SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1870. C. SL Official Paper for Oregon. . Confirmed. The nomination bj the President of Lorenso Sawyer as Judge of the Ninth Circuit, has been confirmed by the Senate. Iwauotjration. -Got. Chamberlain, of Maine, was inaugurated at Augusta, January 7th. In his messago the Gov ernor pays a deserved tribute to the memory of the late Senator Fessenden. Lands Sold. The, Atchison, Topeka k Santa Fe Railroad sold $650,000 worth of lands last year. The sales of the Kansas Pacific were much larger. Next Wednesday. The Union Republican State Central Committee will meet, by order of the Chairman, Maj. M P. Berry, at the office of Hon J. II. Mitchell, Portland, on Wednesday next, at 10 o'clock a. m., to designate the time and place of the holding of the Union Republican-State Convention for 1870. - 1 i Removed. Washington advices to the 10th state ( the the President had Dominated' Gen. Pred. Solomon, of Chi cago, Governor of Washington Territory. He is reported as a German Republican, who served 'with distinction in the Union army during the late rebellion. To every Republican who desires the suc cess and harmony of the Republican party in Washington Territory, the news of the removal of traitor Flanders will be bailed with satisfaction. This is but the commencement, and we may look soon to see the heads of the balance of the trait orous ring fall. ( The new Governor of Texas, General E. J. Davis, says the Enterprise, is a na tive Southerner, of whom his State and party may well feel proud. When forced to fly from Texas, early in the rebellion, for his Union sentiments, he went to New Orleans and reported to General Butler, then in command of that city. Instead of seeking for safe conduct to the North, as many of the refugees did, he asked for power to go back and raise a regiment. Gen. Butler commissioned him, and Gen. Davis returned and put himself at the head of a force that did signal service to the country. He is now the first elected Republican Chief Mag istrate of Texas. Mobe Railway. Dates to the 7th from Ottawa state that notice had been given in the official gazette that an ap plication will be made to Parliament at its next session for an act of incorpora tion for a company to build a railroad from Ottawa to Fort Geary on Red river, and thence to the confines of British Columbia Also for the construction of a branch thereof from Fort Geary to the most convenient point in the United Slates. With power also to build steam ers,.; and other vessels, and to navigate the ' river Saskatciebeam (?) and its branches, and the rivers and lakes trav ersed by the railroad. Also, that the credit of the Dominion be extended to aid such, company by granting mortgages co wild public lands along the route in proportion as the road proceeds. The came of the company will be the Cana dian Pacific Railroad and Navigation . fVirfirjanv. . . t - 5- Xooden Railways. A wooden rail road Laas been laid on a new clan in Mon treal, lad is a complete success, if report is true; The rail is composed of upright blocks, three and a half inches thick and seven inches long, resting on two longi tudinal stringers, eight inches deep, one ,oo each side, checked out or raboted an inch deep and five inches wide, so that the upright projects two inches above the top of the stringers, which are bolted together. .Such a track will bear engines . of twenty tons weisrht. will Last a loner a - o time, ana wiu not cost more than one toartn as much as iron. The greater wiatn or tne Deanng tor the wbeels is an important consideration. It would not cost very much to try this plan for street railroads. abetter From tbe Capital. - 5 . Salem, Jan. 12th, 1870. Now that we have two dailies, for you must know that Beriah Brown has com menced the publication of a daily edition of his Press, it seems as though ray semi-occusional scribblings can be dis pensed with, but I make another effort to interest the readers of the Register. While speaking of papers I may be permitted to ten now mucn amusement is made for the outsiders by the war go ing on between the publishers of the Statesman and Farmer. It is impossi ble to tell yet who has the best of the fight; but it is conceded by a majority that the Farmer man will more than keep up his end of the fight. It is to be regretted that public journalists will engage in such personalities. I can but hope that the journals will devote their whole attention and space, the one to its politics, and the other to the agriculture of the State. POLITICAL. Well, you are to have the whole body of Democratic politicians witn you in March.. 1 have no doubt that your city Marshal will treat them with distin guished consideration, and show them around where the requisite fiery liquids are dispensed. But have you heard how the several proposed candidates sought to further their chances of success at the meeting of the Central Committee in Portland ? Well, you must know that there are many more seekers after places than there are places to be filled. It seems that lion. Ben. Hayden, of Polk and Hon. L. F. Grover, of this place are candidates for the Congressional nom ination. Hayden being an honest and out-spoken politician, has not concealed dis desire tor the chance of going to Washington. He and some friends de sired that the Seymour vote, which all know indicates about the true strength : of the party, should be taken as the basis of the representation in the State nomin ating convention. To this Grover and his friends made serious objection, as that would reduce the number of dele gates from this and other counties where the latter expects to get votes to set him out be tore tne people in tne coming can vass. So you see that the unanimity prevailing in the party so boastfully spoken of by party organs, may be only the thin crust over a burning volcano. At any rate, Ben. Hayden, who has always been ready to speak for his party and spend money according to his means, while the more wealthy have taken their ease, is likely to be pushed aside to give place to the rich man. However, the funeral is none of ours, only I do not like to see the working politicians im posed upon by the monied aristocracy. OTHER THINGS. Next week the Board of Managers of the Oregon State Agricultural Society meets at the Secretary's office in this city, to transact business connected with the future of the Society. To-day the wind has blown a gale, and at times last night the rain fell in torrents. Since the break up of the cold weather on Monday last, one inch of rain has fallen here. D. Telegraphic Summary. STATE ITEMS. Successful. It would seem from the report of Mr. John Meacham and Tr. Win. McKay to the Salem States man, ' that Indian ' Superintendent Meacham has met .with good success in bis recent" expedition to tbe Indian ' country. ' All the Mod oca were induced to oome in, and ' all the Indians from Goose Lake to Camp Warner also, making ever seven hundred removed to the Kal math Reservation. These Indians are comfortably provided, with log . tene ments, with abundant provisions, cloth ing and blankets for the Winter. The blankets and flannels were manufactured i at the Ashland Mills, and are of excel- i ' lent quality. The great fighting chief, Ocheo, and other chiefs, are so well sat isfied with tkeir quarters, that they have wqueeted permission to bring more In dians in to Eve oa tbe reservation, and it is thought many more will come in. I The refractory Snakes at Camp Harney eould not be- induced to oome in. They tan influenced iu this refusal by We-ah- we-wa and tbe- old ehief Wlnnemueoa, - so well knowo at Wasboe Is; ; 1 ' There Is a proposition to have r the United State enact a general divorce law, which shall have uniform applica tion in all parts of. the country. That would deprive Indiana of a. large source tj revenue. The Oregonian estimates that the sum of $365,000 per year is expended in Portland for " drinks." Liquor dealers paid into the city treasury for the year 1869, about $10,000 for license. : Applegate is confined to his bed by severe sickness. From the Salem Statesman we learn that a little five year old son of Mr. S. P. Farrens, of Howell Prairie, received a kick from a horse on Sunday, which crushed the brain so badly that the brain exuded from the wound. As much as twoinches square of the skull was taken away by the surgeon. It is thought the boy will recover. Col. Nathaniel Ford, of Polk county, died on the night of the 9th inst., aged 70 years He was an old resident of Oregon, having came here in 1844. Our readers will remember the myste rious disappearance of Col. Neyce, from Albany, a couple of years since. The Mountaineer now says that he and his wife, who left some time afterward, are living at Omaha and doing well. We learn from the Gazette that Mr. Roland Chambers, of King's "Valley, Benton county, died instantly last Thurs day, while standing in the road talking with another person. The people of the Dalles have resolved to build a new and commodious school house. ' ' , James Crossen has been appointed Marshal of Dalles City, vice Ruffner, resigned. , From Mexico. -Advices from tbe City of Mexico to the 1st, say that Gov. Seward is still at the Capital, but would soon take his departure. ; ; Great freshets had occurred in the province of Chia Pass. " The water com pletely washed away many of the farms lying on tho, borders of the rivers, and it was computed that do less than 2.000 lives were lost. Geo. Negrete's partisans bad invaded and captured Los Ilibres. ' The revolution in San Louis Potosi is increasing. In Puebla the insurgents had captured several towns, defeating the Govern man t ; troops and capturing and executing Gen. Becardo. r The estimates for the War n ATM rf.m Ant for the coming year were $7,000,000. Fears were general that the revolution Was daily increasing. Porto Rico advices to the 30th De cember, say that the Captain General of the island had been poisoned with ver digris by eating meat that had been kept in a metal box, but at that date bad re covered. Under same date it was reported that Cacos had besieged Port au Prince, and made a breach in Salnave's lines on 22d Dec. Salnave retreated to Fort Pelion, i he fired a magazine, and with his fourteen sons, perished. Another report says Salnave fled to St. Domingo, claim ing the protection of President Baez. Private letters from Madrid state that Prim and Serrano are both instructed to favor the sale of Cuba to the United States, but are fearful of the effect on the Spanish people, who are bitterly op posed to it. ' ' fcx-Gov. Low was to start lor can Francisco on the 8th, and from thence at an early day to Shanghae, to assame the duties of Minister to Unina. iie goes wi4th full instructions to faithfully carry out the Burlingame treaty, and es pecially to be prompt and firm on tne question of protecting American citizens and property in China, - The gunboat Maria and the steamer Miantonomah sailed together from Port land (Me.), to participate in the recep tion of Peabody's remains. While at sea the former was accidentally run into by the latter and Cut down to the water's edge, sinking her in fifteen minutes. Four firemen were lost, but the balance of the officers and crew were saved by the Miantonomah. The Michigan State University is hero- after to be open to all who pass the proper. examination, regardless ot sex. On tbe evening of the 5th the resi dence of Mr. Motley, American Minister at London, was entered by burglars, and robbed to the value of over 1,000. Memphis, Jan. 10. The Avalanche's Jackson, Mississippi, special says Gov. Alcorn refuses to be inaugurated until the State is admitted into the Union. The Legislature will meet and ratify the 15th amendment, elect United States Senators, and adjourn until after the ad mission of the State. New Yokk, Jan. 10. John Hyler, ex-Congressman from New Jersey, died yesterday irom miuries inflicted by a drunken man some weeks ago. The murderer is in custody. Henry Ward Beecher's salary has been increased irom 12,500 to $17,5W. New York, Jan. 11. A disturbance occurred yesterday in a saloon, between some local politicians, in which Charles O Donnell and i'eter Jblannigan were se riously injured. Jsew Iork, Jan. 11. Ihe Western Union Telegraph Company are firm ; so are the strikers also ; no present compro mise is visible, and meanwhile the funds of the operators out of work are getting low. V arious labor organizations have undertaken to tax their own members five cents lor the benefit of their suffer ing brethren. New Orleans, Jan. 11. Crook, the divine who eloped with a youns lady, a member of his church, has hitherto pos sessed the entire confidence of his flock, but it is feared his evil courses were not of recent origin. He is believed to have been the prey of black mailers for some time past in consequence ot his recent indiscretions, and driven to the wall by their importunities he finally resolved to secure the person of a poor trust in child and fly. He departed on Saturday leavinsr letters to his wife and the father of Miss Johnson, confessing his crime 1 he detectives are on his track in sev eral directions. The girl is undoubtedly ruined. Her brothers are following, and a bloody tragedy will probably end this painful drama. Nashville, Jan. 10. The Constitu tional Convention met at noon; to-day. John C. Brown was elected permanent President, having been an officer in the Confederate army. On taking the chair he made a brief speech, conservative in tone. Other permanent officers were elected. I Richmond, Jan. 10. Amiddee Sav ran, the French Consul, died yesterday from paralysis. - A fire occurred yesterday morning at Burnville, destroying the railroad depot, hotel, and a number of adjoining resi dences. Montreal, Jan. 10. The Carleton county court house was burned yester day, and a large number ot papers were destroyed,' but many of tho most valua ble documents were saved. Troy, Jan. 10. The North Adams Savings Bank' was robbed last night of $30,000 in U. S. Bonds. , The Hudson river is covered with ice to-day from shore to shore. Detroit, Jan. 10 A small house in which a woman and eight children were steeping was' burned last night. Five children perished in the names. Columbus, (Ohio) Jan. 11.- Gover nor Hayes was inaugurated for hia sec ond term yesterday. , . Memphis, Jau, 10. Judge Hudson to day issued an injunction against John Johnson, Mayor elect, from qualhtyin on the ground that he is not a citizen of the United States. Chicago, Jan. 10. Considerable ex citement is manifested in this city over the disappearance of Sheriff Fischer, of Cook county. : Fischer left over a week ago promising to return by Friday, on which day Welch, the murderer, was to have been executed. 1 he Governor com muted the sentence of Welch, but noth ing has been heard of Fischer, and it is generally beleived that he left with an abandoned woman whom he had been some time keeping as his mistress. The same woman, not long since, shot Fischer while he was setting m his omce lor some cause not known ; but Fischer re covered, and it appears resumed his re lations with her. Fischer deserts his wile and three children and an office worth $20,000 per annum. i; Paying the National Debt. ! President Grant, supported by the un broken front of all the Treasury officers, has earnestly recommended a continuance of the present system of taxation until the next Congress shall assemble. The rapid progress made by the present Ad ministration toward liquidating the na tional debt has been so satisfactory that we are not surprised at the position taken by the President and his Cabinet. They express a very natural desire to relieve the country ot its financial nightmare to the greatest possible extent during their official terms. One of the most promi nent features in human nature is to toil and labor to make provision for one's children. We are not satisfied that they should stem the rough tide of life, and battle their ;way through existence as fiercely as we have done. We would secure for them such social position and such communal surroundings as our own experiences indicate to be worth having. lhis strong principle of individual nature has been grafted into national life, and is the corper-stone of our public school system. It is the element which so em phatically rebuked repudiation, and has urged the American people to bear with equanimity their heavy burden of taxa tion. Justice and patriotism combine in pleading for those who are. to come after us, and to whose care must be delegated the safety, honor and continuance cf the Republic and those 'great questions of human liberty and progress, of which it has been the great advocate and exam ple. , We have no right to hamper them with the debt ot our own contracting to tie their .bands and oppress their eu ergies with a legacy of taxes. Had the rebellion feund us staggering under such a load, bequeathed by our predecessors the Republic would now be a heteroge' neous mass of dismembered fragments ; a mock and derision to the whole world, and in its ruin must have crushed out even the semblance of liberty. It is not enough to leave the sext generation a united country, an unbroken nationality. The heritage should be accompanied with the best guaranty of permanence of power to withstand assault and main tain independence. No such guaranty can be given so long as the country is struggling under a pubuc debt of vast magnitude. It is a sacred duty we owe to it and to the rising generation to free them from dangerous burden as soon as possible. We should struggle as un flinchingly now for its financial lib eration as we did tor its unbroken unity. Lvery interest in the country has in creased enormously in value. Popula tion is crowding upon us, and our bound less resources developed with steadily augmenting vigor. There is no appre ciable limit to our capabilities, no bound ary to our progressive aptitudes. The public mind is cheered by tho rapidity beinj extin- The right man in the right place A nusuanu at nom e in the evening. - with which the debt is guished. The vigilance and fidelity evinced in the collection and disburse ment of the public revenues cannot be but most gratifying to the people. Since the 4th of March last, $72,000,000 of the debt has been wiped out, and the whole nation feels that the taxes which weigh so heavily on it have been faith fully disbursed to cancel its obligations. The returns for the last six months of the fiscal year, ended June 30, 1SG9, show a net gain of S2G,G62,812 over the revenue for the same period of the pre ceding year, and the returns for the six months ended Sept. 30, 1869, show an increased collection of $22,318,868 over the like six months of 1868 ; and if the twenty-six districts yet to be heard from yield as much as they did last year, the sum will be increased to nearly $24,000, 000. Commissioner Delano's report shows that 90 per cent, et tbe revenue is collected on a few articles which may be regarded as luxuries, and assessments on capital. It is certain that taxation has not been so heavy during the last year on several articles of great product- - n trr, " . lvenesa as in ioruier years, xue uupusis have been reduced from two dollars to fifty cents on the gallon, and the revenue was increased irom Sy,117,uUl to o, 001,960, being a gain of $16,984,249, while the manufacturers were relieved to the extent of one dollar and a-half on every gallon distilled. The tax on cigars was reduced from $10 on the thousand, in 1367, to $5 the thousand, and the gain of revenue from this source was $4,768,864. With such examples as these, it is easy to comprehend our abili ty to pay - the national debt' and the steadily increasing means for its cancella tion without distressing any interest. That it should be done as speedily as possible and the country freed from such an incumbrance admits of no dis pute. That we should shirk the duty and hand it down -as a legacy to the next generation is a proposition that will find favor' with no sensible, honest or patriotic mind. We are of the opinion that a ju dicious reduction of taxes on several ar ticles of universal consumption would tend to augment their production, and by theii'- decreased cost widely -extend their markets. But we are not friendly to any measure calculated to reduce the public revenue and retard the payment of the national obligations. S. F. Com mercial Herald. ' It was found necessary to subdue the elephant, RomeO, at Covington, Indiana, lately. To accomplish this he was thrown down and bis legs fettered, and then for eight hours he was belabored with stout iron rods and wounded with the epear in numerable times. ' When released from bis bonds he' rose .to his feet in a very sorry plight and as his keeper: said, i child could drive him with a rye straw, There is a station on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad called Hanna, in honor of a deceased citizen of Fort Wayne. A train stopped there the other day, and the brakeman, after the manner of his class, thriJst his head in side the door and called out, " Hanna," loud and long. ?A young lady, probably endowed with the poetic appellation ot Hanna, supposing he was addressing her, and shocked at his familiarity on so short an acquaintance, frowned like a thunder cloud, and retorted, " bhut your mouth V He shut it. v r , In Detroit, on Friday, a woman called at the office of a surgeon with a babe about three months old in her arms, and begged that something be done to remove a disfiguration, consisting of a figure of tbe image of a spotted snake, which ex tended from the outward corner of the right eye to a point on the right shoul der. The mother seemed nearly crazed at the idea that her child must carry the horrible disfiguration all its life, as the surgeon informed her that nothing could be done to efface it. ; :-J If a young lady bids you take heart, does she meau that yoq can take hers t NEWS ITEMS. Tboy have a woman of the town, in Sacramento known as the " Lively Flea." A brother of Anna Dickinson has been lectur ing in Connecticnt. ' Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., the champion story-grinder of America, is in a Boston inebriate asylum. Awful Gardner's mind has become impaired, and Gough lectured for his benefit at Cooper Institute. The Harvard crew publish a card, in which they say the race was fairly contested, and they were fairly beaten. , i ; A Wisconsin couple quarreled about whether there should be saleratus in " flapjacks," and ap plied for a divorce . The Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, is the first Christian sovereign who has visited Je rusalem since the crusades. A young lady, aged seventeen, has been arrest ed in Buffalo for bigamy. She began marrying at the age of fourteen. : Senator Saulsbury has relinquished the flowing bowl. ' English retail booksellers have filed orders for 30,000 copies of Tennyson's new volume. The Queen of England has designated Lard Lytton for the Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George, vacated by the death of Lord Derby.. A jealous Michigan youth of thirteen stabbed and killed a playmate because he threatened to "cut him out " in the affections of the girl he loved. Two Japanese youths have entered the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Field3, the Pennsylvania murderer, took a dose of vinegar and molasses to cure a sore throat half an hour before he was hanged. Henry Keep, a deceased New Yorker, is to have amausleum erected to his memory at Water town, in the shape of a $75,000 Greek cross. This will Keep his memory green. The whole course of the Suez canal, from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, is 100 miles. It has an average width of 32S feet, the width at the base is 246 feet, and the depth of water, 26 feet. The cheap "London Daily Telegraph" employs five ten cylinder Hoe presses, and can strike off about 136,000 per hour. Dr. Parr," said a young student once to the old linguist, " let's you and I write a book.' ' Very well," replied the Doctor, " put in what I know and all that you don't know, and we'll nake a big one." A Chinaman's opinion of a trial by jury : One of the men was silent ; tho other spoke all the time ; and the twelve sages condemned the man who had not said anything. St. Louis is talking of a World's Fair, which is intended to head off a similar enterprise at Washington. The King of Bavaria is eminently fitted for his throne, by having two or three epileptic fits a day. Texas is still a hard country. It has a popula tion of 750,000, and 3S4 murders were committed in nine months of last year. A Detroit woman concealed twenty pounds of butter under her clothing, intending to smuggle it over to Canada. The butter melted, and, O JLord ! Said a coxcotnb to a young lady : "It it's not love I feel, pray what is it ?" " Perhaps," said the young lady, ' something bites you." " Judge Proonies," is the way the name of the San Francisco Police Magistrate is printed in Cincinnati. It is important to actors and other public speakers to know that the human ear cannot dis tinguish one sound irom anotacr, unless taere is an interval of one-tenth of a second between the arrival of the sounds. It is said that Vanderbilt, before his marriage, was effected with palpitation of the heart. Tbe application of another palpitating heart has cured him. It frequently does. A New York paper says there has been an ex tensive importation of prize-fighters from Great Britain, who, having their functions suspended in that country by the police, come to this land of liberty to mash muzzles, knock knobs, rattle ribs and draw claret. A case of wanton cruelty is reported, in the conduct of a young woman who went all the way from New Jersey to India to marry a Missionary whom she had never seen, and who had never done her any harm. A Democratic editor, in Missouri, finding wed ding cards, etc., on bis table, wroto up the affair in his best style, referring to the "fair and blush ing bride," and winding np with a choice poetical extract. He was much disgusted the next day on learning that the parties were negroes A Buffalo pistolist places a cork upon the open neck of a bottle, a bullet on the cork, and then bets that at twelve paces he will shoot away the cork and let the bullet drop into the bottle. A person who advertises in a morning paper for a clerk, holds out this inducement : "A small salary will be given, but enough of 'over work will be given to make np the deficiency." - Licnt. Hand, editor of the Dalles Mountaineer, entered into nartnershiD with Miss M. P. E. Grinnel, in San Francisco, on the 13th ult. Tho Attorney-Ceneral of Iowa has decided that Miss Julia C. Addington, recently elected Super intendent of Common Schools for Mitchell county, in that State, has a perfect right to perform the duties of the office, and to collect pay for hex services. Choice wheat in Portland brings 75c, while poorer qualities can be had at 60 cents per bushel. An article on Spanish dictatorship, published in a Spanisn journal, says tnai me ciuvauou oi Serrano to the position of Dictator is probable. It is stated that Jem Mace and Tom Allen are to fight in Canada or Louisiana soon. On the 9th, Edward Clark, of Covington, Ky., killed his three year old eon y pointing gun, supposed to be empty, at hia head and pulling the trigger. The gun proved to be loaded, and the charge of shot went through the boy's head. A large number of Josephite converts from Salt Lake are settling at their old headquarters at Independence, Jackson county, Missouri. They propose to erect a temple on the old ground They repudiate polygamy. The Tribune' t special says that there will prob ably be some startling revelations regarding some of Johnson's revenue officers at New York. Partial examination show that the accounts of one of the collectors will probably be short $200,, 000.' - ' The Board of Trade of Chicago has decided to construct another tunnel under the lake in that city. , The work will take three years, and 08t a million dollars. The Sacramento JReeord baa am account of a child twelve months old getting head first into a pail containing three pints of water. When the parents, who had left the child In charge of one a little older, returned, they found it dead. "Standing room only," is advertised at Cin cinnati churches during the present revival. A brave Hoosier girl recently disabled a bur glar by throwing a kettle of boiling potatoes upon him. At a Woman's right's meeting recently, the question came up as to the age when women should begin to vote. Most of them thought eighteen .was the proper, age, few ever getting older till after they marry. One lady remarked, however, that Bhe knew as much at twelve as she did now, and there was no one to dispute the as sertion. ALBANY RETAIL MARKET..: Ax-xAiir, January 15, 1870. Wheat, white, bujhel. uats, bushel. Potatoes, Si bushel... Unions, bushel.,,,. 1 ' 1 r i 1 Uutter, & lb Eegs, dozen Chickens, dozen Peaches, dried, lb Soap, 33 tb Salt, Los Angelos, "B lb 4550 30 ;, 25374 75l 25 IS 50g)4 00 30 $2 503 00 20 5(g5i 2i3S Syrup, 53 keg $5 25a60 2 Tea, Young Hyson H 1 00 Japan, J UU Black, " 15 1 00 Sugar, crushed, B... .--.;v. 1820 " Sea " H(alO Island, " ... ,., 12g14 Coffee, lb 23u,25 Candles, lb 2533 Rice, China. 3 ft .:: 12&1 Saleratus, 3 ft ...... ..... . s if Dried plums, ft Ai"1520 Dried apples, 3 ft....... 5 Dried currants, 9 ft Bacon, hams, ib ......... ....... " sides, " , " shoulders, ft Lard, in cans, 9 fl Beans, ft ft ......... Devoes' Kerosene oil, 3 gallon. 1012 1 00()1 25 Turpentine. gallon . 1 25fil 50 Linseed oil, boiled, 3$ gallon $1 62il 75 White lead, keg 3 75(4 26 Tar 3 gallon. Powder, rifle, ft Tobacco, 5j3 ft .......... Nails, cut, p ft , Domestic, brown, 3 yard... Hickory, striped, p yard..., Bed ticking, per yard......... Blue drilling, 3 yard Flannels, p yard.... .......... Prints, fat colors, 3 yard Pork, !p ft Mutton, 3 head. .............. Beef, on foot, 3 ft. ........... $1 25 751 00 .. $1 001 25 6J7i 1516 ,.. . 1630 25fa)50 ... 7 I625 i2i 56 ... tl 752 50 56 NEW TO-DAY. JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Engineer Ac Surveyor IS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany Oregon. niw-em NEW TO-DAY. A. OOWAIT. A. W. BTAKABD. A. COWAN & CO., WHOLESALE AHD BET AIL DEALER IK STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET .. -....ALBANY. They offer a large and well selected stock of STAPLE DUX GOODS ! Extraordinary jJLow, PfUsmz At (( roa-r Cash ox Produce X In addition to a very large Stock, covering ' everything la the Um of Cotton, we have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS COOPS! Latest styles of Boys' and Men's CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS I HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, 4c . ALSO" Carpet, WaU-Paper, Paper Blinds, &.C., 6lc. St Linen LADIES' EMPORIUM. MRS. A. J. DONIWAT, DEALER IS FasMonaMe Millinery and Fancy Goods. Follows Ores and Cloak Making' their varied branches. all BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS In Latest Style and best manner. STA3IP FOR BRAID AND EMBROIDERY. o Corner First and Broadalbin streets, Albany, Oregon. ianlnlT-70 WAR WITH SPAIN ! CUBA TAKEN Especial attention is directed to out stock of IRON AND STEEL ... AND ,..,;,! , . GENERAL HARDWARE! Which is the largest and most complete this side of Portland. Ton are invited to call and examine oar goods and prices. . i ' . --') The highest market price in cash paid for Wool, Racon ' and ' Jard ! 7 i by , Oct 30, 1869-8 A. COWAN CO. DIRECT IMPORTATION 1 .1 OUR MINISTER WITHDRAWN I MAMMOTH STOCK OF " '..,; TOYS, FANCY GOODS, f YANKEE NOTIONS, GIFTS, PRESENTS, BOOKS, &C?,&C. For the Holidays of 1869-70 ,has arrived, Direct from IVew j Yorlt, And is now on Ehibition at SANTA CUDS' HEADQUARTERS, lOS FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Where every purchaser will find Tlie Largest Stock t ; " I The Greatest Variety 1 1 . ' " i The Clieapest jiVtce! S5!f" This immense stock having been pur chased for currency in New York, will be scld to dealers and others in coin, at ; Less Prices Than Ever Before ! - NOTWITHSTANDING ALL THIS P. C. HARPER & CO. Have just received from - San Francisco, a very large and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! WHICH IS OFFERED At Prices to Suit the Times ! ! Their stock consists, in part, as follows : A large ' ' supply of '- --. HEAVY CASSIMERES AND FLANNELS! Denims, Hickory Stripes, Checks, Sheetings Bleached and Unbleached ! " AND French Cottonades, , Canton Flannels, Heavy IBleixxlz.O'tss ' A Spendid assortment of . LADIES' DRESS GOODS! SPCH AS sahs, Puplins, Brocades, Empress Cloths, Merinos, . ; i , Prints, Delaines, Moltair, . Fancy Patterns, " -Shawls, linlmorals and Fancy JXbtions, ' ' 1 ' Trimmings, &c. Ladies and Misses Hoods, Hats, Nubias, tte. A good Assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING 1 gent's rcnsisHiso GOODS, c. A complete assortment of Men's and Boy's EXP AND CAiT BOOTS AND SHOES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Also the latest style and quality of Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes. A splendid assortment of Groceries, Queensware and Glassware ! Hardware, Pocket ? Table Cutlery,,. Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Car ; ; tains, Carpeting. MBN'S, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S HATS WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. t - . . ... .. . j.u laci, aimost every tning usnally kept in a re tail store. : . - Having bonght onr goods on the best terms the market will afford, and selected them with great care, we feel warranted ia saying that we can effer as great . indaeement to customers as any house n tbe trade, and hope, by strict at tention iq Business and tfte want of customers, to merit a liberal patronage ' from ' the - public fea- B emember the place. The house for merly occupied by D. Mansfield & Bro. K p. C. HARPER & CO. Albany Oct. 30, 18C9.-8 Strangers and citizens will find ' SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a most interesting place to visit, as the gorgeous-array of new nov elties, and the thousand comical toys therein, give the store the appearance of aa Eastern MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES ! Some idea may be arrived! at as to the extent of the stock when it is kaown that of Dolls aloue there are one hundred amd fifty-fif rarictiee! Making that Department a perfect BAZZAR OF BEAUTY 1 Full Descriptive Catalogues now ready. Call early to secure choice gifts. S. J. M'CORMICK, . SmB - Agent for Santa Claus. W alt ham Watches. Let every one who wants a Waton, read this carefully.. i , t Especially if in some remote out-of-the-way place Now that the railroad is open, we propose, tt give tbe residents of Orkooh tbe opportunity of getting single genuine Waltham Watches at the Tne Lowest Wholesale New Tork Prices We sell more Waltbam Watches'than any other establishment in the country, either wholesale or rotail ; we send great numbers to everv section of the country by Mail and Express, carefully pack ed, and in perfect running order. Our plan is this : Yon want a Watch, and see our advertise ment ; now, we want yon first to write ta ot for our Descriptive and Illustrated Price List ; we will send it, post-paid, by Return mail. It ex plains all the different kinds, tells the weight and quality of the cases, with prices of each ; yon then make a selection of tbe kin yen preferj and send us yonr order. We will then send you the Watch by Express, with tbe bill to collect on de livery. We give instructions to the Express company to allow you to open tbe package and examine the Watch ; if it suits, yon can pay and take it; if no t, you are under no , obligations to receive it; and if it is taken, and afterward deer not prove Satisfactory, we will exchange it, or REFUND TBS MONEY. ,: , As an indication of the prices, we will quote one Watch of our list. The P. j S. Binurr, Lever Movement, with Extra Jewels, Chronome ter Balance, Patent Pinion, Patent Dust Cap, and all the other late improvements, in a Solid Coin Silver ease, - . . - ; . $28 in Greenbacks, or about $2Q in Coin. All the other kinds, both gold and silver, in the same proportion. Do not order a Watch till you have sent for a Price List, as it oentains a great deal or information regarding these VY atones that will enable yon to make an intelligent Selection. Dont forget, when you write, to state that yon saw this advertisement la the Alb AST Rboistcr, and you need not put in stamps for return post age.- Address in full, .: t - HOWARD 4 , CO., Jewelers and Silversmiths, 018 Broadway, Y. We refer, by permission, to - Messrs. Wells, Fargo fc co.. Francisco, " I. W. RAYMOxn, Esq;, T. R. Bcvlxr, Esq., B. c. Howard, Esq., San Franoisco. . W. Si Hob arm, Virginia eity, Nevada. : 7 CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. CGiQ HOME SHUTTLE SEWING 3)Q XlSO Machine. A double-thread &sC(J lock-stitoh Shuttle Machine I stUoh alike on both sides. cH(5f Celebrated Common-Sense 79S 1 Familv Machine. Both ma chines fully Warranted for years. Msehines sent to any part ef the coast by express, C. O. D. Agents wanted in every town on the Pacific coast. Liberal commission. I ' Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Co., 2y , , Q. O. TRAVER, ' . ' .'!'. 1S1, First St., Portland. -4- THE undersigned has been (appointed by tbe County Court of Linn ounty, Oregon, Executor of the last will and S AJ.CBI H. Rittek, deqeased, lake of said 1 eon nty. Persons having claim, against jsaid present them, duly verified, to 'the iTe'Kned' at his residence three miles northeast of Jenon, in said county, within six months . December 13th, 19"9-16wl