The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 19, 1869, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1869.
Senator Corbett and wife arrived at
Portland on Saturday last.
Latest. Hon. S. Garfield's majority
at latest dates, was 154.
Money Market. Gold in New
York, 1 37 I. Legil tenders in San
Francisco, 7273. .
Letter from Mr. Xewsom.
Canyon City. Reports from the
mines in and around Canyon City are to
. - ..i - ? Ml .
tne ellcct that mining operauons win noi
be very extensive oa account of the lack
of water. The farmers of that region
are getting discouraged, as there is not
market enough for their produce,
j . .
Base Hall. In the match base ball
jxauie, between the Cincinnatis and Mu
tual), at Williamsburg, the former win
ning, the score stood, 4 to 2. The
Mutuals scored nothing in the first
seven innings, and only one each in the
8th and 9th. The winning club scored
one each in the 1st and 2d, and two in
the 9th. Said 'to be the best match
ever played.
The Result. As we indicated last
week, Hon. S. Garfielde lias been elected
Delegate to Congress from Washington
Territory, but the majorities may not
count up as large as we were at first led
to believe. However, an able advocate
of Union principles is elected over all
combinations of the enemy, and W. T.
is O K. .
Incest Suicide. A telegram dated
Jacksonville, June loth, says a man
named Oliver Evans conirmttec suicide
in that valley, on the Monday previous,
under horrible circumstances. He was
- charsed with incest with his own dauah
ter, a girl of sixteen. He went to the
mountains and shot himself. The body
was found yesterday, badly decomposed.
The girl has confessed that the charge
was true. He was a widower, and leaves
considerable property.
, o
' 'VnitT,rti " I fi r- nafliA'il
The Northern Pacific Railroad Com-
pany intend to commence work on their
road Immediately, according to the asser
tion of the Detroit Post. The same pa
per says it is enabled to state, upon good
authority, that Messrs. J. Cooke, J.
Edgar Thompson and Thomas Scott,
proprietors of the Mississippi and Lake
Superior (better known as the St. Paul
and Lako Superior) Railroad, recently
had a protracted conference with the
President, W. L. Banning, the result of
which is instructions have been iven to
push forward the construction of the
Northern Pacific Railway, and that in
compliance with these instructions the
work will be commenced as soon as the
spring opens. It is estimated that $10,
000,000 will be required to put the road
through to the Red river of the north
nd to obtain this amount the stock will
bo divided into 200 shares, or such num
ber as will enlist it. This much of the
work accomplished, they will then confi
dently appeal to the Government for aid
to carry the road beyond the Rocky
Mountains. The work will be commenced
at the head of Lake Superior, in accord
ance with the terms of the charter. The
gentlemen who have determined to take
the initiative step in this great enterprise
are not the men to rush blindly into so
great a work, nor are" they the men to
fail in any undertaking. . They have
made themselves thoroughly acquainted
with the character of the country on the
line of this great thoroughfare, and are
fully satisfied with the prospects. Of
the character of the country tho Post
cars :
The line extends through one of the
most wonderful regions in the world. Its
. fertile soil, vast mineral wealth, beautiful
. climate, and the character 6f the termini,
all tend to prove unmistably that the
route is one that has been marked out by
nature herself. In the first place it is
several hundred miles shorter from lake
to ocean than, the Central Pacific. It
encounters no mountain passes over 5,000
' feet in height, while on the other route
there are no fewer than eight or . nine
passes of over , 7,000 feet, ; Instead of
running, like the Central Pacific, through
long stretches of barren country, which
can furnish no traffic to a road, there is
no section through which it passes which
.is not remarkable either for the fertility
of .its soil or ks mineral wealth. Its ad
vantages with regard to climate influences
are still more remarkable. From the
Red river Taller to the Pacific, its course
lies wholly within the isothermal region.
.. . -ii i . i j .
where tnere win oe no interruption iron,
snows. ; The climate in this region is so
imild that the buffaloes have always come
several hundred miles from the south to
winter, there and crop the herbage when
it is buried beneath immense snow banks
in their summer haunts. .... i ,.'
Editor Register: v, .
Your correspondent having taken an
excursion into the southern and eastern
parts of Marion county, for the purpose
of inspecting the crops, stock, etc., passed
into your county, and remained a couple
of days in Albany Prairie. Hia obser
vations and suggestions, if of any account,
are at your disposal for publication.
From Washington Butte, the natural
and magnificent "observatory" of Linn
county, a person can look down on a most
beautiful and charming panorama, spread
out before him in all the beauty of land
scape and hill and dale scenery. At this
time of the year, Flora is lavish of her
gifts, and a carpet of green is spread out;
and the vast fields of graiu waive in view,
and the fKcks and herds feast on the
luxuriant grasses. Albany Prairie is
doubtless the finest district in the Wil
lamettc Valley for general farming pur
poses. It must contain not less than
three hundred square miles of rich arable
land. Much of this land is rather level
for successful cultivation in its present
condition, but I observe that all of it can
be successfully drained ; and when drain
ed is the very best tillable land. Under
ground drains can be made cheaply, but
of great benefit, in the following manner :
Plow a land some ten feet wide the whole
length of tho slough or swail, and throw
out the middle a3 deeply as possible with
the plow. Then use tho shovel and slant
the sides down to the depth of from two
to four feet. Then place split sticks of
the size of large fence rails, two side by
side and one on top. Then upon these
place straw or old mats of hay and weeds
Upon the whole of these fill in the dirt,
and make the surface a . level one. The
land can be plowed and harrowed over
this without interruption. The supera
bundant water will collect in this ditch
and run off, and the surrounding land
will become dry, mellow and very pro
ductive. These swails, thus prepared,
are superior for timothy meadows, as
well as for wheat, oats, peas, etc. The
lack of timber can be remedied effectual
ly, so far as fencing is concerned, by
osage orange hedges. There have been
strong doubts entertained hereabouts by
many as to the success of the osage
orange for hedges in thi3 valley. I saw
a hedge on the farm of Mr. Joel Huston
12 miles southeast of Albany, in 1863
and again at this time. He obtained one
bushel of seed from Illinois about 1
years ago, and planted a portion of it in
a nursery, and transplanted the scions in
lines where they were to crow. His
health was poor all the time, and he did
not fully understand the proper mode of
cultivating or trimming it. But wherever
the plants were headed back the hedge is
a perfect barrier to all stock. It is mak
ing a very vigorous growth of undertwigs
this yetirj and the larger plants, not cut
down or pruned for the hedge, are now
bearing "apples," as they are called.
There will be this year several bushels of
the fruit. The seeds of one "apple" of
the osage orange on this farm last year
numbered 250. A pint of these seeds
numbers 4,640. In wet land and in dry
land, the hedge is thrifty. There is no
barrier against stock of all kinds that is
so terrifying to them as this. Having
acquired a full knowledge of the whole
process of planting, cultivating and trim
ming the osage orange in Illinois, the
writer would be pleased to communicate
it to your readers, but space will not per
mit at present.
All the early sowed and planted crops
in Albany Prairie are good as they now
appear. Sheep, horses and cattle, where
properly attended, look well here now.
The soil fruits and early apples are abund
ant, but late apples will be rather scarce.
The best and most thrifty orchards are
around the "buttes." Wet lands are not
good for orchards here nor elsewhere.
All the stock of this prairie should be
passed away, except such horses, cows
and hogs as could be thoroughly taken
care of the year round. The fact that
wheat is now only fifty cents per bushel,
should be no obstacle to the farmers from
bringing all Albany. Prairie into a high
state of cultivation as fast as possible.
There should be three or four artesian
wells bored in this prairie, and the water
first used for grist mills, then conveyed
all over, the settlements in pipes for the
supply of water at all the farms for stock
and house use. . Not a bushel of grain
should ever be sent out of this county, as
grain. All should be ground here, and
the offals used for the stock The time
is near at hand when long trains of , cars
will continually pass to and ..fro through
this charming district of Willamette
valley. ; Ifc is for the farmers to supply
the loading for these cars. If they can
have fall loads, the price of freight will,
of course, be greatly reduced. There
are superior "placer diggings all over
this prairie!. They lie about twelve
inches undeo the euriace of the earth.
The pick, shovel and rocker should be
some of our superior gang ' plows, with
subsoil plows. I he "surface diggings
for six inches down are somewhat ex
hausted in the old fields, but under that
depth, and perhaps for two feet or more
down, the "diggings" are rich as ever j
and the old tanners and their sons can
stay at home with their wives, mothers,
sisters and sweethearts, and live comfort
ably and well, enjoy good society, schools
and church privileges, and yet replenisti
their purses liberally with rich "dust.
Westward from our "observatory," some
ten mile?, is Albany the city of civili
zation, wealth, enterprise, schools and
churches, and enjoyiug loeal advantages
6econd to none in the great Willamette
Valley. Off to the north is Lebanon,
famed for i s educational institution, its
good morals, its temperance, its beauty.
The beautiful blue waters of the Willam
ette river pass along cilualy on the west
ern edge of this prairie on its'way to the
mighty Columbia, and in it to lose itself
in the vast Pacific ocean, on whose bosom
floats the ships of all civilized nations,
foremost of which are those of our Own
great nation. Kind and benevolent in
peace, but mighty and unconquerable in
war; whose escutcheon is the proud
eagle, ancLwhose emblem is the stars and
stripes the palladium of our liberties,
and the pride and. protection of every
loyal person in the laud of the free and
home of tho brave. Beautiful and en
chanting is the scenery far and near
from this point. I would that a thous
and prominent men from New York,
Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, Charles
ton, S. C, and a dozen other great cities
of our republic, could stand on our "ob
servatory" and with a telescope extend
their vision in every direction, bringing
the prominent points of this great valley
in full view, as well as those vast white
pyramids along the cone of the Cascade
Mountains the Sierra Nevadas of Cali
forniawhich, though seen daily ty us
here, are ever new, ever wonderful, and
point back to that period of our world's
unwritten history when all the western
slope of North and South America was
one grand theater of volcanic rupture.
June 14, '69. David Newsom.
Telegraphic Summary.
Orders have been addressed to Gene
rals Sheridan and Schofield to treat the
Indians on the four great reservations as
hostile, and proceed against them accord
ingly, with the view of protection to the
citizens of Kansas and elsewhere on the
Representations from Cuba received.
They state that there has-been several
skirmishes between the Spanish forces
under Gen. Lescu and the Cuban forces,
resulting in compelling the Spanish to.
fall back on Trindad, where they await
reinforcements. The Cubans were pre
paring to follow up this success and at
tack the Spanish forces.
Washington, June 13. Coinmission-
cr Delano has made a decision on the
question submitted by the Board of Bro
kers of New York, as to their liability to
pay a tax of one-twentieth of one per cent,
upon sums received by them for negotia
tions of sales. It is said he decides that
they are liable as commission merchants
for all sales in excess of 500,000 made
for or by them, at the rate of one dollar
for each thousand, except those made
through other wholesale dealers who are
taxed as such and sell on .commissioh,
and consequently are liable on sales made
through commercial brokers. Commer
cial brokers are also liable upon all sales
negotiated by them at the rate of fifty
cents on each $1,000, excepting those
made by or for another broker.
The Secret-ry of War, in reply to a
dispatch from Adjutant General Town-
send, says to suspend his order for the dis
charge of clerks in the War Deyartment
until his return to the city
Should tho present military force on
the frontier be inadequate to prompily
queu tne existing aimcuity with the In
dians, authority will be con fered upon
Gen. Schofield to raise volunteers for this
The Bureau of Internal Revenue has
received authority from the War Depart
ment to .use U. S. troops in North Caro
lina when necessary to cary out the inter
nal Revenue law. This grows out of the
fact that there is a large number of distil
leries in that State the proprieters of
which continue to evade the law, and put
the. revenue omcers at defiance.
Washington, June 12. Information
is received that two expeditions number
ing 600 safely landed in Cuba, and joined
the revolutionary forces. Desertion from
tho Spanish forces are increasing. There
are frequent collisions between tho Span
ish troops and the volunteers, and the
difficulties between these parties are lr
reconcilable. The Cubans have organ
ized their forces into two army corps, one
being under uen.-Jordon. Jcingagements
are daily expected. The Cubans are con
fident ; of victory. f Jordon has 2,000
Americans in nis corps.
Yfc-MH.--m.K T ' "I O ft . ' .
xviuttuonii, uune io. a auel ; was
fought on Saturday afternoon between
Capt. M.'E. Cameron, editor, of the Pe
tersburg (Jonservative and a rebel, and W,
Hughes, contributor to the Richmond
Journal, a Republican, in consequence of
an arucie uenouncing uugnes. . the nht
took place in North Carolina, sixteen
miles from the Norfolk and Petersburg
;i j bil. t
raiixoau. , xne 'weapons use a were pis-
Cameron was struct in the breast
Hughes demanded another fire, but the
surgeon pronounced Cameron unable to
deliver another shot. Hughes then dc
doclared he was satisfied and the affair
ended, ; Cameron's wounds are severe
but not considered dangerous.
London, June 12. The Times says
the state of affairs in Paris is as follows :
The crowd which demolished the Kios
ques, sang the 'Marselleise' at' midnight.
It is not political power that is to be
feared, but wo must remember that it is
a long time sinco a crowd disturbed the
peace of Paris.
Newbtjrg, June 11. At the race be
tween Lady Thome and Mountain Boy,
the latter won in three straight heats.
Time, 2:28, 2:33 J and 2:28.
Boston, June 11. At the trot today
between American Girl, Dashwood aud
Goldsmith Maid, American Girl won
easily in three straight heats, 2:27,3:261
and 2:28.
Leavenworth, June 15. -A special
from Ellsworth says the Indians arc again
at their murder work about thirty-five
miles north of Solomon City. Twenty
men are reported killed. A party of men
followed the Indians, but discovering
that they were in large force, did not at
tack them. Gen. Harney arrived at Sa
lina yesterday and lefc this morning for
the scene. News was received from Sol
omon City and Salina this afternoon,
askiug for protection of the settlers. A
force of armed men left yesterday and
another to day. Capt. Whitney leaves
to-uiorrow for Shellman. His company
are mostly settlers, armed. .
Upper Columbia. A correspondent
of the Oregonian, writing from the
Dalles, gives rather a discouraging ac
count of the present prospects of that
once lively little village. He says the
mining trade has almost left the Colum
bia, and the Dalles will hereafter have
to depend upon its own natural resources
for prosperity. Real estate has gone
down fifty per cent in the last three years,
and half the houses on the principal streets
are tcnantless. The U. S. 31 int., build
ing at Dalles, is fast approaching com
pletion, the basement walls being comple
ted and the brick work progressing. The
Albany brick machine, (the Excelsior) is
spoken of as doing good work. The
fruit prospects are spoken of as excellent,
and a large crop is expected. A young
German had "struck" an oil spring near
town, which was expected to yield large
ly when the "warm spell" set in. The
amount of freight and travel either up
or down the Columbia river, is very
rut, and discouraging to steamboat-
Baron Rothschild's estate, which 1ms
just been settled up, amounted to $340,-
000,000 in gold.
the ball ; striking a - rib and glancing
The Railuod. A dispatch from Ben.
Holliday & Co., San Francisco, to J, H.
Mitchell, says, 2,000 tons of railroad iron
have been purchased, and that over
twenty miles of road will be completed by
the first of December next.
Promoted. Lieut. J. A. Waymire
has been promoted to be First Lieutenant
in the U. S. Cavalry. He is transferred
to the command now at Camp Warner,
Sau Francisco Markets.
Flour Oregon brands extra selling at
S4 755 12.
Wheat Quotable, ordinary to choice,
at SI 40 to SI 60.
Barley Range of market,. SI 15
1 35. ,
Oats California, SI 40l 70; Oregon,
SI 701 75.
Thirty thousand dollars has been ap
propriated by the Common Council of
New York city, for celebrating tho 4th
of July.
A steamer from Fort Benton, on head
waters of the Missouri, report the Indians
there at war among themselves, killing
whites whenever found, but making no
demonstrations against the forts or steam
ers plying on the river. '
A man in Lancaster, England, recently
lost his life by the sting of a bee on the
jugular vein. Faintn ess came over him,
and he died within half an hour.
Albas r. June 19. 1889.
Wheat, white, ty bushel 50
Oats, $3 bushel 35
Potatoes, i bushel 550
Onions, ty bushel 1 25
Flour, barrel... $4 60iV 00
Butter, ty lb 25
JEs-gs, ty dozen 25
Chickens, ty dozen $2 603 00
Peaches, dried, ty ro... 20
Soap, ty ft) 55J
Salt, Los Angelos, lb 2
Syrup, ip gallon $1 12J1 25
Tea, Young Hyson lb 1 00
Japan, j 00
" Black. 75fSl 00
Sugar, erushej, Hi ls2
' Islam), " 14(oil5
Coffoo. 1$ 22(25
Candles, tja lb 29u33
Kice, China. tB lb . 12fculS
Saleratus, lb j 63
Dried plums, i lb lo20
Dried apples, lb 5
Dried currauts. lb (cua
Bacon, bams, lb 14fiuI5
sides, " ($I2i
" shoulders, 'A lb (aid
Lard, in cans, lb fiil')
Beans, lb 48
Devoes Kerosene oil, 4 gallon (ail 00
Turpentine, gallon .. $1 251 50
Linseed oil, boiled, gallon.. $1 62J(5)l 7
White lead, 3- keg: $t 00(5)4 25
Powder, rifle. lb 75l 00
Tobacco, lb $1 001 50
Nails, cut, lb 73
Domestic, lirown. 3 yard (alfij
Hickory, striped, yard - 16(5)31)
Bed ticking, per yard.... 2550
Blue drilling, yard 20 (a; 30
Flannels, yard . , 5075
Prints, fa't colors, yard 12J
Pork, 5$ lb r 56
Mutton, 1$ fi. 1012i
Bee?, on loot, ty ft) i5
Arc, of Daily Occurrence !
177G. 1869.
The Ninety-Third Anniversary
FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1869.
Orator of the Day,
Reader of the Declaration,
1 'i
Marshal of the day,
Rev. R. C. HILL.
Salute of thirteen euns at sunrise, and rins-injr
01 tne city bells ; at noon a salute of thirty-seven
guns, and thirteen at sunset. ,
The procession will form at 10 A. M.,on Broad
albin street, right resting on Second street, in the
tollowicg order:
National Colors.
I Albany Brass Band.
Officers of the Day.
City and County Officers.
. Public Schools.
Car, with Godess of Liberty and Aids, and thirty-
seven gins to represent eacn State m the Union.
Nine boys, on horseback, to represent the differ
ent Territories.
Albany Fire Company with Fire Engine.
Citizens on Foot.
Citizens on Horseback.
Citizens in Carriages.
The procession will more at 10 precisely, to
First street, up First to Calipooia, up Calipooiato
Seventh, down Seventh to Washington, thenee
to Fifth, down Fifth to Ferry, down Ferry to
First, down First to Hackleman's Grove, where
the lollowing exercises will be observed : ,
IV usio by the Band.
Prayer by the Chaplain.
Music by the Glee Club.
Reading the Declaration of Independence.
Music by the Band.
'.' Music by the Band.
Picnic Dinner. ,
At 5 o'clock P. M. the procession will re-form
and march back to the Fire Company's House,
and there disband.
A Soiree will be given at Parish Hall, by the
i ire Company, in the evening.
Citizens of Albany, Linn and adjoining counties
are invited to be present and participate on the
occasion. By order 01 tne
Over 10,000 Persons
fJESTIFY to the wonderful cures of
I3i. -T- "W. Murray's
Balsam for the Liver and Blood, Nature's own
remedy. One of the celebrated physicians of
Portland says be is cured of the Lung and Liver
complaint, and says be owes h s life to '
Dr. Murray' l.uug and Liver Balsam.
Read what he says : : . . ...
1 Portlasd, May 21, 1869.
I have tried Dr. J. W. Murray's Lung and.
Liver Balsam. I used it in my family with the
best of success. I was sick for some months and
used every remedy. I called in several physi
cians, but tbey did me no good. I exhausted
every remedy known to the medical profession.
and received no benefit. Ibis Lung and Liver'
Balsam cured me, and I do not hesitate to recom
mend it to the public as a good and safe remedy
to the public and my friendd. It is good, and
those who know me, as many do in tbis btate, as
I have lived in many parts of it, Know tnat L
would not recommend them to use a thing that
had no merit, because I am opposed to quack
remedies. G. W. BKOWH, J. O.
General Agents :
SMITH A DAVIS. Portland, Oregon.
June 5, '69-39tf
Fare Reduced. Passenger tickets
from Chicago to San Francisco are .now
sold for $153 35, currency, and interme
diate points at same rates. .
A fire at Salem on the morning of tho
11th burned the hou3e of R. Moore. Loss
about $1,500. Two young ladies named
Nail, were stopping at th house, who
lost about $300 worth of clothing and.
money. They had quite a sum in legal
tenders, and twenty or thirty dollars in
coin.' i The coin was melted down and
found id that condition. The firo orig
inated from a lamp. No insurance.
1 - ; '
' Saya the t Unionist ; ; The Salem Bag
Factory completed yesterday, a canvas
sheep cprrall. The enclosure made by
the canvas is one hundred and fifty feet
square, and about three and a half feet
high.; I The herders will carry this with,
them, and when, night comes, they stretch
it and drive the herd into it. It is esti
mated that a pen of one hundred and fifty
feet square will hold a thousand sheep.
THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing
between Charles Mealey and William Plymp-
toil, under the firm name of C. Mealey Co., is
this day dissolved by mutual consent. AU"moneys
due the firm must be paid to C. Mealey. All
debts contracted by the firm will be paid npon
presectation to the undersigned, who will continue
in the furniture business at the old stand, corner
of Broadalbin and First streets.
Albany, June 16, '69-41
. Hiac Chares !
A LL persons knowing themselves indebted to
X the late firm or V. Mealey Co., are re
quested to come forward and make immediate
payment to the undersigned. "A word to the
wise," Ac. . P C. MEALEY.
. .June 19, '60. - - " . . ' . .
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
WILL practice in the superior and inferior
courts of Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and
Polk counties. . ; -i
. Five per cent, charged . on collections when
made without sueing. ' jl-o
I. S. Rosen bau m & Co.,
'v Have removed to ;
Northwest corner of STARK street, Crees'
Building, store formerly occupied by
Blumauer A Rosenblatt.
Portland, Oregon May l!-lm
Executor's Notice. ' "
"1WTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
11 have been appointed Executors of the estate
of Thomas Martin, deceased, by the County Court
of Linn county, uregon inat all claims against
the estate must be presented to the undersigned,
at their residence in Harrisbnrg, in said county,
duly verified, within six months from the date
hereof. , ' JOHM F. MARTIN.
: " " " HIRAM SMITH,
Powem. Fuliir, Attys. ' Executors.
"Albany, Oregon, May 22, I869-38w4
J Oil the King of rain. , , ju5-39tf
St. II. ITIAGILL., Manager,
San Fianolsoo.
Cash Assets, $1,519,338 08.
Amount Disbursed for Fire Losses,
Sterling Indemnity Equitable Adjustments
Moderate nates.
Policies issued and renewed by ,
li. I'. RUSSELL, Resident Agent.
' Albany, Oregon.'
June 12-3mi0 . '
Agents Wanted $10 at Day.
Two io Maps for 94.
Patent Revolving Double Maps
Two continents, America and Europe, and
America with the United States portion
- on an immense scale. -
THESE great Maps, now just completed, 64x ,
62 inches large, show everyplace of import-
ance, all Railroads to date, and the latest altera
tioDS in the various European States. These
Maps are needed in every school aud family in
the land they occupy the space of one Map, and
by means of the Reverses, either side can be
thrown front, and any part brought level to the
eye. County rights and large discount given to
good Agents.
Apply for Circulars, Terms, and send money
for and see sample Maps first, if nut sold taken
back on demand. J. T. LLOYD,
May 22-lm 23 Cortland street, N. Y.
pit the King of Pain. ju5-39tf
Farmers Can Ride: and Plow,
Manufactured and sold for the very low price of
$65 and $75.
THE simplicity and practicability of this new
Plow commends it favorably to the special
nonce of every larmer. it possesses a decided
superiority over all other plows now in nse. . The
wheels are four feet in diameter, and run on the
nnplowad land. Its entire construction is in no
way complicated. The plow is managed in every
manner with ease, and requires only two levers
to be used in making any alteration. Tbe supe
riority of the "Gay" Plow will be clearly shown
by the following certificate :
We, tbe undersigned, citizens of Linn county,
Oregon, having purchased i and used upon our
farms tbe "Gay" Plow, hereby certify that the
same has given us entire satisfaction. Its facility
for adju'tiug to suit tbe depth of furrow without
moving from the seat, is simple and easy. We
like the plow for its draught, because the same is
hirniKrht to hfeAr direetlv unnn tha in.
stead of the carriage ; also, cecause it is strong
and durable, all excent the wood-work bein con
structed of wrougnt iron no ca-tings are used.
Tbe wheels running upon the solid land i an ad
vantage over other gang-plows, in striking: off
land and in plowing, not having to make the nec
essary changes in the machinery, and the seat is
always level, not tbr wing tbe driver forward or
sideways as in other plows. Better work and
more of it can be accomplished by the nse of this
Plow than by hand. ..f ?
We take pleasure in recommending the "Oat"
Plow to our brother farmers, as' one having no
superior in Oregon. '
. J. G. REED, W. P. ESHOM.
A. S. LOON BY, - E. W. PIKE, '
May 20th, 1869. ;
The "Gat' Plow is manufactured by H.
Goulding, Portland Machine hop.
.1, 1 ,tlL . . . . . . - a
ah oruers wiu d promDUT atlenaea to dv aa-
dressing, ' -, ,- .. .
C. K.i CAY,
n 'Portland, Oregon.
?. Albany Agents.. .
! 1: t . J 'BARROWa Jk riY- Airimla
v . : ,: is for Hon A Benton eounties.
aw. aaaftaa. W UUUIUU w w i. I v.'. . .
May 22, '69-37 , . j f , '
- Aajoainistrator's Notiee. . :
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed administrator of tho
estate of John A. Sims, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate, are notified to
present tho same, to said administrator, at bia
residence near Harrisbnrg, Linn eounty, Oregon,
verified according to law, within six months from
the date hereof. J. P. SCHOOLING,
June 2, 1869-39w4 ' ' . Administrator.