VOL. 2. Moke Genius. ALBANY,; OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER M8;.f: 18693, t NO. 2. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1SG9. LOCAL AND CiliXEltAI, XKWS. Death hy Prowsixq. The body of Isaiah Mercier was brought to this city on last Saturday, from Yaquina Bay where he had gone from this city-for re creation and health, and at which place he lost his life on Thursday, the. 9th t 7 inst., by drowning. About all the infor luation we can obtain, alter thorough in quiry, in relation to the manner in which his death Vas brouirht alut-ia tkia s It seem? that Mereier was crossing from the mainland to the island in a canoe; about midway between the points, he was seen to fall from the canoe into the water some Indians near at the timev rescued the body, put it into the canoe and bro't it to the mainland; the canoo was partly tiUea with water, ana as Alereier was placed in the canoe face down, it is thought that if life was not extinct pre vious to his rescue, he mothered to death during the time that intervened before reaching the shore. The deceased was a blacksmith by trade, about forty years of age, unmarried, by' nativity a Frenchman or at least of French descent, had accu Ululated considerable property, and so far as we know had no relatives hereabouts, lie had been unable to labor for months past from paralysis, or somsthing of the sort. He. was buried on Sunday in Albany Cemetery. Peace to his ashes. For Harney. Messrs. Abe Hackle man, Jas. Elkins, Jason Wheeler and John Isqni, having in charge Mr. Jake Mann, of SaIem,Athe gentleman appoint ed by Gov. Woods to examine a,nd report on the condition of the Willamette Val ley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Iioad, left this city on Tuesday last on their way over the road to Lake Harney. On the favorableness of the report depends its reception by the Governor. The party will be absent betweflh three and four weeks. The only objection wc can raise to the road is the name it is en tirely too short. We respectfully sug gest a re christening, and let it read "Tho Albany, Lebanon, Seio, Jefferson, Brownsville, llarrisburg, Salem and Wil lamette Valley, Santiam River, Soda Springs, Clear and Fish Lake, Cascade Mountain, Harney Lake, Pack Train, Wagon and Drover's Road." This name once adopted, its fame would reach the uttermost ends of the earth, and no tour ist would be considered traveled unless ha had gone over this road, which is de cidedly the most delightful mountain road on the coast. For the above happy suggestion we are open to receive "stock" to any amount, only bounded by the lib crality of the Company. V ; We were shown, last Saturday, at the office of Messrs. Russell & Elkins, in this city, a model of what the inventor termed a ''Combined Seed sower ana Liang .now, auu basing our judgment ou the workings of the model and its "double-barreled" capacity, so to speak, we unhesitatingly pronounce it a "big thing" in the labor saving line- probably of more utility . than anything offered the agriculturist for" a long period. The driver, from bis seat, by means of a lever, raises or lowers the plows, two in number, with ease, thus enabling him to plow, in ground obstructed with stumps or stones with as much safety as in land where these obstructions were not to be met. By a slight pressure of the driver's foot on the frame to which the plows are attached, they can be made to plow as deep as wished. The plows can be de tached and the seed sower affixed iu five minutes. The seed sower is so arranged that by the simple adjustment of a screw the amount of grain sown per acre can be increased or diminished. One or more plows similar to this model were used during the past season by persons in this county, and they pronounce it a first class machine. The price of this combined machine is 8110 considerably cheaper than a gang plow and seed sower, separately, can be obtained for. Mr. II. will advertise the machine through our columns soon, giving a more minute de scription of its workings than we are en abled to do in this brief article. He will also have it on exhibition at our County Fair and at the State Fair. Of course a patent has been applied for. Deadheaded. Wc acknowledge the: receipt, through the attentive and polite Busy. Our farmers, some of them at least, who liad not succeeded in getting their grain in before the storm of Satur day night, waltzed in early Sunday morn ing, and have been as busy as bees ever i J iv l .;. i weather, to "finish-up." We are dis posed to to believe-fr om the information furnished us, that the amount . ofgram damaged by the rainfall throughout our county, will not be eo large as at first an ticipated . ' B.IO THING. Our frieud. Judge Bus-, sell has met with a big windfall no less than two hundred thousand dollars. He hasn't exactly got -his fingers on this nmount'ef coin of the realm, but he will "realize" just so sure as the "terminus" tf the 'N "JEN H R- is located it. the "centre of his realty at Tacoma, on Puget Sound and of course no one doubts such a pos8iBilit.I In any event "Bus." is a "square" man anCh he deserves -all that the Jkindest fortune -may shower upon Jum.,:."? ' ; fiB Trees. A-party of wood chop pers, about three miles from this city, report having foundno' less than seven bee treesj from'thre of which they have extracted the honey,-- The honey taken from. one tree, after being strained, filled two large wooden buckets.. . , Ike. Conk haB been elected First As sistant Foreman of 'Albany Fire Co. No. 1, vice P. n.1 Farroll, resigned? Ike will make a good officer, inent. ry ticket to the Linn pounty Fair, rrom Mr. Jone3 we learn that prepara tions are being made by tlje-various par ties interested in the manufacture of gang plows, to contest for the premiums offered by the Association for the plows doing the best work, and it is predicted that the "Plowing Match" will be one of the most interesting features of the occa sion. The srround is in splendid condi tion, and all can have a fair showing for the premiums. Come one. come all. More V en-ison. Four ot our citi zens, Alessrs. liiley, Kubart, Ketchum and Wash. Anderson, returned from an other successful hunt on Monday even- They had been out about Lower Soda, had been absent ten days, and se cured thirty venison. This makes sixty three deer slain by this party in the last six weeks. On this last trip, only three days of the ten were devoted to hunting. Oh, no! 'taint-our fellers that know how to "go for' deer ! What he Tiunks. Judge Kelly, a member of the Ways and Means Com mittee of Congress, who visited this coast a short time since, seems to have ob tained a clear idea of the future greatness and prosperity of the PacifiO'Coast. In a receut conversation-with the editor of a Philadelphia paper, he is reported, as raying that in his judgment San Fran cisco will ere many years cease to be the chief city of the Pacific slope, and that a A Quaker Detective, - v; - BY JUDCiE rARK. ; t We were five- passengers ; in all ; two city, far outshining her in her palmiest days, will be built on Puget Souud. I lie expressed the opinion that Oregon, in? the time to come, w;n be more densely popu lated than California, and speaks in the most glowing terms of the agricultural and climatic advantages possessed by hei. In regard to the China question wbieh so; agitates our Democratic inksliugers at present, he advances some ideas that do serve the close attention of all professed Christians and well-wishers of our com mon country. Incidentally admitting that the Chinese may be excluded by prohibition, yet he advocates their immi gration among us ; points to their known frugality, thrift and industry, and urges that they ; receive ample protection and justice at our hands. He argues that their presence here i3 not a matter of taste with ourselves, yet their advent among us: he believes to be but the work ing out of one of the great problems of God Almighty, which will eventually result, in christianizing China. Judge Kelly is undoubtedly a man of keen vis ion and clear judgment, aud we are led to believe from the published sentiments purporting to come from him, that he is a fitnijfrieod of the Pacific coast, and es- fcutlly of Oregon, and one who fully understands our wan:s, and will ever be Secretary, Mr. A.,C; Jones, of a eoRpli- UeadyJwUh. voice "and influence in her mont. rv tifikofc t.n tht 1 Ann i.nnntxr Pir i T -t"in.: : - ' , beb!alf. Patent Received, Charles F. Gay, Esq., received sometime since, through Messrs. Russell & Elkins, letters patent, securing to him and his heirs the exclu sive right , to' manufacture the 'Gay Plow" for. the next seventeen years H Tom Elliott hated .mathematics? ?The Professor at West Point once "askedTom to explain the method of ascertaining the horissontal parallaxjjf .tho-uri.!. Tom said he did not know": 'Bufc' said thB-,pro-fessor. -"suppose you wefe appointed by the Government to ascertain it, -what would you do?" Said: Tom, ,'Td ro- A Genius. A. certain.-. CoL Morton. S. McAfee, a resident of Illinois, is cer tainly a genius of thefirst water. - An exchange in speaking of .hhtt-Bays : . Ile has lately received a patent for a self-operating water elevator; , This in vention is contrived so as to make use of heat that is created for other purposes whether natural or artificial for raising, water for house, ornamental or other pur poses. The elevator for household uses is about the size of a"quar?cupy and will raise at least '30 gallons "per hour from a well or cistern,-and i by 4he use. ' the necessary piping wlJead ;the ' water to any part ef -the house. 'He' js jilao , the inventor of "a. - self-signting- camaon ap proved and adopted by the War Depart ment ; -and also of a curiou4 inetfument by which distances can- be measured by simple ocular observation thafcis", a" pro ficient can tell by that use of 4his appara tus: the' distance of -an object: by merely looking "at the object. The latter i also the cronertT of -the t.War- Department; but being invented near the close of lhe" war, was never maae use ox as an aia 10 military oparations. Probable Causb. An old feud is said to have existed between the Welch and Irish' miners, and as the latter had threatened the former for notbein; more active trt the latS stHkej i is-thought the wood partition and lattice in the shaft was purposely set on fire by some of their number, causing the jjreat destruction of life in the Avondale--coal mine (Pcun.) on the Cth instant. Decrease. op Governmental . Ex penses. -A telegram of the 10th states that the warrant books of the Treasury Department shows that the expenses of the Governmgnt for the .fiscal year just closed,; were 585,000,000, against $1, 070,000,000 tho year before. Consider able differecee.i . , ; r, - Killed. One of the robbers of Wells, Fargo & Cos express in Montana, spoken of last week, was killed, and another badly wounded by a arty. in pursuit, a few days since, r Part of the treasure was also recovered. t " - ;- . How tub EcLirsE was Reported in CHiCAGO.-f-TheibllowiDg is publish ed as a copy of the instructions recently given to a- Chicago reporter by the man aging editor, of his paper : - Mr. ; In writiug iip" the eclipse you will please observe the following in structions : --L ' " 1. Sympathize ' with the movement half a column. " : - " 2." The pr6bable "benefits resulting to the gas companies of Chicago give tab ular statistics half column, i 3. -Its effect on; population. Babies born under the' influence of ihe eclipse will be niggers with coronal of white Go into nigger question from time of Ham to emancipation proclamation' half col umn, V ;."- - V ' - 4. Generalsplurge Kmotations."Hues of earthquake, and eclipse" Shelley. ju mgut wimnue go Diaet" shake speare. lhat may be expanded into a column and a half.- " .: 5. ",GenraLsketch: of; earlv eclioses. bringing down e thft history. ; of Chica go. . b. .-Interview - man in the moon i make- this- lramcrous-,rin the 'Pickwickian style-ii-half columns ,'ilti. - 7 Anecdotes of. ulanefa.'!" Mercnrv. Venus,. Mars, Jupiter, etc. see , Lemp rier's Classical Dictionarv. " ' .8. Effects of eclipse on sramblers in Chicago go into facts. i). Moral effects. ' . , : r i ) "' ' " ' Secrexae' or WAil---Gen; Shennan I has been appointed Secretary -of ' War etd interim. ladies on the -back scat, a middle-aged gentleman and a Quaker in -the middle,: and myself on the other in front. , The two Indiea.inight have been mother and daughter aunt and niece governess and charge, or njight have sustained any other relationsuip which "made it proper tor-tiw ladies ttf travel- alone and' unat tended. -j " - -rt f ' 1 he ; imddlea2cu . gentleman, waa sprishtlv and talkativ. , Ho soon struck 3D -anapquaigtaReje- withTlhjeasdiesl toward whom in his zeal to do, he rather more overdid than,' was perfectly agreea ble, bowing and , smiling aud chatting over his shoulder in a way ' painfully sugqrestive.at his time of life, of a "crick" in his heck. . lie- was evidently a gray Lothario. , " ' The Qualter wore the uniformof his sect, and confined his speech, as many a parliamentarian" would save credit by doing, to simple "yeas" and "nays." As for myself, I make, it an invariable rule of the road ta be merely a lookcron and listener. . ' ' - . Toward-evening I was aroused fcom one of those reveries which ay oung man, without being ; either a poet or a lover, sometimes falls into, by the startling and rather abrupt query of. the talkative gentleman i - - , . ;' ' Are you armed f" w r "I am not," I answered, astonished, no doubt visibly, at the questiou. - . , "I am sqrry to hear it," he replied, "for before, reaching our next stopping place it will be several hours into the night, and we must: pass over a portion of the road on which more than one rob- bery is reported to have been lately com mitted', . . ' The ladies turned pale, but the stran ger dicftiis be"st to ro-assure them. "Not tbatJE thinkr there is the slightest danger at- present," he resumed, "only when one is responsible for the safety of ladies, you know, .such a thing as a pis tol within reach would materially add to one's confidence." t "Your"1 principles, my friend," ad dressing the Quaker, "I presume, -are as much opposed to carrying as using carnal weapons," ,, . - . "Yea." was the response.- - iILayelj.e.rjllain5 murderjdanyvpf 1 theif victims i the elder lady nervously inquired. - . .. ... ' ;-. : ". j "Or hava" they contented r themselves withtyith-rp-jttog.- them ?", added the younger,; in timorous voice. "Decidedly the latter," tho amiable gentleman, hastened to give assurance ; "and as none-of us are prepared to offer resistance in- case of . attack, nothing worse than irobbery can possibly befall US. . i . . Theu, after blaming his thoughtless-: ness in having introduced a disagreeable subject, thei, gentleman quite excelled himself in his efforts . to raise the spirits of - the company, and succeeded so well by the time night set in, that all had quite forgotten or only remembered their fear to laugh, at them. x '? Our genial companion "fairly talked himself hoarse- perceiving which, he took from his pocket a package of newly invented " Cough candy," and. after passing it first to the ladies, he "helped himself to the -balance, and tossed the paper out of the window. X 3- ! He was in the midst of a high encom ium on the new nostrum, more than half the efficacy of" which, he insisted, de pended on its being taken by suction when a shrill whistle was heard, and .al most immediately we stopped, when two faces, hideously blacsed, presented them selves, one at each window. v r'. ,. "Sorry to trouble you," said . the man on the right, acknowledging, with a bow two lady-like I screams from the back seat, but 'business is 'business, and ours will soen be over if things go smoothly." v "Of course, gentlemen, you will spare, as far as consisent ' with your disagreea ble duty, the jfeelings of these ladies," appealed . the polite a passenger in his blandest manner. - i ,"Oh, certainly.;- they shall be attended to first, and shall not be - required to leave their seats, or submit to a search unless their .conduct renders it neces sary. "And - now, ladies, con tinned the robber, the barrel of .his pistol glittering in the : light of the coach-lamp, be so good as to pass out your purses, watches, and such other trinkets as may be acces sible without too much trouble." The ladies came down handsomely. and were.no further molested. ' " ' . One by one the rest of lis were com pelled to get out the middle-aged "gen tleman s 1 turn '.coming nrst. :jtie sub- mitted with ;a winning: grace, and was robbed like a very Chesterfield. - MY own afiair; luce the sum 1 lost, is scarcely worth mentioning." The Qua ker's' tarn came. next. He quietly handed over- his pockeVbook' and watch. and when asked'Jf he had any other val- nables, said Nay,"w . A Quakers word, is gjod even among i : J thieves ; io, aftet hftsty 'faood night.'? f the roDber thrust the pistoha his" Docket; wnu - wim jus iwo companions, one of wuoui had held the reins of the leaders. W4 -auout taking ms -aenartnrc. S'Stop 1" exclaimed, the. Quaker, iii t tone of command more than of request "btcp.! what for?" returned the other.'iri evident surprise, - r- ; 'Por a least - two good - reasons-was; Xhtr reply omphasizsd witlravBouple of xerrmgers eoctod and presented; : , " Help I" shouted the robber. ! .'Stop. T!. -the: .Quaker againvexclaimed,-"And- if one of thy sinful companions ad vances a step to thy. cejief. 'the spirit will urSy-MM w-me- to 4ykW thy AtnniSt6t The . robber at. the opposite window,' and the one at the leaders' Leads, thought it a good time to leave. - , - "Uow get in, friend," said the Quaker, still covering his man, "and r take the middle soat j but first deliver up thy pis tol." ' The other hesitated. - "Thee had better not delay j I feel the spirit beginning -to move my right;' fore finger." . The robber did as he was directed, and the Quaker took his place by his side, giving the .new-comer the middle of the seat. , . . - The drittr, who was frightened' half out ot his wits, now set forward at a rapid rate. ' .Tho lively gentleman eodn recovered his vivacity, lie was especial ly facetious on the Quaker s prowess. -You're a rum Quaker, you are. Why, you don't quake worth a cent." ::"':" -: "I'm not a 'Shaking Quaker,' if that's what thee means." VOf the - U ickoryor rather of the 'Old Hickory' stripe, I should say," re torted the lively man ; but the Quaker re-lapsing into his usualmonosylables, the conversation flagged,' " Time sped, and sooner than we expect ed, the coach stopped where we were to have supper' and a change of horses. We, had deferred a redistribution af vour ef fects till we should reach this place, as the dim light of ' the coach lamp would have rendered it difficult before. ; -a It was now necessary however, that it should be attended to at once, as our jo vial companion had previously announced his intention of leaving us at this point. He proposed a postponement until after supper, which he offered to go and order. ' "Nayy". urged the Quaker, with an ap proach! to a.bf uptaesa, and JayLaghis hand on the other's arm; . "Businesa before pleasure, and for business there , is no "Will thee be good enough to search the prisoner ?" he said to me. still keep ing his hand in a . friendly wayon the! passenger s arm. - , - - " I did so. but not ,one - of the, stolen articles could be found I ' " " "He must have gotten rid of them 'in the coach," the gay gentleman succested. and immediately offered to go and search. otop i thundered tna Quaker, tight- ening his grasp. . - - The man turned pale, and struggled to release his arm.. In an instant .one of the Derringer's was leveled at his Heart.' "Stir a hand or foot and you are a dead; ml" - . : fv , r A Neav iNDVSTRYriAs nn, evidence-' of tb f'getlip and i get" propensities of ourrpeOple,Ltre, hve . ehronicled almost every week for months: jpaat some new in vention "in mecKauicso' .new . labor saving machureomMhtriglouJatcd to relievo humanity "Irorahard laborThii. we.Qk,,'bes6!e8; noticing" the application for a l'nD'iuiprovcd" gaigTplow; and aoeil wcr.'combraedV'.'we - chronicle the miD'rtant fact that' Messrg. Mahan & Il'endersoojof Brownsville; itf this county," have succeeded 'in.-.manuiacturiDfi- -an" tiohal Washing-Compound' a discovery that will doubtless carry pleasure to many a household where) heretofore, "washing day" was dreaded as'vthe "-most dreadful day of the week..'. It is claimed for this "Compound," that no washboard is need- , ed all that Is. necessary is to let the' clothes soak over night in. water prepared with it, "wring out" in the morning, boil a short time, and after rinsing through "two waters," they are ready to be-hung out to dry. Here's a big washing done up in no time. Tho "Compound? haa other merits which we have' &di dime to notice now. - J , " , "Letteu in the Post Office." Somebody we know but don't intend to mention names, vent ' one :J3unday,; not over eight years ago, in v buggy behind a pair of horses, on- a little excursion. into the conntry, to sec. the 'old folks' ' of course.' He drove" up in" style, got out, hitched his team, and walked into the. house, and as ' there - was a room full,: mostly females, ho -made several pro- vuuA UUITD, DUJIUU klia OITOVUli LUC while, before taking his seat and palling off" his "lavenders ,'; He noticed: that everybody seemed to be in the most hap py moodi and yet one by one the females left the jpoom until hut one lady was" left. He gotr up to cross the room and inquire what's up, when a little nrchfff'wKo didn't care a cent for the proprieties, popped his. kaiin to .Abejiaflr nnd jfUnl nut, i'Sto- you, there's a letter in the Post Office .for you !" If ever a. jinn. wilted f'frilla" man He soon found it necessary, to .go out anU scoow his tam got along and when he r-fajrli outside, and got; good . loelcXAhe awful "rent?' - In his welh5"we.wiirsay th? back of his coat, he exclaimed boywai vrigLT; there rws loom endii rfor & whofe mail, papers jand all'. -. He i.me home earlv. - S-. V man! The Quaker, must have been awfully excited so completely to forget both, the language aud the principles of his -'per suasion. , . i t . . . - Placing the other pistol in mv hand. with directions to firo on the first of the two men. that made a suspicious move ment, he went to work on Lothario, from whose pockets, inr less time than it takes to tell it, he "produoed very item of the missing property, to the: utter amazoment of the two ladies, who had begun, in . no measured. terms, to c remonstrate agamst tho shameful treatment the gentleman wa3 receiving. ;t y , , " c"' . The Quaker, '! need scarcely add, was no Quaker at;all, but a shrewd detective, who,had been set on the track -of a band of desperadoes of whom-our middle-aged friend who didn't .look near so middle aged when his wig was off was the chief.'. The robbery . had - been - adroitly planned. The leader" pf.'the" gang had takenVpassago in ' the- eoaeh,?and after learning, aa he supposed, our defenceless condition had .'given the " signal to his companions by throwing out the scrap of paper already mentioned. After the un expected capture of the' first robber, it was attempted to save the bootr bv se cretly passing it to- the accomplice, still believed to be nnsuepeoted,4 who counted on being able o make off with it at the next stopping place.. - , ... The result was that bothfor a season, ... . . MW " KJJ T 4 J .".4 j , ,,,, . , ' . ' , l .Cold Winteb. Ve aotico that the most of j our exchanges speak' of cold Winter as almost certain to follow in the wake of a long dry summer; - r lNcaEA8rNO.-The rebellion in Kew Zealand is said ; to':Jbe' incteteirigand great alann is caused thereby ? - Still Anotheb. -Chas. H. Wrisht, chief editor of the Chicago Timei died of heart disease on tho 10th insfi. ' ;H.BCo'XltmsA -eCommis- hioners appointed foJhat purpose have V41?J ason;?. --ey Company J45000u,and'the Puget Sound Comna- tJISOSOOO.: Tese KdjaniM are' re- qTv.re(t,by the eward to release all posses-sictis.andl-ihts in Oregon and Washing ton Tcrritofye the United States. - : "Sad Bereavement. Frotn-tLa Jack sonville Sentinel we learn: e y "un g st son of Judge J acobf, ag Lc lontLs, died in that city ori the 7thn'.S". Pkaibie Dogs. A recen , letter writ ten on these curieus little: annimals says they prefer to live with rataesaakes khd owls, and that their holes do. not connect because you can drown them nut. with water. Parjt of this, at least, is a-mistake. , The rattlesnake takes forcible possession of the prairie dog's house, and no$ being M,t6 expel htm, the poor little dog is forced to put up with s his' obnox ious company. The hold is 'deep; dry1 and furnished with warm beds for Winter, which suits his snakeahip exactly. s Nor is the snake always grateful,- for it fre quently happens that afte enjoyin" the little dog's hospitality for half a year he will eat up the little fellow - Those, who have opened prairie dog holis have often found the' bones of. the dot? eomtletalr eaten bare by the snake. A The jowl lives r ou me excrescence ot. the deg, and is perhaps a convenient. And agreeable oom- faion: ajtwwerinir the purpose of ' house keeper. ,-The dog holes' often-. connect and to amount of water water will , drown them- out.':, In larce doar - towns it .is - fair io. presume that' each and .'every r house connects with one 5 or two oteer . - houses, -and that the little dog can travel all over the town by underground paasa- f;esf liave seen mora than s., thousano living in one dommunity, and who .could till of the fetelry By ' night in. that vast eitV of subterrafleoua houses?" Perhaps some venerable dog held court as Jcin, and assembled his people . in specious nalls Letter from .Cheyenne. "