Wht jpto Agistor f ' - .1.1.1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 18C9. Subscribers finding an X after their same will understand that their subscription expires with that number, and they are invited to renew their oubscripUons. Terms S3 per annum, in advance; six months, $2 ; three months, $1. mtm e mm mmm mm Portland Legal Tender rates . 77Jf'!"8 an Francisco Legal Tender rates 77fe 77J .New York Gold quotations 127 LOO.A.3L. 1 1 A. 1 xi-SS &ay Fpr locals and other interesting matter, see first page. "- To, the Citizens of Linn County. To enable us to more fully comprehend the wants, the varied resources and interests of Linn county, we have secured the services of D. M. C. Gault, Esq., an accomplished gentleman, who has had considerable experience as a newspaper writer, who will devote his entire time for the next few months to visiting the various portions of the county, seeing and conversing with our people, obtain ing from them such information as may be made useful in increasing and advanc ing the interests of the several commu nities within her borders. Everything that will tepd to advance local interests in the slightest degree will receive the fullest attention at his hands through the columns of the Register, if our people will but ' post " him with regard to their needs. We wish fully and truthfully to present the resources and, advantages of of Old Linn through our columns, and, to do this successfully and in "good shape," we respectfully ask the co-operation of every citizen of the county. . We are working for your interests as well as our own; lor, by making known the richness of our soil, its vast productive ness, our wealth of timber, abundance of water-power, etc., etc., we draw public I- attention to this particular point, stiniu- j lating emigration, which adds to the value of real and personal property, creates a greater demand for all kinds of produce for home consumption, opens up new avenues of trade and new branches of industry, thus benefitting more or less every portion of the county. Every act of courtesy and attention extended to Mr. Gault will be fully appreciated and duly acknowledged by us.. Mr. G. is also authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions aud advertisements, and appoint new agents for us in the distant portions of the county not uow repre sented. Some Beets. Mr. W. J. Cleaver, "Who own3 a firm at the foot of Peterson's Butte, some sixteen miles from this city, presented us Wednesday with a couple of huge beets, one of them an orange and tho other a blood beet. The blood variety is a fraction the largest, and weigns o pounas ; is u incnes in length, and 22 inches around the middle. "' The orange variety is but a fraction . smaller. Oregon, -and especially Linn county, is hard to beat on the beet ques tmen. Mr. Cleaver -raised a wagon load or two of equally as lare beets. . Sxra AND Wniz. Hyacinthe has been excommunicated ; revolution is threatened in France j the great Earl . of Derby is dead j Fenians are becoming restless in England ; the famous phil ' anthropist and eminent banker, George Peabody, is dead; the Oregon Central Railroad is finished to Milwaukie ; Capt. Hall, during his expedition to the Arctic regions, played a great deal of " old sledge " on the ice, yet the lush still con tinues' at Blain & Young's to see their low-priced clothing, ladies' dress goods, boots and shoes, etc.. and their sales still continue large. , . ' , r Clothes Line. A week or two since we spoke of a new invention called the . " Metalic White Wire," for clothes lines,, being introduced by Mr. P. T. Brock, of Harrisburg, who owns the ' agency of tbw State. Since writing that notice, we Lave tried one of these wires, nnd fonnd it to be as reDresented the V mast economical and in all respects the : wire once- properly stretched, and you ..have no more trouble, as the weather has ? no effect upon it whatever. - It will not ' ; rust, and therefore will not discolor the clothes, .and will not break. Mr.' Brock - will furnish vou with these new lines at 1 three cents per footand as they will ; last a life time, you need have no more J.TOiible about your clothes lines. 4 t Cxtanged Hands. Mr. Piersoq has bough' out 'the grocer establishment on the eoia er of Broadalbin and First Sts., lately owvied by Mr. Geo. Reed, and takes this uxode of informing his friends and customers f hat he will keep con- tanuy on jmiiu gw . I groceries, provisions, etc., which he will sell at the lowest living rates. Give him a call at the old stand. :;,'.; i , , - - . ' Foot-Raoe. The boys manufactured a little fun on Thursday afternoon in the" way of. a foot-race. The race was be tween Messrs, Harpool and Beard, $10 a side , distance, 40 yards. The race -transpired as above in front of the Court IIouse,IIarpool winning the race. Beard, added to the fun of getting beat, fell down ia the mud, which tickled the by- . etanderg not a little, Jfo fun in Albany ; Railroad Matters. The party of surveyors under charge of Chief Engin eer Brooks, have been busy during the week, surveying and " leveling up" the new line for the O. C. Railroad. The line as surveyed enters the north end of town through the old brick yard, run ning thence nearly due south to a point on the the Calipooia, about one hundred yards above the bridge cn the Corvallis road. The line runs directly in front (west) of Albany College, barely missing the residence of Thomas Monteith, Esq., on the east. Instead of being on the outskirts the road comes within an ace of running directly through the heart of the city. Should the weather not prove too rough, the surveyors will probably reach Harrisburg next week. Hurrah for our side ! Aluanv College. This institution, under, the supervision of Messrs. E. R. Geary and S. G. Irvice, gives promise of the highest success. Although the present term commeuced late and under unfavorable circumstances, yet there are about . seventy students in attendance, with a prospect for the number increasing toeighty or ninety in a few weeks. If the Albauy College fails to be patronized, it will not be because it is not now -conducted by able and experienced teachers. The two gentlemen under whose control the College now is, for ability, thorough and complete education, large experience, and continued success as teachers, have not tbeir superiors, if equals, on the Pa cific coast. . 1 o ' Personal. Mr. R. M. Powers, who has been residing at Harney for some months past, returned to our city on ! Wednesday last. Dick looks a3 natural as ever. Ex-Recorder Doolittlc has taken up his residence in this city once more. His health is somewhat imprjved. Geo. Bartzges expects to start East on Tuesday next. He may be absent until next June. His family will remain. May pleasant breezes waft you, George. Ex-typo, Frank Hill, called on us during the week. Frank is still on the Albany. Judge Baber has returned from his trip to the mountains, with health much improved. Petition. -A petition was presented to the City Council at its last meet ing, urging the necessity of a new house for the fire engine. Said pe tition recites that the buildiDg used at present is unsuitable, the floor being rotten, etc., and that a new building of suitable size can be built for S400. BROWNSVILLE ITEMS. FROST OR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. i ' Brownsville, Nov. 8, 18G9. The frost has subsided ; Winter has ushered in its soft and balmy breezes. Some of the young people arranged for a party at Mr. W. R. Kirk's hall, on last Friday night. A sumptuous supper was prepared by Mrs. Simmons. They must have enjoyed themselves hugely, for they kept step to the music all night, and " went home with the girls in the morning." Mr. Kincaid, a blacksmith of this place, one morning last week, cut off the head of a chicken preparatory to its being dressed for b reakfast j but, like Banquo's ghost, it refused to down, and is still alive. At last accounts remedial agents were being applied to the wounded. .We soon expect to see the public presented with a real specimen of natural curiosity a live chicken without a head. This will beat the bearded woman, or the wooly Avery caJf all hollow.' The upper entVof the mail Toute lead ing from Salem above Eugene has been sub-let by its present proprietors to Mr. W. R. Kirk, of this place. The citizens have hired the present proprietors' to bring the mail from. Salem twice a week, instead of once, according to arrange ments with the General Government. The postmasters on the road intend mak ing the necessary arrangement to secure a mail from Salem to '. this place, and make if twice a week instead of once, as it is now a weekly service. A practical mechanic of this place, who has ample facilities at conuna.nd, is making thje necessary arrangements to commence the manufacture of wish boards on a large scale. There is a literary society, or debating club, organized here, that purports to be a secret organization? I have been cred ibly informed that one clause of the by laws reads thusly : " That no old men, experienced debators, smart mat or boys under fourteen, shall become members of this society." A subscription paper is being circula ted for singing school, for Professor Bassett, of Marion county. Arrangements are now being made for the formation of another debating soci Brick Pomeroy's Democrat makes tie inquiry: " How, in the name of God, will or can the people trust our leaders when they will not trust each other, and prove by their honesty, bravery, Democ racy, and devotion to principle, that they are more intent on public good than pri vate gain, and the gatiiieation of personal spites'" We give it up. Free trade is a great hobby with Eng land. She means it. She ia downright earnest about it. She wants it for her "products sent abroad. But how is it with foreign productions consumed in that country ? Take the item of tobacco. She derives a larger revenue from Amer ican tobacco imported into England, than the United States does from its entire tariff on all goods imported from Great Britain. A gentleman who was rather impatient at table, declared he wished he could manage without servants, as they were greater plauge than profit. " Why not khave a dumb waiter ?" suggested a friend. ' "Oh, no," returned the other; " I have tried them they don't answer." A lady who was very modest and sub missive before marriage, was observed by her friend to use her tongue pretty freely after. " There was a time when I almost imagined she had none." "Yes," said her husband with a sigh, " but it's very long since !" It is a great hardship to sit at your window all the afternoon, and seethe pretty girls passing along continually, and no leisure to acompany them, it is as the man in jail said when he- looked through his iron bars.l MEW TO-DAY. Freights. The late rains have sent the Willamette up, and steamers are ar riving ancLdeparting every day, bringing vast quantities of goods for our merch ants. At 11. Cheadle's you will find a large stock of fresh goods just opened. Also, at P. C. Harper & Co.'s. Drop in and get the first selection. The Largest Hotel in the World. When the new Union Hotel of Leland Brothers, of Saratoga, is completed, it will be the large-it hotel in the-world. It will have a frontage of 1,050 feet, five stories high. It will be built of brick, and the building will be divided into nine compartments, almost lire-proof. It is to be finished and furnished, ready for the reception of guests, by the 1st day of June next. TOTIIK WORKING CLASS.- We are now prepared to furnish all clashes with constant em ployment at home, the whole of the time or foa the sparo moments. Business new, light and profitable. I'ersons of either sex easily earn i'rom SOc to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Buys and girls ean earn nearly as much a men. That all who see this notice may send their ad drees, and test the business, we make this unpar alleled ofl'cr : To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. ,'ull particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The J'volrt Literary Oompanion one of the largest anu' best family newspapers published all sent five by mail. Reader, it you want- permanent, profitable work, address, E. C.ALLEN 4 Co., 10m 3 Augusta, Maine. Cnsli 2 Ca.sli 2 NEW TO-DAY. J O. 1. TOMPKINS & CO., IMPORTERS AND UEAlERa W TIN PLATE, SHEET IROS, stoves: J Copper, Brass, Zinc, Wire, Block Tin, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS ! XZose, Zroa and Lead Pipe ! CAST, TIX AND ENAMELED HOLLOW WARE ! Housc-Furnisliins: Hardware ! Farmers' Boilers I All- sizes a fine thing. COWING'S PITCHER PUMPS ! i Only Honso in the State where yon can g-ct such an article. Sole agents for the Finest Stove out the BARSTOW COOK!' Great variety of "GEM PANS.". JC"A11 goods warranted First Class.-0 o REPAIRING ! In all its branches. HOGS WANTED! CUVE AND A HALF AND 1 net, i.n C,A S H, paid for IX CENTS 37 -A. T IX OG-S! delivered in Alb.iny, Oregon, to A. COWAN & CO. Albany, November 6. '69-9m2 . . OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE! IN EROWNSVIIXE, WHEELER'S NEW STORE! ' A Liberal Discount Made to Country Dealers. J23s3 Call and see us before purchasing ".3- elsewhere. 3t5-S23-CS -3 O. P. TOMPKINS A CO. CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Farrisli's Sew Iluilding-, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON, dealer in- Successful. Messrs: Ike Froman, Wm. Riley and Dave Froman, after an absence of several days in the mountains, returned on Friday, having killed fifteen deer during their absence. Swet Potatoes. Those sweet po tatoe we obtained at Ililtabidel Co.'s were " nifL" They are bound to keep a full supply of everything in their line. 'Stormy. High old zephyrs prevailed through the " dead hours " of Thursday night last, and the rain fell in torrents. Change. Tho Democrat has changed its publication day, and now issues one day earlier Friday instead of Saturday. Boats are now running to Corvallis, and expect soo to be able to reach Eu- v gene. No change of note in our market quotations this week. TnE Difference. Some men in talking or speech-making, never hesitate or are at a lo3s for words to explain ideas ; others hesitate, and often get considerably " mixed up," and are hardly intelfigible in their selection of words. The cause is simply this : Tho man who is perfect master of language and has a mind crammed full of ideas, in speaking, hesitates in his choice of both; whereas, common speakers, having but one set of, ideas, and but one set of words to clothe them in, are always Tcady, and can talk "like a clock," until they run down, , when they have told all they know. Yet this latter class generally get the credit of being, to use the common phrase, " right smart men." Dreadful . Accident. Harry C. Coulson, of the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Portland, , accidentally shot himself on Saturday last, while out gunning near that city. From the position in which he was found, it is supposed that he must have been dragging his gun by the muz zle, when it exploded, the whole charge, entering the scull just below the left ear, coming out at the forehead. - He expired before he reached the city. Mr. Coul son was favorably known as former County Clerk of Multnomah county, waa an active member of the Fre De partment ; also, a member of Samaritan Lodge No. 2, I.-O. O.- F.. He was a genial, whok-souled gentleman, and his sudden taking off is sincerely mourned by hosts of friends.- " Do you believe in the appearance of spirits, lather?" asked a rather f::st young man of his indulgent sire. " No, Tom ; but I believe in their disappear ance, since I missed my bottle of Dour ben last night," replied the old gentle man. Miss Louisa Moore, of Wallack's The atre, is called the- " champion weepist," by the press' of the city. x WIULilAIW DAVIDSON, Office, No. Gt Front Street, Adjoining the Telegraph Office, Tortland, Oregon. Special Collector of Claims, . Aeconnts, Notes, Bonls, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of everv description throughout Ore gon and the Territorii:s, WILL BE MADE A HHUCIALITY AND PROMPTLY COLLECT ED, as well as with a due regard to economy in all business matters intrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually. Real Estatoj Dealer. Sept. 11. tf. ! ; ' J. ALBANY RETAIL MAKKF.T. Albany Nove Wheat, white, bushel, Oats, f bushel Potatoes, bushel-... Onions, "f bushel Flour, 5 barrel. ..r. Butter, "jj lb E?gs, dozen .. Chickens, dozen , , Peaches, dried, p tt..... Soap, i lt.'...... Salt, Los Angelos, fi. Syrup, 3 gallon , ....... Tea, Young Hyson lb...-. " Japan, u ........ ' Black, " Sugar, crashed, lb Sea': " " Island, " Coffee, '0 lb Candles, lb Bice, China. 3 lb Saleratus, lb Dried plums, "jS lb Dried apples, lb. .'. , Dried currants, tb Bacon, hams, lb..... " sides, " " shoulders, 7& lb .. Lard, in cans, f lb. Beans, ) lb Devoes' Kerosene oil, "ji gallon, Turpentine, gallon .. Linseed oil, boiled, gallon.... White lead, keg Powder, rifle, B Tobacco, 3 lb Nails, cut, 'p H .'., Domestic, brown, 3 yard Hickory, striped, i yard Bed ticking, per yard..... Blue drilling, yard Flannels, yard Prints, fat colors, yard....... Pork, If lb. , Mutton, p lb , Beef, on foot, '0 ft...., , mber 13, 18C9. 4.(350 30 . - 40fo;50 1 25 . $1 00(0,4 50 30 371 . $2 503 lit) i 20 2 Jig, 3 $1 12J(31 25 1 I0 . 1 00 75 1 00 J8(ffi20 ... f 10j18 ... 12(g14 23 25 25 (&33 1216 IBS 35f520 6(oi7 gi8 1S20 14 (($16 ... 10 ... . 17 5 1 00 .. $1 25(g)l 50 .. $1 62ifal 75 .. $3 75 t 25 75 I 00 ... $1 00 1 25 6i71 151BJ ... , 1630 25 50 16 25 5062i ... , . 12J 56 ... 1012i ... . ' 4i5 San Francisco Markets. v ? W'HEATInferior giades, at $1.101.30 ; me dium grades $1.35(3)1.4 ; good shipping, $1.55 1.60; choice milling, $1.501. 60. FLorR- -Choice 'family and baker's, extra $5.12i5.50 ; shipping, extra, $4.621 5.00 ; superfine, $4.00 4.374; fine, $3.503.S7i. Bablct We quote range of market at 80c 1.00 extremes, $1.021.12i. Oats Bangs of market, $l.001.35, " Kyb Quotable at lie. Cons Quotable at $1.001.10 for yellow and white. ;.,..-.-.... Potatoes Prices rule low 70c1.23. Hides Dry, 15161; salted, 747jo; ex tra lota at 8o. : Market active. Tallow 1010ie; extra, lOJc. Wool Quote burry at Do ; choice fleece, 14c. ' Dairy Products Butter 55 70c; in kegs, 37140c. Cheee, 1518j. Eggs, Oregon, 40(a,45o THERE IS 1VIIERE YOU (SET YOLK MOXEY'S WORTH. Brownsville, Oct. 2, '69-4y ' Wa lk in! Wa Ik i n ! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! e Walk into IS. URETERS STORE, and see the goods which ho is receiving direct from JSixm. Francisco, which he is going to sell very low for Cash or Produce ! Call and examine my Goods before you pur chase elsewhere, as I am always willing to snow my goods. N. B. I will pay from date for thirty days to come, 30 tents per dozen for Ergs. Sep. 25, 69-3y ij. BRENNER, f , T II E(, C O L O It s That Photograph Ilcst, "ARE- BLACK. BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, JeeP ORANGE. 5 Those that take White, or nearly so, are Purple, Bine, Crimson, Pinfc, &c. Sept. 18, '69-2 J. A. WINTER. GOODS RECEIVED? BY Every Steamer ! which will be sold for CASH or TRADE I Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. l'hysicinne Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17, 186S-6tf RATES OF TOLL OVER TnE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. WHEAT WANTED I -AT- Sixty Cents per Bushel ! in trade, or on Book account. For al that may be ottered oct9-5 R. CHEADLE. Estate of John WeibeL deceased. Notice is herely given that tbe undersigned has been appointed Administrator of tbe above estate, by order of the County Court of Linn county. AU personshaving claims against said estate must present the same to thd under signed, duly attested, within, six months from this date, at his residence on Oak creek, eight miles southeast from Albany, Oregon. JOHN B. MILLER, Adm. . Oct. 11, 1889.6t4 . Russell t Elkins, Attys. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that all claims against tbe cstatb of Abraham Osborn, Sr., deceased, must be presented, duly authenticated, to the undersigned, at bis office in Scio, within six months from the date hereof. E. E. WHEELER, Scio, Oct. 22, i863-8 Administrator, 50 .... 3 00 .... 2 00 .... 4 SO . 50 .... 25 15 3 To Deschuttes River : Four Horse or Mulo team Two " Ouo " " " Ox teams, threo yoke...... For every additional yoke Louse horses, per head " cattle, per head " sheep cr hogs Tcnins returning empty, half price. Pack aDimals, loaded " " unloaded Horse aud ruler.. .'. To Fish Lake : Four horse or mule team, each way Two " " " Ono " " " ' Pack animals, loaded " " unloaded Horise and rider Ox team, three yoke.. To tapper Soda Spring : Four horse or mule team, out and back.. Two ' " " " .. Ono " " " Horse and rider, " Loose animals, " ...... Ox teams the same us horse team. - A. 1IACKLEMAN, W. W. PAnr.isn, Pres. Sec. . March 20. 1RR9-28 50 25 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 50 2 50 2 00 1 00 50 25 A Wise and Just Iiaw. The equity and beneficence of the Massachu setts statute, and the conditions in the Policies of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, whereby the surrender value of Pol icies (after payment of premiums have ceased) is credited up as a full-paid term Policy, was re cently exemplified in the case of A. C. E. MILL ER, of Portland, Oregon, insured for $5,000 in this company, uuder Policy No. 13.054. Mr. MILLEK died August 2, I860, and neg lected to pay tho Policy on the 22d day of Janu ary last. The President of the company, upon being advised of the death of Mr. 3e 1LLER, re sponded under date of August 23d, that by virtue of Machusetts Laws and the provisions of the Policies of the company, tbe Policy was yet in full force, and the loss ($5,000) would be prompt ly paid less the amount of tbe nnpaid premium and the interest thereon. . Tbe New England Mutual I-ife Insur ance Company of Boston is the only company on this coast governed by this Law, which con tinues all its Policies in force nntil every dollar paid bv the assured !s absorbed in Insurance. . UVI2KSON fc HAINES are the General Agents for this Company, Oregon. Office Cab-, teh's Building, Portland. RUSSEXX & EUUNS, Agents, Albany Oregon. oct9-5tf MASTER. J. II. BRENNER WILL GIVE LESSONS ON THE rmo, VIOLIN and ORGAN, , AT ' : His own or Pupil's Residence. Lessons given in the Ji'rench ." mgwage. - . , For particulars, enquire at the corn Broad albin and Second streets. . 'S3- Rofen to Prof. Jons Bmosg. ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASIU BLIND AND BOOR FA C T O R Y I 8. H. ALTHOUSE. ' 3. WniOHT. 3. F..BACKE.tSTO. AE.TIIOUSE. & CO., LYOX STREET, (o.T TBK HIVER BAtNK.), Albany, : : : ohecon. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to Furnish to Order, Blinds, aad Sash, MOXjDHS-GtS, such as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES I Flooring, sic3JLxigr, and all other kinds of Building ITIalerial ! ; ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK ? furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suetion Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse. AiriiousE & co. Albany, February 20, 1809-24 SATIAM ACABEJI V ! LOCATED AT Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon . Rev. W. 3D. NICHOLS, Principal. Rev. E. A. JUDEINS, Assistant. Mrs. .S. C. NICHOLS, Preceptress, and Teacher of the Ornamental Branches. THE Academic vear, which commences Sep tember 1st, 1SG9, aud closes JaVy 12tb, 1870, is divided into four terms of eleven weeks each. Students admitted at any time and charged from time of entering till close of term. No deduction for absence in Term time, except in cases of pro tracted sickness. Students can here enjoy every facility they can desire for acquiring a thorough education. Young men can obtain rooms and board themselves at small expense. Young ladies can obtain board ia tbe family of the Principal, who resides in the Academy building. Hoard und tuition, in hcA co, Thirty JJollwt per term. Ao crfra charge for board duriuij racafion. A Commercial Coarse has been adopted for the benefit of yonng men who wi.-'h to acquire a thorough business educa tion. Send for a catalogue, or address the Prin cipal, for further information: Lebanon, August 28, 1809-52tf 7'uition loiter than aijf other school of hitjn yrade in the State of Oregon. 1809-70. Albany Collegiate Institute. THE NEXT TERM OF THIS INSTITU tion for youth of both sexes, will open on Monday, the 18th of October next. It will be in charge of the Rev. Edward It. Geabt and the Rev. SAMt'EL . Irvine, assist ed by a corps of competent teachers. . . . . cLsrrcjAR. - The first term will embrace 15 weeks of tuition, emling February 4th. 1870. The second term will embrace 20 weeks of tu ition, from February 7th to July 1st, 1870. RATES Ol' TUITION (l-EIl QCARTER OF TEX WEEKS.) Preparatory and common branches- .... ...Si 00 Advanced English 7 00 Ancient and Modern Languages, Higher ' Mathematics, &c 9 00 Tnition charged from date of entrance to end of quarter, and payable in advance. Org-abization of College Classes. ' A Freshman class will be formed and a course of study prescribed at the opening ot the term. Principal Text Books. AVilson's Readers, Clark's English Grammar, Robinson's Mathematics, Hooker's Natural Science, yuackenbos' Rhetoric. Abbott's Aber cronibie's Mental and Moral Philosophy, Hark ness' Latin Series, Fascjuell's French (Series, and the most approved editions of the Latin and Greek Classics. . A Record Of every recitation will be made, and an average given in Quarterly Reports ; also, of attendance and deportment. Government. The aim will be to develop in the student a high sense of moral obligation, honor and integ rity, and those who cannot be governed by such motives, will not remain in the school. Board May Vie had in families at $4 per week, and rooms procured where students may board them selves. ,' 1 By order of tho Board of Trustees. EDWARD R. GEARY, Albany1, Aug. 21, 'O'J-50 Prcsidont. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ON TO HIT !" WADSW0RTH & KUHN . Are now ready to execute all kinds of Plain and Fancy Painling ! such as Signs, Carriages, Buildings, f- as well as Graining:, Paperhanging, Calcimining, and in fact all kinds and styles of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, that can be done with Paint and Brush, at ySfr' FAIR, LIVIXG RATES. -tt Give us a call. Shop on Ferry street, over Kuhn It Adams' wagon shop. aug21-50 THE EYES ! THE EARS ! Br. T. CiOIDEIV, OCULIST AND AURIST, ALBANY, : , . : s OREGON. R. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE noted old Optbalmie Doctor, S. C. "Golden Dr. GOLDEN has had experience in treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under his care. Albany, April 10, 1869-31y O O Til 0 H H H H V m M 0 K Real Instate for Sale ! THOSE WHO DESIRE TO PURCHASE A good Lathed and Plastered . New Frame Dwelling' House, two stories in bight, kitchen and wood -shed at tached, with private barn, well situated in the city of Albany, will do well to call, without delay. on RUSSELL ELKlNS, Albany, Oct. 17, '68-6 Real F,state Agts. Sixteenth Year of Publication. ITicCormick's Almanac ! For the Tear ,1870, Containing useful statistics relative to the popu lation and resources of Oregon, Washington, Idaho & Montana, Together with a variety of other useful information. COMPILED AMD PUBLISHED ST S- T- McCormick, Franklin Book Store, 105 Front street, Portland, Oregon. "Advertising is the Fly-Wheel of Business Acting on Trade as Steam does on Machinery." In presenting the eixteenth annual issue of JfcCormick'e Almanae the publisher desires to call the attention of btvrinen men who have faith in the benefits to be derived from adrertimg, to the fact that this popular work presents tbe Best Advertising. Medium ou tbe Coast. The advantages to bo derived from advertising in McConuick's Almanac, are, I. Its well-established reputation. II. Its immense circulation over the Pacific coast. HI. Its general preservation in every house. IV. As a work of reference it is in daily use. A limited number of advertisements will be in serted at the following coin rates : Full page advertisements.. ....15 00 Half " 10 00 Quarter " " . i 00 Address orders to S. J. McCOBMICK. Compiler and Publisher, . Portland, Oregon. Or to L. P. FISHER, San Francisco. California, Advertisements must be received prior to October 15th, 186. Notice. ( NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, Administrator of the estate of Alrin M. Brock, deceased, late of Linn county, and that all persons having claims against said Estate must present them to tbe undersigned. da ly verified, at his residence near Boston. Lina county. Oregon, within six months from the dats hereof. ... Dated Sept. 18, lSB9-3t4. STEWART P. BROCK. ALL those knowing themselves indobted to as are respectfully requested to call and settle immediately. 5ffl- Old account mutt he tettled. BEACH A MONTEITH. Albany. October 10th. '68 ' ' . Notice of Administration, . TUB UNDERSIGNED has been appointee! by the County Court of Linn county, Ore gon, to administer tbe estate of D. H. Bodino, deceased, lata of said county. Persons having . claims against said Estate, will present them, duly verified, to the undersigned, at her residence four miles east of Albany, in said eounty, within six months from this date. MARGARETT BODTUB, Admx. October 5th, 18G8-4t o JOB WORK : j FALL DESCRIPTIONS, at fair prices,? neatly executed at tha Register offiee, I 7!