SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER llr 1869. UNITED STATES OFFICIAL PAPEB. Willed." An Illinois farmer lias willed the Pope 40,000. ' Decreased. The city of Dubuque, Iowa, has decreased in population during the last two years, 3,138. Present pop ulation, 1S.084, Wkli. Supplied. The population of Sitka is set down at 000, with sixty bar rooms and two breweries to supply their liquids. ' . Opposed. It is teported that Secre taries Fish, Boutwell and Hoar strongly opposed the appointment of George Wilkes as Minister to China. New Stamps. :It is announced that, owing to the general dissatisfaction with the new postal stamps, orders have been given to prepare designs for new issues. The old designs are to be destroyed. ' " ...... ... Another Rebellion.- The editor of, the Mobile Register, John Forsyth having taken umbrage at flic result of tho late election in Alabama, calls on the rvi' another rebellion. Supreme Court. On the 8th the following gentlemen were examined and admitted to practice : G. II. Dai ham, C. A. Ball, T. C. Hyde and J. W. Baldwin. They were highly complimented by the Chief Justice. A singular book is now being pub lished in Europe a practical work founded on ihc btory of the New Testa ment, to which is appended a description of Oregon and its scenery. It is. written by Rev. Father De Lorme, who has re sided at St. Louis, Oregon, for the last twenty-five years, and who is "now in Rome attending the Ecumenical Council. Heavy Robbery. On the night of the 31st ult., Wells, Fargo & Co.'s stage was stopped by eight men, masked, and the driver compelled to. deliver the treasure box of the ; express company, which contained 830,000 in gold; to them. The robbers then, ealuted the passengers .in a courteous murmerymd rrvl nflF ..witH , tLoir -rnri-- Thla hin. , " J " 1' pened as above, at Malad Summit, Utah, about 65 miles north, of Corrienne. The passengers had an aggregate of 40,000 on their persons. Vermont Election. Telegrams from Vermont to the 7th instant, speak of the late political canvass in that State as the greatest known for many- years. The returns from thirty-three towns, casting about one-fourth of the vote ol the State, give Washburne, Republican, 16,691 votes; Heaton, Democrat, 2,162, showing a reduction in the Republican vote of thirty-three per cent, and nearly thirty-seven per cent, on the Democratic vote. Washburne and the Republican ticket are elected by from 19,000 to 20,- 000 majority. - - . Great Loss of Life. On the morn ing of the 6th, a fire broke out in the flue at the bottom of a shaft in the Avon dale coal mine, at Plymouth, Pennsyl vania. Not less than 138 nor more than 250 men and boys, including the super intendent, were at work in the mine, none of whom, at latest dates, had been rescued, the gas being so strong that no attempt made to reach the mine had been successful. It is feared that al have perished. The excitement is in tense thousands upon thousands of peo ple having congregated in the vicinity of the mines, doing all in their power to rescue the poor fellows incarcerated in them. At last accounts (8th inst.), ef forts to flood the mine and extinguish the fire were being made. At Salem, on the evening of the 8th, Hon. Wm. H. Seward delivered an ad dress to an audience of two thousand persons. The address is reported in full by the Unionist. We have room only for the closing paragraph : Citizens of Oregon, it is long since we . iv jluuwu, mougn it is only just now that we have met each other. I have been made profoundly sensible of this fact by your invitation, which found me At sea, by the welcome given me on : ar riving in port," by the reception and mu nificent hospitality bestowed upon me in your great commercial city of Portland by the hospitalities, State and municipal' fif this interesting Capital, and by way Bide entertainments in the village, at the ferry, at the cross-roads and in tW fa- house. If my presumption were equal to my gratitude, . I should not fail to in- 1 1.1 i r " iorever.uieBsingB.ui ior au sorts and ponamons oi men upon Uregon. 'Railroad. Nearly a full Board of tho Directors of the East Side road were in session at Slem on Tuesday, as we learn lrom the. Unionist. They were called together 'to transact important matters looking to the prosecution of the road. The arrival of ja ship load of iron at San Francisco for- Holladay & Co., causes a general feeliug of satisfaction, and puts to flight nil doubt as to the completion by fall of the first section of twenty miles of this road. Ben. Holla day was also in Salem, and he declares his intention of not only completing the first twenty miles, but to push the road on to Salem as fast as possible. Bully for Ben. Another Comet. The Delphi, Indi ana, JonrmtJ, under the above heading, gives the following startling information : For ten years past astronomers have told us that during tho months of July, August and September, in this year, the most wonderful comet the world has ever known, would reappear. This comet is on time. It is now to be seen with the naked eye, any clear night, in the north ern part of the heavens, between eleven and twelve o'clock, and from that time until the morning star rises. Astrono mers assure us that this comet will ap proach nearer the earth than any comet ever did before, and that either the earth or the comet will have to change its course, or a collision is inevitable. This comet is said to be many thousand times larger than the earth. It is a solid mass of fire, with a tail of fire that would reach around the earth more than a hundred times, and a collision with our planet is not an event to be very earnest ly desired. . . . ( Low Fare. W. II. Martin, Esq., gen eral agant of the International Emigrant Aid Society, of Baltimore, Maryland, now stopping in Portland, is the Demo crat's authority for stating that fare ' for immigration from New York to San Fran cisco will soon be reduced from $60 to 850, currency. At that price, iwho wouldn't be an immigrant? j Arrived. A telegram from i San Francisco to Ben. Holladay at Salem, dated the 6th, states that the 2?oricay had arrived. This vessel contains rail Toad track ire n for .building ten miles of the East Side road. The same telegram says that two first-class locomotives have been contracted for, to be sent overland by the 10th of November. Two addi tional locomotives are coming by sea. Tight Shoes. The Salem Unionist of the 7th has the subjoined : Yesterday, Dr. Carpenter's daughter, at her own selection, submitted to a sur gical operation both severe and painful. She had two ef her' toes, one from each foot,- taken off at the joint where the metatarsus and phalanges arc joined. The deformity necessitating this opera tion was caused by wearing a pair of tight shoes about four years ago. About a year since the tendons that caused the toes to contract were severed, and splints applied to straighten them, but without accomplishing the object. The Dr. re grets very much that the operation had to be performed, and he desires the case reported as a warning to parents. Per sons while young at least should wear shoes large enough i to allow the feet to grow along with the other parts of the body. ' Scarcity of Water. Considerable excitement has been created in New York on account of the scarcity of water, the Croton Teservoir failing to supply the demand. Philadelphia is also "going dry," and water is getting scarcer every day, and the authorities are becoming seriously alarmed. - ? Chinese for the South. Parties report having made a contract for. a thousand Chinese laborers, in ' San Fran cisco, who are to I be sent to Georgia within three months. Circus. Lee . & Ryland's circus which has been divided, one part playing in Washington Territory and the ether in Montana, will be consolidated, we are in formed, and will exhibit nightly on our Fair grounds -during the Fair. ' Resigned.- Senator Grimes, of Iowa, has sent in his resignation to the Gov ernor of that State, to take effect De cember 15th. - ; A New York telegram announces that peculafions in the 'Treasury Department to the amount of $65,000 have been dis covered. ' ! DEAD.-Secretary -'Rawlins died in Washington City, 6a the "afternoon of Monday, the "CtkinsL, ", '. t . v , , Hayti.7 One dollar in gold is valued at one thousand dollars in paper- money in Jiayti. Telegraphic Summary. I New York; Sept. 6. The Fashion Course rttivntHg race, four mile heats, between--, ilkerson's Flora Mclver, M cove's Privateer," and Weldon's Alder man, was won-, by Flora, after an inter esting contest. Privateer being a favorite against the field, two to one, al ter runniug the- sccoud- luxat. The best time was 7:351. j Albany, Sept. G. There is much activity among those interested in the Susquehanna railroad election to-morrow. Fish and others of his party here are of the impression that the llaiusey inter est will carry the day. . Gov. 'Hoffman has appointed delegates to the Southern Convention at Louisville, October 12th. Among those appointed are Horatio Seymour, Horace Greeley, Wm. C. Bryant and other distinguished citizens. Raleigh, Sept. (?. ExGovornor Worth died last niirht. Cincinnati, Sept. 6. dry goods merchant, committed suicide last night by taking morphine. .. In the School Boaid to-night a resolu tion was offered to put the Bible and saercd song books out of the . public schools in order to remove the objectious of the Catholics against them j also to appoint a committee , to confer with the Catholic Church authorities as to the terms on which the Catholics will send their children to the public schools. Washington, Sept. 7. Attorney General Hoar, General Sheridan and others sent telegrams which were read to Secretary Rawlins before his death, ex pressing respect and affection for his dangerous condition. Secretary Raw lins, with deep emotion, expressed grati tude at these manifestations of affection and interest, lie said: "If the love of my friends could do it, I would soon be a hearty man." There were present at the time of the death of Secretary Rawlins, Secretaries Cox and Robeson, Postmaster-General Cresswell, General Giles A. Smith, Gen eral John E. Smith, Commissioner Parker, James Rawlins, brother of the deceased, Gen. Howard, Mr. Chadwick, Surgeon General Barnes, Drs. Bliss and Peterson: The body wa3 enbalmed soon after his death, and dressed in the full uniform of a Major-General. General Grant ar rived here by a special train a few hours after his death. He expressed regret that owing to non-delivery of telegrams at Saratoga he was prevented from starting sooner for Washington. The President sent a dispatch to Gen. Raw lins' wife, at Danbury, Conn., informing hereof his death, and expressing the highest esteem for the deceased. The funeral of Secretary Rawlins will take place on Thursday. The remains will be taken to the Congressional bury ing ground. An informal meeting of the Cabinet was held to mature arrange ments for the funeral, which arc, how ever, subject to modification suggesed by the widow of the deceased, or such action as may be taken by his own State, Illinois. Tho body will be removed to the War Department, to lie in state. A catafalque is being prepared for the purpose. The public departments will be closed to-day. At a meeting of the citizens of New York, held at the Sub-Treasury on the 7th, a proposition to raise 50,000 for Mrs. Rawlins was carried, and 615,000 raised on the spot, 1,000 of which was subscribed by President Grant. An epidemic; natme unknown, has appeared among the cattle of Orange county, New York. The Pacific Mail Co.'s steamers leave New York via the Isthmus but twice a week hereafter, on the first and fifteenth. Senator Fessenden still lingers. His recovery is deemed doubtful. The municipal election in Wilmington (Del.) resulted in the eleetion by the Republicans of the Mayor and a major ity of the City Council. On the 7th, in Chicago, David Welch, a street car driver, deliberately shot and fatally wounded his wife while she was entering the door of- her father's house. The lady, who was young and handsome, learning that Welch had another wife, left him and sued for a divorce The parties had been married but' a year. When arrested, Welch expressed joy at the deed. Negotiations for a light cables on Prof. Varley's plan, from America tcl Ireland have been inaugurated. Unless the proposition pending with Spain results in an armistice, during which the question at issue between Cuba and Spain can be adjusted, it is now regarded certain that a proclamation will be issued recognizing the bellig erents. . .... Advices from Mississippi. indicate the nomination of Dent and the defeat of the Conservatives. : ' ; General Sherman is discharging the duties of the War Department. It is announced from Paris that Na poleon attends to his affairs daily ; that he suffers from, rheumatism, but at no time has his condition been -dangerous. Spain is considerably J excited in rela tion to the possibility of losing Cuba. Some of the journals say it would be a lasting dishonor, and advise dispatching the' last man ; and expending .the last dollar rather than it shall be accomplished. Esterlas, at the head of thirty Carliats, had"- been., defeated by national1 troop near, : Genoa. : tHoa Carhst , bands .known to be on Spanish soil. . ; The cotton r cron in the - interior of Egypt is reported excellent in quantity and qtfality. -". - Chills "struck us'' during the week. suws paragraphs The Sacramento Union asks 'Governor Ilaight if he "does not know that a Dem ocratic ; Legislature " in 1852 voted in favor of coolie importation as a benefit to California, and a needed supply of la bor?" ' The Yreka Journal says that at the next general election in California there will be the greatest reaction in favor of the Republican party ever known, from the fact that the China scare will be dead and buried. The Hawaiin Inlands papers give de tailed accounts of the reception of the Duke of Ediuburg (Queen Yictoria's.son) iu the ship Gidatca, which he commauds. The Gala ten left the Islands on the SOtlr of July for Japan. The PtK t Townsend paper says : Some Robert Dodge, J twelve Indians were poisoned at Port Discovery a few days ago, from eating muscles gathered in the harbor. Two of them died the w'ell known buck, Jimmy Ducks, and one squaw. ! Dakota Territory will soon be knock ing at the doors of the Union. Villages are said to be springing up there rapidly. More than 5,000 persons emigrated to the Territory this summer. The present population is reckoned at 20,000, and 47,000 acres of land have lately been taken up under the homestead and pre emption laws by actual settlers. The Victoria Colonist of the 3d has the subjoined account" of a steamboat elopement : " Tho steamer Veruna has been libelled by Captain Glidden of Port Orchard. It is charged that she was forcibly taken possession of by Captain Spaulding7 who threw the true captain overboard and steered the vessel to Vic- ats toiia. The eteamer, it is further al leged, was in the custody of the Court of Bankruptcy at the time of the skedaddle. The Judge of the Bankruptcy Court was preparing to come aboard, and his wife, who was already aboard, was car ried off and landed ou an island a mile and a htrif distant from" Port Orchard. No clearance was obtained at Port Town send. Taken all in all, the case is the liveliest we have known since tha ske daddle of the steamer Alexandra to the American side in 1864, and her subse quent re-capture by parties from this side." Killed by Wieberg, living A Kick. A man named this city, was kicked on the stomach by a vicious horse, on Wednesday last, from the effects of which he died in about twenty-seven hours thereafter. Lamas. The last ocean steamer at Portland brought up two Peruvian Lamas, which are to be added to the other attractions of the Great World Circus. As this show will be opened here during the County Fair, all can have a sirht at them. Returned. Rev. II. C. Jenkins re turned on Wednesday last, looking much improved ; by his trip north. He will hold divine service at the M. E. Church as usual, to-morrow. Good Evidence. A train of six wagons arrived iu Salem on the 7th inst., en route for Clackamas county, says the Unionist. One wagon is from Iowa, two from Colorado, and three from Missouri thirty persons in all. They came over the W illamette Valley & Cascade Moun tain Road, which they pronounce an ex cellent one unimpeachable evidence. They will be valuable acquisitions to Clackamas county, where they intend to " hang up," Earthquake. A shock of earth quake was felt at St. Thomas, West Indies, on the 29th ult. . . Leprosy.- A girl in London bought a chignon, and caught the leprosy from it. The rice crop of Louisiana, now being gathered, is estimated at 80,000 barrels. . . . Old Vesuvius is expected to com mence another eruption at any moment, as the indications are favorable. Some time ago a squaw became jealous of another squaw in the Klamath Lake country, so much so. that she deliberately murdered her rival and hid her body away. , .. : San Francisco Markets. Flour Extra', S5 75 j outside brands, $4 75. . . Wheat r Fair , to choice shipping, $1 551 .70 ; inferior grades, $1 20 Oats Average market price seems to be $1 35; extremes, Clr 50. Barley We quote at 90(a95c.' ' Legal tenders, 73 i. Gold, 136(3) Wheat in New-York, $1 75 : flour. $6 509 50. . ' Wheat in Liverpool, lis. 2d. Wheat 'Receipts For the week ending Sept. 2d, reported as below : ; - httph. ffs. Beaoh A Monteith... rr........"0i8 35 J. II. Foster i Co 7,280 S. S. Markhara A Son..'. 1,911 H. Cbeadle 1,00U A. Cowcn fc Co. 3,600 s 1. Froraan ..1,800 Total... ..13,644 35 MARRIED. On the 7th in?t., at the resilience of tho bride's mother, in Brownsville, by Rev. W. R. Bishop, Mr. Peter Hume to Mi3 Mary A. Walters all of Linn county. . j 3Iay Fortune's smile be ever upon thorn and theirs, and their pathway through life be ever strutvu with tbornlusa flowers. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Onlce, u. 61 Front Street, A'ljoinins tb. ? Telegraph Office, Portland, Oregon. Special Collector of Claims, Accounts, Notes, B"nds, Drafts, and Merchan tile Claims of every description throughout Ore gon and the Territories, WILti BE A1AD13 A SPECIALITY AND -PROMPTLY COLLECT ED, as well as with a due regard to cc-ouoiny in all business matters intrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually. , ' Real Estate Dealer. Sept. 11. tf. ' ALBANY KliTAILi MAKKIX Albaxv, September II 1SC9. Wheat, white, j bushel G0C5 Oats, "j? bushel 35 Potatjes, bushel (50 Onions. 1 bushel 1 25 Flour, barrel $1 505 00 Butter, lb 25 E?ks, "f dozen 25 Chickeus., 3 d 'zen Peaches, dried, lb Soap, i lb , Salt, Los Angelos, lb Syrup, "f$ gallon Tea, Young Hyson 33 lb " Japan, " " Black, ' Sugar, crushed, lb.... " jSea " Island, " ............... Coffee, tt Candles, p lb Itice, China. f lb Salcratus, p lb Dried plums, lb , Dried apples, tS lb... Dried currauts. "JS lb Bacon, hams, lb " sides, " " shoulders, lb Lard, in cans, "jjS lb. '. Beans, ( lb Devoes' Kerosene oil, 3 gallon Turpentine, gallon Linseed oil, boiled, p gallon...... White lead, "ft, keg Powder, rifle, lb Tobacco, lb Xails, cut, lb... Domestic, brown. f yard Hickory, striped, "f yard Bed ticking, per yard Blue drilling, "p yard ........... Flannels, p yard Prints, fa"t colors, 1 yard Pork, p fb t Mutton, lb ....... Bee', on foot, lb ... $2 50 3 00 20 5fa;5i 2J V.Sl 12J1 25 1 00 1 00 751 00 1820 16g)18 .. 1 4(5 1 5 2225 2933 1210 ies 1520 5 38 . 14I5 I21 6 10 48 1 00 . $J 251 50 . $1 62ll 75 . $t 004 25 751 00 . $1 001 60 78 16 1630 25(5.50 2030 5075 I21 5((6o 10l'21 4i5 NEW TO DAY. J. IIAIVIVOiV, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,. AlBAJSV, OREGON. O FFTCE On Main street, opposito Foster's Brick. 1-09 TO GRAIN GROWERS. M ESSRS. COrtBITT fc MA CLE AY, HAV- ing heard that it is commonly reported torouprhout tho valley that tney are not purchas ing Wheat, would respectfully inform their Agents, Customers and Friends, throughout the valley of the Willamette that they are in the market to purchase all tho surplus merchantable wheat in the Slate and pay the highest market rates, Cash on delivery in Portland. Sept. 11 w4. CORBITT fc MACLEAY". MOUiT HOOD! To tho People of Oreg-on ! Look to your Interests!! IT M. MORRIS AND W. C. AVERY, both old Oregonians, having beyond a doubt tho largest ox in tho world, propose to the people of Oregon to take this monster to the At lantic States and exhibit him as an Oregon pro duction. Before leaving the State, they wish every man, woman and child in Oregon, to see Mount Hood upon legs, and in order to give them an opportunity to do so, they will exhibit him at the approaching Linn County Fair, and, also, at the State Fair, for the sum of 25 cents ; children half price. Their object in doing this is to raise means for transportation. All those who think that it will have a tendency to wake up the peo ple of the Eastern States to realize the fact that there is such a place as Oregon on the Pacific slope, and that not only large cattle, but every thing else in advance of the rest of the world, and all that is necessary is industry and economy to realize a fortune in Oregon, in a few years, and that it is Ihe best place to enjoy a fortune after it has been accumulated. Business men make a note of this, and remember that money makes the ox go, and patronize us accordingly. W. C. Avery will also have a supply of Mrs. L. A. Stipp's Thoracic Balsam on hand, and for sale. Sept. 11, 18C9. NEW- TO-DAY. 'ON TO HIT f WADSWORTH & KUHH Are now ready to execute all kinds of Plain and Fancy Painting ! snch as Signs, Carriages, Buildings, as well as Graining-, Paperhanging, Calcimining-, and in fact all kinds and styles' of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, that can be done with Paint and Brash, at JSS-'FAIR, LIVING RATES, -fi Give us a call. Shop on Ferry street, oyer Kuhn A Adams' wagon shop. aug21-50 W. KNIGHT, House, Sign & Carriage Painter, ALBANY, OREGON. , Paperhanging-, Glazing-, Ealaomine, &c Country orders punctually attended to. First street, next door to Tweodale A Co.'. May 8,'1868-35tf JTi Qt7INNTBORNTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, ALBANY,' OREGON. : WILL practice in the superior ' and inferior courts of Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and Polk counties. - Five per cent.' charged on collections when 1 made without sueing. j 19-69 NATIONAL LIFE Insurance Oom.ian.y OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by special Act of Congress, Approved .......July 25, 1868 Csxsli Capital, $1,00(1,000.00 DIRECTORS : CLARENCE 21. CLARK, JAY COOKE, W. G. MOORI1EAD. GEORGE F. TYLER. J. HINCKLEY CLARK, E. A. ROLLiNS, HENRY D. COOKE, W. F. CHANDLER, JOHN D. DEFREES, EDWARD DODE, U. C. FAHNESTOCK. ' OFFICERS: . CLARENCE E. CLARK, Philadelphia, Presi dent. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance A Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice Presi- dent. EMERLON W. PEET. rhiladelph a, Secretary A Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington, Assistant Sec retary. FRANCIS G. SMITH; M. D., Medical Director. J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant Medical Director. . . . 1 THE attention of persons contemplating In suring their lives, or increasing the amount of insurance they already bare, is called to the speeial advantages offered bv t NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. XII K ADVANTAGES OFFERED ARE: It is a National Company, chartered by special . . . C , oca It has a Paid-up Capital of $I,000,0C0. " It offers Low rates of Premium. It furnishes Larger Insurance than other Com panies for the same money. It is Definite and Certain in its Terms. It is a Home Company in every locality. Tts Policies aro exempt from Attachment. There are no Unnecessary Restrictions in the Pol icies. Every Policy is Non-forfeitable. Policies may be taken which Pay to the Insured their Full Amount and Return all the Pre miums, so that the Insurance cobts Only tho Interest on the Annual Payments. Policies may be taken that will Pay to the In sured, after a certain number ' of years, Dur ing Life, an Anntfsl Income of One-Tenth the Amount named in the Policy. No Extra Rate is charged for risks upon the Lives of Females. Insures not to Pay Dividends, but' at so Iowa cost that dividends will be impossible. ITS POLICIES ARE NEGOTIABLE. By the Charter of the Company, certificates of obligatioas will be issued, agreeing to purchaso its policies at their value which, when accompa nied by the policy duly assigned or transferred, are negotiable, and may be used as collateral se curity, in making loans from the -Company or from other parties. 'The Hon. Jno. E. Sanford, Insurance Commis sioner of Massachusetts, in his Report for 1863, speaking of Dividends in Life Insurance Compa nies, says , " The sooner such -guarantees cease to be made, and such expectations created, the sooner Life Insurance will come to rest on its true motive, and men insure their lives for security, and not for dividends. The nest and the most popular companies will then be those that prom ise only equity, and render all that they promise, and furnish the best security, with the most up right and judicious management." " By the Stock plan the full cash effect of th. premium is immediately secured to the insured, the Company taking all tho risk. By the Mu tual plan, tho full value in insurance of the pre mium paid, is not secured to the policy-holder, who takes a portion of tho risk himself." Policies Issued In GS-olcl or Currency, 7U. E. II ALEr MANAGER. WELLS, FARCO & CO., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. J. C. ME1VDEIYIXAIX, TRAVELING AGENT For Oregon and Washington Territory. Albany, September 11, 1869-1M