The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 18, 1869, Image 2

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Pugilistic. Jim Maeeftlie English
j-nyilist, has arrived ia New York.
- w -
The local editors of the Portland morn
ing papers have collected over 300 to
Lc forwarded to the Avondale sufferers.
Cuors. The accounts received from
foreign countries generally, is to the
effect that crops, especially of cereals,
are at least an average.
Lookkd Foil. A stentnea is looked
for to day, as the rain fall has increased
the staire of water somewhat.
A son "of II. Brenner, of this city, -who
has been a resident of Paris the past
three or four years, studying iuu?ic, has
reached Portland aud'is daily looked for
Maine Election. Republican rep
resentatives have been elected in every
distriet save one. Tbc vote was very
light, but little more than half the usual
vote being polled.
. -
The African all IIiouit. In no
ticing the boast of Brick Pdmeroy that
lie had worked in a printing office beside
a black man, the 3IarysvillelYffl?says,
'he rs docs not give the name of the col
ored gentleman, his reputation is unin
jured." ' A narrow escape.
Circus. The big six-horse circus
wagons attract the attention of the boys;
und between the Velocipede School and
the circus, the young lavericks are in a
terrible state of -excitement. As we go
to press Friday afternoon, and the cir
cus performance don't come off until
Friday evening, we can't say whether
"everything's lovely" or not.
. '
Lectuiie, Saturday Evening. Au
gusta'N. St. Clair lectures (at the Court
House, we suppose,) on Saturday eve
ning, on the "Duties of Woman to her
Family, Society and the Public." . By
our exchanges we notice that this lady
lias been lecturing in the State south of
here. Read . the hand-bills circulated
over the city, 'and ''fix up" and go and
hear what she has to say.
Commissioned. A. A. McCully, of
Marion county, C. C. Bcckman, of Jack
son, and John Barrows, of Linn, are the
gentlemen commissioned by the Governor
to represent Oregon in tho National Con
vention, which meets at St. Louis, Mo.,
next month, to discuss the question of
removing the National Capital. The
cost of Eiich removal to a point in the
Mississippe valley is figured at thirty
millions of dollar?.
Has Anybody Saw the Comet I
Ai-fairs in Canada. At an annex
ation meeting in Quebec on the 14th,
resolutions were adopted deploring the
depression in the value of real estate, the
diminution of ship building, the waste of
magnificent water-power, the steady emi
gration of young men to the United
States, etc , and setting forth aa the de
liberate opinion of the meeting, that
Bteps should immediately be taken toward
addressing a petition to the Imperial au
thorities praying to be informed whether
the nearly unanimous desire n the part
of the people of the Dominion for annex
ation to the United States, would not re
ceive from the British people the same
gracious reception accorded to a liko re
quest from the people of the Ionian Is
lands for a union with Greece. A com
mittee was appointed to carry out the
views of the meeting, which adjourned
after giving three cheers for annexation.
AxoTiiE-a Swindle. From the Sac
ramento Union of the 11th inst., under
the report of entries for the second day
of the California State Fair, we extract
a3 follows :
"John Barrows, San Fraucisco, two
bags of wheat."
Up to two weeks ago John 'Sarrows
was a resident of Albany, Oregon, where
he has lived upwards of ten years, and as
lie sold none of his realty nor household
goods, it is but fair to presume that he
still considers Albany as his home. The
"two bags of wheat" entered by him to
contend lor the premiums offered for the
best varieties of that article,were the pro
duct of Oregon raised in Lion county,
and harvested the present season. If the
entry as printed in the Union is intended
to convey the impression that the afore
said wheat is the production of California,
as it undoubtedly does, we protest against
such unfairness. This corralling Oregon
productions and labeling them ''Califor
nia" is a species of meanness that Cali
fornians have indulged in so long that it
has become almost impossible to break
them of it. . "
Some of our exchanges say that the so
long predicted comet has arrived on time,
and may be seen by the "naked eye" on
any ' clear night, by "flinging a gaze"
toward the northern portion of the heav
ens, at any time between midnight and
the rising of the morning star. We are
compelled to. acknowledge the solemn
fact that up to this time we have been
unable to "disrobe" our visual organs
onto the "fiery tailed" monster in other
words, wo have failed to "see" it. This
tremendous "etherial messenger" that is
now perambulating through space without
let or hindrance, is indeed a "stunner,"
if wo may be permitted to believe the
many fearful assertions made with regard
to it by some of our learned men. For
instance, they assnre us that it will ap
proach nearer this sphere of ours than
any comet ever did before, and that one
or the other will be necessarily compelled
to change its course, or a collision will
be inevitable. As this comet is asserted
to be a solid mass of fire, and many
thousand times larger than the earth,
with a caudal appendage more than two
million five hundred thousand miles in
length, it is altogether possible that a
collision with it would result as disas
trously to the earth as did the upsetting
of one of Ans. Marshall's hacks, a few
weeks since, to one or two of the more
unfortunate occupants of the vehicle it
might "put head" on it. Then this
count has a history it's an "old 'un."
It is said to have been on exhibition to
the terrified ancients freeof charge,
children half-price immediately preced
ing the terrible civil wars in Greece. In
Persia, and throughout the countries of
the East, its appearance was immediately
followed by a most dreadful plague that,
in a few weeks, swept from the face of
the earth more than one-half tho people
of the countries visited by it plague on
it! Some years subsequently, this com
et put in an appearance again, preceded
by a most terrific civil war in Home, and
followed by a plague, or scourge, that
piled the dead up in heaps in the streets
of that proud but corrupt city, until, in
the language of the chronicler of those
times, there were scarcely enough per
sous left alive to bury the dead. If this
long-tailed, mass of fire don't strike Web
foot before the setting-in of the regular
"mist," we predict it'll have to "take
water," back out and "plague"' some
other quarter less fortunate in the supply
of chuck another inducement to immi
grate to Oregon, i. e. her immense (six
months) " water-privilege" for squelching
plagucy long-tailed fiery monsters of the
"upper deep."
' . . .
New Discoveries. New gold dig
gings are reported on the Sultan river,
about sixty miles north of.Seattle, W. T.
Also, gold and silver "strikes" are an
nounced in the vicinity of Snoqualmie
pass, same Territory.
Duel. San Francisco dates of the
14th give accounts of a duel, fought at
Saucelito, between Messrs. Smedburs
and Gardner. Smedburg was shot in the
hand Gardner escaped unhurt.
A Convention of Georgia editors is to
be held af Atlanta on the 24th. Their
revolvers and bowie-knives have been
trnsportcd thither at reduced rates by the
Express Companies. The Convention
ought to consult economy a little further,
and through "sealed proposals" to the un
dertakers, let their funerals to the lowest
General Washingtons body-servant is
dead again. lie was she, this time
colored and of the name of Mrs. Thur
neau. and died in Kentucky at the age of
llf years. Adieu, once more, immortal
fraud. - '
Major Rowan, an old and much res
pected citizen of Merced county (Cal.,
was killed by a man naned O'brien, on
the 22d ult., by blows in the head with a
Many of the papers berate Mrs. Stowe
for resurrecting the Byron scandle, when
it was sleeping comfortably, and giving
promise of "being forgotten , some day.
But why should we be sentimentally
charitable toward the memory of a bad
man, at tho expense of the fair memory
ot a good woman ? " The worst feature of
this rampant and growing discussion is
however, that the country journals are
taking sides ou it, and making a political
capital of the question of whether Byron
committed incest or not. The Republi
can papers go for universal suffrage, liq
uidation, and Byron did and the Dem
ocratic go for restricted suffrage, .repudi
ation, and Byron didn't.
Picpirchi, a volcano between Quito and
Guayaquil, S. A., has commenced a heavy
eruption. ; " ;
Telegraphic Summary.
The late Avondale disaster leaves 73
widows and 154 fatherless children.
- Tho Greut Council of the Improved
Order of Red Men is in session at St.
McMann's stable, at Hunter's Point,
was burned with another stable beside
it. Cord, a famous mare worth 15,000,
with many other fiue horses, was de
stroyed. Loss, $75,000,
The Red Stockings Base Ball Club of
Cincinnati is coining to California.
Perry Fuller has been arrested at St.
Louis, charged with aiding the fraudu
lent passage through the Now Orleans
Custom House of 5,000 bags of coffee.
Many ships, damaged by the late ter
rible storm on the New - England coast,
have put in for repairs.
All the Democratic candidates for
cily offices in Philadelphia have with
drawn, and an entirely new ticket will
be selected.
The miners unhesitatingly deaiy that the
Avondale disaster wasthe work of an in
cendiary. '
W arren Kennedy, auctioneer, Cincin
natijCommitted suicide by jumping out of
the fourth story, abovehis store.
Thirty armed negroes at Stanford, Ken
tucky, rescued from officers a negro being
conveyed to jail for trying to shoot an-"
other negro.
France. The Journal officially pub
lishes the text of the Senaus Consultum,
which is promulgated in the name of the
Emperor, and signed by Rouher and
countersigned by Duoergien. The fol
lowing is a synopsis :
Article 1.. The Emperor and the
Corps Legislatif have the privilege of
iniating laws.
Ait. 2. The ministers are dependent
on the Emperor. They deliberate under
his piesidency and are responsible, but
can only be impeached by the Senate.
Art. H. The ministers may be mem
bars "of cither chamber, and have free
access and the right to speak in both.
Art. 4. The sittings of the Senate
are open to the public, but on demand of
five meinbors the Senate may go iota
secret session."
Art. 5. Ti e Senate, after pointing
out modifications in a bill, may send it
back for further consideration to the
Corps Legislatif.
Art. G. The Senate may in any case
oppose the promulgation of a bill. In
such case the bill cannot be presented to
the Corps Legislatif duriug the same
session. .
Art. 7. The Corps Legislatif has
the right of .interpolating votes of confi
dence or want of confidence. Orders
dfjurc matures can be adopted, but must
be referred to fhe bureau as a matter of
rights whenever the government de
mands it. The bureau will then appoint
a commission to examine the mutter, on
whose reports the Corps will decide
whether to aeeept or reject the vote.
-Art. 8. 2s or amendment of a bili can
be discussed unless it has beeu previously
sent to the committee which considered
the bill, and also cdtniunicated it to the
government. If the government and
committee disagree on an amendment, a
council of state shall pronoucne its opin
ion, but the final decision Tests with the
Corps Legislatif.
Art. 9. t Budgets are presented and
voted by chapters and articles.
Art. 10. All modifications in the
custom or postal tariffs made through
treaties wi:h foreign nations, will require
a law to make them binding.
Art. 11. Relations of the Emperor
and the Senate and the Corps Legislatif
are changed only so far as they are mod
ified by the Senatns Consultum. Their
formal intercourse will be settled here
after by imperial decree.
Art. 12. Certain articles of the Con
stitution inconsistent with, the above
provisions are abrogated
The Daily Inland Umpire says the
people of California must-be using Anna
Dickinson badly, as the papers inform us
she goes through "A Struggle for Life"
with them every night.
In Sacramento county the entire Dem
ocratic ticket is elected, unless Duffy
(Rep.), for the Assembly, is the excep
tion. - . . ,
Wiieat Receipts For the - week
ending Sept. 17th, reported as below :
bush. lbs.
Beach A Monteith 6,691 21
J. II. Foster A Co ...10,S80
S. S.Markham A Son..... ..... 2,300
K. Cheadle 1,000
A. Cowen A Co... 3,600
D. i'roman.. . 1,800
. Total....!. .' ........ .25,271 21
Mistakes. -Again we repeat it, if
our carrier fails to leave the Register
for any of our subscribers, said sub
scribers will confer a special favor by
notifying us of such failure.
San Francisco Markets.
Flour Oregon brands are jobbing at
$5 75; city brands, $4 755 50.
Wheat Good shipping, SI 60; choice
milling, "81 65; demand for shipping
quiet.- f : ; -r- ? ,
Barley From 85c81 32.
Oats California, $1 20 ; Oregon,
$i 35.
Gold, -136 ll 36i.
Greenbacks, 73 J.
Wheat in New York, SI 701 75.
; Wheat in Liverpool, lis 2d.
Emperor Napoleon's health is reported
as very precarious.
John Tyler, Jr., son of ex-President
Tyler, is writing for Pomeroy's Demo
crat. TSugenie is said ta be really coming to
this country, next Summer.
E. O. Poliard is writiug for the New
York Times.
Jefferson Davis and Charles Mackay
are traveling together in Scotland.
The Czar has decreed that no girl
shall be compelled to marry any fellow
she doesn't want to. Huz czar.
Miss. Olive Logan is publishing
through Mr. F. W. Carletou a character--istic
volume called "Women and Thea
tres." Mrs. Julia Ward Howe recently
preached a sermon on woman suffrage
in the Unitarian church in Newport, R.
I. J
A Mane editor is eighty years old, but
has never seen a train of cars, and but
one steaniboat since Fulton's original.
, Isabella's head still ornaments Spanish
postage stamps". It gives her rebellious
subjects an op'ouunity to punch it.
A c rner4ot)in Cincinnati, which was
sold in 1798 for S5, was lately sold at
auction for the sum of 120,500.
The Jersey City officials declare their
locality to be entirely free from loose
women. It always has plenty of tight
men on hand. '
31 rs. Stanton and Mrs. Pauline. Davis
have been at Newport, arranging for the
forthcoming Womau Suffrage Conven
tion there.
A Boston critic, in speaking of a dan
seuse, thus exhibits his lunacy : "Truly
her limbs mellowed into her heart, as
with mellifluous motion she waved her
The young man of the period says,
there is one particularly good point in a
voyage across the ocean, which is, that
one can get as tight as he pleases every
day, and everybody thinks he's only sea
sick. A correspondent of the Boston Journal
says the whisky destroyed by the late
Philadelphia fire would have made sixty
one millions of "straight drinks," which,
at fifteen cents a glass, would amount to
eight-hundred millions of dollars, more
than one third of .the national debt.
A man passed through Allentown, Pa.,
the other day, pushing a wheelbarrow, in
which was seated his wife unable to walk,
from rheumatism, and who had been
trundled all the way there from Illinois.
Two little children of the pair tramped
by the side of the father the entire dis
tance. "es"!
Fanny Fern says : "if one half the
girls kuew the previous lives of the men
they marry, the list of old maids would
be wonderfully increased." Whereupon
the Boston Post asks : "If the men knew
what their future lives were to be,
wouldn't it increase the list of old maids
still further ?"
The Rev. Dr. Punshon,.who has visit
ed both cities, says that "at Chicago
everybody seems to be going to some
place; at Cincinnati they look as though
they had been there and returned.
A little boy in Iowa rolled down hil
with a rattlesnake clinging to him. Be
fore he died his body was the perfect
color of the reptile.
The water in Philadelphia is entirely
out, at last, and consequently the great
Baptist revival has beeu reduced to the
necessity of giving its note at 30 days to
new converts.
The individual who reached a conclu
sion has an arm three feet four inches
in length. -
Pectoral Ayer aspires to Congress.
Does he ex-pectoral-ly enough voters ?
"One JNight in Ten Bar-rooms," is a
forthcoming drama by Mark Twain.
Madame Anna Bishop has got to Chica
go in her voyage around the world.
Chandler will visit Cologne. His
breath will furnish the city with another
Stockingless ladies is the latest agony-
, u
Lydia Thompson is performing at El
mira. The Wizard oil troupe are at Schenec
tady. Anna E. Dickinson has been attending
horse-races in California. LCritic.
Boston is worth more than all New
Blondin is rope-walking in London.
The Queen of Portugal is red haired.
St. Jo is to have 500 Chinamen.
Grant violated the trout-fishing stat
ute. - Rosa Bonheur smokes.
Paper napkins are out.
A nephew of Patrick Henry is under
arrest in Lee county, Iowa, for selling
hogs without a license.
We have to doubt that 1,000 cane of
Mr. ScwardV. Two feet of the stick
would have to be the solidcst kind of pure
gold to be worth the money. You can't
get enough "iron, wood and specimens"
into a stick to make a thousand dollars
not a stick that a light-weight like Mr.
Seward could carry anyhow.
- - -
An epitaph in a rural churchyard
reads thus : "Here lies Bernard Light
foot, who was accidentally killed in the
forty-fifth year of his age. This monu
ment was erected by his grateful fami
ly i .
Office, So. til Front Street,
Adjoining thj Toll-graph Office, Portland, Oregon.
Special Collector of Claims,
Accounts, Notes, Bund., Drafts, and Mercan
tile Claims of every desrrhtiun throughout Ore
son and the Territories, WILL' BE MADE A
ED, ai well as with a luc regard to economy in
all business liintter.s intiu-t.-d to his care and the
proceeds p:iid over punctually.
Real Sstate Dealer.
Sept. 11. tf.
Albany, Septeml
Wheat, white, H bushel
Oats, Tt bushel
Potatjes, bushel..-
Onions, bushel
Flour, tX barrel
Butter, "ja It
Kirgs, p- dozen
Chickens, "f1 d-zen
Peaches, dried, 1 lb ,
Son p. f- 11)
Salt, Los AngcJos, "jl lb
Syrup, gallon
Tea, Young Hyson lt
" Japan, - "
" Black, " .......
Sugar, crushed, 'f lb
" Sea "
" Island. "
Coffee, f tb ;
Candles, "j lt
Rico, China. "j tb ,
Saleratus. 3 tbT
Dried plums, lb
Dried apples. tb.
Dried currants. lb
Bacon, hams, lb
" sides. "
'' shoulders, ";: lb
Lard, in cans, tb.
Beans, Y H
Devoes' Kerosene oil. "fi gallo
Turpentine, p gallon
Linseed oil, boiled, "A gallon-
White lead, fl kc
Powder, riilc. ft
To'iaeeo, Y W ".
Nails, cut, Yi lb
Domestic brown. Y' yard
Hickory, striped. Y .V'rd
Bed ticking, per yard
Blue drilling, Y1 yard
Flannels, Y yard
Prints, fa t colors, Y yard
Pork, Y1 fl
Mutton, Y f
Bee", on foot, Y- lh
er 18 1800.
I 2.
.. $4 50(3,5 00
.. $2 503 00
2 1
'.'$1 12il 25
1 00
.. . 1 00
75(0,1 00
14 tela
22 (a, 25
14 15
(ft, fi
(oil 00
SI 25 fill
$1 62-1 (Tfll
$4 00(f!j-t
7 5 tel
$1 00 1 50
. 20(5.30
O O O Ifc S
TSmt l!ioioginp!i IScsl,
Those that take White, or nearly so, are
Purple, Blue, Crimson, Pink, &c.
Sept. IS, Y9-2 J. A. WIXTER.
A LL persons aro hereby warned not to pur
X chase either of two certain Promissory Notes
made by me, one for $104, dated on the 9th of
September, 1S69, and one for $305, dated Sep
tember 10th, 1SC9, both made payable to Geo. A.
Edes, of Salem, Oregon, thirty day.s after date, in
gold coin of the United States, with interest at
twelve per cent, per annum, as both of said notes
were obtained by fraud and without considera
tion, and I will not pay the same nor any part of
Dated, September 15th, 1809.
2w3 , "By Powell a Flixx, his attys.
jQjs&i) Machine. A double-thread ffi
lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ; stitch alike on both
CH A 3 Celebrated Comuaon-Sonse A O
j5) L O Family Machine. Both ma- fij O
chines fully Warranted for S years. Machines
sent to any part of the coast by express, C. O. D.
Agents wanted in every town on tho Pacific coast.
Liberal commissi).
Pacific Sewing Machine Co.,
2y 109 Montgomery-st., S.F.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
FFICE On Main street, opposito Foster's
Brick. 1-69
ing heard .that it is commonly reported
throughout tho valley that they aro not purchas
ing Wheat, would, respectfully inform - their
Agents, Customers and Friends, throughout the
valley of tho Willamette that they are in the
market to purchase all tho surplus merchantable
wheat in the State and pay the highest market
rates, Cash on delivery in Portland. -Sept.
"OT9 TO HIT !"
Are now ready to execute all kinds of
Plain and Fancy Painting !
such as
Signs, Carriages, Buildings,
as well as .
Graining-, Paperhanging, Calcimining-,
and" in fact all kinds and styles of
that can be done with Paint and Brush, at
Give ns a call. Shop on Ferry street, over
Kuhn & Adams' wagon shop.
aug21-5U '
Insurance O o 1 1 1 j n n ,y
Chartered by special Act of CoDgressr,
Approved July 25, 1868
CLARENCE. E. CLARK, Philadelphia, Presi
dent. JAY COOKE, Chairman Fjnnnco & Executive
IIEN11Y I). COOKE, Washington, Vice Presi
dent. EMERLON" W. PEET, Thiladelph a, Secretary
it Actuary.
E. S. Tt'RNER, Washington, Assistant Sec
retary. FRANCIS . SMITn, M. P., Medical Director.
J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant Medical
THE attention of persons contemplating in
suring their lives, or increasing the amount
ol insurance they already have, is called to tho
special advantages offered by the NATIONAL
. : ARE:
It is a National Company, chartered by special
Act of Congress, 1868.
It has a Paid-up Capital of S1.C00.0C0.
At oners low ruics oi.rremiuui.
It furnishes Larger Insurance than other Com
panies fur the same money.
It is Definite and Certain in its Terms.
It is a Home Company in every locality.
Its Policies aro exempt from Attachment.
There are no Unnecessary Restrictions in the Pol
icies, t -
Every Policy is Non-forfcitnMo.
Policies may be taken which Pay to the Ins tired
their Full Amount and Return all the Pre
miums, so that the Insurance costs Only the
Interest on the Annual Payments.
Policies may be taken that will. Pay to the In
sured, after a certain number of years, Dur
ing Life, an Annual Income of One-Tenth the
Amount named in the Voliey .
No Extra Rate is charged for risks upon the
Lives of Females.
Insures not to Pay Dividends, but at so Iowa
cost that dividends will be impossible.
By the Charter of the Company, certificates of
obligations will be issued, agreeing to purchase
its policies at their value which,' when accompa
nied by the policy duly assigned or transferred,
are negotiable, and may bs used as collateral se
cur ty, in making loans from the Company or
from other parties.
The lTon. Jno. E. Sanford, Insurance Commis
sioner of Massachusetts, in his Report for 1863,
speaking of Dividends in Life Insurance Compa
nies, says , " The sooner such guarantees cease
to be made, and such expectations created, the
sooner Life Insurance will come to rest on its true
motive, and men Insure their lives for security,
and not for dividends. The host and the most
popular companies will then be those that prom
ise only equity, and render all that they promise,
and furnish the best security, with the most up
right and judicious management."
" By the Stock plan the full cash effect of the
premium is immediately secured to the insured,
the Company taking all the risk. By the Mu
tual plan, the full value in insurance of the pre
mium paid, is not secured to the policy-holder,
who takes a portion of the risk himself."
! Policies Issued In
3-oli or Currency,
For Oregon and Washington Territory.
Albany, September 11, 18C9-1W