rite Slu: Jptofl Agister. 'J Mr. Taylor has kindly iurnislied us with SATiriUAY, OUTOBE112, lSGi). District School. The District! Ueceipts. Ueceipts at the gate on ool closed the second term of the j Wednesday were 470, a total of 840.50 present year, on Friday, Sept. 24th. I for the two daya. NEW TO-DAY. I Subscriber, tinduig mi X afier their name will the names oi those who excelled in the umlerstaud that their subscription expires with j i , , x, . that nu.nt.er. an.l they are iavitod to renew th.ir I ranches named below : subscription. Terms $3 per annum, in ad.vniu-u: i Primary DeAm-tmrittleut&l Arith six months, $2 1 three months, ?1. i . .., . -.- - -- , V- ; meliC Mi-i Ivonietta Jjartgcs ; riivt The Velocipede man tfnd the swings seemed to be doing a " nail driving " business Wednesday. I'O O AL AFFAIR8 Shooting Affair. Information came to this city late last evening, that a shooting affray had oeeurred, sometime during the day, at Ilarrisburg, resulting in the immediate death of a man named Jas. Shirts, and badly wounding a man named Davidson or Davison, who re ceived a shot in the, thigh. It is sup posed by our informant that "the terrible tragedy grew out of an old grudge be tween the parties. We were unable to get further particulars. m .. Cood Time. Last evening, after the programme for the day had been gone through with at the Fair, " Captain yligart," a fine large stallion, was put upon the track, and trotted a quarter ot a mile to sulky, just to show what he could doi He made the quarter iu 4G seconds. At this rate he would make his mile in three minutes aud seven seconds. Geography Miss Annie Althouse, 3Iiss Irena Uackus, aud Master Wm. Powers; Orthography, 1st Class, 1st Division Master Charles Driughain j 2d Division Miss Ella Sparks ; 2d Class Miss Mary Hale. lliijlicr Drjtardnrnt 2d Geography Miss Alice Daily ; 3d Ceos;raphy Misses Minnie Moctcith and Ella Ketchum: VERY ILL. Granville, youngest uu j of Jerry Driggs, Esq., is very ill with congestion of the brain. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE ! IN BROWNSVILLE, WHEELER'S NEW STORE ! SKW TO-DAY. NOTICE I A GOOD CHANCE TO PAY Outstanding Accounts dne Xfc. CH12-A.13Il.li3, f Albany, Oregon. ADyEUTflSEMENTS. ALBANY ADVJKVKSr$ Cideu. We were presented with some most excellent cider yesterday at the Pavilion. Crazy. A crazy man was brought to this city from Drownsville yesterday. . Uadly Cut. Jack Crouse, of the Class in Orthography, 1st Division Miss j CitJ Brewery, was attacked in front of Osage Obanje. We saw on eh ra tion in the Pavilion. " Oaage Oranges," which were.: quite a curiosity to a good many. These specimeus were from Lane county, and were taken from a hedge on the farm of Mr. Samuel Holt, who re sides about twelve miles north-east of Jiugeoe City. Mr. Holt has about one mile of this hedge ou his farm, and speaks highly of it as a preventive against the incursion of stock, hogs, etc. He says that it grows with great rapidity with scarcely any care or attention, and of course is a " big thing " for the farm er in the fence line, more especially where timber is scarce. It might be to the interest of farmers in Albany prairie to introduce these hedges, both as a mat ter of economy, and to lend additional at tractions to their homes. Ardillu Pennington ; 2d Division Mh-9 Emma Ketchum ; 2d Class, 1st Divis ion, Miss Minnie Monteith ; 2d Divis ion Miss ArvilU Uringhani ; 3d Di vision, Miss Lula Beach. Owing to irregular attendance, contests in the other branches studied could not be made. The nest term will commence o i Monday, October 18th, under the s ime teachers as heretofore. lhompson & Irving's saddle shop, late last night, by some unknown person, and three fingers of the left hand nearly cut off. Jack "weut'' for a rock, hit the fellow on the head, knocking him seuse less. Jack, supposing him dead, wei t for help, and when he returned the in dividual had '-retired." BUILDERS, ATTENTION T SlSN, JtLIXD A3D BOOR F A C T O 11 Y ! THERE IS WHERE YOU CET YOUR JIOA'KY'S WORTH. Ilrownsville, Oct. 2, '69-4y Messrs. O. P. Tompkins & Co. deserve the thinks of the community, for putting up and keeping lighted at night, that big l.min nn tli. (irnir of Vw'nsliino'fmi nml ,,. ' - . i moralize the Pepublieans, and place in ! irst streets. Oliver is an enterprising, . , , .1 "The peril of the hour" in Ohio, ac cording to' the Toledo IJoiff, is tbo mul tiplication of Peoples' tickets in the va rious counties and cities ; a fusion o(' Democrats and Republicans going on with reference to local offices. The dan- er is, that such combination tends to do- goaheadative rusher in the way of busi ness, just the kind of men that always succeed. Bear Killed. On last Monday, Mr. Joe. Gray, who lives in the vicinity of the Powell meeting-house, about six miles from this city, shot and killed a huge black bear, that had come down from the mountains, and was "going through " his garden. Although Mr. Bruin was very thin in flesh.it was as much as Mr. Gray could do to " hang" him. New Pastor. Rev. Mr. Butcher, of Illinois, has accepted a call to the pas torate of the First Congregational Church f this citv. He comes highly recom- mended, and wi'l become a permanent resident. We welcome htm to his new 1 home, and hespeak for him the good wishes and co-operation of all friends of moral and religious reform. jeopardy the regular nominations for the Legislature. "All such iusions, the Hlade declares, ' arc for the help of the Democracy, the gratification of personal spite, and the promotion to office of a few the : ttirtfi who cnnsiilr rhpmsn! ves sliohtt-ti bv i - o Collector of Claims.. See card of Wm. Davidson, Portland, Special the Republicans Collector of Claims, probably the most j A jeJ m corrcaiOI1,Jent Ascribes successful operator in that line of busi- j au Indian capjive as being "as grave, yet uess iu Oregon. Business entrusted to j resigned, as u man over the corpse of his him'will be properly attended to. COURT HOUSE, ALBANY. S. BLHEKER, 'MANAGER. POSITIVELY ONE DAY ONLY ! IOUR of the Smallest Human Beings in the World. Perfect Ladies ami Gentlemen in .Miniature. The Original and Only lien. Tom Thumb & Wile (.Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. Strait. n). Commodore Xutt and .Minnie Warren, In their LVautiful Performances, consisting of Sunns', Duets, Comic Aets, Burlesques, anil Laughable Eccentricities. V WEDNESDAY, OCTOBETt 13, Two Performances Afternoon at TBree O'clock, aiul Evening at Eight O'clock. i Ea.lies ami ChiMren are particularly recom mended to attend tiie Atternoon l'crfi.rmauces, which are specially given that they may avoid the crowd at night. t ADMISSIOX ONE DOLLAR. Children under it) veurs '. Fifty Cents. A' ED DAVIS. Agent. I WJLX, PAY SfcFenty Cents Per Bushel for all the White, Merchantable Wheat, That may he offered at my Warehouse, Alhany, Oregon, for the next lO week to come ! T will also, from this date, exchange any goods I have in store for wheat, paying therfor 70 Cents per ISuliel. I must have what is due me by the first of Oc tober next, as at that time I will move to San rrancisco, where, 1 will carry ou a general cum uiission aud produce business. L. CHEADLE Will have the supervision of my business iu Al bany, Oregon. I "will buy or sell all kinds of Produce that may be offered. Bring on your l'roduce. S. n. ALTHOl'SE. jr. W KfGHT. t. r. ba;cksto. viriiorss: & co., I.VO.1 STIIKKT, (ON THE KIVElt AS), AI.UAXV, : : mEGOjr. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to , Xwx-nissli to Order, Doors, and ISIinds, Sash, !Vt03LiIDX3NrC3rS, sncli as ' . Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sizes. - WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES! 2?loprlng Slf11ns and all other kinds of Building Material ! ; Sixteentlj Year 1 I"' ff lb Tear XCT, Containing nuefii! IptatUtiet reltir to .tk popu - Itttioa and resourc! of Oregon, Waabiasrtan, I daks SttXmmUmM, Together with a rariety of other useful " . . ..' iftformalioo. '- 1 v. i - COXFlI.rD ltI.II.T , S- T. McCormick, ' Frankli Book h 105 front stret, Portlaad, Otagon. 1 '. Dead. A lew days since a fine bug gy horse, belonging to Fred. Hill's match span of grays, r assed away . Duriusr the illness of the deeeased Fred, bestowed as stepmother." We learn that the muu thrown from his horse on Friday, has since died. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, o. til Front Street. much attention as a brother and until his ' Adjoining thj Telegraph Office, Portland, Oregon. expiring breath every effort of medical skill was used, but, alas ! gray was sum- Special Collector of Claims, Accounts, Note.-. Bunds. Drafts, and Slercan- til.t r-t-nrv .1 i-t it i 1 1 t Vi t. .11 i-b. 111 1 Orr-- nioned and UiUSt go probably to horse ' ,. and th.5 Territories, WILL HE "m A UK A heaven ! SPECIALITY AND PROMPTLY COLLECT- i KI). as well as with a due regard to economy in all business matters intrusted to hid care and the proceeds paid over punctually. Real Estate Dealer. S-'pt. 11. tf. Oi'EXiNU Aduukss. Tho Opening Address was delivered at 1 o'clock Thurs day afternoon, at the Pavilion, by the llev. John I'owell. Unfortunately we did not arrive in time to hear the ad dress, but hear it spoken of as practical, aud well delivered. A Small Scrimmage. On the Fair ALBANY HUT AIL. MAKKF.T. Wheat, white, bushel... Oats, -fl bushel IV'tut cs, fS. busb-.d Onions, bushel Flour, 'i:: barrel grounds Tuesday afternoon, two urchins, j Hutter, y tt one from CorvaJis ;md the other hailing t'ui'.u'e'js. 'd"""!!.'.".".?."".." from this cityhad a little set-to. As 1 I'e'"-"'. r0 . i Si.ap. tt persons in the crowd almost immediately j .-sir, L..s Angeloa, tk h.lfirn.rf-.l anil nut :i st..n t.i t.lin i,n.p,.o,l- ! !:.-vr"l': f' :: , , r i : j iinx liysou f " Japan. " Ulin-k. " Sugar, crushed, "j It) Sea " " Island, " Coffee, 'pi lb Candies, f lb ; . ... Rice. China. j lt rsaleratus, lb , i. - , , , j iTieu piiiois, f io. Ai.b ix v, October 2 1SC3. :U(a,5: 4or.r f 2." , $1 0)ffj 4 50 ings, no serious damage was done. Heckii'TS for the Firs Day. Al though it stormed almost continuously yesterday (the first day of the Fair), yet the receipts at the gate amounted to g37G 50. Dried apples, A lb Pictures. J. A. Winter, the gentle manly proprietor of the Picture Gallery, on First street, has made large additions to his stock of pictures, and ' has also in creased his facilities for taking all kinds of likenesses. Hia gallery is centrally situated, and when you set yourself down before one of hia " cameras," you can just bet he has got you to the life. As an artist Mr. Winter has no superior on this coast. Look Out. On Wednesday, October 13th, four of the smallest human beings in the world will be on exhibition in this -city, at the Court Ilouse. Gen. Tom Thumb and wife (3Ir. and Mis. Chas. Stratton), Commodore Nutt and Minnie Warren are the persons spokenof. They give two performances in the afternoon at 3 o'clock, and in the evening at 8 o'clock consisting . of songs, duettes, comic act?, burlesques, etc. Of course everybody will go and see them. Perey Miller. Recent intelligence brings unfavorable reporLi in regard to the health of Mr. Perry Miller, who ia at present in San Francisco, where he went for the benefit of his health. The "trip and the climate apparently benefitted hia health upon bis arrival there, but this revival of health was followed by a re lapse, and his present condition is worse than when he left this city. ' Axtctiox. Mr. It. Cheadle failed to sell bis furniture, etc., at auction yester day, as advertised, because of the non appearance of the auctioneer. The sale, therefore, has been postponed until Sat urday (to-morrow), at one o'clock sale to take place at bis private residence. If you want furniture at-a bargain, attend the sale. Furniture. Chas. Mealey, Esq., : keeps a splendid assortment of everything i in the furniture line; 44 undertakes" to i make anything needed, for beauty or I utility, out of wood ; does " turning " j right up to the handle, and is a fair and liberal gentleman to trade with. i ' Tiie Barstow Cook." As an evi dence .of the great popularity already attained in this community by this handsome stove, we learn that every stove of the pattern has been sold already, by Messrs.. O. P, Tompkins & Co., al though received but a few days since, Circus. The circus was in full blast . yesterday, and added another to the many eights on the Fair grounds. Six Hundred Yards. Late yester day afternoon, the Swank horse, and a horse belonging to Al. hum, ran a G0U yard racj for 810J. Svvank's horse coming in ahead. As there was a charge ot foul riding, wt didn't learn which horse won the money. "Scrimmage." Two men fell out about quarreliug yesterday, and, as we are informed, had a few rounds in the old-fashioned style. As it was late our reporter didn't wait to see the result. Inquiries. Persons often call at our office to inquire where they can purchase farming lands -who has a farm for sale. If persons living in Linn county, who have farms for sale, will leave their direc tion, the number of acres and quality of land they have for sale, we will be in a better position to answer such inqui ries. - . ! Going East. Mr. John Bell of Leb anon, intends starting East in a few days. He will visit Ohio, Iowa, and other por tions of "America." We wish him a pleasant and safe journey. BROVNSVILLE. See the card of "Wheeler's New Store," at Brownsville, in this issue. " Where you get your money's worth" is the place to trade. Steamer. P. T. Co.'s steamer Suc cess reached our wharf yesterday, bring- ig a good quantity of freight. The river is in fair boating order at present. Licenses. The Agricultural Asso ciation will receive about five hundred dollars, licenses for booths, &c. during the present Fair. Trial of gang plows, on the Fair grounds, at 9 o'clock this morning. SrEECii. Dave. Froman, President of the Agricultural Association, probably wouldn't be termed an eloquent Fpeakist, but, what he docs say is to the point. He got off the following terse and pointed effort yesterday : " Ladies and gentle men, all the stock on the grounds must be entered by nine o'clock to-morrow morning, or go out." After the intro duction of the gentleman who delivered the Opening Address, and at its conclu sion, he remarked : " The thing's done, and although I'm no upholder of racing, yet I ve got to go to the stand and 'tend to things. Excuse me, ladies and gen tlemen." If it is true that " brevity is the soul of wit," Dave is'a witist of the first water. Dried currants. f lb Baconj hams. !!; " sides, ' ' shoulders, f lb Lard, in cans, lb. I'eans. "fl It) Pevoes' Kerosene oil. gallon..... Turpentine, "r fraHon... - Linseed oil, boiled, A gallon.. White lead, "j? ke" Powder, rifle. f It) Tobacco, S lb Nails, cut, fi lb Domestic, brown, yard Hickory, striped, yard Bed ticking, per yard Blue drilling, "j3 yard Flannels, rr yard Prints, fa t eolors, yard Pork, tb Mutton, f tb Dee1, on foot, tb... .10 ... $2 .". hi (a,2U ..1 12f'i 1 - 1 1 00 I'oOl. 1 00 J.SCi2 D'.felS Vila. U 2:;v,2 2:,t.u::?. 12(Vi.ir. I Kit 15ft. 2" Cf'i" ft S isV-0 1 Jot, 10 It 1 0 (1.17 Iu o fifl'Wl $1 25f! 1 50 $1 62fI 75 $.1 75fit4 25 7 5 fit; 1 1)0 $1 0()Vi;l 25 6r-r.7i 15fa."l9 lfi(Vi:!0 25 la .50 Ift25 50fu.(i2V (ti 1 2A 5oi,G 100121 ihCti.b THE C O L O IS, S Th.it Photograph Best, A It E BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, SCA3- !LET, PtflOROON, and deep ORANGE. Those that take "White, or nearly so, are 1 ; Purple, Blue, Crimson, Pink, &c. ; J Sept. 1.VC0-2 J- A. WINTER. rvow oPEmG! A Large Stock of Ci'occrfis and Provisions, Confectionery, Cigars, Tohacco, Wooden and Willow Ware, L'tc, Etc., Etc., 'j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! Iu the building aljoiuing John Conner' Store. ALU A XV, O KEG OX. V. M. HEDFI ELD & CO. Money Sor7-c3L S By buying- WAGONS at It. ClIEADLE'S. IV. 13. I have constantly on hand the very best Two-Horse Wagons, made in Marion county, Oregon, out of STATUS I1MBEB, and warranted to bear up. Forty Hundred Weight, on good roadd. Can be bad at R. CilEADLE'S CASH STORE, For One Hundred and S.xty-five Dollars Albany, Oregon, August 21, '6D-50 ; CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, X It XJ O O I S T - (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) Parrish's Sew Building-, I'Irst Street, . ALBANY, O Pi EG ON, C5. P. TO'IPKI.AS & CO., importkus ad nr.Ai.fcns IS. TIX PLATE, SHEET IRIKY, STOVES : N E W ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF BOSTON. Purely 3VTxa.-txi.ctX- ISCORI'ORATED "15535. Cash assets $7,000,000 00 Cash Dividend, 1SH7 52fi,57:i 55 Cash Dividend. 1808 736,197 86 Total surplus dividend- 3,512,771 00 Li.fsesnaid in ISfi.S 575,500 00 Total looses paid... 3,342,100 00 Income for 1S7 2,852,031 41 Xo extra charge for traveling to and from thf Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwitl Islands. All Policies non-forfeiting, and governed by the non-forfeiting law oi Massachusetts, Poliey holders the only persons who receive divi der ds in this Company, which are declared and paid annually ; first dividend avail able at tbo payment of the second annual premiums. ; All Policies remain in force as long as there is any surrender value. SO FORFEITURES .' This old and popular Company, (the oldest Mu tual Life Insurance, Company in this country) insures at the low est possible rates. Copper, llrass. Zinc, Wire, Block Tin, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS ! Hose, Iroa and Lead Pipe ! CAST, TIN AND ENAMELED HOLLOW WARE 1 IIousc-Furnisliinff Hardware ! All sizes a fine thing, j , COVING'S PITCHER PUMPS ! Only Bouse in the State where yon can get such an article. Sole agents for the Finest Stove out the Great variety of "GEM PANS." AI.KO Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag fbakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyoa street, (on the river bank), next below Markbam's warehouse. ; ALTHOTJSE A CO. Albany. February 20, 18G9-24 "Advertising ta the "ly-Whl of Bind Acting on Trade m Steam dM on Macciutry." In prosentinjr fti HrUentk annual laMc of McUormietc't Almanac, the pubUshar dMlN -tn call the attention of bum'nt men who bafasti in the benefits to ba derkad from mdttrliHng, to ' the fact that this popnlat work presants tha Best. Advertising: Midlav vi the CawM The advantaires to ba ierived ftvaa adT4Ht 'ij in McCormick's Almaaaa, ara, s "j I. Its well established rapuUtloD, . ' II. Iu immense cireulation orar th iiMtlA. coast. , , ' ' ; III. It general preservation in avary kotiM. IV. As a work of reference it U la daily aaa. A limited number of advertisements will ba In serted at the following coin rates t -i . Fall page advertisenienta,...,... (IS 00 . Half " " 19 Quarter" ' . - Address orders to - - . s. j. Mccormick, : . . Compiler and Publisher, ' . Portland, urerua. . i Or to L. P. FISHKH. , - Hwm Francisco, California. . auAdrertisemenU must ba received prior to . October 15th. 1869. ' ii SAIVTIAM ACAI123IV! i.oi:atki at Lebanon, Linn County, Oregom Kev. W. D. NICHOLS, Principal. Rev. E. A. JUDEINS, Assistant. Mis. S. C. NICHOLS, Preceptress, and Teacher of the Ornamental Branches. r BllE Academic year, which commences Sep- X tcmber 1st, ISHtf, and closes July 12tb, 1870, is dividel into four terms of eleven weeks each. Students admitted at any time and charged from time of entering till close of term. No deduction for absence in Term time, except in cases of pro tracted sickness. Students can here enjoy every facility they can desire for acquiring a thorough education. Young men can obtain rooms and board themselves at small expense. Young ladies can obtain board in the family of the Principal, Nrho resides in the Academy building. Jitmrtl and tuition, in tveh rave. Thirty I)ollu per term. Ar extra eharye fur board tluritttj vacation. A Commercial Coarse has been adopted for the benefit of young men who wirh to acquire a thorough business educa tion. Send for a catalogue, jor address the Prin cipal, for further information. Lebanon, August 28, I8li9-52tf T 1 V if o DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. 9 7 'n ft inn. fairer than iuy other eckool of hiyh tfnfe in the fitate nf Qrftjnn., 1800-70. AU articles warranted pure and of the lcst quality. i'hysicians Prescriptions carefully compounaed. Albany, Oct. 17, lSCS-6tf RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. To Iescliuttes River : Four Horse or Mule team $1 50 Two " " " 3 00 One " " " 2 UO Ox teams, three yoke 4 &0 For every additional yoke 50 Loose hordes, per head, 25 ' cattle, per head. ...... 15 " sheep or hogs... 3 Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loaded. 50 " unloaded . 25 Horse and rider 1 00 To Kisli Lake : Four hor;e or mule team, each way- 2 00 Two " " " " I 50 One " " " " 1 00 Pack animals, loaded 50 " " unloaded........ 25 Horse and rider 75 Ox team, three yoke 2 00 To Upper Soda Spring : Four horse or mule team, out and back 2 50 Two " " " " 2 00 One " ' " " . 1 00 IIor.e and rider, " 50 lioose animnls, . " ...... 25 Ox teams the same as horse teams. A. IIACKLEMAN, W. W. Parhisk, Pres. Sec. March 20. 1S69-28 Albany Collegiate Institute. THE NEXT TERM OF THIS INSTITU tion for youth of both sexes, will open on Monday, the 18th of October next. It will be in charge of the Rev. Edward R. Geary and the Rev. Sakurl O. Ihvisk, assist ed by a corps of competent teachers. CALENDAR. The first term will embrace 15 weeks of tuition, ending February 4th. 1879. - '. . - .-. The second term will embrace 2 weeks or tn- ition, from February 7th to July 1st, 1870. RATES OK TUITION (PER (JtTAHTER Or TEH WEEKS.) Preparatory and common branches $5 00 Advanced Enjrlish 7 0 Ancient and Modern Languages, Higher Mathematics, Ac V UU Tuition charged from date of entrance to end f quarter, and payable in advance. Organization of College Classes.; A Freshman class will be formed and a course of study prescribed at the opening of the term. Principal Text Books. Wilson's Readers, Clark's English Grammar, Robinson's Mathematics, Hooker's Natural Science, Quackenbos Rhetoric Abbotts Abcr- cromhie's Mental and Moral Philosophy, Ilark- ness Latin Scries, lasquell s trench Series, and the most approved editions of the Latin and Greek Classics. A Record Of every recitation will be made, and an average given in Quarterly Reports ; also, of attendanca and deportment. - Government. The aim will be to develop in the student a high sense of moral obligation, honor and integ rity, and those who cannot be governed by inch motives, will not remain in the school. Board May be had in families at f t per week, and rooms procured where students may board themselves. By order of the Board of Trustees. EDWARD R. GEARY, Albany, Aug. 21, '60-50 President. The stability of this Company, with its past his tory, increasing capital -and business, and the sat isfactory manner in which it has discharged its obligations in the past, are guaran'ecs for tho future such as far-seeing and careful men require in their investments. Persons generally, who thoroughly understand the workings of Life Insurance, are anxious to avail themselves of its equitable provisions. Full information will be given to those who desire, at the Agency. Home Office, 39 State Street, Boston. Pacific Branch Offices, 30 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Room 3, Cnrter'i Building, Portland, Oregon, EVERSON V HAINES, General Agts. RUSSELL &ELKI1VS, Agls, ALBANY, OREGON. Albany, September 19, 18G8-2Y u CS5All goods warranted First Class.""5a o HEP AIRING ! In all its branches. A Liberal Discount Made to Country Dealers. j3 Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere. S25-69-3 0. P. TOMPKINS 4 CO. CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. Ci3 pr HOME SHUTTLE SEWINGrWfJ) p O Machine. A double-thread fas) O lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ; stitch alike on both sides. A Q Celebrated Common-Sense rf A Q JJ5 I O Family Machine. Both ma- JJ O chines fully Warranted for 5 years. Machines sent to any part oi the coast by express, v. u. u Agents wanted in every town on the Pacific coast Liberal commission. Pacific Sewing Machine Co., 2y 109 Montgomery -St., S.F. For Sale. BW MT7RH.AVR IMPROVED MAIJ1C Oil the King of Tain. ; juo-39tr Aioany, January u, ions- HOUSE AND FOUR LOTS 1 IN this city, a good new dwelling wit a 11 the necessary outbuildings, and four lots, about twenty minutes walk irom tne steamboat landing For particulars inquire at tho office of the P. T. Company, of J. U. JUUJNTttlTH. Walk in! Walk in! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I Walk into B. RRE'YER'S STORE, and see the goods which ho is receiving direct from , JSnxx DPrancisoo, . which be is going to sell very low for Cash or Produce! Call and examine my Goods before you pur- chase elsewhere, as I am always willing to suow my goous. N. B. I will pay from date for thirty days to eome, 30 cents per dozen tor f.ggs. Sep. 25, '69-3y B. BRENNER, THE LATEST STYLES OK Staple and Fancy Dry Goods . 8ELKCTED WITH CARS IS TUB SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS JUST RECEIVED, AMD OFFERED AT THS Lowest Cash Rates. On First street, first door west of John Connor: brick, and oppoMto K. V. tiiu a. con drug store, ALBANY, OREGON. , P. C. HARPER. May 15, 1869-36 USE Oil I the Kins of Pain. ju5-39tf "ON TO BIT !" WADSWORTH & KUHN Are now ready to execute all kinds of Plain and Fancy Painting ! such as Signs, Carriages, Buildings, as well as Graining, Faperhang'ing, Calelmiaing-, and in fact all kinds and styles of ' PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, that can be done with Paint and Brush, at JSO- "AIR. LIVING RATES, -ft Give us a call. Shop on Ferry street, over Kuhn A Adams wagon shop. . augzl-uw NOTICE X LL persons are hereby warned not to par- t chase either of two certain Promissory Note made by me. one for $404, dated on the Uth of September, 1S6, and one for ?.05, dated Sep tember 10th. 1869, both made payable to Geo. A. Edes, of Salem, Oregon, thirty days after date.in gold coin of the United States, with interest at twelve per cent, per annum, as both of said notes were obtained by fraud and without considera tion, and I will not pay the same nor any part o tnera." Bated, September 1 5th. 1869. PRESTON MORRIS, 2w3 By Powell a Fliics, his attvs THE EYES ! THE EARS I m dm 7V Dr. T. L. GOLDEN, OCULIST AND AVRXST, ALBANY, x : . OREGON. s-vTB. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE Si 1 " notc4 old Opthalmle Doctor, S. 1 4,2 Golden. . . . .i Dr. GOLDEN has bad experience Id treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear ara subject, and feels confident of civ in e entire satis faction to those who may place themselves andar nis care. Albauy, April 10, 1869-31 - ire L m r w e A .-s t r 2T. .'i ; M a - f-s 9 1 1 mi i jin h S3 M s ..S- :Q hT r-1 ' ". , tl ! " I : 0 m4 . to 1 ' (ssie v. . J v 2 TH , ' - 1 j J. BRIGGS, , PBALCa I Stove. H SftOp 8HEET IRON, FORCE AK3 LIFT FC"r3, IroH and Xiea4 Pipet ., i And General Assortment of erarything aaualty . kept in a artt-elaw Tin Stora, , . , MAIN STREET, ALBANY. Repairing atlf done mnd as ikerl -. . , ... I will sell at .. PUBLIC AUCTION MY , KO'JCISICID lZZ"tTZ7S , ON ' - t. TBCRSDAY. OCTOBER SD. ' . 1 i ; ' - R. CHEACLLjl : ' If