SATURDAY 'SEPTEMBER 4, LOCAL .A.XX.IIs5 Subscriber finding an 21 after their name will understand that their subscription expires with that mi m her, ami they are iwited to renew their subscription. Terms S3 per annum, in advance; nix months, $2 ; three mouth.. $1. Number Fiftv-two. -This number closes Yolunio One of the Register. As we have before stated, having tried the credit -.system thoroughly in the newspaper business and being satisfied that it docs not " pan " sufficiently to keep a "live paper" in running order, we have adop'ed the cash system that is, all subscriptions must be paid in ad vance ana shall rigidly adhere to iL It rray be just possible that the adoption ot this rule will lessen oar subscription fun. m euiue extent. tve snail De sorry should this prove to be the case, but no (good and sufficient reason can be given wny me printer snouia not be paia in advance. Three dollars is a small sum to the subscriber, and is no larger at the commencement of the year than at the close, it being just three' hundred cents in each case. Many reasons might be advanced why the cash system is the best for bothparties. but our readers celng well-informed, reasonable men and women,-we refrain from a long infliction of this sort upon them. We conclude by inviting those who have perused tho - readers under the pre-paymeut system, promising to make the Register use ful and interesting to them, and to look nfrpr th interests rf tli inni!imn!lir cron. crally. to the best of our ability.- The "best in the shop" 'shall always be yours. We should like to commence the year in an enlarged form, with new type, etc., and if subscribers come forward liber ally, we will. Ciacus. Wilson's Great World Cir cus and exhibition of performing lions, as will be 6een by the advertisement in this morning's issue, will give an exhi bitioa in this city on Friday, September 17th. This is one of the best shows that has ever been afforded the people of Oregon. Some of the best performers that eve? went into the ring accompany it; the favorite jester. Harry Jackson, does up the wit in his inimitable style ; Mons. Jambeft, the Hon conqueror, in his daring feats with the four immense African lions ; the trick ponies ; the ridings tumbling, etc., altogether go to Snake up the most complete and fascin ating entertainment ever offered to our jeupre. - luu t iu.ii iu ue mere. Santiam Academy. We call special attention to the card of this institution of learniug which appears iu our columns tllfa Irtntr 3 n T - If. -iz eifrtntr.l in ln w.H.a. .... suburbs of the beautiful little .village of Jjebauon; and added to the inducements of the healthy locality, moral surround ings, aulctaeulty, cheapness or living, . . ... .r etc. tae tuition 13 lower man at any other school of high grade in the State of Oregon. For further information ad dress lleV.W. IX Nichols, Lebanon, Oregon. ' .. , . . . Life Insurance. -Scveral of the lea.linT rltiznns nf this nlfv Tirnwnavtlln ... a - 4 . jj --- --- j and throughout the county, .We' notice, -Annftw i.i uaio ibvtu J . tiiuiciica UL bill; libiberal rates of insurance offered-sy the New England Life Insurance Company of Boston. This i one of the oldest and safest companies doing a life insurance business ib the United States, and as all well-informed people agree in the bene fits accruing from such investments, we call attention to the advertisement of the above Company" in this paper, assuring those who , invest- in one .01 its policies -Hint, thov will inan nAthinr h v thfl nnpm. 4ion, as all policies are nonforfeitable. Jlessrs Jlussell & KIkins are the agents doing business for this Company in this citJ- -- - - '. 1 -" .- FituiT. A subscriber of the Regis ter, living near Peoria, brought into our office the other day specimens of the fs&rtlett Pear, - giwn in " his orchard, which, for size and flavor, cannot -be ez xiciiei anywhere, lie also presented us with five or six varieties of apples, but for the life of as we ean't now tell which fras the best, as they were all good. - A Good Supply.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , . OF ' . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ! SELECTED WITrl CARE IS THE - SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS J17ST RECEIVRD, AND OFFERED AT THE Lowest Cash Kates. On First street, first door west of John Connor's brick, and opposite R. C. Hill A Son i - ..... .i drug store, . ALBaNY. OREGON. Mny 15, 1869 3(5 r. c. HARPER. THE OX.D STOVE DEPOT ! joii.-v BRINGS, A STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX, of tbp best patterns t ALSO Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware 2 and the uaual assortment of FurnUhing Goods tu -be obtained iu a Four of our citi zens, who had been out-about Che Soda Springs, on a hunt, returned the first of the week, bringing with them thirty three deer. , They were goon five days. They aay deor are to be found in abun dance out there. ' Large Cabbage. We are indebted to Mr. Win. M. Powers, living near this city, for a massive cabbage. It was a solid, compact vegetable; weighing over nineteen pounds, and the largest we have een this season. . Paragraphs. A team belonging to C. T. Ingram ran away oo Tuesday. In front of K. Che&dle'a Btore, on Front street, they collided with another team, upsetting the wagon to which the latter were attached,. doing it more or less in jury. The runaways were there caught. Wednesday, the Success arrived at our wharf, unexpectedly, bringing a small quantity of freight. The heavy rainfall of the forepart of the week increased the volume of water in the Willamette suffi ciently to enable her .to reach this point with uo serious inconvenience. The splendid bills of the great circus advertised to perform here on the 17th, attract universal attention and cause much comment. They are got up in good shape. Scaffolding is erected on north side of the Court House, to enable the painters to give the bunding a new coat of paint. As several of our lawyers go to Salem to be iu attendance on Supreme Court, which convenes on Monday next, a quiet time is looked for hereabouts. ' ".-Tho,--' Morgan-,' Guardian," vs. iKees Administrator, a chancery suit involv ing ?o,OUJ which has been employing the t mie ofR. A. Strahn, referee, and several of the legal fraternity for seven or eight weeks past, was argued and sub mitted on the 27th ult. Gen. 'Lish Applcgate passed through this city' on Wednesday, going towards Portland. 'Lish didn't have his stove pipe on. Sutbin's wrong. On Tuesday night, it has been stated to us, two inches of water were prccipi- tated from the clouds on to' the thirsty earth. The gentleman had a lengthy guago. However, it rained "slugins' for a short time. The. late storms compelled the majority of our pleasure seekers in the mountains to return to their homes, generally much benefitted by fheir short recreation. Mrs. J. F. Uackensto, who has been dangerously ill for some days past, is at present, we are happy to state, in a fair way to recovery. We are pleased to announce improve ment in the health of Mr. Purdom. With care it is thought amputation of the hand will not be necessary. The continued rains of the week have had one good effect they 1iave made the Willamette boatable to this point. Ou the other hand we fear they have played Uu W1-u alliums giuiu. it uat me rieJ .nd T can therefore recommend them. I damage will be we are unable as vet to 1 m cggl Sacnunento steamer ChrysopnlU, . . J i C. A. COLBY. state. .Next to MeXICO, the lar"CSt. liveliest I I am engineer on tho San Joso Railroad ; I prohheest fleas are felt, but Watches fo.r alx.nt one year, and I can safely say not cauirht. in -well, sav anvwhera but I u tho be,t watch f"J. lim?'Ah J 'avee-er w , , w ; here. - . We observed Wm. Lair Hill, Esq., of Portland, on our streets , on Thursday. Ho was looking in admirable trim. Linn County Fair commences on Teus- day, the 28th of the preseut month, and will continue four days. The officers are using every exertion to make it a com plete success. Messrs. Belden and Frazer passed through this city cn route to Eugene on Thursdav. . - ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette i Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Roads : To Deschttttes River. S Fonr Horse or Mule teanV......v....,....v..'..-,.$4 50 Two ' . " .... .-.-,.' .V.V....W.V, 3 0(1 Ono ' " ....vwv. 2 00 Ox. teams, three yoke .-.-.-....v,.. 4 50 - For erery additional yoke .w 60 Loose horses, per head t v.- i ; 25 " cattle, pur head 15 " sheep or hogs...;. ! 3 Teams returning emplT. half price. 50 25 1 01) Lake : 2 00 1 50 1 00 50 25 75 2 00 2 50 2 00 I 00 50 25 JJSEr IlKutira nettly mid prmiijitf' ejer-uted, T5 S4T oh reimi'titil'le term. " TgT "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street Albany. "ext door to JTansfichl & Co. dei-5'68-12 " A New Gold Metal. . THE Gold metal Watches ! : SOW BEtXG ISTnODCCED ir - C. E. COLLINS & CO., 629 Washington street, San FranUco, Surpass anything yet made in tho way of an im itation Gold Watch. Tbcy wear well and keep good time. ; . i The Ladies Watches cost $10 and $15 each; tbe ttenuemens costla ana S-.U each. Chains, from $3 to $S each. RROOWJIEXnATIOSH I Sa KRAsnsco, May 12, 1&59. This is to certify that I hare carried one of the small size troM Metal V atclies which I got of C. K. Collins fc Co.. and I find that it runs as well. and keeps as good time as anv watch I ever ear- can therefore recommend them UEO. COUSWALL. Engineer on the San Jose Railroad. . Toaxo. May 20,"l869. .lcr. G. E. Cuttlu t- Ou. I wish to know on what terms yon will send five or six watches to one address. Several of tbe men in this ma chine shop are highly delighted at tbe watch I got of you ; 1 am very much pleased with it : it gives satisfaction. Hoping to hear from ; yon soon, 1 remain yours, It. B. l'ATTOX, . j i Clerk, Xoauo, C. P. 11. K. For List of Prices and description of Goods, send directly to ns. Can be sent by express, to be paid for on delivery. - C. K. COLLINS A CO., - 629 Washington street, San Francisco. P. S. Where six Watches of- the above re M r -,, ii tt ' it J 1 oruereu u wis nun, we win nena one extra, iree r. L. Cheadle, from Umatilla, called of aU w also deal in the finest Gold on Thursday. He will take charge of I n Silver Watches, watchmaker's and jeweler's O t twl U u nl rti 1 for! jlo at tha A-n hinrnsf nnaaihla l 1 J t c. l:. I ' 1'"-""" i lie uicrvauiuu anu uiuer iiiiereaia oi uis I rates. brother. Mr. R. Cheadle: in this citv, . T , . , . , The new Gold Metal Watches now being intro- Mr. L. Cheadle has been engaged in bus- ducod bv e. E. Collins A Co.. of Run Fnmn. ineSS in Umatilla City for a number of i seem to be just the thing for those desiring a years, and has the reputation oi a correct, reliable business gentleman. Personal. -Frank Coleman, Esq., an old typo, called on us Thursday. He gives flattering accounts 'of the prosper ity of Eugene City, his present home,! and says he has about all the money he wants. It gives us pleasure to chronicle I his success. eheap and at the same time good-looking time keeper. One of the young lady compositors in our office has one of the cheapest kind advertised $8 which runs well, keeps good time, looks well, and seems to fulfill all the requirements ot a high-priced watch. The chain sent with this watch is of exquisite design and high finish.! See their advertisement in another column. Alpine Jiuer. . - ! .. Watches. We have received one of the new Gold Metal Watches from C. E. Collins A Co., of Jsan francisco. It is neatly finished, hunting ease, keeps good time and is, without doubt, the best watch for tbe price that can be purchased in Pat-k animals, loaded.- " ' unloaded........... . H.orso and rider................ To Fish Four bor.e or mute team, each way Two " " " ... One " " ... Pack animals, loaded.. " " unloaded. ........ Horse and rider....... Ox team, three yoke To Upper Soda Spring : Four horse or mule team, out and back. Two ' " ! ' Ono '. ; " Horse and rider, ,v " Loose animals, - Ox teams the same as horstf teams. . . A. HACKLE.MAN, W. W. PARiusn, - Pres. : - r, ----- Sue. March 20, LSC9-2S THE PIICENIX l - AXD THE ' CORVALLIS FIRE ! ConvALiis, Oregon, July 23, 18C9. To Ilr.nnp.RT Bird, Esq., - Adjuster Phoenix Ins. Co., Hartford : 7r St'r : Allow mo to acknowledge the receipt, in V S. Gold, Com, of the amount of my loss by tho fire of the 2lst instant. Tbe payment of a claim on the second day. after the fire, is proof that the confidence placed by tlie people of Oregon in tho business-like prompt ness and good faith of tho Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, and its representatives, is well merited ; and I take this opportunity of as suring you of my goad will towards the Company, and wishing them the same success in the future that has, so far, attended their business in this State. 'Yours, truly. william-fliedxer. Corvallis Gnxotte, July 2-t. 1869-47 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CONF L AGK ATIONS Are o4 JDaily Occurrence ! FIRE INSURANCE IS THR'ONLV SAFEGUARD. It. II. TOACilLL, JUanascr, Stem Franoisbdi. Cash Ancti, $1,519,338 08. Amount' Disbursed for Fire IVosscs, FIVE MiLUOII DOLLARS. t ... .. ' r I " i - Sterling Indemnity Eqtiitala AHljuntmcnts ..... . . . .JJodcriito Kates.- ,- Policies issued and renewed liy . VI. V. KCSSELL, ltesidcnt Agent, Albany, Oregon. -June 12-3mi0 Over 10,000 Persons GEO. F. SETTLEMIER I R U 3r O I ST. , (Successor to D.-W. Wakefield,) Parrisn's New Buildine;, Plrst Street, ALBANY, OBEGOX, DEALER IX 'Bruss and Medicines, CBSMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pare and of the best quality. - Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany,. Oct. 17, lSC8-6tf E. F. RUSSELL, ATTORSET AT LAW, ,1 JAMES ELKINS, ISOTARV PUBLIC. RUSSELL & ELKINS, (OflSco in Parrish & Co.'s block. First street,) v Albany, ' 0x07011. HAVING TAKEN INTO CO-PARTNERSHIP Jambs Elkiss, Esq., ex-Clerk of Linn connty, we are enabled to add to our nrac- tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for Conveyancing, Examining; Records, and attending to Probata business. Deeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages care, fully drawn. 1 Homestead and Pre-emption Papers made, and claims secured. : Sales of Real Estate negotiated, and loAnn effected on collateral securities on reasonable rates. .. , All business entrusted to them faithfullv and truuipuy eaecuiea. - RUSSELL & ELKINS. Albany, Oct. 10, '68-5y For Sale. ; To HAND A ne.W paper, issued by San Francisco. 2a Porta Union, Mr. Upton, at Corvallis, entitled the Mercunt, reached Us last Saturday. It is published in the Interests of the De mocracy, j i W esters star is tne title 01 a weekly just issued at Steilacoom Wash ington Territory, by J. I. Allison. Jo. j ..... What Next? -Cheaper than silver lookinjr and weafinir lika gold -neither plated or ealran- ized are the new Gold Metal Watches we saw last week at onr friend Collins'. If we had not a gold watch which we have to pay. each year $2 to "Uncle Sana" for the privilege ef wear in ir t certainly would have a Gold. Metal Watch. Spectator. I y45tf. W. KNIGHT, is an oiu nana at. tuo venuws, uaviog 1 - . m. uiutvi , been connected with the Advertiser, pub- - ' ' J I M. O O 7 ' ' SI m wi.WHMa., VV. 5S- Country order punctually attended to. First street, next door to Twccdale & Co.'s. May 8, 1869-35tf lished in Portland some years ago. v-.- iil.i--. cfj uucaiiy tne otur is ucuiwisuv. News Budget. The " Portland Let ter Sheet and Oregon News Budget' a neatly printed weekly, afforded at $3 per annum, devoted to the interests of Ore goo and the Pacific coast, is full of original-and well selected reading matter, and as a promoter of the interests" of """ wmaout sneing. Portland should meet with large success. Real Instate Ibr Sale ! - - - - - I Almanacfor 1870.-Ilead tho no- nnHOSE who desire to TimannRv. a tice of McCormick a Almanac among the -sl xooa bathed and Plastered T L.w n . Be welling; Mouse, ,,.! jtvj. two stories in hiirht V?tKn taohed, with private barn, well situatdd ? in Mta city 01 AlDany,,will do well to call, without dclau. on KUSSELL A. ELTfTNW. Albaay, Oct. 17, '6S-C . Real Estato Agts. - JT. QUINT THORNTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, ALBANY, OREGON. WILL practice in the superior and Inferior courts of Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and Polk counties. . - Five per cent, charged on collections when J19-69 A nrocessioa of 2,000 222 men) tail ors recently paraded the streets of New York, on a "strike. HOUSE AMD FOUR LOTS ! TN this city, a good new dwelling wita 11 tie JL necessary outbuildings, and four lots, about iwenty minutes walk from the steamboat landing. ' For particulars inquire at the office of the P. T. Company, of J. B. MONTEITII. . Albany, January 30, 1869 - THE EYES ! THJg EARS ! - Or. X. JL. CJOL.OEIV, OCCUST AND AUXUST, ALBANY, Tt s : OREGON, TR. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THfi I 1 iJ noted old Opthalmic Doctor, S. C. Dr. GOLDEN has had" experience in treating the variorts diseases tP which the eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under his care Albany, April 10, t869-3jy EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, srxi noon to vxvck naraas' biLliabo saloon, ALBANY, ORBGON. fTtHIS estaUishment bas been thoroughly re JL furnished, and is now 'ready to receive boarders. - ' Board per week, s ; . $5 00 - Single meals, : : : -' 60 Lodgings, ' - : : : : 50 , E. C. 1I0LDEN, Propr. fJlESTIFY to the wonderful cures of Xx. J. Murray's Balsam for the Liver and Blood, Nature's own remedy. Ono of the celebrated physicians of Portland says he is enred of the Lung and Liver complaint, and says he owes his life to Dr. Murray's Lung and I4ver Balsam. Read what he says t ' . Poim.AST, May 21.1S69. ' I have tried Dr. J. W. Murray's Lung and Liver Balaam. I used it in my family with the best of success. I was sick for some months and used every remedy. I called in several physi cians, but they did me no good. I exhausted every remedy known to the medical profession, and received no benefit. This Lung and Liver Balsam cured me, and I do not hesitate to recom mend it to the publio as a good and safe remedy to the public and my friends. It is good, and those who know me, as many do in this State, as I have lived in many parts of it, know . that I would not recommend them to use a thing tbat had no merit, because I am opposed to quack remedies. Or. W. BROWN, M. D. - i General Agents: - SMITH A DAVIS, Portland, Oregon. HODGE A CALEF,' June 5, '6U-39tf 3SVY9 NEWS. Farmers Can Ride and Plow, BV SECfRIXG OSE OF THB : "GAY". PLOWS, Manufactured and sold for tho very low price of tOfc3 tncL J$7'3. THE simplicity and practicability of this new Plow commends it favorably to the special notice of every farmer. It possesses a decided superiority over all other plows now-in use. The wheels are four feet in diameter, and run on he unplowed land. Its entire construction is in no way complicated. Tbe plow is managed in every manner with ease, and requires only two levers to be used in making any alteration. The supe riority of the ,4Oay" Plow will be clearly shown by tbe following certificate : We, the undersigned, citizens of Linn county, Oregon, having purchased and used upon our farms the "Uay" Plow, hereby certify that the samo has given us entire satisfaction. -Its facility for adjusting to suit the depth of furrow without moving from tbe seat, is simple and easy. We like the plow for its draught, because the same is brought to bear directly upon the plow-beam in stead of the carriage ; also, because it is strong and durable, all except the wood-work- being eon' structed of wroueht iron no castings are tfsed. The wheels runnin? unon tho solid land is an ad vantage over other gang-plows, in strikmg off land and in plowing, not having to mafce tne nec essary changes in the machinery, and the scat is always level, not throwing tne driver forward or sideways as in other plows. Better ' work and more of it can be accomplished by the use of thris Plow than by band. - We tako pleasure in recommending the 6ay" Pi-ow to our brother farmers, as one naving no superior in Oregon. , A. S. LOONEY, . E. W. PIKE, W. II. QOLTTREE. H. DAVIDSON. May 20th, 1869. The "Qay" Plow is manufactured by H. Goulding, Portland Machine Shop. - AH orders will be promptly attended to iy aa- dressing, J. MT jiAS . Portlandy Ortgo. Albany Agents ; . , . J. BARROWS A CO.,' Agents' ... for Linn A Benton1 counties. JOHN. BRIGGS, Agent for Linn A Benton counties May 22, 69-S7 v ' . MRS. DUNN IV AY, TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she baa on hand, and is in regular receipt ot tne , - Xatest and Choicest Stylo of Good 19 THB ' ; ' ' '. Mminery XaXxxe t REittEBKIt, LADIES ! .v. -'If you purchase .-r TEN SOZ&ASS'- WORTH ' of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to the Demcfrest Magazine, for tbe year 1869, as a premium en the purchase Pre and Cloak WaVing in all branches. Bleaching aad Pressing' in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Inezhanatihlo Corner Main and Broad Albin streets,: : ALBANY, OREGON. " " November 7, 1S6S-9 ' . - TTSE MURRAY'S J Oil tho King of Pain. IMPROVED MAGIC ju3-39tf , DUILDEnS) ATTEHTIOn I SASII, HUM) AM) HOOK F A C TO R Y I s. if. aii.tik)ce; it. WRicnfvi , j'.-r;-bac eustov AEirnousE fc co., ltoX sti4t; (om titk itrf KB A3i ), ALBANY, . S i OR EGO I. ,. Tr EEP ON IYXND A rCLL ASSvRTMKNTV and ae prepared to' loors, Order, Blind's, ' such as- . Crown Panel,- Band, aad Sect vow Mold1 ef aft sizes.- WINDOW AfID DOOR FRAMES f aWOfalY dther' kinds of ' , fttiilcliiigr Material i . ... 1 . -. ... ..-.'-'..'. --Al.HO - Are ffepaYcrf to-(To MILL WORK furnish SlieV k'er Fans,- Kigzag Shakors, Sucfiun Fans, Driringr Pulleys; of netrf smiTat our Factory on Lyoa street, (on the river bank), Bxt below Markhaa's warehouse. . . - .; . . AtTHOtfS; 4c, GO Albany, Fefrnary 20 1869-24 FIRE AND MARINE ISlRANCEv Insurance Company Hon. 416 and 4X8 California Street, San Francisco, CaK Stockholders IndiTidually LiabloV Cash Capital, in Gold Coin, tO'.OOOV Deposit in Oregon, 30000v Losses Promnthi and Eauitahltr jLttjtfstedj TniS COMPANY having complied" ih tnc laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insUr' ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and' also agaiuitt Marine aud Inland .Navigation risks,-01 liberal terms. . ; , . GUSTAVE TOUC1IARD, Prcs CHAS. D. HAVEN, See'y, ' W. W. Parrish Sc. Co.f Agonts for Albany. Albany, January 9, 1S69-18 . - LIHF0RTH, KELLOGG & RAIL , (Successors to L. B Benchley A Co.) .; . No. 3 and 9 Front Street, near market, . SAN FRANCISCO, :.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OT American, English and German- Hardware Sc. OntIerry Agricuitu'ral and Mining Tools, Repe, Steel Powdef, Fuae, Shot, ' ; Leady Ete Ete nZanafactarora and PrOprfetora of SuometgeA Double-Acting FORCE PtJITlPS, Patented by 3. A. Morroll . October 29, 1867 tB tttEJ&mtrt, SlBFLESTi aitn - - mtnt dcrabLb ttkt IN THE WOXULDl Agents wanted for this -coast, for sale.- Starch 6, '69-6m2'a County-' right Store than 1,000,000 Persons Bear testimony to tbe Wonderful Ctrrative ' Efloctsof m acw wMira WIlliauHTI 5a.. 1: te,' . Eft v y m ' C w f S3 & J3 ilVINEGAIl BITTERS, sJ o "lauuiaoiureoi irom tne native , e Herbs and Roots of California, aref - Hie Groat mood Pnriaor i For Inffaramatory and Chronio Rheumatkm aat ' uout, dyspepsia or Indigestion, BUioua, Re mitteut and Intermittent Fevers, diseases of tho mood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, taese En ters have been most successful. Sack diseases are jjansed by vitiated blood, which" is genet" ally produced by derangement of the Digestive) Organs. . , - Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenerer roc nod") its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim- pies, Eruptions, or Sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the "Veins' t cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood healthy, aad all will be well. -' v - " - . - Sold by all Druggists and Dealer. It. II. MeDOJiAKD i ' PRDOStSTS AWD ASSSTS,.' Corner Pine and Sansome streets, San Francisco, Cal. and Sacramento, CaL, and S4 i"itt ; aprl7-633 Etroct, N. Y. 32m6