? PrBUSHED EVERY 8ATCRKAY BV COLLINS VAXCLEVE. Orrii'E OX COliNEB OK PCKKV AMI li:ST-STS., OJPOSITK W. W. I'AKRISII ft I'O. S Slollt. TERMS IX ADVANCE. One Year. Three Dollars Six Mouths . Two Dollars Single Copies Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. One Colunn. per Year. $100 ; Half Column. ffiO ; Quarter Column, $-3. Transient advertisements per Squsr of ten lines or less, tirst insertion, $ .' ; e.icli subsefier.t insertion. $1. BUSINESS CARDS. niin undersigned would resfect- fully inform the citizens of Albany an I vi cinity that ho ba taken charge of this esiablish- uieut, and, by keeping clean rooms una paymjr strict ati-!iitic t- business, expects I suit all those who ma favor bin with t'i-ir patronage. Having heretofore carried on not tuns; but First-Class Hair Dressing Caiooas, ho cxpee's to give entire satisfaction to nil. ,T" Children and Li lies' hair neatly rut ami shampooed. .JOSEPH WEBUER. se tSy2 GEO. V7. GRA7, 3. D. S., iijiniMTi.' nv tiie fiixriwATt ni:". TS" tl Cullefe. wtmld iuvite all persons desirinir nrciueiat iceio. ana iirsi-ci:i3 utuui mv-i iwup, to sive him a call. Specimens of Vulcanite Ra?o with gold-plate linings, and other new styles of work, may bo seen at his office, in Parrish & Co.'s brick, (up stair?) Albany, Oregon. Residence Corner Second and RaUrr sts. 2 c. towkll. i ri.isx. Powell & TIcnis, A TTOKXEYS & COUXSELLORS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery, (X.. Flian, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promply attended to. - W. J. niTABIDEL. F. M. CEDFIELD. Xliltabiael & Co., lEALERS IN GROCERIES AXD PRO- visions. Wood and Willow V are. Confec tionery. Tobacco, Cigars. Pipes, Notions, etc. Main street, adjoining t'ao Express office, Albany, Oregon. 1 " E. A. Frccland, kEALER IX EVERY DESCRIPTION OF KMwml. Miscellaneous and Blank books. Stationery, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink, etc.. Pust- oCice Building. Albany, Oregon. iooks oruereu from N'ew York and San Francisco. 1 S. 12. Clanjrhton, NOTARY PUBLIC AXD REAL ESTATE AGEXT. OtTice in the Post Office building, Lebanon, Oregon. Will attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to tho prompt collection of debts en trusted to my care. I C. Mealey & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF AXD DEALERS iu all kinds of Furniture and Cabinet "Ware, First street, Mbany. J. B. MITCHELL. J. Ji. POLPH. A. SMITfl. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, ATTORNEYS and COUXSELLORS at LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. I ALL those knowing themselves indebted to us are respectfully requested to call and settle immediately. S3g Old accounts must he settled. BEACH & MOXTEITII. Albany, October 10th, '6S. FOR SALE ! THE UNDERSIGNED, wishing to "change his base," offers for sale his fine new two- stury XAvelling- House, on tho corner of Washington and Second streets, together with the old hotel building adjoining, several fine lots, etc. The house is large, new and well finished throughout. The premises are well supplied with, water ; outbuildings all complete ; good fences, and a number of fine fruit bearing trees on the premises. Address, J. B. SPRENGER, March 20-2Sm.t Albany. Ogn. Albany Weekly Register JOB PRINTING OJb JL- -IC33EI3, first street, (opposite Parrish & Co.'s store,) Albany s s s Oregon. HAVING a very fair assortment of material we are prepared to execute, with neatness and dispatch, all kinds of such as Hand-bills, Programmes, Bill-heads, Cards, Ball Tickets, Pamphlets, - Labehf Blanks of all kinds, at as low figures as a doe regard to taste and good work will allow. When you want anything in the printing line, call at the Register office. 6 ALU A N Y ADVERTISE MENTS GEO. F- SETTLEIVIiER, DRUGGIST. (Successor to IV W. Wakefield.) Parrish's ;e-v IluiU'ing-, I-'irst Sireet, ALBANY. OR Eli OX, ' -DEALER IN- irRrass and Medicines, CJ2 2rsiICAZ.S, PAINTS, OILG, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17. lSlW-6tf P1CTU 0? . A. WISTER, HAVING PURCHASED the well-furnished formerly belonging to A. B. Paxton, is prepared to make IPIaotosi-o-plis ! from "Cartes tie Visile" up to life sizo. Also. ASV1BR0TYPE3 & "SUN PEARLS!" Any person who lias bad card pictures made here since tho Gallery burned down (1H3) eau get pictures from the negatives at the rate of three dollars per dozen. Having bad eight years' experience in the bus iness, I believe that I can insure to give satisfac tion. J. A. WINTER. Albany, Sept. 19, l.S0S-2tf Good Pictures Z MADE IX CLOUDY W E ATIIEI! : J. A. WINTER. Oct 31, lSfiS-Stf IVev Co9tisstIinsi 3otrS, Ns. IIS, 120 and 122 Front street, POnTZ.AN2, : : : OKEGOI7. ED. CARNEY, PROPRIETOR. o F ALL KINDS, printed at tho very lowest rates, as ordered, at this office. JOB WORK! O F ALL DESCRIPTIONS, at -fair prices, neatly executed at the Register office. The Largrcst, Scst and most Convenient Hotel ia Portland! Located in the center of business and near all the steamboat landings. Board and Lodging- From one to two dollars per day according to the room occupied. Rooms newly furnished and well ventil ated. Superior accommodations for families. JUS" The New Coluiubiau Hotel Coach will be in attendance at all the landings to convey pas sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel 17 Free ol Charge ! '.J, 09 ALL HAVING MACHINERY I THE ALBANY LARD OIL FACTORY has resumed operations, and is prepared to furn ish TiA 3.X OIL by the quantity. Different grades are kept on hand for sale, at different prices. The No. 1 Grade is Warranted to be strictly Pore ! ap Orders from abroad respectfully solicited. jr-Tj All orders should be accompanied by the cash. NOTICE : Cash or Soap will be paid for Pure Lard and rancid or scorched Grease, delivered at tho Factory. McCORD & GEORGE. Albany, Jan. 2, 1S69-17 FIRE MD MARINE INSURANCE. TJ3STI02JJ- Insurance Oonvpany Nog. 416 and 418 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Stockholders Individually Liable. Cash Capital, in Gold Coin, $750,000. Deposit In Oregon, '950,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted. xTpiIIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also agaWst Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. CHA1 GUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pres. D. HAVEN, Sec'y. WA W. Parrish & Co., Agents for Albany. Albany, Jlannary 9, 1869-18 - GOTTGETREU, Importer and Dealer in the choicest brands of HAVANA v DOMESTIC CIGARS, Chewing amoiong' Tobacco, Pipes, Stems, Snff, Playing Cards, Stationery, Cut j'ery and Notions, No. 1 IT Front Street, Cor. Morrison, opposite Western Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. - Goods at yVholesale op Retail. Country orck 'ers carefully put up, at lewest rates. ) : ja9 6918 1'OKTLAN D ADVERTISEMENTS. i (lOKMERI-V ARmuoxi's,) Front street : : : Portland, Oregon. rpiIK UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR 8 chased this well known Hotel, are now pre pared to offer the traveling public better accom modations than can be found elsewhere iu the city. Hoard and Lodging ?2 OO per day. The Ilofe! Coach will he iu attendance to con vey Passengers and baggago to and from the Hotel V'C ijt' rlttli-Qf. SE.W ALL .t SPRENGER. OfTU'c Oregon & California Stage Company. E. G. WiiiTEHorsK, Agent. 1'tf BUCHTEL S5 PnOTOGRAFH GALLERT. IS THE ONLY ESTABLISHMENT IX Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do nil tiie different styles of work in the art. Photo graphs froin curd o lifj sue. The new cabinet cards, .If., Ac. Pictures enlarged, retouched in India ink, painted in water-colors, by Mrs. S. J. Runisey. Pictures that nrj fading enn be repro duced in this way. Negatives carefully preserved so that addiliunal copies may be bad nt anv time. JOSEPH BUCllTEL. Portland, Oregon. OIE? SEED STOKE. PRODUCE AND COMMISSION Consignments of Produce solicited. R. E. CDATFSMiD, (Opposite the Western Hotel.) nl PORTLAND, OREGON. 3n WESTERN- HOTEL, PORTLAND, OREGON, DORCY & MOLRrlES, PROPRIETORS. THIS HOTEL IS LOCATED NEAR TIIE Steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance at all the Landings to convey passengers and bagsrairo to and from tho House FREE OF CHARGE." ja'J-lS AMERICA!? EXC2IA'e7 CORNER OF Irout and Washington Streets, PORTLAXD, OREGON, i. P. tST. Quiinby, - - - - Proprietor. (Late of the Western Hotel.) THIS HOUSE is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be ths endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gueste comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat landing. "Ej?J The Concord Coach will always be fonn at the landing, on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying passengers and their bag gage to and from the bonts free of rhnrije. llonse supplied iciVA I'atent Fire EjctinijniaJiers. ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. E. F. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JAMES ELKTXS, NOTARY Pl'BI.IC. RUSSELL & ELKIiNiS, (Ofiice in Parrish & Co.'s block, First street.) Albany, Oregon. AYIXG TAKEN IXTO CO-PARTNERSHIP James Elkixs. Esq., cx-Clerk of Linn county, we are enabled to add to our prac tice of Law and Collections, superior facilities for Conveyancing, Examining Records, and attending to Probate business. Deeds, Bonds, Contracts and Mortgages care fully drawn. Homestead and Pre-emption Papers made, and claims secured. Sales of Real Estate negotiated, and loans effected on collateral securities on reasonable rates. All business entrusted to them faithfully and promptly executed. RUSSELL & ELKIXS. Albany, Oct. 10, CS-5y NO MORE HIGH PRICES FOR ALBANY Come and buy Goods at prices of 18G0. J. E. BENTLEY, SEN., HAVING RECEIVED FROM SAN FRAN eisco, by latest shipments, the largest stock of Boots and Slioes ! Consisting of the following lines of Goods : Gents' Fine Sewed Boots, Gents' Fine Pegged Boots, Boys and Children's Boots, Ladies and 31isses Boots, Kid Congress Gaiters, And Children's Gaiters, Rubber Over-Shoes, and Shoes of all Descriptions. Gentlemen's Boots Made to Order! On short notice; and with neatness and dispatch, ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE! Sole and Upper Leather for Sale At the lowest figures for Cash. Give me a call and see for yourselve 2tf Real Estate Tor Sale ! THOSE WnO DESIRE TO PURCHASE A good Lathed and Plastered New Frame Dwelling House, two stories in bight, kitchen and wood-shed at tached, with private barn, well situated in the city of Albany, will do well to call, without delay, on RUSSELL A ELKINS, Albany, Oct. 17, '68-6 Real Estate Agts. Administrator's Notice. ; Estate of X. II. Bond, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the above named estate, to the creditors of, and all persons having : claims against, said deceased, to present the same, with necessary vouchers, within six months from this notice, to the undersigned at his residence, sis miles south of Peoria, Linn county, Oregon. JAMES SHERRILL, Feb. 11, 1869 23i Adm. Russell ElLiss, Aftys. r i - i " I BUILDERS, ATTEST! 0 S3 1 SASH, ISLIXJ) AND EOiR FACTORY! S. II. AI.THOU8G. J. F. BACKE.VST0. X. WRIGHT. ! AlTIIOl'SE & CO., j I.VON STREET, (OM THK r.IVKH BANK), A IJJAXV, OREGON. I7-jEEP OX HAND A FULL 'ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to Xiii-nitsli to Order, Deoi'ji, i Sash, and sueli as Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold, j of all sizes. VIKBGV; AMD DOOR FRAMES! and all other kinds of ALSO Are prepared to do MILL. WORK : furnish Sha ker Funs. Zigzag Shakers, Snetion Fans. Driving Pulleys, of any kind, nt xrjr Factory on Lyon street, (on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse. ALTHOUSE & CO. Albany, February 2d. 1 R. CKEADLE'S V7I20Z.SSAI.S & KSTAIL CASH STORE! ' JUST ARRIVED ! Direct from .Sau Francisco, per last ocean steam er, a new ttoek of Dry Gootis and Groceries, which will be offered at PORTLAXD PRICES! with freight added. Come right along with your Cash and Produce ! and get bargains while they arr going so cheap. Persons requiring Iron and Steel. Wajon Scat Springs, Thimble-SItain Boxes, tkc , can procure them at mv store, cheap. RAPHAEL CHEADLE. SViRS. DU&MiWYAY TAKES PLEASURE IX INFORMING HER numerous patrons that she has on hand, and is in regular receipt of the J Latest and Choicest Styles of Goods IN TIIE Ik2IiXXA33.ox3r Tiine 2 REI7IEBER, LADIES ! If you purchase TEN COLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to the Demorest 3Iaga.zine, for the year 18(59, as a premium ou tho purchase! Sress and Cloak making in nil branches. Bleaching and Pressing- in the latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Snczhaustible Corner Main and Eroad Albin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. November 7, 1S63-9 Photographers ' T A. It IS IVOTIOE : HE UNDERSIGNED LIVING IN NORTH Brownsville, have for sale or rent a Photograph Gallery ! with all that pertains to a Gallery of ordinary size. This is a good location for a gallery, there be ing no other Gallery within fifteen miles of this place. The Gallery is in good running order. fcs$" Terms of sale or rent easy! Apply by letter or in person to ROWLAND & UNDER. Brownsville, February 1, 1869-3ra22. LINFORTH, KELLOGG & RAIL, (Successors to L. B. Benchley t Co.) No. 3 and 5 Front Street, near Market, SAN FRANCISCO, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF American, English and German Hardware Sc Cutlery Agricultural and Mining Tools, , Rope, Steel, Powder, Fuse, Shot, Lead, Etc., Etc. Manufacturers and Proprietors of the GERRISH Submerged Double-Actlng FORCE PUMPS, . Patented by J. A. Morrcll, October 29, 1S67. THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AMD MOST DURABLE PUMP IN THE WORLD! Agents wanted for this coast. County rights for sale. March 6, '69-6m26 SATUItDAY, JUNE 5, 18C9. A Murderous Sea Flower. One of the exquisite wonders of the tea is called the opelot, and is about as large as the German astor, looking indeed very much like one Imagine a very large dcuble astor, with ever so many long petals of a light green, gljssy as satiu, and each one tipped with rose color. These lovely petals do not lie quietly in their places, like those of the astor in your garden, but wave about in the water, while the opelot generally clings to a rock. How innocent and lovely it looks on its rocky" bed. Who would suspect that it could eat anythiug grosser than dew or sunlight ? But those beautiful, waving arms, as you call them, have an other use besides looking pretty. They have to provide for a large, open mouth, hidden deep down among thenv so well hidden that one cau scarcely find it. "Well do they perform their duty, for the instant a foolish little fishlet touches one of the rosy tips, he is struck with light ning, lie immediately becomes numb, and in a momeut stop3 struggling, and then the other beautiful arms wrap them selves around him, and he is drawn into the huge, greedy mouth and is seen no more. Then the lovely arms nnclose and wave again in the water, looking as innocent and harmless as though they had never touched a fish. ' Jenkins Outdone. At a recent grand hop, in Addison, there was a great array of belles and dry goods. The fol lowing is a description of the costumes : The beautiful Miss B was dressed in a pair of high-heeled gaiters, lined with cloth, and fastened with strings; the wore a beautiful suit of 1 air which she had borrowqjroni her sister, who did not participate. The magnificent Mrs. W wore short sleeves and a splendid low neck, with checkered stockings, tied with a beautiful pair of eelskins, which she had received in the shape of a legacy from the late Mrs. Fish. Miss P was dressed in a watered silk, with a large waterfall, reminding one forcibly of what Dr. Crane terms fumjue heme- todes. Miss K seemed the belle of the evening; she wore a pink scarf, tied behind her ear with the end falling gracefully to the floor, and looped skirt made of the star spangled banner, with stripes and stars on one side, and stars and stripes on the other. All were dis appointed that this ambrosial flower could mt remain during the entire even ing. Miss G- , from Duck Lake, en tertained a large circle of friends by her sparkling wit, which robbed her dia monds of half their brilliancy ; she wore a No. 7 shoe, run over at the heel, and newly greased. Miss E , of Skim- merville, wore a walking skirt with an invisible waist ; in her hair she wore a red, red rose ; she was like old sherry, pale and very delicate had trimmed her nails before leaving home, and, neg lecting to put on gloves, had taken" a se vere cold. Want of space forbids ; our continuing this notice. "Grave" Business. One of ! the coolest things in the advertising lino we have ever met, is the notice of the open ing of a new cemetery by a certain church society, published in a late issue of a village paper, in which they parade the fact that they had laid out some new "beds," and praised their grounds as a "good resting place," and ask for ; tho patronage of their friends ! They must be a set of "grave" signiors, those fellows. Is it not time that the radical editors should cease prating about "rebels" and the "great rebellion V Don't they think it about time those terms should be dropped ? Examiner. We don't blame the Examiner for asking such questions. Every Democrat who became a rebel sympathizer, and gave aid and comfort to the rebel cause during the war, sincerely desires that the fact may pass into oblivion at the earliest moment. But tho bloody spots will not out. They, their sons, and their son's sons, must bear the stigma. When these crimes are forgotten memory will have faded away. Have we forgotton the Tories of the revolution, or the Fed eralists of 1812 ? How slight their crimes in comparison with the rebels of 1861. ' The old Manhattan well ot New York, whose whereabouts had been forgotten for many years, was recently discovered. Into that well the body of a murdered girl was thrown by her lover, about seventy years ago. The man was de fended by Aaron Burr, Alexander Ham ilton and Edward P. Livingston, and was acquitted, though there was an almost universal belief that he was guilty. - : . - t . .. 1 1 11 - J The end of everything the letter A Wonder of Naturis.- Colonel A. S. Evans, writiug from Treasure City, the 10th ult., to the Alta, tells the fol lowing : From John 31. Murphy, Esq., recorder of the Patterson District, I obtain some very interestinsr facts in regard to the ri val of Kentucky's great natural wonder, the Mammoth cave of Nevada. This cave is situated in a spur ot the Buckskin or White Mountain Eange, and about twenty miles this side ot Patterson, or fifty miles from Treasure City. ;The en trance is on the south side of an isolate"d butte or jriacacho and near its base. The openiug is so low that a man must stoop to enter it, but twenty feet in ; the vault iu the limestone, it widens rapidly, turning toward the east, and you pasa through chamber after chamber of im mense proportions, some of them of s,(li vast height that the light of tho torcWs fail to show any signs of a roof. Mr. Murphy, with a party, penetrated 5,0U0 feet from the entrance nearly a mile -finding no end. They saw many cham bers iu which iinmene tougucs of lime stone hung from the roof, io places al most touching the fljor, andirt others sta lagmites abounded, as in the-Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. .They found traces of burnt sage brush, showing that the Indians had been there as far as , they went ; and the guileless soo of the soil told them that they had penetrated five days journey into the cavern, found a lake full of fish, and yet saw no end to the succession of lofty chambers stretch ing out before them. Lo was always a very poor Indian and given to lying. Mr. 31 urphy's party got out of material for torches, lost their way and were glad enough to grope their way back as best they might, not caring to make a second attempt to fathom the mysteries deep hidden in the bosom of the mountain. A hotel is to be built there, and it is tnougiit tnat the cave wni. in come a great place of resort. lime, $& Gold discovered ox the Molalla River. The Comercial says : We have learned the following facts in reference to reported gold discoveries- on the head waters of the tributaries of the Molalla river. Some three years ago, an old Cali fornia miner named William Sprague, was employed by the Oregon City incor porated Mioiug Company, to prosecute the work on a quartz tunnel; specimens having been discovered previously in sufficient abundance and richness to lead to a firm belief of an extensive gold-bearing lead. Sprague was employed several months in prospecting and wording. For his services he was paid the sum of 8750. A number of specimens were found ii digging ihe tnuoel, which were seat by Capt. Hedges at that time President of the Company to the assay office in this city. The result of the assay proved a richness ot 8795 per ton. Was of capi tal and confidence on the part of the company, prevented a further presecutiou of the work at that time. Sioce the first discoveries, the company have irom tini to tims employed Sprague to do sufficient work to hold the lead, on which they now pay regular taxes on real estate. The tunnel has been- extended back into the mountain about thirty-five feet. Spec imens taken from the tunnel are reported to be of a rich bearimg character, and only require time, capita) and labor, tr develop into a rich mine. During the time which Sprague has been employed by the company, he has been frequently prospecting "on his own hook," aud ha, discovered rich surface diggiags along the bed of a small tributary of the Molaila river, called Lost Coflee Creekr which will pay from S3 to 6 per day to the hand. These diggings extend along; the bed of the creek for about eight miles. The creek runs through a deep defile or canyon in the Cascades, inaccessible to cither horse or wagon. " The hills on each side, on account of fheir steep ac clivity, ruggedness and being densely covered with a heavy growth of timber, have not been extensively prospected, but from the locality, the indications are favorable for paying diggings. Sprague has sold one sluice right and 300 feet along the creek to Wa Kce, of this city, for the sum of 8750, who will shortly place a large number of Celestials to work. The mines are fifty-eight miles directly cast of Oregon City, far back into the Cascado range. The facts, as related, were given to us by tho man, Sprague. At a recent convention of working women in Boston, it was stated that the majority of the girls employed to operate on heavy sewing machines in shops, "last" only from one and a half to two years, although a few stand the labor a little longer time. "Their backs give out, their spines give way. It is that ugly motion of the foot that spoils the spine. ' When Ferdinand II. of Naples ("Bom ba") first heard of railroads, he gave it as his opinion that they were an inven tion of the devil, and declared that none of them should ever be constructed ia his States. His confessor had to remon strate in the most urgent manner with him in order to obtain his consent to the building of the first railroad in Naples. Paul de Cassagnae, a' Parisian editor, has been branded' as a liar ; more - than five hundred times ; has been Bpit upon 1 in the street seven times, and suffered four tweaks of the nose and four publio horsewhippings. He has fought nearly a hundred duels, for "which offence he has beeu several times ; imprisoned, and has sixteen challenges outstanding. . "A stitch in time saves nine."