How Jeff. Davis Went Oat to Cowhide a Wisconsin Hoy and How he Didn't Io it. From the Milwaukie Sentinel, Xov. 8. It id probably $nowu to but very few prestJtcitien f our State that Wisconsin has the high distinction of bavins given Mr, JeSerson Davis, ex rresident of the ex-Confederate States, his first public whipping. 'It should be remembered that Master Jeff- was educated for the army at the expense of the Government he so un gratefully betrayed, and entered the ser vice as a lean, lank, overbearing Lieu tenant, and was stationed at .Port llow ard and Fort Winnebago about the years 1829 to 1831. In 1830 or 1831 he was stationed at tho . latter post, where the circumstances we are about to relate oc curred. For a year or two previous a Buck-eye boy named Stewart a full sized, well-built, muscular man, as good natured as aa elephant had beeu in the crrfploy of Judge Arndt, of Green Bay, in building what were called Mackinaw boats, with which most of the river transportation was done. At the time we speak of, Stewart was engaged in me chanical works at Fort Winnebago, where Davis was stationed. Jeff, in the meantime, had become en amored nf a. T Yf ttxr Tfnntr trnninn. . I . . f-V J """a eemi-aborig'tnal origin, or in plain Eng lish, a half-breed, and was reiy jealous j of any attentions bestowed upon her by others, ,? From: some cause or other the j monster within him fixed his green eyes j upon Stewart, and he swore by all the j buttons on his coat that he would cow- A Fearful Invention. The Vallo jo Chronicle of the 30th ult., gives the following account of tho invention of a young man of that city: . Thomas Hill, Esq., a young mechanic of this place, has constructed models of two inventions which he proposes to pat ant. He has constructed a hollow steam ram for' perforating ironclads or other vessels in time of war." It punches a hole : is the sides of a vessel under water sixteen inches ia diameter, is immediatly withdrawn, and a shell or torpedo ean then be fired through the hollow cylin der. 'The utter destruction of an appos ing vessel is insured. The machinery works by steam, and the ram is designed to be driven out sixteen feet with a strik ing force equal to 3,000 tons, when after penetrating the vessel, it will bj immedi ately withdrawn. A vessel could be honeycomcd below the water lino so full of holes that it would be imposible to pre vent sinking. A careful examination of the model assures us that it will accom plish the purposes sought for, if such a destructive weapon of war should ever be built. Ijt. is intended to be fitted into an iron-clad, double screw propeller of pe culiar model. This gentleman has also invented a double-action oscillating steam . i r x L - I. t J j engine, tue cynnaers oi wuica nave a reciprocating motion t hat counteracts all dead points. The valve-gearing is very simple in operation, and the whole ar rangement of parts is nicely adjusted to save space without loss of power.. 1he engines are adapted particularly tor a double-screw vessel. . Mechanics and steam engineers who have examined the model approve of its mechanism,' and be lieve for the proposes designed that it VARIOUS . ITEMS. Adam's drawiDg- to lud sthe'iaiserable Yankee fout of his j will superseje all other styles of engines kin. The idea of such a miserable wisp .- , or skin and bones attacking sueh a buiit About Hats. The C'entral City man as otewart was preposterous enoncrn, (Colorado) Register contains the follow ana his -threats were regarded as mere , jn : One of the most remarkable ani- bouthern gasconade. But Jeft. evidently i nias 0f the liocky Mountains is the calculated, as he did on a later occasion, j Rocky Mountain rat, tho Neotoma Via- erea or Beard, also known as the Jeoo- ma Occidenlalis, and called in Oregon the wood rat. A full grown rat is often : nine inches in length from tip of tioso to base of tail, while the tail adds about as much more to its length.-0 Its hair is soft, gray on the back, and white on the belly, ears short but broad, and round tail, bushy 4t the tip. It is the worst thief in the animal breation, not except ion; man. tor it always steals, and does NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tnat toe! low born plebeian would never dare tp resist, a high-born Southerner, but would crouch and take all he might see fit to lay on, and so, providing himself with a good cow-hide, he watched his op portunity. The desired occasion was not long de layed. " One ' evening, after the day's work wa? ended, as Stewart was walking icf front of the fort, Davis came out and without ceremony bejran to lay it on. But he found, as he did in the rebellion, not stop to consider whether what he . i . . , . . - . i i ... . .. steals is valuable or not. Many strange stories are told concerning its stealing ! nails, candles, &c, and bringing back in j return manure and all sorts of offal. Its operations often have the appearance more of having been the result of a desire to be employed than anything' else. Qri one occasion, J. Alden Smith, of this office, says, he had standing in his office . in Clear Creek county half a keg of nails, containing three sizesT and duiing a sin gle night these rats took out all the nails and piled them -up on the floor in 'three piles, each size by themselves. The same animals night after night, brought in heaps of manure from an out-housc. But even a stranger trick was performed in the house of .Mr. Hale on Tuesday night. On going to bed he placed his false teeth on the bureau. In the morning the teeth were gone, and a raw potato left ia their place. After a long search, tearing off the weather-boarding in several places, they were found in the nest of one of these xate. lhe rat had started to -carry off the potato but find ing the teeth took them and left the po tato. : , . - that thero were two parties to the con troversy, A blow or two was sufficient to arouse the lion, and Stewart, as he turned upon him, planted his left digits under, Jeff's right ribs, and his right one under his left ear, and knocked him end over end. Stewart was not a professional pugilist, and did not wait for his adver sary to ristf, but pounced upon him like a tiger, arid laying Jeff" s wrists side by side on his chest, held them both as in a vice with his1 left hand, and kept his" right hand ready for further action. Poor Da vis, half 'dead from the twa sledge-hammer blows he had received, squirmed and twisted in vain. There he was, fast as though he had been in the iron arms of a guillotine, and at the mercy of his ad versary." By this time Stewart had be-' ome quite cool, and told Davis he de served a good pounding; "but," said he, "if you will take back what you have said about me, and agree to let me alone, I will let you up without further injury ." NcJ, he would never do any such thing. Then Stewart began to slap Jeff's, face first on this side and then on the other, and. then repeated his demand for the pledge, and Jeff, again refused. Then he pulled his nose and twisted it, and slapped - his face some more. In the . meantime the garrison was all astir, and General, , then Major, Twiggs, the same that" went over to the rebellion with his whole .command of United States troops etatiorred in Texas, a giant of a man physically, standing about six feet six, and of full proportions, but a confessed coward withal, came out and peremptorily ordered Stewart to let Davis up, an order which,' as commander of the fort, he could have, executed summarily if he had the pluck to do it. Stewart replied that he would not let him up an inch till he apologized and promised4to keep the peace, and eaid he, AMajor, you can't make -me doit; andf -job -want to take a hand in this fight, Justify it on,4and I will whip you 1 and your whole garrison it you will bring j out your men in squads of not more than j si iflime," And then he went on manipulating Jeff's, cheeks and nose and ears and repeating.. his demands for "in demnity for the past and security for the future' while Twiggs looked on in mute astonishment at the audacious pluck of the Yanked Jwtbuilder'v . Jeff., seeing no way to escape; either by bluster, main strength, or the interference of the Major, conclu ded to accept tbe situation, took all back and promised to treat Stewart as a gentle man, '-and "was let up, remarking, as he went away, : that lie never received such - blows from man or horse ; and probably he never did again till another Buckeye boy me tTSuiln' another wilderness. He said he felt as if he had been kicked by a mule. Jeff, should have, remembered that lesson, and never again presumed, as he did in getting up the rebellion, upon a Yankee's holding still to be kicked. The writer of this article did not wit ness this "interesting fight, but was well acquainted jrith Stewart, and. received , " the foregoing account of the affair from his own mouth soon after the occurrence, as well as from the lips of others who nntnoawil it' and the narrative we have given may be relied upon as substantially corrects If I were to come to your house by chance, and you were at work in your kitchen. I should hope that you would be ladles "and gentlemen enough not to apol- ftoize. I a'wavs have a. poor opinion of peoplev who, wben-I catch hem at work in the"kitchenrare agitated, and say, "I hegijSJur" paYdfO. If J had known you were coming I would not have been found , hard r.'J That is" where you ought to be ; - and you need ashamed, nor. apolo gize? iliis foriyxra;ather than against , ' r vj? D 7. .... " Ttm CMeo Enterprise of the 4th Wit, says that a distance of sixteen miies from , Mswrsville, W the"--line of the California rwrnn road, has been graded, the bridge completed over Feather jriverand passed over, and a force is now at work two miles below Dry Creek,' only twenty- three miles from Ciijco. The Idle Man. This individual is an annoyance nuisance.: He is an in truder in the busy thoroughfare of every day life. He stands in our way and we push him contemptuously aside. He is no advantage to anybody. .., He annoys busy men.- He makes- them unhappy. He is a cypher, in society. He may have an income ; to support him in idle ness, or he may1 sponge on his good-natured friends. .But in either case he is despised. Young men,; form habits of industry ; do something in this wide awake world. Move about for the bene efit of .mankind, if not for yourself. Do not be idle. - God's law is, that by -the sweat of our brow we shall earn our bread. .Thai; is . a " good one, , and the bread is sweet. . Do not make yourself and others wretched by your idleness. Minutes are too precious to be squandered thoughtlessly.- - . . . " Tis Smoke, Chew, Smoke 1- He sits in a corner from morning to night ; 'tis smoke; chew smoke I He rises at dawn, bis pipe to light, .goes. puffing and cnew ing with all his might, till the hour of sleep. Tis his delight to ' smoke, chew, smoke. The quid goes in when the pioe goes out ; 'tis chew, chew, chew. He sits all day in asmoke of fog ; 'tis puff, puff, puff. . He growls at his wife, the cat and dog, he covers with filth the carpet' ana rug : and bis only ' answer when I give him a jog, is pjaff. puff, puff. The house all over from end to end, is smoke, smoke, smoke. In whatever room my way I wend, if I take his clothes to patch and mend, ungrateful perfumes will eve i as cend of smoke, smoke, smoke. At home or abroad, afar or near, 'tis smoke, chew, smoke ; his mouth is stuffed from ear to ear, or puffing the stump of a pipe so dear; and his day will end I verily fear, in smoke, smoke, smoke. '"., 4 Accounts are eiven in- some of-.- the foreign journals of the healing properties of a new oiL ' It is easily made from the yolks of eggs, and it is said to be much employed : by the- German colonists of South Russia as a means of curing cuts, bruises, scratches, etc. ; The eggs ; are boiled hard the yolks removed and crushed and then placed over the fire and stirred carefully until the whole substance is on the point of catching fire,, when the oil ; separates and - mav- be poured off. Hen's eggs are considered beat, and nearly two, teaspoonfnl3 of oil may be gained irom a single yolk. - What was Eve created for ? Express Company, W hat flower would finish - a room best ? Rose would. ' When a shoemaker is going to make a boot the first thing he uses is the last. When a pretty girl falls in love with an Irishman her heart always soes oitv Pat. ' Q What a difference it makes whether you put ir. before or. after a man a name. The hog may not be thoroughly posted in arithmetic, but when you come to a square root he is there. .... When a petulant individual observes you " You had better eat me up. hadn't you?" don't you do it:.-; A Woman recently died at Corry, Penn., from the effects of ' chloroform given for the purpose of extracting teeth without pain. ; ."; At a. New England county fair the re ceipts were so much below the expenses that only sixty cects on the dollar will be paid on the premiums. While a mother was brooding over her poverty, her little son said : ." Mamma, I think God hears when wo scrape the bot tom of tho flour barrel P A New York special . thinks Collector Grinneu will resign shortly. Hiram Walbridga, Ezra ;, Cornell - and Judge Pierpoat are meutioned " for the succes sion. - . A New York jury has acauitted the policeman who shot and killed a man who was running away from him, on the ground, that the act was committed " part ly in self-defence."; r ; . ; Jones said to Nibbles, " Poor Lucinda took that circumstance very much to heart. Nibbles replied : Did she indeed I 1 ne dear snrl : 1 wisu 1 was that circumstance." t " J. he papers relate an anecdote ot a beautiful young lady, who had become bliud, having recovered her eyesight after marriage. It. is no uncomon thing for people's eyes to be opened by matri mony. 1 A man out West who read that dry coppeias put in a bed of ants would causo them to leave put some in his mother-in law's bed to see if she wouldn't go. He says she was there at last ac counts, r ; At one of. our common schools, the teacher, in catechising his schoolars, put the following question : " What was made to give light to the world ?". " Matches" cried one of the youugsters, after a short pause. Ill "Here, Tommy, is some nice castor oil, with orange peel in it." ! Doctor -'Now, remember, don't give it all to Totnmyj leave some for nie." Tommy" ( who has been there before) -"Doctor's a nice man, ma; give it all to the doetor." " Why do you wink at me, sir?" said a beautiful young lady, angrily, to a stranger, at a party, an evening or two since. "I beg your pardon, madam," replied the wit. " I winked as men do when looking at the sun; jour splendor dazzled my eyes." -;j The first shipment of teas, in bond, by Pacific Railroad, went forward last week. It consists of 612 packages-received per steamer Japan. Hereafter all teas for Eastern markets will be shipped in bond by railroad, contracts for that purpose having been made with the railroads. From letters found on the body of John Barber, a wood-choper, murdered at Eureka, Mo., a few days ago, it ap pears that he was, with one brother and his mother, heir to an estate, in Bombay, valued at $1,000,000. The letter bad just been received, and was still unopen ed. On the day of election at Worcester, Mass., a woman's ticket was put in the field, headed by Ann ' Shaw Green, of West Roxbury, for Governor. Several women insisted on their privilege to vote under the Fifteenth Amendment, and one ticket was actually deposited in spite of the o uicers. The naval paymaster who dpew $20,000 from the fund appropriated for marine barracks on the Pacific Coastshas failed to build the barracks, or make any ac count of the money. The marines will therefore be compelled to wait another appropriation before tho barracks can be constructed. 1 be marines accounts show a deficit of 81,000,000. j WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. Organized, 1S60. Policies Exempt from Execution; Cash Assets, - - - $3,000,000, SECURELY INVESTED. OVER 12,000 MEMBERS. Goldex GoosE.r-Tbe Sacramento Bee has the following : - There has been submitted' to our in spection the contents of the gizzard of a goose slaughtered in Folsom for the pur pose of furnishing a thanksgiving dinner. Among the grit of gravel and cracked qnartz were several specimens' of gold, PURELY MUTUAL Dividends paid one year from date of Policy. All Policies and Dividends Non-Forfeit- able. Over 5,000 in 1868. Policies issued THIS COMPANY POSSESSES A COMBI natinn of desirable features which no other organization can claim. Its growth has been steady, its success marked. Its system of bupi ness is pre-eminently adapted to benefit the hold ers of its Policies. M'KENNEY & LINDERMAN, General Agents, 131 Montgomery street, San Francisco, directly opposite Occidental Hotel. AV. -VHITWELL, General Agent for Oregon and Territories, PORTLAND, OREGON. j s. TSov. 0, '69-9y ; - NEW ADVERTD3EMENTS. NATIONAL LIFE Insurance . Company OF THE OITED STATES of AMERICA, WASHINGTON, . C. Chartered by special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 1868. Cash Capital, $1,000,000.00 fjpESTIFY to tho wonderful cures of j 13 jr. -T. Wm Murray's Balsam for the Liver and Blood, Nature's own remedy. One of tho celebrated physicians of Portland says be is cureu ot tne i.une ana Laver complaint, and says he owes his life to Dr. Murray's laug and Liver Balsam. Read what he says : 1 Portlasd, May 21, 1869. I have tried Dr. J. W. Murray's Lunir and Z.iver Balsam. I used it In my family with the best of success. X was sick for some months and used every remedy. I called in several physi cians, but they did me no good. X exhausted every remedy known to the medical profession. and received no benent. id is JLrUDg ana i.iver Balsam cured me, and I do not hesitate to recom mend it to the public as a good and safe remedy to the public and my friends. It is good, and those who know ne, as many do in this State, as I have lived in many parts of it, know that 1 would not recommend them to use a thing that had no merit, because I am Apposed to quack remedies. G. W. BROWM, M. D. General Agents : , j SMITH A DAVIS. Portland, Oregon. HODGE A CALEF, " June 5, '68-39tf . i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T B B , , . l ' COLONS That Photograph Best, A R E i - - BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, ""! ep ORANGE. Those that take White, or nearly so, are Purple. Bine, Crimson, Piak, &c. Sept. 18, '69-2 ' ' i J. A. WINTER. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Insurance Oompany Not, 416 aad 418 California Street, ' -San Francisco CaL ? Stockholders " Individually Liable. Cash Capital, In Gold Doin, TSO.OOO. '" Deposit In Oregon,' aso,000. worth, in tie dollars. aggregate, at least .eight Losses Promptly andquiiublj Adjusted. nmilS COMPAKT having complied with th I law. of Oreeery, by aaakinc a of fiftv tbuBMa4 aollan, is bow prepsred to effect insnr- aaea against L.ouiot Uamafre by, Firs, and abjo against Marino and Inland JS a-rigatiea riiks, iiberai umn. - , . OUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pre.. CHAS. D. HAVEN, Soe'y. W. W. Farrish 6c Agents for Albany Albany, January 9, 1860-18 . CJo. Over 10,000 Persons TO THE WORKING CLASS. Wa are now orenared to furnish all classes with constant em ployment at home, the whole of the time or fat the . spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either .ex. easily earn from alio to 93 per evening, ana a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls ean earn nearly aa mucn a men. That all who see this notice may send their ad dress, and test the business, we make this unpar alleled offer : To such as art not well satisfied, wa will aend $1 to pay for the tronblo of writing. Fall particulars, a valuable sample, wbiuh will do to commence work on, and a copy of The Peol'r Lifrarv Camnan ioa one of the largest and best family newspapers published all sent free by mail. Reader, u you want permanent, profitable work, address, E. C.ALLEN A Co., lQn3 j. . - . , . . AuguBia, xuaine. DIRECTORS , CLARENCE H. CLARK, JAY COOKE. W. O. MOORHEAD. GEORGE F. TYLER. J. HINCKLEY CLARK, E. A. ROLLINS, HENRY D. COOKE, W. F. CHANDLER. JOHN D. DEFREES, EDWARD DODE, II. C. FAHNESTOCK. OFFICERS: E. CLARK, PhUadelphia, Presi- Finance A Executive CLARENCE dent. JAY COOKE, Chairman Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice Presi dent. EMERLON W. PEET, Philadelphia, Socretary Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington, Assistant See retarv. FRANCIS . SMITH, M. D., Medical Director. J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant Jledical Director. rillifc. attention of persons contemplating ln 1 suring their lives, or increasing the amount ot insurance they already have, is called to the special advantages offered by the NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. the: OFFERED , ADVERTISEMENTS. .6 "GAY" NEWS. - 1. ) -j-.-. ; i. i, . 1 Q i- - r - Farmers Can Ride and PIw, by flKctTBisra ohb or th GAT" PLOWS, Mannfaotured and wld for tbe Tory low prioo of 65 and - n . THE simplicity and practicability of this new Plow eommend. it favorably to tho special notice of every farmer. It possesses a decided superiority over all otner piow. now in uo. im wheels are four feet in diametar, and run on the nnplowed land. Its entire construction is in no way complicated. I Be plow i manag every manner with ease, and require, only two lever to be used in making any alteration. The supe riority of the "Gay" Plow will be clearly shown by .the following certificate- j ,;, 'r. We, the undersigned, citisens of Linn county, Oregon, having purchased and used upon our farms the "Qav" Plow, hereby certify that the same has riven na entire satisfaction. It. facility for adjusting to suit the deptn oi lurrow wunou moTinc from tho Mat. is simple and easy. We like the plow for its draught, became tbe same i. broucht to bear directly upon the plow-beam In stead of the carriage ; also, because it ia strong and durable, all except the wood-work being con structed of wrought iron no eating are need. ine wheels runnroc upon tne loua lanu is u au- vantaee over other erang-plows, in strikins; off land and in plowing, not having to make the oeo essarv the machincrv. and tbe Beat is always level, not thr wing the driver forward or sideways as, in' other plows.- Uetter worx ana more of it can be accomplished by tne use 01 in is Flow than ay band. : " We take pleasure in recommending tbe "Uir Plow to our brother farmers, as one having no superior in Oregon. , : A. B. LOONET, E. W. PIKE. W. H. G0LTTREE. " II. DAVIDSON. May 20th, 1869. The "Gat" Flow is manufactured by H. Goulding, Portland Machine Shop. All orders will be promptly attended to by ad dressing, , '' C. V. GAY, Portland, Oregon. Albany Agents. . J. BARROWS A CO., Agents , for Linn A Benton counties. ' JOHN BRIGGS. Agent for Linn A Benton eonnties. May 22, 'C9-3T ADVANTAGES ARE: It is a National Company, chartered by special Act 01 Congress, labH. It has a Paid-up Capital of $1,000,010. It offers Low rates of Premium. It furnishes Larger Insurance than other Com panies for tbe same money. It is Definite and Certain in its Terms. It is a Home Company in every locality. Its Policies are exempt from Attachment. . There are no Unnecessary Restrictions in the Pol - icies. Every Policy is Non-forfeitable. Policies may be taken which Pay to the Insured their Full Amount and Return all the Pre miums, so that the Insurance costs Only the Interest on the Annual Payments. Policies may bo taken that will Pay to the In- Bared, after a certain number of years, Dur?. ing Life, an Annual Income of One-Tenth the Amount named in the Policy. No Extra Rate is charged for risks upon the Lives of Females. Insures not to Pay Dividends, but at so low a cost that dividends will be impossible. fgif MAKING THE L Siig ; EVERY VAP.I ETY CFfw CILCL1T Cr.3., AGENTS, SALEM, OBEOON. ' 9b ITS POLICIES ARE NEGOTIABLE. By the Charter of the Company, certificates of obligations wilt be issued, agreeing to purchase its policies at their value which, when accompa nied by the policy duly assigned or transferred, are negotiable, and may be used as collateral se curity, in making loans from the Company or from other parties. The Hon. Jno. E. Sanford, Insurance Commis sioner of Massachusetts, in his Report for 1863, speaking of Dividends in Life Insurance Compa nies, says , The sooner such guarantees cease to be made, and such expectations created, the sooner Life Insurance will come to rest on its true motive, and men insure their lives for security, and not for dividends. The best and the most popular companies wilt then be those that prom ise only equity, and render all that they promise, and furnish the best security, mith the most op right and judicious management." " By the Stock plan the full rash effect of the premium is immediately secured to the insured, tbe Company taking axl the risk. By the Mu tual plan, tbe full value in insurance of tbe pre mium paid, is not secured to the policy-holder, who takes a portion of the risk himself." Policies Issued In Gold or- Currency, WM. E. HALE, MANAGER. WEtiS, FABGO fc CO . v GENERAL . AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC ", COAST. TBE OLD STOVE DEPOT! JOHN imic;c;s, DEALER IX NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T NEW CfJCLAriD ; MUTUAL LIFE IKSCIIIKCS CO. ' or Bosrozf.' ; ' INCORPOHATID 135. l" j Cash assetS.....,.......,..,....L;,.tr,000,060 99 Cash Dividend, 1867.........: 626.D7S 5 Cash Dividend, 1868.....4.-8,lf Total surplus dividend 8,513,771 00 mosses paid in 18(J8....4....., . 67,oa 43 Total losses paid.: ............. 8,842,100 00 Income for 1867 2,862,031 41' No eztra'clTanre for traveling to and from tho Atlantic States, Earope, Oregon, or ths Saadsrlck) uiuat. , , . . . , All Policies non-forfehlnff. and s-overaed by ths)- . non-forfeiting law of MassaobosetM . r Policy holder, the only persons who receive 4 Ir , .u kum , waHia mv and paid annually ; ant dividend avail- -. . ,i able at the payment of the seoond . V annual premiums. All Polieiea 1 ' ' ' i . . ; remain in force a loos; as ... ... ' , there is any surrender ' value. 1 ' JfO .FORFEITURES t .-j.-;-.-:-, r:.;, , This old and popular Company, (the oldest Mb tual Life Insurance Company ia this , ; . m poMiiuv rates . , . 1 Y' The stabilitv of this Cotnnaiv. wffh IU naaTl tory, increasing capital and business, aad tae aat... isfactory manner in which it baa diseharged it obligations ia the -past, are gaaraavees for the' future suoh as far-seeing and careful aoea require. in their investments. ' - Persons generally, who thoroagbly understand the workings of Life Insurance, are anzloaa to avail themselves ef its equitable provisions. Full information will be gives to those whe' desire, at the Agency. ;. ,., --.., ,;.-.: Boms OfBce, 39 Stat Street, Bewton' . Paeifio Branch Office., .. . ... , , , 303 Montgomery Street. San Francisco. Room 3. Carter' t Suiliimg, Portland, ' Oregon,' ETSRSON & HAINES, Oaneral A$jU.: RVSSELL 4?t EtlillXS, Asrls, ' ALBANY, OREGON. H " ' Albany, September 19, 1868-2r " '' 1800-70. STOVES, COOK. PARLOR & B0I, of the best patterns ! ' ALSO Tin, Sheet Iron and and the usual assortment of Fornishing Goods U be obtained In a TIS3 STOILE! S Jfr& Repnirn nrntfif and promptly executed, yaB-on reatoitable term. 'u-'X. , "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street Albany. 'Next door to Mansfield A Co. dec5'68-12 BLACKSMITH INC ! PLOWS! PLOWS4! PLOWS THE undersigned gives notice to tho general publie, that he is now manufacturing the Galesburg Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that ordered. Also, particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing-, Wagon and Darrlajre Making, Albany Collegiate Institute THE KEXT TERM OF THIS ISSTITU- -tion for youth of both .exes, will open on Monday, ths 18th of. October next. . it will be in charge or tbe Iter. EpwaSd B. Gsart and tbe Rev. Samcbi. . IarniE sssist- ed by a corp. of competent teachers. , , -. t . CALENDAR, The first term will embrace 15 weeks of tnition, " ending February itb, 1870. . ' , ; the second term will embrace II weeks. of to-, ition, from February 7th to July 1st. 1870. ' rates of Ttrmon . '.; . (teb qcarteb or te weeks.);; , 1 , . ; Preparatory and common branches.. $5 04. Advanced English 7 00 Ancient and Modern Languages, Higher ' . ' Mathematics, Ac 9 00 Tuition charged from date of entrance to end' of quarter, and payable in advance. . Org-anixation of CoUege Classes. " ' A Freshman clas will be formed and a course of study prescribed at the opening of the term. -. . , Principal Text Beeks 1 , . - Wilson's Readers, Clark's English Grammar, Robinson's Mathematics, Hooker's- SLtoral ' Science, Qnackenbos' Rhetoric. Abbott's Aber-, crombie's Mental and Moral Philosophy, liark nesa' Latin Series, Fasouell'. French Seriea, and the most approved editions of the Latin and Greek, Classics. ' A Record -I Of every recitation will be made, and an averare given in Quarterly Reports ; also, of attendance ana deportment. Government. The aim will be lo develop ia the student t high sense of moral obligation, honor and integ rity, and those who cannot be governed by such motives, will not remain in the school. ,, . ,. - f; Boar ?;( H ,f , May bo bad in families at $4 per week, and rooms procured where students may board thea selves. . ; . . By order of the Board of Trustees. 1 1 " . . - EDWARD R. GEARY, i Albany, Aug. 21, '6U-50 , President, and General Jobbing. . ' ' ;..;.. . it' All work entrusted to me will receive promptf attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material. . A share of public patronage is solicited, .v . " Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Pierce' Ferry. - F. WOOD. Albany, November 21, 1868-11 CRAFTSMEN'S LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. m CUAIYAIV & HIE ARS, SEVERAL AGENTS TO 1 1 TR AVELISQ AGENT 1 . - For Oregon and Waahinftoa Territory. Albany, September II, 1880-lt "; ' "; Oregon, and Washington, Idano Montana Territories, .. and PORTLAND ......OREGON. Cash Plan, Low Rates, Strictly Mutual. All Policies Non-Forfeiting by their Terms. No Restriction' on Travel, Residence or Occupation. . . Polioies issued in Gold or U. S. Curren- ey, as desired. - . s.. - No extra charge upon women. , . .. All varieties of Policies issued. Large Gash Value upon Surrendered Policies. - f OJs TO HIT I" oot9-S E. 8. MERRIUL, Agent. ' ., .. . . Albany, Oregon. For Sale. IIOUCE AK3 LOTS! , IN this city, a good new dwelling wita 11 the necessary eatbuildings, and four lots, about twenty minutes walk Irom tbe steam boat landing. For particulars inquire at the office of the P. T, Company, of -. .; J. .B,: M.ONTEITH.-. Albany, Januarr 30, 1869- ' TTSB MURRAT 8 IMPROVED MAGIC j vu tne Jitng or faia, j5-3tf VADSVORTH & KUII Are now ready to execute all -kinds ot Plain and Fancy Painting t ; Signs, Carriages, Bnildins,' ' as well as :, '. Oraininsr, Pantirhangins, Caicissiaia&r, , . and in fact alt kinds and style of ;,v .: PLAIN AND ORNAMEHTAL VORIC. that ean be done with Paint and Brush, at . jar fair, tivisa rates, -w , (? j - Give us a call. Shop on Ferry street, ever , Kuhn A Adams' wagon shop. ' '" ., i..--i).-.ssfair?! ,a f . l GOOD AS COLD. ; so; BUT TBE ONLY OEHUINS IMPROVtD' " OROIDE GOLD WATCHES,! MAUVTAcrvur.D , ar THE OROIDE WATCtf CO.' ' They are alt the beet make, Hunting -eases, finely chased f , look and mar lik fln goU, ami I are equal in appearance to the best gold watches usually costing $159.- Full Jeweled Xevers.aent'a" and Ladies' sises, at wlS eacn,. - ,. , . ' - Our Doable Sntra Refined Solid Oreld Gold; Hunting Cases, Fall Jeweled Levers, ere equal to $200 Gold H'ateAe , Regulated and) Guaranteed to keep eorreet time, and wear cuta not ' tarnitk. Extra Fin Cat, at $20 each. No money Is required In advance "We send by Express anywhere within the United, Slates, payable to agent on delivery, with the' privilege to open and examine before.' said foe. and if not satisfactory returned, by paying tho Express charge. Good will b nt 6y omit aa 1 Registered Packages, prepaid, by sending cash i in advance. ; . . , , ... ... An Art mending for else watekm get an Extra f- WATOM FREE, makina teoen li Wotml $90, or una $20 Watch for $120. . , v ... Also. Blesrant Oroide) Gold tOtmimm r latest and most costly styles, for Ladlea ant ! Gentlemen, from 10 to 40 Inches long, at $1, $4, $8, and $8 each, sent with wetehee at lowest wholesale prices. State kind sad sise of watch required,and to avoid bogus concerns, order only from (.,- -OROISB WATCH CO., ' 13to if Ui Fulton Street, Mew Tor. , Dissolution. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore exittlaC between Charles Mealey and WUUam Plyap . ton, under the arm name of C. Mealey A Co., is ' this day dissolved by smtaal consent. AH asoseya : due the nn men be paid to 0. MeeJejv . Ail : debts contracted by the arm wiU be Mid wpen. presentation to the undersigned, who will continue ' in the furniture business at the old stand, corner of Broadalbin sod First streets. ' 1 ?' CHARLES MXALET. '. . . WILLIAM. PLYMPT0N. , ; Albany, Jane IS, 'B0-II --.t , " ' ' . - 1' ': i ' . ' U ' - i Qiae Chare!; t f....H ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted to the late firm of C. Mealey A Co., are re-.' quested t eoore forward and snake immediate ' payment to the undersigned. 4A weed U the wise.'' .... . j liy i i -sV!1.ji C. XSALRY, 1