The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 08, 1870, Image 1

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    VOL. 2.
NO. 18,
One Tew. Three Dollar
Six Months Two Dollar
Single Copies Ten Cents
Transient advertisements vrr Square of ten
lines or loss, first insertion, $U; each subsequent
Insertion, $1.
Larger advertisements inserted on the most
liberal terms.
Western Hotel,
Corner First and Morrison streets,
Portland, Oregon.
Having received new type, stock of colored
inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are p re
pa -ed to execute all kind t priunnjr in a better
manner .aud fifty per Cent, cheaper tnan ever bo
fore offered in this city.
Agents for the Register.
The following gentlemen are authorized to re
ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising,
etc., for the Register :
IIIRAM SMITH, Esq n.-irrisburg.
Judtte S. II . CLAUUUTON Lebanon.
PETER HUME, Esq Brownsville
W. K. KIRK, Esq
K. E. WHEELER. Eq Scio.
T. II. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem. .
iKO. W. CANNON. Esq Portland.
L. P. FISMER, Esq 'Frisco.
Messrs. SMITH & COOK hate taken this
well known house, refitted and refurnished
it throughout, built a large addition, making
thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dining
and Sitting rooms, making it by far the
West Hotel iu Portland.
A call from the traveling public will satisfy
them that' the above statements are true.
.utiii vwj., x rops.
N. B. Hot and cold Baths attached to the
house for the benefit of guests. 50
Portland, August lotb, 1869.
Frout and Washing-ton Streets,
t n i- ' Public.
made an 1 attested. Conveyances and col
lections attended to. 12 6'J
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
FFICE On Main street, opposito Foster's
L. P. W. Quimby, - - - - Proprietor.
(Late of the Western Hotel.)
Tnr.S HOUSE is the most commodious in the
State, newly lurnifhed, and it will be ths
endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gueste
comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat
,Tff The Concord Coach will always be four
at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ar
river boars, carrying passengers and their bai'-ga-re
to and frm the boats free of charge.
House mtpplied u?ifi f'tttent Fire Extinguixhera.
I Front street s : Portland, Oregon.
,. o
chased this well known Hotel, are now prc
' pared to offer the traveling public bctier accotn
: modations than can be iouud elsewhere iu the
I city.
i Hoard and Lodging $2 OO per day."
Biltabidcl & Co.,
visions. Wood nud Willow Ware, Confec
tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc.
Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany,
Oregon. I
E. A. Prceland,
School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books,
Stationery. Gold and Ste.l Pens, Ink. etc.. Post
office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered
from New York and San Francisco. 1
C. Xllealey & Co.,
in all kinds of Furniture and Cabinet
Ware. First strent, Mbanv.
S. Bj Oawrbton, , -
AGENT. Office iu the Post Office building.
Lehnnon,. Oregon, 1
Will 'attend to making Deeds and othereonvcy-
ances. also to the prompt collection of debts en
. . j A .. l
usiGt vr in , ...ail.. .
The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to con
vey Passengers and baggage to and from the
Hotel free of ehtirye.
j Office Oregon 4 California Stage Company, B.
! G. WniTKiiorsE, Ajrcnr. 2tf
! iVeiv Columbian Holel,
1 N"S. 11 123 and 122 Front street,
) The Largest. Best andmott Convenient
j Kotil in Portland!"
Located in the center of business and near all
! the steamboat landings.
Mitchell, Dolph & Smith,
Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad
miralty. Office over tbe old Post Office, Front
street, Portland, Oregon. I
Powell & I linn,
and Solicitors in Chancery,
(! Flinn, Notary FubSe,)
Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances
pruniply attended to. 1
Attorney aud Counselor at Law,
WILL practice in tbe superior and inferior
courts of Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and
Polk counties. '.--
Five per cent, charged on collections when
made without sueiug. jl9-C9
CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a
large stock of !
Groceries and Provisions,
Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cigars, Con
fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ac, Ac, Wholesale
and Retail, opposite K. C. Hill' fc Son's drug
store, Albany, Oregon. aoctS
Bouse, Sign & Carriage Painter,
PAperhangingr, Glazing-, Kalsomine, &c.
Country orders punctually attended to.
First street, next door to Tweed ale Jt Co.'s.
May 8, 1863-35tf .
fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi
cinity that he has takeu charge of this establish
ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying
strict attmtic jto business, expects to suit all
those wae may favor him with their patronage.
Having heretofore carried on nothing but
First-Class Hair Dressin? Saloons,
be expec's to give entire satisfaction to alL
J&r- Children and Ladies' hair neatly cut and
.shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER.
Board and Lodging'
F' .71 o. C t--. tV- Ci.-.)J ' J li.
room occniiied.
T Rooms neivly furrisbed and well ventil
ated. Suntrior accommodations fur families.
The New Columbian Hotel Coac'i will be
in attendance at all the landings to convey pas-
... . l i ... 1 r . . i .: . 1 1 . i
-1. . I l . . .1 li 1 1 Ui-UilC III Ullli 1 1 ; ! Ill LUU J1UICI
17 JsSTxee ot Charge ! -Si5
1 numerous patrons that she has on hand, and
is in regular receipt of the '
Latest and Choicest Styles of Goods
aiillixicry Lino !
If you purchase
of Fall Millinery you wili bo entitled'to the
Demorest Magazine,
for the year 1869, as a premium on the purchase
Dress and Cloak Making-
in all branches.
Bleaching and Pressing f
in the latest and best manner.
Goods Cheap andPaticnce Inexhaustible
Corner Main and Broad A'bin streets,
November 7, 1S6S-9
(Office ia Parrish & Co.'s bloek. First street,)
Albany, Oregon.
SHIP James Elkiks, Esq., ex-Clerk of
jinn county, we are enabled to add to our prac
tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for
Conveyancing, Examining- Records
and attending to Probate business.
Deeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages care
fully drawn. . ,
Homestead and Pre-emption Papers
made, and claims secured. ;
Sales pf Real Estate negotiated, and loans
effected on collateral securities on reasonable
rates. . ! -.-"' .
AM business entrusted to them faithfully and
promptly executed.
' Albany; Oct. 10, 'd8-6y
P At.Ii KINDS, printed t tbe rrj faweit
rmimwt mm wiuprou. t tut vutvv .
Bedding-, Etc., .
orn er First and Broad Albin streets,
in his line.'
October 18S3-8
raitrcin-Cr. - -'TURjm.
t t
i i
I ke p on band and make to order
Spinning' Wheels.
3S SbpP near the "Magnolia Hills." .
Albanj, Not. 28, 1868r12
Railroad Meeting.
The meeting at the Court House last
Mooday night, to take into consideration
the proposition made by ldn. II oil ad ay
in relation to the direction to be given
to the Oregon Central Railroad, tbe loca
tion of the depot, etc., was largely at
tended, and the greatest ioterest mani
fested. ;
Jas. II. Foster was elected Chairman,
and jas. Elkins, Secretary. The Chair
man stated the objects of the meeting t i
be to take into consideration a proposi
tion made by Ben. Holladay to the citi
zens of Albany and Linn county, said
proposition being in " black and white,"
and to this effect : Ben. Holladay agrees
to diverge the line of the Oregon Cen
tral Railroad to a point within a half
mile of the Court House in A'bany. and
to erect a depot at that point, provided
our citizens subscribe the sum of twenty
five thousand dollars iu U. S. gold coin,
and the same amount in towu lots or
other real estate, the money to be paid
and the deeds to the real estate to be ex
ecuted to the said Ben. Holladay so soon
as the road shall be completed and the
cars ruuning to said city of Albany:
Provided, said road shall be completed
on or before the first day of January,
1871. The Chairman gave it as his
opinion that the above proposition was
the best that could be obtained iron)
Holladay; that in conversations had with
Holladay, he asserted positively that
unless the full amount (50.000) was
raised, aud the fact telegraphed to him
(Holladay), the road would not touch
Albany; that in bringing the road to
Albany he would be compelled to di
verge from a straight Hue nearly three
miles, at a cost of SGO,000, and hat
would not incur the additional expense
alone, especially as all his interests and
ends would be as successfully accom
plished by leaving Albany some miles
on the north of the line of road. Hol
laday denied that he had ever offered to
bring the road to' Albany fur tbe sum of
S30,000 ; that this was his first, last and
only proposition.
Rev. 12. R. Geary, by request, gave
the substance of his conversations with
Holladay, and his own views in the mat
ter, all of which corroborated with
the views and statements of the Chair
man. Mr. Geary believed that Holla
day, in this proposition, had given us his
ultimatum ; that if we failed to raise the
amount asked .lor, we would not get the
Mr. Douthit, Dr. Alexander, and
others, addressed the meeting all of
them agreeing that if the money wa9 not
made up by the 10th inst., Albany would
be " left out in the cold."
On motion a committee of seven
two for this city, and five for the county
was appointed to solicit subscriptions to
the railroad fund.
On motion, the meeting adjourned to
meet at the Court House, on Friday
evening to hear the' report of the Com
mittee on Subscriptions, and to take
any further1 steps that may be deemed
necessary to secure the road to Albany.
Previous to adjournment, amotion of
Dr. Alexander's was adopted, and sub
scription books were opened then and
there, and we are informed that nearly
$9,000 were subscribed before the meet
ing finally broke up. It seemed to be
the universal feeling that the time for
badgering1 bad passed ; that immediate
and prompt action is demanded at our
hands if we would have a railroad to
Albany. Mr. Holladay .said that he
would locate the depot to suit the busi
ness of the road ; that his aim in the
selection of a site would be to accommo
date the largest number of the business
portion of the community; that no offers
or subscriptions would be received bind
ing him to erect a depot on or at a cer
tain fixed point.,;
: That the road will be built, we have
the evidence of Mr. Geary that enough
iron has been bought, and is to be deliv
ered at East Portland between June and
July next, to build sixty miles of road,
besides the twenty miles already con
structed; the fact that a car and black
smith shops have been erected at a cost
of tTo or three hundred thousand dol
lars; that saw mills are erected on the
line of the road, capable of sawing 90,000
feet of lumber daily, and that enough
ties have been sawed out to complete
twenty miles of road at once. These are
evidences that Holladay intends to pros
ecute the work, says Mr. Geary, or else
his senses have forsaken him.
Baptismal Ceremonies. A large
number of our people were assembled on
the bank of the Willamette, at the foot
of Ellsworth street, to witness the immer
sion , of new members of the Baptist
church, Rev. Dr. Hill officiating. The
weather -was cool. There was but one
person baptised, we believe. ;
Lebanon, January 1, 1870.
The holidays have passed pleasantly
with .the citizens of our rural village.
The Masons had a supper in their hall
on ' Christmas Eve, on which occasion
their officers for the ensuing year were
installed. "We understand that all had a
very pleasant time supper abundant
and of the very best, and the company,
as it was composed exclusively of Masons
and their families, of course was pleas
ant. The Good Templars had a supper
in their hall Christmas evening. We
understand' that it was a grand affair.
Provisions of the very best were so
abundant that not more than half was
consumed, though there were about one
hundred persons present. By the way,
this Lodge, we suppose, is one of the
most prosperous in the State. It now
numbers about one hundred members in
good standing; and new members are
initiated at almost every meeting.
Since the annual meeting of the
" Lebanon Ditch & Manufacturing Com
pany," the general impression is that the
ditch will be dug and a mill erected by
next harvest. The new Board of officers
arc live men are determined to push
it through. About fifteen hundred dol
lars of stock has been taken since the
annual meeting. By tho way, a delega
tion from your city was up here this
week to see if some arrangements might
not be made by which Albany might
have the benefit of " the ditch." We
would have Albany to understand that
this ditch is to convey water fo Lebanon.
If you wish to use the water at Albany,
you are welcome to do so, a fter Lebanon
has had the benefit of it. Albany is too
near Lebanon, at any rate, to ever make
a place of much importance. From the
great adoo which is made about the
Passing through Albany, we are led to
infer that the future prosperity of your
city depends upon the accomplishment of
that event. We are happy to be able
to assure you that the prosperrry of our
city depends on no contingencies. Leb
anon wll prosper, let the Oregon Cen
tral Riilroud " go where it may. It
may be true that a branch of the
Crossing the Cascade mountains over the
Willamette Valley and Cascade Wagon
Road, will pass through the Main street
of Lebanon, and intersect the Oregon
Central at some poiut between Corvallis
and Jefferson ; yet the prosperity of
Lebanon does not depend on that. Now,
sir, if you would be a million heir (mil
lionaire) lay out several thousand dollars
in real estate in Lebanon. But if you
do not wish to do this, the next best
thing is to buy a section of land at the
junction of the Lebanon branch of the
Pacific with the Oregon Central. But
in order that you may be greatly bene
fitted by either of these transactions, ytu
will have to act promptly.
A series of religious meetings have
recently been held at Soda Springs, by
Rev, E. A. Judktns, pastor of the M. E.
Church at this place, which resulted in
twenty-three conversions and accessions
to the church. X.
Letter from tbe County School Super
intendent. Officb or Coiixty School Supkristesdekt")
Fob Likk Coustt, Oregon,
December 3utb, 1S69. J
Editor Register : As there have
been several applications to this office for
copies of the school law, of which there
are non for distribution ; and as several
districts suffered loss last spring through
errors in their reports, or through too
great delay in sending them to this office,
I have thought it best to call the atten
tion of the clerks of school districts to
this subject, through your columns, with
your kind permission.
The law provides that before the first
Monday in March of each year the re
port must be made to the Superintendent.
This means that the report must be in
the office of the Superintendent on that
day, as that is the day on which the ap
portionment of the school . fund among
the districts is made, and he cannot know
of reports still in the offices of the clerks,
or in the mails, or perhaps in some one's
hat, where some reports appeared to have
been carried, a week or two before they
reached the office, and were too late in
consequence. V,"-;-
It is evident that the 2?th of Febru
ary is too late to" make a report, espec
ially when that mouth has but 28 days,
as last February.
In fact, ' making the report should
never he put off later than January, as
then it will have all of February to go
to the office, and it is hardly passible
that accident of any kind, could delay a
report if mailed before February. It is
wrong, also, for the children of any dis
trict to be deprived of their portion of
tho public fund through the neglect of
the clerk who has taken an oath to per
form his duty. !
The report should contain :
1st. Number of legal voters.
2d. Number of persons over four and
under twenty years of age.
3d. Number of male scholars.
4th. Number of female scholars.
5th. Number of quarters school
0th. Kind of books used.
7th. Number of scholars in average
8th. Amount paid teachers from dis
trict tax. ' - ;n
9th. - Amount received and paid teach'
ers from the county fund.
10th. Amount of incidental expenses.
11th Total amount of tax levied and
12th. Names of teachers employed.
The whole number of the male and
female scholars, in the 3d and 4th items
above, should amount to the 2d item, the
number of persons over four and under
twenty years of age. In two reports
last Winter there was a discrepancy in
thepe amounts. One in particular re
ported 57 persons over 4 and under 20
years of age, 18 of whom were males
and 21 females; 18 and 21 is only 39,
leaving 18 persons who were not account
ed for as male or female. There being
an obvious error in this report, and the
number 39 being probably the nearest
right, it was made the basis of the appro
priation for that district.
One report also failed to mention any
school taught; and had not the clerk
happened into the office just in time to
correct it, thac district would have lost
its share of the fund.
These mistakes arc brought to the
notice of clerks that they may guard
agaiust similar errors, as the items men
tioned, the number of mules and females
over f mr and under twenty years of
age, and the number of quarters school
taught, are absolutely necessary in order
to eutitlc the district to a share in the
fund. It is doubtful if there has been
a single apportionment at which some
district has not failed to get its just por
tion of the county fund, through error in
the report or its failure to arrive in time.
But if the clerks will take this notice in
good part and act accordingly, there need
be no such cases the coming March.
Perhaps they had better cut out this
article and keep for reference, and, if in
consequence, the reports all come into
this office in lime, and correct, so that
every district gets its fair share of the
public fund, leaving no occasion for
fault finding or ill feeling hereafter,
I shall be amply repaid for writing this
communication. J. W. Mack,
Co. School Supt. for Linn Co., Oregon.
. e
Upset. A wagon containing eleven
persons, on the night of the 30th ult.,
was accidentally upset en a steep grade
just at the residence of H. A. Johnson,
Esq., two miles north of Jefferson, pre
cipitating the whole party to the ground.
The soft condition of the ground pre
vented the " serious killing " of any of
the party; but two of the young ladies
sustained painful injuries one lady's
wrist being sprained, and another lady
was deprived of consciousness for a short
time. Nick Springer came out with a
whole skin, but he was a perfect fright,
being covered with mud from one end to
the other ! The wagon turned completely
over, aud " it's the greatest wonder in
the world " that the party escaped with
so few bruises.
A Change. The Eugene Journal
says that Ben Holladay has removed
Chief-Engineer Brooks and appointed
Hon. Jesse Applegate in his stead. The
Journal further adds. " We regard this
highly commendable appointment on the
part of Mr. Holladay as beinz carticu-
. i.j
ularly to the interests of the people of
Eugene. Mr. Applegate is a reliable
and experienced man, and may be ex
pected to perform the duties of the office
satisfactorily. We are glad that one of
the most worthy citizens of the State has
received the position. : We believe, so
far as Mr. Applegate will have power or
influence, the road "ill be located so as
to promote the best interests of all.
i T, -
Received. We are in receipt of the
list of premiums awarded at the Or
egon State Fair for 1869. It makes a
pamphlet of some forty odd pages, and
contains, besides the premium list, the
opening and, annual addresses, and pro
ceedings of the Board of Managers and
Society. :
'! The young man Boker, confined in
the Eugene City jail for larceny, made
his escape last week by removing some of
the stones in the side wall large enough
to crawl through. Search was being
made for him. : . . '-,r.x -:,t-
A jar of spirits containing the body
of an infant was found buried near Orq
ville, ' ;
Baron Munchausen Outdone.
The Panama correspondent of the N.
Y. Sun, under date of November 8th,
tells tbe following miraculous tale, which
is equal to the best of the Munchausen
tales :
; Your readers will remember the story
concerning S10,000,000 in silver buried
on the Cocos Island, which was started
in San Francisco ten years ago, and has
been , probably published in every coun
try newspaper in the United States..' The
tale was that a doctor in San Francisco
was one night called to the bedside of a
sick and poverty-stricken sailor. The
doctor watched over him carefully, and
made and paid for all his own prescrip
tions." In spit 6 of att his precautions the"
sailor grew worse, and at last the doctor
told him he must die.' The man was
deeply affected, and wept bitterly.' Death
came over him slowly but surely.
On his dying bed, with tears in his
eyes, he thanked the doctor for all his
kindness, and said he could and would
repay him for all his trouble. In a f jw
short breaths he told him that in his
younger days he had been a pirat. With
twenty companions he had shipped on a
Spanish treasure ship at Callao bound to
Cadiz. When five days out they rose
and butchered the passengers, after which
the course of the ship was changed due
west. Three weeks afterwards, during
a drunken carousal, the! ship ran upon a
reef of rocks fringing an island in tbe
Pacific, and before morning eight of the
buccaneers were drowned. At the break
of day they reached the shore in boats,
and found the island fertile and pleasant.
After three days' hard work they
brought the kegs of silver dollars to the
shore and buried them. . The treasure
amouuted to over 810,000,000. As wa
ter was scarce, and the provisions on the
wreck were totally damaged, the twelve
pirates took to their boats and steered
for the coast of South America. Noth
ing was ever heard from one of the boats,
and it was probably swamped in a great
storm which occurred tbreo days after
they had left the island. The provisions
in the other boat soon gave out, and the
men gradually became delirious for want
of sustenance. Two jumped overboard,
and were drowned. Oue of their com
panions died in the boat, and a fourth
was killed by his comrades, who drank
his blood. After drifting under a burn
ing sun for two weeks, the survivors
were picked up by a passing vessel.
Oue of them died on the following
day, and the other lived to tell his story
to hundredstofi in-Crdslou listener, and
to seek in vain for the means to return
to return to the island. He was now
about to end a life of disappointment in
death. At the conculiiou of his story
the dying sailor drew from under his
bolster a roll of papers giving the lati
tude and longitude of the island as near
as possible, and handed them to the doc
tor ; but before the physician could ex
amine them the old sailor died. The
mutiny occurred during the Peruvian
revolution against Spain, and the sailor
died in San Francisco, some thirteen
years ago. A careful study of the chart
located tbe island in the vicinity of Co
cos. The doctor embarked iu the scheme
with all his wealth, rigged out a schooner,
and sailed from San Francisco in search
of the Ei Dorado. He returned a ruined
man, unable to discover the island. Oth
er expeditions were fitted out, but none
were successful-
Iu July, 18GS, several gentlemen in
this city bought a schooner and fitted out
an expedition. There were twenty-six
persous in tho party. They left in high
spirits, with complete charts, and seemed
confident of success. The most of tbe
party were old Californians,. and were
used to a life of adventure. Among the
party was one George Cummins, a tnan
of large experience,, who had accompa
nied one -of the previous expeditions.
They reached the island after fifty-six
days' navigation, thoroughly worn out
aud disgusted. They spent nineteen
days there vainly looking tor the hidden
riches, and then gave up the hunt as en
tirely Utopian.. Setting sail again for
Panama, they finally brought up in La
Union, whence Cummins came up to this
city with the news of their blasted hopes.
It was thought that the failure of this
expedition would pat an end to all at
tempts to recover the specie. This was
not the case. .Last winter some of the
superstitious and wealthy citizens of Costa
Rica began to agitate the subject anew.
A company wis organized, composed cf
some of tbe prominent; Government oih
cials. The matter was brought be lore
the Casta Rica Congress, and after an
investigation they .authorized the pur
phase of several shares of the stock on
Government account. A large majority
of the members of the new expedition
were soldiers, probably sent to look after
the interests of the Government. A
priest was sent along to look after their
spiritual welfare. They left Costa Rica
in June last. Nothing has been - heard
of them until yesterdayj when a letter
was received from one of the party by a
friend in this city, containing intelligence
of the discovery of the treasure. The
let ter states that all the treasure has not yet
been found, and therefore no estimate of
its value can be given. The greater
part of that which has already been dug
out is in silver, the most of it in Spanish
dollars. - : .:; . .- U
To Make Little Bot's Trousers
Last. When you make a suit of elothes
for them, finish the coat first, and, by so
doing, you will make their trousers- last.
It is the only way the thing can be done,
A little boy having broken his rocking-horse
the day it was bought, his mam
ma began to scold, when he silenced her
by inquiring: ' " What s the good of a
boss till it's bToke?" "
Holding Vanderbllt's Horse A, Trwo,
A young man from a neighboring
State, who has been recently rescued
from, a score of hungry creditors, and
who still has a credit at his banker's of
about $100,000, ; but who, not. long ago,
was in reduced circumstances and obliged
to live in mtirnniAntt nn Sfnfpn Talnnrl
makes the folio win u solution of a comrje-
tency.' The gentleman Holt by - name
-was residing in one of the fashionable
hotels on Staten Island. He was ex
tremely down hearted. Tbia was the
reasou of his low spirits : About two
years ago he had married ft very hand
some woman, on whom he fairly doted.
At that time he bud $25,l)tfO in cash. :
C! C .av. ' " .-1 TsTl
removed to this city, and became a broker
on Wall street. II t was too honest to
Eucceed there. The . bulls and bears
gored and tore him j-finaucially and in
less than a month he had not a dollar
left. Disgusted, hej left with as good a,
grace as possible, leaving his cash to ful
fill its mission. With wife and child ha
went to the countrvl taid finally, as be
fore stated, settled down in a hotel onj
Statcn Island. His Wife had some means,
and she gave it freely to the support of
the family. I
A V,,,..t !. r. . v.. r
- vw u iv nccMflw, ftitltr uuo nut 1 -
ternoon, a gentleman drove up to the ho
tel where Holt was! living, and giuffly
asked if there was a oy there who would
hold his horse, i "I jwill do it, sir," said
Mr. Holt, and he did hold the animal
during the time consumed by the elderly
gentleman in obtaining his dinner.
A few days later the same gentleman,
driving tbe same horse, stopped at the.
same hotel and hunted again for a boy to
hold his horse. Nd boy- being present,
Holt again volunteered. He held the,
horse until the hostler came to take the ani
mal to the stable, and then retired within
the hotel to dress for dinner. Mrs. Holt
had a way of making her husband get him
self up very respectably at least once a
J .1 La . 1 . J
uiijr, uuu mat was for ine uinner nour.
Usually, he had been rather negligent of
his costume, and since his financial fiatco,
had already become quite seedy. When
Mr. and Mrs. Holt entered the hotel
dining room that evening Mrs. Holt was
resplendeLt. Her husband was at least
dressed in a gentlemanly style. At an
adjoining table Eat the elderly gentleman
whose horse Mr. Holt on two different
occasions had the pleasure of holding.
The eyes of the elderly individual were
observed to dilate considerably. In fact,
he stared at Mr. and Mrs. Holt. But
he said wojjumr atAhat Jts.'i. " After din
ner," however, Lo tooghVflut Mr. Hols
and bluntly asked his name. ''Holt, sir,
at your service." "And who do you
thiuk I am ?" again asked the elderly
personage. "Oh, you ? You are 'old'
Yaderbilt ! I know you, and the horse
I have held is Mountain Boy, an animal
any man might be proud to draw a rein
over." : r ;..':. .,:
Instead of taking offence at the epi
thet "old," Mr. Yanderbilt for it was
tho Commodore seemed to like it, and
he made some inquiries about Holt's an
tecedents, took a fancy to him, and per
emptorily ordered him to make his ap
pearance at his up-town office on tbe en-'
suing forenoon at precisely 11 p'clock.
Holt promised to cbey, did so, and had
an interview of over anhour's duratioq
with the millionaire. " What was done o
6aid on that occasion no one has ever
been able to learu. j But a few days later
Holt made his appearance in Wall street
aud speculated stiongly and successfully
: - ! k i i
iu a uertaiu miu oi fiiucas tuuwii iu ira
mostly controlled by Commodore Yander
bilt. So well did he work his card with
tho instructions undoubtedly obtained
from the Commodore, that in a few
weeks he had cleared over $100,000, iu
cash, which he deposited with a promii
nent banking-house whose vaults are pro
tected with burglar-proof locks, and who,
keep day and night watchmen expressly
paid to see that no unauthorized person
tampers with those safeguards. Two
weeks ago Yanderbilt sent for Holt again
and said to him
"Young man, t heard you had made
some money. I am glad to hear . it.
Now, just take my 'advice a second time.
Never put foot in Wall street again. You
ftrA nnfc aiiitArl fnv trier armnaririArA- Shun'
enough. Keep what you have, and be
contented." s '
Holt now shuns Wall street as he
would a pestilence.) !
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"A Western philologist has diaeolrared
that the same .of Omaha waa derived;
from a Very frequent Western , exclama
tion with which that region Was familiar,
in the Indian scalping daya, namely, "Ob,
my bar; a j -"-.i.:-r..'v..:v-'
Difficulties and strong men, like strop
and razor, are made for each other.