The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 25, 1869, Image 2

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'hell, in
19th day
o dcsig-
led by
he Ore
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and re-
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Mexico. Dates to the 10th from Ihe
City of Mexico are important. Ovations
to Seward continued. A crand ball was
given at jhe Theatre National on the 8th
in his honor, at which 4,000 citizens par
ticipated. The Monitcur continues to give
political significance to Seward's trip to
Mexico. Troubles are continued in all
parts of the country. At Fuebla, a
mob, led by an Imperialist officer, at
tacked a protestant congregation during
the service. The mob was urged on by
priests. Many of the congregation were
injured, and many so severely that their
lives are despaired of. The mob tried to
burn the protectants alive, using bibles
as a fuueral pile. Several of the rioters
were arrested by the police, who after
wards went to protestant residences, in
sulting and threatening the inmates.
Ccban News. Telegrams to the loth
via Havana, contain thje following : The
Spanish troops have finally retired from
Mogalet io two detachments, oue going
to Nictori and the other to Serrano.
Subsequently 2,000 reinforcements ar
rived for the insurgents, with fresh sup
plies, and recruited their old positions,
insurgents are. in great force in the
neighboring mountains. The tandiug of
filibusters at the mouth of the llio Ou
bana is confirmed. - It is reported that
Valmazeda has written to Havana that
ho must have reiuforcements or resign ;
that it is impossible to carry on the cam
paign with oU.UUU troops
whom are sick. Sickness
troops is increasing.
TelcgrapUIc Summary.
k, says he
lis. When
ugers jren-
Barnard as
the office
e lottery
is corres-
krites that
a third of
among the
Lease of the Jay of Samana.
Details of the expedition of the steam
frigate Albany carrying Generals Dab
cock. Inualls and Sacket, for negotiations
witfi llaez, for the lease of the Bay of
Samana, are received. Over a week was
consumed in negotiations before the final
ratification was effected. All the ord
nance aboard the Albany, besides 1,000
: breech loading muskets and several
I thousand stand of sniaU arms and a large
amount of ammunition, were turned over
j to Uaez. These, with 8150,000, or
i 100,000 in 'gold, to be paid to the Do
; minicau authorities, December, 1869.
j The h S. flag was hoisted on the island
at Carenero, in the bay of Samana,
rancinsau ; -
; ior ntty years at fciuu.uuu, or t idu.iiuu
An old locomotive on the Reading
(Veuh.) Railroad exploded on th 20th,
killing the engineer, James Nagle, in
stantly and injured three others.
The suburban villa of Moses M. Field,
at Detroit, Mich., was destroyed on Sun
day morning, 19th. Loss, 20,000. The
villa was not quite completed, and the
fire is supposed to have originated from
a furnace.
Jimmy Elliott, a noted prize fighter,
who robbed a man recently and subse
quently escaped to Canada, has been
surrendered by the Canadian authorities.
The departure of the ex-rebel ram At
lanta from below Philadelphia simultane
ously with the Spanish gunboats from
New York, has excited suspicion that
she is really governed and owned by the
Cubans, and is intended to attack the
Spanish fleet.
A decision of the Supremo Court on
the 20th, in the case of White vs. ex
State Senator Mattoon, mu'.cted him in
The first annual ball of the Fat Men's
Association of New York city, was given
on the evening of the 20th. The mem
bers over 185 lbs. weight, aggregate 20
tons. With such an amount of fat there
was a corresponding display of good
humor and jollity. The affair was con
ducted most respectably, and a large
number of ladies were present. The
dresses were very rich and fashionable.
It has transpired that the project was
matured to blow up the Spanish gun
boats and the Spanish war vessel Pizarro.
Two tug borts were chartered to lie out
in the stream on Saturday night 18th
there beins a - line of torpedoes
stretched between them, which were to
be manipulated from the tug-boats. .The
storm prevented the attempt.
The Houston (Texas) Telegraph re
ports returns from 110 counties. Uavis'
majority is 620, with only seven counties
yet to be heard from. The Legislature
is : Senate, 13 Republicans j 1-4 Con
servatives; 3 to hear from. House, 26
Republicans; 45 Conservatives; 9 to
hear from.
Gen. Reignolds has ordered elections
to be held in the counties Navarro and
Milan, which did not vote at the general
The Ecumenical Council is unable to
agree as to the formation of a commission
to regulate the relations between Church
and State, and define the rights of each.
Placards were posted in Paris the
night of the 15th of December, calling
the people to arms in the name of the
Republic. The next day a number of
arrests were made. '
The Spanish Cortes has determined to
investigate the robbery of the crown
jewels, of which act the ex-Queen is accused.
The Alabama question is exciting re
newed interest in England.
TheSuez Canal is not to be closed on
account of additional work to be done,
as has been reported.
Geo. Harker, manager of the Pacific
Wine Refinery, has absconded with 84,000
of the Company's money.
The Placerville and Sacramento Valley
Railroad (Cal.) has incorporated. Capi
tal, 8750,000.
A terrible mining accident occurred
Deo. 18th, near llazleton, Ta. A coal
mine which bad not been worked for fif
teen years, caved in, filling shaft and
tunnel, and carrying down two large
houses with it. Several persons in the
houses were instantly killed, and some
persons are supposed to have suffered tbe
same fate in the mine. Ten persons are
killed. -! ;; f
The Sultan of Turkey has contracted
for 10,000 breech-leading rifles to be
made in the United States.
Florida is said to be in a bad state ; as-
I sassinations frequently occur. A request
! has been made for troops to be sent
there, for protection.
Intense excitement has been created
in Terre Haute, led., by lectures against
Reman Catholics, . delivered by Dr.
White, exposing the conduct of priests
in confession, etc. His lectures were
densely thronged. The Catholics had
him arrested ; bnt could make no case
against him. He afterwards lectured
with still more effect.
The Surrogate has denied the applica
tion or Kicnardson s brother to adminis
ter on his estate, on the ground that ad
ministration belonged to the widow and
children of the deceased. Richardson
The citizens of Walla Walla are dis
cussing both- privately and in the papers,
the proposition to purchase a steam fire
i gold yearly.
they more
now at a j The German Democrats of the 10th
reached. j and 17th Wards, New York city, held a
in France, mass meeting on the 19th, at which
ents from j Tammany was denounced in the strong-
bhasing U. ! est terms, s.nd the Democracy of the
Holland ! country warned not to trust the leaders.
minions ot j
mounts ot
cfc Island,
& Lake
nty of the
in able, ef-
n adminis-
bis toreign
business of
pax. lae
at farmers
were corn-
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lionty Led.
ter was, an
fnf effect,
td be the
nue Bureau
lie editor an
ion his war
(But, unfor-
pnehed th e
11 as Repub-
p as to their
eii direction j
at the asser-
jfalse in every
Jcast shadow
?ow, Having
f his own
Wile attempt
whole cloth,
jf says, " we
graph made
it Grant will
n he . learns j
Oregon gen
ius message.
lies that sling
ant: wrote if,'
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rant's mental
nt to enable
a document.
?t If Grant
the weight of
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osperltj" such
.his con tine at,
and prognos
! writers and
have appaar-
ee no good in
.aiding p the
leistering Its
tea Democ
' much for U-r
'ieroM under
The meetin determined to contest the
election for judicial officers in the two
wards, and Congress was called upon to
pass a stringent election law under the
power given by the 15th Amendment.
The first twenty miles of the Oregon
Central Railroad will probably be finish
ed this week, the Clackamas bridge and
all. If as much energy is manifested in
building the balance of the road, the
promise of Ben. Holaday, that the cars
should be running as far as Albany by
the fall of 1870, will be fulfilled with
ease. . -
Resident Marsh, of Pacific Univers
ity, at Forest Grove, has been very suc
cessful in his efforts at the East to ob
tain an endowment fund for that institu
tion. The intention was to secure 820-
000, and he has already obtained be
tween 811,000 and 812,000.
On the ICth the President sent to the
Senate , the following nominations : J.
Wilson Shaffer, of Illinois, Governor of
Utah, vice Durkee; Benjamin F. Potts,
.of Illinois, Governor of Montana, vice
Ashley. , . , - . -. .. . ;
Samuel Narfcerois, an English preach
er, ot Centre vine, Pennsylvania, naa
been convicted of murder in the : first
degree for killing his infant child. , His
wife was acquitted.
On the night of the 15th Indians at
tacked a party of eleven men, near Fort
Shaw, ' Montana, 'killing one man and
driving off thirty horses. ;
Didn't Take it. A young lady in
Illinois, having a dose of medicine to
take "before going to bed," sat up till Bhe
got well to keep from taking it.
Disturbed. Oregon Cityites ' have
their morning slumbers disturbed by the
shrill whistle of the locomotive. " Eight
een miles of track laying had been done
up to last week. . . ,.;
McKinstry in passing on the case, re
marked that under the ruling of some
State Courts, as in this State, money may
be withdrawn which has been deposited
on a bet at any time before the result is
determined.1 In others the Courts go so
far as to say the act is illegal, immoral,
and that no action can lie against the
stakeholder; that the court will not take
any notice of the transaction. lie
thought this the wisest rule' of all, but he
would have to bow to that laid down by
the Supreme Court of California, a rule
which imposes on our Courts ot Justice
the duty of deciding bets, and these bets
may as well be bets on -a laro game as :
wagers ou election results. In the pres- j
ent case the bet was on a result, the j
election of Grant and Seymour; that re
sult was known before the bet was paid
over, and cannot be recovered back. The
Court, therefore, still protesting against a
rule which imposes such a duty on it, af
firmed the report of the referee, and
gave judgment for the delendant. o.
I Bulletin Dec. Xtfi. ,
The grand jury of King county, New
York, have presented indictments against
sixty election inspectors for being con
cerned in election frauds. The majority
of them are office-holders and politicians.
The President has tendered to ex-Sec
retary Stanton the nomination to the va
cancy on the Supreiue Bench, and Stan
ton has agreed to accept.
It is thought that J udge Hoar's con
firmation for the Supreme Bench is some
what doubtful.
Bid Hoo The Guard brags over a
hog brought .into Eugene last week,
which weighed 605 pounds net the
largest hog ever butchered in- Lane
By order of the Board of Trustees the
Cooper Institute was closed against
George Francis Train on the evening of
the 19th. ' As Train was thus unable to
deliver his expected lecture, he demands
82,i00 damages. .
Lrt,c'cs of incorporation for an insti
tute, under the control of the- M. E.
Church, has been filed at Olympia, W
Tw The building will be erected in the
Spring. : ' ' . '-v-:
Confirmed. The nomination by the
President of Edwin M. Stanton to the
vacancy on - tho Supremo Bench, has
been confirmed by the Senate--46 to 11
Valuation. The assessment roll of
the city of Portland shows a total valua
tion of $5,000,000.
j left 810,000 'Tribune stock, and property
Judoe McKinstry on Bettino. j in New Jersey.
Some time since the betting case of Bre- j A report from Washington in refer
men vs Smith, was referred to Harney, j ence to the impeachment of Judge
Clerk of the Court, to report a judgment. I Triggs, of the U. S. District in Tennes
On Monday he reported in favor of the ' see, creates great surprise in all classes
defendant. The plaintiff's counsel there- and parties, as he is a universal favorite,
upon moved to set aside this, and urged j rie jrf.sidpnt. tponsmitterl
that by a decision of the Supreme Court ate on the i7thj a voiunj;aoua document
oi mis oraie enner pun y iu a wcr u.j , , reply to tne reSolutii n calling for in
recant before the result is known. Judge j format;on in ro.ard tn 0h Thr i
' .L . l
nine news iu ine corresponaence suoniu- j favor 0f ;t
leu, wuicn inciuues me enure corres- j
nandonce of tliA Stntp. Tlpn.irlmpnt with !
Minister Sickles, and all other parties in
relation to the matter.
The failure of Charles T. Sheppard &
Co., Albany (N. Y.), flour dealers, for
860,000 liabilities at Buffalo, and 40,
at Oswego, is announced. It issaid their
creditors have not lost heavily.
The merchants of Salem have quite
generally agreed to close their stores on
A. W. Ferguson has been elected
High Priest of tho Dalles Royal Arch
Chapter No. G.
There is news of much excitement at
It is reported from Portland that Ben.
Holaday has purchased the contioling
interest in the P. T. Company. .
Mr. A. D. Richardson made no will,
and it is said his rwations will contest
his death-bed marriage.
A shock of earthquake, lasting sev
eral seconds, was felt at Memphis, Tenn.,
on the morning of the 20th.
1 On the 17th, the Walla Walla yalley
was visaed by a storm of wind, hail,
sleet and snow. i
A Richmond paper suggests that Vir
ginia, West Virginia, North Carolina,
Tennessee and Kentucky establish a
league for the encouragement of foreign
Two inmates of the Cincinnati Hos
pital quarrelled. One cut the other
with a pocket-knife and killed him in
stantly. The insurrection in the Red River
country, British America, will be left
for the Hudson Bay Company : to deal
with. ' '
Andrew Johnson has declined the
nomination for delegate to the Tennessee
Constitutional Convention from Greene
County. . ,. ; . ,y .v.-..
Iowa has seventy-nine incorporated
cities Davenport is the largest and
Drakeville the smallest, the latter having
but 218 inhabitants. -t
The defalcation of George F. Duntiigan,
of the Chicago Sub-Treasury, was discov
ered ely, and amounts to $20,000.
It is thought Allison's apportionment
bill will pass Congress by which the
House will have 300 members.
Judge Grier's resignation has finally
been sent into the Supreme Court.
The workingmen. of New York have
held an anti-coolie meeting, and call on
Congress to take measures to stop; he
Coolie trade. I
According to the assessment-returns
for 1869, the total number of hogs in
Illinois is 2,036,304; in 1868 the num
ber was 2,292,828, bcinsc a decrease of
Don't put pens in your mouths, girls.
A Cincinnati school girl has been in the
habit of doing so, and was recently nearly
poisoned to death by the ink
Curtis L. North, an insurance agent of
Brooklyn, N. Y., gave his beloved pastor
a raw potato the other evening. Ihe be
loved pastor opened the potato and found
a 300 bill inside.
Great indignation is felt in North Car
olina in regard to the misappropriation
of railroad and other bonds issued by the
last Legislature. Fraud is charged and
investigation demanded, i
Butler replies to Greeley's appeal for
magnanimity to the Senate, and re
moval of all disfranchisement, in a caus
tic letter in which he insists upon pro
scription. Nearly complete returns from New
Hampshire give 13,879 votes against
t tha (1nna!iViii.-irir law nnd Vint 6.067 in
The majority against it will
reach 8,000.
A yonng 4dy applicant was denied
admission to te classes of the Columbia
College Law School, on the grouud that
she might distract not only the students,
but the professors. ;
We learn from tbe Union that on
Tuesday last, a man named Joseph Her
bert committed suicide by blowing out
bis brains with a shot gun. lie had
been a resident of Walla Walla valley for
a number of years ; was a sober, iudus
trious man, but of gloomy temperament
From figures furnished by the State
Controller of California it seems that the
i r 1 j 1
j assessment ox rem auu perEuum piupunjr
AiaiJT, Deceuabet 35, 1869.
Wheat, white, busheX,.... i 4550
Oata, $ bushel...-..,,... ........ . , 30
Potatoes, bushel . 2537i
Onions, bushel .. 75(3 l 25
Flour, barrel..... $3 50&4 00
Butter, ft, 25
Eega, dozen......... ........ 30
Chickens, dozen $2 503 00
Peaches, dried, tt 20
Sop, 55J
Salt, Los Angelos, ft) 2i3
ojrup, Keg a 2560 2
1 00
1 00
751 00
, 1416
....... , 1214
....... 25($33
...... 1216
....... 165
Tea, Young Hyson tt.
uapan, , .
" Black,
Sugar, crushed, ft.......
Sea "
Island, " ; .."".I.
Coffee, ft. ;
Candles, ft
Rice, China, tt ."".".".".!". '
Saleratus, ......;...;;.".'..
Dried plums, Wk ft... """
Dried apples, lb...
uTiea currants, lb .......;...,.
Bacon, hams, &.....
sides, "
shoulder. TO
Lard, in cans,
iseans, n
Devoes' Kerosene oil,' 'gaiion
Turpentine, gallon ...
Linseed oil, boiled, l gallon....
1 UOfoll za
1 25 1 50
SI 62ifil 75
White lead, keg $3 754 25
Tar gallon - . - l 25
Powder, riBe, 3ft ft 751 00
Tobacco, 33 ft : 1 00(at 25
Nails, cut, ft. Cj7i
Domestic, brown, yard 15(o16$
Hickory, striped, $ yard 1630
Bed ticking, per yard. 2550
uiue arming, 3a yard lefcSZS
Flannels, yard ..i. ' 60fa624
Prints, fa-t colors, 33 yard..... ... 12i
Pork, 39 t 56
Mutton, 3 bead l 7SZ 50
Beef, on foot, lb............. 56
jJJJJ Machine. A double-thread
lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ;, stitch alike on both-)
sides. 1
&Git Celebrated Common-Sense S5)fl
7njJ Family Machine, Both ma- yjJs&J
chines fully Warranted for i years. Machines
Bent to any part of the coast by express, C. O. D
Agents wanted in erery town on the Pacific coast.
Liberal commission.
Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Co.,
2y : G. G. TRAVElt,
; 131, First St., Portland.
Executor's Notice.
r I VIIK undersigned has been appointed by tho
County Court ot Linn county, Itregon
Executor of the last will and testament of
Samdel H. Ritteb, deceased, late of said county,
Persons having claims against said estate, will
present them,! duly verified, to tne unnersijrnea
at bis residence tnree miles northeast 01 Lebanon
in said county, within six months from this date.
, J. K. BM11H.
December 13th, 189-1 6w-t
A. CO WAN & CO.,
They offer a large and well aelected stock of
At Etrc4wn Iw PricM -
G&sJU or I
a addition to a very large stock, covering
everything in tbe line of Cottons, w
have a complete assortment of
Latest styles of Boys' and Men'l
Wall-Paper, Paper
V Linen
Especial attention is directed to onr stock of
... : AND . . .
Which is the largest and most complete this side
,( of Portland.
You are invited to call and examine ear goods
and prices. . ' .
The highest market price la eash paid for
Wool, Bacon and Lard !
by :.
Oct. 30, 1869-8
Baker City and vicinity about rich quartz i in ali the counties of that State for the
The cold snap of this week froze up
the hydrants iu Portland . , .
The United States Treasury now con
tains about $180,000,000 in coin.
j ' ' . '
' The - interest due and to be paid in
January amounts to about $30,000,000.
. .'
A Jcdicial Joke. In the Supreme
Court of the District of Columbia "ob
jection was made that the interlineation
in an indictment was written in oiue idk,
the instrument having been written in
black ink. Judge Carter said : "Now,
in this period of abolition of all distinc
tion on account of color,' it appears to me
that this criticism is hypercritical."
A seven year old girl in Schnecks
ville, Pa., set fire to her little sister's
hair, and thou told her mother what ehe
had done, saying she guessed Bhe would
stop pulling her bair now. The mother,
who had put the child to bed asleep a
little while before, immediately went up,
and, too horrible to state, found tho lied
on . fire, her t little darling, only three
years old, with the hair all singed off her
head, and honibly burned. The little
girl had : crawled out of bed, hut was so
badly injured that she died within a few
hours after the occurrence. j. '
The engine house of the Jersey coal
mine, Soracton, Pa., was burned last
week. One man iq tbe mine perished,
three escaped.
lodes recently discovered.
A young man named Baker was com-'
mitted to the Eugene jail, last Saturday,
ior larceny, committed on the Coast fork.
The steamer Grecian from Palermo,
went ashore on Long Island and broke iu
two . ; , . f
The Mountaineer says : John Hailey
intends running a line of stages from the
Dalles as soon as the boats stop running
on the upper river.
Some member of the Tennessee Leg
islature, having proposed the sale of Gen
Thomas', portrait which hangs in the
State Library, the General has offered to
refund the cost of the same, and to re
turn the gold medal voted him by the
last Legislature. . -
Tho Eugene Journal says : Several
families, who are direct from the old
States, arrived in Eugene a few days ago,
and we believe are intending to settle
here if locations can be had to suit. We
understand they came by railroad to Cal
ifornia, and thence by steamer to Port
land." -' A letter from Jesse Appleirate is pub
lished, in whieh he expresses the opinion
that a route can be found running from
Eugene, south across the ridge east of
Spencer Butte, which will probably be
better than the route up the river.: Par
ties have been engaged in "ascertaining
the hight of this ridge, and the amount
of cutting or . tunneling which will be
necessary to cross it with a road, but
have not as yet finished their investiga
tion. . ",?.- . I
A correspondent of the " Famurr wrtt-
ing auuut ri;uaieii river inu vauey, says
there are lour lamilies residing in the
valley at present, ntar the old govern
ment crossing. Ihe valley is from one
to six miles wide ; in some places in
cluding branch valleys, ten miles wide.
There are : about thirty head of horses
and cattle in the valley this printer. Coal
crops out along the bank of the river.
Bands of elk -ten to thirty- are fre
quently seen. Climate mild and agreea
ble. Chance for quite a number of set-
At Milford, N.' II.,' the other day, a
painter fell from a scaffolding. ' Although
he broke a flagstone an inch ; thick upon
which he fell, his skull was fractured, both
legs were broken above the knees, one hip
was dislocated, and. tho bones of one
elbow were shivered to atoms he talked
rationally when picked up, and bids fair
to reoovei !
One cold winter night, some twenty,
five years ago, a couple appeared under
the window of a squire in Washington
county, N. y., and called for him. The
'Squire got dut'of bed and asked- What
they wanted. want to get married
" Married and be . darned," : said the
'Squire, and shut the window. - It was
short ceremony, but they considered it
sutBoieotj and are living together as man
and wife, ....
current fiscal year, aggregate $258,046,
335. The AUa figures out a net gain
over the previous year of $21,10o,880.
The California Medical Gazette com
pliments the Oregon Medical and Surgical
Reporter by saying that " if merit were
always ' appreciated, : we might predict
with certainty a large circulation for our
contemporary journal, from the highly
scientific and practical nature of its orig
inal contributions.
Isaac S. Geer, of Lisbon, Conn., in
making some changes in a water pipe
found it needful to extend one through
an under drain that ran several feet below
the surface. TIow to get the pipe through
without taking up the drain was a prob
lem. But Mr. Geer studied upon it, and
after a while hit upon this admirable
plan : He opened the lower end of the
- . . ....
drain, and catchinsr an old calico cat that
had been a resident of his family for
several years, attached a small line to her j
leg ; then thrusting her into the end, anu
giving a most unearthly '.'scat," she pop -
ped out at the other end, all covered with
mud and water, with the line attached to
her leg, quicker than one could say Jack
Kobison. The pipe was ' tnus drawn
through, and Mr. Geer had the satisfac
tion of saving $10-by wit, and teach
ing his neighbors a good lesson in civil
eugiueering. , - '
... . . . "
The Decrees of Providence. An
old fable informs us that a man who was
in the habit of arraigning the decrees cf
Providence, beiDg seated in a garden, be
gan to wonder why . such a monstrous
fruit as the pumpkin should grow on a
slender, slowly-creeping plant, while tho
giant oak, the monarch of the forest,
bore nothing bigger than an acorn. In
the midst of his cogitations, an acorn fell
from the tree underneath which he was
sitting,; and smote him on the pate j
whereupon the captious philosopher was
fain to acknowledge that Providence was
wiser in its arrangements than ho had
previously fancied! But the moral which
this story would inculcate does not ap
pear to be universally applicable. In the
island of Borneo, there is a forest tree as
large as an elm, which produces a highly
esteemed fruit called the durian. It may
be observed in passing, that though this
fruit has a smell like that ot putrid fish,
so that a single specimen is enough to in
fect a whole house, its flavor is so delic
ious, that those who venture to taste it
soon become confirmed dnrian eaters. The
eatable portion, which consists of a rich,
creamy, eustard-hke . : substance, is . en
closed in a hard shell, a good deal larger
than a cocoa-nut. and completely cover
ed with sharp spines. When one. of
these fruits fall, as it not unfrequently
does, from the tight of fifty or . sixty
feet upon the back of a naked native, it
inflicts a most frightful wound. The ap
ologue above cited,: therefore, will scarce
ly hold good in Borneo-
Hare just receired from
I ' '
San Francisco,
a rery large and well selected tock of
.-.','.'.';'(.. ', ' E.
At Prices to Suit tlie Times ! !
Fortbe Holidays of lS69-70,bas arrived.
Direct lroni IVew ITork,
And is now on Ehibition at
Where erery pnrcnaser will find
Tlte Largest Slock !
The Greatest Variety ! ! .-:
The Cheajtcst J 'rices !
Lt This immenso stock baring been pur
chased for currency in New York, will be st-ld to
dealers and others in coin, at
- Less Prices Than Ever Before !
Strangers and eitixens will find SAXTA
CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a mort interesting
place to rii-it, as tho gorgeous array of new nov
elties, and tbe thousand comical toys therein, girw
the store tho appearance of aa East.rn
A large
Their stock consists,. in part, as follows :
; ! . supply of -
Denims,' Hickory Stripes, Checks,
Sheeting's Bleached and Unbleacbed !
French Cottonades,
Canton Flannels,
A Spendid assortment of
Empress Cloth,
'"rZ J" . . Fancy Patterns,
Balmorals and
, . , ' ; . Fancy Notions,
. tit.i i ; Trimmings, &c.
Ladies and Misses Hoods, Hats, Nubias, 4c.
' A good Assortment of v "
A complete assortment of Men's and Boy's
Also the latest style and quality of
Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes.
A splendid assortment of
Groceries, Queenswaro and Glassware !
Hardware, Pocket & Table Cutlery,
Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Cur
tains, Carpeting. -MEU'S,
In fact, almost everything usually kept in a re
tail store. '.
Having bought our goods on tbe best terms
the market will afford, and selected them with
great care, we feel warranted in saying that we
can offer as great : inducements to customers as
any house in the trade, and hope, by strict at'
tention to business and tbe wants of customers,
to merit, a liberal patronage . from.' tha public,
tea- Bemember th place. The bouse for
merly occupied by D.- Mansfield i. Bra.
.s iP.-C. HARPER &CO.
Albany Oct.' 30, 1869.-0
Some idna may be arrived at as to the
extent of tbe vtock wben it is known that of
Dolls alone there are one hundred aniti fij'tt-jicm'
rttrietie ! Making that Department a perfect
Call early to secure choice gift.
Smfi Agent for Santa CUuk. '
To the Taxpayers of Linn Co.
Taxes levied for tbe torrent year, at tha times
auil places as lollows, to-wit :
Iu November t
Lebanon. Monday, 22d ? Waterloo, Tuesday,
23d ; Nye's School House, Wednesday, 34th ;
Krush Creek, Thursday, 25th ; South Brownsville,
Friday, 26th ; North Brownsville, Saturday, 27tb.
In December:
Harrisburgh. Tuesday, November ItOth, an!
Wednesday, December 1st; Peoria,' Thursday,
December 2d ; Orleans. Friday, 3d ; Albany, Sat
urday, 4th ; Scio, Tuoiday,14th ; Franklin Bntte,
Wednesday, 15th ; Santiam, Thursday, loth ;
Syracuse, Saturday, ISth ; Center, Monday, 20th.
As it will save time and trouble, I hope, every
tax-payer will be prepared to settle his tax at the
times and places above named.
October 23, 1869-7tf Tax Collector.
Let erery one who wants a Watcnj read this
.ij .. :.s;---.",i,siV carefullyJ ' v -r,;;'t
Especially if in some remote out-of-the-way place.
Now that the railroad is open, we propose to
give the residents of Orntoos tbe opportunity of
getting single genuine Waltham Watches at the
The Lowest Whol esale New Tork Prices
We sell more Waltham Watches than any other '
establishment in the country, either wholesale or
rotail ; we send great numbers te every section of
the country by Mail and Express, carefully pack-,
ed, and in perfect running; order. Our plan is
this : You want a Watch, and tee our advertise
ment; now, we want you first to write ta us for
our Descriptive and Illustrated -Price List ; we
win Fcnn it, post-paid, Dy return mail. It ex
plains all the different kinds, tells the weieht and
quality of the cases, with prices of each ; you
then make a selection of the kind you prefer, and
send ns your order. We will then send you tho
Watch by Express, with tbe bill to collect en de
livery. ; We ' give instructions to the : Express
company to allow you to open the package and
examine the Watch : if it suits, you can nav and
take it,- if not, you are under no obligations to
receive it ; and if it is taken, and afterward dees
not prove satisfactory, we will exchange it, or
As an indication of the prices,' we will quo to
one Watch or our list. The P. S. BaBTLjCTr,
Lever Movement, with Extra Jewels, Chronome
ter Balance, Patent Pinion, Patent Dust Cap. acid
all the other late improvements, in , a .Solid Coin
Silver case, ., i ; v
$28 in Greenbacks, or about $30 ia Coin.
AU the other kinds, both gold and silver, in the
same proportion. Do not order a Watch till you
have sent for a Prioe List, aa it eentains a great
deal of information regarding these Watches that
will enable you to make an intelligent selection,
Dont forget, when you write, to state that you
saw this advertisement in the Albabt Rcoisvkr,
and you need not put in stamps for return post
age. AdHrem in full, - ..)..
s ? .'; wxavsw st , iu.,
Jewelers and Silversmiths; 818 Broadway, N. T.
We refer, by permission, to ' ' -
Messrs. Wblls, Faroo A co,, N. T. and Sa'a
Franeisee. v , -;-.-,.
I. W. Ratuosd, Ksq., T. R. Bctlir, Esq., B,
c. Howard, Esq., San Francisco. . . .
W. S. Ho4rm, Ylrginls, city; Nerada, ' t '