farmers who have been "holding on" for better prices. What the chances for a still further advance in prices are, we are unprepared to state at present. Further advices may be ex pected before the close of tbe week. - - - i- ' . Catholic . Wper. The., prospectus of a new Catholic paper, to be printed in portland has reached us. It will j be issued about the fist of February, by' H. L. Herman and J. F. Atkinson, at $4 per annum. It will be the official organ of the diocese of Oregon City. - o Filed. On Saturday last the Albany Canal and Manufacturing Company filed articles ot incorporation. The stock of the Company is to be 30,000, in shares of 50. The object is to bring water, by means of a navigable canal, from the South Santiam to this city. Railroad. It is announced that the Directors of the West-Side road have agreed to put upon the market 300,000 worth of the first mortgage bonds of the company at fifty-eight cents on the dol lar. The sain thus raised will construct and equip the first twenty miles of the road. The West-side counties are now being canvassed to ascertain if the amount of bonds can be sold. The notel Coach will be in attendance to con vey Passengers and baggage to and from the Hotel free of charge. J. 15. SFHlSJUi.K. OJ TO HIT !" f ; VADSV0RTH & KUHN ' . Are now ready to execute all kinds of .; Plain and Fancy Painting ! ' . . such Sigms, Carriages, Buildings, -' - so 'wen Oraininjr, JPapethancrins, Calcimlninr, and in fact all kinds and styles of P1AIH AHD ORNAMENTAL WORK, " thai eaa be done with Paint and Brush, at I;.,.. .JSs?-FAIR, LIVING BATES. -S. ; 43ive as a eaU. Shop on Ferry street, over Jtnhn A Adamr wagoa snop. , aog21-a( B LANK Seeds, Mortgages, etc., on band- latest styles, and for sale low, at this office, Office Oregon A California Stage Company, B. . Whitehocse, Agent. 2tf !Vew Columbian Hotel, Nos. 118, 120 and 122 Front street. PORTLAND, s t i OREGON ED. CARNEY, PROPRIETOR. The Largest, Best and most Convenient ' Hotel in Portland! Located in the center of business and near all the steamboat landings. ' ' Board and Lodging' From one to two dollars per day according to the room occupied. 233"" Kooms newly furnished and well ventil ated. Superior accommodations for families. Tbe New Columbian Hotel Coach will be in attendance at all the landings to convey pas sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel 17 J:S Free ot Charge ! 69 A Certain Cure. Liquid ammonia, injected into the veins until the poison is neutralized, is said to be a certain cure for the bite of a rattlesnake, l'rofessor Halford, of Melbourne, Australia, who had been investigating the subject for years, is the discoverer of the remedy. The same process is valuable in cases ol depression from excess of chloroform, opium, or in cholera. BBOWNSVILLEI ITEMS- - 4 v FROM O0U RKOOLXB CC!RESPOSDKT. ' Brownbvilub, fan. 14, 1870.. Local items have been! frozen out ; but the weather moderating, and we will, pen a few items. I i The Junior Literary Society uaepta this i . ........ evening, with a generaiiinvitatu :. it is a rare treat to be pr Kent at ooo of itution horde brs, and gives jjr to, c witness month," The on a given itten by. the objects, which NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. MEALEY DEALER IN & MANUFACTURER OF PURNITURB! and CABINET WARE ! Bedding-, Etc., orn er First and Broad Alb in streets, ALBANY, OREGON. 3f rABTJCBXAB ATTERTlOa PAID TO -TSZfc ORDERS OF ALL KINDS in his line. October , 1883-8 . , More Railroad. f-At a meeting of the Astoria and Salem Hailroad Compa ny recently, resolutions were adopted settiug forth the advantages of th pro posed road, and calling upon our Sena tors and Representatives in Congress to present its claims and ask for a grant of land to aid its construction. Salem would be, doubtless, greatly benefitted by the completion of said road. Moore's Rural New Yorker. No. 1 of Volume 21 of the Rural is as fine a specimen of an elegant journal as we ever saw. It is one of the cheapest and most valuable weeklies, not only for the farmer, but the general reader, now published. It ic a sixteen page paper, handsomely illustrated, and filled with choice reading matter for every age and condition of life. Furnished to sub scribers at $3 per annum. Published by D. D. T. Moore, 41 Park Row, N. Y. Chief-Justice of Washington Ter ritory. W. Lair Hill, Esq., of Port land, has been appointed Chief-Justice of Washington Territory vice Dennison, resigned. 1 The many friends of Judge Hill in Linn will rejoice to hear of this appointment. In the language of the Statesman, " W. Lair Hill is a gentle man, a scholar, and got his start in Yamhill." a o M CO IS rURNING. - - TIJllIf ING. 4T arffl -a a w w f CO I AS PBEPAKED TO DO ALL KINDS OF TURNING t . I ker p on hand and make to order RAWaZ9BBOTTOaUBO CHAIRS, - AHD - - ' ' 1 Spinning: Wheals. JOT- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." ' ' ' ' ' :, i . u. JOHJI M. METZLER Albany, Ker. 28, 1898-13 - Received From the publisher, "The Pacific Coast Almanac and Year Book of Facts," " for 1870. It contains over 100 pages of interesting statistics, etc, relating to California, Oregon and the Pacific Territories, which should be read by everybody. Singlo copies, 50 cents. Published by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, Cal. 14th the Iowa SENATOR.--On the Republican caucus of the Iowa Legisla ture nominated Judge Wright for United States Senator. The Democratic caucus nominated T. R. Scott, of Keokuk, Sen ator for the long term. The Governor and Lieutenant-Governor were inaugu rated ou the 14th. V ;"' V 11 Wheat Looking Up. We learn that wheat ' advanced in California last week. The advance is said to have been caused by the dry weather which has maintained during the last month. As a consequence, we may look for better prioes hereafter. .. Increased. Plymouth Church has voted to increase Henry Ward Beecher'a salary to 820,000. It is reported that Beecher will retire from the ministry ere long. - ; - ; k , Bio FiRE.ryCheyenne waa visited by a destructive fire on tbe 11th. .Two blocks were burned,' causing an estimated loss of half a million dollars. these mee tinea, j. his in its sessions with closed d the public an opportun their progress about once' usual exercises are debat! subject, and a papeV, members, on a variety of are geuerally quite rod'4M and of ton Tery iuU:reaUng. tWrlaTrttmerH above - mentioned has proved to bet de cided success as to the improvement of its members. ! Arrangements are being made prepar atory to the erection of a Baptist church, an accommodation much needed at : this place. A subscription has been in circulation for the purpose of raising funds to erect a Methodist church, but with what suc cess we are not informed. Mr. Hausman, a wagon maker of this place, showed us a machine for boring and morticing wagon hubs, which he had got up for his own use, which is not only complete in all its arrangements, but per forms its work to rare perfection. That portion by which the hub is adjusted so as to give the proper slope to the mortice is 'certainly an ingenious arrangement, it takes but a moment to change the augur for the chisel. We saw a notice posted to-day, in forming the public that a contract would be let to erect the large school house on Brush creek. About two years ago the school house in that district was adjudg ed not sufficient ; a new and larger one was built and finished up per contract. Now the new building is to be remod eled, arranged and seated according to the modern and improved style. Thus some communities more whether the world does or not. ' We noticed an article in the last week's Register in regard to McCord & Co., soap and lard oil establishment, in Albany. This suggests to us a notice of the establishment of Etlis & Co., of thi3 place, who purchase the raw hides, make the wood work of the saddle tree, cover it, tan the leather and finish it up in the most substantial and improved style. Also, carry on a general harness and saddle busiuess, and dispose of articles in that line to the farmers of this section on the most reasonable terms. Beat that in the State, if you can. We are glad to learn that your city has raised sufficient money to secure the railroad by January next. Nothing is more needed by the citizens of Linn county than a cheap and safe means of transportation for their surplus agricul tural products. While this is being done it is all important that we look to our homo manufactures, the country whose laborers, mechanics and operatives are sufficiently numerous to. consume its ag ricultural products, is the country that is rich and independent. That community wheh taxes itself continually to trans port raw material and import manufac tured articles, will always labor to a great disadvantage, and,, to use a homely ex pression, will be poor and hard run. Not a bushel of wheat, a pound of wool, or raw hide ought to leave the State with out being manufactured. It is a Com mon thing for men to decry home-made articles of consumption as being inferior to those manufactured or produced in other portions of the country. Hence, it is not very uncommon to see racer. leather, and other articles, shipped to California, and then shipped back for consumption here. In all such cases the producer or manufacturer is the loser. Such leaks on the industy of the country ought to be stopped, if we would be prosperous and independent. Still at Work. The ears are . still running on Ben. Holladay's road, carry ing ties, rails, etc., to the end of the track, to be used as soon as spring opens in continuing the road towards Salem. The mills aru running with a full force, employed sawing ties, and at various points between the present terminus of the road and Salem, parties are engaged in getting out timbers with which to con struct the various bridges to be erected next season. Work will be so far ad vanced by the opening of spring, that the laying of the track to Salem will be a matter of but a , few weeks. Every thing indicates the intention of Holladay to put the road through at a rapid rate the coming season, and if the cars are not running to Albany before January next, we shall miss our guess. A French inventor has taken out That Surprise. - Editor Register Thinking ' it might be somewhat interesting to some of ths friends of the Albany College who have not the opportunity of visiting the institution, to hear something through the columns of your worthy paper, we propose, with your consent,- to give your readers a little .account of onr visit to the performance of the " Sigma Phi " debating club, conducted by tbe young men of tbe college. It was on Thurs day evening, of the 13th inst, that we had the pleasure of visiting this young society. The question under considera tion was ; RetoUed, That spiritualism Is an injury to mankind. ' ' - Mr. Long,- as the champion' of the af firmative, opened the discourse with some forcible arguments, showing the false ness and absurdity of spiritualism; and, being an imposture, consequently an in jury to mankind. Mr. Hannon, in behalf of the negative, responded with some hair-splitting logic, showing tbe sophistry of his opponent's arguments, and asserting, on the other hand, that spiritualism is a living, vital principle, actuating the masses to nobler aspirations by the gentle woings of gen ial spirits from the better world. The speaker had but closed, when lo ! voices were heard from without ! spirits ! spirits ! in whispered tones went ardund the room, and for a moment the enthusi asm of the discussion was lost in con fusion. The Sergeant-at-Arms secured the door, and the gavel of the President soon commanded order: but the spirits, aye, the spirits, were there ; but not the ghosts and phantoms of the mystic clime, but fairy forms, with happy voices, laughing eyes and smiling faces. In short, Mr. Editor, the young ladies, under the paternal guidance of Professor Irvine, whose benign countenance was in a perfect ebullition of good humor, were out on a surprise. It is, perhaps, need less to state that the fair visitors were received with looks of welcome more than words can express. The society immediately adjourned to a more com mo dious appartment for the better enter tainment of the fair ones. Order again reinstated, the discussion was resumed and many were the streams of eloquenco poured forth from youthful bosoms, until the question seemed fairly ex hausted, and the President, who had fairly weighed the arguments as deliver ed, found the preponderence in favor of the athrmative. The regular business of the society completed, Prof. Irvine was called upon add offered some very interesting re marks. After which a vote of thanks was tendered the ladies for the favor of their visit, and there being no further business the society adjourned. . When Prof. Irvine, on behalf of the young ladies, invited the gentlemen to partake of refreshments prepared in an adjoin ing room. Thinking wo were richly repaid by the intellectual feast, and being somewhat of a stranger, wp were just taking the subject of home into conside ration, when wo were unexpectedly waited upon by one of the fair maidens and invited to share the hospitality of the evening. We repaired to the ban queting hall a recitation room. Tables were improvised from the desks, that seemed to almost groan beneath their burden of good things. There was pop corn, for those desiring light food, " sweetcakes," so much admired by school boys, and delicious cake, such as only Albany ladies can make; candies and nuts for dainty epicures, and big red apples, only equalled by the bloom ing cheeks of the maides who brought them. The good things were relished as only students know how to appreciate. The good Professor was relieved of all fatherly care at going-home time. Ev erything passed off pleasantly, and the will ever long be held in grate ful remembrance. Spectator. STATE ITEMS. The Blade says Hon. S. C. Adams, State Senator for Yamhill county, will resign before the June election. The Jacksonville Newt says' that a panther, six feet in length, was killed near Logtown last week. A Chinaman bought the carcass at 12 cents per pound. ...... Scarlet fever is raging in Jackson ville. - The Sentinel says there were forty- four deaths in Jacksonvile during the year 1869. From the Corvallia Mercury : Michael Hale and Joseph Irwin went out hunting last week. Irwin shot at a dog, which he mistook for a'deer, tbe ballet passing through the dog and striking Hale on the leg near the knee, fracturing the boue. On the night of the 14th a Swede, boarding at the Union Hotel, Salem, was robbed of $78, coin. This robbery ieaves him in bad health and without a cent of money. The Willamette Woolen Mills are lo commence work again the first of next month. A Royal Murderer. On the 10th inst., as the Cable informs us, Prince Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte, cousin of the Emperor, shot and killed Victor Noire ; he also wounded Ulrich de Fourville The ' Minister of Justice ordered the ar rest of the Prince, but he had already surrendered to the Commissioner of Po lice. His version only is allowed to be published. It is in substance that Noire slapped his face, whereupon be shot him dead. That Fourville then took refuge behind a chair and attempted to shoot, and in that position the prince shot htm The city is greatly excited. The trial will be held before the Corps Legislatif, sitting as a high court ot justice. a Henri Rochefort, in the Marscllaise, denounced the act in the bitterest lan guage. The entire issue was seized Next day the paper was worse, and the office has been taken charge ot by the police. ' In the Corps Legislatif it was pro posed to render the Imperial family amenable to law. Rochefort said the people could judge the murderer, and even though he was cousin to the Em peror, he must not go unpunished. OH ver, in reply, said he should have justice The Procurer Imperial demanded the ar rest of Rochefort for an outrage against the Emperor in exciting violence. Re ferred to a committee to report. VARIOUS ITEMS, Gadfly is a village is Missouri. There are gyptiee in Westers Teases Valentines. For a large assortment of Valentines, comic or sentimental, from fifty cents to nine dollars per dozen, send to S. J. McCormick. 105 Front street, Portland. He has undoubtedly the largest and most varied assortment of Valentines ever exhibited in Portland. Packages of $5, S10, 820 and $25 lots are put up especially for customers wish ing small quantities, carefully assorted. Dealers and others- should take note and order in time. : ' The notorious Rev. Cook, is reported to have been quietly taken to the insane asylum by his friends-. ;." His family had left the parsonage. Miss Johnson was quite ill, having returned home as pure as when she left. The principal characters in the scandal had disappear ed from view. patent for stookings with garters attached. Stanton Relief Fund. The amount subscribed to the Stanton relief fund in New York is $50,000 ; in Boston, 10- 000; Philadelphia, $30,000 a total in the three cities of: $80,000. ?. The re maining $14,000 will be made up in the Cowardly. Some of our Democratic exchanges are engaged in kicking a dead lionEdwin M. Stanton, "i . A High Old Divorce. A corres pondent of the San Francisco Figaro writes the following: A rare old Just ice who lives " Away down East in the State of Maine, Where the Winter's crop of snow is as high As the Summer's crop of grain," has established a most " delicious prece dent," whereby wrangling couples may slip the irksome noose ot my Lord Hy men. Some years ago ho " wedlocked a couple last, who in time got tired of jars overflowing with matrimonial acri mony. Having no money to lool away in obtaining a divorce, they returned, like bad pennies, to the issuing Justice and besought him to cancel the bond. He reflected, scratched his poll, and said there was no way to do but to go to Court " but hold," he added, " 1 Have it I You promised to live together until death do you part. Just follow me into the back yard." They followed. The Justice prospected for a cat, and soon caught one. Uiving John noid or tne feliue's tail, and Jane hold of the bead, he seized a sharp axe and directed them to "pull apart." They pulled; "'till death do you part," exclaimed the Justice, and down came the axe, sever ing poor Tommy in the middle, and the divorce was accomplished. "Cats are sacred to wrangling, couples evermore! stroke not their fur the wrong way. Assassinated. The following tele gram is dated Louisville, Ky., January 14th: A few nights ago at Lighten, Alabama, a band of masked men rode to the door and called out Granville Pillow and Robert Pillow, nephews of General Pillow, and shot and killed both. The assassins escaped, leaving no trace. . A boy in San Francisco recently eat down on a leaky can of nitro glycerine, contrary to his mother's express orders. The lady placed the youngster on her knee for the express purpose of spanking him, but at the first blow a frightful ex plosion took place, whereby the woman, her ill-fated son, ana ner uuuso cn shattered to atoms. 'How long will it be before Government takes effective meas ures to abolish the manufacture and use of so dreadful a compound. Firs at Boise City. A fire at Boise City orr the night of the 6th' inst.," des troyed property tc tbe value of $75, 000. i - - -: :-.--W ! There are said ? to be but 600,000 Methodists outside of the United States. Ratified. -The Obio Senate ratified the Fifteenth Amendment, January 14th, by a vote of 18 to 15. The Kansas Sen ate1 ratified en the 13tb. i -4- see. - The new Lord Mayor of LoodoS If '-' printer. . Pig's Eye is the same ef s town la Minnesota. ' London bar 100,000 bad women, wfciob is one in thirty. An Ohio horse has iust died at ther age of fifty-one i'-f i. ;. Paris has a widow that has been mar ried eleven times. The Methodists hare nine bishops and 18,371 preachers. ; Immigrants arerXrurirrz Into Kansas at the rate of 1,000 daily. . Live oak u heriaat ahmrviwT from 3W ville, FI.; to San Francmeo: r:' :' A crystal weddW-fiatrviiW a sxasr" with a glass eye. . , A silver weddirjw-i-Ma'rfvlne? a men w wnose night trait m to stay at home. A wooden wedding Marrying a board lDg school girl with shingled hair. A linen wedding Marrying nearly s - year too late. Why is the sun a good loaf ? Because its lizht when it mei : The Methodists hafe twenty-three col legeswith 5,200 students and flyer theologial seminaries. A London importer of Anstralian beef furnishes a meat dinner, well cooked and nutritious, for two cents. The Russian Admiral Karpoff eoav mander of the Malakoff Tower during ths seige of Sebastopol, is dead. A Sunday school has been recently started with thirty-three scholars by a Government employee at Sitka. The voting at tbe Ecumenical Council is to be done with red, white, and bias balls, to express assent, dissent, and doubt. A Glasgow firm is lilely to get thsf $800 prize offered by Brazil for ths best method of preserving meat for ex portation. An Illinois professor has collected one hundred and thirty varieties of shells and1 eighty of fossils, in Fulton county, in that State. A Mr. Bourne, who began life as m carrier for the Providence Journal, now returns the second largest income in Cali fornia. The forms of good-breeding have been properly compared to the cotton audi other soft materials plaoed between china vases to prevent their being broken by collision. ..... A farmer out West, fa announcing bl willingness to take a wife, declares that as he is himself in clover, he has no ob jections to take a lady in wted. Wordsworth cautions a studious friend against " growing doable," bat the girls think it is the best thing a young mair can do. A witness in a Richmond (Va.) court, the other day, told the judge to "bulk his month, as he couldn't talk to two men at onee. had an opportunity to reflect upon his rudeness in jail. The Pacific is overjoyed that a sort of un fermented wine " suitable for sacra mental purposes," has been discovered. We can well conceive of the dangerous sinfullness of using Ordinary wine on such occasions.- ! They have a man1 io jail in Marshall county, Mississippi, and don't know how ne got tnere or wny ne was sent, w use is worse, he won't come out Until the next Conrt apologises- for the mistake. Among other ' names mentioned in Democratic - cireles for next Governor of California, we hear that of S. B. Axtell, member of Congress- from the First District. 1 The Centraf Pacific Railroad Company broke ground December 31st, at Wilson's, two miles this side of the San Joaquin river, on their proposed road up the valley. ' ' It is said that: a California' horticultu rist grows in his garden English walnuts almonds, figs, blackberries, strawberrief, peaches, plums, neetarittes, bananas, limesy -oranges, grapes, pears and apples. ' The Winona- (Minn.) KepnblUa of the 21st nit., says that within an hour from the time the floating ice in the Mississippi began to freese so as to re main stationary, people were crossing the river upon it j Governor Safferd, of Arizona, has ap pointed Dr. E. Phelps, of Tucson, bis Adjutant-General. The Prescot Jlfnf says : " The Governor is little, but that little is, we judge, eemposed of the right sort ot material. H is as fall of vim as an egg is of meat, and wilt do his utmost to plaee the Territory in s peaceful ana prosperous condition. .. A -rood Methodist minister, who lived on a very small salary, was greatly troub led at one time to get his quarterly installment. He had called a number of times, but each time put off with some excuse. At length he went to his stew ard, and told him he must have his money, for his family were suffering for the seo essaries of life. , Lucretia Borgia is described by the arts of the dramatist as a female monster, whose damning record is unequalled in the annals of history, but an Eoghilr gentleanm has been employed of t tn The price which the Central Pacific Company paid to the- Union Pacific Com pany, for the road front Ogdew to Prom ontory, is said to be three millions half in United states bonds and half in-Cen tral Pacific or nearly twice the Govern ment subsidy. It is alleged . the- Union Jracine asked nre multouSt writing her biography at longth j and he proves, er at least declares it to be proved to his satisfaction, that Madame Lseretiw was a most excellent and sweet teBrpereel lady, whose charities and jrtue . manded th adrmrattos of . all who w0 of her while she could have bees guiltY of no crime, Her if snetfcer piece f history knocked out of tiass- Wsss next. 1 : . -; .- - s, ..