SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1809. Subscribers fl n.linr an X after their came wilt understand that tticir subscription expires withj ttnu number, and th-'y are invited to renew their subscription.-. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; six months, $2 ; three months, $1. Agents for the Register. The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive and -receipt for subscription, advertising, etc., for the Rkgistkr : 111 RAM SMITH, Esq Judiro S. H. CLAUGHTON PETER HUME, Esq W. R. KIRK, Esq E. E. WHEELER, Esq.. Scio. T. H. REYNOLDS, EsqI. Salem. iir.o. W. CANXOV. Esq... Portland. L. P. FISHER, Esq.. '. -Frisco. local xrvxrt-; ...... Harrisburg. ......Lebanon. ...... Brownsville Programme of the Li mi County Pair. The Linn County Agricultural Asso ciation open their Fair for 1869 on their grounds about one mile from this city, on Tuesday, September 2Sth, to be con tinued until Friday, Oetober 1st. Fol lowing is the programme ot performances: FIRST DAT. Board of Directors meet at the Pavilion at 9 o'clock a. M. At 1 o'clock p. M., single pacing oue mile. At 11 o'clock, running, 2 years old, 1 Uiile. At 2 o'clock, running, 3 years old, 1 mile. At 2 o'elock, trotting, 2 years old, 1 utile. At 3 o'clock, trotting, 3 years old, 1 mile. At 3 J o'clock, trotting, 4 years old, 2 straight miles. . At 4 o'clock, trotting, best sinylu bug gy horse or mare. SECOND DAY. At 10 o'clock A. M., running, 2 straight miles. At lOj o'clock, matched carriage hor ses or mares, owned by one man. .. At 11 o'clock, mile heats, best 2 in 3, Oregon raised horses that have never made better time in public than 3 min utes. Afternoon. At 1 o'clock, Opexix3 Address at.j the Pavilion. At 2h o'clock, trotting, 2 in 3, 2 mile heats, 3 to enter and 2 to e;o. . THIRD DAY. At 9 o'clock A. M. the Superintendents and Judges of the different classes will meet at the Pavilion and receive of the Clerk a list of all articles and stock en tered in each class, and proceed to exam ine the same from 9 o'clock until done. At 10 o'clock, Shooting Match. At 11 o'clock, span of draft horses owned by one persou, the above to be tested by actual trial.- -- ---- At 11 J. o'clock, parade of premium horses and cattle. -Afternoon. At 1 o'clock, Agricultural Ad press at the Pavilion. At 2 o'clock, running, mile heats, 2 in 3. At 3 oclock, trotting, 1 mile. At 3 J o'clock, running, 1 mile. . At 4 o'clock, trial of Fire Companies ; the best drilled company to obtain the prize ou actual trial. FOURTn DAY. At 9 o'clock, plowing match and trial of all farming implements, seed sowers, harrows, etc., from 9 to 12 o clock. Afternoon. At 1 o'clock, running, 2 mile heats, 2 in 3, 3 to enter and 2 to go. At 2 o'clock, walking, 1 mile. At 2 o'clock. Ladies' Equestrianship At 3 o'clock, Velocipede race, 1 mile. " At 3i o clock, foot race, t mile. EsuaaiNQ. "We intended to enlarge the ItEaisnta, the present Dumber to the extent of four colamns, but could not ob tain the needful help.? "No preventing providence" this journal will appear next cek as a twenty-eight column paper. We should very much like to increase the size still more say to a thirty-two eolumn paper and if our friends desire it, they have only to make it known by sending in new subscribers. We have been treated in that line very fairly of late, and if our friends continue their ex ertions in our behalf, we shall soon have a list that will justify us in the outlay consequent upon such enlargement Send them in. iSo better time than now, at the commencement of the volume. Partly Correct. The Sacramento Union, of last Saturday,- among the awards of premiums at the California Slate Fair, prints this: " John Barrons, of Lynn county, Oregon," two first pre- tu.iums, one on Austranan anu tne other on Club wheat. If theiame had been printed John Barrows, Linn county, Oregon, the item weuld have been about correct. Somebody must have been after the L'niou. Daily Register. -The first number of the Daily Register will appear,, on Tnesdav morning:.' Persons wishing it left at their places of residence or busi ness houses, will please give their names t " Star," who will caH'on them to-day. Persons wishing to bring their business prominently before the people of Linn county, can insert advertisements in the Daily on the most reasonable terms. Advertisements should be handed in to day or by Monday noon. This is an. op portunity that no business man will miss, Circuit Court. Linn County Cir cuit Court convenes on the 25th of next month. , Sold. The Steamer Ann was sold by U. S. Marshall Young, at Corvallis, on Wednesday last, for the sum of three thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars. It was bought in for the Long Tom Navigation Company, says the Cor vallis Mi rciay, and will be -put, iuto the. Long Tom and Willamette trade, as a freight and passenger craft. - , Eoos Wanted. Mr. B. Brenner of fers thirty cents per dozen, for the next thirty days, for fresh eggs. lie is also receiving a fine stock of fall aud wiuter dry goods, etc., which he is offering at the very lowest prices for cash or produce. hue viuitir .the,. County-- liair, Uou t f fail to give him a call, and examine goods and prices for yourselves. . Inquiries. Persous often call at our office to inquire where they can purchase farming lands who has a farm for sale. If persous living in Linn county, who have farms for sale, will leave their direc tion, the number of acres and quality of land they have for sale, we will be in a better position to answer such inqui ries. County Fair. As the time approach es for opening the County Fair, the ex citement grows more intense; and, judg ing from the talk, should the weather not prove stormy, the Fair of '69 will dis count all previous fairs in every respect. We are a progressive people. New Goods. Who would not dress fine when they can get a a bran new suit, vest, pants and coat, for S22 50 ? nice clothes, too. Messrs. Blain & Young's rrnt ' in nnil catli(r nf nnw m K A 1 1 -1 iilr e"" "-- - o J up from Frisco, besides. Now is the time to get that new suit for the Fair, awful low. Go in to day, and pick 'em out. . . Notice. Stewart P. Brock, adminis trator bf the estate of Alvin M. Brock, gives notice to those having claims against the estate, to present the same within six months from tha date of thj advertise ment, which see. j Horses. Quite a lanre Dumber of animals in the horse line have been in the course of training at the Fair grounds for the past few weeks, and it is more than probable that this department ot the show will be better ropre3entedfthara any other, Dcxt week. Let 'em went. . now About it?. Who is going to try for the premium offered by the L. Co. Ag. Society for the best Velociped- ist. Rumor has it that some of the Salem boys intend carrying off the prize. Don't let 'em. - ' Low Prices. Visitors to the Fair are invited to call at the establishment of R. Cheadlc, and look over his immense stock of goods, fresh, and selected with taste, with especial reference to this mar ket. ; : Wheat Receipts For the week ending Sept. 23d, reported as below : bnsh. lbs. Beach A Monteith 6,605 8 -J. H. Foster A Co.. ..................... no report S. S. Markhain A Son 2,400 R. Cheadle 2,417 A. Co wen A Co., 3,800 I). Froman .. ......... 2,000 : Sau Francisco Markets. Flour Quiet; Oregon brands range from 5 20 to $5 02 ; shipping, extra, S4 25(a5 25. Wheat Dull at SI 59l 55 for fair to good shipping; choice shipping, Sl 60 ; low - grades are almost unsalable at Sll 05. Oats Range of market, $11 30. Barley Dull at 9095c; old quoted at SI 15(1 25. In New York, wheat quoted at 81 70 (Wtl 72. Flour unchanged. . At Liverpool, wht:at lis 2d. Green backs, 73 1 ; gold, 137t(137K , The California State Capital at Sacra mento will be the finest aud largest in the United States. NEW TO-DAY. TotaL. .17,222 8 Fine Team. Judge Baber has a magnificent looking span of blacks, car riage team, that look as if they could go. We beleve he intends entering them at the County Fair. ;V - i"? " Railroad. -The Ortgonian says that 500-tons of railroad iron, for the East ..... Side, is- now on the way to Portland from San Francisco by the Falkinburg and Atmatia. . A lot of material consist ing of car wheels, spikes for the rail, etc., together with a hoisting engine for con structing bridges, are already on the ground. Ilolladay is bound to have that twenty miles in running order on time. Navigation. The river is again in boating stage, and two or three steamers have made their appearance at our wharf during the week. ' . i ' Finger Severed. Mr. Sears, of Merrill & Co., of the wood boat,-accidentally cut off one of his fingers on Thursday- " '! . . Wheat. This article has decreased again.- , We now quote at 50 55 cents per bushel. TUB O O L O- Tfc- S' That Photograph I5cs, A R E BLACK, BROWN, GREEN, SCAR LET, M0R00N, "4 W ORANGE. Those that take While, or nearly so, are Purple, Blue, Crimson, Pink, &c. Sept. IS, '69-2 J. A. WINTER. NOTICE VLL persons are hereby warned not to pur chase either of twocertain Promissory Notes made by me, one for SlOl.dated n the Itth of September, 1S69. and ouu fur $505, dated Sep tember K'tU. IS69, both made payable to Ueo. A. Edes, of Salem, Oregon, thirty days after date, in gold eoin of the United States, with interest at twelve per cent, per annum, as both of said notes were obtained by fraud and without considera tion, and I will not pay the same nor any part of th.-m. Dated, September 15:h. 1SG9. PRESTON MORRIS. 2w3 By Poweil 4 Flixs, his attys.' ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. 1800-70. Albany Collcgfctfe Institute. THE NEXT TERM OF THIS INST1TU tion for youth of both s-xes, will -pen on Monday, the 18th of October next. It will be in chargo of the Rev. Edward R. Oeart and the Rev. Samitei, (I.- InviXK, assist ed by a corps of competent tea-her3. - CALENDAR. The first term will embrace la weeks of tuition, ending February 4th, 1870. The second term will embrace 20 week of tu ition, from February 7th to July 1st, 1870. RATES OF TUITION (l-Ell QTTARTEIt OK TEX WEEKS.) Preparatory and common bramthes $. 0(1 Advanced Ensrlish 7 00 Aueivnt and Modern Languages, Higher Mathematics, Ac v... 9 00 Tuition charged from date of entmnee to end of quarter, and payable in advance. Organization of College Classes. A Freshman c1a.s will bo formed and a coiirss of study prescribed at the opening ot the term. Principal Text Books. W-ilsou's Readers, Clark's English Grammar, Ri biasou'a Mathematics, Hooker's Natural Science, Quackenbos' Rhetoric, Abbott's Aber crornbij's Mental and Moral Philosophy, llark .ncss' Iatiu Series, Fasqaell's French Series, and the most approved editions of the Latin and Greek Classics. - A Record Of every recitation will o TlTiKTo, and an nf given in Quarterly Reports ; also, of attendance and deportment. ' Government. The aim will be to develop in the student a high souse of nmral obligation, honor and integ rity, ami tliosa who cannot be governed by such ui'Itives, will not remain in the sehool. Soard .May be had in families at i per week, and rooms procured where students may board them selves. By order of the Board of Trustees. EDWARD R. WEARY, Albany, Aug. 21, '69-50 President. NOTICE : ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS RATES OF TOLL OVER THE ' . - Willam'tffe Valley and Cascade . Mountain Wagon Road. To Deschuttes River : Four Horso or Mule team........... Two " ' ....... One " " " Ox teams, three yoke For every additional yoke... , Loose horses, per head CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. CM(5 CT HOME SHUTTLE SEW IKOq K O Machine. A double-thread )Qjs& O lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ; stitchilike ou Loth sides. rfi A Q Celebrated Common-Sense rH A Q ffy O Family Machine. P.oth ma- jQ7 L C5 chines fully Warranted for S years. Machines sent to any part of the coast by express, C. O. D. Agents wanted iii every, town on the Pacific coast. Liberal commission. Pacific Sowing Machine Co., 2y 109 Moiitgomery-st., S.F. THE LATEST STYLES Staple ami Fancy Dry Goods ! SELECTED WITH CARE tjt THE SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS JUST RECEIVED, ASI OVFEUEK AT ? HE Lowest Cash Rates. On First street, first door west of John Connor's brick, and opposite R. C. Hill & Son's : drug store, ALBANY, OREGON. P. C. HARPER. May 15, 1S69-30 C..MEALEY DEALER IN A MANUFACTURER OF F TT H. 333" X TT ! and CABINET WAJIE ! Bedding, Etc., Corner First and Broad Alb in streets, A LI! Ayr, Oil EG ON. A GOOD CHANCE TO PAY Outstanding Accounts duo X. CHEADLE, of Albany, Oregon. I WILI, PAY Seventy Cents Per Bushel for all tlic White, Merchantable Wheat, That may be offered at my Warehouse, Albany, Oregon, for the next lO weeks to come ! I will also, from this date, exchange any goods I have in store for wheat, paying thcrfor 70 Cents per ISusIicl. I must have what is due me by the first of Oc tober nest, as at that time I will move to San Francisco, where I will carry on a geueral com mission and produce business. , L. CHEADLE 1 Will have the snpervisionjof my business in Al bany, Oregon. , I will buy or "sell all kinds of Produce that may be offered. Bring on your Produce. Money Saved Z By bavins' WAGONS at ; R. CHEADLE'S. JUS" PARTICULAR ATTEimOS PAID TO "tS2 ORDERS Or ALL KINDS in our line. October 31, 18B3-8 J. IIAIOJ5 Attorney mud Counsellor at Law, ' ALBANY, . OREGON.. O FFICE f-On Main street, opposito Foster's Brick. . . . , . 1-OV TO GRAIN GROWERS. MESSRS. COSBITT A MACLEAY, HAV- ing heard that it is commonly reported throughout the ralley that they are not purchas ing Wheat, would respectfully inform their Agents, Customers and Friends, throughout the valley of the Willamette that they are in the market to purchase all the surplus merchantable wheat in the State and : pay the highest market rates, Cash on delivery in Portland. Sept. Ilw4. . CORBITT A MACLEAY. "ON TO HIT!" VADSVORTII & KUHN Are now ready. to execute all kinds of Plain and Fancy Painting! . such as ": Signs, Carriages, Buildings, as well as ... Graining,' Paperhanffing, Calclmlning, and in fact all kinds and styles of ' PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, that can be done with Paint and Brash, at. JSST- FAIR, LIVING RATES. -5. Give us a call. Shop on Ferry gfreot, over Kubn fc Adams' wagon shop. ' aug2J50 IV- 13. I have constantly on band the very best Two-Horse Wagons, made in Marion county, Oregon, out of STATES TIMBER, . and warranted to bear up Forty Hundred Weight, on good roads. Can be had at lit CHEADLE'S CASH STORE, Vor Ono Hundred and Sixty-five Dollars Albany, Oregon, Angust 21, '69-50 Sixteenth Year of Publication. McCormick's Almanac ! For the Tear 1870, " Containing useful statistics relative to the popu latipn and resources of Oreg-on, Washington, Idaho & Montana, ,: Together with, a variety of other useful information. ... COMPILED AUD PUBLISHED Br ' S- J. McCormick, Franklin Book Store, 105 Front street, Portland, Oregon. ' Advertising is the Fly-Wheel of Business Acting on Trade as Steam does on Machinery.' In presenting the tixteenth annual issue of Mcliormxck : Almanac the publisher desires to call the attention of bainea men who have faith in the benefits to be derived from advertising, to me laos mat this popular work presents the , Best Advertising Medium en the Coast The advantages to be derived from advertising in JucuormicK s Almanac, are, I. Its well-established reputation. . II. Its immense circulation over the Pacific coast, i III. Its general preservation in every house. IV. as a work of reference it is in daily nee A limited number of advertisements will be in serted at the following coin rates : s Full pago advertisements.. $15 00 Half " f 10 00 f Quarter" r 5 00 Addresa orders to - i.s.. j. Mccormick, . Compiler and Publisher, 1 Portland, Oregon. Or to L. P- FISHER, iaa Francisco, California. .Advertisements must be received prior to uctooer lotn, xaov. - u S E MURRAY'S IMPROVED MAGIC thl-the King of rain. . ju5-S9tf :.$ 50 3 00 2 00 4 50 - 60 25 cattle, per head . 15 " sheep or hogs 3 Teams returning empty, half price. " Pack animals, loaded. 50 " " unfunded 25 Horse and rider, 1 00 To I'Isli Lake : Fonrtiorse or mule tcnin, cauti way- 2 0(5 Two " " ' '. 60 One " " " 1 DO Pack animals, loaded 50 " . unloaded 2 Horse and rider. .' : -..;.. 75 Ox team, three yoke ....i. 2 00 To Upper Soda Spring1 ' Four horsa or mule team, out and back...... 2 50 Two " ' 2 00 Oue " " ' - " 1 00 Horse and rider, , " " 50 Loose animals, . . u ...... 2o Ox teams the same as horse teams. I A. HAC'KLEMAK, , W- W' PAnwsn.l , -r," March 20. 1809-28 THE Academic year, which commences Sep tember 1st, 1869, and closes July 12th, 1870, is divided into four terms of eleven weeks each. Students admitted at any time and charged front time of entering till close of term. No deduction for absence in Term time, except in cases of pro tracted sickness. " Students can hefe enioy every facility they con desire for ecqnirin-g a thorough education. Young men can obtain rooms and board themselves at small cftpcn's.4. Young ladici can obtain board in the family of the Principal, who resides in the Academy building, ifottrd aud tuition, i ivck cc, Th irt' JMlitrt pfr ternu No trtra tk&ry fur board ditriwj tucatlun. ' ; A Commercial Course " lias been adopted fot the benefit of yotrag ft'Cn" who wish to acquire a thorough business euueap tion. Send for a catalogue, or address the Prin cipal, for further information. Lebanon, August 28, 186-52tf - , tirade ih the jjitate of Oregon. QaiJ THE PIIffiNIJ AND THE CORVALLIS' FIRE ! Corvallis, Oregon, July 23, 1SC9. To Herukkt Biiid, Esq., AIjuster Phoenix Ins. Co., Hartford : Dear Sir : Allow mo to' acknowledge the receipt, in U S. Gold Coin, of the amount of my loss by the fire of the 21st instant. Tbe payment of a claim on the second day after the fire, is proof that the confidence placed by the people of Oregon in the business-like prompt ness and good taith ot the 1'Ocenix insurance Company of Hartford, and its representatives, is. well merited ; and I take this opportunity of as suring you of my will towards the Company, and wishing them the same success in the future that has, so far, attended their busiuess in this State. - ' Yours, trulv. WILLIAM FLIEDNER. Corvallis Gazette, July 24. 1869-47 GEO. F. SETTLESVIIER, I IS, TJ Gr G I S T - (Successor to D. W. Wakefield.) Parrlsh's New IiuUding-, first Street, ALBANY, OREGON, DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, " PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded, Albany, Oct. 17, lSC8-6tf . E. F. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JAMES ELKINS, NOTARY PVBL1C. RUSSELL & ELKINS, (Office in Parrish & Co.'s block, First street,) Albany, Oreg-on. HAVING' TAKEN INTO CO-PARTNERSHIP James Elkisb, Esq., ex-Clerk of Linn county, we are enabled to add to our prac tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for . Conveyancing, Examining Records, and attending to Probate business. Heeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages caTo- luuy drawn. Homestead and Pre-emption Papers made, and claims secured. Sales of Real Estate negotiated, and loans effected on collateral securities on reasonable rates. All business entrusted to them faithfully and promptly executed. RUSSELL A ELKINS. Albany, Oct. 10, '68-5y ( : For Sale. HOUSE AMD FOUR LOTS I TN this city, a good new dwelling wita 11 t-e 1 necessary outbuildings, and four lots, about twenty minutes wailc from the steamboat landing. For particulars inquire at the office of the P. x. company, ot J. jb. JUUJNTISIXH. Albany, January 30, 1869- THE EYES I THE EARS I Dr. T. Li. GOLDEN, OCUUST AND AURXST, ALBANY,' : s : OREGON. TkE. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE fi. mJ noted old Opthalmio Doctor. S. C. QJ?m' Golden. Dr. GOLDEN bos had experience in treating the various diseases to which tho eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under his care. .... Albany, April 10, l869-31y EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, NEXT DOOR TO HAVCK t METERS' BILLIARD SALOON, ALBANY, OREGON. r sTITS establishment has been thoronghly to. jL lurnisuea, ana is now : ready to rcceiv boarders. . v ' k Board per week, : : $5 00 Siagle moals' : : . 50 Lodgings, ; : : : 60 E. C. IIOLDEN, Propr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SA3VTIAJTI ACADEITI Y ! LOCATED AT Lebanon, Linn County,' Oregon SeV. W. D. NXCHOZ.S, PrtnCipal. Rev. E. A. JCSKINS, Assistant. Mrs. S. C. NICHOLS, Preceptress, and Teacher of tho Ornamental Branches.- BJLDERSjAnM01l SASH, BLIXD MD BOOR F A C TOUT! S. n. ALTltOt'SB. , N. WRIGOf. t. T. BACKESSTO'. ALTHOISE Sc CO., IVO.t STREET, (ON THE RIVER BANK) . i AHJASJY, : i i ORE&6&T. KEEf" ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to Furnish to Order, Doors : i Blinds, and Sasfi, such as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold ' of all sizes. , WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! Flooring, and all other kinds of Building Material I ' ' . i ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse.- ' ' ; 4. AtTHOTJSfc & iit Albany, February 20, 1869-24 ; : FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Insurance ' Compsiny' Nos. 41C and 418 California Street, San Francisco, Cal- Stockholders Individually, Liable. CasU Capital, in Gold Coin, 9750,000 Deposit Hi Oreg-on, f50,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Atljusteit. THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, Dy making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, fa no prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage bv Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms.- - ... , t' OUSTAV'E' TOUCHARD, Prcs CHAS. D. HAVEN, Sec'y. - " . W. ViT. Parrisli Sc Co., ' . Aerents for' Albany. '. Albany, January 9, 1809-18, '','' More than 1,000,000 Persons Bear testimony to the Wonderful Curative . 1 . Effects of S SR. JOSEPH WALKER'S S "S C o a S -5 & a !? a 9 - 4-5 "3 .S ie S fern -s5 r lit S3 3 i r ft a 3 , o t TirUfl 1 n n-wmumtwvnr " 2 VINEGAR !t3 "BP OS o a - S Aianoraetared from the native . S S" . ' - 2. Herbs and Roots of California, are 4sat lusva x-aruMTi For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Re, mittent and Intermittent Fevers, diseases of the Blood, Liver. Kidneys and Bladder, these Bit. ters have been most successful. Sucb diseases are caused by vitiated Slood, which is gener ally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. " . . - Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wnenevei ye flnd its impurities bursting through the skin in Pbn ples, trnptions, or Bores) cleanse it when' vow find it obstructed and Inggish in , the veins r cleanse It when it is foul, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood, healthy, and all will be well. . . ..... . ," Bold by all Druggkta and Dealers. '"" - '! r. h. Mcdonald i cq :,:i ' DRUGGISTS AJtD AOEHTS, Comer Pine and Sansome streets, San Franciaco, Cal. and Sacramento, Cal., and 84 Piatt J apr!7-68 street, N. Y.. , . , a2m-,- o (F ALL "KINDS, printed at the .very lowest ma vtiJiou, m.i mis omre.