urn Jifewg SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1870. S. Official Paper for Oregon. The Fifteenth Amendment. A communication was read in the House of Representatives eu the 13th of Decem ber, from the Secretary of State, an nouncing the list of States which had given official notice of the ratification of the fifteenth amendment, prio to De cember 9th. The list thus presented shows that twenty-one States had so ratified. The ratifications by Missouri and Kansas were defective, the second section of the amendment having been left out by the first, and the phraseology of the second section having been chang ed by the lat'er. Both of thesi States, however, will correct errors and present a " revised proof." The prospects now are that more than the requisite two thirds' majority of all the States will be obtained, and the question of the adop tion of the fifteenth, amendment will be settled before the adjournment of the present Congress. . i Railroad Progress. From Califor nia exchanges we learn that the Califor nia and Oregon Railroad is progressing with great rapidity under the efficient and energetic management of Vice Pres ident Charles Crocker. There is now fully completed and in daily use fifty-one miles of road, from the junction with the Central Pacific, at Roseville, to a point in Butte county (Cal.), seventeen miles north of Marysville. Two weeks since the Company added two hundred and fifty Chinese laborers to their large force of operatives, and last week one hundred Chinese were taken from the Western Pacific, together with sixty teams and scrapers," and added to the force. As a sufficient amoant of iron and ties arc on hand, the Company feel assured that the road will be completed and in full operation to Chico, forty four , miles ' north of Marysville, by the 15th of next month. Thus it will be seen that the Company ownin STATE ITEMS. The Jacksonville Journal says the re cent cold weather has frozen up the Ash land factory. From the same paper, that the snow in the Link river country w-us six inches deep on Christmas, and still falling. There were 175 Modocson the reservation, and 75 more expected soon. Capt. Jack, their chief, ran away, but hud repented and was expected back on the 2Gih. It is expected that the report of the Commissioners who examined the OVC. Railroad (East Side) on Dec. 30th, will be favorable. Corvallis College has one hundred and sixteen pupils, says the Mercury. Japan and China .News. The Yokohama Gazette, of December 2d says : ' ' 1 One American General takes his de parture for San Francisco to-day Gen. Van Valkenburg. Another arrived day before yesterday in the America Gen. Tom Thumb. The latter and his party .. : . .i. ..: .!,. their arrival. Yesterday they held a levee at which Gen. Van Valkenburg was present. Our settlement has been singularly devoid of any interesting incidents. The only local matter that has come promin ently forward is the old subject ot mun icipal affairs. The same journal, December 6, re cords the arrival of Minister DeLong and his wife and family, with his private Union has received a turnin which 1 secretary Farrington. DcLong was pre- weigus miriy-uve pouuuj;. Good sleighing reported across the Blue Mountains on the stage road. The boats on the Upper ' Columbia have ceased running, and passengers now leave the Dalles for the upper country by John Ilailey's daily line of stages, says the Mountaineer. A protracted meeting is being held by the 31. E. Church South at Dallas, Polk county. On Monday, B. G. Clark, an employee in the saw mill of Hayden & Smith, Portland, while working at a slab cutting saw, a slab, caught in some portion of the machinery, was hurled with great force, striking him in the region of the stom ach, producing a rupture of some of the internal organs, causing his death on the ner.t evening. The fleet of the Mikado was out of condition from the recent battle. "Even the Stonewall, their much prized ram, would bear the outlay of a large sum of money on repairs." The same paper, of November 19th, has news of another attempt on the life of the Tycoon, which failed, and he for gave the men refusing even to inquire who they were. A notification has. been sent by the Japanese Government to the foreigu rep resentatives, to the effect that tney are determined to put a stop to trading at unopened ports. It appears that there Telegraphic Summary. Poughkeepsie, Jan. 1. A terrible tragedy occured in Sleepy Hollow, near Tarrytuwn, this P. M. A man named V. W. Buckout, shot, his wife. Alfred Han u all, a Newark merchant, and his son, the latter named Charles Randall. 3Irs. Buckout was shot" through the temple, Alfred Randall through the heart and Charles Randall in the side. Mrs. Buckout and Alfred Randall are dead. Charles Randall lies in a danger ous condition. Buekoiit gave himself up immediately and was lodged in jail. The cause of the tragedy is unknown. Some persons ascribe it to jealousy on the part of the husband ; others believe he was insane. New York, Jan. 1. An expedition of a hundred men, in command of Col. Ashby, Mosby's Lieutenant during the rebellion, sailed tor Cuba on Monday. They took twenty thosuand small arms and some cannon and ammuniaion. In a dispute at the Manhattan Club last night, II. S. Bateman, a well known theatrical manager, slapped the face of Hiram Cranston, proprietor of the New York hotel. Rumors are circulated that a duel is in prospect, but it is probably sensational. Colonel Van Brunt, Assistant Postmas ter of New York, has resigned. The total losses by fire iu the United States during the year, amount to 40, G84;000. Washington. Jan. 1. The reception has beeu a good deal of this kind of bus- at the White House to-day is described iness going on, by which the government j as a verv grand affair, equalling in br'l is defrauded of its dues. In future ships j liancy any ever held. The Diplomatic engaged iu this traffic will run the risk j corpS) members of the Cabinet and the of seizure. j Supreme Judges, with their ladies, were The Austiian Envoy, Bayaon von , first received , after which a general re- r'etz, naa lett on ovemoer -m, ior , ception took place. Flriocs Storm. A fearful storm prevailed in the East on the 2d and 3d insts., doiug immense damage to rail roads, bridjics, etc. At New York tele- ! graphic communication to all points was suspended. In Brooklyn sixteen build i ius were blown down, steeples, chim j neys, aod even trees hurled to the ground, i In places the track of the Baltimore & i Ohio railroad was washed awa-. and in j Philadelphia the waves washed entirely over the bridges over Bush and Gun ' powder rivers. I Contradicted. The press dispatches the of the 2d, announcing that a circular had South America, and the lintish Consul had notified that Austrian subjects for the present, were under his protection. A slight sensatiou was lately experi enced by a warning, sent by anonymous Japanese, through an American Baptist Missionary, to the British Minister, that there exists a plot among a band of br. Ltouis, Jan. 1. (Jbristinas even ing Joseph II. Heidhainpf, a well kuown German citizen, was poisoned. Since then he has been pronounced dead by physicaus. The body shows no signs of decomposition, and the family refuse to have it buried. Yesterday a man and woman singularly attired, visited the in the Nottingham mine, in the southern end of the town, was discovered to be on fire. There were fifty-five men in it. The main trap was like the Avondale, with but one outlet. Notwithstanding this, no notice was given to the men be low that the building above was on fire. Fortunately it was soon discovered, and with great exertion not only prevented from spreading but extinguished. The men below remained all the while in ig norance of their danger. The fire was the result of gross carelessness on the part of the company working. It ap pears that two stoves were kept in the breaker to give heat to the boys employed iu picking out the slate from the coal. The pipes from these stoves ran directly through the wood work of the building without any protection. The wood work became heated until it became of the consistency of tinder and then ignited At noon some men came to dinner. Al though every exertion was made to keep the tire from their knowledge, the fact leaked out and they became aware, for the first time, of the terrible fate they had escaped. When they went down again tbey informed the rest of the men and they at once held an indignation meeting and resolved to go up. When they get up they assembled the rest of the miners belonging to the mine, about seventy-five, who held another meeting, resolving that they would not again go into the mine until it was built with two chimneys from the stove pipes and a watchman placed in charge of the build ing night and day. and men at the bottom of thejshaftto givesignals in case of daugerat th; surface. Since that time the mine has not been worked and the men still remain firm. The proprietors not being able to supply the places of the old bands, have yielded to the demand for chimneys in the concern ; their construction has been commenced, but they think one man in the night is sufficient, and decline to put one there in the day time. The men insist on two watchmen and an alarm bell. The Union Republican State Central Committee of Oregon Will meet at the office of Hon. J. H. lUtchell, in the city of Portland, on Wednesday, the 19th day of January, 1870, at 10 o'clock A. sr., to desig nate the time and place for the holding of the Union Republican State Convention of 1870. M. P. BERRY, Chairman. Salem, December 14, 1869. NEW TO-DAY,: On the 13th of December, Senator Corbett, of Oregon, introduced in the Senate a bill to establish a department of Indian Affairs. On the same day Mr. Smith introduced in the House bills granting subsidies for a railroad from the Columbia river to Salt Lake, and to vacate and provide for the sale of the Umatilla reservation. ALBANY RETAIL MARKET. Albant, January 8, 1870. Wheat, white, p bushel 45(50 Oats, 'p bushel 30 Potatoes, bushel 2537i Onions, jfi bushel 751 26 Flour, barrel $3 50&4 00 Butter, tb '.. , 25 Eesrs, dozen 30 Chickens, dozen..,. $2 50 3 00 rouins to take his life. l lie writer says corn.-e withithe announcement that thev s that they have His Excellency's por- j wouij wori a miracle by raising the ! trait, by which ho is to be recognized ; j Jea(l. They proceeded to make various and his offence is that he has aided the maDipulation3 and" handled the body i present government in the overthrow of j quite roughly,' when the relations of the trie oiu. i From the Shanghai JTetcs Letter of November 20th : At Yokohama in political circles there has been no new feature worthy of notice, excepting that a pardon has been grant- i deceased jravc the miracle woikers a se vers beating. Havana, Jan. 1. Intense excitement California end of the C. & O. Railroad, are making rapid advancement with the work, the completion of the road to Chico making sixty-eight miles, or nearly twenty miles per month since the com mencement of the enterprise. . There seems to be no intention on the part of the Company to "let up," and the proba bility is that the work will be pushed, winter and summer, until the line is com pleted. - . . "OSJ! HnjiDHED JillLLIOjr-CUIXESE." The great cry of Democratic editors and eponters on this coast of late has been that the Republican party wanted to im port a hundred million Chinese into the United States, while the Democratic party were opposed to it. The following facts and figures, taken from the' Orego nian, shows how rediculous and senseless is all such clap-trap emanating from 'Democratic authority. "In twenty years the population of the United States has ' been increased by 90,000 Chinese immi grants, or at the rate of 4,500 a year, or as one to seventy-four arrivals from Great Britain and Germany, alone, in a single -year. At this rate, the "one hundred "millions" would arrive in the brief period . of 22,222 years ! But we will suppose that immigrants from China would come more rapidly for a few years than during the last twenty, though, really, we can see no particular inducement greater than has all along existed. Allow that each steam ship from China will bring 500, and that there will be arrivals by sail vessels suffi cient to ' make twenty shipments of 500 each per year. A little arithmetic will show that to land "one hundred millions," , there will be required only 200,000 voy ages across the Pacific ocean, and that the "one hundred millions" would be landed here in just 10,000 years !" Just think of it -these Democratic slingers of ink .will have to wait ten thousand year to their predictions fulfilled ; to see the country overran with "one hundred mil lions of leprous heathen." If the immi gration from other countries and the nat ural increase of oar own population in the future approximates the past, our 'Caucasian population at the end of ten thousand years would be about 5,000,000, 000, in which multitude the Chinaman would scarcely be found." These figures are given to show how absurd and non sensical is all this Democratic twaddle about "hundreds of millions of Chinese," or millions from any country, immigrat ing into and overrunning America. A "newspaper" published hereabouts, , speaking of what it is pleased to term "an attack against it," bas the following paragraph : "The necessity for a refuta tion is precisely 'proportionate to the cre dence that -the falsehood gains, and, Tiewed in this light, no refutation is nec essary." "Well, nowy "putting it in that light," thfl "attacking" certainly should .stop. When a "newspaper" acknowl edges that no one gives credence to its falsehoods, where 'a the use of calling it . to account? j '. -rr ' -. . ', Prof. Emery, of the Corvallis College, fell on the icy sidewalk of that city on Tuesday, which so wrenched Ms back as to incapacitate him for. his college duties far a time. .. .. been received in Cuba from the Junti advising the Cubans to lay down their arms, is denounced as utterly false by j Don 31iguel Aldavia. He asserts that if j such circular exists it is a base forgery ; part of a deep laid scheme to pervert public opinion respecting the progress of the revolution ; that instead of failure, the confidence of success, with or with out the support of foreign nations, is daily gaining strength. - i Nebraska. At .Ncbnka City on the 1st inst., a large and- enthusiastic mass meeting was held, at which resolutions were adopted declaring it the duty of Congress to recognize at once the belligerent rights of Cuba. Gov. Gibbs, Judge Kinney and Gov. Butler were ap pointed a committee to proceed to Wash ington and lay the resolutions before Congress. . Obitdary. The following pathetic lines, copied from last week's Democrat, are supposed to be an obituary notice of the editor of that sheet : "The man recovered from the bite, It was the dog that died." Meacham Heard From. The fol lowing communication, dated Link Riv er, Ogn., Dec. 25, 18G9, appears in last j week's Jacksonville Journal : ! As time is more precious than money with me just uow, it is impossible to send you such a letter as I would like to. I feel that 1 ought to state a lew lacts, prevails herein consequence of the an- J"st to let our people kuow wiiat is go- Is this i on out here in the cold, lou have al- th!it tl-i rovnlntinn lm.l tormi. 1 readv learned that near ed to the leader of the late rebellion by nated- According to the published : m:i l. . . i .. l i.: .. . i st:itfmfnt editors or lournaM hava seen . .Mitvauu uvciuuicui. turn oioisuasui ua j J . i , ... ! well as Aidzv return aain under the ! the copy of a circular signed by mem- ! Ave log houses and near twenty tempo ! Imperial clemency t, their former sta- i rs of the Cuban Junta at New York, i rary camp, were erected ; the new town ; . . ! i .i. : .1 wjis o.nl Pil i:i na tions in lite. i U1UUI1U- luc lusurjjuuis iu luy uowu mat i The Austrians have concluded their s for the present, giving as reasons ; " days were spent at the Agency, tnr th nh.'iniliinment ot thfi insurrection, i lc ui iu.it iium was muicu iu the failure ot recent filibustering exnedi- I talking to the Klamath Indians, whose Peaches, dried, J lb... coap, $i To Salt, Los Angelos, ji lb , Syrup, 9 keg Tea, Young Hyson lb " Japan, " ... . " Black, " , Sugar, crushed, ft) , " Sea " " Island, " Coffee, ft. Candles, tb Rice, China. Salcratus, $ Dried plums, 'ft lb Dried apples, lb Dried currants, lb Bacon, hams, tb , " sides, " " shoulders, th . Lard, in cans, lb... Beans, lb Devoes' Kerosene oil, gallon.. ($20 2J3 $5 25(o60 2 1 00 J 00 75$1 00 1820 14(16 12(rtjl4 23g)25 25fe33 12(i16 16S 1520 a 1012 35 A. COWAS. A. W. STABABD. A. COWAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS I STAPLE and FANCY DRY j GOODS FIRST STREET ALBANY. They offer a large and well selected, stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS I At Extraordinary Low Price Cash or Produce Turpentine, 3 gallon. $1 25(gil 50 learned that near four hundred Snakes have been loc ted on Sprague river, but it is left for mo to say that ien signed recently by Sir II. Alcock, ; n permitting the gunboats to sail from tin, foreign office contents, of course, ' New Yor''- The circular severely at- Da. Livingston. All doubts as to the safety of this adventurous African explorer are ended. On the 22d of No vember the Governor of Bombay sent to the Indian Secretary of State in London this brief telegram : Later advices received fromJDr. Liv ingstone, dated Ujiji, 13th of May, 1869 satisfactory. In April, 1865, Dr. Livingstone quit ted England on his third exploring expe dition in Africa, and it was believed un til lately that he had fallen in a skirmish with the natives near Lake Nyassa, which indeed, he had discovered in 1861. It is stated that, pursuing the line of dis covery successfully "followed by recent British explorers, he has found the true couise of the Nile, a river flowing from the South into the Lake Victoria N'yan za. The researches of Sir Samuel Ba ker have proven that the Nile, flowing from the Victoria N'yanza into the Albert N'yanza, whence it emerges finally to fall into the Mediterranean, after pursuing its course through Nubia, Abyssinia and Egypt. It is proposed, and the sugges tion has been so far well received by Eng lish geographers, that the different Afri can lakes should be .called after their discoverers. Thus Lake Nyassa would take the name of Livingstone ; the Tan ganika that of Burton ; the Victoria N'yanza (the latter word signifies water,) that of Speke ; the Albert N'yanza that of Baker ; and that which Baker christ ened the Victoria Nile (the river between the Victoria and Albert lakes) should be called the Grant, from him who assisted Speke in tracing it. The absurd system of giving royal names to newly-discovered places or things should be abolished In 1781, when Herschel discovered a new planet, with six satelites, he called it "The Georgium Sidus," in compliment of George III., bnt common sense has refused to perpetuate the title, and as tronomers know the planet now by the name of Uranus. . treaty with Japan ; Dr. Scherzer, of the scientific department, has goue pas senger by the I'acific mail steamship Japan for San Francisco. 1 he new British treaty is said to have been nt .!;,! ii,a ! tacks the course ot 1'rcsident tiraut The fall crops have come in very I The Jta advises the Cubans to submit poorly over large portions of the north t0 the Spaniards in order to save further specially in Chihili. ! bloodshed. The Chinese predict an early and! T,1C obcJeCuha, sensationalist, an severe whiter ; already the winds blow i nounces the surrender of 1500 insurgents coj j at Tuuis. The Diariu says that the rebel Baron Richtofen has latelv returned to ! Gen. Cocos offers to raise a body of guer- Shanhai from a geological tour through Linseed oil, boiled, 9 gallon... W mte lead, keg Tar P gallon Powder, rifle, 'P tb Tobacco, lb Nails, cut, rb Domestic, brown. J yard...... Hickory, striped, yard Bed ticking, per yard Blue drilling, 3! yard Flannels, -. yard Prints, falt colors, 3$ yard Pork, r Mutton, head Beef, on foot, jj lb $1 62K1 75 $3 75 23 $1 25 751 00 $1 00 1 25 6J7i 15lfiJ lfi(S)30 25ft.50 Ifi(i25 50(0,62 (3,121 bOi) 6 $1 75(02 60 5a,6 NEW TO-DAY. WAR WITH SPAIN ! several of the northern provinces ' of China. Business is not very lively, notwith standing the many vessels that have come to this port during the year. The market quotations for imports fluctuate so much, first up and then down, that correct quotations arc impossible. Ex ports have been active, and tea settle ments to the United States have been extensive, with fair receipts but firmer prices- The Plutton, for New York, sailed on the 4th inst. Pekin, Nov. 2. There having been expressed in the papers conflicting opin ions about the probable time of the young Emperor's accession to power, it may be well to state that precedent, not law, will be likely to decide the question. Kang-hi the great model Emperor of the reigning dynasty, assumed the reins of govern ment at sixteen, we may reasonably look for his establishment on the throne some time next year. Mr. Brown, Chief Secretary of the Burlingame mission, recently made his appearance here to the astonishment of everybody. His sudden flight from Paris, and unexpected appearance at the Foreign Office at Pekin, must have an important significance exactly what, we can only conjecture. The English treaty has been signed, and will probably be token home by Sir Rutherford, who is about to return to England. Some fears are expressed that concessions have been made to the Chi nese Government, in connection with the article of toleration, but this will hardly prove to be the case. , . -, Rev. Bishop C. KIngsTey, of the, Amer ican Methodist Episcopal Church, left here on the 21st of October. He is making an official visit to the Mission Stations of his Church in China. He will proceed from Hongkong about the 1st of December, on his way to India and Europe. : Here is another hit of Democratic economy: The Democratic Legislature proposes to raise the salary of the Police Judge of Sacramento to $2,500 per year. The old salary is $150 per month. The incoming J udge is a Democrat, which is all the comment necessary. An Eastern editor notifies correspond ents that . " If we should desire stupid articles we can write them oureelf." following Blind Staggers. The cure for the blind staggers is said to be infallible : Measure a stick from the nostrils to the inner corner of the eVes, so as not to have it too long, sharpen well and run it np the nostril, twisting around once or twice, so as to make the nose bleed freely, and it will give instant relief. This ' remedy is so simple the material being always on hand that we consider it invaluable to farmers and horsemen. ' ' ' ; A Good THiNG.-It is said that a small piece of resin, dropped in the wa ter which is placed in a vessel on the stove will add a peculiar property to the atmosphere of the room, which will give great relief, to persons troubled j with coughs. The heat of the water is suf ficient to throw off the aroma of the re Bin. ' ' 5 ; ' A Good Suggestion. It is said by those who have practiced it, that pouring boiling . water on fresh beef just before salting it will prevent the juice from run ning out, and improve its flavor. rilas to fight against the insurgents. One Spanish gunboat arrived to da, having become separated from its companions off the lights of Charleston The rest are expected to arrive to-morrow. A fur ther announcement is made from the in terior that the insurgents are offering to capitulate. If all the news is true the revolution is to be regarded as expiring, but confirmation is wanting. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 2. Many members of the general assembly which meets to-morrow are already in. the city. A caucus of both the Democratic and Republican members was held last night. The latter nominated temporary officers. The Democratic caucus made no nomina tions, but adjourned till to-morrow. The Reform members of Hamilton county,; who hold the balance of" power, have re- : fused to enter either caucus, and it is un certain whether the Republicans or Dem ocrats will obtain the organization. Cincinnati, Jan. 2. Gen. Stephen J. McGrorty, a gallant and efficient offi cer of the late war, where he received a number of severe wounds, aud who was made collector of the second Ohio dis trict under Johnson, and recently elected county clerk, died suddenly at his resi dence this morning, it is supposed from the effects of his old wounds. Petitions are circulating for the aboli tion of the franking privilege. Madison, Wis., Jan. 2. B. F. Hop kins, member of Congress, died at his residence in this place, yesterday after noon after a long and painful illness. Detroit, Jan. 2. A violent snow storm commenced yesterday afternoon. About ten inches has fallen. New York, Jan. 1. The news from Hayti is to the 20th of December. The revolutionists' war steamer suc ceeded in transporting troops to Petit Grove and Grand Grove and turned the blockade of Port au Prince. Acting in concert with the land force, an attack was made simultaneously by land and sea,' on the night of the 18th. The land forces entered the city, driving in the different outposts before them. The en emy retired in disastrous confusion, and voluntarily the forces took unrestrained possession. At every point the advan tage was in their favor, and the entire city was speedily in their hands. Mean time the volunteer troops were doing their part in the attack. Salnave's war vessel, the Algonquin, while all the occu pants were asleep, was taken without bloodshed. The Algonquin and the city were thus captured without even a shot being fired- Salnave made his escape from the city and took refuge iu Fort Rationale, situated on the heights over looking the city from the north side. Salnave is in imminent peril, but he ex pected the foreign consuls would inter pose fur his protection and ultimate safe ty. The entire population of the city is rejoiced at the turn affairs have taken. Saget and staff have left for Port au Prince. : ' New York, Jan. 1. A special to the World from Plymouth, ' Pa., says there was nearly a repetition of the. Avondale affair yesterday morning.. The breaker tions; the inability ot the Junta to sena i "" ucu, uyaiw more men, arid further, the dishearten- i wonderfully anxious to receive good talk. ing action of the American Government j All appeared sorry when the talk was euded, and rations shut on. From here Meacham determined to head another expedition ; this time to the Modoc ccuntry. No time was lost, and on the 17th ult. we were once more on the march. Alter the usual amount of tcaw-tcaw, marching and counter marching, the eutiro Modoc tribe, en masxe, are moving for the Klamath Res ervation, where we expect to have them permanently located in less than ten days. Who says our Superintendent lacks tor energy? Neither rain, snow, or combi nations of bad men, have caused him to stand back for a moment. Our State has cause to be proud of her Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and I hope his servi ces will be duly appreciated. In great haste, Yia-Nox. Latest News. Thursday's Orego nian contradicts the removal of Brooks and the appointment of Jesse Applcgate as Chief Engineer by Ben. HollaJay. No such change has been made. Maj. Geo. Williams has been relieved from active duty on the staff of Gen. Crook, at his own request, and intends taking up a permanent residence at ba le m, his old home. . The Duke of Genoa refuses to accept the "sit" offered him by Spain. The news of this fact seems to have "let out" Geu. Prim, as he and the balance of the Ministry have resigned As it is now stated that Republicanism is in the as cendancy, Spain may become a Republic yet. The verdict of acquittal in the Bur mester case in Idaho Territory was re ceived with "astonisbmenc by the people of Idaho City." The Statesman says : "Burmester is acquitted by law, but he has been and is being tried by another tribunal the moral sense of the commu nity, Which more lax than it ought to be, is still tense enough and keen enough to condemn not only the culminating act of this sad tragedy, but all the glaring mis conduct that led to it." The Boise Chronicle uses language less delicate, coupling the names of the various par to the tragedy, in terms too offensive to reprint. " The United States Government has been notified from a source that it is bound to take notice of, that the Cana dian adherents in the Red River country have incited the Sioux Indians to raid on Pembina and St. Joseph, in reta'ia ation, it is alleged, for the aid and count enance given to tie Red River rebellion by Ameiican citizens. It is feared that settlements on the American side of the boundary will be wiped out by Sioux marauders. . f Leonard Crocker, well known as the lessee of the New York Central Cattle Yards, left New York city for his home two miles distant, in a buggy with a hired man, on bunday night, since when he has not been heard from. It is feared that he was caught in the blinding snow storm which occurred on that night, and drowned in the current which swept the turnpike near the beach. It seems to be settled that the traitor ous government officials of Whushin'ton Territory will soon be retired to private life. Good. . - The public debt was reduced last month nearly 85,000,000, Coin balance in the '.treasury, 1UU ,000,000 ; curren cy, $12,500,000. ' CUBA TAKEN ! OUR MINISTER WITHDRAWN I P. kb.WITHSTAx'DIXG ALL THIS C. HARPER & CO. In addition to a very large stock J covering everything in the line of Cottons, we have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! . i Latest styles of Boys' and Men's CLOTHING anil FURNISHING GOODS ! HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. ALSO Carpet, Wall-Paper, Paper.; & Lines Blinds, &c, &c. Especial attention is directed to our stock of IRON AND STEEL - AND C!EiERAL HARDWARE! I Which is the largest and most complete this aide of Portland. j You are invited to call and examine our goods and prices. j The highest market price in cash paid for Wool, Bacon and Lard ! by A. .COWAN 4 CO. Oct. 30, 1S69-S j I DIRECT IMPORTATION I M'OORMIOEL'S ?I A JT1 IVI O T II STOCK OF - TOYS, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, GIFTS. PRESENTS, BOOKS, &C.,&C- For the Holidays of lSGy-70, has arrived. Direct from New York, And is now on Ehibition e.t SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, lOo FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Where every purchaser will find The Largest Stock The Greatest Variety . The Cheapest Prices ! This immense stock bavins; been pur chased for currency in New York, will be acid to dealers and others in coin, at i Less Prices Than Ever Before ! Hare just received from San Francisco, a very large and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! WHICH IS OFFERED At Prices to Suit z Times ! ! Their stock consists, in part, as follows : supply of A large 1 HEAVY CASSIMERES AND FLANNELS! Denims, Hickory Stripes, Checks, Sheeting's Bleached and Unbleached ! AND French Cottonades, Canton Flannels, AMD A Spcndid assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS! SUCH AS Silks, Poplins, Brocades, Empress Clotlts, Merinos, Prints, Delaines, t Mohair, Fancy Patterns, Shawl, Salmorals and Fancy Notions, Trimmings, &c. T.adies and Misses Hoods, Hats, Nubias, Ao. A good Assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING ! CEHT'g FURNISHING GOODS, AC. A complete assortment of Men's and Boy's EXP AND CALF BOOTS AND SHOES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Also the latest style and quality of ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes. A splendid assortment of Croceriea, Qneensware and Glassware! Hardware, Pdblcet fc Tatle. Cutlery, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Cur tains, . Carpeting. MEN'S, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S HATS 1 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. In fact, almost everything usually kept in a re tail store. Having bought our goods on the best terms the market will afford, and selected them with great care, we feel warranted ia saying that we can offer as great inducements to customers a any house to the trade, and hope, by strict at tention to business and the wants of customers, to merit a liberal patronage from the public Remember the plaee. The bouse for merly oocupied by D. Mansfield A Bro. P. C. HARPER & CO. Albany Oct. 30, 1S69.-8 ra, , and ulnons. will end HA .VTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a most interesting place to rifit, as the gorgeous array Of new aov- Itics. and the tuonsundconiicnl tovs therein, give the store the appearance of an East.rn . MUSEUM OF CURIOSITIES ! Some idea may be arrived at as to the extent of the stork when it is known that of Dolls alone there are rme hundred ttntti fifiti-lii e Karintiet! Making that Department a perfect BAZZAR OF BEAUTY ! Fnll Descriptive Catalogues now ready, g. Call early to secure choice gifts. S. J. M'CORMICK, 8mfl Agent for Santa Clans. . Waltham AValchcs. Let every one who wants a Waten, read this carefully. Especially if in some remote out-of-the-way place. Now that the railroad is open, we propose to give the residents of Oreuon the opportunity of getting single genuine Waltham Watches at the The Lowest Wholesale New York Price We sell more Waltham Watches than any other establishment in the country, either wholesale or rotnil ; we send great numbers to every section of the country by Mail aud Express, carefully pack ed, and in perfect running order. Onr plan ia this : You want a Watch, and see our advertise ment ; now, we want you first to write ts us for our Descriptive and Illustrated Price List ; we will send it, post-paid, by return mn.il. It ex plains all the different kinds, tells the weight and quality of the cases, with prices of each ; you then make a selection of the kind you prefer, and send us your order. We will then send you the Watch by Express, with the bill to collect oa de livery. We give instructions to the Express company to allow you to open the package aod examine the Watch ; if it suits, you can pay and take it ; if not, you are under no obligations to receive it ; and if it is taken, and afterward does not prove satisfactory, we will exchange it, or REFUND THB NONET. As an indication of the prices, we will quote one Watch of our list. The P. 6. Baktlxtt, Lever Movement, with Extra Jewels, Chronome ter Balance, Patent Pinion, Patent Dust Cap.aod all the other late improvements, in a Solid Coin Silver ease, - ... $28 in Greenbacks, or about $20 in Coin. All the other kinds, both gold and silver, in the same proportion. Do not order a Watch till you have sent for a Price List, as it contains a great deal of information regarding these Watches that will enable you to make an intelligent selection. Dont forget, when you write, to state that you saw this advertisement in the Alb art Register, and you need not put in stamps for return post age. Address in full, HOWARD 1 CO., Jewelers and Silversmiths, 618 Broadway, N. Y. We refer, by permission, to Messrs. Wills, Fargo A co., N' X. and San Francisco.- ! I. W. Ratmokd, Esq., T. R. Bctleb, Esq., B. c. Howard, Esq., San Francisco, , W. S. Hobabm, Virginia city, Nevada. '.' " T CHEAP SEWINQ MACHINES. C20Q HOME SHUTTLE SEWING gQ JiJiO Machine. A deuble-thread j50 lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ; stitch alike on both sides. ! ' -' (N(5lf Celebrated Common-Sense Ctt mt fPs&xJ Family Machine. Both ma- TptaAj chines fully Warranted for years. Machines sent to any part of the eoast by express, C. O. D. Agents wanted in every town on the Paoifla coast. Liberal commission. Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Co., 2y O. O. TRAVER, 131, First St., Portland. Executor's Notice. THE undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, Executor of the last . will and testament of SamcblH. Ritter, deeeased, late of said county. Persons having claims against said estate, will present them, duly verified, to the undersigned, at his residence three miles northeast of Lebanon, in said county, within six months from this date. J. R. SMIIU. . December 13th, 180-1 owl "