The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 12, 1869, Supplement, Image 5

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Xi:PJLlDIi;Xr,Jtoie 12,1869.
j oiriciAt..J
I " " '
Laws or tug United States,
- rAssrr at the
Tirst Session of tlie list Congress
, - u
No. 1 An Act to strengthen the public
lie it fiJif'&.lbi the S'tate an I Jinuse of Rep-i-esent.ttiees
tf the United States of America
in Coii'Ji'efs 'mWi; .',
Tli.U in order to remove any doubt as
to lite purpose of the government to dts-cliarg-.'
nil just obligations to the public
creditors. !iu ! to settle conflicting ques
tion an. I interpretations of the laws by
virtue ol such obligations have
been contracted, it is hereby provided and
declared that ttij faith of the United
.States is solemnly pledged to the payment
in coin or its equivalent of all the obliga
tion ol' the United States not bearing in
terest. k:iovn a United States notes, and
i;' :.H the interest-bearing obligations of
the United States, except in cases where
the law authorizing the issue of any such
I'Viig.Uioa has expressly provided that the
same itiay be paid in lawful money or
other currency thr.n gold and silver. But
uouo ol" sai.l interest-bearing obligations
not already due shall be redeemed or
' viKi before mauirity unless at sueh time
United States notes shall be convertible
into ciu at tf" option of the holder, or
utiles? at such t'tae bnds of the United
States bearing a lower rate of interest
than the bonds to be redeemed can be
hiid at par in ceiu. And rhe United
S.utes afoa solemnly pledges its faith to
mako provision at the earliest practicable
period for the red. -motion of the United
States notes in coin.
:. -r-rr of t?.- It'ii1 (f h'rnwutatiees.
St ilUVI.r-ii COLFAX,
X"ec-PreiJ:ut if t.'.e United Stmt's and
'!'.- -'.Jent of the Senate.
A:'u-oved.:r.ib. i-..
No. An Act supplementary to an
oet e-itltle i An ac t i authorize the ex
tea.:; ;::, c-uisii-aetuui. and use of a lateral
branch of the Baltimore and Potomac
r.iilre oi into and within the District of
Columbia."' approved February 5, 18G7.
Be it enact. 'd bj the Senate and Jloitse
o'" .' ;-:
li h -
'i !r.U
lo.v.l Corn
t'iv--5 enti!
era! br.uu
mtv r-.
i-l' Co! t
"..,;.';. f ile United States of
i.t ( ':..; - .i;':'- L
' j?a!tiuiore a:id i'otomac Rail
any. which, by the act of Coa
K'l"A:i act to authorize the
construction, and use of a lat
li of the Baltimore and Poio- into and within tho District
;il.:e." was authorised to extend
intM and construct within the District of
Vhntibla the lateral branch of its road
in ! art t f Congress mentioned, may
enter ;1 e city of Washington with their
tiahl railroad and construc t the same with
in the iiiuiis of said city on and by which
ever one of the two routes herein desig
nated the s.:H company may elect and de
termine upon, that is to say:
1- ii.-t. Beginning at the intersection of
IVutndary street and North Carolina ave
nue ; theuee southwest ward! along said
North Carolina avenue t j south D street ;
sheuce along south D sliest westwardly to
Virginia :.rem;e ; the nce aloitg Virginia
avenue uuriWcsturdly to the intersection
of south C street and west ninth street;
or. '
Secottd. Beginning at some point on
the nortbren shore of the eastern branch
ot the Potomac river between south Land
south M stieets; thence westwardly be
tween said streets to the intersection of
Virginia uvea no with south L and East
Twelfth streets ; thence along said Vir
ginia avenue northwestwardly to sjuth
i'ourth street, ; thence by a line curving
t,. the right, to the north bank of the ca
nal northwestwardly io Virginia avenue ;
henee along Virginia avenue northwest
wardly to the intersection of south C and
West Ninth streets.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted,
That; in -all cases where the parties own
ing hind or other property required by
Hie said Baltimore and Potomac Railroad
Company cannot agree with said company
on the amount of damage claimed, either
for said land or materials in the construc
tion of its aforesaid road, and a condemna
tion and valuation shall have been made
as provided in the act approved Februa
ry five, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven,
and to which this act is amendatory, eith
er party may appeal to the supreme court
c;f the District of Columbia within thirty
lays from the rendition of the verdict of
ihj jury ; and in all cases where the said
company shall take an appeal they Bhtjit
give bond to the party or parties claiming
and entitled to damages in a penalty at
least double the sum found by the jury,
w ith a condition that the said company
shall pay or cause to be paid such amount
of damages and costs as the party may be
entitled to receive on the judgment of the
taid supreme court, without delay, and
on which bond ample and sufficient sure
ties shall bo given, to be approved by the
supreme -court ; and in all cases where
the party or parties claimant shall ap
peal, the said company, if it shall require
the immediate use of the property con-
tlemnerl ana valued as aroresam, belore
an appeal can be beard and decided, it
shall be lawful for the said company to
f.vccute and tender a bond t3 the party
aforesaid iu at least double the sum found
by the jury, with sureties to be approved
bv the supreme court, ana witn a conui
tion to pay without delay such sum and
costs as "may be awarded by the said
court without further delay ; and upon the
delivery or tender of such bond the said
company may proceed to tho construction
vi their said road as if the parties claim
ant and the said company bad agreed
upon the compensation to be paid for the
property to be usedr ; and that in all cases
.' v. here the said company shall appeal and
give bond as aforesaid, fheyjmay have the
po wer to proceed in J be construction of
the road and appropriation of the proper
ty for the uses thereof, as if no appeal
bad been taken and the parties had
agreed upon compensation for the prop
erty required ; ia all case where the com
pany and parties agree upon the price to
1e ) for land and materials, the same
hail be paid before the property shall be
taken and used- " " '
" Sec. 3. And be il further enacted,
That the said Baltimore 'and Potomac
JUilroad Company and any other party
or parties interested and who may can-Fid-r
themselves aggrieved by tho verdict
lifste jury, shall have the right to, appeal
i lie supreme court of the District , of
Ooluoibia, which shall have jurisdiction
or" all such cases, and shall hear and de-teriiiitH-
the sr me,' after notice to all . par-
tie witbimt the intervention ci jury
Sec. 4. . And be it further enated,
That this act shall take effect from the
date ot its passage.
Approved, March IS, 1SC9.
No. 3. An Act for the further security
of equal rights in the District of Columbia.
He. it enacted by the Senate and House of let.
repentances of the United States of AnterCca
in Cbngrts mssemhUd, ..,
That the word white,", where-ever it
occurs ia tho laws relating to the District
of Columbia, or in the charter , or ordi
nances of tho cities of Washington or
Georgetown, and operates as a limita
tion on the right of , aDy elector of such
District, or of jeither' of (be cities, to hold
any office, or to be selected and to serve
a3 a juror, be, and the same is hereby, re
pealed, and it shall be unlawful for any
person or officer to enforce or attempt to
enforce such limitation after tho passage
of this act.
Approved, March 18, 18G9.
No. 4. An Act to incorporate the a
tiocal Junction Railway Company.
lie it enacted by the Senate and. Houre of Rep
resentatives of the Un ited Stales if America
in Coiiffress assembled,
That James A. Magruder, John L. Kid
well, C. II. Cragin. John W. Thompson,
llaliet Kilbourn, Alexander R. Shepard,
and William II. Tenney, of the District
of Columbia, together with such other
persons as may become associated with
them for that purpose, together with their
successors, are hereby created and erect
ed into a body corporate and politic, in
deed and in law, by the name and title of
the National Junction Railway Company,
and by that name have perpetual succes
sion, and shall be able to sue and to be
sued, to plead and be impleaded, to de
fend and be defended, in the courts of law
and equity within the District of Colum
bia, and may use a common seal, and
may adopt by-laws for the regulation of
its government.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted,
That the said corporation is hereby fully
authorized and empowered to survey lo
cate, lay out, construct, collect tails upon,
maintain, and enjoy a railway line, with
appurtenances and machinery necessary
for one or more tracks, within the District
of Columbia, commencing at the northern
terminus of the aqueduct bridge, in the
city ot Georgetown, or at some eligible
point on the south shore of the Potomac
river above and near said bridge ; thence
in a northeasterly direction by the most
feasible route crossing Rock creek, enter
ing the city of Washington, and passing
through either S, T, or IT street tcesf,
north. around the city of Washington,
crossing the branches of the city, in such
a manner as not to be dangerous to pas
sengers and trains on either road ; thence
to a point most feasible on the Potomac
river, or Eastern branch of tha same, at
or near the navy yard, at a point to be
indicated by the Secretary of the Navy,
with the rights, powers, and privileges to
construct the said road, the grades of the
road to be approved by the authorities of
the cities of Washington and Georgetown ;
also the privileges of locating and con
structing a grand Union depot on the
line of the said road, at some point be
tween Third street west and Fourteenth
street west, ia Washington city ; also a
similar depot at some convenient point in
Georgetown, near the said aqueduct.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted,
That the capital stock of said National
Junction railway 6hall consist of five
thousand shares of one hundred dollats
each, which shall in all respecU be deem
ed personal property, and shall be trans
ferable in such manuer as the by-laws of
said company shall provide.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted,
That it shall be lawful for the said Nation
al Junction Railway Company, if deemed
necessary, to borrow from time to time
suras of money not exceeding five hun
dred thousand dollars, and to issue bonds
therefor, bearing interest not exceeding
seven per centum, payable semi-annually,
and to mortgage as security therefor alt
the corporate rights, franchises, property,
real and personal, of whatever kind so
ever, belonging to said company. -
Sec. 5. And be il further enacted,
That the persons herein named as corpo
rators, or a majority of them, shall, with
in ninety days after the passage and ap
proval ot tbis act, meet in the city of
Washington for the purpose of prescrib
ing regulations for opening books of sub
scription to said capital stock, at such
tunes and place as they may designate,
by public notice of at least ten days in
two" daily papers in the city of Washing
ton ; and said books shall be kept open
until two hundred thousand dollars of
said stock shall be subscribed, and twenty
per centum on all subscriptions shall be
paid in lawiul money at the time of sub
scribing, to the person or persons
authorized by the corporators to receive
the same ; and whenever that amount
shall have been subscribed, and twenty
per centum of the same paid in as above shall be the duty of tho above
nameu corporators (a majority of them
shall constitute a quorum for the transac
tion of business) to call a meeting of the
stockholders, at the city of Washington,
for the purpose of electing directors of
the said corporation, and each share of
said stock on which the said twenty per
centum has been paid as hereinbefore
provided shall entitle the owner to one
vote. The corporators herein named shall
designate a majority of their number to
act as inspectors of elections : which ma
jority of inspectors so designated shall
certify, under their names, the directors
thus duly elected, and shall notify them
of their election and tho time and place of
the first meeting of the said board of di
rectors. At such meeting the above cor
porators shall deliver to the said directors
the books of subscription to the stock of
said National Junction Railway Company,
together with the amount paid thereon,
with a full report of their proceedings un
der this act, and thereupon the duties of
the corporators hereinbefore named shall
cease and determine forever; and there
after the said directors, with t their succes
sors or assigns, shall constitute the said
body politic and corporate The direc
tors tuns chosen shall bold their office for
one year and until others are elected and
qualified to fill their places. A . majority
of said directors shall const itute a quorum
for the transaction of business. .? . : .
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted,
That the said directors shall, at their first
meeting, elect from their own number a
president and vice-ii resident They ' may
also. from time to time, elect a treasurer,
a secretary, chief engineer, and a general
superintendent, together with sneb. other
officers, ; agents," and employees as they
may deem necessary, each or whom shall
bold office or position during the pleasure
of said board of directors. The directors
shall have power to fill all vacancies in
the board which may be caused by death
or resignation, except as hereinbefore,
provided for. ' The treasurer and secreta
ry shall -give bonds with" security, as the
board shall from time to time reqnire.
Meetings of the stockholders of the -said
corporation for the election of directors,
and for the transaction of business, " shall
be' holden annually, and. at , such other
times and upon such notice as may , be
of the said corporation may require - the
subscribers to the capital stock to pay
tho amount by them subscribed, respec
tively, at such times, in such manner, and
in such instalments as they may deem
proper ; and if any stockholder shall re
fuse or neglect to pay any instalment, as
required by a resolution of the board of
directors, the said board may forfeit said
stock for non-payment, aud' all previous
payments shall revert, ia law and in
equity to the said corporation under such
regulations, or may sue for and-collect
the unpaid instalments in any court of
competent jurisdiction.
Sec. 7. And be it farther enacted.
That the said corporation is hereby em
powered to purchase, lease, receive, and
hold such real estate or other property as
may be necessary for accomplishing the
objects of this act, and may by their
agents, engineers, contractors, or work
men immediately enter upon, take pos
session of, and use all such real estate
and property as may bo necessary for, the
construction, maintenance, and opera
tion of said railroad and tho accommoda
tions appertaining thereto. But all real
es:ate or property thus entered upon and
appropriated by said railroad, and the
accommodations appertaining thereto,
which are not donations, shall be .pur
chased by said corporation of the owner
or owners of the same at a' price to be
mutually agreed upon between them ; and
in case of a disagreement as to price, the
said corporation, nor the owner or owners
of such real estate or property, shall ap
ply by petition to a justice of the supreme
court of the District of Columbia, particu
larly describing the property ; and the
said justice, upon receiving such applica
tion, shall cause such notice to be given
to the other party as he shall deem pro
per and sufficient, appointing therein a
time and place for hearing the parties : at
which time and place, upon proof that
the notice directed has been given, the
said justice shall direct the manner of as
certaining the true value of said real es
tate or other property, together with the
damages which the owner or owners
thereof have sustained, or may sustain by
reason of tho appropriation, occupation,
and use thereof by the said corporation ;
and the said justice shall appoint not less
than threo nor more than seven competent
and disinterested commissioners, who
shall be freeholders in the District or Co
lumbia, and at least one of them shall be
a resident of the municipal corporation in
which said real estate or other property
may be situated, and who shall, under
the direction of said justice, view said
premises or property, take such testimony
as they may deem proper, make appraise
ment, and determine said damages, and
report the same under oath and in writ
ing to said justice. The report shall con
tain a minute and accurate description of
the real estate and other property ap
praised, together with all the evidence
taken by the commissioners in the case.
It shall be the duty of said justice to ex
amine the report of said commissioners,
and upon application of either party he
shall give the parties a hearing in relation
thereto ; and he shall have power to in
crease or diminish said appraisal or dam
ages if he shall become satisfied upon
such hearing that injustice has been done.
Upon proof to the said justice, to be
made within sixty days after hU determin
ation of payment to the owner or owners,
or depositing to the credit cf the owner
or owners, or their legal representatives,
in such banking institution as said justice
shall direct, the amount of said award,
and tho payment of all expenses attend
ing the same, including an allowance of
three dollars per diem to each of the
aforesaid commissioners, the said justice
shall order or decree, particularly de
scribing said real estate or other property,
and reciting the appraisement of dama
ges and the mode of making it. together
with such facts as he may deem pertinent ;
and when the said order or decree shall
be recorded in the recorder's Jii of the
county or city iu which such ulstate or
other property is situated, the said corpo
ration, or y 4 successors or assigns, shall
be legallyor equitably seized and pos
sessed of such real estate or other proper
ty for the use and for the purposes herein
before described. Iu case any married
woman, infant, idiot, insane persou, or
non-resident of the district in which said
real estate or other property may be situ
ated, shall be interested iu such real es
tat or other property, the paid justice
shall appoint some competent disinterest
ed person to appear belore said commis
sioner and act for and in behalf of such
married woman, infant, idiot, insane per
son, or non-resident. y
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted,
That if any person shall wilfully do ,-or
cause to be done any actor acts whatever,
whereby any building-, structure, or other
work, or any engine, car, oc machine, or
other property appertaining to said rail
road shall be injured, impaired, or de
stroyed, or stopped, the person or per
sons so offending shall be guilty of a mis
demeanor, and on conviction thereof by
any court of competent jurisdiction shall
be punished by a fine, at the discretion of
the court, of not more than five thousand
dollars, or by imprisonment of not more
than two years, or both, at the discretion
of the court, and also forfeit and pay to
the said company, its successors and as
signs, the amount of damages sustained
by means of such offences, to be recover
ed by said company with costs of .suit by
any action of debt or case.
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted,
That said compauy shall not grant to any
railroad or other corporation the exclu
sive right to transfer passengers or freight
over said railroad ; but any privilege
granted to one corporation shall be ex
tended to all who may make application
for such privilege on the same terms, con
ditions, and rates, and shall not sell,
transferror lease their corporate rights to
any company that will not check baggage
or commute fares with all connecting
railroads upon the terms specified in this
section.- ....:-.;
Sec. 1 0. And be it f urther enacted,
That the said corporation shall, as soon as
imuurauie aiierttie election of directors,
as hereinbefore provided, to commence
and prosecute the work of constructing
and equipping said railroad that it ahall
be fully completed and ecmiDDed in thrp
years from and after the first board of di
rectors Dave been elected. ' -
. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted
That Congress shall have the right to reg
ulate the rate or fares i collected by said
company from passena-ers and thA rata a-
Charges for transporting freight ; and all
property owned bv said comnanw shall v.
subject to taxation by the proper munici-
Sec, 12. And bi it further enacted.
That tbis act may be at any time amended
Approved, March 29, 18G9
- t .-, ii times ana upon suca notice as may oe
11 fi 4l 3sm'a f b ' - prescribed by the by-law8. . The directors
;( No. 5. -An act to abolish the office of
bier or stair to the Ueneral of the army
Me it enacted by the Senate and House of. Hep
rtsentatiass of ike United States af Ameri
' fin in t)annrxm nafurmhl!
.Tbat the office ot chief of staff with the
rank of briiradier general to the rienfimt
commanding the army be, and Uie same
U ncrcoy aeousaeu.
Skc.5 2. And be it further enacted,
That all laws and parts ot laws inconsist
ent with the provisions of this act be, and
the same are hereby, repealed. .
Approved, April 3, 1$69.
No. 6. An act to amend " An act
regulating the tenure of certain civil of
fices." ; ! .-v.-.
lie it enacted ly the Senate and Hovse of
lleptose'.itatiMs of the United States of
... America in Congress assembled,
That the first mid second sections of an
act entitled ' An Act regnlating the ten
ure of certain civil offices." passed March
two, eighteen hundred and sixty seven,
be, and the same are hereby, repealed :
and in lieu of said repealed sections the
following are hereby enacted: ,
That every person holding any civil of
fice to which he has been or hereafter may
be appointed by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, and who shall have
become duly qualified to act therein, shall
be entitled to hold such office during the
term for which ho shall have been appoint
ed, unless Sooner removed by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate, or
by the appointment, with the like advice
and consent' or a successor in his place,
except as herein otherwise provided.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted,
That during any recess of the Senate the
President is hereby empowered, in his
discretion, to suspend any civil officer
appointed by and with the advice and.
consent of the Senate, except judges of
the United States courts, until the end of
the ntfxt session of the Senate, and to des
ignate some suitable person, subject to be
removed in his discretion by the designa
tion of another, to perform the duties of
such suspended officer in the mean time;
and such person so designated shall take
the oaths and give the bonds required by
law to be taken and giveu by the suspended
officer, and shall, during the time he per
forms his duties, be entitled to the salary
and emoluments of such office, no part of
which shall belong to the officer suspended;
and it shali be the duty of the President
within thirty days after; the commence
ment of each session of the Senate, except
for any office which in his opinion ought
not to be filled, to nominate persons to fill
all vacancies in office which existed at the
meeting of the Senate, whether temporar
ily filled or not. and also in the place of all
officers suspended ; and if the Senate dur
iug such session shall refuse to advise and
consent to an appointment in the place of
any suspended officer, then, and not other
wise, the President shall nominate another
person as soon as practicable to said ses
sion of tho Senate for said office.
Sec. 3. And be il further enacted,
That section three of the act to which
this is an amendmentjbe amended by in
serting aftr the word ' resignation,.' iu
line three of said section, the following :
or expiration of term of office.,'
, Approved, April 5, 18G9.
No. 7. An act to amend an act entitled
" An act to provide a national currency se
cured by a pledge of United States bonds,
and to provide lor the circulation aud re
demption thereof," approved June third,
186i, by extending certain penalties to ac
cessories. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hovse of
llepre$fntttii'e of the United States if
America in Congress assembled,
That evciy person who shall aid or
abet any officer or ageut of any associa
tion in doing any of the acts enumerated
in section fitty-fivoof an act entitled "An
act to provide a national currency se
cured by a pledge of United States bond3.
and to provide for the circulation and re
demption thereof." approved June third,
eighteen hundred sixty-four, with intent
to tlt-traud or deceive, shall be liable to
the same punishment therein provided for
the principal. ;
Approved, April C. 1SC9.
No. 8. An act to carry into effect the
convention of July four, eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight between the United States
and Mexico, for the adjustment of claims.
Be it enacted by the St-yite and House of Rep-
resenMtives of Vie Tymtcd. states of
tca in Congress assembled, t
That the President shall nominate and.
by aud with the advice and consent of the
Senate, appoint a Commissioner, on the
part ot the United States, ;to hear and de
cide, conjointly with the commissioner to
be appointed on the part of the republic
of Mexico, the claims comprehended iu
the provisions of the convention of July 4,
liSGS, between the United States &Mexico.
Sf.c. 2. And be it further enacted.
That the compensation of IheCommissioner
shall be at such rate not exceeding four
thousand five hundred dollars a year in the
currency of the United States, as may be
determined by agreement between the ex
ecutive departments of this government
and of Mexico. .The compensation of the
secretary to be appointed on the part of
the Lotted states under the provisions ot
the convention, shall be at such rate, not
exceeding twenty-fivo hundred dollars a
year, in the currency of tho United States,
as saan oe aeieimmeu iu iqc ui.iuuer uivio
said. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted.
That the President be, and hereby is, au
thorized to appoint a suitable person as
agent on behalf of the United States to
attend the commissioners to present and
support claims on behalf! of this govern
ment, to answer claims made upon it, and
to represent it generally in all matters con
nected with the investigation and decision
thereof; the compensation of such agent
not to exceed $4,000, shall be determined
and allowed by the President; and the
President is hereby authorized to make
such provision for the contingent expenses
of th commission, and for the advances
contemplated by the sixth article of the
convention as to him shall appear reason
able and proper. The salaries, expenses,
advances, and the compensation to be paid
to the umpire, when determined, shall be
paid out of any moneys in the treasury
not otherwise appropriated. . . .
' Sec. 4. And be it; further 'enacted.
That the commissioner on the part of the
United conjunction with the com
missioner on the part of Mexico, is hereby
authorized to make all needfnt rules and
regulations for conducting the business of
the ommission;sucn rules ana reguianons
not contravening the Constitution of the
United States, the provisions of this act, or
the convention.' ' . .'.
Sec.: 5. An4 be it further enacted.
That .the Secretary of State is hereby au
thorized and required to transmit to the
commissioner on , the part of the United
States snch papers and records relating to
the commission as he may deem proper, or
as may be called for by the Commission
ers; and at the termination of the commis
sion all the Tecords. documents, and other
naners which have been brought before
the commissioners, or which may be in the
possession or their secretaries, shall be de
posited m the Department of States Provi
ded, That this section shall not be so con
strued as to prevent .the commissioner ,on
the part of Mexico from depositing in the
Department : certified copies or duplicates
of papers produced on behalf of his gov
ernment instead of originals, i h -:
i Seo." 6; And 6? il further enacted,
That npon suggestion by either party that
II .... ." ' . i s
b wtuieas woo' lesiimonj l ueeuieu im
portant, refuses, or is unwilling to testify,
it shall be competent for' the board of
com m isio tiers to issue a commission to some
suitable person to take tho testimony of
such witness, who, if in the United States,
may be compelled to appear and testify
before such commissioners In the same
manner as is now provided by law in the
case of commissions issued from the courts
of the United States.
Approved, April 7, 18G8. fc
No. 9 An act to continue in force an
act entitled "An act to extend the charter
ot AVashington city," and so forth.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the U. S. of
America in Congress assembled,
That the first and sixth sections of the
act entitled " An act to extend the charter
of Washington city, also to regulate the
selection of officers, and for other purpos
es," of the twenty-eighth of May, 1868, be
and the same are hereby continued in force
for the period of one year and until Con
gress shall otherwise determine ; and that
alHho other sections of said act are hereby
Approved, April 7, 1809.
No. 10. An act relating to frecdmen's
Be it enacted by theSenale and House
of Representatives of the United Stales
of America in Congress assembled, .
, That the commissioner of the bureau of
Refugees and authorized and
directed to continue the freedmen'a hospit
als at Richmond, Virginia ; Vicksburg,
Mississippi ; and in tho District of Colum
bia, including the asylum for aged and in
firm freedmen and for orphan children :
Provided. That the expense thereof shall
be paid by the commissioner out of moneys
heretofore appropriated for the use of the
bureau: .4id provided further. That said
hospitals shall be discontinued as soon as
may be practicable in the discretion of the
President of the United States.
Approved, April 7, 1869.
No. II. An Act making appropriations
to supply deficiencies in the apropriations
for. the service of government for the fis
cal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-nine, and additional
appropriations for the year ending June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy,
and fcr other purposes.
Be it enacUd by the Senate and House of
Representative of the United Slates of
America in C'onrp'ess assembled.
That the following sums be. and the
same are hereby, appropriated, out of
any money in the treasury not otherwise
appropriated, for the service of the fiscal
year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun
dred and sixty-nine, for the objects herein
after expressed, namely :
For the pay of superintendent, watch
men, laborers, and all other employees in
the treasury building, and the five other
buildings occupied for the use of the
Treasury Department under tho charge of
said superintendent, thirty-three thousand
seven hundred and ninety-fivo dollars.
For lighting the above six buildings,
three thousand two hundred and five dol
For incidental expenses of the said
buildings, three thousand dollars.
For furniture and repairs of furniture,
ten thousand dollars.
For Balary of temporary clerks in the
Treasury Department, at such rates as the
Secretary of the Treasury may deem just
and reasonable, thirty-five thousand dol
For salaries and expenses of collectors,
assessors, assistant assessors, supervisors,
and detectives, together with the ex
penses of carrying into effect the various
provisions of the several acts providing
internal revenue, excepting items other
wise provided for. two millions of dollars.
For detecting and bringing to trial and
punishment persons guilty of violating
the internal revenue laws or conniving
at the same, in causes where such expenses
are not otherwise provided for by law,
fifty thousand dollars.
To supply the deficiency (caused by the
defalcation of E. B. Olmstcad, disbursing
clerk) in the appropriations for blank
books and stationery, fuel and lights, and
lights for the general post office' building,
including the Sixth Auditor's office, re
pairs of the building, furniture, papering.
painting, tilting up permanent cases lo
tiling papers ; for pay of engineer, fore
man, and laborers; for library purposes,
telegrams, and for miscellaneous items,
forty-seven thousand dollars.
For temporary clerks for quarter end
ing thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and
sixty-nine, thirteen thousand and eighty
For temporary clerks' salaries for the
month of March, seven thousand five hun
dred dollars. And the Secretary of the
Treasury is directed to turn over to the
Post Office Department, which shall re
ceive and use the same, the envelopes
printed in the Treasury Department for
the dead-letter office.
For compensation of the document file
clerk."authorized by resolution of Februa
ry twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and
sixty-eight the sum of six hundred dol
lars. That the resolution of the House of
Representatives of March third, eighteen
hundred and fifty-seven, giving Daniel
Buck compensation for preparing list of
appropriations, and so forth, is hereby ex
tended to his successor in office ; and that
there be, and is hereby appropriated, out
of any money in the treasury not other
wise appropriated, such a sura as may be
necessary to carry out the provisions of
the said resolution.
For additional compensation to the
reading clerks, as provided by act of
March three, eighteen hundred and sixty
nine, the sum of one thousand nine hun
dred and sixty-nine dollars and ninety
two cents ; and also a sum sufficient to fix
the pay of the clerk in charge of the en
grossment and enrolment of the House
bills and joint resolutions at the same rate
as that of the reading clerks, covering the
same period of their increased pay.
For the usual additional compensation
to the reporters of the Senate for the Con
gressional Globo for reporting the pro
ceedings of the Senate for the first session
of the forty-first Congress,- - lour hundred
dollars each, two thousand dollars.
For the usual additional compensation
to the reporters of the House for the Con
gressional Glober for reporting the pro
ceedings of the House for the first session
of the forty-first Congress, four hundred
dollars each, two thousand eight hua
dred dollars. , ; . . .
For pages and temporary mail-boys,
six tnousana ronr nunarea dollars. -
To supply deficiency for the compensa
tion or the assistant librarian of the House
from March fourth, eighteen hundred and
sixty-nine, to July first, eighteen hundred
and sixty -nine, two hundred and twenty
three dollars and twenty cents. ,
For cartage, five thousand five hundred
dollars.- ... .r..;- s, ,, -
: For miscellaneous items, twenty thou
sand dollars. ,- , ? , v .
For the purpose of defraying the ex
penses of toe Joint Committee on Kc
trenohment, the sura of five thousand
dollars : Provided, That said appropria
tion shall be drawn from the treasury on
the order of the Secretary of the Senate,
and disbursed under, and subject in all
respects to, the provisions of the joint
resolution of January twenty-second,
eighteen hundred and sixty-seven ,
For packing-boxes for the Senate, five
hundred and forty-four dollars. ,.l,.-.
For the purpose of paying the premiums
awarded to certain architects of the coun
try, for plans submitted by them for a
new War department building, 'bis. thou-'
sand dollars. - - '
For the salary of tho solicitor and na
val judge advocate general from July
first, eighteen hundred and sixty nine, to
June thirtieth, eighteen hund:od aud sev
enty, three thousand live hundred dol
lars. MISCEIXANEOl-g. :
To enable the Secretary of the Treasury
to pay G. G. Cnshman, in accordance
with the act of December fifteen, eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, the balance found
due him by the Fifth Auditor of the !
Treasury, uine hundred aud forty-eight
dollars. . - .
To enable the Secretary of the Interior
to purchase of Little, Brown and Com
pany two thousand copies of the fifteenth
volume of the United Stales Statutes
at Large lor distribution. agree
ably to the acts of Congress directing the
distribution of the other volumes seven
thousand dollars.
For rent of building occupied for gov
ernment uses by clerks of the Pension
Office, nine hundred ,and sixty-nine dol
lars and filly cents. V
For compensation of clerks in tho office
of the surveyor general of Minnesota,
three thousand eight hundred dollars. ;
Sec. 2. Arid be it further enacted,
That the following sums, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, ' are hereby
appropriated for the service of the fiscal
year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hun
dred and seventy, as follows, viz :
For salary of temporary clerks in the
Treasury Department, at the same' rates
prescribed by law for other clerks in said
department for like duties, one hundred
and twenty thousand dollars.
' Office of the First Comptroller :
For additional salary hereby allowed
to the First Comptroller of the treasury
fifteen hundred dollars, and the said sala
ry is hereby established at live thousand
dollars per annum from the first day -of
July, eighteen hundred and sixty-uine,
and a sum sufficient to pay tho same is
hereby appropriated up to July tirst,
eighteen hundred aud seventy.
For six clerks of class four, eight clerks
ot class three, seven clerks ot class two.
four clerks of class one, six copvists, one
assistant messenger, and one laborer.
forty-five thousand and forty dollars.
Office of the Second Comptroller :
For four clerks of class lour, four clerks
of class three, eight clerks of class two,
and nine clerks of class one, thirtv-five
thousand six hundred dollars.
Office of the First Auditor :
For one clerk of class four, and thre
clerks of class two, six thousand dollar:
OSice of the Second Audttor :
For one hundred clerks of cl ass one.
one hundred and twenty thousand dollars:
I'rovided, I hat all clerks employed in the
office of the Paymaster General, in per
forming any of the duties transferred by
the act ot March third, eighteen hundred
and sixty-nine, from his office to that of
the Second Auditor of the treasury, shall
not be continued after May first, eighteen
hundred and sixty-nine. ;
J or the payment of the necessary ex
penses incurred in defending suits
against the Secretary of th-3 Treasury or
his agents for tho seizure of captured and
abandoned property in the late insurrec-.
tionary districts, and tor the defence of
the United Slates against suits for aud in
respect to such property iu the Court of
Claims, twenty-five thousand dollars.
Construction branch of the Treasury
Department :
tor construction -of custom-house at
Portland, Maine, seventy thousand dollars.
For completing the- custom-house at
Ogdensburgh. New: York, thirty -seven
thousand five hundred dollars.
For removing the hydraulic weights
and construction of northwest stairway in
the tseairy building, thirty thousand
dollars : Provided. That any portion of
sums appropriated in the three pre
ceding items- which may be necessary,
and a!so any portion of the amount ap
propriated for the court house at Spriug
field, Illinois, by "An act making appro
priations for sundry civil expenses of the
government for the year ending June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy,
and for other purposes,'' approved March
third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine.
may be expended during the current fis
cal year. (
1 or heating apparatus and repairs of
same for public buildings, tweutv thou
sand dollars.
' For compensation of temporgpy clerks
in the office of the Indian bureau, twenty
nine thousand four hundred dollars, be
ing for one clerk of class three, seven of
class two. twelve of class one, and four
copyists at nine hundred dollars per an
num. '
For compensation of two additional
examiners in the Patent Office, at two
thousand five hundred dollars each, five
thousand dollars.
For twenty-one clerks class two. in the
Patent Office, at fourteen hundred dojlars
each, twenty-nine thousand four hundred
dollars. ; .
For fourteen clerks class one, in the
Patent Office, at twelve hundred dollars
each, sixteen thousand eight hundred
For temporary clerks in the Post Office
Department, thirty-two thousand dollars.
For compensation of the document file
clerk authorized by resolution of Februa
ry twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and
sixty-eight, oue thousand eight hundred
dollars. . . tr
For increased compensation to the two
reading clerks authorized by act of March
third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine,'
eight hundred and sixty -four dollars. ".
For salary of. chief justice and two as
sociates in the Territory of Idaho,' in
creased by act of March two,' eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, three thousand
dollars. :
For salary of chief justice and two as
sociates in the territory of Montana. - in
creased by act of March two, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, three thousand
dollars. . i -an :.,; '
For the per diem - and' mileage of the
members of the territorial assembly of
the Territory of Washington at Its second
biennial session which meet on the first
Monday in December, eighteen hundred
and sixty-nino, and for the incidental ex
penses ot tne same, twetvo tuousanu uoi
lars. Sec 3. And be it further enacted,
That so mnch of the act approved March
third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine,
"making appropriations for sundry civil
expenses of the government for the year
ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred
and seventy, and for other purposes."'
appropriates twenty thousand dollars '
surveying the public lands in MiuueiK
is so modified as to appropriate
seventeen thousand five hundred dolla
and so much of the act approved Ma,
third, eighteen hundred and sixry-ni
making appropriations for the leei ;
live, executive, and Judicial expenses :
tle government for the year ending f
thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred a.
seventy," as appropriates two thoiis-ii
five hundred dollars for clerks in theoffh
of the surveyor general of Minnesota,
so modified an to appropriate in all fit
thousand, dollars. . .....
Sec. "A. And be it further enaetei
That the salary allowed by Jaw to b
consul at Bangkok shall be paid ; with th
limitation contained in the second sectiur
of the ' Act making appropriations lo1 -the
consular and diplomatic expenses e
tho government for the year ending June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy !
and tor other purposes," approved Marcl
third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine
but deducting sucn sums as may bar
been heretofore paid on account of salary -
oec. 5. And be it further enacted.
That the appropriation of fifteen thousand
dollars " for continuing the work Of grad
ing and filling the Capitol grounds." ap
propriated in ' An act making appropri
ations for sundry civil expenses of the
government " for the year ending Juno
thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy,"
approved March three, eighteen hundred
and sixty-nine, shall be expended under
ttie direction ot the architect ot tho Capi
tol extension. - , ,
Sec. O. And be it further enacted.
That the act approved March third, eigh
teen hundred and sixty-nine, entitled
An act making appropriations to supplr
deficiencies ia the appropriations for the
service of the government for tho fiscal
year ending Juno thirty, eighteen hundred
aud sixty-nine, and for other purposes.'
be so amended as to insert in the second
clause of said act after the words "at a
salary of one hundred and eighty dollars
eacn per year,-' ana Detore the nrst pro
viso iu said clause,; the following words :
and such amount in addition to the
amount appropriated in an act entitled
"An act making appropriations for the
legislative, executive, and judicial ex
penses of the (government for the Tear
ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and
seventy," approved March third, eighteen
hundred and sixty-nine, for reel, lights,
labor, and miscellaneous items, as way
be necessary to pay the said employees,
is hereby appropriated. - . ,-
Sec. 7. Ami be it further enacted,
That there shall be a superintendent of
the Department of the Interior, who shall
be cx-officio captain of the watch, and
who shall perform such other duties as
may be assigned to him by the Secretary
of the Interior, and who shall receive- tho
same compensation as w provided by ex
isting laws for the superintendent of the
treasury building, and a sum sufficient to
pay such salary for the remainder of thia
and for tho next fiscal year Li hereby ap
bEC 8. And, be it further enacted.
That the two crvrks of class one in tb
office of educations authorized by an act
entitled ' An act making appropriations
for the legislative, executive, and judicial
expenses of the government for the Tear
ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen
nunareu ana seventy," approved JUarcu
third, eighteen Hundred aud sixty-nine,
shall be appointed by the Secretary of
tue lnteriosvHrinu all laws ana parts or
laws authorising the employment of other
clerks in tne department or office of edu
cation sbl! I. after the commencement of
the pest fiscal year, be repealed.
Sec. D. And be it further enacted.
That the Secretary of War be, and ha id
hereby, authorized to make the necewary
transfers of appropriations from military
districts having an excess of appropria
tions .to carry into effect the reconstruc
tion laws to districts which are or may b
deficient in the amount necessary to car
ry into effect said laws.
Sue. 10. And be il further enacted,
That the Washington Gas-light Company
bci and they are hereby, required to - In
crease their rate of discount for prompt
payment to eighteen and three-fourths
per cent, from aud after the first day of
November next. , i "
Approved, April 10, 1869. , .-.'
; No. 13. Aa act authorizing the submis
sion of tlie constitutions of Virginia, Missis
sippi, and Texas, to a vote of the people, aod
autiioiiziiig the election of State officers, pro
vided by the said constitutions, and mem
ber of Congress. 4 ....
'Be it enacted by the Senate and louse
of Representatives of the United States ;
of America in Congress assembled.
That the President of the United State,
at such time as be may deem best for tba
public interest, may submit tba constitution
wbich was framed by the convention which,
met in Richmond, irgiuia, on Tuesday, the
third day of December, one thousand eight
hundred and sixty -seven, to tba voters of
said State, registered at the date of said snb
missiou, for ratification or rejection ; and
tray also submit to a separate vote such pro- ;
visions or said constitution ' at be may deem :
best, such vote to be taken either npoo each
of the said provisions alone, or in connection
with the other portions of said constitution,
as the President may direct.
Sec 2. And be it further enacted t
That at the same election the voters of said
State may vote for and elect members of tha
general assembly of said State, and all the
officer of said State provided for by the said
constitution, and members of Congress; and
the oflicer commanding the district of Vir
ginia shall causa the lists of registered voters
of said ' State 4o be revised, enlarged, and
corrected prior to such election, according
10 iaw, ana lor iaai purpose may appoint
such registrars as be may deem necessary. '
And said elections shall be held aud returns
thereof made ia the manner provided by tha
acts of Congress commonly calUd the recon
struction afia.
Sec 3. And be it . further enacted.
That the President of the United State may
in like manner submit the constitution of
Texas to the voters of said State at aach
time and tn snch manner as ha may direct,
either, the entire constitution, or separata
provisions of the same, aa provided ia tba
first section of tbis act; and at the same elec
tion the'- voters may tow for and elect tha
members of the legislature, and all tl a State
officers provided for in said constitution, and
members of Congress t Provided also. That
no election shall, be -held in said State of
Texas for aDy purpose until the President so
directs. - . ..
Sec. f. And b$ it further enacted,
That the President of the United States seay
m like manner resubmit the .eonatHuUoa C
Mississippi to the voters of said State at aaetk
time and in snch manner as be may direct
either the entire' constitution or eora
provisions of the same, as pronded 1 a
nrst section of this act, to a separata
and at the oame election the voters may
v.,te for and elect the member of lb legta .
lature .nd all the State offlcera provide for
in said constitution, and membera of Con
gress. -' - X ' '"' v. r
Sec ' 5,' And be it further enacted.
That if either of said constitotions shall be
ratified at such election, tba legislator or
the State so ratifying, elected as provideel
foi iu this act, shall assemble at the capital
of Raid State on the fourth Tuesday after tha
official promulgatiou of auch ratification by
the military officer coiumaudingin said tit t