VOL. 2. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1869. NO. 16. - rOBLISBED ITT BATBBDAT BT COLL.TABT.CLEm. ernes os cobber o tbbbv abb humis. TERMS IN One Ter....-V Six Month.;.........:..- Single Copies ....... ADVANCE. .. ...Three Dollar ...Two Dollar Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. . Transient advertisements per Square of ten t inea or leas, rst insertion, $3 ; each aubeequent tnaertion, $1. . .. ,, Larger advertisements inserted on. the moat liberal terms. JOB WORK. Hawing received new type, stock of colored Inks, ards a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are pre pared to execate all kinds of printing in a better manner and i1r eestt. cheap than ever be for offered in this city. Agents fo the Register. . The following gentlemen are aothoriied to re ceive and receipt for sobscripOon, advertising. tc.i ft the Reoistbb l ys " HIRAM SMITH, Esq....'....-.. Judre S. H. CLAUGHTON.-. PETER HUME, Esq.. - W. R. KIRK, Esq- U. E. AVHEELER. Eq T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq .... EO. W. CANNON. Esq 1.. P. FISHER, Esq .....Harrisburg. Lebanon. ...Brownsville Scio. Salem. ......Portland. 'Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. , A. WHEELER, oto-i-y Public. BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. X EG AL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS XJ made an l attested. Conveyances and col lections attended to. . . 12'69 . -' ; J. H.A.'K'XOXj Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ALBANY, OREGON. FFICE On Main street, opposito Foster's Brick. - PORTLAND CARDS. B. D. SMITH mO. B. COOK. THE OCCIDENTAL. FORMERLY . Vrestexn XCotel, Corner First and Morrison streets, ' Portland, Oresron. : ,. , ..mir f t "i ir l. . l essrs. BMitn os vwjv u.to uko mio well known bonse, renttea snareiurnisnea it througnout, duiii thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dining and Sitting rooms, making it by far the Best Hotel In Portland. A call from the traveling publie will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH A COOK, Props. jl. B. Hot and cold Baths attached to the house for the benefit of guests. 50 Portland, August 15th, 1869. AMERICAN EXCHANGE, CORNER or Front and Washington 'Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. TL. P. W. Qoimhy, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) THIS HOUSE is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make his guests comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat landing. The Concord Coach will always be fom at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ar.i river boats, carrying passengers and their bag gape to and from the boats free of charge. Mouee eupplied with Patent Fire Extingniiker: LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Natural Wonder. The most won derful thing io the shape of a pig was born on the farm of Mr. J. R. Smith, ten miles from this city, last week. As near as our memory serves us, this is the de scription Mr. Smith gave us of the ani mal : The head of the pig bora a strik ing resemblance to that of an elephant) the ears were large, thick and pendant ; had no mouth, but where the mouth should have been was an eye, the only one possessed by his pigship, with long white bristles above it the only bristles or hair on the hog. Just underneath the eye was a protruberance about an inch in length, ' resembling an elephant's pro boscis. From a point just : behind the ears about half way down each side of the neck, gradually running up to' the centre of the back, forming a wedge, the pig was, coal black ; the balance .of the body was white, and entirely destitute of anything in the shape of hair or bristles. This curiosity in the pig line was dead when discovered. The great curiosity was the absence of a mouth, and the presence of an eye where the mouth should be. It seems as though "won ders will never cease." o Hiltabidel &. Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO vuions, Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco. Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, aJjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon. . E. A. Free land, DEALER IN EVERT DESCRIPTION OF School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Stationery. Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc.. Post offiee Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered f rum New York and San Francisco. 1 C Mealey & Co., "ANUFACTCRERS- OP AND ivl- in all kinds -of Furniture, i Ware. First street, Mbany. DEALERS ad Cabinet S- H. Claughton, NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE : AGENT. Office in the Post Office building, ZeOaaon, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to the prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. 1 t. B. . SMITH. , MITCHELL- i. K. BOI.PH. A. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, ATTORNEYS ass COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty -Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I rowELt. i fliiik. .Powell & Flinn, ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Solicitor, in Chancery, (XV. Flinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. --Collections and conveyances prompt attended to-, .. ... ; 1 , - J. QTJXirat THORNTON-, Attorney and Counselor at JLaw, ALBANY, OREGON. WILL practice in the superior and inferior courts of Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and Polk counties. -. Five per cent, charged on collections when made without suciug. J19-69 r. sr. BaoriELii. , - r. w. srixK. P. M REDFIELD Si CO., CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a large stock of J QocAtm ' and Provisions, r.','.'."..V Weed, and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cijtars, Con fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ac, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, -opposite 8 C. Hill tt Son's drug store, Albany, Oregon. 5oct9 COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. (PORMERLT ARRIOOKl's,) , Front street t t Portland, Oregon. rrHE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PTJR- I chased this well known Hotel, are now pre pared to offer the traveling public better accom modations than can be found elsewhere in the city. , . Board and Xodging S3 OO per day. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to con vey ' Passengers and baggage to and from the Hotel free of charge. J. B. SPRENGER. Office Oregon A California Stage Company, B. G. Wbitehocse, Agent. 2tf JVew Columbian Hotel, Nos. 118, 120 and 122 Front street, PORTLAND, t l OREGON ED. CARNEY, PROPRIETOR. Union Sunday School Sociable.; The Presbyterian and Congregational Sunday Schools have united for the pur pose of holding a sociable at Parrish Hall on the evening of the 24th Friday. The friends and teachers of the two schools thought that a sociable, un der all circumstances, would prove of more interest and . more benefit to the children, than the erection of a Christ mas Tree. The friends of the schools e cordially invited ' to attend. The Hall will doubtless be filled, and a pleas ant time may be expected. Christmas Tree. The exercises at the Methodist Church Connected with the Christmas Tree, to consist of one or more" short addresses, with vocal and instrumental music, will transpire ou Friday evening, December 24th. ,SAU friends of the Sabbath school are invited. Religious Meetings. The Bap tists of this city, Kev. Dr. Hill, pastor, have been holding nightly meetings through the past week, at which consid erable interest was manifested. The Largest, Best and most Convenient Hotel in Portland! Located in the center of business and near all the steamboat landings. Board and Lodging From one to two dollars per day according to the room occupied. 5S Rooms newly furnished and well ventil ated. Superior accommodation, for families. ggf The New Columbian Hotel Coach will be in attendance at all the landings to convey pas sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel 17 t-er- Free oi Charge ! -r33 69 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MRS. DUNNIWAY TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she has on hand, and is in regular receipt of the Latest and Choicest Styles of Goods IS the Mllliiiory Tilne 2 House; Sfrn fc Carriage Paiatcr, ;. : ALBAKY, OREGON. ...... . Paperhanging, GIzxiag, Ealaomine, &c Safi. Country orders panctmatty attended to. ' First street, next deor to Tweedale k Co-'s. MayS, 1869-35tf . , - , ALDASr BATH HOtSE. THB UWDBRSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- folly inform the oitisens of Albany and vi cinity that he has take charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying strict attmtic 3 to business, expects to suit all those who may favor hint with their patronage, glaring heretofore earned on nothing but - First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, be exnee's to give entire satisfaction to all. . - car Children and Ladies' hair neatly rut and ehampeoed. r JOSEPH WEBBER. ' e19yl . P. RUSSELL, ATTOSirBT AT LAW. JAMES ELKINS, MOTABT PCBUC. RUSSELL & ELKINS, (Office in Parrish A Co.', block, First street,) f, , Albany, . Oregon. , HATING TAKEN INTO CO-PARTNERSHIP Jambs Ei.i.vs, Esq., ex-Clerk of Oun county, we are enabled to add to our prac ttee of Law sad Coneetiens, superior facilities for Convcyaaeln, Examining Records, j attending to Probate business. ' f " " Deeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages care fully drawn. Homestead and Pre-emption Papers ' mado. and claims secured. ;; , 'Sales of. Real. Estate negotiated, and loans effected on collateral securities , ea reasonable All business entrusted to them faithfully asd prompt Vu 'RrggEXL ELKINS. Albany, Oct. 10, 'S-y f- 4 ft o V A LI, KINDS, pnated at the very lowest rates, as ordered, at this oaosw REHEHER, LADIES ! j Mv '. .t .. If you purchase TEN DOLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to the Demorest Magazine, for the year lp9, as a premium on the purchase : Flax Cultivation. Last week we mentioned the fact that large numbers of the farmers of Linn contemplated rais ing flax the coming season in lieu of wheat, believing its cultivation the most profitable. California papers are also recommending its cultivation by farmers of that State, believing there is more money in it. The Watsonyille Pajaron ian says that one farmer has contracts to sell nil his flax straw at 840 per ton, and the flax seed at four cents per pound. The average yield in California . per acre is placed at two to three tons of straw and about 1,800 pounds of flax seed, giving, at the above prices, from $152 to 8193 per acre for the crop. Sabbath Exercises At the Metho dist church, will be conducted by Rev. W. D. Nichols,' morning and evening of the 26th. All are invited to attecd. Sudden Death. A private letter from Santa Clara (Cal.), to Postmaster Freeland, of this city, dated 8th of De cember, contains the mournful tidings of the sudden and unexpected death of one - of the principal citizons of Santa Clara, Dr. Joel Shepherd. He was found lying on the floor of his drug store in that city, on the evening of the 7thinst., dead. It is supposed that he died of heart disease. Dr. Shepherd owned the first drug store ever opened in Albany, and will be remembered by the "old set tlers" as an accomomdating, intelligent and amiable gentleman. .His age was about sixty-five years. ' Dress and Cloak Making ... -,- ... in all branches. , Blanching and Pressing in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Xnezbanstible Ice. The first two days ot the pres ent week were real "sharp" for this coun try. Jack Frost, during the silent hours of the night, covered all "out-doors" with a beautiful drapery of white, and ice was formed the sixteenth of an inch in thick- 33. Our young folks are anxiously looking for the "cold snap" which is to afford them ice with sufficient bearupa- tiveness to "skeet" on, while others, older in years, are hoping for rain. Repudiation. A Washington tele gram of the 17th reports Brooks, of New York, as saying : .. "We never have been, never can be, never will be repudiators." Corner Main and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. November 1, 1868-9 C. ME A LET DEALER IN 4 MANUFACTURER OF URNIT and- t CABINET WARE ' !3eclcUrig-e Etc., on er First and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. PARTICULAR ATTBBTIOS PAID TO ORDBRS OP ALL KINDS n his ne. October 1888-8 rURNIHO. - - TVBIVIIfCr. w H o S3 ' w la 13 t-i a H , w , . f ,. m f AH PBBPABBD TO 0 AM. KIH-D9 OF TURiaSGJ , ' . .. I keep on hand and make to order RAW7JIDC3BOTTOEH2D CHAIRS, . i ' x. AMP ' " - ' Spinning Whsols- lcp near the "Maimolsa Mills.' JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Nov.8, 1868-1 J A glance out of the window at the partially frozen mud in the streets, re minds one of the winters in the older States. The warm sun of noonday soon dispels the illusion, however. Illinois Constitutional Conven- tion. This body was organized on the 16th by the election of Hitchcock, (Re publicanelected on citizen's ticket) of Chicago, President; Harmon (Deni.) of Cairo, Secretary. Most of the other offi cers elected were straight Democrats, Republicans elected on citizen's tickets, voting for them. The straight Republi cans voted for Republicans only. Judge Lorenzo Sawyer. The nom ination of this gentleman to the bench of the Circuit Court of the Pacific coast, is pronounced by the Sacramento Union as good a one as could nave 'been made. His record as one of the Supreme Judges of California is perfectly satisfactory. His habits of mind and life, together with his great learning and tried hon esty, eminently fit him for tlie high and responsible office, and will meet with the universal approbation of the Republican party of California. The Proof Sheet Published by Messrs. , Collins & McLeester, Phila delphia, reaches us regularly. It is one of tho neatest and attractive publications we receive from the East. Besides the specimens of new type faces, &c, it con tains many rich jewels of thought, and valuable suggestions to those engaged in the "art preservative." Terms 81 per annum. Gone East. Mr. H. W. Scott, editor of the Oreqonian, has gone East. He will be absent six or eight weeks, and besides visiting his old home in Illinois, will visit Washington and look in upon Congress. : We wish him a pleasant and profitaple trip. Good Showing. The San Francisco Bulletin says that the real wealth of Cali- About the only plank in the platform of fornia is probably not below $500,000,- Oregon Democracy is the repudiation of the national debt and yet they would have us believe Democracy ! is the same everywhere. " ''. a he independent. we nave re ceived the number for December 2d. It is the largest religious paper . in the world the number before us containing 108 columns of matter twelve pages of nine columns each. And this immense weekly is offered for $2 50 per annum. It has an immense circulation, which is constantly being increased. Send to Henry C. Bowea, publisher and proprie tor, New York city. Terribly Scalded. A little son of Mr. W. Peebler, aged abeut eight years, who lives three miles west of Lebanon, was badly scalded by the accidental up setting of a pot of boiling water, on last Saturday. From about half way ' be low the knees down, the flesh' was fairly cooked, and it is feared that the amputa tion of both feet may become necessary. Railroad Meeting. At the railroad meeting held on Friday nighty Dee. 17, 1861), Messrs. Jas. H: Foster, Dr. J. P. Tate and Dave Froraan were appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions to se cure the location of the Oregon Central Railroad through this city. See it. An important change has been' made in the advertisement of Messrs. O. P. Tompkins & Co., to which, we call the attention of our readers. Ol lver is a live, business man. and will al- 000, which would allow an average of one thousand dollars for every man, woman and child, white, black, red or yellow in the State. t-;' Rich. The Victoria Colonist, speak ing of the new gold diggings recently discovered on Peace river, and on seve ral small streams twentv miles north of Findlay Branch, says that tney are so rich that two ounce diggings are not con sidered worth attention. A "Third House" has been organized at Eugene. ; At its last meeting two bills were introduced, one for the repeal of the Usury Act, and the other to establish Female Suffrage, nd referred to special committees. The Third House is spoken of as a "big thing" for the beeples. Death's Doings. Mr. N. Haun, Presidentofthe late Willamette Steamboat Company, died at TJmpqua a short time since. Mr. Painter, living at the mouth of Tualatin river , was found dead in his Kri nn tV, mnmintr of the 7th. Heart disease is given as the cause of his sud den death. A Tie. The death of John Russell, Seeretarvof State for Ohio, and State Senator lafc from his district, leaves tho Senate, politically, a tie. Th Franking Privilege. A bill has been introduced into Congress to es tablish, the franking privilege. We hope to hear of. ita passage. , Benj . SERVED OUT. In the year 183 there lived at Bor deaux, the last or one of the last of a long line of scoundrels who had made that part part of France infamous I (to our ideas) by a succession of oold-blood- ed murders, committed under toe sanc tion of what the people were pleased to call tlie Code of Honor. This was a cer tain Comte de V , a man of great physical strength, imperturbable sangfroid aqd relentless cruelty. Not a bad sort of companion, as some said, when the ht the dueling ht was not on him but this came on once in about' every six months, and then he must have blood; it mattered little whose. He had killed and maimed boys of sixteen, lathers of families, military officers, journalists, ad vocates, peaceful country ' gentlemen. The cause of a quarrel i was of no im portance ; it one - did not .; present itself readily, he made one ; always contriving that, according to the code aforesaid, he should be th insulted party, thus having the choice of weapons ; and he was dead ly with the small sword. It is difficult for us to realize a state K of society in which such a wild beast could be permit ted tp go at large ; but we know it to be historically true that such creatures were endured in France ; just as we are as sured that there were at one time wolves in Yorkshire, only the less noisome ver min had a harder time as civilization progressed than was dealt out to the hu man brute. , The latest ' exploit . of the Comte de V previous to the story I am about to tell, was to goad a poor young student into a challenge; and when it was rep resented to biui that the boy had never held a sword in his life, so that it would be fairer to use pistols, he replied that "fools sometimes make mistakes with pis tols," and the next morning ran hioa through the lungs. The evil fit was on him, but the blood thus shed quieted him for another half year, and rather more, for public opinion was unfavorable, and the air of Bordeaux became too warm for him. But the scandal blew over after a time, and he came back to his old haunts, one of which was a eafe by the river side, where many used to spend their Sunday. Into the little garden of this establish ment our wolf swaggered one fine sum mer afternoon, with the heavy dark look and nervous twitching of the hands which those who were acquainted with him knew well meant mischief. The evil fit was on him ; consequently he found himself the center of a circle which expanded as he went on. This did not displease him. He liked to ' be feared. He knew he could make a quar rel when he chose, so he looked around for a victim. At a table almost in the middle of the garden sat a man cf about thirty years of age, of middle height, and an expression ot countenance which at first' struck one as mud and good-humored, hie was en gaged reading a journal which seemed to interest him, a'nd eating strawberries, an occupation which does not call forth aoy latent strength of character. Above all, he was profoundly unconscious of the presecce of M. le Comte de V, and continued eating his strawberries and reading his paper as though no wolf were in that pleasant fold. As the Count approached this table, it become sufficiently well known whom he was eoi to honor with his insolence; and the circle narrowed again to see the play. It is not bad sport, with some of us, to see a fellow-oreature baited espe ciallv when we are out of danger our selves.; . ' The strawberry-eater s costume was not such as was ordinarily worn in France at that time, and he had a curious hat, which the weather being warm he had placed on the table by his side. "He is a foreigner," whispered some in the dress-circle. "Perhaps he-does not know Mooseiur le Comte." Monsieur le ' Comte seated himself at the table opposite the unconscious stran trer, and called loudly, "Garcon." eigner, 1 should be spared the pain of i vantage of mere brute strength against - , t i 1 .L 1. 1J i! 1 J -A SpiRiTUAMSM.-Mr. Mrs ways be s found equal to the demand of Todd delivered lectures in this city dur- the times. ' -- - 1 ing last week to fair audiences. "Gargon," 'he said, when that func tionary appeared, "lake away that nasty thing ! pointing to the hat aforesaid. ; Now the strangers elbow, as he read his journal, was on the brim of the "nasty thing," which was a very good hat, but ot British lorm and make, the garcon was cmbarasscd. "Do you hear me ?" thundered the Count. "Take me that thing away ! No one has a right to place his ; hat on the table." y- ... . V "I beg your pardon," said the straw berry -eater politely, placing the offend ing article on his head, and . drawing his chair a little aside ; "I will make room for Monsieur." j. The garcon was about to retire well satisfied, when the bully called after him "Have I not commanded you to take that thing which annoys me away V "3ut, Monsieur le Comte, the gentlo man has covered himself." iv ; "What does it matter to me?" "But, Monsieur le Comte, it is impos sible." ... i- :. . . : What is impossible?" "That I should take the gentleman's hat." . ,.j--v- - "By ho means," observed the stranger, uncovering again. - "Be so good as to carry my hat to the lady at the counter, and ask her, on my behalf, to do me the favor to accept charge of it for tho pres ent." : : - ,-:v,; . "You speak French passably well for a foreigner, ' said the bully, stretching bis arms over the fable and looking his neigh bor full in the face a titter of contempt going round the circle. "I am not a foreigner, Monsieur." .-.,-. "I am sorry for that." "So am I.' ; . "May one, without indiscretion, in quire why ?" - "Certainly. Because, were I a for- seeing a compatriot behave himself very rudely." -'-yh--- ; - : "Meaning mef' " "Meaning precisely yoa. . . "Do you know who 1 am ?" asked the Count, half ' turning his back upon him, and facing the lookers-on, as much as "to say, "Now observo how I will crush- this poor creature." . - -i "Monsieur," ; replied the strawberry eater, with perfect politeness in his tone, "I have the honor not to know you." "Death of uiy life ! I am the Comte deV ." The strawberry-eater looked up, and the easy, good-natured face was gone. In its place was one with two gray eyes which flashed like fire, and a mouth that set itself very firmly. f .' , , ' "The Comte de Vrr" te repeated, in a low voice. . ... "Yes, Monsieur. And what have you tQ say against him r "If i- O nothing."' r ' y "That may be well for you. "But there are those who say he is a coward. That is enough," said the bully, starting to his feet. ' "Monsieur will find me in two hours at this address," flinging him a card "I shall not trouble myself to find Monsieur le Comte," replied the straw berry-eater, calmly tearing the card in tWO. ' ' - ,;-."'-. "Then I shall say of Monsieur what be, permitting himself to lie, said just now ot me. 'And that is ?" "That he is a coward "You may say what you please, Mon sieur le Comte. Those who know me would not believe you, and those who do not my faith! what care 1 What they think V- "And thou thou art a Frenchman! No one but a Frenchman could have thrown so mach disdain as he did into the " thouJ Tho strawberry eater made no reply but turned his head and called "Garcon!' The poor trembling creature came up again, wondering what new dilemma was prepared for him, and stood quaking some ten yards on. Garcon," said the stranger, "is there a room vacant in the hotel I . . "Without doubt, Monsieur." , "A large one?" "But certainly. They are all large own apartments. "1 hen engage the largest tor me to day, and another no matter what for Monsieur le Comte." "Monsieur, I give my own orders when necessary, said the Count loftily. "I thought to spare you the trouble, Go, if you please," (this to the waiter,) "and prepare my rooms Then the strawberry-eater returned to his strawberries. The bully gnawed his lip. He could not make head or tail of this phlegmatic opponent. The circle grew a little wider, for a horrid idea got abroad that the Count had not found one who was likely to suit him, and that he would have to seek elsewhere what he wanted. The murmur that went round roused the bully. "Monsieur," he hissed, ''has presumed to make use of a word which among men of honor" " "I beg your pardon V ' "Which among men of honor" "But what can Monsieur le , Comte possibly know what is felt among men of honor ?" asked the other, with a shrug of incredulity. "Will you fight yourself with ,me, or will you not, roared the Count, goaded to fury. 'If Monsieur le Comte will give him self the trouble to accompany me to the apartment which, no doubt, is cow pre pared for me," replied the stranger,' ris ing, I will satisfy him "Good," said the other, kicking down his chair : "I am with you. I waive the usual preliminaries. 1 only beg to ob serve that I am without arms ; but if vou " "0,: don't trouble , yourself on ; that score," said the stranger, with a grim smile. "If you are not afraid, follow me." . ' : . This he said in a voice sufficiently loud tor the nearest to hear, and the circle parted right and. left, like startled sheep, as the two walked towards the bouse. Was there no one to call "ponce, no one to try and prevent what to all seemed imminent ? Not a soul 1 The dreaded duelist had his evil fit on, and every one breathed freely now that he knew the victim was selected. Moreover, no ' one supposed it would end there. ' - - ;- The count and his friend (?) were ush ered into the apartment prepared for the latter, who, as soon as the garcon had left, took off his coat and waistcoat, and proceeded to remove the furniture so as to leave the room free for what was to follow the count standing with folded arms, glaring at him the 1 while. ' The decks being cleared for action, the stran ger looked the door, placed the key on the mantel-piece behind bim, and said ; "I think you might have helped a lit. tie ; but never mind. Will yeu give me your attention for five minutes?" - "Perfectly."; y-'" ; t : ' "Thank you. I am, a I have told you, A' Frenchman, but I was educated in England, at one of. ber famous public schools. Had, I been, sent to one of oar own Lycees, I should, perhaps, have gained, more book knowledge, but, as it is, I have learned some things which we do not teach, and one of them is, not to take a mean advantage of any man,, but to keep my own head with my own hands. Do you- understand me, Monsieur le Comte?" , . , . , "I cannot flatter myself that I do," . "Ha 1 Then I mast be more exploit. I learned, then, that one who takes ad- the week, or who, practised is any art, compels one unpractised in it to contend with him. is a coward and a knave. Do you follow me now, Monsieur le Comte ?" "I came here, Monsieur "Never mind for what ' you came, be content with what you will get. For ex. ample to follow what 1 was observing if a man skilled with the small-sword, for the mere vicious love; of quarreling, goads to madness a boy who baa never fenced in his life,' and kills him, that man is a murderer; and more a cowardly murderer, and a knavish." "I think I catch your , meaning : but f vou have pistols here" foamed the buny. j .-.!'. . "I do not come to eat strawberries with pistols in my poeket," replied the other, in the same calm tone he had used throughout. "Allow me to . continue. At that school of which I have spoken, and in i the society of men who have grown out of kjand others where the same habit of thonght prevails,' it would be considered that a man who had been fuilty of such cowardice and knavery as have mentioned, would be justly pun- oucvt ovule uajr, no buouiu vo paiu 1U his own coin by meeting some one who would take him at the same disadvantage as he placed that poor boy at." "Uur seconds shall ux your own weap ons, monsieur, r said the Count : "let thid farce end."J .. . . , ; , "Presently. iThose gentlemen whose opinions I now) venture to express, not having that erase for blood which disiin guishes some who have not had a simi lar enlightened (education would proba bly think that such a coward and knave as we have been considering would prob ably best meet his deserts by receiving a humiliating castagation befitting his knav ery and cowardice." "Ah I 1 seeit 1 have a lawyer to deal with," sneered the . Count, "Yes. I have studied a little law, but regret to say I am about to break one of its provisions." "You will fight me then r. "Yes. . At the school we have been speaking of, I learned, among other things, the .use of my hands j and if I . mistake not I am about to givo you as sound a thrashing as any bully ever got."' "You would take advantago or your skill in the box?" said the Count, getting a little pale, .. ; ., "Exactly. Just as yon took advan tage of your skill in the small sword with poor young B j 1 ." ; ' "But it is degrading brital "My dear Monsieur, just consider You are some four inches taller and some, thirty to forty kilogrammes heavier than I am. I have) seldom seen so fine an outside. If you were' to hit me a good SWihgtng blow it would griwrd wbk . - In the same way, if poor young fi had got over your guard, it would have gone hard with you. But, then, 1 shall only black both your eyes, and perhaps deprive you of a tooth or so, unhappily in front ; whereas you killed him." "I will not accept this barbarous en counter,".; ;;- l ' "You must ; 'I; have . done talking. Wonld you like a little brandy before we begin ? No? Place yourself on guard, then, if you please. When I have done with you, and you are fit to appear, then you shall have your revenge even with the small sword, if you please. At pres ent, bully coward knave, take ,that, and that, and that !" ;; And the wiry little Anglo-Frank was as good as his word. In less time than it takes to write it the great braggart was rendered unpresentable for many a long day. That number one caused him to see fifty suns beaming in the firmament with his right eye : that number two ! reduced a similar phenomenon with his eft ; that number three obliged him to swallow a front tooth, and to observe the ceiling .more attentively than he had hitherto done. And when one or two Other1 thai bad ; completely cowed him, and be threw open the window end called for help,, the j strawberry-eater took: him by the neck and breeches, end threw him out on to the flower-bed below. ' The strawberry-eater remained a month in Bordeaux to fulfill his promise of giv- -ing the Count . hie revenge,- But . then, again the bully met with more than his match. The strawberry-eater had An gelo for master as well as Owen Swift, and after , a few passes the, Count, who was too eager to kill his man, felt an un pleasant sensation id bis right shoulder. The seconds interposed, and there was an end of the affair. . It was his last duel. Some one produced a sketch of him as he appeared being thrown out of the ho-, tel window, and ridicule so awful to a , Frenchman rid the country of 1 him. The straw-berry eater was alive when the ' Battle of the Alma was fought, and is the only man to whom the above facts are known who never talks about them. Temple Bar. ! i ! f u How to Fit a Collar tq A Horse, In purchasing a collar for your horse, it is important to get one that fits him, as both the animal and yourself will thus bo saved rnnoh annoyance. The Hornet and Carriage Journal saya t "The plan adopted in the Wes and which, we are . assured by men who have been long in the collar 'business, does not injure the collar in the least, is to dip U in water until the leather is thoroughly wet; then put it on 'the horse, secure the hames firmly, keeping it, there nn.il it becomes dry. It is all, $he better if heavy loads " are to be drawn, as that causes the collar to be more) evenly fitted to the neck and shoulder.. If possible, the eollar shonldi be kept onirom foor to fir? hours, when it will be perfecUy dry and retain the ( same shape ever rw"!a" exaetly fitted to the form of the neck' ...... , ? .-! a i,;nt fnr life insurance compani Honesty is the best poliey. I,.-. V',". :,..,;