y - f 3 -i ? i I i ii I : f- 1 - f '& t ii ! i' , I' I' .7 . 'A ' ill SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1869 : Latdst. Vjc President Cpiiax is - expected to arrive at Portland Sunday or Monday next, per ocean steamer. Mr. Seward starts for Salem to-day. where ho will probably remain until next Tuesday. i ew mixes. lireat excitement ? is reported in Idaho about the new mines on the head waters of the Payette river. The Statesman publishes letters from the ' "basin in' whichv it is claimed as the richest mining district ever found in the Territory. The same paper . adds that "the excitement ; in lioise county has :. reached fever heat. Everybody has ' gone or is going. In fact the towns, are -.almost deserted. k Large amounts of merchandise have been sent from Idaho Cily, so thcriS will bo no lack of '-. sup plies. t , v, . - 5f,..v . . --i A National. Convention.- A copy of a "call for a National Convention, to meet at St. Louis, on the 20th of October next, for the purpose of; considering the expediency of removing the , Capital of r - - the United States from Washington City to some point in the valley of the Missb sippi," has been .forwarded to Gov. Woods, with an invitation to attend, and also to appoint six delegates to represent Oregon in the Convention. The peopl or tne Mississipoi vauey, at least, seem to be in earnest on this question of re moving tne capital, it me removal is to be jnade, and the general feeling of late years seems to demand it, the sooner the job is accomplished tho better. We nom- ' inate St. Louis as the futuro ' Capi tal. - Cable dispatches state that Mrs. Stowe's article in the Atlantic on Lord Byron is creating a sensation in England. In this article Byron is. accused of the crime of incest with a relative, supposed to be his half-sister, Augusta Maria Leigh. Mrs. Stowe derived her state ments from , Lady Byron, who alleged that this horrible crime of her hus band's wrs the cause of her separation from him. II. Seward. This gentle- Hon. Wm. man arrived at Portland on Monday. It is announced that on his reaching San Francisco from Portland, preparations wil) have been made for a trip to Mexico. Private letters from; the City of Mexico state that the Mexican Government is making preparations to give the great American diplomatist a welcome worthy of the high position he has occupied and .. the nation he has served. He will be met at " Acapulco by President Juarez, nd thence escorted to the City of Mexico. ' ; -V-, , The' workmen, in overhauling the fort at St. Augustine (Florida), recently dis covered several subterranean cells, each of which contained a long iron upright box and . a human skeleton m irons. It is supposed that these were refractory sol - diers, or perhaps prisoners of war, who were incarcerated .- iu these sweat boxes , and left there to die, hundreds of years ago. ' ; -:' y It is announced that Gen- Thomas, now at Alaska, will abolish the whole departmental command in - those Polar regions, and reduce the garrison to a two-company post at St. Paul's and St. George's Islands. These two companies, with a cutter, will be entirely adequate for the protection of the seal fisheries, about the only reason 'offered for sending troops .there at all. - -x " Beaten. A cable telegram informs us that the four "young men forming the crew that went from Harvard University,- Cambridge,' Massachusetts, to Lon don, to-- engager- i or"" rowing bout race with an equal number of' the students of Oxford University, 'were beaten three boat lengths. This tace was styled the "international boat . race," and accounts reached jns from, day to - day of. the progress of . the training previous to the race, and. the. various speculations of gQod judges etc., as to which crew would carry, off Che honors. As to the many speculations in regard to the "good feeling .which thli rivalry would produce between the two1 nations' we fail to see where it 'comes1 in," especially since the Harvard's got beaten.' However, if-"the four" feel gratified to know that they were beaten, we don't Bee that it makes a dime's difference to the' : balance of mankind. - " - In the proceedings of the Pprtland City Council, Sept. 1st, a petition was presented by the Marshal .relative to the "necessity of whitewashing the city jail, and providing. a cushion for the chair of the Mayor." Is "biles"- tho. matter with 'tha Mayer, and is he confined in the jail to keep them from "breaking out J" JLetler from Portland. Portland, Aug. 20th, 18G9. l-CtiEND Van : I have about made P...nyvmind- that. Portland is fast be contag s of some importance is this 'tho ocean to .the. west Siletz ..bay, to the south, Salmon river to the north, and tall hills to the east. It made a scene not often equalled lor beauty. By 12 M wo were iq camp and "settled." On looking around to see who we knew, we found several families from Salem and iiuiwiinstanuing me close prox- CorvaUis, and learned that Jno. C. Men lmity of the unpretending village of San j denhall, Mart. V. Brown, Jesse Parrish Francisco, with her earthquakes Va lux- I their families were camped at the ury y ebbfeet can t indulge in), and her intimate relations, social and commer cist, with that ancient and powerful em pfce whose representatives are gradually but surely, becoming a necessary fixture oj"vour country j the almond-eyed descend ants of Confucius. : J his evening quite an excitement was raised by the firing of a gun just below tha city. The Portlanders pricked up thair cars immediately, and the report was rapidly spread, throughout the city thtt the com in thn the steamer i Active, with the illus trious Seward aboard. Hacks, coaches and drays were driven furiously to the wharf,-while the streets -were thronged by the excited citiiensall anxious to get a glimpse oi ine uisiinguiseu visitor, who, all -unconscious of the honor in tended, was, no doubt, somewhere on the broad bosom of tho; Pacifio. anxious! v wishing for a termination of his tedious voyage. However, be that as it may. was the disgust of tho hotel run ners ana nactc drivers when it was as cet tamed - that, instead of ; the steamer Active, it was nothing but a Dutch tub, front Hongkong, with a cargo of China men on board. Everybody was sold, and realized the fact mstanter. The Oregon & California Stage Cotn- pany'are very anxious for the success of your. bald-headed correspondent. I pre sume they attribute ! that little notice to the .tact that 1 promised them they. should hear from me as per agreement. The jury in the case of W. K. Smith failed to agree, and the trial was post poned till the March term of Court. A Spaniard was tried for selling liquor to Indians, and iound guilty. limes, are hard,; money scarce, and general debility in every branch of business. ' You will hear from me again at Seattle or Victoria. i ; E. the rock a little too early. hired "Old John" (a'."tyc mouth of the Siletz. ,We spent Sunday in fishing, hunting, buggy riding, bathing in the ' surf, shooting , seals, gulls, ducks, etc. -naughty peoplel Monday several of our party visited SUeta, and gave such an unfavorable account of it that we con cluded to stay where we were. The next .day Dr. Belt, J. B. McClaine and Mr. Culvef, of Salem, in, two hours, caught between fifty and sixty pounds of fish a pretty good haul. Next morn ing all tho gents in the camp thought they would see if they couldn't catch fish, tco. ' The consequence was that a great many got a shower bath by getting on Next day we ee " Indian living near the beach1) to take canoes up salmon river with the tide and fish for trout, and succeeded pretty well. Next day one of our party thought it would be nice to go on the rock early, and hs before any ; of the rest got up at the point. : The consequence was that about the time the Test of the gentlemen got up at the point, our ambitious fisherman was standing on the rock, calling loudly for,"heIp I Ihc rock is situated some fifteen feet: from the land,' being separ ated from it by a narrow and deep cut which ,is crossed by a log thrown across the water. The water had washed the log. away, and hence the cry of "help By the time another log was - thrown across, the waves were running all over the rock, tor aa average depth of two feet Sometimes a large wave would come and dreach him from .head to foot. The scene was enjoyed by all except tho main actor. J o complete the'joke the "bovs across, to threw make A Trip to the Coast. During the latter part of July and lore part ot .august ; . Capital ' made a trip to the coast, traveling over; the Yamhill and Ocean Beach Wagon Boad, via Salmon river. Left Salem early on the morning of August 27th traveled down the east side of the Willamette river to Spores' ferry, at Lincoln, where we crossed into Polk county, and where we took the Bethel road. ' Bethel has about twenty houses, including stores. blacksmith shops, etc. : There is also a college building here,4 under the control of the ; Christian CCampbelite") church. Stopped long enough to get some black- smithing done. From Bethel we started across the country to find Capt. M farm, to get a tent, and of all the travel ing I ever saw the greatest was made that forenoon j missed the road; would travel this way and that; some one would tell us we were wrong, and then it would be vice versa, till our patience was entire- exhausted. One of our party, said something about mad dogs, and the rest ihottgJu the same. Just before noon we drew up at a house, where a woman told us to " turn bacic , go straight' a little ways, then keep the left hand road till you come to a broken bridge, then turn to the right and keep straight on, on an old road that will lead you right to the house." Tfaat was satisfactory, if we didn't remember haf of it .We got the tent, and. just after stopping for dinner we bad the bad luck to break the yoke to our biggest tongue. ' So we ; sent a couple of boys belonging to our company on norsebace to Bnendan (named in honor of Phil.), nine miles about, to have one ready when we got ; there, so ; that there would be no delay. When we got to Sheridan no boys had been seen or heard of. So the rest , of the company went on ahead, and about the time we had the new yoke fixed, here came the boys riding in, sayi&g that they " took a wrong r6ad and went nearly: to Amity," some "nine " miles out' " of L theT .way. II lifax Vagaio. About four miles from Sheridan we crossed the McMinu ville 'Water 'Ditch, .and; About tf mile farther an we crossed the Willamina, and after a drive of an hour and an half we were in camp at the "Fort" (old Fort Yamhill).- Next morning -we started about 9 a. M., and after a drive of two miles and a half, we stopped at the Agency to get one of our wagons repaired.-j The Indians were' getting ready for a-pow-wow at the funeral of one who was murdered at Independence a few days previous. About a' mile or a a mile and a half farther we came to the mountains, and began to see the work done by the Road Company. The Com pany have made tho. grade so gradual that the road can he traveled in a one horse carriage easily. After traveling through the mountains ; (some places neatly as dark as night), we came to the toll gate,- about 4 ?. M. We then crossed Salmon river five times, and camped for the night at Long prairie". - Next morn ing, about 10 o'clock, we got up on the hills tils side of the beach, and could see a little three inch log him 4i coon it" over. Next day old John t; bilked ".'us at his house, and we got no fish. . . Bidding tKe rest of the company adieu, we started home the next day, arriving at Salem after an ab sence or some ten days, making aJto gcther one of i the most pleasant trips wc have enj yed for years. , Un J?nday morning or last week young man named Hardy was killed by being caught in the machinery at the Capital Co.'e -Lumbering Mills, in this place. Hardy was engineer. ; His re mains were taken to Buena Vista for interment, by the I. O. O. F. lodge at that place. ')'- . ! "-'..--' Our City Council have appointed t committee to wait upon Hon. Wm. H Seward to : Salem, consisting of Mayor bcott, two aldermen, J4. JN. Uooke, J. is. omith and Gov. Geo. L. Woods. I noticed J H. "Foster." Allen Parker. Ans Marshall and John Barrows, of Albany, in town Saturday. ; .'"- ' l Weather showery. ; ...... Capital. NEWS PARAGRAPHS , A tame dove flew into" the Congrega tional, church at-Lvndon Vt.Y a few Sabbaths since, and perched on the par son's head. ; 1; , ' . Milwaukee (111-), has 90,000 inhabit ants, and report has ; it that 80.909 of them drink beer., They'll have to ship that "odd" fellow. " The ; present season In the Eastorn States is spoken of as remarkable for the prevalence of destructive storms, torna does, inundations and enormous cropsof breadstuffs and fruits. - , A boa constrictor at a side show to a circus in Chicago, on the 30th ult, be came enraged, and coiling itself around the arm of the exhibitor, squeezed the limb severely. It required the efforts of three men to release the exhibitor. In Illinois horses and cattle are said to bo dying from a disease termed i "mad itch.". The crop prospect in England is now reported as fair. Consequently a decline is reported iu the price of breadstuffs at Liverpool.- - . '-v ' Trouble is announced between Bur- lingame and the Chinese Government.- W. A. McPherson, State Printer; -.has bought the Yamhill Courier, it is an nounced, r ' . , ' Horse thieves are making it lively for of good stock in Walla Walla owners valley. At Walla Walla .there were four cases of divorce in one .week. ; The week fol lowing there' were four marriages.. This makes a "stand-off." ' r ' 1 . At the same place, on Saturday last, a little son of A. Seitel fell "into a tub of boiling water. He was so badly scalded that the skin came off with the clothing, yet hopes are entertained of his recovery. Wheat is selling at 75 cents per bushel at McMinnville. . -- A Chicago merchant has contracted for- the delivery of ; 840,000 worth of goods to parties in Portland. The Oregon Legislature meets on the 20th of the present -month, as per ad journment. Freights from Chicago fd .Por'tiand over the Pacific railroad are said to be less in greenbacks, than via Panama .in coin. " '. ' The West Side road has rcachbd'ltob inson'a j Prairio with the ""; grade. .The work : goes ibravely oo. Rumor has it that an effort to consolidate the two rail roads is' being made. ? - Last week a boy named Fcnwick, of Siuslaw- valley, with his ' dog and gun followed on. the track of a panther all one day, when it "treed." ' He then killed it the first shot with his rifle. - The panther was pronounced tne largest ever seen" in that country. - The fires in- Washington Territory uave succumbed to ttie late rains. v A little son of A. Barlow, of Siuslaw valley, recenj.lv was thrown by a vicious horse, who then jumped on him, breaking" his collar bone, and wounding the arm and shoulder. - The East Side road proposes to grade 20 miles of road by the loth inst, ready tor tae ties and rail, liuliy. . It is feared that, the late rains ; have caused the uncut grain to sprout, causing immense pss to laruicrs. Considerable wheat remains to be har vested in Polk cqjpty. . Telegraphic Suuuiary. 2 At the session of the Fenian Congress, in Jmow lork, on Saturday last, a propo sition was read from an Italian desperado W OSSUHtlOIlie l ItUUtJ ill LHUI, Ul ILlllglUUU, while, in Canada. " The proposition was unanimously voted down.- On the 27th August Dexter made a mile iu 2.17 J, under saddle, on the Fash ion Course although the track had been freshly harrowed. The President is said to be much dis pleased with the conduct of the late Chiioa Minister, Ross Browne. Spec ulation is rife as to who will fill Browne's place. Among the names mentioned are Gen: Dodge, of the U. P. Railroad : W., B. Maun, of the East Indian Telegraph Company; John S. Baldwin, editor of the Worcester Sj, and John Russell Young, late of the Ne w York Tribune. The Assistant Treasurer at New York has been directed to continue the pur chase of bonds and salo of gold during September to the same extent and man ner as in August J Last Saturday, Casper Waltz, of St. Louis, killed his wife, literally chopping her head in pieces, and then walked to the railroad j. track, placed his head on the rails between two cars of a morning train, which passed over , him, severing the head from tho body. lie had been drinking freely. A telegram from Cincinnati dated Au gust 29th, says that Mr. Houghton, an attache of the Enquirer got in the car of a hot air balloon, yesterday, to ascend with aeronauts. The balloon was let go by mistake,! Houghton alone in it When about a thousand feet high it col lapsed and descended among the houses, lauding ' Houghton, uninjured, in au alley. ... t . ''"-.''. . -. , .' One span or the bridge acros3 the Ohio at Louisville is completed, and measures 370 feet the1 longest single span in this country. . !" Here is the account of the boat race on the Thames : The Harvard's led off finely, maintaining the lead for a mile when they were two lengths ahead They lost distance in shooting Hammer smith Bridge, a mile and three quarters from the start; At two and a half miles the boats were level. At 3 miles, the Oxfords were two lengths ahead, and won the race by four lengths. The English papers do full justice to the Harvard crew and their excellent performance with so much to discourage them. Che news was telegraphed to New York in 23 minutes and reached Oregon the same day. I be Jbnglish papers comment freely on the rejection by China of the treaty made by Burlingame with the United States. Rurlingame denies the rejection of the treaty. . ' . ' . The prominent Republican politicians of Tennessee, are urging the Governor to call an extra session of the Legislature. A committee of' eight, one from each Congressional district, have prepared and reported a memorial to the people of tne state and Uongress, giving a history of the late canvas and election, showing thatstupenduotis frauds were perpetrated, denouncing the election proclamation, denying the validity of the election, etc. The memorial don't ask for Congression al or Federal intervention. ,; Lawless whites in Tennessee are pro ducing much trouble. Negroes are being driven from the plantations and planters will Jbe unable to secure the crops nnless protection to them and the. negroes is af forded. It is' thought that planters may ie enabled to combine and protect them selves and the negroes in some locali ties. '....:,..." . ,. . ( :: Tho illness of the French Emperor created an immense excitement in Pari san circles, and on , the Bourse a panic. The latest telegrams say. that his sickness is not of an alarming nature' a chronic malady that confines him to his bed. In China, in the province of Szchueo, twenty Christians and Missionaries hate been killed by the populace. Tho Pekin Government has instituted fan inquiry into these outrages. . . . The telegram in relation to the mutiny and consequent hanging on board the Sabine at Cherbourg, is discredited. - Copious rains have fallen in portions of the East, and hopes are entertained that the heated term is over. : At Toledo, Ohio; Conrad Mies, for the murder of Solomon, is sentenced to be hanged November 5th. - Prince Arthur has arrived in Cana da. The war in Paraguay remains in statu ' 2- - . Dates to the 28th ult, state thatol fax is detained at Yoscmito by the illuess of his wife. . The coal miners of Pennsylvania are on a strike. Much excitement prevails in the coal districts. . It is. announced that 1,700 persons, members of a new fanatical sect iu Rus sia, burned themselves to death. Ob Monday several barns, etc., were struck by lightning, hear Binghampton. Wheat Receipts For the week ending Sept. 2d, reported as below ; buh. lbs. ......4,1)08 40 ......no report. .. 3,02'J ... 1,500 ..3.000 3,000 ,.15,1: 40 Hoarh A MBe?h..'...7..'r. T. H. Foster A Ch........ P. S. 2I;irk!iain & Sou II. Chenille...... ......... A. Co wen A Co. 1. IrVuman Ttal........ ...;.;... Sau Pranciseo Markets. " Flour Shipping extra at 55 50. Wheat The ...withdrawal of leading export buyers has depressed the market. Choice shipping is quote! at 1 65. ! Barley Choice, 92cSl 15; old brewing, 1 35. ... ; i . Oats Thca-ange of the market is from' SI 25 to $1 50. j . Wheat in New Yoik rl 75; Flour 8G(79 50. --" Wheat at Liverpool 10s. 7d. ' on tp nrr r, vADSvoifriF & Kunn Are uuw ready to iexecato all kind of- Plain and Fancjl' Painting t Sigrras, Carriages, XSnilding-s, r'-y. : jm well '' Graining', Paperhanffing, - Calciminiasr, : nd in fact alt kind and etylo of PLAIN AND (ilt SIAMENTAL WORK, tbat em be done iritb Pattt and Brnab, at nerFAIIt, WVEfO RATE3.-S. Give an a all. Shop on Ferry afreet, orw Kuhn & Aduma' wagon fhop. 1809-70. NEW TO-DAY. SAITIAI?I ACAIH3MV! lOCATKt AT " Lebanon, Linn Couisly, Oregon, Rev. W. D. NICHOLS, Principal. Rev. E. A. JJDEINS, Assistant. Mil. S. C. NI33IO&S, Preceptress, and Teacher of the Ornamental E ranches. THE A tembe caaemio year, which commences Sep- :er 1st, 1869, an& closes July 12th, 1870, is aividcit into tour teruis of eleven weeks each Pfiiduntd admitted at any time and charrd front tuno of enterinsr till close of term. No dednetiuu for absence in Term time, except in cases of pro. Student can here enjoy every facility thoy can desire for acquiring a thorough education. Young men can obtain rooms and board1 themselves small expense. Yonng ladiea can obtain board in the family of tho Principal, who. resides in tbe Academy buiKlinr. Jnanl and tuition, in wcA came; X In it a Jut far s uer term. Ao extra ekani jor ooara anruiff vneatutn. , A Commencement Conrao . , . .. ana oeen a-ionieu lor too benent or younsr men who wi.h to acituire a thorough business cduca tion. Send for a catalogue, or address tho Prin cipal, tor further information. .Lebanon, August 28, lS6S-52tf i Tuition lower than any other mchool of kiaft i me marc oj urefon .- WILSON'S GREAT tVOKLD CIUCUS " AJtD exhibjtiox or PERFORMING AFRICAN LI0XS ! WltL EXHIBIT AT ITrlday Evening-, September lTth, (Performance commeacing at 8 o'clock r. .) Ana ax tne Fair Ground during- tho Fair. Tbe Manager of this Gigantic Establishment, cicuumgea uy mo very -extensive and liberal pat ronage wnn wnieii ins effort -for a number of years have been rewarded, and with tho view of presenting to tne public of tho Pacific coast an Exhibition of Snrpassinsr Excellence, m seenrca ins bibeat Arenic Talent in the World! rom all parts of Europe and America, and In addition, uas setrurea tbe greatest sensation of mo ago a den or performing , AFRICAN LIONS! Together with their intrepid keetxr. MOTfS LAMBERT, THE LIOX CONQUEROR, who will, at each representation, enter their den, and by the exercise of mysterious power, perforin a number ot ....... . ...... ..: Thrilling-, Daring- Feats ! With these Monarch of the Forests. - -' The citizens of this place and vicinity may de pend on this being a FIRST CLASS ENTERTAIN MEMT. and that these Lions are fottr in number, and weighing 1,60ft, and is positively the finest den of penorming African llons in the world. The performance will be moral, interesn inir n,J reOned. The management have in connection, California's favorite Jejter, ; - HARRY JACKSON. No effort at rivalry can do more than make , weak and ineffectual approximation to the Great world uircua and Animal Exhibition. J- R. MARSHALL, 2-2 - General Business Agent. Sixteenth Year of Publication. McCormick's Almanac ! '-: Vot tbe Tear 1870, Containing nseful statistics relative to' the popu lation and resources of Oregon, Waihingtea, Idaho & Montana, iogctner with a variety of other useful . . .... i information. - -. i COMPlI.E1 AjfD rCBUSHEB BY T. McCormick, ; Franklin Book Store, 105 Front street, Portland Oregon. "Advertising la the Fly-Wheel of Business- Acting on Trade as Steam doea On Machinery." In prcsentinir the aixteeuth McCormick' Alotonae the - publisher desires to call the attention of ewaiaesa men who ). fni. in the benefits to be derived from adartiminx. to the fact that this popular work presenta tbtf -Beat Advertising- Medium on tne Coast. ; Tie advantages to be derived from advertising in McCormick's Almanac, are, i. .; its well-established reputation. II. j Its immense circulation over the Pacifio coast. .. . ; J8 general preservation In every boose. IV. As a work of reference it is in daily use. A limited number of advertisements will w. sorted at the following eoin rates : , - xuu page ovemsementa..,....M..$i5 aq . 'JfL " " I - 10 Quarter " s w 6 00 Address orders to: s. J. Mccormick, Compiler and Pabliaher, '' ' ' Portland, Oregon. Or to L. P. FISHER, San Francisco, California. . .Advertisements must be received nrior'to October 15th, 18S0. u S E MURRAY'S IMPROVED MAGIC QU the King of Tain. : ' ju5-39tf Albany Collegiate Institute. rillE NEXT TERM OF THIS ISSTITC tkn for youth of both sexes, will open on EZonday, the 18th of October next. T . : T f 1 .. ..1. Ar 41. m TIav w . n n TJ IV Will UT3 III lllMIO VI .-.w . . --' " W . CiAnvanJ the Uev. Sxvvkt. it. IavtXE, assist ed by a corps, of competent teachers. : Tha first term will embraco' 1 5 weeks of tuition. ending February 4th, I80. : -,4i Tho second term will embrace 20 wcrka of ta ition, from Kobrnary 7th to July 1st, 1870. . RATES OV TUXTXOW (pen-(I.cartkr or wreics.) - Prrx'aratory and comiton branches.. .... 00 Adranced Knlisli... ........................ ...... 1 OS Aucit-nt and Modern Languages, Higher Mathematics, Ac. -........-...... 9 00 Tuition charged from date of entrance to end of quarter, and payable in advance. . ' Organization of College Classeo. A Freshman clas will be formed and a conrao of study prescribed at the opening of the tern. Wilson's Readers, Clark's English Grammar. Robinson's Mathematics,' Hooker's Katural Sc-ieni e, Quaeken bos' -Rhetoric, : Abbott's Abe. crombiV Mental and Moral Philosophy, Hark ness' Latin Series, Fa.f(neli's French Series, anil the most approved editions of tho Latin and Greek Classics. ' , ' ' ; A Record Of every recitation will be made,. and an averago given in Quarterly Reports' ; atso, of attendance and deportment. " ;..'-:...-.' Owcrnmcnt The aim will be to develop In the student n high sense of moral obligation, haoor and in teg. rity, and thosa who caouot be gorerned by scfei motives, will not remain in the school. ; '' Board May bo bad in families at $t per week, and roouii procured whore students axay board tbouv. selves. Z . By order of the Board Of Trustees. EO WARD K. GEARY, . Albany, Ang. 21, 'CJ-50 President. NOTICE I - A GOOD CHANCE TO PAY Outstanding Accounts dno of Albany, Orcg i I WIl.r. PAY- I Seventy Cents Per Bushel for all tho j Wlilte, Merchantable 'Wheat, Tht may be offered at my Warehouse Albany, j , . . i Oregon, for the next V ! lO ivcc&s to come! T will also, from this tnt ov..ln ). hare in store for wheat, paying tberfor I ...TO Cents per IXiikIicI. I must hare what is dne me bv iti i-.t .r r- tober next, as at that time I will move to San Francisco, where I will carrv on a. mtiiorikl i.irfn mission and produce business. - L. CHEADLE Wilt have the supervision of my bnsiness in Al bany,. Oregon, v : : i I writ buy or sell all kimln nf PmlnM h. bo ofibrcd. Bring on your -Produuo. . By buying- WAGONS at " It. CHEADLE'S. IV. 13. , I nave consantly on hand the very best Two-Horse , Wagons, : . made in- Marlon county, Oregon, out of S Tf A TBg TIMBER, ' and warranted to bear up . , t ,, ' s Forty Hundred Weight, on good roads. , Can be had at - - R. CilEADLE'S CASH STORE, Por One XZnndred and S:kty-fivo Dollarm Albany, Oregon; August 81, '69-50 ' ' """ ' 1 vf-v" - Notice Zyr siJjHf-.'H Halted mates Internal Revenue Col- lector's Office, District of Oregon. Notice l hereby given that the Annnal lUt of Taxes for 1869, also monthly Hate for months of April and Mayj, 1809, aaseesed in the county of Marion.hae boen placed in my hands for collection. All pais ties are hereby notified that I will bo ' At Albany, from Jnly 19th to 34th ; CorvaUis. Benton eonntv. 28th to tha 5a inclusive; . . ; Dallas, Polk county, 3lst to 4th of Aogntt, inclusive; . -" Xiafayette, Yamhill eonnty, Anrust oth to 10th inelnsive. . . " .. ..; Oregon City, Clackamas eonnty. Angnst 12th" to 16th inclusive, - - . , " ' - to receive and receipt for taxes assessed on said list, to wit : Special Taxes, (licenses) Income taxes,' taxes on Carriages, Watobes and Gold and Silver Plate.. Unless payment is made at tho time and place above specified, collection will be. made by distraint and sale of property. - . w- CHAPMAN, . Doputy Collector, District of Oregon J -!- Dated, Albany, July 9th, 1869-45tf 10R SALE A very fair Iucjuire at tie Rb gist; 5fo. 5 oook storo.