The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 18, 1869, Image 2

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    Tear aa to almit of a pros tor contraction of troops,
the appropriation a.-kel for will not be expended.
The appropriation estimate for river end harbor
improvements and for. rtifications, are submitted
separately. Whatever ;ouot Congress my
deem proper to appropriate for these purposes will
be expended. The recommendation of the Gen
eral of the Army that appropriations be made for
the fort at Boston, Portland, New York, Phila
delphia, Orleans and San Francisco, if for
He ether reasons, ujooneurred in. I also ask tout
special attention to the recommendation of the
(iencral commanding the military division of the
Pacifio for the sale of the seal island of St. Paul
and St. George, Alaska Territory, and suggest
that it be complied with, or that legislation be had
for protection of the seal fisheries, from which a
rorenuo should be derived. The report of tho
rauivtaiy " f . War -contains a synopsis from the
heads of Bureaus of the commanders of the mili
tary divisions of the Districts of Virginia. Missis
sippi and Texas, and the report of the General of
"o Army in lull, ltie recommendations therein
contained hare been considered and are submitted
for your action. I however call special attention
to the recommendation of the Chief of Ordnance
for the sale of arsenals and lands no Ion per of use
to the Government. I also recommend the sug
gestion of the Secretary of War that the Act of
a 01 marcn, 18o, prohibiting promotions and
appointment in tho staff corps of the Army, be
roapcalcd. ' The extent of the o.untrv to be irov-
crued and the number of military posts to be oc
cupied, as the rule is the same with a reduced
torco as with a tar ire one. the number of staff offi
curs required is more dependent upon the latter
man we lormex eouoiuon.
The report of tho Secretary of tho Navy accom
panying this show the condition of tho KavT
when this Administration came into office And the
changes made since. Strenuous efforts have been
made to place ma many vessels in commission or
render them fit far service if required as soon as
possible and substitute the sail for steam while
eruisrag, thus materially reducing the expenses of
"7 noi aaams; materially to tts efficiency.
Looking to our future, a liberal thoueh not ex
travagant policy toward this branch of the public
wTNf s wmmnoea. - -
The report of the Postmaster-General furnishes
a clear and comprehensive exhibit of the opera
tions of the postal service and of the financial
condition of the Postomee Denaxtment- Th or
dinary postal revenues for the year ending June
ou, auooBi w 510,04, out, ana the expen
ditures to $23,689, 131, showing an excess of ex
penuiturca over receipts of 5-35.Vfi?0. The
cess of expenditures over receipts for the previous
year amounted to $6,437,892. The increase of
this Department's revenues for 1869 over those of
1S6. was 32,051,909, and tho increase of expen
ditures was $9,975,038. The increased revenue
of 1S69 exceeded the increased revenue of 1868
by $996,336. In the increased expenditures in
1869, were $5,527,570 less than the increased ex
penditures in 1867, showing by comparison this
gratifying feature of improvement, that while the
increase-of expenditures over the increase of re
ceipt in 1868 was $2,439,525, the increase of re
ceipts over the increase of expenditures of 1S9
was $1,084,371. Tour attention is respectfully
called to tho recommendation made by the IV.-t-aoaster-General
for authority to charge rates of
compensation to the main trunk railroad lines for
services in eoin in carrying mails for reorgan
ising and increasing the efficiency of special
agents, for increase of mail service on the Pacific,
and for establishing mail service under the flag of
the Union on tho Atlantic, j and especially do I
call your attention to his recommendation for the
total abolition of the franking privilege. This id
an abiue from which no one receives a commen
surate advantage, It reduces the receipts for
postal service from 25 to 30 per cent., and largely
inorease the service to be performed. The
method by which postage should be paid upon
public, matter is set forth fully in the report of
the Postmaster General.
tamatoB department.
The. report of the -Secretary cf the Interior
shows that the gnantity of publie lands disposed
of during the year ending the 36th Jane, 18 69,
was 7,666,152 acres exceeding that of the pro
ceeding year by 1.010.400 acres. Of this amount
2,899,544 acres were sold for cash, and 2,731,365
crea seenrea under the homestead laws. The re
mainder was granted to aid the construction
works of internal improvement, approved to
iuucs aa swamps, ana lann warrants and sofip
xuecaan receipts irom all sources were f v4'-
V87, exceeding those of the preceding yerfr $;
During the last fiscal year, 23,196 names were
added to the pension rolls, and 4,886 dropped
therefrom, leaving at tho close, 187,663. The
amount paid to pensioners including ihecompen- :
roT disbursing agents was J8,42s,bi4, an
increse of $441,152 on that of the previous year.
The munificence of Congress has been conspicu
ously manifested in its legislation for the soldiers
and orphans who suffered in the struggle to main
tain that unity of Government which makes us
one people. The additions to the pension rolls
of each successive year sinee the conclusion of hos
tilities results in a great degree from the reported
amendments of the act of the 14th of July, 1S67,
which extended its provisions to eases not falling
within its original scope. The large outlay which
is thus occasioned is further increased by the
more liberal allowance bestowed since that date
upon those who in the line of duty were wholly
or permanently disabled. Public opinion has
given an emphatic sanction to these measures of
Congress and it will be conceded that no part of
onr publio burden is more cheerfully borne than
that which is imposed by this branch of the ser
vice. It necessitates for the next fiscal year an
addition to the amount j aptly chargeable to the
naval pension fund of $20,000,000.
During the year ending 30th of September,
1869, the Patent Office issued 13,762 patents, and
the receipts were $636,389, being $213,035 more
than tho expenditures.
I would respectfully call your attention to the
recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior,
for uniting the duties of supervision of the edu
cation of the freedmen with the other duties de
volving upon the Commissioner of Education.
If it is the desire of Congress to make the
census which must be taken during the year 1870
more complete and perfect' than heretofore, I
recommend early action upon any plan that may
be agreed upon. As Congress at the last session
appointed a committee to take into consideration
sack measures aa might be deemed proper in re
ference to the census and - report a plan, I desist
from saying more.
I recommend to your favorable consideration
the claims of the Agricultural Bureau. In a coun
try so diversified in climate and soil as ours, and
with a population so largely dependent upon
Agriculture, the benefits to be conferred by prop
erly fostering' this Bureau are incalculable.
:" I desire respectfully to call the attention of
Congress to the inadequate salaries of a number
of the most important officers of the Government.'
In this Smessage I will not enumerate, but will
mention the Justices of the Supreme Court. No
change has baen made in their salaries in fifteen
years. Within that time the labors of the court
nave largely increased, and the expenses of living
nave at least doubled. During tho same time
Congress has twice found it necessary to increase
largely the cotnpensation-of its own members, and
tho duty which it owes to another department of
tho Government deserves to and will undoubtedly
receive its dne consideration.
v There are many subjects not alluded to in this
message .which might with propriety be intro
duced bat I abstain, believing your patriotism and
statesmanship' will suggest the topics of legisla
tion most conducive to the interests of the whole
people. On my part I promise rigid advocacy of
the laws and their strict enforcement.
' : 'U. 8. GRANT.
WisaiJfeTO, D. C, Dee. 6, 1869.
The Union Republican State Central
Committee of Oregon
Will meet at the office of lion. J. II. &' itehell, in
the city of Portland, on Wednesday, the 19th day
of January, 1S70, at 10 o'clock A. to desig
nate the time and place fur the holding of the
TTnion Republican State Convention of 1876. ' :
.. M. P. BERRY, Chairman.
Salex, December 14, 1869. --.
V. S. Official Paper for Oreg-on.
A Notable Death. Geo. W. Har
ris, known as Sut Levcgood, a humorous
writer, died near Knoxville, Kj., oa the
: A letter from a miner to a Boise paper
says : ' "Within - fifteen miles . of Boise
City I hare been rocking out froraf $24
to , $30 per day for twenty days, and
wheel the pay grayel four hundred yards.
I expect to make $110 to the hand when
I get the ground -Blaiee next Spring
then I will make my fortune."
It was rumored in Washington that
justice Grier, of the TJ. S. Supreme
Court, would , tender hia resignation on
the 10th, He was appointed by Polk,
in 1846. ; -;-,:yr:rJ ;
The House Judiciary Committee will
report a bill repealing the Tenure of Of
fice Act. It will be passed by the House.
The indications are that tho. Commit
tee on 'Territories in the House will re
port against the establishment of terri
torial government in Alaska.
Report says that for a distance of
thirty-five miles the Suez Canal is sub
ject to sand-drifts, reducing the depth'
and the thick tog is bewildering to pilots.
Iticn. Late advices from Warren's
diggings pronounce the new gold discov
eries in that locality as very rich, sur
passing anything yet discovered in that
Quartz. At Augusta, on Eagle
creek,) in Eastern Oregon, new quarts
discoveries have been made, woll as a
Kve Vallev. which" discoveries" created
no littlo excitement.
' Yet at Large. Courtney Meek, the
Hillsboro murderer, is yet at large. The
rewards offered for his capture amount to
five or six hundred dollars.
Fiee at Dutch Flat. A telegram
from Dutch Flat (Cal.) dated the 11th,
says that a fire occurred in Chinatown
that morning, which destroyed all that
portion laying on the north side of the
street. As nothing but China shanties
were burned, the loss was slight.
What a Climate. We scarcely
pick up a State exchange that does not
contain an account of the gathering of a
second crop of strawberries, pears, plums,
flowers in full bloom, etc., right in the
dead of winter, while our Eastern ex
changes are filled with accounts of storms
of rain and ' snow, and the dreadful cold
weather, causing the death of many who
were exposed to its breath. If our East
ern brethren wish to enjoy strawberries
and cream in December, let them come
to Oregon, the poor man's paradise. ,
New Postage Stamps. The Post
Office Department has selected designs
for the new postage stamps. The new
stamps will be about one-third larger
than the present,. Seme of the stamps
have already been engraved, and the
proofs approved by the President and
Cabinet and the P. O. Department, and
compose tne lollowins . distinguished
One cent, Franklin, by Burton, of
Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; two
cents, Jackson, by Powers j three cents,
Washington, by Ilowden ; six cents,
Lincoln, by Volkj ten cents, Jefferson,
by Powers; twelve cents, Clay, by Hart;
fifteen cents, Webster, by Cherengo ;
twenty-four cents, Scott, by Coffey ;
thirty cents, Hamilton, family bust; forty
cents, Perry, by O. H. Woloott. -
Suicide.'; On the 11th inst , near
Hillsboro, Rev. Henry Sewall committed
suicide by shooting himself through
the head with a pistol. No cause is as
signed for the act, other than that he had
bech laboring from depression of mind
since the death of his wife, which oc
curred a few months since. Mr. Sewall
had been a resident of Oregon about
twenty-five years, was about fifty years
of age, and had reared quite a family of
children, some of whom are married and
resided near him. .. . .
letter Prom the CapltaU
i Salem, Dec.l15th, 1869.
Within the past week we have had noth
ing ot an exciting character to ' stir the
blood of the citiaens of our quiet place.
Everything seems to be lying dormant
waiting for Spring to open before active
operations are inaugurated.
, manufacturing.
The factories in and about Salem, with
the exception of the Woolen Mills, are
turning out the usual amount of articles
in their lines. The lumbering mills are
filling up their yards with lumber for the
Spring trade, and the flouring mills are
preparing wheat for the consumption of
the people. i.t the Salem foundry and
Machine Shop, B. F. Drake, proprietor,
several new and original machines are be
ing put up, among which may bo men
tioned several "stickers" for sash, door
and blind factories : two or three large
"surface planers" for wood, the patterns
for which are being made. here. .A new
brick machine is also being made at the
same shop, for use at the State Peniten
tiary. This machine is different from
any heretofore constructed, and is supe
rior in many respects to the one now used
at the prison. A patent on the new ma
chine will be applied tor.
. : CORPORATIONS. v- j :
A company of four persons from Port
land, filed articles of incorporation with
the Secretary of State, of tho "Work-
ingmen's Joint Stock Company of Port
land." The object of this corporation is
to engage in the purchase, sale, renting,
etc., of real estate in Oregon and else
where. The capital stock is $50,000.
This company is similar in its objects to
the Salem Homectead Company, which
was incorporated about a year since.
The S. II . Co. purchased lands in East
Portland last spring which have increased
in value about one-half. The success of
this . company is inducing others to go
into the same business.
I learn incidentally that tho Salem
Linen Company, which was organized
here last spring, has given up the idea of
building works for the manufacture of
linen cloths, because they could not get
a right of way for a water ditch on to
their grounds. .The enterprise, however,
may not entirely fait, as one of our capi
talists, who is now East, wilt look around
and inspect various machines and their
cost with a view ot putting up . works on
his own account.
Is quite dreary and many are predicting
snow. These heavy foggy days are cer
tainly more disagrceablo than our rains.
Has been in a laughing mood over the
witicisms of Plummer, the elocutionist
and mimic, who has a rare faculty of
amusing his audience. If ho should
visit Albany I would advise all who want
a good jolly laugh to go and hear him.
For the holidays are being made by the
various societies and organizations. Cap
ital Fire Engine Co. No. 1 give a public
ball on the evening .of the 24th, and
Tiger Go. No. S on the evening before
New Year's day. The members and
congregation of the Methodist church
are preparing a Christmas tree for the
benefit of the little folks. A musical
concert on the evening of January 1st
will wind up the festivities of the week.
Paraquat. Lopes, who is said to
have fled to the Bolivian frontier, com
mitting many atrocities on the way; has
but 2,000 ill-conditioned men, but is
plentifully supplied with . the sinews, of
war, having twelve carts loaded with
money. While on tho retreat bo discov
ered a revolutionary plot among his sol
diers, one hundred of whom he immedi
ately ordered shot.
Derringer vs. Club. A little diffi
culty occurred in Portland on the 13th,
between two brother quills Scott, of the
Oregonian, and Seraple, f the . Ilerajd.
The two newspaper offices occupy por
tions of the same building. Semplo met
Scott at tho main entrance to the offices
on the day in question, and after making
a few uncomplimentary remarks, struck
at Scott with a heavy hickory club. The
blow was partially turned aside by Scott,
who presented a derringer, at the same
time warning Semple of the imminent
danger he was in of becoming a ghost, a
dead quillist, if the ttrxking exhibition
was again indulged in. This derringer
"presentation" acted as a check upon the
bloody-minded clubist a soporific that
cooled his' heated bile, and when the
City Marshal came up and requested bis
immediate company to the Recorder's of
fice, he hesitated not, but believing it to
be the Sempelist thing he could do, he
goed. The clubby-minded quillist was
"awarded" the usual premium oreutrance
fee, in the way of a neat little fine,
which he paid to the city to help keep
np the city government. Completely
used Tip and placed hort du combat by
the Otcgoniau'a facts and arguments, the
Herald tries the bully's argument, the
club and gets hlnffcd.
; From . Mexico. La to advices from
Mexico give accounts of banquets and
feasting in honor of Mexico's guest, Hon.
William H. Seward. Everywhere he
was received with the greatest enthusi
asm. Mr. Seward probably left Mexico
about tho 10th inst. ,
" Cold Weather. Extreme cold
weather is being experienced in the East.
For instance : St. Johns (N. B.), on the
9th, the crew of the Schooner Ketchum
made a fire in the stove in the hold,
closed the hatchways and went to bed.
In the morning they wero found dead in
their beds. X:." " 1
It is thought certain that a bill for the
admission of Virginia will! be passed in
a few days. The Senators and Repre
sentatives, with the exception of Booker
anid McKenzie, whose seats are contested,
will be sworn in.
v The - President's Message. This
Document receives universal commenda
tion by the Eastern press. . It is conceded
to be the wisest and most judicious paper
ever submitted to Congress. 1 Wa print
it entire in this issue that all may read
it.- :;;x?rs: tX'X
Illinois. The Board of Supervisors
of. Hancock county have requested the
Constitutional Convention ; of : Illinois,
now in session, , to cede, the jurisdiction
of Nauvoo, I seventy-three square miles,
to the United States for a Capital, w
JHebellion. in Portugal. Fears are
entertained of the breaking out of a re
bellion in various parts of Portugal, and
the authorities aro unusually active to
fprevent it. .' - ... - ,
X Accidental Death.-t-A boy named
Leonardson, whose parents reside on Sau
vie's L?land, was shot and instantly killed
wbile drawing tho charge from his gun
on Sunday bat. .--
: Texas. With the exception of Gov
ernor, the entire Republican State ticket
is believed to be elected! Two conserva
tives,. Armstrong nod Conness, are an
nounced as elected to Congress.
In northeastern Texas a prairio fire
was - doing immense' damage to farms,
stock, etc. mmAy' .in -iV- a-w
February 8 th is the day reported for
the assembling of the . English . Parlia
ment. '
There is a convict in the State prison
at Jackson, Michigan, who his been kept
in solitary confinement for twenty-one
years, having been seat far life for a
murder at Detroit, and received into tne
prison November 29t 1848. x s
If it is wise to insure your house,
where the chances are only one to a hun
dred that it may burn down, it is wise to
insure your life, which must certainly
end you know not how soon. r
Prof. W. C Kerr,' State Ideologist of
North Carolina, thinks that the -Black
Mountains in that State : were the ; first
dry land and the oldest earth on the
globe. ; -
A terrible incident recently occurred
in Falticenia, in Roumania. A poor old
woman was attacked in the streets of that
town by hogs and, "literally devoured
alive. The number of hogs, cows, and
steers running around wildly in that city
is so great that no woman dare go out
alone. . - . - , .j ,.-
An economical girl in Portland took
all the medicine left in the house after
her father's death, in order that it might
not be wasted. She is recovering.
There is an engine company in Ports
mouth, N. H., whose organization dates
back Over .150 years. It celebrates its
anniversary with an annual dinner. Ex
Governor Goodwin 'is a member.
Over sixty cents on every dollar paid
for ' taxes in this country goes to pay
such bills as forty million dollars a year
for crime, thirty-two million for pauper
ism, and twelve million for insanity in
duced by intemperance.
The Hev a ore xLvetiinq Express an
nounces that 'George Trancis Train has
commenced a suit against the Kansas
Pacific Railway Compiny, in which he
claims the sum of $300,000. He has
also brought a suit against the Union
Pacific road, in which be says he is enti
tled to recover a similar amount.
A wooden building in Bostdiv occu
pied by several Irish families, burned
down on the 11th. . Two children, a boy
of four and a girl of three, were burned
to death.
"Bill," said one apprentice to another,
"my jboss is a better man to work for
than ' your old man. My boss ain't al
ways round his shop interfering with his
own business- ,
Tom Thumb found a beauty in Cali-!
tornia smaller than his wile, and leu in
love with her; but Mrs. Thumb soon
broke in upon his dream and brought him
back to dread reality.,
A young lady's opinion of the bonnet
of the season : " Oh, the bonnets of my
girlhood the kind I wore to school 1 I
really thought them pretty. I must h&ve
been a fool. And yet I used to think
myself on hats a jaunty miss. Perhaps
L was, as lashion went : but what was
that to this 1 . Oh, the lovely little pan
cake the charming little mat ! It makes
my head bo level, and so very, very
flat!" .
Fanny Fern said that the " men of tin
present day are fast". Prentice replies
that they have to bo . " to catch the wo
men - . ., . ,
"The reduction of expeaccs in the
Government offices at Washington, under
Grant s administration, is $2,000,000
About the 1st inst., the Union Pacific
Railroad, east of Salt Lake, was " snowed
up," and stopped the passage of the cars
tor a' day or two.
Flour is selling in Deer Lodge Mis
soula brands $8 50 per cwt.: W
Walla, $11 00 per cwt. Good stocks in
market and dealers holding off.
A Memphis jury acquitted a traveller
who shot and killed a hackman tor over
charging him.
The Hartford Courant has the names
of families on its books that have taken
the paper for a hundred years. .
It is estimated that in the year 1900.
the population of the United States will
be one hundred millions of souls.
Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, Spain and
Greece are all in the market for loans, and
with equal chances of failure.
Cairo ladies have formed a league,
agreeing to lock the street door at ten
o clock, whether their husbands are in
or out..
The Government has detailed a steam
er to go to Panama for the purposo of
assisting in the survey of the Darien
Canal. 1 r ;
The ninth census will be taken next
J une. A Census Commissioner will be
appointed to hold office for three years. '
M. Cros informs the French Academy
that he has succeeded in photographing
colors, and shows them . spcimens of the
The Freo Masons of Spain, since the
revolution there, have for the first time
been able to conduct Masonic ceremonies
at funerals. . "' .. .. ; "
'""A large number of farmers of Macon
county, Missouri, in good circumstances.
are unable to raise enough money . to pay
their taxes. J
' It has been officially decidedthat when
sweet potatoes are eaten they are fruit,
but when they are distilled into whisky
they are grain. ;
Tho Sultan protests against the act of
the Viceroy of , Egypt proclaiming the
neutrality of the Suez Canal as a tres
pass on his sovereignty.
Two hundred and fifty colonists from
Austria have arrived at Richmond. They
came to settle on land purchased in Hen
nco connty for them. . .
' The Clackamas railroad bridge will
probably be finished the present week
' A Catholic journal is in contemplation
in Portland. . . ." . . v
Mr. Seward in Mexico. .f
Correspondence of the New York Times.l
jf Mexico, Saturday, Nov. 6,1869. -Mr.
'Seward's trip from tho Pacific
coast through Mexico is proving a sort of '
triumphal inarch. It rarely falls to the
lot of publio men during their lives to
be the recipients ot such an ovation ot
gratitude Irom all clashes of citizens in a
foreign State as the Ex-Secretary is re
ceiving in Mexico. At a dinner given
Mr. Seward at Colima, on the 12th alt.,
many toasts were proposed and many
speeches made. The Mexicau journals
call the attention of their readers to the
ideas contained in Mr. Seward's reply to
the speech made by the uovernor ot the
State of Colima. The Governor said :
" The inhabitants of the State oft Col
ima, whom 1 haye the honor to represent,
wishing to commemorate your passage
through this capital, desire to manifest
through me o their admiration or - the
statesman who proved . himself capable
of bridling the arrogance of Napoleon's
Cabinet. Undoubtedly you are the gen
ius of American Democracy, who said to
the monarchial wave impelled towards
this continent, "Thi far and no further.
The cold calculating selfish ideas of the
European monarch are not in accord with
the tropical fire of young Amerioa. The
world, stupefied with wonder, contem
plated that giant contest where the dark
ness of past ages foolishly held ground
against the ideas of the day ideas.
obedience to which have shown us the
road to advancement and progress. Mex
ico, through her misfortunes, placed her
once at the mercy of the French med
dlers, has demonstrated she is worth a
place among freo and independent na
tions, and now gladly celebrates, filled
with joy and enthusiasm, the happy op
portunity of having as a national guest
the eminent statesman who,' irom the
White House, stopped that barbarous in
road that threatened to sow in tho he Ids
of this Republic the seeds of monarchy,
an exotic plant that has proved the bane
of the Old World. The glory of my
country is united to that of the United
States by brotherly bonds. I salute you
in the name of the Mexican people, and
offer you their friendship as sincere as
your sincerity that of the friend you
have proven yourseit to bo ot this na
tion. JVlexieo hails and blesses you.
Mr. Seward replied in the following
strain :
Gentlemen; I thank you with all my
heart for the distinguished hospitality
and for the honors you have showered
upon me in this ancient city of Colima.
Ibe experience of the eighteenth con
tury showed the world two important
changes in the Government of the Amer
ican continent, lurst, that the United
States hencetorth should not form colo
nial dependencies of Europe, but nations,
free and independent, of the American
continent, hecond, that these nations
ought not to have monarchial forms of
government, but should be governed by
republican institutions. .During the
great part of my political - life these
changes of society and government have
been more or less discussed in logical de
bates in Europe, and by the sword in the
battle-fields of America. More than
once these wars have provoked European
intervention. Union of different contig
uous States was found necessary to guar
antee the exit ot the two principles laid
down as above. The United States of
North America took the first step in
these changes, so important to the Amer
ican hemisphere. The Mexican Repub
lic bravely and persistently followed the
example, and Central America, and al
most all South : America, have observed
the examples set them. There yet re
mains an additional principle which should
be well implanted in the . soil of public
opinion to insure a complete success for
the American system, and which might
cause it to be accepted, by various Euro
pean nations. This additional principle
is, that these different Republics should
abstain from intervention with each oth
er's affairs, save in a friendly way. This
U the policy I have endeavored to preach
in my own country, and which, with
your permission, I would recommend to
Mexico. I sincerely hope that attacks
against republicanism in ' Mexico have
ceased, and pray God for its continued
prosperity, unity and independence. ;
, , J. he estate J&ujiut JJemocrat calls onr
paper the f family Register." We know
our family is quite respectable, though
we have not as many relatives among the
mxtUary as JJelnnger has. tie says we
looked when in Albany as if we had lost
something. None of his kind lose any
thing, they have . nothing to lose. Boys
that live in glass houses should not fire
stones. Vancouver Register.
The treaty lately concluded between
the United States and China, has been
ratified by China. "
Wheat, white, bushel..
uats, $i Daaaei ,
Potatoes, bnsheL.
Onions, 39 bushel.
Floor, tp barrel. ......
Batter, lb ....
Begs, doien ..
CHicKens, aoeen.. ...... . ......
Peaches, dried, &-
SoftPf lb .)
Salt, Los Angelos, lb ........ ......
Syrap, keg
Tee, Young Hyson 1i lb
japan, ......... .....
Black, ' . .
Sngar, erushed,
. . . .. . . . . . . ...... .
" Islaai.r
Coffee, 9& tb..T1rlr , m ,
Candles, g lb. ......... ..................
Kice, (J tuna, Id
Saleratua, j) ..........HHW.....
Dried plums, 39 lb. .... .......... ....
.Dried apples, ID...... ...j...... ......
imea currants, s lb . ,..).
Bacon, nams, n.......i.
" sides, " i...........
" shoulders, 19 B..i.........
Lard, in eans, & ..... . 10 U
Beans, tb Stoa
Devoes Kerosene oil, gallon-... 1 081 26-
Turpentine, gallon .. 1 35 I on
Linseed oil, boiled, gallon....... l 2i(ol 7A
White lead, keg j.. $3 764
Tar gallon......... ..Mm. t $1 25
Powder, rifle, lb. . 7S1 00
Tobacco, lb .. $1 001 25
Nails, cut, lb.. ....... 617J
Domestic, brown, p yard...-. 15163
Hickory, striped, yard . . 1630
Mexl ticking, per yard... Z3(gou
Blue drilling, yard " . Io25
Flannels, yard u. . 6O&02i
Prints, faat oolors, yard 12
Pork, T . 58
Mutton, ! head.. ..... .. $1 753 50
Beef, on foot, lb ..., . . , 59
Congressional. Among the bills
introduced in the House' on the 11th,
are the following : ; '
To dispense with spies and informers
m the internal revenue service.
. Amendatory of the naturalization laws.
By Schofield, for the transfer of , the
Philadelphia navy yard to League Is
land. :. .-:.!-. .. v; r
- By Rodgers, to remove political disa
bilities Irom tho people ot States lately
in rebellion..
By Jencks, to establish a uniform rule
or naturalization.
By Coburn, to provide for the sale of
com in the Treasury, except what is re
quired tor the' payment ot interest on
bonds. ... -.; , -"-..; ...
; ' -
New Interpretation. Persons of a
curious turn of mind will be interested
to know that an eminent Hebraical schol
ar of Cincinnati has written a review of
the history cf the Omnific autograph, or
name of the Almighty as written by the
Deity and deposited in the Ark of the
Covenant. Many singular statements
are advanced in this treatise, but what is
most important to us will be found in the
remarks on the meaning ot the name.
The signification presented in the Scrip
tures is, "j. am that l am;" conveying
the idea of actual existence, literally and
ngurativeiy, omniscient creative power.
According to the writer referred to. the
tue meaning of the ineffable word (which
was composed 01 threo letters; was, "I
am what (or that) i have always been '
expressing the idea of eternity in deific
existence, as well as infinite lite giving
principle ana power to impart the same
This agrees thoroughly with the history
of all tho-language spoken to man by his
Maker, face to face, or through the
prophets and inspired writers.
- Kentucky. The indications are tihat
McCreery will be elected U. S. Senator
on the first ballot. - 7- j
e i I
Bill, I eat a good deal of fish now
they say it is good for the brain." "It
i j ? V11 Tl, I'll I 1 1 "
Albas r, Deeembei 18, 1889.
45 60
756a 1 26
.. $3 00
$2 603 00
$S 2560 2
1 00
1 00
751 00
- 18(320
12(g) 14
""-trf- IT
fiJs&CJ Machine. A double-thread fps&Cj
lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ; stitch alike on both
Sides. :,-tM,
C3k Celebrated Common-Sense if(tf
DsZtJ Family Machine. Both ma- jQjlJ
chines I oily TV arraniea lor years, juacnines
sent to any part of the coast by express, C. O. D.
Agents wanted in every town on the Pacific coast.
Liberal commission.
Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Co.,
2y O. O. TRAVER,
.... 131, rirst St., Portland.
Notice of Administration.
THE undersigned has been appointed by tho
Connty Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Samuei. H. Bitter,
deceased, late of said county. Persons having
claims" against said estate- will present them,
duly verified, to the undersigned, at his residence
three miles northeast of Lebanon, in said county,
within six months from this date.
December 13th, 189. 15w4
: i A! ICOYAN & CO.,
.; winjiaU ajtd betaii. dealbbs im
.....ALB ANT.
They offer a large and well selected stock of
gyjjXf ' DOY GOODS I
At . Extra ordinarwj
ij, it. i4.. v. 4 f
Cash pi !IirodW5e I
In addition to a Very large iioca, covering
"everything in the line ef Cottons, we
have a complete aasortment of
latest styles ci Boys' Jid Men's er'"-'
Caxpet, . WaU-Papoav Patr ', St ' Usmss
' BlisUiB, Ac, 4bc z t.. t
Especial attentiw is directed to oar stock of
i , . -AND t ,f-k - -i ,
Which is the largest and mart somplese thie side
of 1'ortland. . f :n . i ,
You are invited to call and examine !oar. good
and prices. ''!( ' i
- The highest market prioe in cash paid for
Wool, JBacon aiid- Xtard !
Oct. 30, 1869-8
Have just received from .
San Francisco,
a very large and well selected stock of
. WHICH 18 OmHU--' .t
At Prices to SaiL tlie Times j !
. ' t Y AN JUSK WOTlOJMtf,
For the Holidays of I869-JD,haJ arrived.
Direct from ' Iew Xorlc,
And is now on Ehibitfon at
....... ; V ' ' i i '-
Where every purchaser will flnd-
Hut Largest Stock
The Greatest Variety 1 1 - t i
''The Cheapest PrieetUt
Jt-C This immense stock havlnr beaet ar-
ehased for currency in New York, will be acid to
dealers and others ineoia,at
X,esa Prices Iku X3wer MSmn "
Stransers and eitisen w&I : inet SANTA
CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS a snort Hieratia
place to visit, as the aorceoas array of new aev
eltics, and the thousand comical toys therein, give
the store the appearance of aa Eastern
Some idea may be arrived at aa to tho '
extent of the stock when it is known that of
Dolls alone there are one atrndreat amd fifty-Jlvm
rarietif ! Making that Department a perfect
Their stock consists, in part, as follows t A largej
supply or
Denims, Hickorj Stripes,1 Cbecka,
Slieeting-a Bleached aad Umbleached !
French Cottonades,
Canton Flannels,
A Spondid assortment of ,
suca as -
1 oplms,
Empress ClotJis,
"j. ;v Mohair " ;
Fancy Patterns,
- Shawls, .
Balmorals and
i Fancy .Notions.
Trimmings, &c.
uadios and Misses Hoods, Hate, Nubias, Ae.
A good Assortment of
oeht's rcamsHiKO ooods, c.
A complete assortment of Men's and Boy'a
Also the latest style and quality of
Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes
A splendid assortment of ' .
Croceries, Qneenawaro and Qlaaawara!
Hardware,' Pocket fe. Tahle Ovtlcry i
Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Cur
tains, Carpeting.
Ia fact, almost very thing usually kept In a re
tail store. . !
Having bought ear good est the best terms
the market will afford, aid selected them with
great, care, we feel warranted in saying that we
eaa offer aa great iadueemeata to customers as
any honse in the trade, and hope, by strict at
tention to business and the wants of euatemers,
to merit a liberal patronage from the pubhe.
tSE- Remember the place. The house for
merly occupied by D. .Mansfleld A Bro.
; P. 0. HARPER &C0.
Albany Oct. 30, 1869.-8 )
Full Descriptive Catalogues now ready
Call early to secure choice gifts.
; f S. J. M'CORMICK, A :
Agent for' 8 ante, Claua. .
To the Taxpayers f Linn Co
f -;;-. ' ," i" i"a -t"
Taxes levied for the current yeaEat tne tlssis
and places as follows, to-wlt j ;4 ..,.
Is NtTtnlwrlj 2-f.f
Lebanon. Monday. 21d ; Waterloo, Twasday,
23d; Nye's School Bouse, Wednesday, th f
Brush Creek, Thursday, 25th ; South Brown stiU,
Friday, 26th ; North Brownsville, Saturday, XTtkw
In IJecember t
narrisburgh, Tuesday, November Sftth, anijl
Wednesday, December 1st Peoria, - Thursday,
December 2d ; Orleank Friday, 3d ; Albany, 8 a
urday, 4th ; Soio, Tuesday, 14th j Franklni But
Wednesday, . loth rj HaaUam Thersdny, iota
Syracuse, Saturday, 18th j Center, Monday, Mtkw
As it will save time and trouble, I hope every
tax-payer will be prepared to settle all tax at the)
tunes and places above namea. . ' , (
AV. A. T A.. ...
October 23. 1869-rtf
' Tax Collector. -
Let every one. who wants a Watou, read this
Especially if in some remote eut-of-tha-wy plaee.
give the residents of Qaxoon the opportunity of
getting single genuine Welthem. Watches at the
Tha IVowest TxrbelaanOe Hew York Prices
We sell more Waltham Watches than any other
establishment In the country, either wholesale or
rotail ; we send great numbers to every section of
tho country by Mail and Express, earefally pack
ed, and in perfect running order. Our plan is
this j You want a Watch, and see onr advertise
ment ; now, we want you first to write ta us for
our Descriptive and IRustratad Prioe i List we
will send it, post-paid, by -return, mail. It ex
plains all the different kinds, tells the weight aad
quality of the cases, with' price of each; yon
then make a selection of the kind yon prefer, and
send us your order. We will then send yon the
Watch by Express, with the bill to collect en de
livery. We give Instructions to the Expresa
company to allow yon to open the package and
examine the Watch r if 7"
take it; if not, you are under no fj?"?
receive it y and if it is taken, and ?rw "
not prove satisfactory, we will . "
As an indication of the prices, we will quote
ono Watch of our list.' The P. S. Bjwwt,
Lever Movement, with Extra -wel, Chrmenae
ter Balance. F.tent Pinion, Patent DnjtJ Ca.aa4
all the other late improvements, in Betid Coin
Silvereas,,. W uijxro- -.
$28 in Oreenhnekn, or aonnrt tO fca Omim '
AH the other kinds, both gold1 and Href, fa too
same proportion. Do not order n Watch till yon
have sent for a Prioe List, aa lo mafias a gieat
deal of information regarding thaee Watches that
will eaaUe you to make an intelligent ssleeUoa.
Dont forget,,, when yon writ, to state that yon
saw this advertisement In the Albast Rboistbb.
aad you need not put in stamps foe return fast
age. Adores in full, . - . -
.,.:-v.J;iv.a O HOTVARO A CO " L,
Jewelers and Silversmiths, 018 Broadway .T.
We refer, by permission, to
Messrs. Wxixa, Faboo A CO., and San
. Francisco. - " .."-,.-......,-
I. W. RAYBOsn, Esq., T. R. Botxbb, Esq B.
C. Howard, Esq., Kan Francisco. ., . -,
W. S. IIobabb, Virginia city, Nerada. - t i