PUBLISHED CVKRT .ATUBOAT ST COlLINSVANCLEVE. 0riCE OSC CORNER Or,FBBY AHft FlRST-STS., OPPOSITE W. W. PARRISH CO.'. STORE. TERMS IX ADVANCE. One Year.. . .......Three DttUr Six Months Two Dollar Single Copies.... ........ Tea Cents and " " Manufacturer and Dealer ADVERTISING RATES. One Column, per Year, $100 j Half Column, $60 ; Quarter Column, tUi-xt-x'sf.--: Transient advertisements per Square of ten lines or less, first insertion, $3 ; each subsequent insertion, $1. BUSINESS CARDS. URNITURE & CABINET WARE, BSATTRASSE3 STO, ' "' J Under the "States Rights Democrat, office, ' FIRST StREET, ALBANY DATII HOUSE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the eitisens of Albany and vi cinity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying Strict attmtic 3 to business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore earried bn nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing- Saloons, he ex pec s to give entire satisfaction to all. Children and Ladies' hair neatly eat and shampooed. ;. - JOSEPH WEBBER. sev 19y2 ...... GEO. W. CRAY, S. S. S RADUATE OF THE CINCINNATI DEN VJT tal College, would Invite all persons desiring artificial teeth, and first-class dental operations, to give him a call. - Specimens of Vulcanite Base with gold-plate linings, and other new styles of work, may be seen at his office, in Parrish A Co.'s brick, (up stairs) Albany, Oregon. - '.. Residence Corner Second and Saker sts. 2 c. rowiELfc. I fUXJ. Powell & iFlinn, 4 T73RNEY3A COUNSELLORS AT LAW J and Solicitors in Chancery, . (it. Flinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promply attended to. 1 w. t. r. u. BJcnriBLS. HltABtBEL. . . . Hiltanidel &. Co, BEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO visions. Wood and Willow Ware, Confec tionery, - Tobacco, Cigars, ' Pipes, Notions, eta. Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany, Oregon.' " - - ' - 1 S. A. Freeland, DEALER IN EVERT DESCRIPTION OF - School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, .Stationery, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc., Post offiee Building, Albany, Oregon. -Books ordered from New York and San Francisco. 1 S. XX. Clanghton, - NOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE ,. AGENT. Office in the Post Office building, .., , Lebanon, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to the prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. 1 C Mealey St Co-, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS in all kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Ware, First street, Albany. , 1 , J. H. M ITGHBLX. ... 4. K. DOLFU. , , , A. SMITH. nXitcaolI, Dolph & Smith, ATTORNEYS ajid COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I I ALL those knowing themselves indebted to us are respectfully requested t call and settle immediately. . Old account mutt he tetfled. . BEACH MONTEITH. Albany, October 10th, '68. SOMBQTEAI FOR SALE 1 1 THE UNDERSIGNED, wishing to "change bis base," offers for sale his fine new two- story ' X welling House, on the corner of Washington and Second streets, together with the old hotel building adjoining, several fine lots. etc. The house is large, new ; and well finished throughout. The premises are well supplied with water ; outbuildings all complete ; mod fences, and a number of fine fruit bearing trees on the premises. Address, - " - - 1 - J. B. SPRENGER, March 20-28mS - : Albany, Ogn. Albany Weekly Register 4OB PRINTING Firtt street, (opposite Parrith fr Co.'s store,) Albany s s s Oregon. fj AVING a very fair assortment of material t XJL we are prepared to execute, wita neatness Ah& aiip&ten, au Kinas 01 i;;:":-i M'";r: nuchas ,.;,!,,;.-:.! Hand-bills, .' ' f ; : . , ..; Programmes . Bill-heads, -..., Cards. - . c, : BaU Ticket, . - , ... Blank - ,,ol .all .liiLd.s, . , at as low figure as" a due regard to taste and good work will allows When, you want anything In CBe printing line, eaU at tbe itxeisrxB omoe. F ALL KINDS, printed at the very lowest rates, as orpered, at tnu office., f J f j.tst- C3 cr.f- o F ALE. DESCRTPTI0NS,"7at"; fatr-priceaV executea i oe nwysTea omce. i' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. in all kinds of oct24'6S-7 ALBANY. r. W. 8FINK. A. fAKOTHKES. P. W. SPINK & CO., (SCCCESSORS TO M. W. MACK,) Dealers ia Tin, Sheet-Iron Copperware STOVES I Klrst, between Washington & ferry -sts. " 0 . 4' I, undersismed havinr nurehaaed fS stock 'formerly owned by MVW. Mack, and having made large additions thereto, now offor to the publie the fullest and : completest assortment of first-class goods in our lino, yet offered in this market, consisting of PARLOR, BOX, BALI,, . .... and ... COOKING STOVES, of .the folio wise patterns : Buck, Black Knight. ' Golden Gate. Henry Clay, Mew Nation, . Buckeye State, dec. fcc, kc, from the best manufactories, which they are offer- nng at lowest rates.. Also, a large stock of . trench Saucrpan's, Ladles & Skitnjners, Iron, Enameled and Brass Kettles, Iron Tea-kettles and Ovens, Iron and : Lead Pipe, Force & Lift Pumps j , and a full assortment of - COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS! ' We will continue to keep on hand a large stock of NO. 1 TIN WARS ! which we will dispose of to dealers at the lowest market rates. We are better prepared than ever to do all kinds or REPAIRING! in a noat and workmanlike manner,at short notice? Persons from the country will find it to their advantage to give us a call, as our facilities for manufacturing enable us to give a liberal discount. Term Cash, or marketable Produce. ' -V P. W. SPINK A CO. Nov. 28. '68-12 C. IYIEALEY ; DEALER IN, A MANUFACTURER OF EJ XT JELN ITTJH.E! and . CABINET WARE ! Bedding, Etc., Corner First and Broad Alb in streets, ALBANY, OREGON. 2S PARTICULAR ATTBSTJOII PAID TO ORDERS OP Altt. KINDS .. . in our line. October 81, 1883-8 ' - BLACKSMITH INC ! PLOWS ! PLOWS ! . PLOWS rilHE undersigned gives notice to the general . public, tbat be is now manufacturing tba Galesfourg Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention paid to - Horse Shoeing, Wagon and Carriage '.: Making,:':':' and General Jobbing. All work entrusted to mo will receive prompt attention, ana ne executed m tne best possible manner with good material. . A share of publie patronage ia solicited. ... cnop on corner AiiBwonu ana eeeona streets. opposite merce' erry. , f(i.-... ,, jr. : WU'1. Jsinany, November zi, js-ix , , NOTICK. All persons receiving their nail - at the Post office at Lebanon, are hereby notified that the office mull bo kept open an hour atter tne arrival or tne, man on Bundays, after which it will be closed for the dar. ' The office will not be open until the mail arrives. - -. H. O.. VUAVUtUTOS, P. M. January 1869-18ml , . - . - i. : oa - TUXIIVIIVCr. 5- E9 ..... O W w-.r. OQ I AM PRIPAHBD TO DO " Ai.1. KINDS OF TURNING I , ;ii X keep on hand and make to order : . ixAisi3no-ooTTOJ3za : riCTrnn Spinning Wheals.. Rhon near the "Maeuolim Mill. - Albany , Nov: 28, 1868-12 - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS I PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE L. C. BLAXSf . S. I TOVXO. BLAIN & YOUNG, BAVI30 BOUGHT ALL TBS MeRCHASDISS OP ' J; Barrows & Co., wiU eontinue the business, and they invite all to it,.-. . Tkav will ba constantly re- , ceivinz roods from Ban Francisco, and will seep a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, ; Hardware, Crockery, And offer inducements to readt pat customers. . . iBIAIN A YOUNfi. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, 5EXT DOOR TO BACCK A MEI ERS' BILLIARD SALOON, ALBANT, OSEQOlf. THIS establishment has been thoroughly re furnished, and is now ready to receive -boarders. Board per week, is: , $3 00 Single meals, : : : 50 Lodgings, : s : : 50 ... . , E. C. IIOLUEN, Propr. BUILDERS, ATTEnTiarJ l SASH, BLlXD Am BC011 ' -ana . - r COSIHOPOIilTAIt HOTEL. A 11 1 J Jti 1- W. R. .8EWALL. 1, S. SPKt.NOKB. 1'W (rOHMERLT AKKICOSl'g,) ; Front street Portland, Oregon. ai.thobse. wmoHT. t. r. sackjisto. $50.00 9 r B Y NOT BUYING BOOTS AND SHOES ; at rlhe firm of J. Barrows A, Co., will pleaae eallCffl settle.' Eitber member of the firm is authorised to settle any aeeount ef the Co, : .. . - - , Albany, March 0, 1869-28 NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. or BOSTON.. IeJ"Tl1;-lX,l. INCORPORATED Cash distributions of 1867.. Total surplus dividend...... Losses paid in 1867 Total losses paid.... Income for 1867........... No extra cbaree for traveling to and from the Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or the Sandwicl Islands. . $7,000,000 00 526.5A3 55 2,727,573 5 381,600 00 2,796,100 00 , 2,203,808 00 All Policies non-forfeiting, and governed by the j non-forfeiting law of Massacnusetts, Policy holders tbe only persons who receive divi- derds in this Company, wbicn are declared and paid annually ; first dividend avail- able at the payment of the second annual premiums. All Policies s remain in force as long as there is any surrender ; value. i It AST & CAHALIN'S Philadelphia Boot Store, No, 11 Front Street, Opposite McCormick's Book Store, Jan 9-69-18 T Portland, Oregon. J. QUXXwlY THORNTON, Attorney and Counselor at Iw, ALBANY, OREGON. """TILL practice in the superior and inferior ff courts of Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and Polk counties. Five ner cent, charged on collections when made without sueing. i j 19-69 I. S. Rosenbaum & Co., Have removed to , No. 67 PRO NT STREET, Northwest corner of STARK street, Crees' . Building, store formerly occupied by Blumauer A Rosenblatt. Portland, Oregon, May 15-lm Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tbe undersigned have been appointed Executors of the estate of Thomas Martin, deceased, by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon That all claims against I tne estate must be presented to the undersigned, at tbeir residence in liarrisburg, in said county, duly verified, within six months from the date hereof. JOHN F. MARTIN, . HIRAM SMITH, Poweli. A Flwjc, Attys. Executors. Albany, Oregon, May 22, 18G9-38w4 Dissolution. mUE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING PUR- Jt chased this well known Hotel, are now pre- parea vo oner tne traveling pnblie better accom modations than can be found elsewhere iu the city. Board and lodging S? OO per day. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to con vey Passengers and baggage to and from tbe Hotel rev of r.hanjc. OK WALL A SFKENQKK. Office Oregon & California Stage Companv, B. O. WaiTEBorSR, Agent. 2tf BUCHTEL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, TS THE ONLY ESTABLISHMENT IN Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all the different stylos of work in the art. Photo graphs from card to life sue. Tbe new cabinet cards, Ao., Ac. Pictures enlarged, retouched in India ink, painted in water-colors, bv Mrs. S. J. Rumscy. ' Pictures that are fodiner cansbe repro duced in this way. Negatives carefully preserved so tbat additional copies may be bad at any time. JOSEPH BUCUXIi. Portland, Oregon. OUEUOIV SEED STORE. PHODUCE AND COMMISSION ALTHOVSE & 1.VO.H STREET, (OX THB KIVEB sass), v ALBANY, I t KEEP ON HAND A""".: and are prepared to Fia.-riislu to Order, XHlnds, and Sash, Section Mold, - ,. . , such Crown. Panel, Band, and V . of all sixes. - .. ' WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES I and all other kinds of Duildin? material Consignments of Produce solicited. nl R. E. CDATFIEIjD, , (Opposite the Western Hotel,) , PORTLAND, OREGON. At prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigsag Shakers, Section Fans. Driving Pulleys, of any -kind, at our Factory on Lyoa street, (on the river bank), next below Markham a warehouse , : . . Albany, February 20, 1889-24 R. CHEADLE'O 3m s NO FORFEITURES! This old and popular Company, (the oldest tual Life insurance Company in tbis country) insures at the low est possible rates. .. i Mf- ri-HE CO-PABTNERSHIP heretofore existing I between Charles Mealey and William Plymp- ton, under the firm name of C. Mealey & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All moneys due the firm must be paid to C. Mealey. All debts contracted by the firm will be paid upon presentation to the undersigned, who will continue in tho furniture business at tbe old stand, corner of Broadalbin and First streets. CHARLES MEALEY, WILLIAM PLYMPTON. Albany, June 16, 69-4I WESTERN nOTEL, . PORTLAND, OREGON, DORCY & HOLMES, PROPRIETORS. mmS HOTEL IS LOCATED NEAR THE 1 . Steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance at all tne Landings to convey passenger and baggage to and from the House FREE OF CHARGE. ja.-W AMERICAN EXCHANGE, COBXER OF Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. P. W. Qnimby, ... - Proprietor. (Late of tho Western Hotel.) ' WHOLES AXJS & . BJBTAKZ CASH STORE l The stability of this Company, with its past his tory, increasing capital and business, and tbe sat isfactory manner in which it has discharged its obligations in the past, are guarantees for tbe future such as far-seeing and careful men require in their investments. Persons generally, who thoroughly understand the workings of Life Insurance, are anxious to avail themselves of its equitable provisions. Full information will be given to those who desire, at tbe Agency. Biac Charco 1 ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of C. Mealey A Co., are re quested to come forward and mako immediate pavment to the undersigned. ' "A. word to the wise,' Ac. June 19, '69. C. MEALEY. Home Office, 39 State Street, Boston. Pacific Branch Offices, 301 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Room 3, ' Carter' Building, Portland, Oregon, EVERSON & HAINES. Creneral Arts. RITSSEl-I. & EL.KIIVS, Agfa, ALBANY, OREQON. Albany, September 19, 1868-2y Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of John A. Sims, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, are notified to present the same, to said administrator, at his residence near liarrisburg, Linn county, Ureon, verified according to law, within six months from tbe date hereof. J. V. SCHOOL. IINU, June 2, 1869-39w4 Administrator. TIIIS HOUSE is tbe most commodious in tho State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of tho Proprietor to make his gueste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat landing. 2ST" Tbe Concord Coacn will always oe loun at the landing, on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying passengers and tneir bag gage to and from tbe boats free of charge. Howie eupplied wxth fateut tire JLXttngiiiener: New Columbian Hotel, Nob. 118, 120 and 122 Front street, PORTLAND, i ii OREGON. ED. CARNEY, PROPRIETOR. The Largest, Best and most Cor-venient Hotel in Portland! Located in the center of business and near all the steamboat landings. JTJST ARRIVES! Direet from San Francisco, per last ocean steam er, a new stock or Dry Goods and Groceries. which will be offered at ' PORTLAND PRICES! with freight addod. Come right along with your Cash and Produce ! and get bargains while they an going so cheap. Persons requiring ' Iron and Steel, Wagron Sea Springs, Thimble-Skain Boxes, etc., , can procure them at my store, cheap. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. MRS. DUNN I WAY TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she has on hand, and is in regular receipt of tne - Latest and Choicest Styles of Goods IS THS Lery Tilne 2 REMEDER, LADIES 1 ' If you purchase TEN DOLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to tbe) Demorest Magazine, for the year 1869, as a premium on the purehase I Dress and Cloak making-' .in all branches. 3,000,000 lbs. of Wool, OR WHICH THE HIGHEST MARKET price will be paid by j BEACH A MUJNTKITIi. Albany, March 27, 1869-29m3 Fo SETTLEMIER, 1 U G G I S T- (Successor to D. W. Wakefield,) i - ' ' Parrish's "New Building-, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON, - Board and Lodging- From one to two dollars per day according to the I Bleaching' and room occupied. mS" Rooms newly furnished and well ventil ated. Superior accommodations for families. SS" The New Columbian Hotel Coach will be in attendance at all tbe landings to convey pas sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel 17 J3 Free ot Charge ! -fS. 69 Pressing in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Inexhaustible) F DEALER IN Blacksmiths ! "TS.T" b. JTJST ARRIVED, by the steamshif J3( a Continental, direct from San Francisco, alarge lot of . "' - .' - I I Iron and Steel ! Which can be obtained by you on better tormtj j than ever nas Deen onerea nere oeiore, lor Cash In Hand. Call and see for yourselves. ALSO, a KEQS of tho Heavy Extra Golden Syrup; I a large lot of Sugar, and Dry Goods to suit the tradeall to be sold for cash or trade, at Living Rates. R. CHEADLE. March 20, '69-28-lra f ' a,smaBsav Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. fi. G0TTGETREU, Importer and Dealer in the choicest brands of HAVANA & DOMESTIC CIGARS. Chewing- & Smoking- Tobacco, Pipes, Stems, Snuff, Playing .Cards, Stationery, Cutlery and Motions, : 4 No. 11T Pront Street, Cor. Morrison, opposite Western Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. EBv Goods at Wholesale or Retail. "VSl Fa Country orders carefully put up, at lowest rates. . . ia9 691S ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. C. D. RAFFETY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BmCNAVISTA, OREGON. March 27, 1869-n29 All articles warranted pure and of the best FIRE AaU lllAUlIME OSL1LAJ1 tL. quality. nyaicians prescriptions earetuiiy eomponnaea. Albany, Oct. 17, 1868-6tf Insurance Company Nos. 410 and 4X8 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. .... E. V. RTJSSELL, ATTOBMBT AT LAW. JAMES ELKINS, XOTAKT PUBLIC. lew Discorery. CONSUMPTION eau be cured by- using Dr. JV W. Murray's Xnng and X.lrer Balsam, if taken in time. It is a sure remedy for all cbrouio diseases of this ooast and Female complaints so preralent in this climate. See testimonial and circulars accompanying eaca bottle. For Eradicating Pain, - INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE 01 Dr J. W. Elcrray's j. IRXFROTED MAGIC OIL. . It cares Rheumatism, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Gout, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Dip theria, Colic, Croup, Cholera, Pains in the Breast, Fellons. Corns and Chilblains, . Can be obtained of Druggists generally on this ooast, put up in naif dollar ana aouar botues. All orders addressed to Dr. J. W. MURRAY, Portland, Oregon, - ' ' - " 1 ' " - MsdjcAt. Dspot .106, Front street. . ' 'a Medicines sent ererywhere by Express. March 6, 1869-26 RUGOELL & ELKING, (Ofiee ia Parrish A Co.'s block. First street,) Albany, Oregon. ; HAVING TAKEN INTO CO-PARTNER-1 6HIP Jamks Elkiks, Esq., ex-Clerk of Linn county, we are enabled to add to our prae- 1 tioe of Law and Collections, superior facilities for Conreyaneln, Examining Records, and attending to Probate business. Deeds, Bonds, contracts ana Mortgages oare- I fully drawn. - Memestesd and Pre-emption . Papers 1 made, and claims secured, v : - I Bales of Real Estate negotiated, and loans 1 effected on collateral securities on reasonable 1 rains. . All business entrusted to them faithfully and I promptly exeosteo. r. rr--. Auosis.iii m xiXinixvo. Albany, Oct. 10, '68-6y j - - For-' Sale. '3 '- Stockholders Individually Liable'. Cash Capital, In God Coin 97SO.OOO. Deposit in Oregon, 450,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted. rpiHIS COMPANY haring compUed with the I law. of Oregon; by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to enect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms,. :,. -i -i, ? .n-ij " s , , GTJSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pres. CHAS. D. HAVEN, See'y. W. W' Farrish fc Co., ..t , Agents for Albanr Albany, January 9, 1869-18 HOUSE AND FOUK LOTS! fit this city, a good new dwelling wita .11 the I pueusBsry outbuildings, and four lota, about twenty naiautes walk from the steamboat landing. iror particulars inquire at me omoe or tbe P. T. Company, of 1 J. B. MONTEITH. Albany, January 30, 1869- Ileal Estate for Sale ! . I rTHHOSE WHO DESIRE TO PURCHASE A I A good Lathed and Plastered, . ; ; . , New. Frame Dwelling- House. , 1 two stories in bight, kitchen and wood-shed at- 1 taebed, with prirate barn, well situated in - the 1 eity .of Albany, will do well to oall, without delay. On - -HUBBfililJ JIiJK.liNI5j Albany, Oct. 17, '68-6 Real EsUte Agte.. Corner Main and Broad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. . November 7,1868-9 Fhotogrraphers I TAKE NOTICE 3 THE UNDERSIGNED LIVING IN NORTH Brownsville, have for sale or rent a Photograph Gallery I with all that pertains to a Gallery of ordinary site. This is a good location for a gallery, there be ing no other Gallery within fifteen estles of this place. The Gallery is in good running; order. , . gf Terms of sale Or rent easy! - Apply by letter or in person to ROWLAND A LINJDER. Brownsville, February 1, 1 869-3 m22. LINFORTII, KELL0C3 & RAIL, . (Successors to L. B. Benehley A Co.) ' No. 3 and S Front Street, near SXarketv SAN. FRANCISCO, OF mPORTESU AND JOE American, English and Germsn ; . Hardware & OiAtlexry AgrlouUural and Mining Tools, ., , Rope, Steel, Powder, Fuse, Shot , - ) Lead, Ete., Etc. Wsnnfsetnrers and Fresrietars f ths Submerged Donhle-AcUns; ' FORCE PIIK1PS, S v , Patented by j. A; MemU, r t October 89, 1867. J it. THS CRBArstr,' SIMPLEST, 4KB m ... noBT, ncKAftus.ranr. tTaSlfit7esso4vi:. Agents if anted for ' for sale. --' , March 6, '69-6m26 this eosst. it.-'. ';' County rights V f