The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 25, 1869, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, SEl'TKMUEIi 25, 18G9.
Fifteenth Amendment. The fol
lowing list of States which have acted
on the Fifteen h AroenJuientj we find in
a "Portland paper," taken from the N.
Y. Times, an J is reliable :
Alabama No action yet taken.
Arkansas Ratified March 15. 1S60.
California No action yet taken.
Connecticut Ratified May 13, 18G3.
Delaware Rejected March 18, 18G9.
Florida Ratified June 15, I860.
Georgia Rejected Match 17, 18G"J.
Illinois Ratified March 5, 1SG9.
Indiana Ratified May 14, 1863.
Iowa No action yet taken.
Kansas Ratified February 27, 1SGD.
Kentucky No action ye- taken.
Louisiana Ratified March 1, 1869.
Maine Ratified March 11, 18G9..
Maryland No action taken.
Massachusetts Ratified March 12,
Michigau Ratified March 5, 18G9. .
Minnesota No action yet taken.
Mississippi No action yet taken.
Missouri Ratified March 2, 1S69.
Nebraska No action yet taken.-
Nevada Ratified March 1, 1869.
New Hampshire Ratified July 1,
New Jersey No action ytt taken.
New York Ratified April 14, 1869.
North Carolina Ratified March 5.
1869. .
Ohio Rejected by Senate April SO,
Oregon No action yet taken.
Pennsylvania Ratified March 25,
Rhode Island Senate ratified May
27, 1869.
South Carolina, Ratified March 13,
Tennessee No action yet taken.
Texas No action yet taken.
Vermont No action yet taken.
Virginia No action yet taken.
" West Virginia Ratified March 3,
IS 69.
Wisconsin Ratified March 5, 1869.
It will be seen by the above that nine
teen States have fully ratified the amend
ment, leaving nine to fill the require
ment. Of these nine, Vermont, Ala
bama, Iowa, Minnesota, Rhode Island
and Nebraska, are counted as certain to
ratify. This makes six of the required
nine. Virginia, Mississippi and Texas
must ratify before they can obtain repre
sentation in Congress. Ohio and Ten
nessee, it is asserted by leading Repub
licans, will both act favorably on the
rtrelc, and it is -thought that Georgia
will rescind her former action, and ratify
also. ThusT it will be seen that the req
uisite number of States, twenty-eight,
are absolutely 6ure to ratify, and that
the adoption of the Fifteenth Amend
ment to the Constitution of the United
States is as "good as did."
Murder at Portland. On jthe 22d
inst, in the city of Portland, Frank
Whitney was stabbed, from the effects of
which he died in a few minutes, by Jack
Harris, an old and widely known resi
dent of that city. Whitney demanded
of Harris the payment of a sum of mon
ey which he stated Harris was owing
him ; Harris said he wanted nothing to
do with Whitney, who then struck him
with an umbrella, whereupon Harris
stabbed Whitney two or more, times with
a small knife, resulting as above. Har
ris is in jail.
No Convention. The c Democratic
County Central Committee of Chicago
(Cook county), after a lengthy consulta
tion on the ICth, determined not to call a
convention this fall, hut to unite with the
"people's organization," as their only
hope of defeating the regular nominations
of the Republican party.
Terrible. A fire in Toronto, on the
17th, destroyed three frame dwellings,
two children perishing in the flames. A
third child was saved by being thrown
from the window.' , One fireman was
killedand aufitfiMjfataUy,JiD jaxcdyJby a
falling chimney. ' ' " ;
Transmitted. A certified copy of
the joint resolution of the Legislature of
Indiana," accepting - and ratifying x the
Fifteenth Amendment to the ' Constitu
tion, has; been received by Secretary
Fish fiom Indiana's State Secretary. -
Wild Bill. " Wild Bill' a desper
ado biographed in Harper's some time
since, being taken to jail in Colorado City
for a murderous assault on election day
was shot and killed by an unknown per
son concealed in the woods.
Murder. At .t North Bridgewater
(Mass.), on the 16th, James Armstrong
shot his mother-in-law dead, the shot
' being intended for his father-in-law. He
also wounded Jas. Welch, a neighbor, '
. Colorado. The Republicans have a
majority in the Legislature of Colorado.
Women's Suffrage Convention.
The Women's Suffrage Convention met
at Cincinnati on the 16th, adopted a con
stitution,, and elected as officers : Mrs.
Tracy Cutter, President; Mrs. Langly,
Vice President; Mrs. II. Donney, Rec.
Sec; Mrs. M. Cole, Cor. Sec. Follow
ing is a synopsis of the doings of the
meeting :
Their resolutions quote the Declara
tion of Independence, about the Govern
ment deriving its just' powers from the
consent of the governed; that taxation
without representation is tyranny, and
declare that suffrage under our system
of government is an inalienable right of
every human being capable of a rational
choice; that the denial of franchise to
women is contrary to the genius of our
institutions; that women have interests
as wives, mothers and "widows,. which in
terests should be represented directly in
the Government; that women, as a class,
have peculiar mental and moral charac
teristics, and their votes therefore would
be favorable to peace, purity, temperance,
cceomy, roligion, benevolence and pub
lic order. They invoke the co-operation
of everybody, irrespective of party, creed,
color or nationality, in -securing amend
ments to State and Federal Constitutions
conferring suffrage on women. They de
clare that the ballot means bread for the
working women. They sympathize with
the working classes of the country in
their struggle against the encroachments
of capital, and demand the ballot for the
daughters of foil, as tho only means of
obtaining equal pay for equal work.
They recommend the friends of woman
suffiage to organize in every township
and ward, to create and concentrate po
litical sentiment in favor of woman suf
frage. A Modern Samson Dead. Capt.
John J. Russell, who died in Franklin
county, Kentucky, recently, aged seventy-five
years, was one of the most power
ful men, when in his prime, in the Unit
ed States. His force of will and power
were known and acknowledged from
Pittsburg to New Orleans. He has lift
ed a shaft weighing '1,647 pounds, and
earried across the deck of his steamer an
anchor which weighed 1,242 pounds.
On one occasion, in New Orleans, he had
a personal renconter with the pirate La
fitte, and, unarmed, whipped and ejected
him from a ball room". The incidents of
his great force of will and power of com
mand would fill a volume. lie was
known and feared by the thieves and
gamblers that then infested the Missis
sippi and Ohio rivers. -J "
A Georgia paper says that fifteen
hundred Chinamen have been ordered,
and that they are expected to arrive in
that State in January next, the greater
proportion of whom are to be sent into
the rice and cotton fields, although quite
a number will fill the positions of cooks,
house servants, washing, &c. Great con
fidence is expressed in the success of the
Trenton, New Jersey, is on a broad
grin over a huge joke which has unin
tentionally, wo presume, 'been perpe
trated npon some of its most highly re
spected citizens. An enterprising col
ored man devised a petition addressed to
the Common Council of that city, asking
for an enlargement of the school house
fqr colored children. It occurred to him
that the signatures of certain white per
sons might be desirable, and he applied
for and obtained quite a large number.
Just where the laugh comes in is, the
petition commences, " We, the parents of
colored children !"
Letter from Victoria.
A young lady once married a man by
the name of Dust, against the wishes of
her parents. After a short time they
lived unhappily together, and she return
ed to her father's house, but he refused
her, saying : "Dust thou art and unto
Dust shal't thou return." :
Thunder Storm. A terrific thunder
storm passed over Cleveland, Ohio, on
the 17th, during which several houses
were struck by lightning..
Politics in Ohio. l'he Democratic
Convention which met in Cincinnati on
the 16th, nominated a ticket half Repub
lican and half Democratic an abandon
ment of the Democratic organization.
y Admiral Hoff is reported as having
said that the struggle in Cuba . will be
protracted indefinitely; unless outside
interference takes place.
The real leading spirit of Japan now
is Satsuma, the Treasurer of the Empire
He is the richest of the native princes,
or Daimtos ; adopts every improvement,
arms his followers ' with breech-loading
rifles ; has sent as 'many as fifty young
Japanese to be educated in various parts
of Europe, and, in a word, is a man of
the times. '
Reduction. Steamboat fare from
Stockton to San Francisco has been re
duced to $2 cabin, and 81 50 deck.
Victoria, Vancouver's Island.
Friend Van : After many days,
through great tribulation by land and by
water; through trials that would-dampen
the ardor of the most sanguine of Uncle
Samuel's impetuous sons," and through
scenes that would make the artist's brush
leap from its plastic element, or the
poet's muse to sing for joy and revel in
the beautiful and picturesque ; through
forests blackened by the recent fires,
with now and then a mighty' fir, iu close
proximity to the road, balancing j upon a
doubtful foundation, and whose gnarled
and blackened trunk, that has borne the
burden and heat of many a fiery ordeal,
seems like a giant monster in a reverio,
careless of all beneath, and so likely to
bring swift destruction upon the unwary
traveler as to lay his massive form in the
cool and darkened shadows of his fellows;
through many beautiful scenes in moun
tain and lowland, ami some very fertile
pvairics, watered by clear, cool streams,
in whose darkling eddies the monntain
trout seeks a safe retreat. Rut on Hear
ing the Sound a great change comes, not
" o'er the spirit of your dreams," but
over the character of the country from
fertility to a gravely expanse, consisting
of thousands of acres, and suggesting to
your mind the idea that sometime in the
long ago the waters of the Sound covered
these gravely prairies, and tho inhab
itants of the deep held full sway, where
now a sparse vegetation alone greets the
eye. . : - . .. ,
But the Sound : Have your eyes ever
gazed on its glassy surface, or looked
into its clear depths? No. Then you
have a duty to perform. Puget's Sound
is one of the wonders of the world, and
no journalist within its reach should fail
to. sec it. No harbor in the world excels
it in any particular. Its mines cf coal,
iron, gold and silver, in due time, will
rival maby of our richest camps. Her
fisheries will bo world renowned, aud the
innumerable quiet little bays, heavily
fringed with a foliage of evergreen, offer
unparalleled inducements - to smugglers
and law evading personages. The me
anderings of the Sound, including each
little bay and 'inlet, amount to many
hundreds of miles in extent, and capable
of supporting a dense population. , The
cities of the Sound are, Olympia, situated
at the Southern, extremity ; Seattle, some
thirty odd miles below; Steiladoom and
Tacoma, intermediate, and aspiring with
others to the high position of becoming
at some future but not far distant day,
the terminus of the Northern Pacific
Railroad, and consequently the great metropolis-
of the Pacific coast.
Vancouver's Island what a pity it is
that Uncle Sam didn't try to buy John
Bull out, instead of sinking seven mil
lions in Alaska ice bergs and blubbering
Hottentots. I'd like to own Victoria (I
mean the city). I think if I couldn't
offer white folks any inducements to go
into business or settle, I'd issue a procla
mation to Asia and Africa, and offer,
besides low rents, liberal Inducements in
the way of trade, especially in opium and
bird's nests for tho Chinese, and Wade
and Butcher razors and rubber combs for
the negroes. Theu we could look on and
see the representatives of two of the grand
divisions of tho globe following each
their legitimate business. Nothing but
American Yankee enterprise will ever
redeem Victoria from old fogy ism.
; At every torn, in every place, :
You meet Bombastes face to face. E.
j Telejrrapnlc Summary. .
The distillers in some places propose
an association to aid the reveuejafficers
in detecting dishonest distillers. ' .
Gen. Cespedes, President of tho Cuban
Republic, has taken the field in person,
it is reported. .Gen. Horman , is .made
his Chief f Staff. Z
Koopmanschap has contracted with a
Texas land company for 5,000 coolies.
Frauds are reported as having been
detected in the management of the New
York , Methodist Book Concern. The
son of Dr. Porter, one of the agents, is
reported to have J; been permitted to
charge $15,P00 on paper, furnished the
institution, or, in other words, for attend
ing to the business that devolved upon
his father by his appointment. -
About eight' hundred delegates were
in attendance at the Grand Lodge of
Good Templars, assembled at Rochester,
New York, on the 21st. 5
x ' On the 21st, at Richmond, Walker
was inaugurated Provisional Governor of
Virginia, Wells turning over the affairs
of the State to the new incumbent. A
large orowd of white and colored people
were in attendance, but no ceremonies or
demonstrations were had. Walker's first
appointment is Capt. Cameron, of the
Petersburg Index, as his Secretary.
Cameron was a Confederate officer, and
one of Walker's most determined sup
porters in the" late campaign.
Telegrams to the 22d from Syracuse
(N. Y.), state that, nearly the entire del
egation to the Democratic State Conven
tion had arrived. The platform will be
rather conservative, not going s6 far as
the Ohio Divlnocratic platform. Its
leading points will be : A demand for
the restoration of the Southern States to
the Union ; general amnesty ; fulfillment
of obligations of contract in regard to the
U. S. bonds ; Opposition to the Fifteenth
Amendment;- do. to the amended State
Constitution, except the judiciary article:
It is thought that the present Demociatic
State officers will be renominated.
The Maine Senate stands 28 Repub
licans to 8 Democrats a Democratic
gain of one ; House, Republicans, 1 13,
Democrats, 34 four districts yet to
hear from. Last year the House stood
121 Republicans to 31 Democrats:
- The Mayor of J efferson City (La.)
has beeu impeached for alleged specula
tions, and suspended for trial.
Rumors are current that Prussia is
about to annex the Grand Duchy of
Baden. !
The bodies of six persons, a woman
and five children, were found in a field
near Paris, France, murdered, on! tho
21st. No clue to the perpetrators. A
Some of the journals of Madrid, Spain,
advocate the immediate declaration' of
war should the United States accord Bel
Wgerent rights to Cuba.
The Governments of France and II
land have decided that they will not in
terfere between Spain and the United
States in the matter of the Cuban revo
lution and American diplomacy at Mad
rid. Reports from Brazilian sources repre
sent Lopez as complete' defeated aud
the . struggle ended. The La Patrie
differs, and while acknowledging that
the Paraguayans suffered a reverse, main
tains that Lopez is still able and deter
mined to prosecute the war.
Fdinburg telegrams to the 21st state
that Right Hon. George Patton, Lord
Chief Justice of Scotland,, has unac
countably disappeared, and fears are en
tertaiued that he has , been foully dealt
With. .
The Directors of the Alanza bank
have offered the Spanish Government
the total profits of the bank while the re
bellion lasts, for the purpose of carrying
on the war, paying 30,000 on the first
The Red Stockings were to play the
California Nine, of San Francisco, to-day.
John G. Saxe, the poet, is engaged to
deliver a course of lectures before the
San Francisco Mercantile Library Association.
Sanctioned. The selection of the
Duke of Genoa as King of Spain, has
received the sanction of the King of
Italy. i :
Waning. Andrew Johnson's chances
for the United States Senate from Ten
nessee are said to be waning. Let 'em
How He Won a Place. "Sir,"
said a boy, addressing a man, "do you
want a boy to work for you ?"
"No," answered the man, "I have nc
such want."
The boy looked disappointed , at least
the man thought so and he asked : Don't
you succeed in getting a place ?"
"I have asked at a good many places,"
replied the boy. "A woman told me you
had been after a boy but it is not so, I
find." .
; "Don't be discouraged," said the man,
in a friendly tone.
"Oh ! no, sir," said the boy cheerfully,
"because this is, a very big world, and I
feel certain that God has something for
me to do in it. I am only trying to find
it." . -
"Just so, just so," said a gentleman
who overheard the talk. "Come - with
me, my boy ; I am" in want of somebody
like you." He was a doctor ; and the
doctor thought any boy so anxious to find
his work would be likely to do it faith
fully when be found it; so he took the
boy into his employ, and found - him all
that he desired.
Another remarkable story about Van
derbilt. He owed-Morrissey forty cents.
Morrissey went down to his office with a
keg of powder and a match. He locked
the door. He swallowed the key. He
lit his match. 7 His brow darkened. He
said both should , never leave that room
again unless one was a corpse. He lit
another match. He placed it close to
Vanderbilt's head. He , said one or the
other must sit down on the keg take
your choice, Mr. V. - Vanderbilt is not
easily frightened, but he saw he was in a
close place. He paid the . forty cents.
Morrissey departed with his kesr. - Since
that time both have been better friends
to each other than both of them nut to
gether ever were before. Such is the
story, van it be true 7 "Scasely."
wilxiam Davidson,
Office, No. 4 Front Street,
Adjoining thj Telegraph Office, Portland, Oregon.
Special Collector of Claims,
Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Draf.s, and Mercan
tile Claims of erery description throughout Ore
gon and the .Territories, WILL BE MADE A
ED, as well as with a due regard to economy in
all business matters intru.-tud to his care and the
proceeds paid over puurtuully. '
Real Estate Scaler.
Sept. II. tf.
Albast, September 23 1809.
Wheat, white, f bushel t055
OaU. bushel.......:.; 0
Potat ieg, "ft bushel..... 4 0(4 50
Onions, p bushel....... I 25
Flour, barrel $4 004 50
Butter, j lb...... 25
Ee-gs, dozen 80
Chickens, i d-mcn $2 50 (a, 3 00
Peaches, dried, tb 20
Soap, tb. - 5(rt;5J
Suit, Los Anelos, 'p tb.. 2$(ci3
Sjrup, !p gallon... t 12J1 25
Tea, -Young Ilysou f lb 1 00
" Japan, 1 00
" Black. 751 -00
Sujrar, rrtished, lb ,J820
Sea ' lG(g!8
Island. " 12(0,14
Coffee. i lb 2325
Candles, ft 25(33
Kiee, China, lb " 1216
Saleratus, J lb J63
Dried plums, .lb. 15(a) 20
Dried apples, lb
Dricd'currant. tb S
Bacon, hums, p lb 18(S20
" sides, " 14(0,10
" shoulders, lb (rjlO
Lard, in cans, i lb (217
Beans, "p tb 5
Devoes' Kerosene oil, 4 gallon (5jil 00
Turpentine, gallon.... ... $1 251 50
Linseed oil, boiled, gallon. $1 62i 75
White lead, i keg $3 754 25
Powder, rifle, $i lb...; 751 00
Tobacco, $J lb $1 001 25
Nails, cut, 39 ft '. 6i74
Domestic, brown. yard ljftijlfiS
Hickory, striped, yard 1630
Bed ticking, per yard. 2550
Blue drilling, yard ................. IC25
Flannels, p yard. 50B2i
Prints, fa-'t colors, yard 12
Pork, lb r. 5 6
Mutton, ft 1012J
Beer, on foot, i lb 415
o.p. TOMPKIlS & CO.,
, Axn
Copper, Brass, Ziuc, Wire, Block Tin,
ZXose, Iron and Lead Pipe !
House-Furiiisliiii&r Hardware !
Xiix-irioi-ss Boilers !
All sizes a fine thing.
Only House in the State where yon can
get such an article.
Sole agents for tho Finest Stove out the
Great variety of "GEM PANS."
EST All goods warranted First Class.tBS
In all its branches.
A Liberal Discount Made to Conntry
- Dealers.
Call and see us before purchasing .
ft. elsewhere.
25-69 3 O. P. TOMPKINS A CO.
Walk iu ! Walk in !
Walk into
and see the goods which he is receiving direct
Insurance O o in pany
V A A. A 4-J
Chartered by special Act of Copgresa,
Approved July 25, 1868
Cash Cijitl,
$1,000,000 .00
CLARENCE E. CLARK, Philadelphia, Prcsi-
dent. .,'.. .....
JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance Sl Executive
Committee. .
HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice Presi
dent. - V
EMERLON W. PEET, Philadelphia, Secretary
A Actuary.
E. S. TURNER, Washington, Assistant Sec
retary. FRANCIS G. SMITH, M. D., Medical Director.
J. EWlNO WEARS, M. D., Assistant Medical
THE -attention of persons contemplating in
suring their lives, or increasing the amount
ut insurance they already' have, is called to the
special advantages offered hv the -NATIONAL
ARE:. ; : -It
is a National Company, chartered by special
Act of Congress, J8U8.
It has a Paid-up Capital of $1,000,010.
It offers Low rates of Premium.
It furnishes Larger Insurance than other Com
panies fur the same money.
It is Definite and Certain in its Terms. - '
It is a Home Company in every locality. . "
Its Policies are exempt from Attachment.
There are no Unnecessary Restrictions in the Pol
icies. Every Policy is Non-forfeit able.
Policies may be taken which. Pay to tho Insured
their Full Amount and Return all the Pre
miums, so that the Insurance cot-ta Only tho
Interest on the Annual Payments.
Policies may be taken that will Pay to the In
sured, after a certain number of years. Dur
ing Life, "an Annual Income of One-Tenth tho
Amount named in the Policy. ' ;;. . -x
No Extra Rate is charged for risks npon tho
Lives of Females.
Insures not to Pay Dividends, but at so low a
cost that dividends will lo impossible.
By the Charter of the Company, certificates of
obligations will be issued, agreeing to purchase
its policies at their value which, - when acebmps
nied by the policy duly assigned or transferred',
are negotiable, and may bo' used as collateral se-
1 cur.ty, in making loans from the Company or
which be ia going to sell very low for
; Cash or Produce ! .
Call and examine my Goods before you pur
chase elsewhere, as I am always willing to show
my goods. ' 1 '
N. B. I will pay from date for thirty days to
come, 30 cents per doien for Eggs. -
Sep. 25, '68-3y B. BRENNER.
tt.; ; Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by the County Court of
Linn county, Oregon, Administrator of the estate
of Alvin M. Brock, deceased, late of Linn county,
and that all persons having claims against said
Estate mast present them to the undersigned, du
ly verified, at his residence near Boston, Linn
county, Oregon, within six months from the date
Dated Sept. 18, 1860-314.
The Hon. Jno. E. Sanford, Iosur&ne Commis
sioner of Massachusetts, in his Report for 1864,
speaking of Dividends in Life Insurance Compa
nies, says , " The sooner such guarantees eease
to be made, and such expectations created, the
sooner Life Insurance will come to rest on iu true
motive, and men insure their lives for security,
and not for dividends. The beet and the most
popular companies will then be those that prom
ise only equity, and render all that they promise,
and furnish the best security, with the m6st up
right and judicious management."
" By the Stock plan the full eash effect of the
premium is immediately secured to the insured,
the Company taking all the risk. By the Mu
tual plan the full value in insurance of the pre
mium paid, is not secured to the policy-holder,
who takes a portion of the risk himself." -. '
Policies Issued In r
Grolcl dr ; Currency;
, TBAVEima agent.'.:
For Orcfiron and Washington Territory.
-Albany, September 11, 1 869-1 t-t ' ' ;