She Vltaw glrxjuto PIBLISHF.D EVERY SATriiBAY EV COLMXS VAXCLUVIJ. orricic ov cokscr oi pkhuy an kiijst-sts., OPPOSITE W. W. I'AtlUISII CO.'S STullt. TERMS IN ADVANCE. One Year... 4. Thrco Dollars Six Months Two Dollar Single Copies Teu Cent ADVERTISING HATES. One Colimn. per Year. 0100 ; Half Column, $00 : Quarter Column, Transient advertisement per Square of ten linos or less, first iusoi-uou, -! : each subsequent insertion. $1. ALBANY ADV K 1 IT I S H M KN Trf GEO. F. 8ETTLSfV!3EK, i 12, xt c-1 rr . (Successor to 1). W. Wakefield,) Parrlnh's New IJuildiiis-, Pirst Street, ALBANY. OREGON, DEALER IN KUSrNKSs? CARDS. Y3 THE UN PENSIONED WOULD RESPECT fully infr!ti the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that he lias takeu charge of this establish ment", and, by Ttefnin-i clean rooms and paying strict attntk j ti business, expects to t-uit nil those who may favi.r hi:n wish tli. ir patr.iuagv. Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class X2air Brassing- Salooas, be txpec's to give entire jali.xf.ict.5on to all. :ptf ChiUrt-u aud Ludies? hair rnaily cut and shampooed. JOSEPH WEUUEIi. SK?) 10y2 GEO. W. GHA7, D. D. S., RADUATB OP THE CINCINNATI DEN- T tal College, would invite all persons desiring artificial tccta, and nrst-class uentai operandi,, to pive him a call. Specimens of Yuk'anite Base with gold-plate linings, and other new styles of work, may be seen at his office, in Parrish fe Co. 'a brick, (up stairs) Albany, Oregon. Residence Corner Second and Baker sts. 2 c. powr.ll. L- Ft-'S- Powell & Fiinn, 4 TT0RNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW JA and Solicitors ia Chancery, (Z. Flinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promply attended to. 1 W. J. HITABIDEL. F. M. UDKItlD. Eliltabidel fit Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND Pro visions, Wood and Willow Ware, Coutec tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes.. Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining the Express office, Aioaiiy, Oregon. E. A. Fxcclaad, k CALEB IN EATERY DESCRIPTION OF School, Miscellaneous ana isianis. jwm. KTTtionerv. Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc.. rose- office Building, Albany, Oregon, from New York and San Francis S- H. Claugfctoa, TOTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in the Post Office building, Lebanon, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to the prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. 1 cnsraicALs, rAZKTS, GILS, GLASS, ETC. POUT LAND ADVERTISEMENTS. W. 11. SKW.V1.L. 4. B. SPRUNG!;!!. (fOIlMEKIT AimiGOVi'f,) Front street Portland, Oresoa. -o- nuE undersigned, havimj pi i: vhasrd this well Known Hotel, are now pre pared to ofler the 1 raveling public betser accom modations than can bo lound elsi-vvlit re in the city. Hoard and Lodging $'Z OO per day. The Hotel Coaeh will be in attendance to con vey Passengers ami baggage- to and from the Hotel nee f rkaror. -. till WALL & SrRENfiEII. All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albanv, Oct. 17, l.SfiS-6:f 0$ j. n i.n ii'.u, iia rLiaiiAcuu the well-furnished formerly belonging to A. B. Paxton, is prepared to make from "Carlo d.- Viatic'' np to life size. Also AftfBROTYPES & "SUN PEARLS! Books ordeied isco. 1 Any person who has bad card pictures made hero since the Gallery burned down (1SC3) can get pictures from the negatives at the rate of three dollars per dozen. llaina: had ciht years' experience in the bus iness, 1 believe that I can insure to give satisfac tion. J. A. WINTER. Albany, Sept. 19, If 6S-2tf Office Oregon California Stage Company, B. it. Whitkuocsi:. Agent. -tt 13 U O IIT 4 FllOTGGRAFn KALLERY, IS THE ON BY ESTABLISHMENT IN Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all tlio diflcrcnt styles of work in the. art. Photo graphs from curd life si-ze. The now cabinet cards, Ac tc. Pictures enlarged, retouched in India ink, painted in wfttr-colors. by Mrs. S. ,f. Rumsey. Pictures that ru fading prm bo rcpro duced in this way. Negatives carefully preserved su that additional copies nmv be had nt an v time. JOSEPH BI CHTEL. Portland. Oregon. ' - BUILDERS, ATTEHTiOH ! SASIJ, 1IL1M) AI) E00H F A C T O II Y ! S. II. ALTHOrSK. X. wnnjIIT. J. 1'. EAl'KENSTO. ATSZOS'SK & CO., LYON STRHIiT, (ON THE IiIVl:ll HANK ) , aliiany, : : : oregox. f r EEl ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and nrt; prepared to Irii'nifsli to Order, and ITvODUCE AND COMMISSION Consinnients of Produce solicited. nl K. E. 'CIIATFICLD, (Opposite the Western Hotel.) PORTLAND, OREGON. Grood Pictures I MADE IX CLOUDY WEATHER ! J. A. WINTER. Oct 31. ISGS-Stf IV civ CoIuzEibsaii Hotel, Nos. IIS, 120 and 122 Front street,, : : : OREGON. ED. CARNEY, PROPRIETOR. The arc-cst, Best and most Convenient ZZotsl ia Portland! Located in the center of business and near all the steamboat landings. - w avttp A.CTT7RERS OF AND DEALERS I in all kinds of Furniture and Cabinet C. Mealey & Co., CTURERS ( I kinds of Fv Ware, First street, Albany J. H. MITCHELL. J- S- BOLPH. A. SMITH. IVIitchell, Dolph & Smith, ATTORNEYS axd COUNSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front atreet,Portland, Oregon. 1 ALL those knowing themselves indebted to us are respectfully requested to call and settle immediately. jQ Old account mwt be settled. BEACH & M0NTEITH. Albany, October 10th, '68. Board and Lodging' From one to two dollars per day according to the room occupied. TSj" Rooms newly furnished and well ventil ated. Superior accommodations for families. tT The Jeif Columbian iiotol Coaen will be in attendance at all the landings to convey pas sengers and baggage to and from tbis Hotel 17 J3S Free oi Charge ! 69 -E3 !2? S3 FOR SALE ! THE UNDERSIGNED, wishing to "change his base," offers for sale his fine new two story T welling" House, on the corner of Washington and Second streets together with the old hotel building adjoining, several fine lots, etc. The house is large, new and well finished throughout. The premises are well supplied with water; outbuildings all complete; good fences, and a number of fine fruit bearing trees on Hhe : A ft March 20-2Sm3 J. B. SPRENGER, i Albany, Ogn. Albany Weekly Register JOB PRINTING Firtt ttreet, opposite Parriah & Co.'s ttore,) Albany s s s Oregon. HAYING a very fair assortment of material we are prepared to execute, with neatness And dispatch, all Kinds 01 ' each as Mand-bUli, Programmes, " BUl-heads, Cards, Ball Tickets, Pamphlets, Labels, Blanks of all lzinds, t as low figures as a due regard to taste and good work will allow, wnen you wuui auyiumg iu the printing line, call at tne register omca. V-fcF XLL KINDS, priated at the very lowest J rates, as ordered, at tnis omce. JOiB WORK! V ALI DESCRIPTIONS, at fair prices, J neatly executed at the kesistkr omce. FARMERS ! .11151 JIEIV ! ASD ALL HAVING MACHINERY ! THE ALBANY LARD OIL FACTORY has resumed operations, and is prepared to furn- TiAHJP OIL by the quantity. Different grades are kept on hand for sale, at different prices. The Wo. 1 Grade is Warranted to be strictly Pare ! JfZS" Orders from abroad respectfully solicited. fiSSS- All or ders should be accompanied by the cash. v KTOTICB 2 Cash or Soap will be paid for Pure Lard and rancid or scorched Grease, delivered at the Factory. MCCORD Si GEOKG E. ' Albany, Jan. 2, 1SG9-17 FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Insurance Company Nos. 416 and 418 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Stockholders Individually Liable. WESTERN IIOTEiL, PORTLAND, OREGON, OORCY & HOLIES, PROFRI2TORS. THIS nOTEL IS LOCATED NEAR THE Steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in at all the Landings to convey passengers and barrsage to and from the House FREE OF CHARGE. ja9-18 AJIEI1ICAN EA"CHAN'E, - consEn op Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. . P. W. Quimhy, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) TniS HOUSE is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make hi3 gnesto comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat landing. ! i- The Concord Coach will always be foun at the landing, on the arrival of steamships and rirer boats, carrying passengers and their bag- gaga to and from tire boats free nf chartje. House supplied icith fatent t ire .xtinoninert. such as Crown, Panel, ll.ind, and Section Mold, of al! si.ex. - ViKSGY AND DOOR FRAMES ! 3:ic3S.X2.&; and ail oilier kinds of SATURDAY, JUNE 1 If, ISO). KicU and Hacj. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE - ART Oi" PROPOSING. Are prepared to do MILL WORK : furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse. AIrilOUSE & CO. Albany, February 20, 1SG9-21 R. CHEADLE'S CASH STORE ! JUST ARItlVEE ! Direct from San Francisco, per last ocean steam ' er. a new itoek of Dry Goods and Groceries, which will be offered at PORTLASD PRICES! with freight added. Come right along with your Cash and Produce! and get bargains while they air going so cheap. Persons requiring Iron and Steel, Wagon Seat Springs, Thimblc-Skaia Oases, &c , can procuro them at rnv store, cheap. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. E. F. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JAMES ELKINS, NOTARY PUBLIC. RUSSELL & ELECISS3S, (OfSce in Parrish & Co.'s block, First street.) Albany, Oregon. HAYING TAKEN INTO CO-PARTNERSHIP James Ei. kins, Esq.. cx-Clerk o Linn county, we are enabled to add to our prac tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for Conveyancing1, Examining Kecoriis, and attending to Probate business. Deeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages care fully drawn. Homestead and Pre-eaaptlon Papers mad?, and claims secured. Sales of Real Estate negotiated, and loans effected on collateral securities on reasonable rates. AH business entrusted to thfcm faithfully and promptly executed. RUSSELL & ELKINS. Albany, Oct. 10, "eS-jy Cash Capital, In Gold Coin, 8750,000. Deposit in Oregon, $50,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted. THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to eflect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland, JS'avigation risks, on liberal terms. GUSTAVE TOUCHAED, Pres. CHAS. D. HAVEN, Sec'y. W. TV. Parrish & Co., Ag'cnts for Albany. Albany, January 9, 1869-18 N. GOTTGETREU, Importer and Dealer ia the choicest brands of HAVANA & DOMESTIC CIGARS, Chewing & Smoking' Tobacco, Pipes, Stems, Snuff, Playing Cards, Stationery, Cutlery and Notions, Wo. Ill Front Street, Cor. Morrison, opposite Western Hotel, . PORTLAND, OREGON. Goods at Wholesale or Retail. i3g Country orders carefully pat op, at Iewest rates. - jkiwiu NO MORE HIGH PRICES FOR ALBANY Come and buy Goods at prices of 1 SCO . j. E. BENTLEY, SEN., HAVING RECEIVED FROM SAN FRAN cisco, by latest shipments, the largest stock of ISoots and Slices ! Consisting of tbo following lines of Goods : Gents' Fine Sewed Boots, Gents' Fine Teggcd Boots, Boys and Children's Boots, Ladies and Misses Boots, Kid Congress Gaiters, And Children's Gaiters, Rubber Over-Shoes, and Shoes of all Descriptions. Gentlemen's Boots Made to Order ! On short notice ; and with neatness and dispatch. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE I Sole and Upper Leather for Sale At the lowest figures for Cash. Give xne a call and see for yourselve 2tf Real Estate For Sale ! T' HOSE WHO DESIRE TO PURCHASE A good Lathed and Plastered New Frame Dwelling House, two stories in hieht, kitchen, and wood-shed at tached, with private barn, well situated in the city ot Albany, will do well to call, without delay, on KUsstibli A KLKI.xs, Albany, Oct. Vt, '68-6 Real Estate Agts. Administrator's Notice. Estate of D. 21. Bond, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the above nftmed estate, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said deceased, to present the same, with necessary vouchers, within six months from this notice, to the undersigned at his residence, six miles south of Peoria, Linn county, Oregon. - JAMES SHERRILL, Feb. 11, 186923 Adm. Rcssei.1, ft, Attys. MRS. DUiSSlMBWAY TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she has on hand, and is in regular receipt of the ZiatcEt and Choicest Styles ef Goods IS THE RE-lIEfSER, LADIES ! If you purchase TEN BOLLAKS' WORTH of Fall Miilicery you will bo entitled 10 the 1 emorest 3Iagazine, for the year 1S09, as a premium on the purchase ! 23rcs and Cloak EZakiag . ' in all branches. Slcachiag and Pressing in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Xnczhanstiole Corner Main and Broad Atbin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. November 7, 1SGS-9 Photographers ! rAKE NOTICE I T HE UNDERSIGNED LIVING IN NORTH Brownsville, have for sale or rent a Photograph GaUcry! with all that pertains to a Gallery of ordinary size This is a good location tor a gallery, there be ing no other Gallery within fifteen miles cf this place. The Gallery is in good running order. Terms ot sale or renwasj; Apply by letter or in person to ROWLAND k UNDER. Brownsville, February 1, !S69-3m22. LINFORTH, KELLOGG & RAIL, (Successors to L. B. Benchley & Co.) No. 3 and 5 Front Street, near Xftarket, SAN FRANCISCO, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP American, English and German Hard-ware &. Cutlery Agricultural and Mining Tools, Rope, Steel, Powder, Vase, Shot, Lead, Etc., Etc. manufacturers and Proprietors of the GERRISH Submerged Double-Acting A very good-look iajr, slender, innocent appearing girj waa brought "up" yester day, iu company with a young man who looked vastly ashamed of himself, and had the expression of "one who wants to home.'" The. charge agatist Julia and Percy was an ugly one. The oliicer stat el that he had seen Percy enter her room, had waited patiently with -his ear ' at the door til! he he;ird a kiss, and then, breaking it open, had found hini with his arm around her neck. Tiie officer was praised for his vigi- aucc in the detection ;of contraband kisses, 1 that seducingly darigcroin article and, will, doubtless, arrest the next young man hoi sees blowing at Pocahontas at the door or a ci;jar shot). The Justice lotjkod at Miss Julia through', his spectacles, and it seemed as if his hard judicial glances underwent some chemical change as they passed through the glass became polarized, if you please and suggested to. her the propriety of explaining her conduct not that it would make any difference, but then it was well to follow the way of the world. Miss Julia then proceeded o inform his Honor that a short time before she had been left motherless, was thrown up on her own resources. She had no hus ba"d aud saw the way to none. She did not like to sew; she did not want to spoil her hands with hard work; for a hand once eularged is not susceptible of reduction. A large hand was a bad habit which one could not easily get rid of. But her whs were good, and by them she proposed to live, and if possible transmute the vagrant humor3 of her brain into cakes and clothes. After thinking a temporarily expensive pro cess since it led to the pawning of some of her clothes she came to a determination. She reasoned that whatever men might be when associated with one another, they were frequently great fools when brought in contact with women. Yet she did not beleive t-hat this folly was ingrain, but that it was for lack of knowins better. Then she went a step further, and assumed that these men would like to know better, and were foolish only for lack of one to teach them otherwise. She had the wisdom they needed, and they the money she nteded why should there not be an exchange ? The work was a oble one, for he or she who uproots a folly is nobler than he or she who destroys a thousand Canada thistles To make known her intention, she felt that she must advertise, j So this young alchemist turned a couple of skirts and some other trifle into a dollar, procured a handkerchief's worth of paper, and thus advertised, stating that a young lady ot polished address, reduced circum stances, and former social advatage?, de sired to give lessons in etiquette and the way of conversing with ladies, to any young gentleman who did not feel at case in the society of the opposite sex. Tui tion to lovers extra. The advertisement waa a sucess. She saw youg men who were at a lack for feminine topics, ignorant of the nice con duct of the hands and the proper plaqe of the feet. She had made money, and, waxed fat with prosperity, had cut her old friends, 4he pawnbrokers, after re turning their Kfile visiting card3. There was redemption. One day Percy came along. lie stat ed he was courting a West Side maiden, and that unhappily ha did not get on fast as he desired. He was still miles from a proposal. He knew she expected it, and he knew -he wanted to do it. But he could not. He had walked to the house, repeating to himself : " I wil propose to-night; J will propose i to night;" but after getting there he would find that man may propose to propose but that God still disposes. Hence tears 1 -ii H , j agony, hair-pulling, and the quotation of select passages from ' approved tra sric mnrF. TiflIi i P018- Standing before a mirror, he in- tjiT" WJ former! himsAlf tW 1,- ' i: ed and lacked call, which was a relief. but not a proposal. Thus he weDt to J ulia for aid, and needy, who had money never applied to that disinterested young giri in vain. She taught him the fore of proposal- not the one by letter, fot that eho spurn ed, "like any girl of spirit." She in structed him the abrupt, the gradual, the precatory, the tearful, the labial, the "cottage with love," and the "opera and diamonds" proposal, to say nothing of the Patented by J. A. Morrell, October 29, 1867. TUB CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AJTD HOST DC B ABLE PCKP IN THE WORLD! Agents wanted for this coast. County rights for sale. - March 6, '6-6m26 special ones, which may be niud in a horse and buggy, behind the orgau, or at the dinner table. . ; , They were rehearsing one of these forms when the officer, a geptleman, of course, but who needed a little instruction us to the way of entering a lady's room, burst in upon her.' She expected;iuime tiiato liberation., . ' His Hoiior stated that it was a carious case and a very suspicious one. 11 would put her veracity to -test. The Court had just procartd a divorco from its wife, and was intending to procure another. But the Court was not learned in the way to win 'cm, or had forgotten the art. The prisoner should be fined $50, but. the fino would bo suspended if she would give the Court a series of five lessons in the art of proposiug. ouM the accept ? She would. . The Court then declared its opinion to be that the maiden waa innocent, and dw ch'agcd her. A for Mr. Percy, he should fine him $10 to show him that ustice iui'rht wink, but did not slumber Chicago Tribune. ' Brave Woman is Umpqua Valley- The Roseburg Ensign of lat Saturday relates the following : A large Ameri can flag has, for years past, decorated the porch of a residence in the Umpqua vall ey. Last week, a notorious secessionist . from Lane county, named Mulkey, pass ing that way, halted ' before the house and swore that he would take ; the flag. tie it to the tail of his horse and drag; it through the streets of the next village. The man of the house being absent, the lady came to the door and informed tho i-nffinti rf tin fjft tlinf. aha van n!nnv nnrl- th.T.t. if he nossesspd the instincts of a gentleman he would proceed on his way and not molest her. Perceiving that her appeal to the manhord of the dastardly coward was without effect, and that he stilt repeated his threat of dragging the Old Flag at his horse's tail, the patriotic and heroic lady took down a loaded gun and told this brave specimen of chivalry that she would shoot him the moment he attempted to carry out his threat. Th argument had such a powerful effect on the brave insulter of a lone woman that he remounted in haste and rode off, leav ing the brave little woman mistress of tuv; oivuttiiuui uiit, at? jpv m v vs ws-ur su the deck. VARIOUS ITEMS. Tho Boston Post calls a pillow a sooth-: ing nap-sack. . ' French Democrats call the Prince I n-- perial ' elocipede I V. Why is a room full of married people- empty ? Because there is- not a single person in it. a r: : t.: i j i . .A uiDcinuaii iauy muorseu un hit lax return, ''taxation without representation is tyranny." - A young lady in California broke her neck while resisting the attempts of a young man to kiss her. ! , The strongest kind of a hint A younc . Jady asking a pentieman to see if one of her rings would ro on hi3 little nner. A clergjmar who had been accused of" preaching long sermons, excused himself on the ground that the church was a large one. A writer, describing one of the en gagements in the late war, gives the fol lowing interesting item. "In this battle we lost the brave- Captain Smith, i A cannon-ball took off his head, lib last words were, 'Bury rne on the spot where I fell.'" ',.--:.,- ... . . Meyerbeer left several compositions scaled, which, by his will, are never to be opened unless his family has need of resources. In spite of his great wealth. he was always haunted by the fear that nis iamny would some day come to want. In one of Cooper's novels occurs the following passage : ; "He dismounted in front of the house and tied his horse to r. large locust' I A French author, in translating this passage, renders it thus : "He descended from his horse ia front of the chateau and tied him to a large grasshopper." It is vain to stick your finger in the water and pulling it out look for a hole ; and equally vain is it to suppose however large a space you ocupy, the world will A line in one of Moore's songs reads thus : "Our couch shall be roses be spangled with dew." To which a sensi ble girl replied : " 'Twould give me the rheumatiz, and so it would you." . We saw a youth with his arm out of place the other day, but we don't think it was very painful, as a young lad,y kindly suffered him to lay it across her shoulder. ' , - " "' A clergyman, after marrying a couple, made a prayer over them concluding: "Forgive them, O Lord, they know not what they do I" - "My dear," said a rural "wife to her husband on his return from town, "what waa the sweetest thing you saw in bon nets in the city ?". "The - ladies' faces, my love." ti. .t. l..t t-C!- 1 vr t.' j..e a us uiv w uiraw atrs. jrar- tington's old gaiter into the alley and call the old lady down? from the third floor to see an alley gaiter. . Tzxas has now within her borders more than 3,000,000 head of cattle, and can export annually 1,000,000 beeves. :