The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 11, 1869, Image 1

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    VOL. 2.
no i;
mm J". ! , ,11, iij anwsra.t Jj.'vixiiiiiv'M'Lsi.
'S'T a 1Tv., 'VI ...t . I Sports at Scio. Tho following ac-
wuv Av-wiimii mr rniir coullt(,(
flairs at Scio is taken from the
Salem Unionist of the 5th. , Said journal
was informctl by the Lord Ma3'or of the
city in tho Forks of the Santiam, that
creat excitement had existed in that
Distinguished Visitors. Our cltv i community a few days previous, caused
.... ';
AM) G i:CHAr,
was honored on. last Monday by a visit
from Hon. Wni. II. Seward and party.
They arrived at 12 m., and beeanie
the guest? of the eitj-. Our citizens,
without respect to party, hastened to
greet and extend to j them the; hand of
welcome. At two o'clock they sat down,
with many friends, to a sumptuous re
past, gotten up by nJlnc hoft of the Ex
change Restaurant, which tliey discussed
with mush good humor. At 3 o'clock
the party quietly left- as it came. All
expressed themselves as highly pleased
in having entertained those so distin
guished, and for the kindly interest man
ifested in our prosperity. Mr. Seward,
though exhibiting evidences of ago and
"hard usags, still retains his mental fac
ulties fresh and vigorous as in youth,
subdued somewhat by time, but fully
matured by experienefi and much severe
reflection, and impresses you at once as
one of earth's " mighties." Those ugly
scars of tho assassin's knife attest the
truih of the sentiment '' that man is im
mortal until his work is "done," and. yet
the unmistakable marks of time tell us
that he has already passed the last
quarter-pole in the raee of life, and that
the great ' levelcr" has begun to feel the
ground around him. But let his da-s
be few or more, he has made for himself
a name and fame more imperishable than
monument's of stone or iron, and left an
impress upDn the world as immortal as
;the soul itself.
by a case of petit larceny of the most
outrageous character. The particulars
in the ease were recited thusly : A man
who was carrying a half barrel of vinegar
Kane-isii. Our friend, Major Adams,
of the Vaucouver (W. T.) Register, and
Mr. McKinney, of the Oregon City
Enterprise, had a little set-to with cane?,
recently. Upon the arrival of the boat
from Portland, 'as the Major steppejd from
the boat to the wharf, McKinncy '-went'
for him with a hickory cane; the Miij
rctu.ncd the compliment with" a lighter
article of the same name. The blows
fell fast nud furious for a few seconds
Mormon Jm .Reorganized.
following is
through the priueipal business street, was j according to reports, but the Major'
stopped anu detained hi conversation oy cane, beins too Iisrht lor sucn service
State Fair.. Through the
of John Minto. Secretary of the Society,
we have icceive 1 "complimentary" ticket
admitting us to all the privileges of the
grounds at the State Fair to be held at
Silem, commencing on Monday, October
llih,"anl holding through the entire
week. The coming State Fair gives
promise of being by far the best and
in st entertaining ever held. Our farm
er, mechanics, stock raisers, etc., are
becoming more and more alive to the
benefits accruing from exhibitions of this
character, and the emulation thus excited
is producing results that are becoming
more tangible each recurring year. Suc
cess then to the Oregon State Fair, and
to every other enterprise calculated to
bring out and fully develop and improve
the varied resources and industries of
our State. The grounds are being thor
oughly renovated, new buildings erected,
and everything done to render the place
attractive and pleasant. The Society are
also engaged in sinking an artesian well
on the grounds, that a full and sufficient
supply of water may be attainable at all
times and by everybody a good move,
which we hope may prove entirely sue
cessful. Again we say, success to the
State Fair.
We have received the Illustrated An
nual of Phrenology and Physiognomy for
1870. The number before us contains
50 engravings of leading Editors By
rant, Greeley, Bennett, Brooks, Marble,
Dana, Raymond, with portraits. The
Male and Female Form ; Why Children
Resuible their Parents; Gen. Graut and
bis Cabinet, with Portraits: Physiogno
my in Polotics, or "Faces and Places ;"
-Science of Conjugal Selection, Happy
Marriages;: Temperament in Wedlock;
American Artists ; The Sleep Walker ;
, Brain Waves ; Psychological ; Sir Ed
ward Landseer, Lorenzo Dow and Peggy
his wife ; Royal Ladies . of the French
Empire, with portraits ; Guizot, the
Statesman ; How to chose a Helpmeet ;
What is Man ; and much more that is
rich and racy, all of which is afforded
for 25 cents. Send to S. R. Wells, Pub
lisher, New York.
We have received a "complimentary"
of the Washington County Agricultural
Society. The Fair of this Society will
be held at Hillsboro, on the fourth, fifth,
sixth and seventh days of October.
- t 1 . .
Pole-ish.- It is stated that the Poles
are emigrating to this eountry by hund
reds. Probably they will stick themselves
in the hop portions of Wisconsin.
one of the city officials until the load be
came so weighty that he tired of it, set it
down, and walked into a store near by to
rest and have the talk out. While the
owuer was in the store "resting," some
one stole the barrel and rolled it away;
some one else stole it from the Crst thief,
and the barrel kept changing hands until
it was finally stowed away under the true
owuer'a bed without his knowledge.
Sometime after, when his patience had
become entirely exhausted, a search
warrant was issued, and the missing vin
egar barrel found, much to his astonish
ment. "It is needless to say that the
community where such a terrible stafcof
things exist is strougly Democratic,
where 'everything goes !' A man living
in the Forks was lately found, at unusual
hours, in his neighbor's kitchen, and ex
plained his position by a statement that
he was searching for a lost brindle cow !
The appreciative wits of Scio had an ex
tensive tiu cow bell made and took it
over to present him, with due ceremony,
but report has it the man was too indig
nant to receive it got mad, in fact."
When the Mayor left everything was
quiet at the "Gem of the Forks."
Large Yield from Qne Grain.
We are informed that on the farm of
Mr. John Fry, ten miles southeast from
this city, from one- grain of Australian
Club wheat, planted late this spring,
forty-six heads, containing 2,419 grains,
all large and sound, were obtained. The
usual amount of wheat sown in this val
ley is from one to two bushels to the acre.
If the Australian Club should prove as
prolific in proportion to the amount of
grain sown as above, one bushel would
yield above two thousand bushels to the
acre ! The bunch of wheat above poken
of was sown in the middle of tho field,
and took its chances with the other wheat.
This variety of wheat, we are told, is
more sought after than the white, making
as good if not better flour, and in this
county has, so far as tried, yielded more
than double the amount produced by
Sonora wheat. Mr. S. S. Markham in
forms us that a field of ten acres on his
farm, sown with Australian Club, very
late, with all the drawbacks of the dry
season, produced forty-five bushels per
acre ; and he expresses the opinion that,
if it is put into the ground early and in
good shape, it will produce fifty bushels
per acre, year in and year out.
. . .
The Race on Saturday. There
was quite a crowd in attendance at the
Fair ground on Saturday last, to witness
the trot between Ans. Marshall's gray
mare, "iNellie, and VVm. Cannons horse,
'Sheridan." The betting was spirited,
but not heavy, and quite an amount, in
small sums, changed hands. Neither
animal was in good condition, "Nellie"
having a bad ankle which caused her to
limp considerably. The horse won the
"inside," and led to the quarter post,
when the mare passed, took the lead and
kept it, coming in at an easy jog trot a
hundred feet some say two hundred
ahead, winning the race and money (one
hundred dollars), in 3.55.
Anniversary Address Plowing
Match. We are authorized to state
that Rev. E. R. Geary will deliver the
annual address of, the Linn County Ag
ricultural Association, on the Fair
grounds, at 11 o'clock A. M. on Wednes
day, October 29 th the second day of
the Fair. From the acknowledged j abil
ity of Rev. Mr. Geary, we can safely
promise an. able and interesting address
on the above occasion. There will also
be a plowing-match, open to alt, and lib
eral premiums will be given to . the two
plows doing the best work. ' i .".
Judge Chase says he is "out at nil fu
ture political contests." ,
broke, and the fiht ended. McKinney
paid the city quite a little fortune, for an
editor, for the momentary diversion
Fun Aukad. The members of Capi
tal Engine Company Mo. 1, of Salem
have announced their intention to com
pete for the premium offered by the Linn
Co. As. Association for the best drilled
fire compan3-. As the Capital boys have
a splendid reputation as firemen, and a
magnificent engine to throw water, our
Albany "fellers" will have to look wel
to their laurels. Pitch in, boy
your muscle up.
Departed. Hon. L. II. Roots, who
has been traveling through the Willain
ette valley and the Sound country, noting
with his own eyes the inducements of
fered by the soil to an active, energetic
people, has started back to his duties at
Washington, going overland through
Eastern Oregon and Idaho Territory, so
that he may see the whole country, and
have a fair and impartial story to tell
of his own knowledge, and not by what
he has been told.
, and ;ret
- Oregon Patents. The following
patents have been granted toarties in
this State: Joseph Buchtel, of Portland
a Photograph Plate Holder ; Perry Pret
ryman, of Paradise Spring Farm, Lamp
Burner; 31. Mickleson, of Ashland Mills
Improved Truck Plow.
Burned. On Saturday night last, at
Sauvie's Island, below Portland, the
steamer Ranger, owned by Capt. Fisher,
was burned to the water's edre. Fire
supposed to have originated from imper
feet "banking ' of the fire under the
to the revdSution
reject it and be
Public Debt. The reported decrease
of the publie debt for August is 85,600,-
000, exclusive of 811,000,000 disbursed
to pay pensions, which makes a decrease
of 840,500,000 since March.
Pacific Blade. W. A. McPherson,
Esq., will change the name of his recent
purchase, tho MoMinnville Courier, to
the Pacicc Blade..
We noticed the pleasant countenance
of our old friend, Dr. D. B. Rice, of Sa
lem, in our city on Tuesday.
A whining, peevish man, who was al
ways trying to get on the sick list, though
apparently as neauny as any man in the
army, went to the chaplain one dav in
his doleful style, and requested that a
letter be written to his wife telling her
of his condition.
" Tell her, chaplain," said the soldier,
"that I am too sick to write mvself. and
have got you-to do it for me. Tell her
that I should die to-day, -but for the
desire 1 have to wait and see her once
more before I die." The chaplain wrote
as directed, and after a few davs he
called the would-be-sick soldier to his
tent, and handed him this answer to his
mournful letter: "Rev. : Dear
bir : lell John not to wait for me. as I
have already commenced house keeping
wilu aootner man.
. The Eugene Journal savs that on tho
night of the 26th ult., six miles south of
Oakland, one Zimion Smith, at the hour
of midnight, entered the residence of
UeoTge Jkvans, and wickedly and rudely
assaulted Mrs. Evans, by threats and
force to satisfy bis hellish lust he
knowing that ber husband was many
miles from home. Smith was arrested
on the morning of the 27 th. The testi
mony was positive on the part of Mrs.
Evans, and fully confirmed by voluntary
admission on the part of tb prisoner.
He watt bound over for triaL
Dispatches from London state that tie
English press are loud in the praise of
the Harvard erw. They think the
Americans lost the race because of their
inferior style! of rowing. The general
opinion Is that the- Oxfords most row
the Harvarda in American waters ; next
John Bright, who has loner been a rrn-
prietor of the London Morning Star, has
wimurawa iroia me concern.
put) us lied by re-
' quest : . ! .
i In order to rightly understand what
, Re organized Moruionism is, and will be,
it will be necessary to understand what it
was before it was disorganized. Aud as
I was i member of it iu the days of the
first Joseph Smith, I do know much of
what it then was.
1 do V now that the "Danite Band" (or
Destroying Angels as they were some
times called), was organized under the
immediate supervision, and by the full
sanction of the first Joseph Smith ; for I
was preseut at the meeting and heard him
give it it's name from Genesis, 40, 17,
where it says of Dan, that he should be
a serpent by the way and an adder in the
path, that should bite the horse's heels
and make his rider fall backward.
And I do know that Joseph Smith did
introduce polj'gauvy into the church of
Latter Day Saints (called Mormons) for
he taught it to me himself, and so did his
brothers llyram and William," and I was
acquainted with nine women who have
admitted to me that they were Joseph
Smith's wives. And when the re-organized
Latter Day Saints tell the people
that Brighatn Young is the author of
polygamy among the Mormons, they do
know that they are telling a base false
hood to deceive. I For tho revelation
of Joseph Smith, dated July 12th, 1842,
makes polygamy binding on all who be
lieve him to have been a true prophet at
that time, on pain of eternal banishment
from God if thcy reject it. Hence all
re-organized must receive it as a cardinal
point iu their faith, cr renounce Joseph
Smith as a false prophet when he gave
the revelation. For it says (in speaking,
of polygamy), that those who receive a
fullness of glory "must and shall abide
the law, or they shall be damned, saith
the Lord God." j
Then for these young Josephitcs to be
telling the people that they are re-organizing
the old Mormon Church,' but are
going to leave out polygamy, is all a deep
hvDOcritical deception to blind their
eyes ; for according
itself, no one can
saved. - - i -
And if the people j wish to establish
polygamy in their midst with the Danite
Band, (which are parts of old Mormon
ism) then let them continue to encourage
re organized Mormon ism ; and if they
wish a re occurrence of those awful
scenes and tragedies acted out in Missou
ri and Illinois, let them continue to en
courage those re-organized Mormons until
they can get their plans fully matured,
and then you can have them at your full
heart's content; for William W. Blair
(who is one of its chief apostles, and now
on this coast, and who was a zealous
preacher under William Smith when
their leading Elders were swapping
wives, and his presiding Elder was ar
rested and about to be sent to the State
Prison, and they were engaged in secret
ly swearing in their members to sustain
their leading Elders under all circumstan
ces), has already stated that re-organized
Mormonism will yet attain unto a tempo
ral dominion, and if so, and it is old Mor
monism reorganized the people can easily
sco what must follow, j
Look at the number of cattle already
stolen in Sonoma coun'y by a member of
the Petaluma branch of the re organized
Latter Day Saints. j
Look at that awful j tragedy, recorded
in last week's papers, of the' murder of
Mrs. Wilford, who had recently renoun
ced Mormonism, and was found on the
6th of this month with; her throat cut-
supposed to have been done by the "des
troying angels. ' j-- .
And x nave no aouDt Dut wnat l am
hazarding my own life in developing these
things ; but having once been a member
of the re-organized Latter Day Saints
church, 1 know what it is ; and I do feel
it to be a duty that I owe to God and to
my fellow man, to warn them not to have
Mormonism re-organized again in their
midst : for the old Mormon Church was
rejected of God for its abominations, and
should be by every honest heart, and I
do hope that the good sense of the people
will not suffer it re-organized again; for
even in this city there, are scenes of
abomination transpiring among the re
organized Saints that would shock this
Christian community if they knew the
facts ; and every virtuous woman would
shun them on the streets, and would
never go to i ny of their meetings, or be
seen in their society ; for more than one
half of the old sister Saints of the re-organized
efrdrch in trtritf eft? hate been
separated from their busbends,- and that
not by Ufe band or tfeatH.
And it is su undeniable fact that even
the' prophet of the re-organised Saints
will lie and prevaricate to accomplish his
object. 'ix ? ' -':. r ,: ;-- .-'-
And Elder E. C. Briggs (ee of their
Apostles), when on this coast did join in
a base and slanderous litf to swindle an
aged and industrieus nrother out of his
And Wm. W. Blair, one of their chief
Apostles, did publicly lie before their
late Conference in this city fo accomplish
a verry small thing, and two of his lucal
Elders (Marcus Lowel and J. MiU-hel),-did
join in with him in that lie to assist
him in accomplishing his object (Rev. 2,
2), which shows the dangerous iufluence
that their homemade apostleship holds
over its Elders and members.
- Look at their system of secret Courts
already established in this land, before
which their Elders will testify falsely
with the
great e:
t impunity, and their
members when bcinj; tried are not allow
ed to speak -a word in their own defense,
find some, have been condemned ; without
ever being informed that the Court was
in session that was trying them, which
favors the ancient inquisition too much to
suit me. v
And now let mc say to all Re-organized
Latter Day Saints, bones fly come out,
and with me either admit that Joseph
Smith was a false prophet when he gave
that revelation on polygamy, and that his
son Joseph is now occupying a false posi
tion ; or, like Brigham Young, J. J.
Strong, William Smith (the old prophet's
brother), and other leaders of Mormon
factions, honestly confess that polygamy
is a cardinal point in your faith, and no
looger seek to deceive - the unwary by
your hypocritical pretensions.
And if any Re-organized Latter Day
Saint wishes to negative any of the above
statements, let him meet mo befoic the
Sacramento public within the next thirty
days, and I will prove them true, and a
good deal more that he docs not wish the
public to know just yet ; and if the Re
organized Saints do not accept this chal
lenge, then let all the world knew that it
is because they dare not.
, My address is Sacramento, Cal., and
my nan?c is
George Parker Dykes.
John Pucenix. A friend recently
related to us the following anecdote of
Phoenix, which has never been published :
When Jeffersen Davis was Secretary
of War, he issued circulars to all the
army officers, asking of them specifica
tions for a proposed new uniform. Phoe
nix, who was an excellent draftsman, set
to work and produced . a design. - He
made no great changes in the uniform,
but he proposed revolutionizing the en
tire system of 'modern tactics by means
of en iron hook. This hook was to be at
tached to the seat of every soldier's pants.
It applied to every arm of the service,
cavalry, infantry and artillery. He il
lustrated its use by a series of veil cxe
cuted designs. He quoted high medic-a
authority proving its advantages in
sanguinary point of view. The heavy
knapsack, be argued, induced a stoopin
position, and a very heavy contraction of
the chest. But hung on tho hook by
strap connecting with the shoulder, it
would brace the body back and expand
tue encst. ihe cavalry thus were to be
made more permanent in their scats
hooked to a ring in the saddle. All the
commissioned officers were to carry
light ten-foot pole, with a ring attached
to the end. This is to be used durinir
an engagement in drawing the stragglers
back into the ranks. He illustrated
terrific battle, the General and Colonels
being thus occupied, running about and
hauling stragglers back to the ranks
In many unheard ot ways did be ex
patiate on the value and efficiency of this
hook. Jefferson Davis was enraged.
His dignity was wounded, and the ser
vice insulted. He instantly made out
an order directing Phoenix to be court-
martialed for contempt.
Marcy was made aware of Phoenix's
transaction, as well as the cloud hanging
over him. He looked over the plates.
He saw a regiment, their backs toward
him, drawn up in line, with knapsacks,-
blankets, hams, and all manner of camp
equipage, pending from each soldier on
the hook.
Marcy broke down. Said he to Davis:
" It's no use to court-martial this man
The matter will be mado public, and the
laugh will settle entirely on us, and be
sides, a man who nas tbe inventive
genius here displayed, as well as, this
faculty of design,- illy directed though it
be, is too valuable to the service to be
trampled with." Jno. Phoenix was not
brought to grief, and Davis' anger was at
length sufficiently modified for , him to
enjoy the joke. It does not appear,
however, that they- adopted Phoenix's
plan. Oakland Trantcript.
Alaska Curiosities. The Portland
Commercial mentions that Mr. Seward
has secured the ' following specimens' to
carry home as curiosities : An enormous
white-headed eagle a real Esquimaux
dog, a umcri of fox,- wolf trad coon, bat
very docile. - A pair of elk startlers with
the velvet on, and variety of shrubs
cedar, fir, etc. The Cntercictl nn tbe
eagle is to be removed "tor si) the onttwh.
ed refinements cf Eastern civilization,"
which we don't doubt, and hop he will
profit by it, and become a civilised eagle,
instead of an "eagle bird by chance."
Tire Welcome Blranger."'
The dispatches lateiv contain trmwiniti
of several oases of persons fatally burned
ujr lamp explosions.
The bfiier day Che telegraphic wire's
flashed' through Australia the startling
announcement th'it a nogget had been
unearthed, the largest ever seen, that it
was heavy lifting . for two men' to" put it
on a dray, that it w ighed5 about two
thousand ounces, and was Worth , about
ten thousand pouud.-t sterling. However
startling it may appear, the Btory wan
perfectly true. Tho. monster nng;et was
found at a place ealled Moliagul, about'
eight miles from Dunolly. .--A ylocal
paper, the DtiunUy JCjrprcis, gives 'tho
following particulars of the eveut r
"The Dunolly district, after havingr
turned out a multitude of nuggets thar
puts every other gold field in the Colony
in the shade, has at length, iu the words
of the Melbourne journals, ' beat the
world' in producing the largest mass of
gold on record. The 'Welcome Strange!"'
was found by two men, named- John'
Deason and Richard Oates, on Friday ,
February 5tb, 1SC9, near the Bladk
Reef, Bull Dog Gully, Moliagul, a short
distance from Waynian's Rccft and only
about one mile from the. celebrated Gipsy
Diggings. Deason and his mate have'
been working iu the ground for-several
years past, and, as is well known, had
got, in digging parlance, so 'hard up' as"
to have been- refused credit for a bag of
flour a week or so ago, and we helieve
the very day before the discovery wero
reminded by a tradesman that they were
indebted to him a few shillings." Still
they persevered, until on the day named
Deason, in working round the roots of a
tree, at about two inches below the sur
face, struck something hard with his'
pick, and exclaimed, 'D n it, I wish it
was a nugget ! ' On stooping down to
examine the obstacle he found it, was tho'
object of his dearest wishes that was
lying at his feet, and it seemed as if the
monster was so large as to be' immovable.
It was, however, at length released front
its virgin soil, and carefully removed.
The question then arose as to what was
to be done with it, and the first intention'
was to take it to Melbourne. When the
men got to Dunolly with their prize,- they
were advised to take it" to the bank, and1
forthwith carried it to the London Char
tered. - Tha news of the discovery soon
spread, and the bank was crowded withr
eager spectators, among whom were a
number of Chinamen, and a constable'
was sect for to guard the m prize. The
we'ght in tho gross was then found to be
two hundred and ten pounds, and prep
arations were at once made to break the
mass to pieces and smelt it. The op
pcarancc of the 'Welcome Stranger' in its
pristine state was something wonderful
and it seemed impossible to realize tho -fact
that so large a mass of gold eonld bet
collected together-in one lump. But so
it was. Many efforts were made to lift .
it, and many exclamations of surprise
expressed at its immense weight and
compactness. A sledge hammer and
cold ehisels wercbronght into requisition,
and several of the latter broken in the
attempt to reduce to fragments the
Welcome Stranger.' It was found to be
as solid as it looked, and as chip after'
chip and pieee after piece was dissevered
from it, its appearance was as clean as a
well cut Cheshire cheese. A length,
after no less than five hours hammering,
the monster was pounded up and smelted,
the result being 2,268 o., lO.pwts., 14
grs of solid gold, exclusive of st least,
one pound weight, which was given by
the delighted finders to "their numerous
friends, who were each anxious to retain
a piece of the largest mass of gold the
world bas yet seen. Uver Juy.OUO were'
advanced on the nugget by the bank,
the final value awaiting; the result of the
assay. -
A Curious Melon. In a tract of
country in the southwestern" part of
Africa, distinguished for its drr bnt rich
soil, a gigantic perrenial melon has beer-;
discovered, which is a most delicious,
wholesome fruit, and which is hrriv
consumed by the native" inhabitant
food. In order that this melon may
flourish, it is neccssarr that it nhonlrf
strike its roots down" through: the sand
thirty feet to reach permanent moisture.
This h does, and grows in great lux
uriance where' all else is shriveled and
parched by beat. But this is not all.
If it were simply a huire ittelon' with
smooth and delicate' skin. KMrv nno
would be destroyed by wild beasts before
they were half matured. To prevent
this, r nature has armed its outer rind
with a cover in cr of Ions', tharn. terrihln-
thorns, which so lacerate the months
and noses of animals that they are glad;
ro xeave inem. alone in their tempting
freshness. Mao. with his hands: audi
sharp knives, finds t little difficulty inr
opemtrg the luscious fruit. The natives-
nave- Ad necessity, for uttin fences
about their melon patches, for the plants
re sa)fproteetive.--i3oo-v Journal of
Chemistry. '-"- ; -
Wh-ebe. A little boy while coming
down stairs was cautioned by his mother
not to lose his balance. "Mother," he
asked, 'if I should lose my balance,
where would it go to Z"