i i i r il S AT (J 11 i)A Y, JIT LV 31, 18G0. Cash Sv'tem. Our experience in the newspaper business thoroughly convincs.1 u that the credit system won't pay that promises wont keep a newspa per in riiti-rin orler. Wo have, there fire, aIapte l the ca-h system payment in a'lvanco. Yolimie One of the Itr.ois TE3 will etse with the issue of "Septem ber 4 th, 1SGIV when nil subscriptions on whieh alvanee payments have not been t'.i:i.te. will be discontinued. Wc would be sorrv to la-e a slujr'.o subscriber from our li-it because of the ad;r!ni of this ru'e. bat justice to our elf deluand.s it. 11 the paper is worth the price asked S3 it is just :.3 convenient to pay it nt the cummer-cement as at the elusc of the .volume: ii' it 'is nut worth tha subscrip tion pri'-e, don't take it there's no com pnlsiiiii iu the mar-.cr. We hope to retain all our !d sauscrihers. :;n l to obtain many new ones for Volume Two. As our subscription list enlarges, so wi'l the fize and interest cf the paper increase. This is our sav for the future. PtioEXix Insurance Co We do not ?unrose that it is necssnrv for us to write anything nrg!T.r the value or ne cessity, in a business point of view, of proHrty-liMor insuring their property auain.-t loss by fire.' Kvery man of com mon business capacity is convinced cf the advantaire ncermnir f'rmn the procur ing a lire policy in a first class company. Convinced of this, we only pen this arti cle for the purpose of direct1. ns; the atten tion of our readers to one of the very best aj:l roost prompt of fha companies that are now oua.ued in taking fire risks Ploftiix. of Hartford, , As this enmpi riy, thro-iih itsajcenf, IleijLert 1. reted with the tuff jr. -rs :-.t iho late Si'e in "Vjrvalli.. m it rcaeratly transacts its bus- . i!!0s every wheie ever ready and prompt with its customers. Mr. Win. Fiiedner, - of Cor a'dis, received the -amount' of his jwihcy the second day af;er the Sre, in gc.ll cub). That's the w;sy to transact business to our mind, and we can rec onuud in j-nd faith an institution that toes the mark in that fashion, you bet. See card of Mr. Fliedner in another place. ,' Lost. A little phi, some five or sis years of sge daughter of ?J.r. Kirken dall, livlpir out on Oak cv-.-k, was sent o't an erruad across lots to a neighbors, on Saturday afternoon, tho 24th. The t hild not returning that night, tho fol lowing morning a messenger was sent for her. The person senr, v.pon arriving at the neighbors (Mr. Faulkner's), was iu" f rmed that the little girl had started home on Sat unlay evening. The alarm was given, :nid parties commenced scour ing the country in every direction for the 1 st child. About eleven o'clock "on Sunday, Mr. Humphrey found tho little wanderer, about three-quarters of a mile from its home, in Markhara's piasture, sound, asleep, with the little bundle, which was the object of her errand, under her Lead in lieu of a pillow. "The angels had guarded the little one during the long hours of the night, and shielded her from all harm. ' An Upset. A party of ladies and geutlemcn from this city were returning iu a two horse hack from Corvailis on last Sunday night. About ten o'clock, and wlicn they were descending the little hill half mire beyond Rainwater's, nhe hack was overturned by too quick a turn on the hill, and the whole party were thrown to the ground, when the hack, by some unaccountable means, assumed its usual ppsish, and with the team, at a pretty rapid pace, pr ceeded on its way to Pierce's Jerry at this city. Mr. Pierce heard the noise .made by the vehicle be fore reaching the ferry, and attempted to head-off the team, not dreaming, however, that there was no one in the hack. However, "Rowdy" and his mate were too fLst for Mr. 1'., and when he arrived at his ferry, the team and vehicle were safely on board iu good shape; and Mr. P. did not discover until half way across tho river, that the vehicle was empty 1 That team will do to bet on. One or two of the parties thrown out of the ve hicle were slightly' bruised ; besides, the scare and the general uncomfortablcncss of the affair, balau ce of tho party were OK. The Nr.w Crop. Several thousand bushels of tho new wheat prop have . been received during the week. Messrs. Reach & Monteith had received 3,000, and J. II. Foster & Co. 2,500 bushels of the new crop up to Thursday of the piesent week. We intend, hereafter, gjviug a weekly report of the amounts of i:rain received by the millers and ware houses ot this city during the season. Vrhe reports from all parts of .Linn county are to the effect that winter wheat- is yielding as we'd if not better than last season, while late sown spring wheat is a partial failure. One farmer realized 2,500 bushels of wheat from ground that iic expected to yield but 1,500. The yield is generally in excess of the antici pations formed. It is thought that the total crop of Linn county will be at least one third larger than that of last year. So far we have heard of uo outs, new crop, being offered. Velocipede. II. F. Lawrence, Esq., of California, contemplates opening a ve locipede school in this eity about the lOtli of September, when those who are desir ous can learn to ride the iancmi!e." Several of the County Fairs in this State, as well as the State Fair, have offered premiums for the best velocipedist, ranging from S25 to 650, and we suppose the managers of our County Fair will not be behind in liberality. l Kxciting. One of our citizens and a noble red man of the forest, had a set to on First street, a few days since, which afforded amusement for the boys for a i few minutes. We believe it was nip and tuck between the parties, but it has been reportt-d to us that "tuck" would have come itvfirst best, if parties had not in terfered and stopped "the fight. Farmers, Read. A card with this heading appears in our columns this morning, which will be of interest to those having grain to store. With a pros peet of good prices for grain, and a de crease in price of storage, fanners should be in the best of spirits. Read S. S. Markham & Son's card. Cash -Solicited on subscriptions. AtBAXV KI1TAIL. M.UtliET. ALBAN-r, July 24, 1309. Wheat, white, -3 bushel 50 Oats. $ bu.-hel S5 Potatoes, r bui-tu-L. (ijjUQ Onions. (H bushel 1 25 riour, T& barrel $4 505 00 Itutter, W tb. Kfi-fjs, if dozen Chickens. tHX dozen lV;n lies, dried, p! lb.. S :ip, -fc lb Sa!, J.ws Anelos, 4 lb Syrup, jxji 1 1 ! n Tea, Young Jlysou ' lb " Jnp.ni, li!gk. - " Suar, crtifLed, f tb s Islan.l. " r..fieo. th : : Candles, lb Hue. Chin. J ft Saieratus, lb ..t liied iuuim, tb 1 tried apples. fi tb Dried eiirr:t-. f lb liiiron, hiima. "fY lb sides", " ". shoulder, 'T H Tjiird. i'l pan:', 'j.-' It) i"H!l:. lb Devms' Kr"seiic oil. ali.-ii.., Turpentine, fX trillion l.in.-eed oil, b.iited, 'j1 iilloi: Whito 'e.id, "f ke Fowdrr, rifle, Jt) Toom'eo, j. tt ........ .. ........ . Nails, cm, 'j lb.... Ooniostie, on'.vn. yrd liiekory, ftii-j.'d. f J trd Uod ticking, jcr y.ird I!!u ilr'dlinr ( yard Flannels, :ird Pr'-iOy, f.i t color, "f yard Poik, tb Mutton, tb., -Uee'", on toot , "jf tb 25 ,.. $2 S03 uu 20 5(,51 " 5 ' "'U 12J1 2 1 i o 1 oo 75fS'.l 00 JS(,20 li-(,t, IS 1 ' : 1 " 2i(.ty.SA 12(3,lfi - I flit Or n. tv.;i2j Oo li fl"00 . S (')(Vy 1 2."' 7501,1 t'l! . $1 Ul'l 50 7 r?? H lfiri3' 2.!0)5O 2iifti 3r .. 50(.jj75 50ji 10I2V . 4i(rt)5 Arm Sawed Off. An old gentle inan named Warren, on Thursday last, while engaged running a wood saw at his son-in-law's, Martin Lupcr, Esq., met with a terrible accident by which he lost li 'a left arm. The accident- happened in this wise : Mr. Warren was passing near the circular saw, which was in rapid motion, when the wind blew his coat-tail against : it ; the coat caught against the saw aud Mr. Warren was drawn upon it, the saw striking his left arm just below the elbow, tearing and " lacerating the arm for several inches longitudina'ly. Dr. Steeley, assisted by Drs. Alexander and Hill, amputated the arm between the elbow and shoulder, and it is thought, with care and attention, the . old gentleman will recover. Mr. War ren is sixty-six. years of ago. m ' Faijeweli; Sermon. Rev. II. C. Jenkins, who has been occupying ; the pulpit of the M. E. church in this city very acceptably duriDg the past year, will deliver his farewell sermon in that church io-morrow, at the usual morning hour. After the delivery of tho discourse, tho Ordinance of baptism will be adminis tered. ' , . . . ... Personal. Herbert Bird, Esq., the ' getlemanly adjuster of claims against the Phoeoix Insurance Cpmpany, called on ua the first of the week. Mr. Bird talks of remaining here some weeks, " Smoky. We have been enjoying (?), during the past week, a taste of similar weather to that . of last September and October in this vicinage; known as the "smoky period." ,Itisvery disagreeable, and most trying to the eagle eyes. Watery. A young man, a few days since, in attempting to swim the Willam ette at this point, eame within an ace of drowning. A boat from the shore reached him in time. Be careful, boys, don't attempt too much. Navigation. -The Willamette is so low at the present writing, that boats have great difficulty in navigating it at all. Very little freight is passing either up or dojwn in consequence. Weather. The latter part of the week has been cool and cloudy. Rain indications abound, but the rain don't come worth a cent. ' Medical. Dr. Whitcomb, a physi cian of some note, of the Nerth Western Medical Infirmary, visited our city on Tuesday and Wednesday last. Harvesting Is going on briskly, and from the reports made Ui us by farmers, the yield promises to be much larger than at first anticipated. . New Building. Mr. ltubajt is building a fine two-story dwelling on cor ner of First and Baker streets. A LB AN Y ADVERTISEMENTS NEW TO-DAY NOTICE Z VIA. Accounts and TCote of J. UAHROWS A CO.. must bo settled within four weeks, aa J. P.arrows intends to leave for the Eastern States soon after that tiio. A good Piano and Household Furniture for a Albany. July 15th, 1869-15 THE EYES ! THE EARS ! I3 T. E. iffE:V, OCTJXIST AND AUEI5T, AI.UAN V, : : . - : OREUOX. u the IT. Land Office at Oregon Cit- To tieorire W. Cooksov : 1 oil are hen iiv notified that John Morsran ha filed in this oilire his nl'cati'iu, supjior.ed by the testimony of two w it n. to i-how that you h ivo Abandon ed the N. W. i of s. V. i of See. lif. T. 12 . R. ; W., claimed by yon as a pre-emption risrht : and you are further notified that unless you up pear within thirty d:iys from service hereof, and establish yourelaitn t said land, that said proof of your abandonment will be taken as truj, aud your claim bo adjudged forfeited. OWKX WADK. Re-rifter. 11 KXRY WARREN, Receiver. Julv 16, lSfi9-4w4fi Notice I United states Internal Revenue Col lector's Office. District of Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the Annual list of Taxes for ISOi), a!s monthly li.sts tor months of April and May, Jt59. asseosed in the county of Marion, has been placed in my hands for collection. All par ties are hereby notified that I will be At Albany, from July 19th t 21th ; Corvallis, Reutou county, 26th tt- the 29th, inclusive ; Dallas. Polk county, .".1st to 4th of August, inclusive ; liafayetto, Yamhill county, August Cth to 10th inclusive. Oe ;-jn City. ClacUamas county, August 12ih to 10th inclusive, I , to receiv.; aud receipt for taxes assessed on said list, to wit : f-'peeial Taxes, (licenses) income taxes, taxes ou Carriages, VWt lies and tiold and Silver I'late. f til.ss payment is mde at the time and place aboe specified, collection will bo iu it Je by distraint und sale of pronertr. " W. CilAFMAX. Dcpuy Collector, District of Olegon. Dared, Albany, July 9iu, l.-i('J-4."tf A New Gold IVIctaL TUS Gold ITIctai Watches ! NOW Bl'-ING 1NTRODUCKD BV 0. E. COLLiS & CO., C2U Washington street, t?au Francisco, Surpass anything yet made in tha way of an im i'ation tiold Watch. They wear well and keep good time. The Ladies' Watches c st $S, $10 and $15 each; the Gentleuiens' cost $15 and 20 each. Chains, from to $t3 each. RKCOMME5DATIONS : Sas Francisco, "Afay 12, 18G9. This is to certify that ! have carried one of the small size tiold Metal Watches which I got of O. K. Collins & Co., and liud that it rues as well, aud keeps as good titnu as any watch I ever car ried, and I can therefore recommend them. I am engaged ou .Sacramento steamer Chrvsopolis. C. A. COLBY. fom engineer on the San Jose Railroad ; I have been carayinsr one of C. E. Collins Js Co.'g Watches for about one year, and I can safely say it is the reiy best watch for titn?, tbet I have ever seen. GEO. CORNWALL, Engineer on the San Jose Railroad. Toaso, May 20, 1869. Jer. O. E. Collin fc Co. 1 wish to know on what terms you will send five or six watches to one address. Several of the men in this ma chine shop are highly delighted at the watch I got of you ; I am very much pleased with it ; it gives satisfaction. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain yours, R. B. PAfTOX, ' Clerk, Toano, C. P. R. R. For List of Prices and description of- Goods, send directly to us. : Can be sent by express, to be paid lor on delivery. C. E. COLLIXS A CO., 629 Washington street, San Francisco. P. S. Where six Watches of the above are ordered at one time, we will send one extra, free of all charge. , We also dsul in the finest Gold and Silver Watches, watchmaker's and jeweler's tools and materials, at the very lowest possible rates. Tho new Gold Metal Watches now being intro duced by C. E. Collins A Co., of San Fraucisco, seem to be just the thing for those desiring a cheap and at the same time good-looking time keeper. One of the young lady compositors in our otfioe has one of the cheapest kind advertised S3 which runs well, keeps good time, looks well, and seems to fulfill all the requirements of a bih-priced watch. , The chain sent with this watcu is of exquisite design and high finish. Beo their advertisement in another column. Alpine Miner. ' Watches. We have received one of the new Gold Metal Watches from C. E. Collins A Co., of San Francisco. It is neatly finished, hunting case, keeps good time and is, without doutt, the best watch for toe price that can be purchased in San Francisco. La Porte Union. What Next? Cheaper than silver loeking and wearing like gold neither pl&tad or galvan ized -are the new Gold Metal Watches we saw last week at our friend Collins'. . If we bad not a gold watch which we have to pay each year $2 to "Uncle Sam" for the privilege of wearing we certainly would have a Gold JUetal Watch. Spectator. jy45tf . R. OOI.DEX IS A SOX OF THE f y noted old Opthalmio Doetor, S. C. r. OOl.DKX his h-id experience in treating the various discuses to which tile eye and tar are subject, aud feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves under his fare. Albany, April 10, 1809-31y XXZE LATEST STYLES OK Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ! PKLKCTKll WITH CATtE I Til K SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS Jl'ST RECEIVED, A!CI OFPKRRD AT TUB ' Lowest CaIi Hates. On 1'irst street, first dno west of John Connor's brick, and opposite R. C. Hill A Son's drug store, ALBANY, OREGON. r. C. HARPER. May 15, 1SB9 3G Lost or Stolen. itr hi rt rc a w v. irwriiiT-v wTvirri a not to purchase any of the following (totes of hand, executed to Samuel Wilson, at a salo near Rrownsrille, Linn county, Oregon, on the 21st day of October, 186$, signed and secured as follows : - rnive:r-Ai,i. streties. T. P. Hinwiddie John Wilson. Win. C. Baird J. H. Wilson. J. if. Wilson M'm. C. Baird. Ely Davis T. P. Dinwiddle. T. 1 . r oster , j - Win. Wigle ! L. Hash rook Jijjm-s Kcnicy T. P. Uinwiddie. Robert Crawford as said notes of hand hiive been lost by, or stolen from, the undersigned, and he will proceed toeol leet the amounts of the said several notes when due. A liberal reward will bo paid to th person re turnin-r any ooo or all of sai l notes to the under signed ut lirowtisville, Oregon. W1LLTAM McCOY. Brownsville, April 30. lS09-:l5t4 SE MURRAY'S IMPROVED MAGIC Oil the Kins of Pain. jn5-39tf V THE OLU STOVE DEPOT ! PEAIEK l.N STOVES, COOK, PAIlLOIt & BOX, of the best patterns ! . ALSO " Tin, MSieet iron and Copper vV aro 2 and the usual assortment of Furnishing Goods to be obtained in a jTSr" Jiepairit neattf nnd prtmiptfy exf-uted, "TS Z-if on -ona.e term. "Short reckbnings. make long friends." Front street Albany. Next door to Mansfield A Co. J dec5'GS-12 - KNIGHT, House, Sign & Carriage Painter, ' ALBANY,' OREGON. Faperhanging', Glazing-, Kalsom'ine, &c. &4 Country orders punctually attended to. First street, next door to Tweedale A Co.'s. May 8, 18C9-3tf i : Washing1 Clothes Without Labor. THE " Automatic Clotlics-Waslicr . AND B O I X. E 12, T Does this without any wear and tear, and does the . work in from Twenty to Thirty lainatcs! and will fit any stove or range. They are used extensively in the East, and the following will show how they are regarded : Prom tho Toledo Commercial, April 22d, 1869 : 'Tlie Automatic Clothes-Washer." The new method of washing clothes without labor as done by the "Automatic Clothes Washer and Boiler," is attracting, as might naturally be supposed, a good deal of attention. " This remarkable machine coutinues to show to astonished visitors, whose numbers are daily increasing, how simply and easily a large days washing can bo effectually ac complished in comparatively short time by this laborsaving invention. I From tha Cleveland Plnindealer, March 12th, 1SIJ9 : "The Automatic Clothes Washer. Noth ing in the way of a patent has for a long time awakened such a general interest, as the above named invention. Washing without labor by the mere force of beat, is a step so important and new that it naturally excites a great deal of inquiry. Tho genuino merit, the cheapness and simplicity, must make it an article of universal use.and those Reeking an investment cannot do better than to look into it. : . For sale by JOHN CONNOR, Agent. May 8, '63-3m35 First street, Albany. SE MURRAY'S IMPROVED MAtilO Oil the King of Pain. ju5-39tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E2sss3 Want o c3L I Twenty-five Cents Per Dozen Paid for fresh Eggs, for tho next thirty days, at R. CHEADLES. TVo. 1 Butter In good demand, at the CASH STORE, at Twenty-fiVe Cents Per Pound. Albany, May 1st, I8ti9-3t More than 1,000,000 Persons Bear testimony to the Wonderful Curative Effects of J BR. JOSEPH WALKER'S S 3 r 3 7 s a s f - k f 1& 7 .ZL s 1 YIXE&AR BITTERS, f i 5 o 9 AT T., ..f w ,,1 C-Mn Ilia niitttra . Herbs and Roots of Caulornia, are The Great Blood Purifier. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, 'Re mittent and Intermittent Fevers, diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, theso Bit ters have been most successful. Such diseases are caused by vitiated blood, which is gener ally produced by derangement of ths Digestive Organs. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions, or Sores ;cleanS3 it when you find it obstructed and s.uggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is fonl, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood healthy, aud all will be well. . Sold by all Dmggists and Dealers. K. II. McJDOXALI) & CO., l'RCGBISTS AND AGENTS, Corner Pine and Sansome streets. San Francisco, Cal. aud Sacramento, Cab, and 34 Piatt aprl7-6! street, N. Y. 32m RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette' Valley and Cascade Mountain CONFLAGRATIONS Arc of Daily Occurrence t Wagon Road. 50 00 00 50 4.0 25 13 H 60 25 1 00 To DescUuttes River : Four Ilorso or Mule team.. a ............... ,.. One " " " , Ox teams, three yoke For every additional yoke....,....... Looje horses, per head " cattle, per head " eljcep or hogs Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals loa led. ' ' unloaded ...... Horse and rider To Fish I-ake : Four horse or mule team, each way- 2 00 Two " " " 1 J)0 One " " " I 00 Pack animals, loaded 50 " unloaded -25 Horse and rider 75 Ox team, three yoke 2 00 To Upper Soda Spring : Fonr hosa or mule team, out and back...... 2 50 Two -' " " " " 2 00 One ' " 1 00 Horse and rider, 50 Loose animals, " ...... - 25 Ox teams tho same as horse teams. A. HACKLEMAN, W. W. PAnnisn. . pres. Sec. March 20, 18CJ-28 Blanhattan Life Insurance Co., OK KIW YOHK. Assetts $6,000,000 Aunual Income - 2,500,000 Surplus over Liabilities LABOER. THAU Any other Company doing- Easiness IN OREGON. Advantages to Insurers. Snt"llf-xt Ilalio 6 mortality. Expense .leu than any Cash Company. Liberal modes of Payment of Premiums. Insurers receive the Largest Bonus ever given. ,' All kinds of "on-Forfeiting Life and Endowment Policies Issued. Policies Incorit-estible. All Endoicment Policies and the Non Forfeiting ; Life Policies, Ifon-Forfeitable after one Payment. The following sre examples of the operations of the last dividend: Policies issued in 1865, only four years ago : Agwat Amount Premium Added tu Total Am't Issue. Insured. Paid. Policy. Policy. 40 $10,000 $1,280 $!,573 $13,572 35 8,000 1,022 2,343 10,848 . 30 7.500 780 2,703 10,208 25 7,000 571 2.505 9.505 This is an entirely new plan, giving Insurers the largest return ever made by any Company in the same period. - - The Company give credit when desired, of from 33 to 50 per cent, of premiums. An illustration of the advantages of the credit system as practiced by this Company, is the case of H. C. Cue, of Tonkcts, who insured his life in this Company for $5,000, in February, 1857, pay ing the whole premium in cash, $113 ; at the end of the first year it was impossible for him to raise the amount of the premium then duo, in cash, and he came to the office prepared to surrender the policy. Being told that be conld give his note for the premium, he did so. , His death occurred in less than seven months. His family are now in the enjoyment of- the amount insured. Had he insured in an "all cash" Company, they would have been left unprovided for. . This is, in itself, a complete refutation of the absurd statement of '-all cash" Companies, that it is injurious for the insurer to have the power to give a- note under any circumstances. C. P. KERRY Gen. Agent. A. J. GROSS Special Agnt '. msSmS ' FIRE inSUStANCtS IS THK OJ1.V SAKKCVAKD El. II. MACilLL, .iWaifaserV Cash Assets, $1,519,338 08. Amosttt Cishursed for Fire losses, FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. Sterling Indemnity Equifablo Adjurtments Al oiler a to Rarles.- PUicies issutjd and rcncwetf.by : E. V. KUSSBLL, Kesldent AffClit, . Albany Oregon June 12-3m40 '. . . , - ' Over IOjOOO Persons I rgESTI'i to tho wonderful cures of 1J i. -T. "W", Murray' Kalsam for tho Liter and Blo'od, Nature's own remedy. One of the celebrated physicians of Portland says he is cured of the Lung and Liver complaint, and says he owes his file to I Dr. Murray's l.unjj and Liver Balsam Read what he says : ToBTLAien, May 21, 1SC9. I have tried Dr. J.' W. Alurray's Lung and! Liver Ralsam. I used it in my family with tb best of success. I was sick for some months and iiaed every remedy. I called in eeveral physi' ciuns, but they did me no good. I exhausted -every remedy known to the medical professiunv and received no benefit. This Lung and Liver" liaisarn cured me, and I do not hesitate to recom mend it to the public as a good aud safe remedy to the public aud my fri -nds. It is good, and those who knowme, os many do in tliis iStato, as I have lived in many parts of it, know that I would not recommend them to use a thing that had no,merit, because I am opposed to quack remedies. O. W. LR0W M. JD. , . General Agents : " SMITH & IMVIS, Portland, Oregon. HODtiE & CALEK, " " - June 5, '69-39if CY ,NEWS. Farmers Can Ride and Ploir, t Hf crnue oxs of the "GAY" PLOWS, Manufactured and sold for the very low pries of THE simplicity and practicability of this new Plow commends it favorably to the special notice of every farmer. It possesses m decided superiority over all other plows now in use. Th wheels are four feet in diameter, aud rnn on tho mi plowed land. Its entire construction is in no way complicated. The plow is managed in every manner wfth ease, aud requires only two levers to be used iu ranking any alteration. The supe riority of the '-Gay" Plow will be clearly showi by the following certificate : We, the undersigned, citizens of Linn county, Oregon, having purchased and us ,d upon our farms the "Gay" Plow, hereby certify that th same has given us t-ntiresati.-laction. Its facility for adju-ling to suit the depth of furrow without moviog from the seat, is Kiinp'.o aud easy. - Ws like the plow for its draught, because the same is brought to bear directly upon the plow-beam in stead of the carriage ; aUotecautie it is strong and durable, all except tho wood-work being con structed of wrought iron no ea tings are nsed. The wheels running upon tho solid land is an ad vantage over other gang pbwa, in strikinc .off land aud iu plowiug, not having to make the nec essary changes in the machinery, and the seat is always lovel, not thr wing tho driver forward or sideways as iu other plows, lletter work and more of it can be accomplished by the use of this Plow than by band. We take pleasure in recommending the "Gat" Plow to our brother farmers, aa one having no superior in Oregon. ? J. ft. REKO. W. P. ESHOM, A. S. LOOXKY, K. W. PIKE, W.H.UOLTTREE. - II. DAVIDSON. May 20th, 18(53., The "Gat" Plow is manufactured by H. Goubling, Portland Machine Shop. All orders will be promptly attended to by ad dressing, - v CP. gav, r : j- Portland, Oregon!- Albany Agents. J. BARROWS A CO., Agentr " for Linn & Benton counties.- JOHN BRIGGS, Agent " i for Linn t Benton counties.- May 22, 69-37 Ag-ents Wanted $10 a 2ay. Two SIO Maps for 4. LOYD'S " Patent Revolving Double Map$ Two continents, America and Europe, and America with the United States portion on an immense scale. fOLOBED IN 4,000 COUXTIES.- THESE great Maps, now just completed, 84x 02 inches large, show every place of import ance, all Railroads to date, and the latest altera tions iu the various European States. Theso' MaM ar reilml in nrprv .lwwl 1 e . . iniuiiv 111 the land they occupy the space of one Map, and! "j 4jcuo oi me reverses, minor side can be thrown front, and any part brought level to th eve. Count v riirhts and lrra : . . good Agents. - J . ; , , , Apply for Circulars, Terms, and send money for and see sampla Maps first, if not sold taken back on demand. - - J. T. LLOYD", May 22-1 m 23 Cortland street, N; Y. executor's Notice mjOTICE is hereby given that ths unde'rsfgied a,. i. cuvor oi rue es tate of Hiram Maoey, deceased, by ftie Conntv Conrt of L,nn county, Oregon : That all claims aeamst said est&ta mmt j . .. ms j - , . " r'nwu 10 ine on dersigned, at their residence in Linn eonnty.dolr verihed, wthln tlx months from tho date hereof - V. V. MACI5Y, --- SARAH MA.CEY. rows it, Flixs, Attys. - , . ? Ksscntors, Linn County, Oregon, May;7r 1S0-35w4. 1 i 5 V.