I" I! I' nng lriji SATURDAY, MAY 22, 18G9. LOCAlTFAIKS San PruncWcn Legal Tender rates. Sew York OoM quotation 70 (ii.7 1 1332 Killed. A telegram received by Ir. Geo. W. Gray, of this city, informed liiiu of the death of his brother, Dr. W. C. Gray, at the Warm Springs Reservation, some sixty miles from the Dalles, on Saturday last. Dr. V. G. Gray was res ident Surgeon of the Reservation. His death was caused by a pun-shot wound, in the fie-shy part of the arm. The par ticulars of the sad catastrophe we have not been able to obtain. Deceased was well known in this community as a young man whose future avc promise of emi nent success. Later. -The body of Dr. G ray arrived in this city yesterday, and was buried in the Albany Cemetery the same evening. From Mr. SmitB, who accompanied the rcmaius, wo learn that the accident which deprived Dr. Gray of life, occurred while he was enjoying ao excursion into the mountains with a company of ladies and gentlemen. He had got out of the wagon to look for water. Failing in his search he returned, and in atteiaptinsr to eet into the wagon, his shot kuh, which he held by tho muzzle, in the left hand, struck the hind wheel of the wagon and was discharged, the shot tearing and lac crating the flesh from the wrist to mid way between tho elbow and shoulder. Kvery attention was given the unfortu nate man, but without avail, aud in a few brief hours he passed from earth. The "Gay" Plow. The advertise ment of this new applicant for public favor appears in our columns to-day. It is the invention of our fellow-townsman, G. F. Gay, Esq., and owiug to the mauy advantages it possesses over other plows, its adaptability, simplicity of construction, cheapness, etc., seems 'destined to dis tance all competitors. Wherever the Gay plow has been tested it has become at once a favorite. The Saleiu Farmer, in speaking of the plows entered for the premiums offered by the Linn Couuty Agricultural Association on the Sth inst., says of this plow : Of the sulky plows, the one entered by Mr. Looney had one good point that will be appreciated by the farmer there seems to be no diffi culty in getting it to plow deep. It is easily gauged in that respect, and the wheels, both of which run on the un- plowed land, do not seem to affect the movement of the plow so much as some of the others do. This point is one of great importance, and we think every mechanic who was on the ground recog nized the fact. Tub New Engine. Our new fire en gine has been taken from the warehouse to the engine house, and having undergone a thorough overhauling and finishing up, now looks like a new machine, and shiuc like a dollar. The boys will have her out and try her capacity a- a "squirt- cr" on Thursday next, and citizens gen erally are iuvited to attend and witness the trial. . - "Gem" Pan We saw at P. W. Spink & Go's establishment a novelty for those who are fond of good bread it is called the "Gem "pan. This pan is a de cided success in cooking graham and other bread. They are offered ct the low price of SI 25 each. Go and get oue. Fike Mketixo. The members of Albany Fire Company No. 1, arc hcroby requested to appear in full unf'orm, at their Engine House, Thursday, May 27th, at 1 o'clock V. M., for trial ot the engine. Jus. Weiuseii, May 22, Foreman. Stovepipe Clip. Mr. John Driggs, of the tin store on -First street, has a uaat aud useful invention of his own, which he denominates a "stovepipe clip." We have neither time uor space to de scribe it this week go aud see it for yourselves. Mats. Lloyd's Patent Revolving Double Maps, are the most complete, cheapest, and therefore the most saleable maps offered to the public. For further particulars read the advertisement in this number. . . Ox the Rise. The plentiful "mist' of the week has giveh the Willamette a "boost," and navigation is unimpeded. Goon Week's Work. City Marshal, Dave. Froman, collected aud paid into th dollars, last week New NEW TO-DAY. THE LATEST STYLES OK Staple am! Fancy Dry Goods ! SELECTED WITH CARE IN THE SAM FRANCISCO MARKETS, JUST HECEIVEH, AMI) OFFERED AT TIIK F-iOtvest Ca!i Kates. Oa First street, first door west of John Connor's brick, and oppos-itc It. U. Hill Sun's drug store, ALBANY, OREGON. I C. HARPEll. May 15, 1S(VJ ;( IjOmI 01 Stolen. IIIE PIM5LIG A 11 E inntEUY WARNED not to lMin-liHsc anv ot the follow injr iitrs ot liamJ, executed to Samutl AViion, lit a sale near Lrowusvillc, Linn fount v. Ore iron, on the 21st lay of October, 1 tiliS, signed aud secured as lollow-s : NEW TO-DAY. IN". 13. Twenty-five Cents Per Dozen Paid for fresh Eggs, for the next thirty dnyst, ut It. CHEADLES. No. 1 IJiitlox- In good demand, at tho CASH STltE, at Twenty-five Cents Per Pound. Albany, May 1st, 1.309-3-1 i THE EYES! THE EARS ! srilETIES. John Wilson. .1. II. Wilson. Win. O. Uainl. T. i. lMnw'uldio. T. P. Dinwid.lie. Quart eh Dime Soap. The cheapest fcud most useful article in the soap line that we have yet seen, is called "Yan Allen's Quarter Dime Soap," the right to, and the modus operandi of, making which can be obtained of Capt. John Smith, of this city, for the small sum of 1. We are assured by him tl at this soap can be manufactured, even in smal quantities, for less than four cents per pound. Every family should purchase . the right to make this useful article, as ' it will save them many dollars, and they will have a superior article of soap. Rain. It has poured a; "continua' cease" pretty much all the week, and the faces of our farmers are beaming with happiness, in the pleasant prospect of huge crops and much cash to be real ized therefrom. Crops never looked more promising in old Linn than at the wrcseut writing, and as the number of acres sown to grain is largely in excess of any former year, we must have a rail road to carry off the surplus. ' ' District Convention. ihe minis ters of the M. E. Church connected with tie Salem District, hold a convention in this ait, commencing on Tuesday, May ; 25th, at 2 o'clock P. M., to be continued - hpeo days. A sermon will be delivered at the M. E. Church each evening during its continuance. rnixni'.w.s. T. P. Dinwid die ... Wm. C. Rami J. II. Wilson Ely Davis. T. 1. Foster Wm. Wi-He L. llitsbrook James Kernev Robert Crawford. .. as said notes of hand have beeu lost by, or stolen from, the undersigned, and he will proceed toVol-lec-t the amounts of the said several notes whin due. A liberal reward will be paid to tho person re turning any one or all of said notes to the under signed at i'.rowus ville, Oregon. WILLIAM M.COY. lirownsvillc, April :'.!), Itt'.)-:i3t 1 AV. I-LIVICiHIrX House, Sign & Carriage Painter, ALUAXY, OUUGOX. Papcrhangins-, Glazing-, Kalsominc, &c. i'Sw. Country orders punctually attended to. First street, next door to Tweedalo & Co.'s. May S, lS(ii)-3atf Washing- Clothes Without labor. e city treasury over thirteen hundred Paper. Democratic Aacs is the title of the new paper published in Jacksonville. It takes the place of the defunct Reveille, but is a much neater ookiug paper. P. D. Hull is tho pro prietor. Baptism. Rev. Dr. Hill conferred the rites of 'baptism, oir last Sabbath, in the Willamette river it the foot ot Wash ington street, on two new members ot the Baptist Church. DR. T. L. GOLDEN, OCULIST AND AURIST, ALBANY, : : OREGON. 11. UOLDEN IS A SOX OF THE NOTED Old Opthalmie Doctor, S. C. Golden. Dr. liOLDEXihas hud experience in treating the various diseases to which tho eye and ear are ubieet, and feels confident of eiviuir entire satis faction to thoo who may place themselves under his cure. Albany, April 10, lS09-31y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE L. E. lil.AIX. s. k. young. BLAIN & YOUNG, HAVING BOUGHT ALL TUB MERCHANDISE Of J. Barrows & Co., will continue the business, and they invite all to give them a call. They will bo constantly re ceiving goods from San Francisco, and will keep a general assortment of Sivy Wood, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, And offer inducements to REAnr pay customers. IlLiAIN & YOUNG. NOTICE. HIS IS TO ' XOTIFY ALL PERSONS not to trust or harbor my wife, Martha M., on my account, as she has left me and doped with a scoundrel by the name of J. J. Beid. ROBERT LIXDER. Rrownsville, April 25, 1869-34ml More than 1,000,000 Persons Bear testimony to the Wonderful Curative Effects of DH. JOSEPH WALKER'S S "3 Automatic Clothes-Washer AND BOILER! Docs this without any wear and tear, aud does the work m Irom Twenty to Thirty Minutes! and will tit any stove or range. Th.y are used extensively in tho East, and the following will show how tocy are regarded : From the Toledo Cmnmert-;,,?, April 22d. 1SC9 : The Automatic Clothes-Washer." Tho new method of washing clothes without labor as done by the "Automatic Clothes Washer ami Uoiler," is attracting, as might naturally be supposed, a good deal of attention. This remarkable machine continues to show to astonished visitors, whose numbers are daily increasing, how simply and easily a lunre days washing can be effectually ac complished in comparatively short time by this laborsaving invention. From tho Cleveland I'lnimlriitrr, March 12th, ISC'J : "The automatic Clothes Washer. Xoth ing in the way of a patent has for a long time awakened such a general interest, as the above A note irom Free port, W. T., May ISth, says : 'Ben. Hayden spoke at this place yesterday and proved to the com plete satislaetion ot all Democrats pres ent that the "niirgcr, IS Sure to Come OUt I named invention. Washing without labor by the ahead OI them 1 ,nero irec oi iieai, is a siep so lmporiaui ana new tuai it naiurany excires a grer.t ueai oi inouiry t i- i; . -ji: ,i. is ihe genuine merit, tue cheapness anil simplieity, At the Indianoplte luuk, on April lO, must"uluko it a articIe of universal use.and those Mr. (jr. T. Audium, in a velocipede 1 seeking an investment caunot do better thau to contest, made one mile, with forty-four For sale iy turnings, in the unprecedented time of three minutes and three seconds, witn a thirty-sis machine. This beats Dr. Scud- dcr. ' JOIIX COXXOR, Agent. May S, Ti0-."m:;." First street, Albany. Co., An Illinois railway is havinjr freight cars built ou which will be painted the words, ''from Ocean to Ocean No Transfer." Insurance YOKK. 6,000,000 Manhattan Life OF NEW Assctts Annual Income... 2,000,000 Surplus over Liabilities LARGER T1IAX other Company, doing- Business IX ORKCiOIV. any ALIIASY RETAIL MARKET. Albaxv, Xay 22, 1SG0. v neat, white, ft, bushel oais, p ousnei ;;o Potat es, "( bushel 50 Onions, "p bushel 1 25 Flour, p barrel $1 605 00 Dutter, lb 2j begs, "A dozen 2 Chickens, dozen $2 503 00 Peaches, r.ried, "a lb (L20 Soap, lb 5feoi Salt, Los Angelos, j lt. Syrup, gallon Tea, Young Uyson lb. " Japan, " . " Black, " ., Sugar, crushed, p B.., " Sea " " Island, " Coffee, tt Candles, lb Rice, China, "x lb Saleratus, p lb Dried plums, lb... Dried apples, It) Dried currants, TfJ lb Bacon, hams, lt ........ ' sides, " " shoulders, lb. Lard, in cans, lb....... Beans, lb. Dovoes Kerosene oil, gallon...., 2i .$1 12J1 25 1 00 1 00 751 00 18(20 16iyl8 29((i)33 12(a16 103 1520 5 I21 10 I 48! 1 00 Alvantag;c to Insurers. , Smallest, Ratio of mortality. JJx2cnses less titan any Cash' Company Liberal modes of 1'ayment ft 1 remiums Insurers receive the Largest J tonus ever oiven. All kinds of Non-Forfeiting Life and Endoicmcnt 1 ohcies Issued. Rolicies Jncontcstible. All Endowment 1'olicies and the Non Forfeiting Life Folicies, Non-Forf cit able after one 1'ayment. The following are examples of the operations of tho last dividend: Policies issued in libj, only four years ago : Agat Amount Premium Added to Total Ain't Issue. Insured. Paid. Policy. Policy. 40 $10,000 $1,2S0 $:!,572 $13,572 35 8,000 1,022 2.343 10,848 30 7,500 780 2,703 10,208 25 7,000 571 2,505 9.505 This is an entirely new plan, giving Insurers the largest return ever mado by any Company in the same period. The Company give credit when desired, of front 33 to 50 per cent, of premiums. An illustration of tho ful vn.ntn.rnA of tbn fnwlit Turpentine, gallon $1 251 50 j system as practiced by this Company, is the case Linseed oil, boilod, gallon........ $1 62il 75 of II. C. Coe, of Yonkers, who insured his life in Crrr Taxes. The City Marshal gives i notice by hand-bills that the city taxes are due, and persons who have not paid are requested to call at his office, block 108 Hackleman's addition, and settle. i ' Five per -cent, additional will be added to all taxes unpaid by the 20th of J nne. f Remo vai L. S. Ilosenbaum & Co., of Portland, notify their friends and customers that they have removed to the northwest corner of Stark street, Crees building, ! store formerly occupied by Blumauer & Kosenblatt. $4 004 25 this Company for $5,000, in Fobruarv. 1857. pay- 75(g)l 00 I ing tho whole premium in cash, $118 ; at the end $1 001 50 I of the first year it was impossible for him to raise $s I the amount of tho premium then due, in cash, and (3164 I he came to the ofiie nrcoared to Kurrpnrfxr th 16 30 I policy. Being told that ho could give his noto 2550 J for the premium, he did so.. His death occurred 2030 I in less than seven months. His family are now 505 I in the enjoyment of the amount insured. Had (314 I he insured in an "all cash" Company, they would 5(3)6 I have been left unnrovided for. 10I2J I This is, in itself, a complete refutation of tho 4to j absurd statement of "all cash" Companies, that u is injurious ior mo insurer to have the power to give a noto under any circumstances. C. P. FERRY, Gen. AReiit. A. J. GROSS, Special Agent. maSmS Whitehead, "B keg Powder, rifle, lb Tobacco, lb Nails, cut,"JS tt Domestic, brown. sj3 yard Hickory, striped, 3 yard Bed ticking, per yard Blue drilling, 3 yard Flannels, yard....... Prints, fa't colors, yard Pork, lb ..... Mutton, lb Beef, on foot, lb NOTICE. TN THE U. S. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON I City, Orcffon. Charles W. Richardson vt. John C. Norman. To the said John C. Norman: You are hereby notified that under date of May Sth, 1868, tho Commissioner of the General Land I "lTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned office affirmed the decision of this office allowing j JJI have been appointed Executors of the es- the Homestead Jfintry ot said liicnaruson upon tate ot jiiram jsiacey, deceased, by the County the S 4 of N W k and N i of S W i of Section 15 Court of Linn county, Oregon : . That all claims T. 10 S. R. 1 E., embraced in your pre-emption against said estate must be presented to the un filinz of Sept. 20, 1859, and that you will be al- I dersigned, at their residence in Linn county dnlv lowed thirty days from service hereof in which to I verified, within six months from tho date hereof. take an appoai. i v. v. MACEY, OWEN WADE, Register. SARAH MACEY, ; UJiSKY WAKKHW, Keceivcr. I - 1'owei.i. i lisk, Attye. Executors. Jan. 23, isov-mytswia nn uounty, Oregon, .May 7, 1869-35w4 Executor's Notice. it ( m 3f E- v 3 S o -o- AU persons ow'mtf the firm of J. HauboWS & Co.. will please call and settle. Either member of the firm is authorized t settle any account of the Co. Albany, March 0, 1S0U-2G NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. or BOSTON. i VINEGAR 15ITTERS, i r1 cj Manufactured from the nativo h g "Z S .2 Herbs and Roots of California, aro The Great Blood Purifier. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and I! out, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Re mittent and Intermittent Fevers, diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such diseases aro caused by vitiatbk ni.oon, which is gener ally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions, or S ires : cleanse it when you find it obstructed and slugfrish in tho veins ; cleanso it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood healthy, and all will bo well. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. k. ii. Mcdonald & to., TmlTGGlSTS AND AGENTS, Corner Fine and Sansomo streets,- San Francisco, Cal. aud Sacramento, Cal.. and 31 IMatt aprli-OU street, N. Y-. 32mG RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road To Deschuttes Hivcr : Four Horse or Mule team 50 Two " " ' 3 00 One " " 2 00 Ox teams, three yoke 4 50 For every additional yoke - 50 Loose horses, per head 25 " cattle, per head 15 " sheep or hogs 3 Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loaded.- - 50 " unloaded 25 Horso and riJor- 1 00 To Fish, take : Four horse or mule team, each way 2 00 Two " " " " 1 50 Oue " " " . " 1 00 Pack animals, loaded 50 " " unloaded 25 Horso and rider 75 Ox team, three yoke 2 00 To Upper Soda Spring : Four horse or mule team, out and back 2 50 Two " " " " 2 00 Ono " " " " 1 00 Horse and rider, " 50 Loose animals, " 25 Ox teams the same as horso teams. A. IIACKLEMAN, W. W. P arris n. Pres. Sec. March 20, 1869-28 JPor Sale. HOUSE AMD FOUR LOTS ! IN this city, a good new dwelling wita '.11 tfco necessary outbuildings, and four lots, about twenty minutes walk trom-tne steam ooatianaing. For particulars inquire at tne otnee ot tne r T. Company, of J. B. MONTEITH. Albany, January 30, 1S69-21 B so.oo : ! Y NOT BUYING BOOTS AND SHOES at KAST & CAHALIN'S Philadelphia Boot Store, No. 112 Front Street, Opposite McCormick's Book Store, Jan 9-69-18 Portland, Oregon. Purely 2MT-ca.-txiX. INCORPORATED 1S35. Cash assets .....$7,000,000 00 Cash distributions of 1SG7 52r,5fl: 55 Total surplus dividend 2,727,573 55 Losses paid in 1807 -351, olio no Total losses paid 2,795,100 00 Income for lSt)7 2,203,883 OU No extra charse for traveling to and from th Atlantic States, Europe, Oregon, or tho Sandwitl Islands. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I.. SE.MIEI1S. 1 M. BTERXBERQ. 1. FLEISCBSfill SENDERS, STERNBERG & CO. DKALEKS IX STAPLE DRY GOODS First street, W. VT. Parrish & Co.'s Brick, ALBANY, OREGON. THE ABOVE NEW FIRM TAKES PLEAS URE in informing tho citizens of Lin county that they have just opened a well solcvtct stock of ( FAMCY DRY GOODS X BOOTS AND SHOES! Gr H. OOE It IES I aftil a fall aseortucnt of Ciciieral Mcrcliandisc ! "Which they will dispose of for CASH OK COUNTRY PRODUCE I AT FAII LIVING RATES! Wo rcspectfnJly ask the pablie to CALL AND EXAMINE OUft STOCK AND- PRICES 1 Before purchasing elsewhere, and We assnre all that we will give Entire Satisfaction to Prompt Cnstomera. ALSO We hare a Branch House, long established, at SOUTH BROWNSVILLE, where we keep a large and well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! Albany, Nov. 14, 18GS-10 All Policies non-forfeiting and governed by the non-forfeiting law of Massachusetts, Policy holders the only persons who receive divi dends in this Company, whien aro ucclarcu and paid annually ; first dividend avail able at the payment of tho second annual premiums. All Policies remain in force as long as there is any surrender value. XO FORFEITURES ! This old and. popular Company, (the oldest M- tual Lite Insurance Company in this country) insures at the low est possible rates. THE OLD STOAE DEPOT! JOIIIV BRIGGS, DEALER IX. The stability of this Company, with its past his tory, inereasiujr capital and business, aud tho sat isfactory manner in which it has discharged its obligations in the past, aro guarantees for the future such as far-seeing and careful men require in their investments. Persons generally, who thoroughly understand the workings of Life Insurance, are anxious to avail themselves of its equitable provisions. Full information will be given to those who desire, at the Agoacy. Home Office, 39 State Street, Boston. STOVES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. of the best patterns ! 1 ALSO ' Tin, Sheet iron and Copper "7r,aco and tho usual assortment of Famishing Goods- tu , bo obtaiaed m a i . Pacific Branch Offices, 3 02 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Room 3, Ctirler, Building, Portland, Oregon, EVEKSON & HAINES, General Agt. ALBANY, OREGON. Albany, September 19, 18GS-2y 3,000,000 lbs. or Wool, TTOR WHICH THE HIGHEST MARKET price will be paid by BEACH & MONTEITH. Albany, March 27, 1869-29m3 lletair nentli) and p'rnmjittg executed, "t82 tPiin rciioiiuMe li-n. TS "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street Albany. Next door to Mansfield A Co, decVCS-12 rO SITIVELY SELLING AT COST Blacksmiths ! N. JUST ARRIVED, by the steamship I Continental, direct from San Francisco, a largo lot ot Iron and Steel ! Which can be obtained by you on bettor terms than ever has been offered here before, for Cash in Band. Call and see for yourselves. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY give notice to the pmblio in general, that they will sell their WEtl SE1ECTED STOCK ALSO, a f KEGS of the neavy Extra Golden Syrup; HKlf a large lot of Sugar, and Dry Goods to suit the trade all to be sold for cash or trade, at Living Rates. It. CUEADLE. March 20, '69-2S-lm C. II. j RAFFETY, JTI. !., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BUENA VISTA, OREGON. March 27, 1869-n29 IVew Discovery. STi ONSUMPTION can bo cured by usinsr Dr. J J. W. Murray's Iung aud JLiver Balsam, if taken in time. It is a sure remedy for all chronic diseases of this coast and Female complaints so prevalent in this climate. Soe testimonials and circulars accompanying eacn Dotue. DRY GOODS! 13oots c5 Shoes! f CLOTHING! AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! from and after this date For Eradicating Pain, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE OF Dr. J. W. Murray's IMPROVED JIIAGIC Oil.. It cures Rheumatism, Paralysis. Neuralgia.. Gout, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Dip theria, Colic, Croup, Cholera, Pains in the Breast, Fellons, Corns and Chilblains. Can be obtained of Druggists generally on this coaai, put up in nan aouar ana dollar bottles. Those desiring to make purchases will do well to Call Immediately I as we desire to close out Ovw Entire Stock on the above terns, FOR CASH ! Oil MERCHANTABLE PRODUCE ! AH persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, are requested to come forward with t Vi rfe ddresscd t0 Dr j- W. MURRAY, out delay, and settle their indebtedness, as we Portland, Oregon. are determined to close our mercantile business, MedicAL Depot 106 Front street. and collect our dues. " . 'w. dicjrs-cnt everywhcre by Express. W. W. PARRISH & CO. March fr, 1869-2ft Albany, Nov. 28, 1868-12 -;:k : t, V - it J,