The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 31, 1869, Image 2

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H AT U II DAY, JULY 31, 1869.
Change The Unionist of Salem has
feet) purchased by S. A. Clark: V Clark
lias been tlere before.
I- "i
5 "
Prw Our Exchaue.
Ripe peaches have made their appear
ance at Walla Walla.
Warm weather has been experienced
at Walla Walla, the thermometer, last
week, ranging from 9S to 104?.
S. J, MeCormick, the enterprising
"book" man of Portland, has in course
of publication a Dictionary of the Chinese
Language. It will be issued during the
ensuing month.
The Chinamen set to work on the
East Side Railroad, under the superin
tendence of a late foreman on the Pacific
Railroad, are said to be throwing dust a
int Itit. irn hn
iireckinud-je will yet be President of the ' Chinamen in Oregon. r
lmUsJ Suites. " . : J- . A. J. Dufur, of Marion county, goes
A ro!.K,.l tree iVsanta Cruz county ' East sl,orJ,y P'Ps of purcbas-
i 20' haudrej feet hi-h and 2G ieet in !Ja" CaU,e ot the 'Ayresbire breed, with
Pairs. Wheat has advanced five
cents ror bushel in this "market, Cfty
fivc cents now being offered for first
quality,'' '!
j 1 11 .
Anna Smith, aged 19, owns and works
a f inu of 103 acres in Mills county,
wiaiijeter. .
. .
A (jflrni iii woman io Cleveland has
.given birth to two pairs of twins within
t welve nv-mlbs, the fiirst pair dying short
ly af(ir birth. " " j
; The Yaliej Advertiser says that town
tejyiees in Gfty-one whisky shops, but
not a fi;iila public school. For
Neaily all the children of Silver City,
Nevada, are said to be down with the
.whooping eouh and scarlet fever. ,
John H:ie!nw assumed the duties of
chief editor of the New York Times on
the Conant is still managing
Still-Pukcuasixo. Secretary liout
wcll, it is announced, will still continue
the .purchase of 3,000,000 of bonds
weekly during August. -
1 ho fishing at Au-sau-au-quoi-son-go-mon-go-ton-fo
Lake, in Oxford county,
Maine, is said to be "numerous" ; at any
rate the name is.
The -estimated population of Ireland is
only about 6,000,000. Of these 54,812
got married l ist year, and only one-half
. of them could write their names in the
Mr. White, he inventor of the three
wheeled velocipede, promises to " bring
out a machine with which he can make
fifteen milo3 an hour over any road in
the country,
Lord Byron's valet, Lindsley, is now a
cripple in a western hospital. lie was
in Abraham Lincoln's company in the
Black Hawk war, and served in the late
war, in the Sixty-first Illinois.
A ilonoiulu paper says lately four
. Kanakas were obliged to abandon a cap
sized whale boat, and swim for the Niihau
t-horo, which one of them reached after
22 hours swimming,- The others have
not been heard from, and it is supposed
they were drwned.
Deer are so numerous in the vicinity
, of Santa Cruz that travelers are compel!
ed to thrash them with their horsewhips
, la order to make them give :' the road
The Fitju roniari is responsible for this
deer tale. " .
,., . Collision Feaued. Telegrams say
tuat grave fears are entertained of col
lision in-East Tennessee in the approach
ing election. Partisans of Stokes say
thty will prohibit ex-rebels, recently un
lawfully restored, , from voting. They
are arming for ihat purpose.
Received. Pomeroy's Democrat has
reached n.
The Canyon City Journal is- a spicy
little sheet, and we hope that it will re.
ceivc sufficient support to enable the pub
lisher to issue it regularly.
A gentleman residing in Lcwiston,
. Maine, left his three little children at
home while he attended ; church, and
when he returned found them busily
employed in cleaning the inside of a $300
gold watch with soap and water.
. At the last session of the "Legislature
of Kentucky the penalty for rape was so
amended as to leave it discretionary with
the jury to make it confinement in the
penitentiary of death by hanging. Pre
viously the punishment was only impris
onmenC. '
A Democrat Speaks. The Sacra
mento .Union has received the following
, letter, in which a thoughtful . Democrat
( directs . the attention of his ponderous
intellect to the Chinese question:
, Mr Editor it is usiies to. hide fackt3
' to ' the amerecan people they know to
i jmuch.' even emegrantes are also eiquel
. to chinamen. Carpetbags will Pleas tak
, J3ack seet and let the united states of
, tuiereca Go on in hast &c yours
Samuel lonelson from
: ' Elko State of Ner. !
which to stock a dairy near Salem
iiikous lover, ague, summtr com
plaints; etc., prevail to some (cxttut in
Portland. A large proportion of the
deaths has been among the children.
Averaging the yield th roughout this
valley, not more than half a crop will be
received from the spring grain.. ; .-
On the afterncHiu of the 27th, a terrific
storm passed over Jacksonville, " it was
a perfect tornado of wind, hail, thunder
aud lightning. Sheds, fences, trees,
etc., were torn down, and .nearly every
fruit tree in the immediate track of the
storm was more jbr less damaged. An
immense body of water swept down
Jackson Creek, tearing away gardens,
fences, bridges, orchards, telegraph poles,
and in some instances eattlo. TJw.
was more water in the creek than durin"
the freshet of 1862. The storm was
confined to a section of about two miles,
Jacksonville being about the center.
The damage to mining claims, etc.,
will probably reach 810,000,
Gold is quoted at 137J. Legal ten
ders 7374.
in &an i ranciseo, on the morning of
the 2Sth, J. II. Yoight, editor of-'the
Commercial Record, and John Gerrin,
reporter for the Guide, exchanged com
pliments with revolvers. Nine shots
were fired, only one of which took
effect, Yoight receiving a flesh wound
in the left arm. Poor shooting. Doth
parties were bound over, the first in
the sum of S1.000. and the l.itfpr S. nrf
Tho Chicago party met a fiue recep
j o t' - i . i
nun iu oan rrancisco were oanquettea
and '-shown Tound" on the 27th.
Admiral Farragut reached San Fran
cisco on the 27th.
A man named Swadc had his le"
torn off at the hip joint by a threshing
machine, in San Joaquin county (Cai ),
last week, lie died almost instantly.
The Atlantic Cable's reports of fiue
weather iu England, in connection with
more favorable reports from our North
western wheat regions, has led to weak
ness and lower prices in both flour and
grain in New York.
Letter From Olympla.
The following '.-letter, dated Olympia,
W. T., July 24th, 1863, received by, a
gentleman of this city from a former
well known resident of Albany, although
not intended for publication, contains so
much information , in relation to Wash
ington Territory and other matters of
interest, that we publish it in full :
I arrived here several days ago, and
havo kept myself pretty busy in hunting
a hole to jump in. It required but a
short time aFtcr my arrival here to learn
that Olympia would not do for mc, there
being no life hero except that which
whisky can produce. It i the Terri
torial capital, and the center for the
aristocracy. I. havo counted six build
ings in course of. election, and abjut as
ukiuj, mua w uo tue work as it takes
shingles to cover them. Ileal testate is
held very high here, owing, I suppose,
to the expectation that the ' terminus "
will reacii here sometime; but when the
tide is out, a vessel cau't come within
two miles of. tho place a high old ter
minus I ;.' I extended my. . travels by
steamer to bteslaeoom, a distance of
thirty miles down the Sound. I found
this once very thriving town at the pres-
they draw too much water to run up the
I had about made up my miud that it
would be useless for me to wait here for
the good time to come, and had made
arrangements to take the back track for
the Columbia river I could return to
Westport, and get something to do there
sure. Cut before taking this final step,
I proposed to Johu - Leonard (who has
accompanied me in' all my travels, aud
has shown commendable grit, by de
claring he would stay righ here till
better times and the terminus is found,)
that we take a trip over to Tumwater,
two miles' back of Olympia, and what we
s-iw and did over thre will be the sub
ject of another letter.
I write with a pencil' beeanao 'tis so
awful hot that the .ink dries up as
fast as I tnke it out of the bottle. I am
in my Tooin, with my hat, paufs and
boots scattered about the floor. It is so
awful hot I won't write any more.
Respectfully yours.
Political Action.
We clip the following from the Sen
V lirt.iv tf-m 1 i "...
V i uC luug drought is
uryn.g up many wells iu this valley so
that they have to be deepened. We
v,..c,0 tuut me present w by far the
.dry est season ever kuoWn since the set
tlement of Oregou.
A very large fire is now raging in the
mountains west of Ashland, aud also in
the woous on Applegate Creek. If we
do m,t have ram soon, much damage
will bo done
learn that a minor rn ATj-
1 i v ii i'luunay,
tef, at, named 1', hid his
right leg -badly broken by " lei ii' en- IU Uie llUlStlUr w..flra
of his
sonr e svjn
eut time abodt gone in,
Boutweu's Financial Poltcy.
The result of Doutwell's administration
appears in a proposition from a German
house at Frankfort to loan the Govern
ment 5300,000,000 at 5 per cent., which
the Secretary is, of course, obliged to
decline. lie thinks we may within a
year borrow all the money we want at
four or four and one-half per cent., and
he will probably recommend such a
loan next winter, fpr the purpose of pay
ing off the five-twenties. A private
letter from a well advised source says
Lngland expresses the opinion - that a
loan at four and one-half per cent., could
easily be negotiated within six months.
V ork Resumed. The Oreqenian
says the West Side Railroad Company
have resumed their work of grading, with
about fifty men. This force is. to be
increased as soon as laborers can be pro
cured. Arrangemenrs have been made
to procure twenty miles of rails when
ever the Company shall grade and lay
the ties for that distance.
The prreat strusirle now coinsr on in
California is between the Democracy and
Chinese, to determine which shall be the
ruling race." The Chinamen' remain pas
sively indifferent as ,they feel sure of
success without an effort, but the poor
Democracy are nervous from fear and
doubt. Nevada Gazette. ' .
Sometimes our sympathy is with the
Democracy, and then agaiu it is with
the Chinese. "
Miss Ivy JS1. Fall took possession of
the Vallejo, California, Post Office on
July 2d. "
: It is stated that many of the. soldiers
at Ft.' Klamath are sick with cramps,
chills, etc. ... .
Harris, the highwayman shot at San
Francisco, recently, was ShotweTL :
told, to the decline iu tha prica of lum
ber. There being no demand for assist
ance from outsiders, I once wiore em
barked for a more genial clime, aud my
next stopping jdaee was Seattle, thirty
miles still lower dowu the Sound. This
place has a most harbor, and
the town looks very pretty. There is a
monster saw-mill, just completed,-light
on the wharf, and two large vessels from
'Frisco were taking in lumber. I found j
things lively here. I should judge that J
there are not more than fivo hnnil.i
liquor saloons here, and perhaps about
that number of squaws parading the
streets some in gorgeous attire, while
others were not quite so narticnlar.
I met at Seattle many old friends.
Among fhe number was Rogers, who
looked twenty years younger than when
we used to know him I didn't notice
scarcely a grey hair. He obtaiued work
on the saw-mill, and when it was com
pleted, he started a hotel, and if ho told
the truth, was doing well enough ; but
getting tired of the thiug, he sqM out
and went'off prospecting for a ranch, and
found it twelve miles away a splendid I
I saw all the Woodses.
tieman nrst got work on the big suw
uiill, aud when it waj i completed, he
went to paddling his own canoe, and ho.s
had work most of tho time. Billy
Woods is head sawyer in the big saw
mill, aod gets S70 . a month and found.
The Doc. is screw tenders
I also, saw Jim Payne, who first ob
tained work on the saw mill, and wr-en
it was completed, started out on his own
hook, and has done quite well. Io told
me that in three weeks h3 , would start
for Salem, for, his family, and that he
intends making Seattle his home. There
is a female Seminary here, and Payne
has accepted the offer of a large house,
free of rent, and boards the scholars at
63 50 each a week.
I saw Denny, who gets 570 , a month
tand board, as engineer on a wee bit of a
The price of lumber regulates busi
ness i here, like wheat at- Albany ; and
when the foreign demand for lumber de
clines, as it has for the past two months,
there will be no demand for outside.
mechanics. I'll bet there are five
hundred men on the Sound that are idle.
The papers lie like when they say
The old cen-
jfcUnder this heading we find the fol-
lowing synopsis of a meeting or conven
tion, held at Oak Point Sch'olhou?e, in
was - 13 wunij, t utj j .jiii, la me jqt-
vallis Gitt!e. As we are requested to
publish it, we do so for the benefit of all
concerned :
Meeting called to orJer bv Win.
W inriiug, Seeretarv, and on motion, Kro.
Robert Glass, L,. ., of B
called to the : chair. The following
brothers wor appointed on Tt5.i;,i..M :
J. V. Crawford,' Wm. Winning. M. C.
George, N. Wright and J. F. McCoy.
On motion Convention went into Com
mittee of tho Whole ou "political ae ion."'
uro. winning in the chair. Several
resolutions were offered in Committee
aud ably, discussed. The Committee
rose and offered as amended the follow
ing resolution : lhat in the oniuion of
this Convention, the igns of tho times
indicate the necessity of the organization
of an Independent Political Temperance
Party, for the prohibition of tho a!e,
use, manufacture and importation of in
toxicating liquors. Recess of ten min
utes. Called to order. Resolution taken
up, and after being ably discussed by
H. N. Geonre,! Samuel Milier. J. W.
Mack, W..15. Carte.-, F. M. Wadsworth,
ana the members ot the Committee o"n
Resolutions, it was adopted. On motion
Convention when adjourned is to meet
at Hall of Banner ; Lndcc, Liun countv,
on the 2uJ Friday in September. lSOO,
at 10 o'clock a. M. On. motion the sev
eral lodges of Linu county were requested
j to send at least ithreo dclagate3 to said
meeting, uu mouou a copy ol these
proceeding were ordcre 1 to be published
in the Corvallis GazrHc. Convention
adjourned to mbct at Hall of B?nncr
Lodge, September 2nd, 1830, at 10
o'clock A. M. !
Wm. Wixmx, .See' v.
there is an outside demand for any kind
of labor in this Territory. There seems
to be work for the old settlers, but tl e
hotels, stages and steamers are crowded
with new ones ready to jump at anything.
Seattle, like all others towns on the
Sound, holds real estate very high on
account of the expected terminus.
I spent a part of two days trying to
find some one who knew where Tacoma
was. One said it was ten miles below
Olympia. So I went to the stable to get
a horse to ride down there, when the
hostler informed me that tho town was
located thirteen-miles below Steilacooro.
That information flattened me out I
don't wish to see Tacoma. It must be
some chuck hole where nobody goes.
The steamers do not stop there, neither
is there a post office..
If I had possessed $1,000, I would
have united with two others at Seattle in
building .a 6mall steamboat to run up
White river, which ' is navigable sixty
miles, and. is settled all. the way up..
This stream empties into the bay just
above Seattle There are Iota of little
steamers running all about the bay, but
Female Sui-jFUAtiu. Tho following
statements are on the authority of the
San Francisco IleraiJ z
Up to 184S widows and single women
voted in Hungary. In Austria women
can vote as nobles and iu fheir corporate
capacity as nuns and tax-payers. In
Italy a widow or a wife separated from
her husband may voto if she pays taxes.
In, Holland women possessing property
may vote on all questions affecting prop
erty values. In, Canada and iu five of
the Eastern States of this Union, women
may vote for and serve as school trustees.
In Sweden, in 1862, -'an indirect right of
voting was granted to all women having
a certain amount ,of property. In over
one hundred towns in France women
vote in municipal elections. Mrs. Cady
Stanton, Lucy Stone, and 31 rs. Dr. Hol
brook -will canvass the State of Nevada
next year, in advocacy of the Constitu
tional . Amendment submitted to the
people of that State, by the Legislature,
striking the word " male " from the
organic law. ;
In Oregon, says the Jacksonville Sen
tinel, widows, having children, can vote
at all school meetings, either themselves
or by .proxy. I
Telegraphic Summary.
New York, July 26. The Herald 's
Madrid special says the last Carlist out
break, so long expected, has occurred.
Five hundred well drilled troops, under
Sabariegos, have taken the field near
A battle took place in the morning, in
which it is reported tho Carlist party lost
one hundred killed and wounded. Only
three Government officers were killed.
Near the town of Manzaneres. a stron
party of Carlists made some demonstra?
tion. They subsequently succeeded in
intercepting railroad trains and cuttin"
telegraph wires. J
The latest accounts state that 4,000
Carlists arrived in the Province of La
Mancha. Government troops have been
dispatched to the scene of action.
- The agitation is general throughout
the whole country. The people are very
much excited over the late news.
No further hostilities have yet been
reported, although it is feared a general
uprising may be expected all over Spain,
now that Don Carlos has ercorl J
frontier and opened communication with
Ins numerous partisans. -
The Unionist has the following
granhs :
The Celestials are makin
ft Oregon City for the passage of the
Railroad. About filry.. of "the forte
have Leon removed to the north end of
tho road, near Portland,, where tho track
will nrst be laid.
There will be a union Camp Meetin -
of the Cumberland aud Methodists, held
at the Newsotn camp ground, ten miles
northeast of Salem, commend Friday,
Kept. 10th, aud holdintr. neihaijs. two
A mass, temperance meeting will be
held at the Pringle school house, four
miies south ot ftalem, on buuday, August
bin, at 1 o cloeii p. m. An invitation is
extended to. all, whether they believe in
temperance or not.
lhe P. T. Company commenced on
Monday last excavating for their locks
at Oregon City. The Company will put
in me urst at the head oi the basin
this fall. The Railroad Comnariv are
building a nice wall along the margin of
the '-basin."
There is no river in the United States,
perhaps, that is more difficult of -naviga
tion than the Willamette above Oreyou
City. The greatest obstacle in the w.y
. , .
oi a lice passage ol boats is the gravel
bars in the center of the stream. Not
withstanding these annoyances, the P. T.
Company have been able, by buildin-
light draught boats, to make regular
nips to in is city curios tne whole sum
mer, but this season promises to be a
poser, unless something is done to con
fine the river within a narrow channel.
This work has been commenced, and the
oar just below town is very much im
proved, and the boats will have but little,
trouble in igelting over. The workin"
party wilt continue the improvements at
other points.
n t "ii - .
j ise viuage ot isiivcrton is about as
live a place as one will find, iu the State.
Thero is not a vacant house of any pre
tension in the town. Messrs. Daveunort.
& Woliord are putting np another Lrick
building, two stories high, and Miller &
Co. ore budding a two story wooden
buildintr, the lower part to be used f r a
store room. Messrs. Davetsnnrt W.d.
ford nnd. Coolidao are buildiuy an addi
tion to their flouring mill to be used as a
granary. 1 r-.effe is also a graded district
chool kept up all the year. It is said
to be the beat district school in the
Corvallis, Oregon, Jutj 23, I8CSJ.
To Herbert Bird, sg..
Adjuster Phoeuix Ins. Co., Ilartford ;
Deur AV r Allow me to acltir-w.'etlfce iho
receipt, in V S. Cold Colii, of (be amount of
my loss by th ire iT the 2Jtt instnnt.
Tue pay motit of a cla in on the second day after
the lire, is proof, that the confidence placed "by
the people of Oregon in tbo business-like prompt
ness aad good fuitb of the Phoenix Insurant e
Company of Iluitfoi 1, nd its representatives, is
well merited ; and I take this opportunity of as
suring you of my go d will towards the Company,
and wishing them tho same ttuccess in the futuie
tl iit has, eo lar, aite'iuled their- bueinesi in th:
Your., tru'r.
Corvallis Gazette, July 'ii, 18KU-47
faubieks, Tread
t .
i We will store and ship
yvSxon-t or Oata,
j and sell aud charge but
! Two Cents Storage I
Also, receiie up freight FUEE. Down freight
twenty-five cenU per t'ii. I
i ' MARK II AM it SON.
Albany, JnTy 31, "63-47 -
IOK SAT.E A very fair No. 5 cook stove'.
. Inquire at the Rfcister office.
albamy, onsoorff. '
r5H'IS csfal)Iishment has been thoroughly re
S furnished, and is now ready (o receiv
i!oard per week,
Single meals,
eady to receiv
: : : 5ft
: : : 60 -
E. C. IIOI.DEN, Propr.
$ at
Philadelphia Boot Store,
So. 112 Front Street,
Opposite McCormiek's Book Store,
Portland, Oregon.
Jsn 9-60-18 '
THE CO-PAUTNERSUIP heretofore existing
' letwteu Charles Mealt y and . Willinm Plvmn-
ton, under the firm uauu ef C. Msalcy t Co., is
1L.1S tay fiiisoirea ly mntucl consent. All monera
ilue the hi m must bt! iiaid to C. Jltalev. All
debta co.itraeled by Iho Jirra will ho paid upon
presentation to th-.- unlcrEined, who will continue
in the furniture. Lm.-iiie.-s at Viia old stand, corner
of Uioadaibiu and .Firat sti-eet.
, Albany, June' 16, '69-41 .
A UiiiD Sroav. The Russian River
Flog relates the following remarkable
bird story :
We are informed by Mr. John Mulli
gan and he will vouch for the accuracy
of the story that about a month ago, a
small bird, a 1 i net, took . possession of a
large-toy windmill which whirls as an
ornament on the top of his tin shop. The
mill is made nearly in the shape of an
e. is about two leet hi-h, and is placed
vertically. While it was still, the bird
entered between the wings or fans, and
commenced operations on a nest j laid
eggs and finally hatched them on the
whirl. Those acquainted with this part
of the State know that the wind is almost
constantly blowing, except early in the
morning, so that our windmill was not
often at rest. Now that her four birds
were hatched, how could she get them
out ? She soon solved the question. Out
she flew, and quickly returned with a
long string. Watching her chance, in
she went with one end of the string, and
the other naturally became entangled
around the shaft, and soon the machinery
carce to a dead lock. Rejoicing at hor
success, she triumphantly departed,takin"
along her brood. j . .
Wasn't there a little salt on the end of
that string f .
Xliac Chares ! ' j
4 LTj persona knowing tbeinselres .indehted-to
J the lafo firm of C. Moa'.c7- &. Co.. are ro-
q-nsSed to enme forward end make immediate
puj-nient to tuo A word to the
wise," Ac. ' c. 11EALEY.
June 19, '69. -
i -. - ' -(Successor
to D. W. WakeSeld.V
Parrish's New Kullding', First Street.
San Francisco Markets.
Flour Superfine, in sacks, $4 87
65 00 ; extra, do., S5 755 87i.
Wheat Fair to choice shippino-,
SI G7$l 72 ; do. milling, 1 65
ianey new Uoast, 1 10 : New
Ray, U 15.
Oats California", 81 50S1 Go;
Oregon, $1 65$1 75.
On the 29th of July, at the residence
of. the bride, by Elder Geo. .W. Hail,
Mr. Ruel Custer to Ulrs. Martha M.
Lines, all of l,inu county, Oregon. '
Drugs and Medicines,
All articles warranted pure and of the best
Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded.
Albany,-Oct. 17, 1808-Ctf
Attorney and Counselor at law, '
WILL practice in the superior and inferior
courts of .Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and
Pols: counties. ,. v. .. .
JFiye per cent, charged on collections when
made without sueing. J19 6'J '
(Office-in Purrish t Co.'s block, First street,)
Albany, Oregon ;
James Elkixs, Esq., ex-Cltrk of
Linn county, we are enabled to add to our prac
tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for
Conveyancing-, Examining- Records,
and attending; to Probate business.
- Deeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages care
fully drawn.
Homestead aud Pre-emption Paper
made, and claims secured. I , ' ;
Sales of Real Estate negotiated, and loans
effected on collateral securities oc reasonable
: All business entrusted to then faithfully and
promptly executed.
Albany, Oct. 10, '68-6y -
. .' lor Sale.
IN this city, a ;ood new dwelling wita" tbo
necessary outbuildings, and four lots, abon
twonty minutes walk from the steamboat landing
' For particulars inquire at the office of the P
T. Company, of J. R. MONTEITH. '
Albany, January 30, 1SC .