J lie JVlIuing npsto- SATU.HDAY, 31 AY S, 1869. Late News By telegrams to the Oregon ian we have Eastern dates to the oth. A snow storm occurred at Diwghatiip ton (X. Y.), on the night of the 3J. auJ it is feared that damage to vegetation -will result. On the evening of the 4th, a mass meeting of the friends of Cuba w as held at Cooper's Institute, New York, at which Chas.'A. Iana presided and John McKean, Henry Ward lieecher and others delivered addresses. Resolutions expressing sympathy with the struggling putriota of Cuba, and demanding the recognition of their rights as belligerents, were adopted. Jos. Holmes, colored, member of the late Constitutional Convention, of Vir srinia, was killed at Charlotte Court House on the 3d inst., in a difficulty with John Marshall, son of Judge Mar shall, in whose family Holmes was form erly a body servant. In the trotting race on the Fashion Course, New York, on the 4th, between Iady Thorn and American dir, mile iicats to harness for 2,000, the former won the first, second and fourth heats, the third beior a dead heat, lime, 2.29, 2.30, 2.29. John Dorsy, an Irishman, of Williams burg (Mass.), beat his wife's brains out with a club on the 1st inst. Ben. Campbell, a notorious horse thief, -who has figured around Hickman (Ky.), since the war, was arrested on the 3d and after a preliminary examination, in which he was found guilty, was taken from the proper officers by the Ku KIux, carried to the woods and hung. The expedition which left for Cuba on Monday, was larger than at first reported. The steamer Arago carried nearly 1,000 men. Everything was done openly. Six thousand rounds of ammunition, several pieces of light artillery, a large quantity of small arms, 1,000 breach loaders, uni forms and a small quantity of marine stores, completed the cargo. Minister Washburne will not go di Tectly to Paris, having received leave to .go to Uamburg and the springs of Ger many for the benefit of his health. It is stated that Motley's written in structions are being prepared at the State Department. - Although he will be allowed a large discretion in matters that may come before him, the instructions relative to the Alabama claims are known to be based on Sumner's speech, which seems to have been made our ultimatum. Motley is directed to be in no hurry, but to await a favorable opportunity for open ing negotiations on the subject. Good Selection. Nathaniel Niles, of Belleville, Illinois, has been confirmed as Consul at Victoria, Vancouver's Is land. Judge Niles is an able lawyer, nd for years a leading editor in Southern Illinois. He held the rank of Captain Jurin the Mexican war ; was Colonel of one of the Illinois regiments during the rebellion, and his selection as Consul is an eminently fit one. From Spain. A telegram from Mad rid, says the debate in the Cortes on the new Constitution is ended. All the Amendments proposed were rejected. The Cortes voted amnesty to all participants in the insurrection at Cadiz, Malaga and Xers. A motion by Costellar to extend the amnesty to the Carlists implicated in insurrectionary movements, failed. 1 t T . I uv n r". r Mr ht u chi,mi " . "Siuu specials say that Secretary Boutwell is about to inaugurate a sinking fund to pay the public debt under the law of 1852, which has never been enforced, owing to tha increased expenditures and diminish ed revenue. The contemplated reduc tion of expenses gives reasonable assur ance that a sinking fund will bo created from Ju'y 1st. Colored P. M. Jacob D. Enos, col ored, has been appointed postmaster at Yaiadostoga, Ga. This is the notorious rebel town in which the Ku Klux tried to blow up the court house with powder while Republicans were holding a meet ing there. Telegraphic Suaimary. Suicide. Frank T. Cheney, a youth of 15, son of highly respectable parents in North Andover, (Mass.), on the 3d inst., shot himself dead. His father had required him to apologise to his school teacher for truancy, which, it is supposed, induced the rash act. Grand Concert. Tho Philharmonic Society of Portland intend giving one of their grand vocal and instrumental con certs on the evening of the 14th inst., in that city. Sheep Epidemic. An epidemic has broken out among tho sheep of Vermont and New Hampshire, and a large number have died. Indian Excitement. That little breeze kicked up in relation to Indian affairs in Idaho, recently, has subsided, and icters are pronounced closh. A young Countess, niece of M. de Leeseps, of Suez Canal fame, lately died from a fly-bite on her nose. She was out riding when attacked, inflamation set ip immediately, ler nose was amputated as quickly as possible after her return home, but it was ineffectual to stop the spread of the poison, and the Countess died within twelve hours from the time she was bitten. New Paper. The second number of the Walla Walla Union has come to hand. It is a neat seven column paper ; looks well, reads well, displays ability in tha editorial department, and deserves a libera! support at the hands of that com munity. Success to it. Jtjick Time. From the Oregonian ire learn that Mr. Burch, late a member of the City Council of Portland, returned to that city on the 3d, from a visit to the States. Mr. Burch was only 7 days 21 hours making the trip from Chicago to Sacramento. Of course he came by rail. A distinguished divine, has recently repudiated the old orthodox notion of a literal hell, e,to- whereupon Figaro says : "Should a few more of hell's old friends give it the cold shoulder, it will soon freeze over. We are rejoiced to see so many ministers renouncing the devil and all his works' - Preparing foe War. Advices from Paraguayan sources represent that Lope with ten thousand men is preparing to take the offensive. ,r - The son of Rev. Mr. Montague, resid ing at Whitewater, Wis , was delivering a College valledictory address, a short time ago, when, in taking his handker chief from his pocket, he pulled out a pack of cards which fell on the floor. "Ilulloa," he exclaimed, 'Tve got on my father's coit." The worthy father, who sat in front of his promising son, was more confused than his hopeful scion A lady in Iowa county, Iowa, adver tises herself as an "attorneyess at law." We suppose we shall next have the farm eress petitioning the "Presidentess for a daughter as an officeress in the army. Infidelity and Democracy. A christian convention, in a bodv. lately called at the White House to pay respect to me president, ana the ,xammer an nounces the fact in this wise: "We learn from the New York Herald that recently three hundred long-fieed, sanctimonious, numble iollowers or the Lord called on President Grant to congratulate him." The Examiner's worldly comfort was destroyed by the result of the war, and it should try and find consolation, through the good will of Ministers, in the future. The Examiner, however, may be lookiug that way, but it prefers to enter Paradise by the southern route, or not at all. Ha? Margsvillo A ppeal. Immigration. Letters from Europe say that the immigration from Ireland, Germany and Norway, will be larger than ever before. I. S. Rosenbaum & Co. have removed to No. 67 Front street, N. W. corner of Stark street, Crees' buildins. store form erly occupied by Blumauer & Rosenblatt Portland, May 4, 18G9. Does it follow because 'President Grant has a Fish in his Cabinet that he intends to give England a whaling? The London Spectator says of Reverdy Johnson, that "no man was ever vet spoken or as tne representative ot a nation who took so much pains not to deserve tne name. . Billiardists in New York, announce a radical change in the system of counting the game. All carom shots are to count three, whether upon the two red's or upon a red and white ball. There are two establishments in Maine for hatching fish artificially, one at Au gusta and one at Alna. John M. Lane, of New Hampshire, has teen awarded a verdict of $1,150 33 against his mother-in-law and hereon for enticing his wife away from him. A Californian. has built an "agricul tural locomotive" that runs thirty-nine plows at once. The first printing press set ut in New Hampshire was in .Portsmouth, in 1755, by Sam Fowle, Esq. Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed Executors of the es tate of Hiram Alacey, deceased, by the Ccnnty Court of Linn county, Oregon : That all claims against said estate must be presented to the un designed, at their residence in Linn connrv Ha-a verified, within six months from" tho date hereof. - . V. c. macey, -t ' SARAH MACEY, Powrr.L Flixs, Attys. Executors. Linn County, Oregon, May 7, 1869-36w4 ASHlxaTON, May 2. It is reliably ascertained that the instructions of the Government to Minister Motley did not suggest any mode of adjusting pending questions between the United States and England, nor do they require him ac present to oppose the opening of negotia tions for the settlement of the Alabama and other claims. Tho government will act with that deliberation due to the im portance of the subject, careful of caus-ing offence while firmly presenting the Amer ican side of the question to the British Government when occasion requires. No ouo connected with the administration, including the President nor the British Minister apprehends anv injurious consn- rtuences from the rejection of the treaty by the Senate, and this is stated on the assertion ot a gentleman who was fearful ot serious dimcuhies, and made special and private inquiries in official circles and thus satisfied himself of the truth of 'this statement. Information is received hero that a gentleman of Richmond., in conversation with Gen. Can by received the impression that tha vote on tho Constitution will not take place on the 4th of May, but prob ably between the 1st and 10th of July, so as noc 10 uiteriere witn tne Harvest. The General also desires tho rough regis tration and is anxious that the citizens of all parties shall interest themselves in se curing a full and fair vote. The proba bility is that the President will be gov erned by Gen. Canby's suggestion. Philadelphia, May. 2. The rain storm which has prevailed for the last two days was interrupted this morning by a fall of snow which continued an hour. Minnesota produced seventeen million bushels of Wheat last year, being an in crease of five millions over the year, previous. It is estimated that three mil lion bushels are in store along the rivers in Minnesota. Chicago, May 2. The Tribune's New York special says a ncrth-caster prevailed yesterday, doing considerable damage to shipping. Several vessels are reported missicg. Gen. Jones assumed tho duties of post master yesterday. The Associated Press meets on Tues day to investigate the charires airainst John Russell Youncr in relation to fur nishing news to a paper outside ot' the Association. An advance in the coal market is ex pected owing to the extensive 6trikes among the Pennsylvania miners. fcCRANTON, lv , May 2. The Miners' Association notified the coal operators of tnis county yesterday that no more coal will be cut or loaded after the 8th. On Friday night the safe of Schoen- maker fc Son was blown open and robbed ot 5,UUU in gold and railroad bonds and 3,000 in currency. New Haven, Conn., May 2. The printers ot this city are on a strike. They demand 40 and 45 cents per thous and, and the employers refuse to pay that scale. Rochester, May 2. This evening a fire was discovered on- the tower of the First Presbyterian Church. The tower was destroyed and the interior of the church badly damaged before the flumes could be suppressed. The adjoining chapel was also badly damaged by the falling of the tower of the church. The organ has been removed. The fire was the work of an incendiary. Omaiia, May 2. The steamer Nic7s Wall, from St. Louis, bound to Fort Benton, was snagged and sunk. The cargo will be lost. Mew York, May 3. A correspondent has interviewed Sumner on the Alabama claims and the opinions of the British press. 3Ir. Sumnorjihinks the assertions of the British press should be received with caution, for the reason that England never likes to be told the truth, particu larly when in the wrong. He did not express surprise at the alarm which now exists in that country, as the British people have seen the unanimity with which the Senate supported him in his views and rejected the Johnson-Stanley treaty to wnicn state ot facts they will sojn have added despite the shifts of tne Liondon limes the disagreeable alternative that President Grant coin cides completely with his views. Mr. Sumner thinks the difficulty will not lead to war, as he appears fully confident that Jngiana win pay the amount of the bill in preference to fighting. The Senator declares there shail be no yielding on the part of the American people after Mr. Motley has made known their wishes to the Lnglish Cabinet. Chicago, May 4. A Republican special says the action of SecreUry Cox in referring the Atchison branch Pacific railroad claim to the Cabinet for decision, is regarded as a virtual defeat of scheme. President Grant keeps a vigilant watch STATE ITEMS. The Grand Lodge of the I. O- O. F. is to meet at Salem on the 18th inst. The people of Southern Oregon are already enjoying the luxury of new po tatoes, j There were nine divorces granted by the circuit court for Lane county last week. Mrs. C. M. Sawtelle is lecturing in the Umpqua valley on the topic of women's rights. The citizens of Lane county are taking the preliminary steps for a county fair to be held next fall. Hon. ;J. II. D. Henderson arrived home from Washington last Thursday. Mr. Pengra reached home a few days sooner, j The next session of the Teachers' As sociation of Douglas county, will begin on Friday, May 28th, and will continue two days. During the last month a great number of horses have been taken from the Wil lamette valley, overland, to the markets of California and Nevada. The Ensign says Hon. Rufus Mallory and wife arrived at Roseburg on the 25th ult., and spent the week in visiting their friends in that locality. They left for Salem on Saturday. -the lugene Guard says the suit of iVlulky vs, lunehcart, action for false im prisonment, has beeu compromised, the uetendant paying the plaintiff 200 and the costs of the suit. The damages orig inally claimed were 10,000. The new paper at Jacksonville is to be called the Democratic New. A number of Jacksonville citizens have gone to the Goose Lake country. Mr. btuart, having bought out tho Polk County Signal office, has com menced the publication of a paper en titled thc.j Polk county Times, the first number oti which has reached us. Frank will make a good paper if he keeps up nis present jick. Hie larmer says the Salem woolen factory has suspended work temporarih', having exhausted the supply of wool. From 30,000 to 40,000 pounds of wool was consumed monthly by this factory wnen running. The municipal election at Oregon City on the 3d linst., resulted in the success of the entire Republican ticket by an average majority ot twenty. Doubtful. A special dated New York, May 4th, says that Sickles' appoint ment, as Ministerto Spain, is doubtful. President Grant says that the Spanish authorities have acceded to every request our government has made, where Ameri can citizens had been interfered with, and the Spanish government is very confident of its ability to suppress the rebellion in a short time. Advices from the other side show that the insurgents are equally confident in their ability to establish in dependence. - Silver Wedding. The celebration of the silver wedding of Hon. Henry L. Dawes took place at Pittifield (Mass.), on the 4th inst. A large number of dis tinguished guests were present. - ' official. Laws of the United States. i ig Juno thirties b. eitbte;u hundred iu:d seventy, and for other purposes," under the heading "Pub lic Buildings und & rounds,'" before the item "For pay of lamplighters, gas-tit-ring," &., insert "F r lighting the Capitol and President's house ana public grounds srouud ihem and around the ex ecutive offices, thirty thousani.i dollars." Approved, March 29, I860. No. 6. Joint resolution to facilitate the con struction of the custom-house nt, Bant;or, .Maine. lie it revolved by the Senate and House of Repn- scntatires of the United States of America in Congress aisrtnbled, , That tho Secretary of the Treasury be author ized to make a present application of the tweuty five thousand dollars appropriated at tho last ses sion of tlie fortieth Congress for the Bangor custom-house and public buildings, the same to be applied to tho use provided iu said appropriation, not hereby increasing the said appropriation as heretoforo made. Approved, April 3, 1809. NEW TO-DAY. .Lost or Stolen. PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION OF . FIRST CONGRESS. Tne forty- No. 5. An act to abolish the office of chief of statf to the General of the army. De it enacted by the Senate and House of Iiepreten tativee of the United Slates of America in Con gress assembled, That tho office of chief of staff with the rank of brigadier general to tho General commanding the army be, and the same is hereby, abolished. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws inconsistent with the pro visions of this act be, and the same aro hereby, repealed. Approved, April 3, 1S69. over tno anairs ot Uuba. Although Government officials havo indicated a willingness to sell all kinds of war mate rial to any parties who desire to purchase, no sale has been made. The President stated substantially that he believes the Spaniards have exhausted their strength in Cuba, while the insurgents have much latent strength which will show itself in an effective manner. . , J. , Purchasing Wae Matekial. The Cuban insurgent government,' it is re ported from Washington, have negotia tions in progress for tho purchase of the Peruvian monitors now at St Thomas. A typographical mistake of a "o" for an "h" made a paper say: "A locomotive ran into a cow and cut it into calves." Public Resolutions. No. 3. A resolution relative to consular fees. He it enacted by the Senate and JTonne of Repre sentatives of , the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section three of chapter two hundred anil thirty-three of the public acts of the thirty-ninth Congress, approved July twentv-fivn. (.irW,n hundred and sixty-six, be, and is hereby, declared w laite eneci irora ana alter January first, eighteen hundred sixty-seven. And all fees which have been paid into the treasury in obedience to the provision of said section, and which accrued prior to said first day of January, eighteen hund red and sixty-seven, shall be refunded out of -consular receipts. Approved, March 26, 1SC9. No. 4. A resolution in relation to light-houses on tho coast of Oregon. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Conyress assembled, That the erection of the light-house at Aquinni bay, and of other houses on the cnit. nf r, for which appropriations have been or may" be made, shall not bo delaved for want, of th.. of tho legislature of tho State to tho purchase of Approved, March 26, 1809. No. 5. Joint resolution to supply omissions in the enrollment of certain appropriation acts ap proved March third, eighteen hundred and eixtv nine. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the following items, omitted in the enrol ment of appropriation acta approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, be, and the same are hereby, as amended, made valid portions of the acts from which they were omitted, viz: In the "act making appropriations for the leg islative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and seventy," after the proviso to the paragraph commencing "For sala ries and expenses of collectors, assessors, assistant assessors, revenue agents," Ac., insert : "Provid ed further. That after the passage of this act the proprietors of all internal revenue bonded ware nouses shall reimburse to the United States the expense and salary of all storekeepers or other offioers in charge of uch warehouses, and the Same shall be naid into tha treasurr a.nri unnni. ed for like other public moneys." , . In the "act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year end- I not to purchase any of the following notes of hand, executed to Samuel Wilson, at a sale near Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, on the 21st day of October, 1868, signed and secured as follows: PRINCIPALS. T. P. Dinwiddie . Win. C. Baird .... J. II. Wilson Ely Davis T. X. Foster , Win. Wigle.. L. Hasbrook James Keruey Robert Crawford.. as said notes of hand have been lost br. or stolen from, the undersigned, and he will proceed to col lect tno amounts ot the said several notes when duo. A liberal reward will be paid to the person re turning any one or all of said notes to the under signed at Brownsville, Oregon. WILLIAM McCOY. Brownsville, April 30, 18fi9-3ati "W- KNIGHT, SURETIES.' John Wilson. J. II. Wilson. Wm. C. Baird. T P. Dinwiddie. T. P. Dinwiddio. NEW TO-DAY. IV. 33. Twenty-five Cents Per Dozen Paid for fre3h Eggs, for the next thirty days, at K. CHEADLE'S. TSTo. 1 Butter In good demand, at tho CASH STOKE, at Twcnty-fivo Cents Per Pound. - Albany, May 1st, 1863-34 THE EYES ! THE EARS I DH. T. L. GOLDEN, OCULIST AND AURIST, ALBAXV, s : OREGON. ' l R. GOLDKN IS A SON OF TUB NOTED Old Opthalmic Doctor, S. C. Or olden. Dr. GOLDEN has had experience in treating the various diseases to which tb mye and ear arn subject, and feels confident of giving entiro satis faction to those who may place tnemselves under his care. Albany, AprU 30, 1369-31y IS ItfOTICE. TO NOTIFY ALL PERSONS rrnis not to trust or harbor my wifo, Martha M., on my account, as she has. left me and eloped witn a scounarei oy tne namo ot j. j. ueid. ROBERT LINKER. Brownsville, April 25, 1869-34ml House, Sign & Carriage Painter, More tfian 1,090,000 Persons I : RporlAllhninnv ti ttin WiiirI(irii1 rinpnttva n i r - .. . . I " raiFciuaiigia, uiazing-, uaisomxne, etc. Country orders punctually attended to. First street, next door to Twecdale t Co.'s. May 8, 1869-35tf Effects of 3 DR. JOSEPH WALKER'S S"S a ill &ry 7 Us S,3 u -3 a - h3 -3 o o a a Washing- Clothes Without Labor. I THE Automatic Clothes-Washer AND B O ILE R T Does this without any wear and tear, and does the work in from Twenty to Thirty IVIinntes! and will fit any stove or range. They are ueed extensively in the East, and the following will show how they are regarded : From the Toledo Commercial, April 22d. 1S69 : .iTl 4 . - ... 1 . i ... . . . . -jLuo Auioniano glomes- w asaer. Tne new method of washing clothes without labor as done by tho "Automatic Clothes Washer and Boiler.' n attracting, as might naturally be sunno-ed. a good deal of attention. This remnrkable machine continues to show to astonished visitors, whose numbers are daily increasing, how simply and easuy a large ciays warning can be ettcctually ac complished in comparatively short time by thil From the Cleveland Plaindealcr, March 12th, isoi : -xne Automatic Clothes Washer. Noth ing in tne way 01 a patent has for a lonir time awakened such a general interest, as tho above named invention. Washing without Jaborbv the meic lurcu ui iicai, is a s:cp so important and new that it naturally excites a great deal of inouirvJ The genuine merit, the cheapness and simplicity, j pies. Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you must make it an article of universal use, and those find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins : seeding an investment caunot do better than to look into it. For sale by YIXEG4R BITTERS. ti 6 a inanuracuirea irom tho native -! m M .2 -neros anu noots of California, are -5,5 The Great Blood Purifier. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Crout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Re mittent and Intermittent Fevers, diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such diseased are caused by vitiated blood, which is gener ally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever toc find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim- JOHN CONNOR. Ac-ent. May 8, '69-3m35 First street, Albany. Manhattan Life Insurance Co., OK NliW YOKK. Assetts $6,000,000 Annual Income 2,500,000 Surplus over Liabilities la nr. k a than , Any other Company doing Business II OREGON. Advantages to Insurers. Smallest liatio of mortality. Expenses less than anu Cash Company. Liberal modes of Payment of Premiums. Insurers receive the Largest Bonus ever given. ill kinds of Non-Forfeiting Life and Xsiutoicment I'oltctes Issued. Policies Incontestible. All Endowment Policies and the Non- Forfeit'tng Life Policies. Non-Forfeit- able after one fayment. The following are examnles of the nnerationa 01 me last dividend: Policies issued in IS60, only lour years ago : Age at Amount Premium Added to Total Ain't Issue. Insured. Paid. Policy. Policy. 40 35 30 25 $10,000 8,000 7.500 7,000 $1,280 1,022 780 571 3,572 2,348 2,703 2.505 $13,572 10,848 10,208 9.505 This is an entirely new plan, giving Insurers the largest return ever made by any Company in the same period. The Company give credit when desired, of from 33 to 50 per cent, of premiums. ; An illustration of the advantages of the credit system as practiced by this Company, is the case of II. C. Coe, of Yonkers, who insured his life in this Company for $5,000, in February, 1857, pay ing tbe whole premium in cash, $118 ; at the end of the first year it was impossible for him to raise the amount of the premium then due, in cash, and he came to the office prepared to surrender the policy. Being told that he could give his note tor the premium, he did so. His death occurred cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood healthy, and all will be well. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. r. 11. Mcdonald & co., DRUGGISTS AND AGENTS, Corner Pine and Sansome streets, San Franciseo, Ual. and aacramento, Cal., and 31 Piatt aprl7-69 street, N. Y. 32m8 RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. To Deschuttes River : Four Horso or Mulo team..'. $t 50 Two " ' " 3 0t One " ' " 2 00 Ox teams, three yoke 4 50 For every additional yoke 50 Loose horses, per head ........ 25 " cattle, per bead 15 " sheep or hogs 3 Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loaled. 50 unloaded ... 25 Horso and rider- 1 00 To Fish Lake : Four horse or mule team, each way.......... 2 00 Two " ".-.." 1 50 . One " " 1 00 Pack animals, loaded 50 unloaded......... , 25 Horse and rider 75 Ox team, three yoke 2 00 To Upper Soda Springy: Four horse or mule team, out aud back...... 2 50 Two "..- " . 2 00 One " ' " - ' . j oo Horse and rider, " ...i. 50 Loose animals, " . 25 Ox teams the same as horso teams. ( A. HACKLEMAN, W. W". Parrisit, Pres. See.' ' ' '.:;':. j.- March 20, 1869-28 . , , For Sale. -: HOUSE AMD FOUR LOTS I IN this city, a good new dwelling witj '11 the necessary outbuildings, and four lots, about in less than seven months. His family are now I twenty minutes walk from the steamboat landing, in the enjoyment of the amount insured, nad I For particulars inquire at the office of tha P. he insured in an "all cash" Company, they would I T. Company, ot J. B. MONTEITH. havo been left unprovided for. This is, in itself, a complete refutation of the absurd statement f all cash" Companies, that it is injurious for the insurer to havo the power to give a note under any circumstances. CP. FERRY, Gen. Agent. A. J. GROSS, Special Agnt. ma8m3 - Albany, January 30, 1869-21 NOTICE. TN THE U. S. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON I City, Oregon. Charles W. Richardson vs. John C. Norman. To the said John C. Norman: You are hereby notified that under date of May 9th, 1868, the Commissioner of the General Land office affirmed the decision of this office allowing the Homestead Entry of said Richardson upon the S i of N W i and N i of S W i of Section 15 T. 10 S. R. 1 E., embraced in your pre-emption filing of Sept. 20, 1859, and that you will be al lowed thirty days from service hereof in which to take an appeal. OWEN WADE, Register. HENRY WARREN, Receiver. Jan. 23, 1869-my8w435 $50.00 I I: BY NOT BUYING BOOTS AND SHOES at - . i . . : ; m .--s,.,?-;. vif-v vr :.' KAST & CAHALIN'S Philadelphia Boot Store, (. I , - , No. iw Front Street. Opposite MoConaick's Book Slot, i? .31 Jan 9-69-18 ; PorUand. Owo. ,'