The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 14, 1869, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 18G9.
Subscribers finding an X after theW nam will
understand that Urtsir subscription expire with
that number, and they re tatited to" renew their
subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, iri advance)
ix months, $2 ; three months, $1.
Shooting" Match. 'Two shocrtists in
Omaha are to have a fopr months' duck
shooting match Tor f 10,000.
1. , i. .,., ,,. .
TRAKsrERREB-Re7. Dr. Wythe kas
been transfeirwi from the Oregon An
anal Ccrnferece of the M. E. Church, to
the California Conference.
1 MvaOftV-'rhe dea'h of two Ameri
tans, lately executed at Harana, under
military orders, is pronounced by Admi
ral Hoff as cold blooded murder.
Sudden Death. Rev.' Win. Hooker,
or Carwcll, (Ind.), died in the pulpit of
bis own church, on Sunday the 8th of
August, of heart disease. ;', :
Disastrous Fire. A fire occurred
at Elitabethtown (Ky.) on the 7th,
which destroyed $125,000 worth of
property the work of an incendiary.
Valuable Colt. The income of
Mrs. Colt, the widow of the celebrated
rerelver manufacturer, is said to be 8400,
000 per annum.
Home Again. We see it announced
that Mra.'lL C. Victor has arrived from
New Fork, and that her "Life of Colonel
Joe Meek" will be ready by the coming
fall. She is a gifted writer. ' '
Texas Diggings. The new placers
recently discovered near Vancouver W.
T.) are called "Texas Diggings." Pros
pecting is slow on account of the scarcity
of "chuck.":-
Frost. In Maine, on last Saturday
night, they were visited with a slight
frost, and were having the coldest
weather ever experienced at this season
of the year.
Will do Good. Hon. S. Garfield,
Delegate from Washington Territory,
starts East soon, with tbe intention of
participating in the canvass of Pennsyl
vania and Ohio prior to the election this
fall. He is one of the greatest orators
on this continent, and will do much good
there. ,
General Prospect. -As yet no sat
isfactory and reliable information relative
to the crops of tbe present season through
out the United States can. be arrived at.
Reports differ so -widely in this regard
that no certain figures, at this time, can
be given. The general conclusion beems
to be, however, that throughout the
great grain growing sections of the
country, the yield will average with that
of 'former years ; and that, with no for
eign demand, prices would not materially
differ from those of. last season. But
judging from the accounts that reachms
from Europe in regard to the crops there,
there is likely to be a lively - foreign de
mand for wheat. A partial failure of
the great staple is reported there, and
under the influence of that report wheat
shows a steady upward tendency in New
York. A steady improvement - is also
noted in San Francisco wheat being
twenty cents per cental higher than six
weeks ago. This state of facts will not
be likely to engender f'blues" among the
agriculturists of Oregon. A few days
since, the Ortgonian, fearing that the
rise in wheat would be but temporary,
regretted the low stage of water in the
Willamette at present, which prevented
our farmers' and dealers in the valley
taking advantage ef it. Just such eases
as this will arise, when the laok of trans
portation facilities will be seen and felt
throughout the valley, so long a we are
entirely dependent on the Willamette
iriver as an outlet to market. They ap
peal directly to the pocket, thus pto
d ocing the most convincing argttment
ew be brought to bear upon: the
most obtuse, in- favor of ftransportatbn
facilities which are not affected' by dwrth
or "mistf railroads. CTne present iw
ertased demand for wheat may or may
not be temporary further advices from
Europe will be anxiously looked for,
which wUl settle that matter but the
fac thai just When we" need facilities of
transportation most, they entirely fail us,
is a matter that requires but limited
understanding to perceive. . We have
always been in favor of the construction
. of a 'railroad or railroads through the
Willamette valley, and? urged their ne
cessity, bnt we are more convinced of
the want ot such enterprises now than
ever before, and we hope that before
another season is upon us, such want
may be supplied. Speed, the railroad.
ItAi. For some time past Eastern jour
nals have been urging the necessity of a
removal of the national Capital to a more
central location, and by general consent
8U Louis (Mo.) seems to be 'nominated
'as the place for establishing the future
Capital of this great country. In speak
ing of the chances and urging the neces
sity ef the removal, the St.. Louis Demo
crat figures in this way : The Slates now
represented in Congress which, by loca
ton or natural alliance with the Missis
sippi valley, may be expected to favor a
removal of the Capital, number fourteen,
giving twenty-eight Senators and one
hundred - and thirteen Representatives.
The New '.England States, New York,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland,
Delaware, North Carolina, .South Caro
lina and Florida, may be expected to
favor the present location, and they are
represented by twenty-eight Senators
and one hundred and seven members.
Georgia, whose condition is in depute,
and will be until its Legislature ceases
to defy the Constitutionals an Atlantic
State, but a considerable part of it is
more closely allied in business and in
terest with the interior of the South.
West Virginia is on this side" of the
mountains, and strictly bqlongs to the
great valley, but its comparative prox
imity to Washington may turn its vote
the other way. With Georgia and West
Virginia, the Atlantic vote, would be
thirty-two Senators and one hundred and
seventeen members. : Now it is not ex
pected that the votes of all members will
be governed by considerations of locality
only. Some of those who come from
States allied fro the valley may oppose a
change at this time, while some others
from the Atlantic State may with rea
son believe that, as the . change is- inevit
able, it had -better come before .more
money has been expended at Washing
ton. The fact that the mileage of
Eastern members would be increased by
removal ought not to be considered at
all. But the intolerable annoyances and
unendurable swindles of Washington
the hotel charges, the boarding house
charges, the rents,"the cost of living, the
expense of maintaining that public
nuisance called the District of Columbia,
the bother of passing laws for it,- and
the perpetual torment of having to take
a day's journey whenever ' a member
wishes to serve a constituent jit any of
the departments these considerations
are justly of weight with Eastern men
as well as with Western. Very few
people realize how heartily Washington
city is hated by the nnlucky people who
have been forced to submit to all its
frauds and impositions. We reason, then,
that the number off members from the
Atlantic States who would favor a change
will be greater- than those of the valley
States who will oppose itr enough greater
to turn the ' scale even in the present
Congress, if the West should unite and
present the matter seriously, and with
energy and tact As to the transfer
itself, that could be effected in one year
as well as in twentyT ' It only needs more
men, more ships and more energy.' The
nation which has learned to build ten
mile! of railroad in a day, can surely
move a half .dozen stone buildings or as
much of them as may be worth moving
and put them op in decent . shape,
without great delay.
o . ; -
Immigrant Aid Subscription.
From the dalies we learn that subscrip
tions in behalf of the Immigrant Aid
Society, inaugurated in Portland, have
been very liberal in that city, and sever
al thousand dollars will be put into the
treasury with which to commence opera
tions at the meeting for the full organiza
tion by the election of trustees, ect., this
evening. Let other portions of the State
respond with equal liberality to the de
mands of the Society, to the end that
the resources and inducements to immi
gration from the older States to Oregon
may be properly published throughout
the land.'-'
From Europe, Telegrams from Lon
don to the 10th state that. Gladstone is
again quite ill, and his condition is such
as Jo cause great anxiety to his friends.'.
More failures among the firms in the
cotton trade at Preston has been announ
ced. "Koyal assent .has been given for
the purchrase of telegraph lines by the
Government. The ; Telegraph, justifies
the action of the' Government in refusing
exeq-uatuf to Consul Hagerty ; believes
that Grant tnew nothing .jut Hagertii
previous connewtiow witfr h Fenians,
and thinks the justice of the refrtssf will
be acknowledged by the American Gov
ernment. The Harvard crew are fast
gaining friends, and are making better
time with, each days' practice. - "
A Boy Murdered. The f.Gilroy
(Cal.) Advocate, tells of the shooting, in
that place, on July 22d, of Samuel Hen
ry Harris, a lad of thirteen, by Albert
.Cochran, aged eleven.
Snow. Fifteen miles back of Montreal,
Canada, they had a snow storm on Inst
, The EcLiPSE.-From the different
parts of the country where' the eclipse
was total, observations taken by i the
various scientific parties are highly satis
factory, and science and human knowl
edge are greatly benefitted thereby.
Perfect photographs of the different
stages of the obscurance were taken in
great numbers. The scene where the
eclipse was total is described as sublime
and awe-inspiring beyond, description. .
Politic. in Massachusetts.- The
liquor question is making the political
question in old Massachusetts lively,
dividing the llepubhcan party and
making Claflin's chanoo for re-election
to the Governorship doubtful. Senator
Wilson, being ehicf of the prohibitionists,
will probably be defeated for. the U. S
Senate in consequence of such position,
whilo General Butler is goitjg after the
Senatorial honors, and expects to win.
Government Lands. The follow
ing report of the business of the U. S.'
Land Office at Roseburg, for July, 1869,
is . from . the Ensign:. Lands entered,
1,004.77 acres ; pre-empted, 1,760 aines ;
under the homestead act, 1,073 acres
total, 4,438, acres.
. Assassins Arrested. From the
Oregonian wo learn that four of the
Hess family and a man named , Dean,
have been arrested, accused of having
caused the death of Claib. Morris in
Yamhill county, a few days- since.
, Declined. Gen. ltosecrans declines
the nomination for Governor of Ohio at
the hands of the Democracy. This
necessitates the assembling of a new
convention to put another man in
field. " '
Ice. They are manufacturing ice by
a new process at New Orleans, at a cost
much less than the natural article can
be afforded for. Salt water, by this pro
cess, can be distilled and made into ice
as good and pure as fresh water ice.
Good Behavior. A San "Francisco
paper says that there were three hundred
Chinese landed in that city, one day last
week, without" molestation. There is
hope for San Francisco yet.
. .
Strange. A shower of "meat, blood
and hair" is reported to have occurred at
Los Nitos, two miles below Los Angeles
(Cal.), on the 1st inst. Two acres were
covered with pieces of liver, lights, and
other meats. What next ?
Liberal. The citizens of Portland
have given to Mrs. Adolph Miller, whose
husband died -in that city recently so
suddenly, nearly two thousand dollars in
cash,. '
. .i - .
Huoe Devil Fish. A monster devil
fish, captured near the mouth of the
Mississippi river recently, measured 12
feet in length, 14 feet in breadth, and
weighs 1,00 pounds. .
All Right. The card of Dr. Mary
P. Sawtelle . appears in the Unionist.
This is correct.
Wheat brings fifty-five cents at the
Jefferson flouring mill. -
The Jacksonville Sentinel says :
The Washington mill has been sold by
Mr. Hopwood to Messrs. Amy eVMcKen-
zie.:' ,..'. ." ' " -.'-I :,. ..i-.i
The Ashland flouring mill is in full
operation. ;
Times are dull in Josephine county.
and chills and fever prevail there.
A telegraph repair station is soon to
be established at Grant's Pass.
, A young man named Hunter, formerly
of Jacksonville, while driving ' sheep
through Lost River Valley, got a large,
green fly in his ear,-, which remained
there for several hours, so that his ear be
came fly-blowed. He traveled on foot
to fort Klamath, sixty miles, for help :
several large worms were 'extracted by
the Surgeon,' nut net ttaur they bad eaten
so that the medicine injected info his
ear ran out of his nose and mouth. . At
last accounts he was doing well.' -
The Sentinel ' favors ' the - repeal of the
income' tax j considers it odious and in
Jjittle Johnny jLove tell from a buggy
and had his arm broken. .
A daughter of John Herren was acci-
etrtalTv.shot in the face with a revolver,
by her brother. The hammer of the pis
tot slipped While" he was oiling it. The
Wotted was not serious.
A At tie dausbter of Jaeob Kabli bad a
leg badly fractured by the falling ef
gate. -
A beantitul daugnter or Mr, eneiy
lately died, a victim to sore throa -i
Mr. R. W. Raymond, U. 8. Mining
Commissioner, passed through Jackson
ville on bis way to ldabo, gathering sta
tistics. S. J. Day acts for mm in soutn-4
em Oregon. i ' -"'
Dr. Overbeck has been awarded tne
eootract for keeping the County Hospi
tal. ' . 1, - ,
.Mr." Whittlesey, the newly appointed
Revenue Assessor of the' U. S., has Com
menced his duties. ...
Be Careful. A young scion of one
of our families went into the river for a
bath, the other day, with tbe measles
broke out on him, as the ease is reported
to us. The consequence was that he had
to be carried home, and was for a while
in a critical state. It won't do to take
too many chances on the measles, as they
aro very liable to kill if not treated with
great urb-anity. That's all. '
Corvallis College. Rev. W. A.
Fin ley has kindly sent us the fourth
annual catalogue of the Corvallis- College.
The Faculty of this institution con sis s of
Rev. W: A. Finlcy, A. M., President and
Professor of Languages; Rev. Jos. Emery,
Professor of Mathematics; Wm. W. More-
land, B. S., Primary Department; Miss
Fannie Armstrong, Music Department.
The total' attendance during the col
legiate year was 110. The la3t Oregon
Legislature designated this college as
the Agricultural College of the State,
and a special course of study in Agri
culture 'and the Mechanic Arts will be
prepared by the Board of Trustees for
the next ' term, or first session, which
begins September 8th 1869..
Cause Why. Steamboats don't run
up and down the sinuous and pelucid
Willamette to any enormous extent at
present, because of the unprecedented
scarcity of water within its banks. That's
what's the matter. " -
Mt. Hood. In our notice of the big
ox, "Mt. Hood," in last week's issue, we
unintentionally omitted to mention the
name of W. C. Avery in connection
with th5 ox. We should have said that
"Mt. Hood" is owned by F. M. Morris
and W- C. Avery. ;
Measles Are said to be "breaking
out" in portions of the county. It's a
scabby disease, anyway.
' .
An Inducement to Move. Scot
land statistics show that widows srre mar
ried off twice as fast in town as in the
.San Francisco Markets.
Wheat Reports by telegram up to
Wednesday say that the sharp advance
in prices in New York has tended to re
stricf transactions, holders scarcely know
ing whether to sell or bold in anticipa
tion of higher prices. Abroad an ad
vance of five cents has been reached,
holders -demanding $V.751 85 for
good to choice extra grades. We quote
at SI t30l 75.
Barley New at $1 02Jl 10; old
at $1 251 40,
Oate California quotable at 81 45
1 60 ; Oregon, 81 60l 65.
Wheat is quoted in Liverpool at 1 Is.
New ' York quotntitftig are Wheat,
81 85 ; Flour, 86 50(?r;9 50. i
Gold 135. Greenbacks 73? 74.
. Methodist Cfereuee Appointments.
At the late assembling at Eugene City of the
Annual Conference of tbe M. E. Church for this
State and Washington Territory, ministers were
assigned to the following charges for (he ensuing
conference year ;
FoRTXaxD District J. F. Devohf, P. E.
" Portland Wm. Roberts. East and South Port
land A. C. Fairchilds. Milwaukie W. J, Cos-'
per. Oregon City C. W. Todd. Est Tualatin
J. Fhnn. Hillsboro J. W. Tomer. Dayto
J. Howard. Lafayette J. Hoberir. . Yamhill
G. C. Roe. Dallas D. L- Spaulding. Rock
Creek J. Harer. Clear Creek O. YT. Roork.
Tillamook J. S. McCain.
Salem C. C. Stratton. South Salem T. A.
Wood. , Silverton N. Clark . Jefferson SL A.
Star. Lebanon and Sci E. A. Judkins. Al
bany H. C. Jenkins. Brownsville J. H. Roork
Spencer Butte J. S. Douglass. Eugene City
I'. M. star. Monroe J. w. .Minor, xsuena vis
ta -Chaptman. fi - -
Walla Walu District J. B. Calloway, P. E.
; Walla Walla J. T. Wolf. Walla Walla Cir-
nit C. H. Hoxie. Grand Rondo L. T. Wood-
ard. Dalles G. Hines. Waitsburg--W. H.
Goadard. Baker City F. Elliott.
Takama J. H. WiLBtrn.
P ere st SotrKB District rW. K. . Hixes, P. E.
' Olvmpia-iA. H. Man. Seattle G. II. Greer.
Whidby's Island H. Patterson. Claquato-J.
H. B. Royal. Chebalis H. B. Lane. Freeport
and Walaobet-aJ. H. Allen. Vancouver C. G.
Belknap. Vancouver Circuit H. F. Williams.
Umpqua District T. F. Rotal, P. E.
W41bnr-R, Booth.! Soottsburg S. Matthews.
Roseburg J. H. Skidmore. Jacksonville C.
Alderson. .. Kerbyville John Knykendall.
Three more numbers ends this volume.
A i.b ax r, August U J863.
Wheat, white, p' bushel
U4U, :p DUxnel
PotatMiS, bushel
Unions, & bushel
lour, 4 barrel.,
Butter, tb
Eirps, dozen ,
Chickens, d'tzen. .;.........,
Peaches, dried, Ib
Soap, ! tb. i.
Salt, Los Angelos, lb.........
Syrup, 1jft gallon
Tea, Young Hyson lb.........
" Japan, "
Sugar, crushed, fl
" Sea "
" Inland. " . ....
Coffee, T3 R....v..
Candles, tb
Rice, Cliinit. Jh.
Saleratiis, P -....
Dried plums, 91 tb
Dried apples, j3 tb
Driod currants, lb ,..
lijteou, limns, "( tb...;
" sides,
' shoulders, i tb
Lard, in rnns, p tb
Beans, p tb
Dcvoc-s' Kerosene oil, gallon
liirpentine, j gallon....
.... J5
.... . (g;50
.... 1 25
.... $4 M(a5 00
.... -' 2a
... $2 50(.1 00
.. - 5(y5t
...!fl 12il 25
.... - 1 00
1 00
75 I 00
18 ($20
.. (3)&
14(a) 15
(!S) I2i
.. ' 6
.. ' (.i)HI
(at I 00
25(ql 50
seed oil. boiled, gallon $1 021(1 75
White load, keg ,
1'owder, rifle, lb
Tobacco, lb
Nails, cut.i lb ,
Domestic, brown, yard...
Hickory, striped, yard...
Bed ticking, pr yard ,
Blue drilling, ji yard
Flannels, yard
l'rints, fa-1 colors, 3 yard
Pork, lb
Mutton, tb ........
Beef, on foot, 3 tb ............
$1 00094,25
75(1 00
$1 00(0,1 50
- 25(0-50
r .- 5(i(fl
Front street : i : Portland, Oreg-on.
rhascd this well known Hotel, are now pre
pared to offer the traveling public better accom
modations than can be fottnd elsewhere ia the
Hoard and Lodging $2 OO per day.
Tbe Hotel Coach will be in attendance to con
vey Pa-'sengers and baggage to. and from the
Hotel free uf rharipe.
Office Oregon A California Stage Company, B.
G. Writbhoitse, Agent. . ' 2tf
Steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will
be in attendance at all the Landings to eonvey
passengers and baggage to and from the House
FREE OF CHAltGE. . ja9-18
Proat and Washliigtou Streets,
X. P. W. Quimby, - - - - Proprietor.
(Late of the Western Hotel.)
Linn Co. Agricult'ral Associ'n.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Linn County Agricultural Association, held Aug
ast 7th, 1869, the following changes were made in
the Premium List : -r;.
Class 3, No. 1 the premium ia increased to
$25nd12 5. ! .
No. 3, in class 3 withdrawn and the following
inserted f No. 3 sweepstakes. Best trotting,
two mite heats, two ia three, three to enter, two
to go, $40 and $207 j
No. 4 in class 4 withdrawn, and the following
inserted t No". 4 sweepstakes. Best running,
three yean old and upwards, two mile heats, two
in three, three to enter and two' to go, $100 and
$50. , -
In Rale 9, the words "seven years old llllbs."
is stricken cot. . ' ;.
A liberal premianr will be given on the best
running on a Velocipede one Mile.
A Jiber priBe wiU be given-to the best drilled
Fire Company,-to be tested.
, i D- FROMAN, Pres.
.'A. C. Jobbs, See.)
August 7th, '69-49!
HIS HOUSE is the most commodions in the
State, newly furnished, and it will be ths
rmleavor of the Proprietor to .make his cueste
comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat
JTSf The Coneord Coach wilt always be fonn
at the landing, on tb arrival of steamships and
river boats, carrying passengers and their bag'
gape to and from tbe bouts free of charge.
llmut supplied tritk Patent Fire ExtittgHteher:
, , SB
IVew Columbian Hotel, -
- Nos. 118, 120 and 122 Front street.
The Larg-ett, Best and most Convenient
Hotel in Portland!
Located in tbe center of business and near all
the steamboat landings. ,
Board and Lodging1
From on to tiro dollars per day according to the
room occupied.
gy- Rooms newly furnished and well ventil
ated. Superior accommodations for families.
J& Tbe New Columbian Hotel Coacb will be
in attendance at all the landings to eonvey pas
sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel
17 ST-Free ot Charge J-Tfej: 69
Importer and Dealer in the choicest brands of
Chewing- fit Smoking- Tobacco,
Pipes, Stems, Snuff, Playing Cards, Stationery,
- Cutlery and Notions, .
No. 11T Front Street,
Cor. Morrison, opposite Western Hotel,
Goods at Wholesale or Retail. te$
Country orders carefully pat up. at lewest
rates. . ja6918
Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all
the different styles of work ia the art. Photo
graphs from card to liae sue. The new cabinet
cards, Ac, Ac. Pictures enlarged, vetonehed in
India ink, painted in water-colors, by Bin. S. J.
Ramsey. Pictures that are fading can be. repro
duced in this way. Negatives carefully preserved
ao that additional copies may be. had at any time.
Portland, Oregon.
the iiicEiviix:
Corvallis, Oregon, July 23,
To Hebbkbt Bibu, Esq., -
Adjuster Phueuix Ins. Co., Hartford : .
lear Sir : Allow me to acknowledge tbe
receipt, in V - S. Sold Colli, of tbe amount of
my loss by the fire of tbe 21st instant.
The payment of a claim on thy second day after
the fire, is proof that the confidence placed by
the people of Oregon in the but-iness-like prompt
ness aud good faith of the Phoenix I Insurance
Company of Hartford, and its representatives, is
well merited ; and I take this opportunity of as
suring you of my go id will towards the Company,
aud wishing theui the same success in the future
that has, so far, attended their business in this
State. .
Yours, truly,
Corvallis Gazette, July 24, 1869-47 '
We will storo and ship
W Jaoat or
r j and sell and charge but
Tto Cents Storage !
'Also, receive np freight FREE. Down freight
twenty-five cents per ton.
Albany, July 31, .'69-47
I7OR SALE A very fairVo. 5 cook stove. .
Inquire at the Rbbistbr office. '
THIS establishment has been thoroughly re
furnished, and is now ready lo receiva
Board per week, : : i $5 00
Single meals, : : ' : 60
Lodgings, : ! : t 50
E. C. HOLDEN, Propr.
sHio.oo i i
at . f
- . Philadelphia Boot Store,
No. 112 Front Street,
Opposite McCormick's Book Store,
Jan 9-69-18 " Portland, Oregon.
THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing
. between Charles Mcaley and William Plyinp
ton, under the firm name of C. Mealey A Co.,- is
this day dissolved by mutual consent. All moneys
due the firm must be paid to C. Mealey. All
debts contracted by the firm will be paid upon
presentation to the undersigned, who will continue
in the furniture business at the old stand, corner
of Broadalbiu and First streets.
Albany, June 16, '69-41 . .......
Biac Chareol
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted tor
the late firm or C. Mealey A Co., are re
quested to come forward and make immediate
payment to tbe undersigned. "A word to the
wise," Ac- c. MEALEY.
June 19, '69.
ceo. f. settlemier;
(Successor to D. W. Wakefield,)
Farrlsh's New Bulldinff, First Street
Drugs ' and Medicines,
AH articles warranted pure and of the best
quality., .: ........
Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. :
Albany, Oct. 17, 18f8-6tf . '
Consignments of Produce solicited.
'(Opposite the Western Hotel,) '
(Office in Parrish A Co-'s block, First street,)
Albany, Oreg-on. "
Jameb Elkins, Eso., ex-Clerk of
Linn county, we are enabled to add to our prac
tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for
Conveyancing, Examining Records,
and attending to Probate business, ' t
JPeeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages eare-
II v drawn. a .;" '.. ..
fall y; drawn.
Homestead and Pre-emption
made, and claims secured.
Sales Of Real Estate negotiated, and loans
effected oa collateral securities on reasonable
rates. ' t ..j t-
- All business entrusted to them faithfully and
promptly executed. , ... ' - -,,
Albany, Oct. 10, 68-5y ...
For Sale. - - .
IN this eity, a good new dwelling witn 11 tte
noeessary outbuildings, and four lots, about
twenty minutes walk from the steamboat landing.
For particulars inquire at the office of the- PV
T. Company, of, . J. Br MONTEITH.
Albany, Jannarr 30, 1 8694 -