VOL. 1. masses ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY' 3, 1869. NO. 43. S 00 no 4 00 4 0 3 00 2 00 7 50 'o no 2 50 1 0 I'REMIIM LIST OF TUB . . UNN COUNTY AGRJCULTUPAL ASSCCtATION. ... TO BK AWARDED AT THE FOURTH ANNUAL. FAIR. To le held nt the Fair Groxwl. -miteSnt j vAlbany.on JWtfiy. T'dcday. Tknr: j day and rr4i ,.S ple'br2ith, 29th, J 3Cr& Ocf6r 1, 1SB9. j rt :: ! -CATTLE. ! Superintendent. N. G. Wr.tt. CmmUtce-J. Cogswell, W. M. Sm.th. Mr. Wyatt. No. 1. Shout Horns. JJulls. Sot bull n year. old and unward.SlO S 5 ro i. . x " .. caif Coirs. rst c-w 1 vears otJ and upward.. J ., .. 2 " " " " 10 0,) "heifer 1" " " calf. - 3 00 No. 2. Devoss. Same premium as o. 1. , -; No. 3 Hermords. j Same premiums as Xo. 1. j No. 4 ATEsnin.ES. Same premium as No. 1. No. 5 -A lderneys. Sao c premiums as Xn. 1. Exhibitors in Kns. !, 2. 3, 4 and 5 mnst furn ish satisfactory evidence of ageand pedigToe. No. G. Graded Cattle, Cross Breeds. Kalis. ,. Eest bull 3 rear t I and upward SS CO 4 CO j " ' G fit) 3 on . j .. .. .i 4 po 2 Of Caltf 2 00 1 00 Cotes. No. 4. 1Usm.no Sweepstakes-.;' Ecst running 3 year old and up. two inilo beats. 2 in 3. purse 25. Titree t enter. Entrance $25, to l ad ded to the purse. ' ' C'-ASS V.- MULES and JACKS. Superintendent. A. -Owen. Committee W. J Matthew, M. Payue, F. Healey. Best Jack 10 00 Ucst span work mules, Oregou railed I lost yearling muic Rest suckling mule Brt Jviiilelt 6 CO ... 6 00 ... 4 t:0 ...2 00 U0 Eutry fee liU per ct. in this dcpaittceut 2 .' 0 2 10 1 CO 3 00 St or 2 00 .. 3 00 ... 2 00 ... 4 1,0 .. 3 00 4 CO 3 0 2 on 1 CO 4 00 B.-t cow 3 Tears old and upward S3 00 2 " " f f 0 -' heifer l " " 4 00 cair.... 2 00 milch cow of anv Mood S CO TtCi.B. Exhibitors competing f.-r prem'ums f r tlio hest ini'ch cow F nny blond shall furnish the Fuper'n!mlenta c -rtified statement of ti e amount, by weisht. of milk produced by the cow entered bv tlirtn. during ten day of the feasn preecdi-iff th exhibition, wi;h a statement f the nsojof the p.alf at the time the uiilUis weighed, and kind and amount of food. ! No, 7. Fat Cattle. Cmpetitorj in thin department are required f fi'e with the Corresnoniiins Sirrctary a statement of the ace of tha animal, time, manner, kind. jf?litv and cot of feeding, and all the expenses connected with the fattening.! Fat ox. 5 years old and upward S 8 00 cow 5 8 00 No. 8. SWEEPSTAKES. Tiull of any breed $10 00 Cow oi" any breed 10 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 SO 1 0 4 no 4 00 s on 5 00 Twenty per cent, cntra-nou in the above depart tncnt. " CLASS I!. HORSES. Superintendent, .Tason Wheeler. Committee J. Thomas. Mr. Witham, S. Mansfield. No. 1. Thorough bred. Ecs' Stallitm 4 years oldsnd up $10 00 . .. 3 .. .. (5 (o 2 " " j . " Mseklinr eol.t TJost mare 4 year old and up. f 4P3 2 00 .... 2 00 .. 10 00 f. CO 4 CO 2 oft .....2 ro 5 00 3 no 2 00 00 1 Oft a oO .1 on 2 no 1 00 1 00 " rucUtinx colt In the departm nt .of 'tboroujrkhrc d animal.", whether cattle or horse, none will be permitted to caiupetc but such as have satisfactory pedigrees. No. 2. Graded. Best stallion 4 yca:s old and up...$I0 00 5 00 P. 8 00 4 00 " 2 " fi 0(1 . 3 no . 1 " f 00 I 2 M " stallion colt 2 03 1 00 Ect mare 4 years old and up....- 8 M 4 00 . 3 6 CO 1 3 00 " 2 " " 4 00 '2 00 "1 . 3 00 1 50 ' colt 2 00 1 00 No. 3. S WEErSTA KE3. ; Best brood mare and colt 4 years old ami upwards $10 00 5 00 Bjit gelding 4 years old and up'd 4 10 2 00 , No. 4. Test span of match carriage border, or mares, trotters, ownsd by one person $10 00 5 00 Bcstsinels horse or mare to buggy ...5 CO 2 50 3yTbo above to be tested. .:";- ; No. 5. .. - -,- Best span of horses fotall work .10 00 ' S CO Best span of draft horses or mares 4 years old and upward 10 CO 5 00 jayTh above to be tested and owned hy one prsn.' 20 percent, entrance in tbe above de partment. ' -rf. ' CLASS III. ; Ja'lesA. Ilannoa Dr. Smith, P. Scott. ; .'-No.-' I. Tbottino. , Jile heats, two in three, Oreffon raised howes that hare not made ' U tter time in public than 3J taioutcs...... $15 00 7 50 : . , No. 2. , Best trofter 4 years old and upward two miles 20 CO 1(1 00 Best trotter 3 years old and upward one mile...... M.: ...... 15 00 7 60 Best trotter 2 year old, ono mile. 10 CO -v & 00 No. 3. StalUontSxeepstakes. TVst trotter one mile 10 00 4 00 Two mile beats, 7 in 3, parse $20.. Three to enter and two to go. Entrance $-0, to be added to the purse. class nr. No. 1. Eu.vNijrc. .i. Best running, 2 i0 3, mile hcats.u $30 .00 Bjt rmnjiDg,4 yearoldi hii!e.. 25 (10 - S year old., 1 mile.; 20 AO - 7 year olds, i mUo.. 13 9 ' o.. .2.,-.. '. SMt i itnlht ilea ..1 30 00 . No. 3.-Paciwo.': : Best sin yl, peeer ta haraeea, 2 miles 15 00 Best walker, I mile ... 50 15 00 12 00 10 0 7 GO 7 00 .3 50 CLASS Vr.'-iSHTE? Saporintendont, .)-sse 1'aTi.sh. Committee Jiiha ( Mint... II. Uuudy, V. Churchill.- No2 1. American "or Cross Bref.d Merinos. Cost buck 3 years old und up T5et ewe....... l'-st lamb Be f cwo and lamb i e tthreo lutubri .. ...... ...... Best sample w.iul. quality aud weight. 00 No. 2. French Merinos Same premium as No. 1 No. 3. Spanish Merinos. Same premiums a? Xo. 1. No. 4 SOUTHDOWNS. Same premiums gs No. 1. No.v.5. New Oxfordshire. Same premiums as No. 1. NO. C. COTSWOLD. Same premiums as No. 1. No. 7. Graded Sheep. Same, premiums as No. 1. . No. 8. Fat SnEEr. - Cest wether..'.... 3 00 , buck fr wool and mutton, of nnv breed 4 00 Entrance in this elass 15 per t ent. ? 1. Those exhibiting sheep for premiums ofcred fr wool and mutton, shall cxh.bit the sin rn Dece with the sheep, toccihcr with a siatc me t of tlia time of its crowth. - 2 The committee shall take int consid- ation the quality as we' 1 as the weight of the fl.ece, and quality and ago as wuU as weight of the car cass. 1 50 2 CO CLASS Vlll.-SWIHE, Superintendent,. S- Frvman. Committee Thos. Cr, ss, N. Price. II. Swank. No. 1. Essex. Dest boar 2 vears old and upward, 4 CO .. 1 ' .. 3 09 : ' R m'thsand not 1 yr. old 2 00 Ecst sow 2 years old and upward, 4 00 1 ,... . 0.0 C m'ths and not 1 yr. old 2 00 Ecst litter of pigs, not less than 6, uader C mouths old 2 CO No. 2. Berkshire. Same premiums a No. 1. No. -1 Chester Whites. Same premiums as No. 1. . No. 4. Cross Breeds. Same premiums as No. 1. No. 5. Graded Same premium as No. 1.' No. G. Swef.tst ak.es. Hcst fat hog 1 year old and up 4 00 Bct boar 1 year old and up 4 00 Untrancc 1 i per ctnt. 1 CO CLASS V:il. CRA1H AND VEGETABLES. To be grown by the person competing. Superintendent, K. 11. Geary. Coinmit'ec It , Willou'Lby, J. B. Lcfullctt, II. Davidson. No. 1. Best 5 acres cf fall wheat.. ....S10 00 $j 5 spring wheat 10 CO a 6 iats... 10 00 5 5 " corn 10 00 5 4 " broom corn 10 00 5 Best samp'c of broom corn 1 00 jJSsJ-Coinpetiiors for ths above pre Hums must fu:nish certificates of thcinselves Fhowing tbe method of cultivation, nnd that of two disinteres ted persons as to the actual product. . Best 1 bushel of fall wheat....... B. 1 : -. spring wbcat. .- 1 " oat .1 " buckwheat 1 " ryc,.... ; 1 ' barley.. .- i t . white corn. ....... i... J " yellow corn...... ...... Best assortment of grains ............. Best peck of flax seed..'..:.'. " timothy seed ' ",' ' clover seed No. 2. Vegetables Best peck of white beans........!.... " . - other varieties ' ! - peas......... Best half bushel potatoes t, ,1 , gweet potatoes. Best pnmpkins and pquathes....... onions ....i..V.. ...... 1 CO I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I CO 1 CO 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 CO 00 00 no 50 ..1 ..1 ..1 ...1 ..2 00 . a 00 beets ..... carp ts.... parKnipe . turnips .. . tomatoes . cabbaTe T(j plant..., .. 00 00 ...... 1 no 00 00 CO 00 ; 00 , 0 50 60 50 60 .'.0 0 - 60 2 00 I CO 50 ?0 60 50 50 00 00 60 0 AO 60 69 50 50 SO SO 00 1 00 1 1 1 exhibit of garden vtgeUMcs.,,2 CO No. 3. Melons. , - ... To be grown by the exhibitor. . Best specimen wlermelon..'vi.r.....l 60 i so a 00 No. 4. Floubj Best fifty pounds of flour....... 12 " g - - .:.- com merfl.'. ....... ......2 .1 " " buckwheat flour ..2 1 Class IX Domeatlc Manufacture. , . Exhibited by the manufacturer. Moore, E. E. Wbeclcr, W. W, Parash, Com . mittoe. ; " - " ... - Beat fire pnand batter, four month - old or over......... 3 00 1 50 Best five pounds butur. one year jld .: and UDwards. with modj of mak ing and patting up. ........ .........5 00 chi.ese-...... 00 : , - v - ten pooad of lrL., t Oft '. . e '. -. 4 w pounds of candles- 60 ,:. : ten pounds of 1 0I pair of baoon Bsma.....,M .....2 00 , pair of bacon idos. . 0 ...... thre brtjom..- fl0 " 'ITS-!' 1 M.l O Best Oregon Jeans, fireytds......2 00 K 00 j socks, two paire... ...... 1 00 50 2 50 1 50 ; 60 : 0i :50 1 ao i 6ft vw-' 60 60 v.- A u- A, cloth.all wool.firojards.2 00 1 yarn, two pounds 1 CO " pair blaukt-t 3 08 1 . .: pair tuitdns ........I 00 pair buekskin gloves. U0 . . ' Class X. Home Work. Exhibited by tbe tuaktr. MPs. Dei.azox SjiiTn. SiiporintenOert K. t. W heeler, Mrs. W. Uaistou, Mrs. Vv Best uce.Ue work shirt .2 CO reedl.; work quilt 4 00 iteetllo wojk, ilres-J 2 00 largo crotehit work 2 00 house-made rnrpat, Cve yard3...3 CO (.'.jiiinen of faney kui.tiag......! 00 plain n cdlo wotk 1 CO mtuw l.r.t.. 1 0 )flri?ts tmLroidcred cushion 2 00 cruuuittTital i.cedle work... wo! kod collar leather work... h':r work shcil wovk feather work... ...2 00 ...1 00 ...2 0 ....2 00 ...2 00 ...2 00 Mrs. J. 1 00 2 0.0 1 00 1 00 1 50 50 .'0 50 1 00 1 00 50 1 CO 1 00 1 00 1 00 tra4 at suen times as the Secretary , through the Marshal, ksball designate. ; Premium animuls with apprupriat badges. . " .iAb -9. Any person having animals or stofk cntereil for premium?, or eutered for speed, shall hvu tho ri-;lit to object to any judgo up -n the jfiitaa wherein that competitor is intercite l, and the Superintendent bhall fill tLo vacancy for that CtiSi.. '"'--'( ." ' , Class XI Flowers, Preserves, etc. Mrs. JaMKS Kl.Kis, Superintendent. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Hiraiu Smith, Mrs. Hugh FiJds. :.V. . No. 1. y i Best exhibit of rare p'nt rt Pnts -2 f, lloral design, crnaineut.il 't 00 1 CO roses ; 1 CO 50 bouquets.... .....1 00 1 60 - No. 2. Best cucumber pVkl s, etc 1 CO 50 preserves of c:ub variety 1 CO" 60 bottle fruit 1 0.0 .60 wheat bread 1 00 60 je U 1 CO' 5 goid cake 1 00 50 silver cuke 1 00 60 fruit cake 1 CO 6'J dried fruit of each k.n l 1 00 50 Class XII Fiulls aiiu WIsics. The pruduc-j of tbe exhibitors. J. Khtchuv, Sureriotentlcnt. N. Sprenger, J. Hamilton, A. Cndra, Committee. No. 1. Atples.- Best twen'y of any t nc variety. ......... 2 00 1 CO ten varieti.s, four Hpetimcas cath.2 CO 1 01) TEARS. Ecst twenty of any one variety 2 CO 10a varieties, four spcciinous cueh. 2 00 TEACUES. Etsi twonty of any one variety 2 03 ten varieties, four specimens each. 2 0'J FI.UMS. Best twenty of ary cue variety .2 00 ten varieties, four specimens each. 2 00 No. 2. Best currant wine...... grape wine Terms of iLtiaission to Fair Gronnd. Season ticket for pcrst ns - - - $1 50 Day ticket for persons - - - - 75 Wcmen and children free, except loys over ' fuurieen years of aga. ' Season ticket lor double carriage - ' $1 60 T single - - - I 00 , .;;. . , -ridinij horse 1 00 Day ticket f-:r the above at half price. 1. Persons wishing day tickets will pur chase a day ticket f..r Si 50, and return it to the gats-kecper by six o'clock of the s;imo day, and receive T5ets, tbe amount duo iu change, as no day tu-keti will be provided. . , General Remarks. "liny and oats will be provided on the grounds at reasonable rates. , Good opportunities for camping, with plenty of wooa ana water. i The pcoplo of Linn county, and especial'y the ladies, at-j requested to iuruish pictures and other ornameuts for the pavilion. They will be well cared fur, A ficner.il invitatirn is extcaele 1 to the citizens of other coun'ice in Oregon to participate in and compete f- r premiums at tha approaching Fair." Ttie commit, e.s will be arranged and announced on the Crst day f th Fair. SA'l UltUAY, JULY 1SC0. ItCbUlUtluUS CO 00 .1 00 50 60 50 No. 1 00 1 o;t 1 no 1 00 Best jar of apple Im'ter peach butter ' plum bu:t r pear butter.. Class XIII. mechanical Department. Exhibited by the maker. J. E.Uftn. Superintendent. It. . Calnway, J. 7. . Frouk, II. A. McCartney, Committee. . OIIEGOX MAXCFACTritE. , Ecst four-hor.e wagon two-horse wag m express wagon.. plow gan-j plow se?d sowir ultivator , lmrrjw 1 caper. Best pair it 1 c boots coarse boot.-.. Best carriage harness saddle t-aui harness bej house sample leather bureau flofa : beds'ead lot of photographs Wagons and plows to 1 e tcsied.J Best cabinet organ cr melode.m Best cquestiienne Be t toot-rare, one-fourth mile (in- tnmrn fiftv PCMittz toitapi- Premiums will b? awar led on all articles rot here enumerated that may bethought wort'ay, manufactured in tha Stale, and diplomas on articles not manufactured in the State. , . ... S 00 S 00 ... 3 0.1 ... 5 00 ...10 0-0 . 5 00 ... 5 'CO ... 5 00 ...15 00 ... 3 0;) ... 3 : 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 4 .3 00 1 50 .diploma. ..S10 00 Rules for Racing Trotting: & Running-. Rule 1. No person shall act as judge in any. race on which he may have bet, or iu which he may be intere.-ted. . s Ir Jiu'e 2 Tbe person entering for a ra-c (orhis proxy) will draw for pesit on on the track, under the supervision of the judges. Rule '3. In all trials of speed, only thre starts will be allowed, and ay person who sha 1 fail on the third trial f hall 1 ruled off by the judges, but may have the privilege of going against tbo time of the race. Hale 4. In trotting and pacing rarei, all ani mals to carry ICQ pounds in addition to tbe vch cle. , Rule 5. -The premium will be withheld from ore or both of the parties in any rae. if in the opinion of the judg it is ta fair contest, as no jockeying or foul riding or driving will be allow ed. Jiule 0. No competitor in any race will be allowed any advantage by the break of hi ani mal. The judges are required to ba particular on thi point. -t Rale 7. Any animal cr animals entered in a race may go against tbe time of the rice, provid ed the intention aa to do is st'ted to the judges before any of tbe animals start.' Any animal bolting or flying the track may have tho same privilege. Rule 8 Any animal thut is not in rendincsa at the precite time appointed, shall forfeit all claims to the con.est. Rule 9. The usual time between heats will be allowed. The freight for tunning, will bc-three year olds, 75 pounds ; four years old, 85 pounds ; five years old, 95 pounds ; six years old, 105 pounds ; seven years old. 1 1 1 pounds. Oenoral SuUs ; ; Rale I An articles on exhibition! mnst remain throughout tbe fair, and no premium will bo paid n any article or sn'mal taken away before the close of tbe same, without a written permit by tbo it res men by the Rule of the second rtavj RhU a. Articles entrad for premiums in the pavilion, including saacoiarye 15 per cent, entr fee. and tho same rate for sstaep and Vogs at tho pons.- All oth r entries of stoelc 34 per rent., except for speed, embraced in Class IlL whkk ball bo 25 per coot. , . 7. - - Rule 4.-W-AU auimela cotapetiag for premiums, and all premium animeJs, must bo paraded on the , ana sua perm.t must be claeed on filj Bocordioe EoeKeWv.n t?.rr Eid 2. All f n trios to ha m.-vdn 1ii il a'tIvV : " - -rf - By request we publi&h tho following 2ic"lutSoHs of the Owjon Pres. of the L umberland I'rcsbyt -r nn ( hvrch. 1. Whereas, a pamphlet has recently I appoatvd in our midst entitled '-Protea- tauK-iiu m Uiciron, pubusneu by oue u. B. A. Brouillett, a priest of the sect of Home, dated at New York, 1853, and ptirportiiio; tu CJPtain a detailed account uf the Whittnan n.Ubacre and its cause!1. 2. Arid wheoeas, the said pamphlet contains many statements reflccfiti": irreat discredit upon the early I'rotcstant Mis slonaries iu Oregon, ami particularly up on the lamented Dr. Whitman, llev. II. II. Spauldinjr, and their Painted wives. 3. And whereas, it is attempted to be shown in said pamphlet that the massacre of the Whitmau family and others was the result of the improper bearing of Dr. Whitman and llev. II. II. Spaulding atuon the Indians. ; ; ; 4. And whereas, to our astonishment we find Paid pamp'et published in Kx. Doc. No. 3$, 35th Congress, 1st session, House of Representative, accompanying a letter from: J. Ross Browne, special aent.of Treasury Department, to the Commissioner ol Indian A fTjiir., datcd'at Sau Frane!sco, Dee. 4th, ISoT. Now, there lore, it is resolved by this Presbytery : , : 1st. That it is the opinion of this Pres bytery, from a multitude of most reliable testimony, now before us on the subjectt that the unfavorable statements,, made in the pamphlet referred to in ihe precctd io preamble concerning tho early Prot estant Missionaries in Oregon, are in the highest degree, false and slanderous. 2d. That this Presbytery regtrda it, not only as a duty, but as an esteemed privilege to express her confidence in tho c I) a rue cr of the late Dr. Marcus, Whit man, possessing, ia a laro degree, the element of a: true Christian eha-ae.tor and native goutiness of heart, nud. purity of life. s And, that, to his labors more than to any other one man we arc indebt ed for preventing, what is now the State of Oregon and Territory of Washington, from failing into the hands of the British Government. To render which nerrice. to our Government and the caue of Pnt estanism, Dr. Whitman performed a jouruey across iho continent in midwinter.5- : : ;''" :..;'".i ; ' v.".- i ''.. '--' ':--- 3d. That what has been said of the merits of Dr. Whitman as a man and t christian of high moral worth is affirmed, a'so, and with equal pleasure, of llev. II. H. -Spaulding,, who, iu the order, of a kind providence, is now speuding tho evening of his life in our midst, happily surroun ded by his children and his children's children. '.. , , v f And further, it affords us great pleas ure to endorse what has been ' often af firmol by others that r Bev. U. 'Hj Spaulding, and his ? amlJable and accoui plishcd wife, now in llevon, have doce umro through their labors Uis-i M issiona rics, to civilize and;christi:inuo;aho Ne Perces tribe, of Indians than tho Govern. n.eut has ever been able to aceomplisn by an outlay oE.vttst ums of uionfy.i j-And further, that to tfceir influenee w vuiainiy attribtrted the steadfast friendship of the Nez Pcrces,uncl4r all crrcumsfanees.Ift tho white poplatj6n, even when all tho ear-' rounding tribes---u odor lloman influence were at war with tbo . Amcricao veo plo. ' Wfc ' , ' . 4th ThatjL from what Jsrenrdcd ns videncp of tha Pst .rciablo character, thif Presbytery ,19 fully; convinced that the Koman clergy 'then" bcenpying t he. country, were the principle iavestigators of tbo " WhiiinanTtragedy." " ' . T ' W K-'BlSHOPIoderator. ' C. A. W6trx.T; Clerk. ''' Horace Greeley' Private Hblta. s Mr.-Grccle; gets up at 3 o'clock -in the morning ; foi it is one of his favorite maxims thaj only early trisiug can keep tho health unimpaired and , the brain vigorous.,, lie then wakes up the whole household and assembles them in the library by candlelight, and after qvuting the beautiful lines : - - - - -- --j - -. "Eaily to bed and early to riso s Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wlna,' he appoints each iwlividual's task for the day, 'and sets him at it with encouraging words, and goes back to bed again. I mention here, in no faultfinding spirit, "trill with the deflerctico due to a man who is older and worthier and wiser than 'I, that he snores awfully. Iu a momept of irritation, once, I; was rash enough t to say that I never would sleep with M.im until he broke himself of this uufortunate habit.'; I have kept my word with; big oted and uuwaveriog determination.! - At half past 11; o'clock' M r. Greeley rises again. He considers that there is great virtue and economy in shaving himself. He docs it with a dull razor, sometimes humming a part of a tune, (lie knows pait of a tune, and takes an inno cent delight io regarding it as the first half uf Old Hundred; but parties famil iar with that hymn have felt obliged to confess that they don't recogB'ZJ it, and therefore the noise he makes is doubtless an original composition of Mr. Greeley's), and sometimes when the razor is es pecially dull, he accompanies himself with a formula like this: "Datua the d d razor and tha d d outcast who made it I" . : - He then goes out into his model garden and applies his vast store of agricultural knowledge to the amelior .tion . of his cabbages;- after which he ?writc an ag ricultural article for, the instruction of American farmers, his soul cheered the while by the reflection that if cabbages were worth 11 a piece, his model iarm would pay. , - .. . He next goe3 to breakfast, which is a frugal abstemious meal . with : him, and consisis or nowuon out. lustsucti intnirs as the market affords, nothing more. He drinks nothing but water, and tea, arid Scotch ale, and lager beer, and lem onade with a flj iii it sometimes a house fly and sometimes a horsefly, according to the amount of inspiration required to warm him up to his daily duties. " Dur ing breakfast he- reads "the Tribune all through, and enjoys the- satisfaction of knowing that 'all the best things1 in if, written - by' Cooke, and Hassan, and mjself, are attributed to him by a confid ing and infernal public. ? After breakfast he writes a short edi torial, aud puts a large dash - at the be- , which is the Greeley spends two hours on his toilet He is the most painstaking and elaborate man about getting up his dress that lives in America. . This is his rhiefest and pleasantest foible. He puts on his old ' white overcoat, and turns up the collar. He puts on a soiled shirt saved from thr . wash, and leaves ono end of the collar uiiuuuuueu. lie cyuca wu 111.1 mock uiiap idatcd J,iat, turuit wrong side before, antl cants it on to the back of his head, . and jams an extra dent in the side, of it. He puts on his most atrocious boots, and . , spends fifteen minutes tucking the" left leg of his pauts iutJ his bpottcp jo what shall seem : lie most careless anu onstua- ied manner. But ' his cravat it isin(o , the arrangement of his cravat that 1:0 throws his whole soul, ali the powers of a rr 1 1 lliltlfl A ftLf fllfinff it hpf.lVO " O - C, , , the glass fur forty minutes, it is perfect it is askew eveiy way it overflows his collar oir one side, and sinks into oblivion -on tho olher it climbs and it dives around his neck the knot is conspicu- ' ously displayed under his left ear, and it stretches oue of its long ends straight out horizontally, and the other goes after h .3 eye in the gjjd old Toodlca fashion- a;;d then, completely and marvelously. 1 appareled, ho strides f'oith, rolling like a sailor, 1 miracle of astounding costumery, the awe and wonder of the nation 1 ' But I haven't time to tell tho rest of his private habits. Suffice it that he it ' an upright and honest man a practical, great-brained uian--a useful man to his nation and It is generation a famous man who has justly earned his celebrity and T withal, the worst dressed inau in this ct ' any other country, even though he does take so thundering much pains and puts ' on so many frills about it. Mark Tain" of the Tribune's staff. V . ,7 ginning of it, thus same as if ho put H. G.1 after' it," and takes a savage delight in reflecting that none of u. understrappers can use that dash except in profane conversation when chafiog-over the outrage.' He writes his own editorial iu his own - handwriting, lie docs it because he is so 'rain of his penmanship. Ho always did take an in ordinate pride in his penmanship." He hired out once, in his 'young days, as a writing master, but the enterprise failed. ... . . . . . The pupils could not translate his remark with any certainty. Ilia, first copy was, "Virtue is its, own reward," rand they got it,, Washing with 'soap is , wholly ' ab surd," and so the trustees 'discharged him for attempting to convey bad morals through the medium of worse penman ship. But, as I was saying, ho writes his morning editorial. ' Then he tries to read it over and can't do it, aud so sends it (0 the printers, and they try 'to read it, and can't do it; and so they set' It up at random, as you uiay soyj putting in what words they can make' out,1 arid when1 they get aground on a long, word,' they put in Vweons:truotbn" oif ''universirl Buffrage," and spar off, and paddle ahead ; and next morning ii the. degraded public can . tell what il is labour they ;-ay .U. O. wrot it jund if they-can1: they say that it is one ot those imhecile understrappers, and Oi thro-u.9n.jOQd cf:bitT mja.-itik' Oa i Sundays, Mr. Greeley sits , in a. prominent place in Mr. Chajia'aohorch, anc lets on tat he is "asloop, and the con il iWnf nktv, of cent as. When he" is to appear in public Mr. Showman Kloquence. The follow ing is the latest piece' of showman e'o quence: "Gentlemen this is the cele--bra ted boa 1 constrictor; . the. fioestr largest, longest, stron. est, and prettiest i animal of its ppecies oh exhibition , in this country. He was caitght in ' South Afiica (as he lay torpid after swtulowin' two oxen and a diove tf heep) io a wire net, his capture affording a beautiful iU lustration of successful wire pulling. .ltt w-as supposed that the sand where ' he was found was hot enough to boil eggs, and that his skin was at least well done, this is proved by his highly-fini-hed ap pearance. ; His color is supposed to com. 1 bine all the hues of all tho snakes' that 1 ever hissed or bit from the 'old serpent t a conger cel. - His size is variable, as t like most other jobjects in nature, he expands with heat and contracts with cold. ' For every vUo of five degrees ' in ' the thcrmoiiieterj he gets-a foot in longi- tulc. In his native sands he's a htt died and fifty feet long .Tha warirr. season of our own country stretches him twenty-five : feet.' ' Iitist 'January when ' the thermometer fell M sixteen degrees, he shrunk into such trifling, dimensions- as to be invisible through a microscope. His present length, you I can ec - for yourselves. His temperance principles? nra Cif tCi fjnno-h !st Lirirl fl. j n - . y- - q -- - - - ( - m - dozen cold water societies' rolled into ono. His drink at his present vdinien- ' sion is three gallons of Water per "weeky his food three gallons. ; He has : great natural talent for politics, ..which ;; ho . shows by changing his coat, four times year." Price of admission twenty-five cen's. If Solomon ' wcro Tiving to day, "he could not write, at least in reference ji Uy the modes of travel tu 1 couiiuanicatiHis between distant parts of the earth,' what, he once wrote in reference to huiMaii;1,uf-' fair : "The thing that hu-th been, it is tltui 1 which shall be; and that which is dono: is tliar which shall" bo .done, ; and . there- is j no."ueur ' Uiiug under the .'ami.;. Hd ' surely never saw or heard of a steamboat or railroad, a n d li is' m essagoi to t h e Qtieen.r' bheba and to King liiram wero ooirans4 uiitted by magnetic j telegraph, ., f -.. t - ' ... An Idaho paper says : There is baTy5 one spot in the whole O wyhee , wnjp, pf mountains where perpetual snow' ean bo found. That is in a little wg oh War ' Eagle mountain,, a few - yards from ' the Poorwan mine. Th iiwucnseamnuutof . snow falling iu, that region during tho winter season generally disappears about -the middle of July or first of August, ' We hare, however, ' seen more or less snow, fall there every month is tbo ycary but,Ujsa raro occurrcnco.a ;gl & s- ' Ccbiot?s Tkci'rrXv lai a urio6sr 'fact'"! that fifteen diamonds, each wci'ghittg1 nno : carat, can bo bought for $1,500,' troiloi one diamond weighing fifteen carats ia lated at S12.QO0 to $16,000. i ' ' loonlight immersions are bccoiaiDg; popular in Indiana. ;; ' -''