PUBLISHED EVKttY S.VTfl!IA V BT CO If. VAIVCIil-VE. 6PFICE OX CORNER OF FCIter AND FIKST-STS. TERMS IN ADVANCE. One Year.. Three Dollar Six Months , Two Dollars Single Copies Tea Cents ADVERTISING KATES. Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, ; each subsequent insertion, $1. Larger advertisements inserted on tho most liberal terms. JOB WORK. Having received new type, stock of colored inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we arc pre pared to execute all kinds of priming in a better manner and fifty per cent, cheaper than ever bo fore offered in this city. Agents for the Register. Tho following gentlemen arc authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., for tho Register : 11IRA.V SMITH, Esq Harrisburg. Judge S. II. CLAUGHTON Lebanon. PETER IICME, Esq -Brownsville W. R. KIRK. Esq K. E. WHEELER. Esq Scio. T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem. Geo. W. CANNON, Esq Portland. L. P. FISHER, Esq 'Frisco. What word will make you sick if you leaye one letter out ' Music. Why is life the greatest conundrum ? Becaose all must give it up. Motto for a rejected suitor he wooed, and she wouldn't. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Real Estate for Sale ! rpHOSE WHO DESIRE TO PURCHASE A 1 '- good Lathed and Plastered New Frame Dwelling' House, two stories in bight, kitehen ami wood-shed at tached, with private barn, well situated in the citv of Albany, will do well to call, without ilelny, on RUSSELL & ELKINS, Albany, Oct. IT, 'CS-6 Real Estate Agts. TO GRAIN GROWERS. MESSRS. COrlBITT & MACLEAY, IIAY ing heard that it is commonly reported throughout the valley that they arc not purchas ing - Wheat, would respectfully inform their Agents, Customers and Friends, throughout the Talley f tho Willamette that they are in the market to purchase all tho . surpluB merchantable wheat in the State and pay the highest market rate, Cash on delivery in Portland. Sept. Ilw4. CORBITT A MACLEAY. NATIONAL LIFE Insurance Company OP THE 13ITED STATES of AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 1863. Cash Capital, 81,000,000.00 directors : clarence ii. clark, jay cooke, w. g. moorhead. george f. tyler, j. hinckley clark, e. a. rolltns. henry d. couke, w. f. chandler, john d. defrees, edward hum:. 11. c. fahnestock. OFFICERS: . CLARENCE E. CLARK, Philadelphia, Presi dent. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance Executive Committee. HENRY 1). COOKE, Washington, Vice Presi dent. EMEUI.ON W. PEET, Philadelphia, Secretary ! A Actuary. i E. S. TL'RNER, Washington, Assistant Sce t retarv. FRANCIS O. SMITH, 31. P., Medical Director. J. EWI.Vi; MEAK.S, 31. D., Assistant Medical Director. Wkz JUtog flutter. A Weekly Newspaper, Containing1 28 colnms of matter, IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, In the City of Albany, AT 53 Per J.-n-ni-nrk 7 IN ADVANCE, Six meniiis..... . THE attention of persons contemplating in suring their lives, or increasing the amount ot insurance they already have, is called to the special advantages offered by tho NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. S2 "LOCAL ITEMS" made SPECIALTY. IMIE REGISTER JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First street, (opposite Parrith & Co.'a store,) Albany s s s Oregon. HAYING a very fair assortment of material we are prepared to execute, with neatness and dispatch, all kinds of . JOB Jr'XXXJNT'JXIXrca- Iland-lilh, , I'rorjrammes, Bill-heads, ' Cards, Ball Tickets, ' ? Pamphlets, . ;. f .. t , - . . Labels, ' ' . Blanks C of, all kinds, at esIow fifrnre as a due regard to taste and good work will allow. When yon want anything In the printing line, call at the Reoisteb office. THE ADVANTAGES OFFERED ARE: It is a National Company, chartered by special Act of Congress, LSfitf. It has a Paid-up" Capital of $1,000,000. It offers Low rates of Premium. It furnishes Larger Insurance than other Com panies for the same money. Tt is Definite and Certain in its Terms. It is a Home Company in every locality. Its Policies are exempt from Attachment. There are no Unnecessary Restrictions in the Pol icies. Every Policy is Xon-forfcitable. Policies may be taken which Pay to the Insured their Full Amount and Return all the Pre miums, so that the Iusurance costs Only tho Interest on tho Annual Payments. Policies may bo taken that will Pa3- to tho In sured, after a certain number of years, Dur ing Life, an Annual Income of One-Tenth tho Amount named in the Policy. No Extra Rate is charged for risks upon tho Lives of Females. Insures not to Pay Dividends, but at so low a cost that dividends will be impossible. ITS POLICIES ARE NEGOTIABLE. By the Charter of the Company, certificates of obligations will bo issued, agreeing to purchase its policies' at their value which, when accompa nied by the policy duly assigned or transferred, are negotiable, and may bo used as collateral se curity, in making loans from the Company or from other parties. The Hon. Jno. E. Sanford, Insnranee Commis sioner of , Massachusetts, in his Report for. 1808, speuking of Dividends in Life Insurance Compa nies, says , " The sooner such guarantees cease to be made, and such expectations created, the sooner Life Insurance will come to rest on its true motive, and men insure their lives for security, and not for dividends. The best and the most popular companies will then be those that prom ise only equity, and render all that they promise, and furnish the best security, with the most up right and judicious management." By the Stock plan the full cash effect of the premium is immediately secured to the insured, tho Company taking all the risk. By the Mu tual plan, the full value in insurance of the pre mium paid, is not secured to the policy-holder, who takes a portion of the risk himself." Policies Issued In Ci olcl or- Currency, WM. E. HALE, MANAGER. WELXS, FARGO afc CO., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. 3. C. JHENDENIIALI,, TRAVELISO AGENT ' For Oreg-oa and Washington Territory. Albany, September 11, 1869-1U LUJ-SfNESfc CARDS. o Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Al.ilANY, ; OREGON FFTCK -On Main BrKk. street, op;osito Foster's 1-69 , Hiltabilcl &. Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND TRO visions, Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, Tobacco, Cigtirs, Pipe?, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining tho Express office, Albany, Oregon. 1 E. A. Frceland, ' DEALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF School, Miscellaneous and I.lauk Books, Stationery, Gold and Sto-.:l Pens, Ink, etc.. Post office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered from New York aud Sun Francisco. 1 C. Ulcalcy &. Co., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS in all kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Ware. First street, Albany. S. ZZ. Claug-hton, "TaTOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE J3l AGENT. Office in tho Post Office building. Lebanon, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to tho prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. 1 c. I'OWRLL. L. Kl-INX. Powell He Flimi, i TrDItNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW X, and Solicitors in Chancery, (X.. Flinni Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promply attended to. 1 J. QUIIMN THORNTON, Attorney and Counselor at 1-aw, : ALBANY, OREGON. S1ITILL practice in the superior and inferior V j courts of Marion, Linn, Lane, BcnUm and Polk countfc-s. Five per cent, charged on collections when made without slicing. jl9-(59 AW !L?LClLrr, House, Sign & Carriage Painter, AL11AM', OREGON. Papcrhanging-, Glazing, Halsominc, &c. Country orders punctually attended to. First street, next door to Twcedalu Jc C".'s. , May S, lS0! J NEW A IArERTISEM ENTS. TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she has ou hand, and is in regular receipt of the Latest and Choicest Styles of Goods 37rlXi33LOXy Line ! If you purchase TEN COLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery you will lio entitled to the Dcinorest 3Iagazinc, for the year 1S6'J, as a premium on the purchase Dress and Cloak Making i , in all branches. ! Bleaching- and Pressing1 ; in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Inexhaustible Corner Main and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. . November 1, 1S8S-9 j ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE I L. E. BI.AIN-. S. E. TOL'SO. NEW ADYERTISE3I ENTS. PORTLAND MJmJiELI NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSllliXCE CO. OF BOSTON. HisoIa8ioii. TIIE.CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Charles Mealey and William Plymp ton, under the hrm name of C. ilealcy A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All moneys duo tiie firm must be paid to I C. MeaJoy. All debts contracted by tho firm will bo paid upon presentation to the undersigned, who wiil continue in the furniture business at. the; old stand, corner ! of Broadalbin and Firs! streets; I CHARLES MEALEY, j WILLIAM PLYMPTON. i Albany, June 10, 'CU-4I ! EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, SEIT riOOIt TO 1IAI"CK i MEVElts' EtI.LIARD SALMON, ALBANY, OREGON. Iliac Charco ! VLL persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of C. Mealey A. Co., are re quested to come forward and make immediate pavment to the uudcrsiguad. "A word to the wise," Ac. C. MEALEY. June lit. '60. Notice I BLAIN & YOUNG, HAVING EOCCIIT ALE, TIf B II ERCII A5DI3E OP J. Barrows & Co., will continue the business, and they invito all to give them a call. They will be constantly re ceiving goods from San Francisco, and will keep a general assortment of Wry tioosls, CSroceries, Hardware, Crockery, . And olTer inducements to heady pat customers. BtAIN & YOUNG. AH persons owing the firm of J. BttlROWS &, Co.. will please call and settle. Either member of tho firm is authorized to 3ettle any account of tho Co. Albany, March 6, 1SC9-M Purely 3VT-ax-fcTXd.X- INCORPORATED 1S35. Cash assets Cash Dividend, 1S67 Cash Dividend. 1868 Total surplus dividend. Losses paid in 1S68 total losses paid Incomo for 1367.. $7,000,000 00 ...... a"t,573 55 7SB.197 Ktt 3,512,771 00 575,500 00 3,342,100 00 2,852,031 41 No extra charge for traveling to and from thf Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwicl Islands. All Policies non-forfeiting, and governed by tho non-forfeiting law of Massachusetts, Policy holders the only persons who receive di v derds in this Company, which are declared f and paid annually; first dividend avail able at the payment of tho second annual premiums. All Policies remain in force os long as there is any surrender t value. A'O FORFEITURES ! v This old and popular Company, (tho oldest Mu tual Life Insurance Company in this aa country) insures at the low- est possible rates. Farmers Can Ride aud Plow, T H f establishment has been thoroughly re liirnishcd, and is now ready to rcceiv boarders. Board per week, Singlo meals, Lodgings, ! : : : $5 00 : : : 50 i : : : 50 E. C. HOLDEN. Propr. ALBOl ItATII I30lE. rflIIE TNDER?IC.NEI WOULD RESPF.CT I fully inf ua the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that be has taken charge of ihis establish ment, and. by keepinir clean rooms and paying strict att-intic 5 to bustuos, expects to suit all those who nia favor bini with their patronage. Having heretofore carried on notning but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, he expec's to give entire satisfaction to all. JT4r Children and Ladies' hair neatlv cut and shampooed. .lOSEPII WEBBER. j .-e, lln-2 rOKTLAND CARDS. J. H. MITfHRI.t,. J. S. A. S a! ITU. Mitchell, Dolph &. Smith, VTTOKXEYS avo CUt'NSKLLOltS at tAW, Solicitors in .hanterv and Proctors in Ad miralty. 03iiw over tho old Post. Ofiice, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I AJlVlt 1CAX EX Cll A J 1, ' COI'.SElt Front and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon. Z.. P. W. Quimby, .... Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) i i ri"niS- HOUSE is the most commodious in the I State, newly furnished, anil it will be ths endeavor of tho Proprietor to make his gueste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat landing. JFHf The Concord Coach will always be four at thu landing, on the arrival of steamships an river boats, carrying pasenjrers and their bar gape to and from the boats yVc of chtxrqe. JIonte auppliett with Patent Fire FJxtiwfnihrrK. COSJIOPOLITAIV OOTL. (FORMEKLT ARRlCOSl's,) Front street Portland, Oregon. nnHE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR B chased this well known Hotel, are now pre pared to offer the traveling publie better accom modations than can be found elsewhere in ths city. Board and lodging $2 OO per day. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to con vey Passengers and baggage to and from the Hotel fr-cc vf charge. ! J. B. SrRENGER. United States Internal Revenue Col lector's Otliee, listrict of Oregon.- Notice is hereby given that the Annual list of Taxes for 1S6H, also monthly lists for months of April and May, LSCil), assessed in tho county of Marion, has been placed iu my hands for collection. All par ties arc hereby notified that I will be At Albany, from July 10th to 21th ; ' . Oorvullis, Benton county, i'Gth to tho 29th, inclusive : lall:ts, Polk county, 31st to 4th of August, inclusive: Lafayette, Tamhill county, August Cth to 10th inclusive.' Oregon City, Clackamas county, August 12th to 10th inclusive, to receive and receipt for taxes assessed on said list, to wit : Special Taxes, (liceuses) income taxes, taxes on Carriages, Watches and Gold and Silver Plate. Unless pument is made at the time and place above specified, collection will be made by distraint and sale of property. W. CHAPMAN, Deputy Collector, District of Oregon. Dated, Albany, July 0th, lSfi'J-15tf and Manufacturer and Dealer iu ftU kinds of ' x FURNITURE & CABINET WARE, MATTRASSES, ETC., Under the "States Plights Democrat office, FIRST STREET, oct24-f.s7T A LI! ANY. C. MEALEY DEALER IN A MANUFACTURER OF FUH.KriTUH.H3! and- CABINET WAKE ! UecltlingV Etc., Corner First and Broad Albin streets, ALBASr, OKECOX. y3 PARTICULAIt ATTEHTIO PAID TO "gi ORDERS OF ALi KINDS in his line. October 31, 1S6S-8 FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Insurance Company No. 416 and 418 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Office Oregon California Stage Company, B. Q. Wbitehouse, Agent. 2tf s. r. SMim. THE GKO. B. COOK. OCCIDENTAL, X U A Li V w estern Hotel, Corner First and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon. Messrs. SMITH & COOK have taken this well known house, refitted and refurnished it throughout, built a targe addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dining and Sitting rooms, making it by far the Rest Hotel in Portland. A call from the traveling public will satisfy them that the above statements are true. ; SMITH A COOK, Props. ST. B. Hot and cold Baths attached to the house for the benefit of guests. , 50 Portland, August 15th, 1869. JYew Columbian Hotel, Nos. 118, 120 and 122 Front street, . PORTLAND, st: OREGON ED. CARNEY, PROPRIETOR. The Largest, Best and most Convenient Hotel in Portland! Located in the center of business and near all the steamboat landings. 1 Board and Lodging1 From one to two dollars per day according to the room occupied. ) Rooms newly furnished and well ventil ated. Superior accommodations for families. The New Columbian Hotel Coach will he in attendance at all the landings to convey 'pas sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel 17 jB-Free ot Charge ! 69 Q F ALL KINDS, printed at the very lowest rues, as oruerea, ai mis omce. Stockholders Individually Liable. Casb Capital, iu Cold Coin, $750,000. Deposit in Oregon, $50,000. Losses Promptly and EquilaLli Adjusted. THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage br Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. GUST AVE TOUCIIARD, Pres. CIIAS. D. HAVEN, Sec'y. W. W. Parrish & Co., Agents for Albany. Albany, January 0, 1860-18 E. F. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JAMES ELKINS, ! SOTAKY PVBLIC. RUSSELL & ELKINS, (Office in Parrish A Co.'s block, First street,) Albany, Oregon. HAVING TAKEN INTO CO-PARTNERSHIP James Elkinj, Esq., ex-Clerk of Linn county, we are enabled to add to our prac tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for Conveyancing', Examining Records, and attending to Probate business. Deeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages care fully drawn. j Homestead and Pre-emption Papers made, and claims secured. j Sales of Real Estate negotiated, and loans effected on collateral securities en reasonable rates. . i All business entrusted to them faithfully and promptly executed. I RUSSELL fc ELKINS. Albany, Oct. 10, 'B8-6y I The stability of this Compaiy.with its past his tory, increasing capital and business, aud the sat isfactory manner in which if has discharged its obligations in the past, are guaran ces for the future such as far-seeing and careful men require in their investments. Persons gentraliy, who thoroughly understand the workings of Lite Insurance, are anxious to avail themselves of its equitable provisions. Full information will be given to those who desire, at the Agency. Br SEci:ni-c osk op the GAY" PLOWS, Manufactured and sold for the very low price of THE simplicity and practicability of this new Plow commends it favorably to the special ! notice of every farmer. It possesses a decided ! superiority over all other plows now in use. The j wheels arc four feet in diameter, aud run on the ) unplowed laud. Its entire construction is iu no ! way complicated. The plow is managed in every ! manner with case, aud requires only two levers j to bo used in making any alteration. The supe j riority of the "Cay" Plow will be clearly shown t by the following certificate: j "We, the undersigned, citizens of Linn county, i Oregon, having purchased and used upon our I farms the "Gay" Plow, hereby certify that the i same has given us entire sati.-t'action. Its facility I lor adjusting to suit the depth ot lurrow without. ! ... .1 , : . : 1 I 1' S I like the plow for its draught, because the same j ; orougnt to near uirociiy upon toe piow-ueam m ! stead of the carriage ; also, because it is strong .Inr )... l!l ,v, t III.. w.,,,In, L- l,..inr- ,.,,. etrueted of wrought iron no ca-tings are used. The wheels running upon the solid laud is an ad vantage over other gang-plows, in striking off laud and iu flowing, not having to make the nec essary changes in the machinery, and tho seat is always level, not thr owing tho driver forward or sideways as in cither plows. Better work and more of it can be accomplished by the use of this Plow than by band. We take pleasure in recommending the "Gay" Plow to our brother farmers, as one having no superior in Oresron. J. (1. REED, W. P. ESHOM, A. .S. LOONEY. E. . PIKE. W. II. OLTTKEE. II. DAVIDSON. May 20th, 186'J. The "Gay" Plow is manufactured by II. Goubiing. Portland Machine Shop. all orders will bo promptly attended to by ad dressing, ! C. F. GAY, Portland, Oregon.- Home Office, 39 State Street, Boston. Pacific Branch Offices, 302 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Room 3. Carter's Jiuif'iiny. Portland, Oregon, EVERSON & HAINES, General Agts. RIJSSELL&ELKIIYS,, ALBANY, OREGON. Albany, September 19. lSCS-2y Albany Agents. J. BARROWS A CO., Agents for Linn & Ilenton counties. JOHN BRIGGS. Agent for Linn & Benton counties May 22, 'C9-37 THE OLD STOYE DEPOT! DEALER in STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX, of tho best patterns ! ALSO Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Wnro I i and the usual assortment of Famishing Goods to be obtained in a TIN fiZf Repair neatly and promptly exruted, -f!2 iSr- on reasonable terms. t5 "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street Albany. ' Next door to Mansfield & Co. dcc5'68-12 BLACKSMITHINC ! PLOWS! PLOWS! ! PLOWS T HE undersigned gives notice to the general public, that he is now manulacturmg the IOR SALE A very fair No. 5 cook stovo. . Inrjuire at the JigfilSTEB office. . CialcsbiiPgr Patent Flow ! and any other stylo of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention paid to Horse Shocjng, Wagon and Carriage Making, and General Jobbing. i ' All work entrusted to nje will receive promptf attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with good material. A share of public patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Pierce' Ferry. - . F. WOOD. Albany, November 21, 18G8-11 ruRiYiarc - - turning. S3 o tt o a w to CO o K tt f to I AH PREPARED TO DO Alt KIXDS OF TURNING! I keep on hand and make to order RAWIIIDE-BOTTOMElJ CHAIRS, ' 'ISO Spinning- Wheels. Jt9 Shop near tho "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Nov, 23, 1J6S-12 A New Gold MctaL Gold THE 3IctnI Watches ! . NOW BEINO ISTROni'CKD BY C. E. COLLINS & CO., 629 Washington street, San Francisco, Surpass anything yet made in tho way of an iin iration Gold Watch. They wear well and keep good time. The Ladies' Watches cost $3. $10 and $15 each; the Gcntleoicns' coat $15 and $20 each. Chains, from $3 to $6 each. ADVERTISEMENTS. ' RECOMMENDATIONS) : Sax Fit.vsriseo, Hay 12, 1SG9. This is to certify that I have carried one of the small size Gold Metal Watches which I got of C. E. Collins A Co.. and I find' that it runs as well, aud keeps as good time as any watch I ever car ried, and I can therefore recommend them. I am engaged on Sacramento steamer t hrysopolis. C. A. COLBY. I am engineer on the San Jose Railroad ; I have been caraying one of C. E. Collins A Co.'s Watches for about one year, and I can safely say it is the very lest watchlt'or time, thet I have ever seen. GEO. CORNWALL, Engineer on the San Jose Toa-no, May 20, ISC!). Messrs. O. E. Collins d- Co. I wish to know on what terms you will send live or six watchos to one address. Several of the men in this ma chine shop are highly delighted at the watch I got of you ; I am very much pleased with it ; it gives satisfaction. Hoping to bear from you soon, I remain yours. R. B. PATTOX, Clerk, Toano, C. P. li. R. For List of Frices and description of Goods, send directly to us. Can be sent by express, to be paid for on deliverv. C. E. COLLINS A CO., 629 Washington street, San Francisco. P. S. Where six Watches of the above Bre ordered at one time, we will send one extra, free of all charge. We also deal in the finest (iold and Silver Watches, watchmaker's and jeweler's tools and materials, at the very lowest possible rates. Tho new Gold Metal Watches now being intro duced by C. E. Collins b Co., of San Francisco, seem to be just the thing for those desiring a cheap and at the same timo good-lookiug time keeper. One of tho young lady compositors in our otBcc has one of the cheapest kind advertised $S which runs well, keeps good time, looks well, and seems to fulfill all tho requirements ot a high-priced watch. The chain sent: with this watch is of exquisite design and high finish. See their advertisement in another column. Alpine Miner. j . t Watcher. We have received one of the new Gold Metal Watches from C. E. Collins A Co., of San Francisco. It is neatly finished, hunting case, keeps good time and is, without dourt, tbe best watch for the price that can bo purchased in San Francisco. La Porte Union. What Next? Cheaper than silver looking and wearing like gold neither plated or galvan ized are the new Gold Metal Watches wo saw last week at our friend Collins'. If wo had not a gold watch which we have to pay each year $2 to "Uncle Sam" for the privilege of wearing we certainly would have a Gold Metal Watch. Spectator. jy45tf More than 1,000,000 Persons Rear testimony to the Wonderful Curative Effects of DR. JOSEPH WALKER'S So r 2 i . a m . Sis . - So LAxpm & I5eFItAXCE? 1MATIONAI. I BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland, Oreg-on, Is the most Thorwqh and Complete. Jif slitution of the Kintl on the Voast. ' ' It is designed by its course If study and praetic to place a BUSINESS EDUCATION WITHIN THE HEA0II OF ALL. Every facility is afforded for acquiring a Sound Business Education ! In the shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE!- j - Every Student will bare' An Actual Busincsa Practice, - A ' 5 MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS,- To which he is introduced after having complete tho Theory, and which has the effect of thorough ly familiarizing him with all tbe minutiue of real business. THIS FEATURE of the Institution also affords an excellent practice in . . COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE, and furnish abundant opportunities for testing tho Student's knowledge of Commercial Calculations. In conducting this actual practice, co-Brtaer-'. ships are formed, and when the day of dissolution ami settlement comes, the subject of i PAHTNEHSIIIP SETTLEMENTS , Is taken up and investigated, and the principles practically applied. The tuo-t thorough instruction is afforded In Business Penmanship ; also, a coarse in PHO-NOGKAPHY, by a practiial short-band reporter, for the benefit of those who deeire to pursue this useful subjects For circular giving full information. , Address LAUDEN A DeFRAKCI: 3 plYOEGAR BITTERS, Hi ; 4 Manufactured from the native 3 S .5 Herbs and Rbots of California, are -.5 The Great Blood Purifier. For Inflammatory and Chronio Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Re mittent and Intermittent Fevers, diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such diseases are caused by vitiated blood, which is gener ally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find ita impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is fonl, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood healthy, and all will lie well. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. it. ii. McDon ald & co., , DRUGGISTS and asents. Corner Pine and Sansome streets, San Francisco, Cal. and Sacramento, Cal., and 34 Piatt aprl7-6oj street, N. Y. 32mS MEUSSDOIIFFER T-iond1rs XXrtttoi S. W. cor. Front and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND : : s : OREGON. Manufacturer and Dealer in urs of all kinds, Washington St., one door F from First, Portland. Oregon. Fur caps. Ladies' and Gents Furs on hand. made to order and repaired. Any orders sent will be promptly attended to. COUNTY MAPS TtTdclo to Order S . rrHE County Commissioners of the soveral I counties of Oregon are particulorly request ed to read tho following, from the ' Oreijvn liar aid" of April 3d, 1S6'J: Map op Columbia County. Mr. II. J. Ste venson has just completed a map of Columbia county, live by six feet, which is a most elegant piece of work. It was raado entirely from field . notes of surveys, showing all tbe streams, bayous,, the Columbia. river and boundaries of land claims, all complete. It is a valuable map, of which tho county may well feel proud. Multnomah county has no such map. Surveys, of all kinds, made in any part of tho State. ' .Address II. J. STEVENSON, City Surveyor, Portland,Orcgon. MECHANICS' -.HOTEL. Nos. 102, 104, 106 Front Ftreet, cor. Alder, PORTLAND, OREGON, THOMAS ltYAN, : : : Portland. '(Formerly of the What Cheer House.) HAVINti opened the above house tbe propri etor wishes to announce to the public that be is now prepared to accommodate guests in a. satisfactory manner at the most reasonable rates. , The cntiro house has been newly Cnisbed and furuished throughout in the most complete and comfortable manner. Baggage taken to and from the house free of charge. L. C. IIENRICJISEN & CO., (Successors to Jacob Coben.) Watchmakers and Jewelers, No. 105 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, Dealers in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Specta cles, Solid Silver and Plated Ware. Dia mond setting. Enameling, and Engraving, neatly executed in the latest style. Sznitlx c3 Da,-v-ls, Wholesale Druggists and dealers in Paints, Oils, Dyes Ac., 71 Front street, Portland, Oregon. Agents for Sheep Wash Tobacco, pre pared by the South Down Company, Boston, Cure for Scub, Ticks and Vermin in Sheep. Pat up in 1 U lb cans for $6. ' CLAHKE, HENDERSON &' COOK Whoiesalo and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS NOTIONS, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. Corner First and Washington sts., Portland, Oregon. Solo Agents for the Hath away Sjhirts. - W. LAIU HILL. X. F. MOLKCT Hill & Mtilkey, Attorneys at Law, No. 108 FirstjStreet, over the Postoffice, PORTLAND, OREGON. ' JOHN C. WORK, Attorney attd Counselor at Law, PORTLAND, OREGON, Will practice in all tho Courts of Oregon. TAYLOR, HOLM AN & CO.-, CITY DRAYMEN & FORWARDERS, PORTLAND, OREGON. ALL Goods shipped to our care will bo for warded to all parts of the mines in Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Owyhee; also to Oregon City, Salem, Albany, Corvallis, Eugene City, and ; to all parts of the country, tho same day they are landed from steamer or vesseL , No commission charged on freight advanced by us. : ' '-. v All matters connected with the Forwarding- , Business promptly attended to. , Mark Goods, " Caro T., H. A Co., P.," and ' sand bills of lading to TAYLOR, IIOLMAN A CO.,' Portland, Oregon. . li. M..STONER & CO., J ; Commission merchants, corner Main ' and ' Front sts., Portland, Oregon. Storage at reasonable rates. Liberal advances made on con signments. Highest Market Price paid for Wheat , and Grain of all kinds. . ; J. W. CAM.SS. J. O. MORELA3D. - y CAFLBS & mORSX&ND, ATTORNEYS at Law, S. B. comer Front, and Washington streets. Portland, Oregon, Collections, will be promptly attended to...