The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 26, 1869, Image 1

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To be lie! J at the fair Grottnde, one mile South
f Albany, on Tuesday, Wednesday, 7fi--dayaad
Friday, September 2SA, 29A,
S0& and October 1, 1669.
Superintendent, N. 6. Wyatt. - Conamittec
CsrsweU, W. M. Smith, Mr. VTyatt.
No. 1. Shout Horns.
test cow 3 rears ol J and upward-
" heifer" 1 " " "
' calf
Best bull 0 years old anil upward..$l0
- c
" calf...... -v- V -i
Co ten.
13 UU 7
10 00 .5
5 OC 2 50
3 00 '1 50
No. 2. Devons.
Same premiums ns Xo. 1.
No. 3. IIerefouds.
Sams premiums as Xo. 1.
No. 4. AYitsniRES.
Samo premiums as No. 1.
No. 5. Al.DEREYS.
San o premiums as No. I.
Exhibitors in Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mttst furn
ish satisfactory evidence of age and pedigree.
No. G. Graded Cattle, Cross
Ecst bull 3 year; ol I and upward
No. 4. Running Sweepstakes.
Best running 3 year old and up, two mile heats.
2 in 3, purse Three to cjiter. Entrance
to bo added to the purse.
Superintendent, A. Cowen. Committee IV
-Matthews, M. Payne, F. ilcaley. '
Hest Jack...,,.... w: q (jo
Best span work mules, Oregon"
raised 5 00
Rest yearling mule 4 00
Best suckling mule. ,. ...... 2 00
Best Jennctt? ...... 6 CO
Eutry feo 20 per ct. in thfa department
5 00
" " calf..
Best cow 3 years old and upward
4, 2 44 41
44 heifer 1 " " "
" calf
$3 CO 4 00
6 00 3 00
4 CO 2 00
2 00 1 00
S3 00 4 00
6 00 3 00
4 00 2 00
2 00 1 00
5 CO 4 00
Hclf:. Kxhibitor3 competing for premiums for
the beft ini!clt cow of any blood shall furnish the
Superintendent a certified statement of the amount,
by weisrht, of milk produced by the cow entered
by them, during ten days of the season preceding
the exhibition, with a Matcment of tho age of the
calf at the time the milk is neighed, and kind and
amount of food.
No. 7. Fat Cattle.
Competitors in this department are required to
file with the Corresponding Secretary a statement
of the age of the animal, time, manner, kind,
quality and cost of feeding, and all the expenses
connected with the fattening.
Fat ox. 5 years old and upward S S 00 4 00
!' cow5 " " ' 8 CO 4 00
No. 8. Sweepstakes.
Bull of any breed $10 00 5 00
Cow of any breed 10 00 5 00
Twenty per cent, entrance in the above depart
ment. -
2 00
1 00
1 50
2 00
1 50
1 50
Superintendent, Jesse PaTish. Committee
Miuto, II. Bundy, W. Churchill.
No. 1. American or Cross-Breed
Merinos. -
Best bnck 3 years old and up $1 00
" I " , 2 00
Eest-ewo .. 3 00
Best Iamb r. . 2 00
Be t ewe and lamb 4 00
Bet three lambs . 3 00
Best sample wool, quality and weight. 3 00
No. 2. French Merinos
Same premium ns No. 1
No. 3. Spanish Merinos.
Same premiums as No. 1.
No. 4. Southdowns.
Same premiums as 3o. 1.
No. 5. New Oxfordshire.
Same premiums as No. 1.
No. 6. Cotswold.
Same premiums as No. 1.
No. 7. Graded Siieep.
Same premiums as No. 1.
No. 8. Fat Sheep.
Best wetber 3 00
44 buck for wool and mutton, of
any breed 4 00
Entrance in this class 15 per cent.
Rule 1. Those exhibiting sheep for premiums
offered for wool and mutton, shall exhibit the
shorn fleece with the sheep, together with'a state
ment of the time of its growth.
Utile 2. Tho committee shall take into consid
ation the quality as well as the weiehtof thefltcce,
and quality and Ago as well as weight of tho carcass.
1 50
2 00
Superintendent, Jason Wheeler. Committee J.
Thomas, Mr. Witharn, S. Mansfield.
Bes'StallionTearsoldandup $10 00 $ 5
" 3 " " 6 00 3
" 2 " " 4 00 2
" 1 ' " 2 00 1
.. 2
. o
, ' sucklingeolt
Bast mare 4 years old and up.
a 3 . -
tf 2 " "
.1 1 2 00 1
"sucklingeolt 2 00 1
In the department of thoroughbred animals,
whether caltle or horses, none will bo permitted to
compete but such as have satisfactory pedigrees.
No. 2. Graded.
Best stallion 4 ycais old and up...$10 00
3 " ' 8 00
2 " " 6 00
1 44 44 4 CO
. stallion colt 2 00
Best mare 4 ycars'old and np ; 8 00
u 3 - I 6 00
2 " i 4 00
1 " " 3 00
. colt...., ..200
No. 3.- Sweepstakes.
Best brood mare and colt 4 years
old and upwards... ..$10 00
Best gelding 4 years eld and up'd 4 00
- No. 4. .
Best span, of match carriage norses, or marcs,
trotters, owned by one person $10 00 5 00
Best single horse or mare to buggy. ..5 00 . 2 50
35-Tho above to be tested.
No. 5.
Bpt snan of horses for all work 10 00 5 00
Beat SDan of draft horses or mares 4
vears old and upward.... .....10 00 5 00
r-The above to be tested and owned by one
person. ZU percenb cuiruucu iu uo auuie juc
-partment. -
1 Judges A. Hannon, Dr. Smith, P. Scott.
No. 1. Trotting.
' Mile heats, two in three, Oregon
- raised horses that ha,ve not made
hetter time in nublie than 34 v
" minutes....- $1 00 7 50
. . . No. 2.
; Tlf. trotter 4 vears old and upward (
two miles 20 00 10 00
T?f trnttor 3 vears old and uDward
one mile 15 00 . 7 50
"Rest trotter 2 years old-ono mile- 10 00 b 00
- No. 3.
Stallions Sweepstakes
Tt.t trotter one mile..; 10 00 5 00
Two mile beats, 2 in 3, purse J20. Three to enter
ml two to c-o. Entrance $20, to be added to
tho purse., r '
"class IV.
No. 1. Running.
Best running, 2 in 3, mile beats... $30 00
Tt ninninir. 4 ve&r olds 1 mile.. 25 00
i . 3 year olds, 1 mile.. 20 00 10
- " ; ; 2 year olds, lmUe 13 00 ; 7
No. 2.
TU 1 utMiirnt miles .....- 30 00 1500
No. 3. Pacing.
i Beat sirs zle pacer to harness, 2 miles 15 00 7
l Beet walker, 1 nUe .... 6 50 8
75 00
12 00
Superintendent, S. Froman. Committee Thos.
Crtss, N. Price, II. Swank.
No. 1. -Essex.
Best boar 2 vears old and upward, 4 00 2 00
1 " " 3 00 1 50
" C m'thsand notlyr. old 2 00 1 00
Best sow 2 years old and upward, 4 00 2 00
"1 " 3 00 1 50
" C m'tbs and not 1-vr. old 2 00 1 00
Best litter of pigs, not less than C,
under 6 months old 2 00 1 00
No. 2. Berkshire.
Same premiums as No. 1.
JNo. o. Chester vhites.
Same premiums as No. 1.
iSo. 4. Cross Breeds.
Same premiums as No. 1.
JNo. 5. Graded
Same premium as No, 1.
Best fat bog 1 year old and up 4 00 2 00
Best boar 1 year old and up 4 00 2 CO
Entrance 15 percent.
To be grown by the person competing.
superintendent, K. it. ueary. Committee R
Y liloughby, J. IS. LafoIIett, 11. Davidson.
No. 1.
Best 5 acres cf fall wheat .........SlO 00 .
5 " spring wheat...... 10 00
5 " oats 10 00
5 " corn .. 10 00
4 " broom corn 10 00
Best sample of broom corn 1 00
jZ53Coinpetitors for the above premiums must
furnish certificates of themselves showinsr the
method of cultivation, and that of two disinteres
ted persons as to the actual product.
Best 1 bushel of fall wheat......
$5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
3 00
2 00
1 00
..1 00
1 " spring wheat
1 " oats....
1 " buckwheat...
1 " rye
' I " barley
i . " white corn...
4 " Tellow corn-
Best assortment of crams 3 00 2
Best peek of flax seed...- 2 00 1
timothy seed.. 1
" clover seed 1
No. 2. Vegetables.
Best peck of white beans... 1
" other varieties 1
' peas..... 1
Best half bushel potatoes 1
" 44 sweet potatoes 2
Best pumpkins and squashes............ 1
onions ........ 1
beets 1
carrtts .....1
parsnips;. .....1
turnips- ...,... 1
tomatoes .....................
0 cabbage.....
egg plant 1
exhibit of garden vegetables... 2
No. 3. Melons.
To-be grown by the exhibitor. "
Best specimen watermelon 1 50 J
" muskmelon 1 50 1
No. 4. Flour.
Best fifty pounds of flour 2
" f corn meal.
" buckwheat flour
Class IX. Domestic Manufacture.
" Exhibited by the manufacturer.
E. HV- Washburhe, Superintendent. E. B.
Moore, E.J3. Wheeler, W. W. Parrish, Committee.
No. 1.
Best five pounds butter, four months
old or over ....3 00 1 50
Best five pounds butter, one year old
and upwards, witn mode of mak
f ing and putting up 5
r CllCCS inml 11 ifi )i in,
' ten pounds of lard... . .,
four pounds of candles....
V ' ten pounds of soap-.......
pair of bacon bams
.pair of bacon sides....,...,
- three brooms......... .......
basket ......
No. 2. -
Best Oregon jeans, five yards ..2 00 1 00
socks, two pairs. 00 50
..2 00
..1 00
..1 00
cloth.all wool,fiveyards.2 00 1 00
yarn, two pounds 1 00 60
pair blankets ........3 00 1 50
pair: mittens....- 1 00 .60
pair buckskin gloves.. .-I 00 , 50
Class ,'X. Home Work. !
Exhibited by tho maker.
Deiazom I Smith, Superintendent. Mrs.
W. lialston, Mrs. Y. J.
n. tu. w neeler, Airs,
Best needle work shirt ........2
needle work quilt..... 4
needlework dress 2
large crotchet work 2
bome-made carpet, five vards...3
sperinitn of fancy knitting 1
plain needle work. .1
straw hat .. 1
large embroidered cushion 2
ornamental needle work .2
worked collar 1
leather work ......2
hair work 2
fhe'.l work........ ..2-4)0-
feather work ..... 2 00'
Class XI. Flowers, Preserves, etc.
Mrs. James Ei.kis9, Superintendent. Mrs.
Clark, Mrs. Hiram Smith, Mrs. Hugh Fields.
- No. 1.
1 00
Best exhibit of rare plants iu pots 2 00 I 00
floral design, ornamental- 2 00 1 00
roses 1 00 50
bouquets 1 00 50
No. 2.
Best cucumber pickles, etc 1 00 60
preserves of each varietv.. 1 00 . ! 50
bottle fruit.. .. ..1 00 60
' wheat bread 1 00 50
jelly 1 00 50
gold cake 1 00 50
silver cake 1 00 60
fruit cake. 1 00 50
dried fruit of each kind 1 00 50
Class XII. Fruits and IVines.
The produce of the exhibitors.
J. Ketchum, Superintendent. N. Sprenger, J.
Hamilton, A. Condra, Committee
No. 1. Apples.
Best twenty of any one variety.. 2
ten varieties, four specimens each. 2
Best twenty of any one variety 2
tea varieties, four specimens each. 2
Best twenty of any one variety ...2
ten varieties, four specimens each. 2
Best twenty of any one variety... 2
ten varieties, four specimens each. 2
No. 2.
Best currant wine.. ....1
grape wiuo... 1
No. 3.
. 1
Best jar of apple butter.
peach butter
plum butter
pear butter.. .. ....
Class XIII. Mechanical Department.
Exhibited by the maker.
J-. Baihd, Superintendent. R. Caloway, J. W.
Fronk, II. A. McCartney, Committee.
Best four-horse wagon 8 00 4 CO
two-horse wagon 8 00 4 00
express wagon 8 00 4 00
plow 5 00 3 00
gangplow 10 00 5 00
seed sower 5 00 2 50
cultivator 5 00 2 50
barrow .. 5 00 2 50
reaper ..15 00 , 7 50
Best pair fine boots 3 00 1 50
" : coarse boots 3 00 1 50
Best carriage harness 5 00 2 50
saddle 3 00 -1 50
team harness .. 4 00 2 00
bee bouse 4 00 2 00
sample leather
bureau 4 00 2 0t
sofa 2 00 1 OH
bedstead 2 00 1 00
lot of photographs 4 00 2 00
Wagons and plows to bo tested.
Best cabinet organ or melodeon ...3 00 1 50
Best equestrienne diploma,
Bet loot-race, one-tourtn mile (en
trance fifty cents) purso. ...$10 00
E Premiums will bs awarded on all articles
not here enumerated that may be thought worthy,
manufactured in tbo State, and diplomas on
articles not manufactured in tho State.
track at such times as the Secretary, through, the
jtiarsnai, snail designate. Premium animals with
appropriate badges. 4 j
ItuU 5 Any person having animals or stock
entered for premiums, or entered for speed, shall
1.110 nguii 10 oojeci to any juuge upn tue
same wherein that -competitor U interested, and
mo superintendent snail fill the vacancy for that
case. . if,
Terms of Admission to Fair Ground.
Season ticket for persons - - - $1 60
Day ticket for persons ,. -" .. . 75
WQtnen and -children free, except boys over
ivuitccu yuuis 01 age.
Season ticket lor double carriage - - $1 50
" " "ingle II- - - - 1 00
" ' riding horse - - 1 00
Day ticket fur the above at half price.
P. S. Persons wishing dav tickets will our-
chase a day ticket for $1 50, and return it to the
gate- keeper by six b'Uock of the samo day, and
receive 75cts, the amount duo in change, as no
day tickets will be provided.
Rules for Racing Trotting1 & Running-.
Jlule 1. No person shall act ns judge in any
race on wbicb he may have bet, or in which he
may be interested.
. Jtule 2. The person entering for a race (orhi3
proxy) will draw for posit on on the track, under
the supervision 01 tne judges.
Rule 3. In all trials ot speed, only tnree starts
will be allowed, and any person who sha'.l fail on
the third trial shall be ruled off by the judges,
but may have the privilege of going against the
time of the race. ;
Rule 4. In trotting and pacing races, all ani
mals to carry 150 pounds in addition to the
veh cle. -
Ride 5. The premium will be withheld from
one or both of the parties in any race, if in the
opinion of the judges it is not a fair contest, as no
jockeying or foul riding or driving will be allow
ed." - ,-
Rule 6. No competitor In any race will be
allowed any advantage by the break of his ani
mal. The judges are required to be particular on
this point. - -
Rule 7. Any animal or animals entered in a
race may go against the time of the race, provid
ed the intention so to do is stated to the judges
before any of tbo animals start. Any animal
bolting or flying the track may have the same
Rule 8. Any animal that is not in readiness
at the precise time appointed, shall forfeit all
claims to the contest. - ... .
Rule 9. The usual time between beats will be
allowed. Tho weight for running will be three
year olds, 75 pounds ; four years old, 85 pounds ;
fivo years old, 95 pounds ; six years old, 105
pounds j seven years old, 111 pounds.
l-.-v-..---;,--.--. " '
' General Rules.
Rule 1. All articles on exhibition must remain
throughout the fair, and no premium will be paid
on any article or animal taken away before the
close of the same, without a written permit by the
President, and said permit must be placed on file
by the Recording Secretary. :-1-,v
Rule 2. All entries to be made by 11 o'clock
of the second day. . .
Rule 3. Articles entered for premiums in the
pavilion, including machinery, 15 per cent, entry
fee, and the same rate for sheep and hogs at the
pens. All other entries of stock 20 per cent.,
except for speed, embraced in Class III., which
hall be 25 per cent.
.Rtrfe 1. All animals competing for premiums,
and all premium animals, must be paraded on the
, General Remarks.
Hay and oats will be provided on the grounds
at reasonable rates. -
Good opportunities for camping, with plenty of
wooa ana water.
Tho people of Linn county, and especiaPv the
ladies, are requested to furnish pictures and other
ornaments tor tho pavilion. They will be well
cared for,
A general invitation is extended to the citizens
of other counties in Oregon to participate in and
compete for premiums at tho approaching Fair.
The committees will be arranged and announced
on uie nrsi aay ot tno J air.
SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1869.
-'i-'jf A Boy's Fancies. " !
While yet a boy of ten years old, it
was a soro puzzle which we bhould be, a
farmer, store-keeper or stage-driver. The
last honorable business had the prefer
ence in our mind. Yet there wet davs
when the other named pursuits strongly
urged their attractions. We : reflected,
that if a farmer, we should not have to
drive the cows to and from pastures, but
should have a bov to do it for us : we
hould have men to work under us, and
not, as then, be ourself obliged to work
under them. We could rest when we
pleased, and no one could scold us. In
short the attractions . f a f armies life-
were manifold..
- But, however attractive, we never, re
turned from an errand down town with
out feeling our preferences shaken. A
store was to our young eyes a mystery of
sights and sweets 1 Ah, to be a store
keeper, put my fingers whenever I pleas
ed into the candy jar, or peppermint
drawer ! to eat raisins or figs every day!
to go behind the counter whenever I
chose, and to open drawers, and to look
never became a captain. . Are we not all
children in our relations to the great
Manhood of j After-life ?
eagerly admiring seeming
will yet turn to baubles ?
back on our boyhood and
childish fancies : and ehall we not here
after smilo again at tho
Following are from the Mountaineer
John Hailey, Esq., the pioneer stage
man, has made arrangements so that he
is carrying mails and passengers through
from Umatilla City to the Pacific Railroad
in eighty-eight hours; distance - 500
miles, and passengers resting threu hours
at Boise City.
1 he smoky weather which vre have
been having has disappeared. The hills
can be discerned around us, and the at
mosphere is quite clear. We have had
a variety of cold aud warm weather, the
latter part of the week being a little too
hot to he comfortable.
1 wo brick-kilos have been burned at
the yard, by Messrs. Newell and Abrams,
and the third is now ready to be fired
The Albany (Oregon) brick making ma
chine is in use by this Company, and it
works very satisfactory. These brick will
challenge comparisn with any in the State.
lhc new building of Mr. Max V ogt is
in course of erection. The front is of
brick, and the sides and ends of fire
proof stone. It will be a splendid struct
ure when completed, and we can but
hope under the management of Messrs.
Cliut and Whitmore it will soon assume
a proper shape, i
The basement walls of the Mint are
almost completed, and the structure is
beginning to raise itself above the surface
of the ground. The work goes on slow
ly but surely. The brick-laying is prog
ressing finely, and a great mauy beauti
ful arches now span tho basement, built
by Mr. Runey, the mechanic in the brick
From the Jacksonville Sentinel of the
We hear that a man named Oliver
Evans, living a short distance above
Ashland, took his shot-gun last Monday
morning and struck out for the moun
tains, since which time nothing has been
heard of him. lie is in easy circum
stances, is a widower, .and has two small
children. It is thought he must have
wandered off iu an insane condition.
A Chinaman sold to Mr. Beekman du
ring the week, a piece of solid gold
weighing over $200. Several smaller
pieces from one to two ounces, have been
brought iu lately, and it is probable that
some of the companies have struck a good
Two or three days since.'says the Ore
gontan,jSlr. Boynton,of Clackamas coun
ty, was riding a horse across one ot the
Molalla bridges, when the horse, which
was blind in one eye, became frightened
and leaping suddenly to one side, went
sheer over the bridge and fell a distance
of twelve or fifteen feet. The horse was
badly hurt though not killed. Mr. B-,
by an agile spring from the horse's back
as he went down, escaped with slight in
jury. The house of John Dunbar, near Fair
view Chnrch, Sandy, was - destroyed by
fire on Wednesday last, 9th. The family
had gone on a visit to a neighbor, and on
returning found the house in ashes. Mr.
Dunbar had been making shingles not
far away, burning the shavings, and it is
supposed the fire spread from the smoul
dering embers. - -
In order to vex their Russian oppress
ors, the Poles Of Warsaw have suddenly
taken a great liking to the German lan
guage. - They cause their children to
study German instead of Russian, and the
German language is spoken at all places
of amusement, i while the Russian tongue
is not used at all. The Pole who speaks
Russian is at once shunned in conse
quence by his countrymen as a renegade
and traitor.
; Are we not
realities that
Do -we loot
smile at our
equally foolish
fancies of a greater childishness in the
of later life?- II. W.
under the counter, which was always
place of imaginary treasures ! Besides
dui una was a secret and. - envious
thought I might, by using pomatum,
and by diligeuce with brush and glass,
become as smooth and pretty as that
dashing clerk, Jim Velvettop ! Ah, if
my brown face and fat cheeks only would
look as handsome as his smooth face !
But of that I despaired every time I
looked into the little glass that served
purposes of humility in my little bed
room. Yes, a merchant I would be.
But one ripping blast of the stage horn
put all these fancies to an utter route.
There came the stage- thej great red
stage full of passengers : baggage be
hind, and piled on top j Hiram Barnes
in the driver's seat ; corduroy breeches
on, a low crowned jaunty hat : in one
hand the four reins, and in the other the
whip, whose long lash was perfectly en
chanting to my boyhood, always except
ing the occasion when it was swu
around to give a "cut behind." But, O
that final dash of the team! Every
horse had saved up a little steam, and on
coming round the corner, the pace which
had been sparkling before, burst into
royal run, rounding up before the tavern
in a style that captivated every boy of
the least spirit. No others might be
farmers and merchants, but our miud
was made up, and a stage driver we
would be ! Nor was the charm lost,
when, on going towards home, we passed
Mr. Parker's stage barns, and saw the
smoking horses under Ulysses Freeman's,
hands (Cato and Candace were his pa
rents), while driver Hiram sunned him
self with all the superb airs of a dandy
of the barn yard ! It was too much I it
was too much ! Why were some men
born to luck, and others to luckless seclu
sion ? Here were these happy fellows
living among horses, driving whenever
they pleased the admiration of all the
boys in town j while I, shut up in the
door yard, only let out to drive the cows,
run of errands, or saddest of all to go
to school seemed doomed to a spiritless
life !
Yet, it is not to be supposed, young as
we were, that we really believed that a
stage -driver was the happiest mortal
alive. We had enough discernment to
know that a military Captain, in all his
brightest "regimentals," was a higher
and happier being than even a stage
driver. But such a position we never
dared covet in the ' most unreasonable
imaginative' hour. We should as soon
have aspired to be a star. It was too
much to look upon ! And when we had
once seen Captain Cuel in his : glorious
apparel, he from that hour become a be
ing apart from all humanity. It is true,
that he came to meeting like tho rest of
the town people, and that he drove - an
ox sled in winter, and a farmer's wagon
in summer but now his old straw hat,
nor his brown tow dress, could so disguise
him, that we did not see blazing through
their disguise, the remembered glory of
his captain s suit I
Well, we witnessed pretty much: every
youthful aspiration. We did not leant
farming j wWailed fo own a ' store ; we
missed a stage driver's seat, and of course
The Peace Jubilee. Following is
a description of the inauguration of the
Peace Jubilee, which transpired at Bos
ton (Mass.) June 16th : The chorus and
instrumental - performances numbered'
from' ten - to twelve thousand persons.
The audience was probably 25,000, not
withstanding a heavy shower The view
from the balcony was beyond descrip
tion. Nothins; like it was ever seen on
this contineut. ; The . opening chorus
was by 10,000 voices, an orchestra of
1,100 instruments and the grand organ,.
under tho direction of Professor Gil-
more. The vocalization was distinct and
clear in enunciation as : a church choir-
Parepa Rosa and Ole Bull were among
the performers. They were greeted by
simultaneous applause from the audience-,
and performers. The "Anvil Chorus" .
giveu by the whole force, with one hun
dred anvils and artillery accompani
ments, Created an intense enthusiasm,
demanded a repetition. The national
air, "My country, 'tis of thee,'- was the
last piece. It was sung by the whole
chorus, with all the accompaniments, in
cluding the organ, full orchestra, big
drum, chimes and artillery, and was the
crowning success of tho day. The audi
ence stood on the seats, shouted and
made an extraordinary . demonstration.-'
The last piece was repeated . by -j the
whole irass again. At the conclusion-
there were repeated cheers from the aud
ience and the performers.- The building
was soon vacated and every person was
loud in praise of the success of the icau,
gural day ot Jubilee.
FaEE Trade. Figaro, the little dra"
matic journal of San Francisco, has a
brief article "on this subject, in which, it
puts the whole matter in a nutshell, in
this wise : "We do not think of any
civilized nation that conducts its com
mercial affairs on the principle of free
trade ; and as a large portion of our pub
lie revenue is derived from the customs, :
it does not appear, in" view of the enormi
ty of the public debt, that the present is
a good time to dispense with that source
of income. The great question now is
the extinction of the vast national debt
incurred in the late war, and in addition'
to this wo must raise money for the ; cur
rent expenses of the Government, which,
are every year necessarily increasing.
The means to accomplish that must , be
derived from a very few sources, from
taxes upon tho products and income of
our own citizens and duties upon import
ed merchandise. If the latter be remit
ted the former must be correspondingly,
increased, so that the abolition of custom
dues must unavoidably impose an addi
tional burden of direct taxation upnn all
classes of people." - - ,
Babtxon tub Ancient. Tho fol
lowing affords a curious comparison of
past and present. If we believe Herod
otus and other ancient writers, Babylon
v. uwiiu nttiiu xyu square
miles of open space for exercise and rec-
a? rrL
reatiou. v ciry, wnicn was a square
of 15 miles on each side, had 50 streets,
each 150 feet broad, and 15 miles long.
They all ran in straigt lines, and crossed
at right angles, so as to cut the houses
into C76 squares of half a mile in the
side. -No two houses touch each other,
or were . without spaces between them j
and the middle of each square was . laid
out in gardens and pleasure ground.
Here then is an ancient city, built near
ly 3,000 years ago, which may be fairly
held ud to imitation, as affording on in
stance of large and liberal provision
for . the i exercise and recreation of its
inhabitants, and for insuring,, by free
external ventilation, tho utmost possible
purity of atmosphere. What a contrast
does this mighty city ol old form with
modern London ! If wo estimate the
builded area of London at 15 square
miles, and add 5 square miles- for tarts
itwu auuiuuus, WB UJVfl a TCUI CZ
28 square miles, which forms hnt a Cfth
part ot the mere exercising jnwini
the inhabitants of ancient Babylon..
Ex-Senator Lane of Indiana, has I
appointed a member of the Indian C
mission of ten, authorized by !
Congress io look atfer the Indi::
ally, - The Commissiocsrs r;:': C 7
and - honor only- no r iy s C
ed. -