VOL. 1. ALBANY, OREGON.. SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1869. NO. 35. SATU.HDAY, MAY 8, 1SG9. M ay Iaj-. IT B. F. CBORLET. The sun, already from the skies Above the belfry gleaming, Peeps in at many a maidou'. eyes, And laughs her from her dreaming. The wind, that all the night was low Among the chestnuts on the brow. Begin to carol nay, and merrily to say, "Ye boys and sirla, who love the spring, Troop out, troop out to dance and sing. Ye shonld not be so flow, On glad May lay." The hall must lay its grandeur by. The hamlet cease its labor, , As squire and Liud aroe to try The worth of pipe and tabor. E'en helpless age, in elbow chair. Sits by and nods its thin gray hair, To hear the music play, and merrily to say, . "The nimblest dancer on the greun, Is far less brisk than he bath been, When he the sport did bharo . Of glad May Day." There's no one here, who, grave and stern. Our revel would be scorning, Save owlet grim, who needs must turn From mirth, and song, and linruing. The more the cares our hearts have known The fitter 'tis we lay thum.down. When spring-time points the way ; Then merrily while ye may, Let all who love to dance uud sing, Go rouud and round in bliib.-ooio ring, And mnke ac least your own One glad May Day. A Fearful Adventure The prairies ia certain parts of the Southwest, during a drought, sometimes become as dry .and parched as a tinder, .ana a fire once started among them flies with thefleetness of the wind and the fury of the volcano. Woe to the man or beast caught in its path without the means of escape. .Some twenty odd years since, a party of three hunters were encamped in a small grove in the far Southwest. They were on their return from Santa Fe; but having had a sharp running fight with a party of Apaches, they had been driven far out of their cour.se, and had now paused to rest their weary animals. They were all expert marksmen and when the red skins turned back from the fruitless pursuit, it was with such a loss of numbers as effectually to cripple them and make the hunters feel safe from dis turbance. Two of the trappers were brothers. George and Ned Williams, whilst the third was a life-long companion by the name of Parker. They had kindled a small fire, and having cooked a goodly sized piece of buffalo meat which they had cairied with them, they were now smoking their pipes and chatting, t.nd resting them selves. "Do you know," remarked PaTker, after several minutes' chat on other mat ters, "that we've drifted into a part of the country where water is mighty scarce V "No. Have you ever been here be fore?" "I was here ten years ago, and had just about the worst time you ever heard of. For the best part of three days . I hunted for water without finding a drop. My poor horse moaned and staggered until he fell down and gave up the ghost and I kneeled over and concluded that Tom Parker bad his last hunt and got throwed at last. But just then, as the good Providence willed it, I was found by a party of traders, and they poured about a quart of whiskey down my throat and soon put me on my legs again." "That was during a dry season, I sup pose?'' "Just about such a season as this not a bit dryer, and its my opinion that we had best get back on the regular trail as soon as we can. Have any of you seen any signs of water since we com menced that race with the Apaches ?" "I believe you're right," replied the elder Williams; we aro indeed in a bad part of the prairie, and I believo the only fluid among us is a pint of whiskey." "That stuff will do for the men, but the animals would make rather hard work with it," laughed Ned. "Yes; a man and hog, I believe are the only creatures that you get to take the stuff.", V Sometime after this Parker rose to his feet and began snuffing the air. "Seems to me there is something that smells strange' be remarked "haven't jou noticed it?" "Yes," replied George; "I thought it came from our fire." Parker shook his head. 'It isu't that; I believe that the prairie is on fire. His companions started involuntarily, for they understoood too well the meaning of such a calamity. If such prove the case, they could save themselves by the common resort of fighting fire by fire; but the desolate blackened prairie, and the charred corpses of buffaloes and wild horses and the barren waste that would be left were sights which they had no desire to witness, and necessitated an experience on their part which they all dreaded. The three now walked out from their grove to take a look at the horizon. They scanned every portion of it in quest of the dreaded element. At first they could see nothing alarming, but Parker was sure that away to the northwest there was an unusual appearance of the' sky. It had a faint redness aud glow which is witnessed when we look toward a dis tant conflagration, and the smoky appear ance was more perceptible than ever. "The infernal Apaches have set the prairie on fire," said Parker; there is no need of being mistaken about it." "How far away?" "A good distance off. Our horses and ourselves need a good rest, and we can lay down until daylight without fear. It was now quite late in tho evening and as the hunters were very much exhausted, they stretched themselves in their blankets and were soon lost in slumber. Parker was the first to awake, and when he did so, the first thing he noticed was that the heavy smoky smell noticed during the night was rrore in tensified. At the same time he heard the horses neighing, stamping and giving evidence of an unusual alarm. "Quickly, boys!" he shouted. There is no time to lose the prairie is on fire !" Several miles to the northwest they could see fully a fourth of the horizou one mass of seething, roaring flame. Great arrowy points of lire shot upward, swn3'ing swiftly with a serpentine motion, while vast volumes of thick, heavy smoke rolled overhead, and millions of sparks filled the air. ; It was a fearful sight, one well calcu lated to strike terror in the strongest heart. "Shall we set fire to the grass?" in quired the brothers. "It seems sparse and thin hereabouts," replied Parker. "Yonder is a cieek, which, if I am not greatly mistaken, is broad enough to stop the fire in this di rection. That will be a better plan than to undertake to fire the grass, which may burn too slow. But the brothers objected to this course, as the creek or river referred to was quite distant, and after what Parker had said about the lack of water in this region, they had strong doubts of its existence; and besides, their horses had not yet recovered from their severe exertion of the day before to make them equal to a rapid ride, even if only a fe"w miles in extent. "You may try it if you wish," 'added George Williams, "but we ain't quite such fools as that." Parker felt somewhat touched at this, and was driven into what he would hard ly have done had he taken time to delib erate. Mounting his horse, he turned his head toward the southwest, and bidding them good-by, started off at a gallop. The last glimpse he had of his friends was to see them gathering tufts of grass pre paratory to setting them on fire, when he turned about and attended to his own safety. "Now, Jack," said he cheerily, ad dressing his horse, "you have need of all your speed. Bear me to the creek as fast as you can. It is the only water in this section, and we need it." The noble animal seemed as if he understood what his master said; but he had gone scarcely half a mile when his rider made a most alarming disoovery. The creek, whose borders were marked by a line of trees, was considerably furth er than he imagined, and the labored progress of his horse showed him that he would give out before reaching his desti nation. The hunter glanced : anxiously back to where he had left his friends, and was half resolved to turn about and joiu theiu ; but pride prevented, and moreover, he still saw them darting hither and thither busy at work, but as yet they had failed to set the prairie on fire. Their danger was equal if not greater than his own. About this time, also, he saw that thousands of buffaloes and wild horses were thundering frantically over the prairie in a direction which would lead them into the grove. His friends could not wait much lon ger before they would be compelled to take to the trees to avoid being trampled to death, aud by the time this danger was passed the other would be upon them. With a shudder, Parker turned back and urged his horse to its utmost speed. The great desire of the hunter was to get out of the path of this surging mass of animals. He was riding at right angles to their course, and if he could reach that portiou of the creek toward which he was aiming, there was no fear of being ovtr-wheliued by this panic stricked army of dumb animals. Striking his heels against his horse's sides, he bent all his faculties and ener gies into the one great idea of escape. It will be seen that two great dangers threatened the hunter that of the burn ing prairie, and that from the stampeding animals. Were it not for the latter, he could have dismounted in the tall, dry grass, and by means of the flash of his rifle started a flame that would have speedily given him safe ground to gravel tipon. But there was do time for this, and he had no thoughts of making the attempt. The horse did his best, panting and toiling as he had never done before ; but swiftly as he went, it seemed to the im patient rider that the distance between them increased rather than diminished. But on, on he sped, impelled by hi3 ter rible peril, while that terrible swarm of bellowing buffaloes and snorting horses thundered tumultuously onward. A few hundred yards from the creek stood a large solitary tree, its trunk and large limbs already glowing with the reflected light from the glowing volume of flame. Toward this Parker directed his horse's head, and the brute straindd every nerve. On, on he sped, gasping and panting. A few minutes later he was beneath the rree, he staggered and fell upon his side, while his rider had barely time to free hi3 foot from the stirrup. , The trapper had fallen off in the haste of his flight, and as he involuntarily threw out his hand he felt the warmth of the fire upon it. His horse flung up his head and neighed piteously, as if implor ing his master not to leave him. "God help you," exclaimed the latter, his heart full of pity, "but I can do you no good, and must leave you." Tears streamed down the hardy hunt er's cheeks as, with rifle strapped to his back, he started on a full run for the creek. He had not a moment to lose. He was just beyond the line of fleeing animals, but he was still in danger from the near approaching fire, and he did not pause to behind him although, in that moment of frenzy and despair he fancied he heard the tread of some ani mal close in his rear. A few minutes later he was on the bank of the creek. To his delight he saw that it was wide and tdeep. Without a moment's hesita tion he sprang in, sinking peveral feet below the surface before he touched bot tom. As he came up a mass of smoke rolled over the water, almost suffocating him, but he struck out boldly, and shortly after touched land, where he crawled out and rested himself. As he gazed back, to his surprise, he saw that his horse had struggled after him, and was already swimming the stream. He shouted and encouraged him, and the brute pressed forward until he fell exhausted at his feet. "Noble Jack," exclaimed the trapper, affectionately patting his neck. "You are saved, and here we will rest" The fire swept furiously onward, and by this tiuie had reached the stream. Fortunately, the wind blew parallel with the current, so that there was little fear. Had it blown across the creek it would have communicated to the grass upon the other side, and made the situation of the hunter uncomfortable, if not abso lutely perilous. The sun was past the meridian before the fire had subsided enough to make it safe for tho, hunter to cross. By that time his horse had secured a good rest, and his bath had refreshed him not a VUom Do Great Men Marry t little. But his master swam back with him, and upon reaching land did not re mount him Taking his bridle in his hand he led him with a sad and forebod ing heart 1o the grove where he had parted wirh his friends. The prairie was almost is black as ink, while here and there Were stretched the smoking carcasses ofjthe animals which had been overtaken and burned in their desperate attempts to escape. His fears were too sadly realized. In the grove were found the charred bodies of his friends and horses, while fully a hundred buffaloes and prairie wolves were scattered among them. It looked as if they had persisted in their attempts to fire the prairie until trampled under foot by the rushing animals many of whom fell exhausted, when they all per ished together. It was a fearful sight, and while mourning the loss of his com rades Parker could but be thankful at his own Providential escape. CnANOED Her Mind. Dicky was poor ; Katy had a rich mother. Katy's mother was "down" on the measure, and Dicky was forbid tho premises. Notes were exchanged through a knot-hole in the hi;h board fence which inclosed the yard. One day the old lady went out "calling," and Dicky being duly in formed of the fact, called on Katy, but remained too long. The old lady return ed suddenly, and there being np chance for him to escape, at the instance of Katy, Dicky popped into a closet. The old lady saw that Katy felt confused, and guessed that Dicky had been about ; she supposed, of course, that he had made good his escape, and thinking that the young couple had agreed, perhaps, to elope together, determined to be too smart for them; so she shut Katy up in the same closet where Dicky was concealed, and giving her a pair of quilts and a pil low, locked her up for the night. She didn't see Dicky. The next; morning she went to the closet to let jKaty out. "Oh, Lord 1" she screamed, and could hardly get her breath for a moment. Fi nally r ! "Ahem ! ! Dicky, is that you ?" "Yes ma'am." "Dicky, you must stay to breakfast." "Couldn't, ma'am." "Oh, but you must." Dicky concluded to stay. At the breakfast table the old lady spoke up and said : "Dicky, I've been thinking a great deal about you lately." "So I suppose, ma'am very lately." "You are industrious and honest, I hear." j . "I never brag, ma'am." "Well, now, upon the whole, Dicky, I think you and Katy had better get mar ried." , ! Use op Lemons. When persons are feverish and thirsty beyond what is nat ural, indicated in some cases by a metalic taste in the mouth, especially after drink ing water, or by a whitish appearance of the greater part of the surface of the tongue, one of the best "coolers," inter nal or external, is to take a lemon, cut off the top, sprinkle over it some loaf su gar, working it down slowly, squeezing the lemon and adding more sugar as the acidity increaces, from being brought up from a lower point. Invalids with fever ishness may take two or three lemons a day in this manner with the most re markable benefit, manifested by a sense of coolness, comfort and invigoration. A lemon or two thus taken at teatime, as an entire substitute for the ordinary sup per of Summer, would give many a man a comfortable night's sleep and an awak ening of rest and invigoration, with an appetite for breakfast, to which they are strangers who will have their cup of tea for supper, or relish and cake, and ber ries or peaches and cream. Journal of Health. ' Charles B. Stevens, in the March number of the Phrenological Journal, answers this question as follows : Women, of course. But they show, the same diversity of taste that is seen in the lower ranks, and on the whole make worse mistakes. They, however, gener ally show the same sense in choosing wives that they show in managing other people's affairs, whether it be good or bad. Johu Howard, the great philanthro pist, married his nurse. She was alto gether beneath him in social life and in tellectual capacity, and besides this was fifty-two years old, while he was but twenty-five. He would iot take no for an answer, and they weio married, and lived happily together until her death, which occurred two years afterward. Peter the Great, of Russia, married a peasant girl. She made an excellent wife and a sagacious Empress. Humboldt married a poor girl because he loved her. Of course they were happy. Shakspeare loved and wed a farmer's daughter. She was faithful to her vows, but we could hardly say the same of the great bard himself. Like most of the great poets, he showed too little discrim ination in bestowing his affection on the other sex. Byron married Miss Milbank to get money to pay his debts. It turned out a bad shift. Robert Burns married a farm girl, with whom he fell in love while they worked together in the plow field. He, too, was irregular in his life, and com mitted the most serious mistakes in con ducting his domestic affairs. Milton married the ; daughter of a country squire, but he lived with her but a short time. He was an austere, exact ing literary recluse ; while she was a rosy, romping country las3, that could not endure the restraint imposed upon her, and so they seperated. Subsequent ly, however, she returned, and they lived tolerably happy. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were cousins, and about the only example in the long line of English monarchs wherein the marital vows were sacredly observed and sincere affection existed. Washington married a widow with two children. It is enough to say of her that she was worthy of him, and that they lived as married folks should, in perfect harmonv. John Adams married the daughter of a Presbyterian clergyman. Her father objected on account of John's being a lawyer; he had a bad opinion of the morals of the profession. Thomas Jefferson married Mrs. Martha Skelton, a childless widow, but she brought him a large fortune in real estate. After the ceremony, she mounted the horse behind him, and they rode home together. It was late in the evening, and they found the fire out. But the great statesman bustled around and rebuilt it, while she seized the broom, and soon put things to rights. It is needless to say that they were happy. Jefferson died a poor man on account of his extreme lib erality and hospitality. Benjamin Franklin married the girl who stood at her father's door and laugh ed at him as he wandered through the streets of Philadelphia with rolls of bread under his arms and his pockets filled with dirty clothes. - She had occasion to be happy when sho found herself the wife of such a great and good man. It is not generally known that Andrew Jackson married a lady whose husband was still living. She was an uneducated but amiable woman, and was devotedly attached to the old warrior and statesman. , John 0. Calhoun married his cousin, and their children were neither distressed nor idiotic, but they do not evince the talent of the great ""States Bights" advQ; cate. ; Edward Lytton Bulwer the English statesman and novelist, married a girl much his inferior in position, and got a shrew for his wife. She is now insane. Gen. Sam. Houston lived happily with a squaw wife, while Gen. Butler was di vorced from an accomplished lady. Edwin Forrest, the great tragedian, married a beautiful actress, from whom he was divorced. General Fremont married the daughter of Thomas II. Benton against the latter's wish, which obliged him to elope witb her on a stormy night. The union proved a happy one in spite of the equally be ginning. . - i Horace Greeley married a school mis tress whose beauty was questionable, but whose sense and goodness satisfied one of the greatest men of his time. ; : General Sherman married the daugh ter of Thomas Ewing of Ohio, who was a member of Gen. Taylor's cabinet.', This alono would have been a good start in life for any young man. , r General Grant married a Miss Dent of St. Louis. She apparently has more sense than show, and is therefore fit for a President's wife. . A writer writes : "Putting up the hair of children in curling papers . breaks it and checks its growth ; often pulls it out by the roots. Curling irons are fatal to the hair to both children and grown per sons. The heat saps up the juice out of the fibers as effectually as fire or frost saps the vitality of a green branch, leav ing but a dry withered skeleton.' lne practice which hair dressers have of friz zing out the hair with a comb, to make the most of of it, is one of the most cruel injuries that can be inflicted on the living hair. The comb cuts it in the act of frizzing it. You can test the truth of this by combing out the hair after it has been dressed. The hair sometimes comes out by the.bandfuls; and further, this process tangles up the hair, and a great deal of it is broken and pulled out in try ing to comb it straight again." A spring wagon has been invented by a gentleman in Mayslick, Ky., which he proposes to run without any kind of an animal or steam power. He has already perfected a small model, which runs up or down hill very rapidly. The power is received from an immense coiled steel spring," which will run for half an hour without being wound up. In' going up hill the spring exhausts itself, but in going down hill it winds itself up. The inventor claims that he can carry very heavy loads over any ordinary road. During the present year there will be two eclipses of the sun. The first will take place on the 23d of July, but will be only partial, and invisible in this country. On August 7th, a total eclipse of tho sun occurs. This will be the most interesting that has been witnessed in the United States for years, and will not happen again until the last of the century. The shadow of the earth will commence crossing the sun's disc about half past four in the afternoon, and will not entire ly pass over it until half past six. The New York Journal of Medicine says that Dr. Hickman, Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylva nia, has met with a case of complete trans position of the internal organs in the dis secting room of the University. The apex of the heart is on the right side ; ia fact, every organ occupies exactly tbo opposite side from what is natural. This may be cited as a 'good case of total (physical) depravity. A tall Eastern girl, named Short, loved a certain big Mr. Little, while Little, little thinking of Short, loved a little, lass named Long. To make a long story short, Little proposed to Long, and Short longed to be even with Little's shortcom ings. So Short, meeting Long, threaten ed to marry Little before Long, which caused Little in a short time . to marry Long. Query Did tall Short love big Little less, because Little loved Long ?. ;,j ! A little girl was very fond of preach ing to her dolls. She reproved one the other day for being so wicked. : . "O, you naughty, sinful child," she said, shaking the waxen limbs, "you will go to that lake of brimstone and molasses, and you won't burn -up you'll just sizzle 1" A German wrote an obituary on the death of his wife, of which the following is a copy : "If mine wife had lived .till next Friday, she would have been dead shust two weeks. Nottings is poshible with the Almighty. As de tree falls, so musht it stand'. ; , ; The Emperor of Russia gets $25,000 salary a day; the Sultan 18,000; Napole on 14,219; the Emperor of Austria 810,-i 000; the King of Prussia $210; Victor Emanuel 86,340; Victoria $6,270;. Leo pold of Belgium $1,643; and President Grant $68 50.. ' -r ; c: ;i The members of the Illinois Legishv, ture have invented a new way of increas ing their salaries, which is simply draw ing $300 each for "room rent", , : ; I Three of Grant's Cabinet appointees are of foreign birth.